Tansy for health how to take. Tansy from worms: how to take, recipes, reviews of parasitologists. Tansy oil for the treatment of skin diseases

Tansy is not only a bright and attractive plant, but also healing agent having a powerful effect. Traditional healers have long used it in the treatment of many diseases. Below we will analyze medicinal qualities this plant, as well as its contraindications, what is its benefit, and what danger can be when using.

Tansy: what is this plant?

This perennial herbaceous plant is a member of the aster family. There are more than 70 types of tansy, 27 of which grow in Russia. The most common variety is called "common tansy". Translated from Greek, this means "to live long" (from the words tanaos and aceomai).

At first glance, it may seem that tansy was created in order to grow with other flowers, because its beautiful appearance decorate any flower bed. However, this plant has medicinal properties that are so powerful that it must be handled with extreme caution, since it is capable of releasing both poisonous and toxic substances.

The aroma of tansy is resinous and tart, but this also has a certain advantage - by placing a bouquet in a room, you can get rid of mosquitoes, flies and other insects on long time.

Tansy is a rather unpretentious plant, for this reason it is able to grow in a place where there is not enough sunlight. The flowering period begins in the second half of summer - closer to the end of July. During this period, the collection and procurement of raw materials for cooking medicines. The plant is laid out thin layer on paper and thus dried. Drying in the oven is allowed, but care must be taken that the temperature is not more than 40 ° C.

Composition of tansy

How healing qualities, and contraindications of tansy are due to the unique components of this plant. It contains many substances such as:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • tanacetin;
  • and other useful ingredients.

The highest content of these substances in the composition of the plant is observed at the time when it blooms. Alkaloids that are secreted in given period, have a stupefying effect on a person. In dried form, in addition to the above components, tansy is saturated with proteins, polysaccharides, glycosides, vitamins C and A.

Raw materials that are collected at the time when the plant blooms have useful properties if included in the composition of essential oils. The color of such a tool is green-yellow. It contains camphor, thujone, pinene and borneol.

Useful properties of tansy

The unique composition provided the plant a large number of useful properties. Tansy has the following actions:

Tansy as a medicinal plant found wide application in traditional medicine which offers great amount prescriptions for the treatment various diseases. The healing properties of tansy are as follows:

Tansy contraindications

The plant is considered low-poisonous, because it contains such a toxic component as thujone. The use of tansy-based products for a long time or exceeding the recommended dosage will not bring the desired effect, but, on the contrary, will cause severe harm body. In this case, the person will experience the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • migraine;
  • in severe poisoning, convulsions may occur.

If even slight signs of tansy poisoning occur, you should immediately stop taking funds based on this plant, do a gastric lavage and drink a sorbent.

Besides, active substances, which are contained in tansy, can cause uterine contractions, which can lead to spontaneous abortion or premature delivery. For this reason, for expectant mothers, the use of tansy-based products is strictly prohibited.

The use of such funds is contraindicated for children of preschool and school age, as well as people who suffer from gallstone disease.

Use with caution and only in situations where the potential benefit is greater possible risk, should be for those who have health problems such as arrhythmia, hypertension, disorders in the functioning of the heart. This prohibition is due to the fact that tansy-based products increase pressure, increase the frequency of heart contraction and slow down the heart rate.

This medicinal plant is contraindicated in breastfeeding. Thujone, which is contained in tansy, is able to penetrate from mother's milk into the baby's body. If its concentration is very high, the baby may be poisoned.

When used externally, plants are rare, but, nevertheless, there are allergic reactions on the skin.

Below are the most popular and most commonly used tools based on the considered medicinal plant.

The healing qualities of tansy are manifested in any kind of application - tinctures, powders, decoctions, you can use the funds both externally and internally.

  • raw materials are carefully ground;
  • the resulting powder is mixed with crushed garlic cloves;
  • the mixture is poured into 500 ml of milk and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat, while it must be stirred all the time;
  • the product must be filtered and used warm as an enema.

It should be remembered that, despite the large number of useful properties, tansy also has many contraindications, and can also cause side effects. In addition, the plant is considered poisonous, so include it in cosmetics and traditional medicine recipes must be very careful, carefully observing the dosage. You can not give funds prepared on the basis of this plant to children. Tansy has a powerful effect, so before starting any course of therapy, you should visit a specialist phytotherapist to agree on this issue with him.

Video: useful properties and use of tansy

The plant is toxic, observe the dosage!

Other names - wild tansy, field mountain ash, mother liquor, yellow nine-flower, etc.

Common tansy is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family. It is found everywhere: in meadows, river banks, along the beams, near lakes, among bushes, near roads, etc.

FROM therapeutic purpose they mainly use flower baskets (inflorescences) of tansy, although in folk medicine the upper part of the plant, about 20 cm long, is often used. Tansy is harvested during the flowering period: the inflorescences are cut off or cut with a knife upper part plants. Flowers or cut tops are dried in the shade, under a canopy, in an attic under an iron roof with good ventilation, spreading a thin layer on paper. Raw materials are stored in paper bags, canvas bags, cardboard boxes, etc. Shelf life - up to 3 years.

Common tansy has antihelminthic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, astringent, choleretic, diuretic, improves digestion and wound healing effect on the body.

Infusion of tansy inflorescences tones the muscles gastrointestinal tract improves appetite and digestion. The plant is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, especially with low acidity, with gastric ulcer and duodenum, inflammation of the intestines, flatulence and weak peristalsis, with diarrhea, as a choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent for liver diseases, hepatitis, giardiasis.

Infusion of tansy (inside): take 1 teaspoon of tansy flowers, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 table. spoons, 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals.

The smell of common tansy is not tolerated by bed bugs and fleas. In the presence of fleas or bedbugs, it is scattered everywhere in the house, around the apartment, it can also be damp, laid out in all corners of the bed (in the cracks, under the mattress, etc.). Bed bugs go away over time. Wormwood and citvar also have properties to repel bedbugs.

Tansy infusion is also used for malignant tumors(onko), both internally and externally, in the form of lotions. With hemorrhoids, enemas, sitz baths, lotions are made from a decoction of tansy flowers.

Tansy enhances the work of the heart, increases arterial pressure, has a calming effect on nervous disorders, epilepsy, hysteria, fatigue, leg cramps, headache.

Infusion of tansy with salt is used for rubbing with chills, fatigue. After such rubbing, a person experiences a surge of strength, there is an improvement in metabolism. Rubbing and lotions are recommended for gout, polyarthritis, joint pain. You can also apply boiled flower baskets in a gauze napkin to sore spots, take baths with the addition of tansy infusion.

Tansy acts as a diuretic for dropsy, inflammation of the kidneys and Bladder, it is accepted at heavy menstruation, do douching with whites.

Lotions from a decoction of tansy treat wounds, especially purulent eczema, traumatic injuries skin covers.

A decoction of tansy is also washed with dandruff.

Decoction of tansy (externally): take 1 dessert spoon of inflorescences, pour 1 glass of water, boil for 1 minute, set aside from heat, after another 30 minutes, strain. With this decoction, you can make lotions, enemas, baths.

Tansy, contraindications. Overdose should not be allowed, this plant should not be used for a long time, due to toxicity, and the intake of infusion or decoction should not exceed 0.5 liters per day - this is the maximum! Tansy preparations are contraindicated for pregnant women and young children.

Total reviews on this topic - 55 Pages - 1

Is it possible to give tansy to a child of 3.5 years for the treatment of worms?

Is it possible to give 3-5 flowers of tansy to a child of 9 years old for the treatment of worms?

Hello, can I give tansy to chickens to prevent worms and the like? Thanks.

Hello. You can, tansy can be taken from 1 year. Chickens in small doses, the plant is poisonous

Very good for cracked heels. Pour into a bowl hot water, put 2-3 sprigs of dry tansy and keep your feet in the infusion. As a hand will remove the pain and cracks in the legs will disappear.

Can demodex be treated with tansy (washing)?

Does tansy help childhood enuresis?

with enuresis, see agrimony, yarrow .... and also go to the page " Nocturnal enuresis(urinary incontinence)".

How to take if the pressure is high?

Svetlana, take another plant from similar properties, tansy does not suit you.

For several years now I have been giving my little one every autumn, for the prevention of worms - aldazol, and I am satisfied. There are no adverse reactions....

Hello, my cat is pregnant, I don’t know how fleas appeared, because the cat is domestic, so it doesn’t happen on the street, in the instructions for cat shampoos, contraindications are pregnancy, I don’t know what to do, can I wipe it with a decoction of tansy? Let me know if anyone knows something.

for Natalia: "Is it possible to give 3-5 flowers of tansy to a child of 9 years old to treat worms?" - 3-5 I don’t know, but 9 is possible, my mother gave me brewed tansy, still alive) only the dosage must be observed

and barley and boils were cured with tansy to drink 3 flowers for 10 days for 10 years, the effect was enough

Is it possible to give a child tansy from 3 years old, from worms and how many flowers do you need?

Tansy treats the liver

Tansy heals the liver and the liver, in turn, cleanses the blood better, which ultimately gives a variety of positive effects.

Tansy is good for insomnia. I drank from worms for prevention and was surprised, I slept soundly

The syrup will cleanse the liver affected by alcohol or chemicals. After 20 minutes of taking the syrup, pain in the stomach subsides, after 21 days the liver stops hurting, the stomach ulcer was also cured with the same syrup. Recipe Two cups of tansy flowers, two cups of yarrow flowers (sold in the pharmacy in the herbs section). Pour two liters of cold water, insist one day, put on fire. As soon as the water makes a noise, remove from heat, leave for 3-5 hours, bring to a boil again, let stand a little again. Strain through several layers of gauze: add three cups of sugar and two tablespoons of honey for each liter of broth, stir, bring to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes, removing the foam. Cool down. Store the syrup in the refrigerator. Reception 25 grams (half of a 50-gram glass) in the morning, on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime. One liter is enough for 21 days. Then 7 days break and you can repeat the course again. In spring and autumn, you can repeat the course for prevention.

please tell me, if I drank 3 packs of tansy in 6 days, what will happen? so what's now?

Please tell me, my husband and I have found the herpes virus in the blood, will tansy help us with treatment? and how to take

Almost every person has the herpes virus in the blood, but in some it is in a passive form, sits to itself and calmly waits in the wings, and in some it turns into an active one. This happens with a decrease in immunity, usually after or during illness. With herpes, you can use tansy, there will certainly be benefits, but it is better to use, as for me, aloe, celandine, wormwood (infusion). And cauterize herpes well with juniper oil, buy at a pharmacy.

the thing is that because of the herpes virus I have miscarriages, we take pills so far it doesn’t help

Is it possible to drink tansy from allergies?

Is it possible to take tansy with high blood pressure if motherwort is added to the collection or diuretic herb

The doctor advised drinking tansy to dissolve stones in gallbladder. Stone 25 mm. Tansy - choleretic plant. Will it harm the body?

tansy has not only choleretic, but also has other medicinal properties, apparently he had this in mind. What prescription did he give? from the stagnation of bile, stones are formed, plus, of course, malnutrition and lack of prevention

Will tansy help dogs and cats get rid of worms, and how to do it right? Pharmacy preparations very expensive and ineffective.

There are many effective synthetic preparations for worms. In addition to the main pharmacological action these drugs have a large list of contraindications, side effects and warnings. sparing therapeutic effect possess medicinal plants, such herbs include tansy.

Infection with helminths is common throughout the world. In developed countries, about 25% of the inhabitants are infected with invasions, in low-developed countries - more than 90% of the population. Help rid the body of helminths powerful medications directed action. I act on worms, these drugs affect the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and other organs.

Due to their high toxicity, they cannot be taken by pregnant women; there are restrictions for children and people with various diseases.

Medicinal plants have a milder effect, and they are not as effective as pharmacological drugs. If the effect of drugs comes quickly, then infusions and decoctions of herbs must be taken for a long time.

The chemical composition of the plant:

  • Essential oils - 0.8%;
  • Ascorbic acid (about 8 mg%);
  • Flavonoids;
  • Carotenoids (about 3 mg%);
  • Tannins;
  • Terpenes.

Decoctions of tansy are effective for hepatitis, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of cardio-vascular system. When treating with tansy, it is necessary to take into account: decoctions and infusions of tansy raise blood pressure. Compresses for gout have a good healing effect.

Tansy can be taken as a pain reliever for menstruation, rheumatic pains.

In the food and chemical industries, the pharmaceutical industry, tansy inflorescences are used for the production of insecticidal preparations, insecticides, for the manufacture of medicines.

The intense smell of grass repels insects, if you need to get rid of cockroaches and moths, use the flowers of this fragrant plant. This raw material is used in cosmetology, widely used in traditional medicine.

What does tansy look like

There are more than 50 species of this tall grass. Only in Russia there are about 35 - 40 varieties. This unpretentious plant can be found on the slopes of the mountains, in arid regions, the Tundra, it grows almost everywhere, excluding the regions of the Far North. It grows in groups, can often be found along roads, along the banks of reservoirs.

The most common kind of tansy, which is used for the treatment of worms, common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) and balsamic tansy.

Compositae plant is distinguished by a bright bitter camphor smell, stem height from 50 cm to 2 m. One rhizome can produce several stems. The lower leaves, alternate in shape, form a basal rosette, which dries up in summer. The upper leaves are short-petiolate, dark green, below - grayish-green.

Densely stuffed flowers - "pills" look like small chrysanthemum inflorescences up to 8 mm in size, have an orange- yellow. In one inflorescence, there are up to hundreds of small flowers. The inflorescence itself at the stem is “wrapped” with green leaves.

Grass blooms all summer, starting in June, flowering peaks in July. In the first year the plant does not form flowers, in the second year bright fragrant inflorescences appear on the stem. In September-October, small-sized oblong-shaped achene fruits appear.

How to prepare tansy

For medicinal purposes, inflorescences without stalks are collected during the period of flowering. Leaves and rhizome are rarely used. Only the beautiful ones gather healthy flowers, damaged and overdried plants are not suitable for collection. It is also impossible to collect medicinal plants along roads, industrial zones, since in such places the plants absorb all toxic substances.

Tansy flowers are dried under a canopy in ventilated places (preferably in the air). If there is a dryer for herbs, you can dry the flowers in the apparatus, the main thing is that the drying temperature does not exceed 40 degrees.

Tansy flowers can be prepared by yourself or bought at a pharmacy. Tansy flowers are stored in a ventilated container, you can use cardboard box, paper bag or canvas bag. The container should be stored in a dry place, the shelf life is up to 2 years.

From what invasions is tansy effective?

Compared with pharmacological preparations tansy from worms is not so effective, but it will help to remove some helminths. It:

With pinworms, giardiasis, ascariasis, tansy can be taken separately, in the presence of opisthorchia, tansy is part of complex infusions and decoctions.

Precautions in the treatment of tansy

It is impossible to prepare decoctions from spoiled raw materials, overdried, rotten or darkened. It is also impossible to drink infusions for a long time, as this can cause mental disorders and hallucinations.

The duration of treatment is 7 days, in some cases the course can be increased to 14 - 21 days. AT preventive purposes tansy is taken in courses of 7 days twice a year.

In what cases it is impossible to use products containing tansy:

The substance thujone in the composition of tansy in limited quantities cannot harm the human body. But in case of overdose or long-term use infusions can cause disturbances in brain activity including seizures.

Taking medications containing tansy can cause nausea, vomiting, and heart palpitations.

How to brew tansy from helminths, recipes for oral administration

To get rid of invasions, plant flowers and seeds are collected, it is rare to find recipes from leaflets. Water infusions are prepared from them, herbal decoctions for oral use and for enemas.

Effective for removing pinworms and ascariasis water infusion tansy. It will take 2 tablespoons of dried flowers and a liter of water.

Cooking order:

From ascaris and pinworms, the infusion is drunk ½ cup 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

From ascaris, the infusion can be made in other proportions. Take 1 tablespoon of tansy in a glass of boiling water. Also insisted and filtered. The remedy is taken 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach before meals, approximately 15 to 20 minutes in advance, three times a day.

Collections of medicinal plants are effective against helminths: tansy, buckthorn, pumpkin seeds.

How to brew tansy from worms for enemas

This recipe is effective for pinworms. You need to prepare in advance: ½ liter of milk, peel and chop 2 heads of garlic, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tansy inflorescences. Cooking method:

The solution is cooled to body temperature and administered with an enema. It is advisable to hold the infusion as long as possible. The procedure is carried out after emptying once a day for 7 days.

Another recipe is a water decoction of wormwood, chamomile, tansy with garlic. All herbs are taken in 1 tablespoon and 1 clove of garlic. The ingredients must be ground into a powder, chop the garlic. Pour boiling water over the mixture, let it boil and turn off, cover with a towel, leave to infuse for 3 hours. The solution is intended for microclysters, the procedure is carried out at night.

How to Prepare and Consume Tansy Seed Powder

In folk medicine, you can find recipes for making tansy powder. As they say traditional healers, the use of powder in dry form is much more effective than infusions and decoctions. Adults are recommended to use a teaspoon at a time, children half a spoon.

Antihelminthic enemas from tansy seed powder are effective. Ingredients for preparing the solution: 1 tablespoon of powdered tansy seeds, 2 peeled garlic cloves, ½ liter of milk.

How to prepare an enema solution:

Enter the decoction into the rectum, hold for maximum time. Such a solution has a paralyzed effect on pinworms.

To make the treatment more effective, herbalists recommend making decoctions and infusions from different plants. Bitter plants are tapeworm antagonists. American doctor Hilda Clarke suggests using a tripartite that includes a shell walnut, dry cloves and wormwood.

Valery Ivanchenko, doctor medical sciences, offers the following version of the triad - these are tansy flowers, wormwood and carnation flowers.

Powdered ingredients are taken in proportions: tansy - 1 gram, wormwood - 30 milligrams, cloves 50 milligrams. The dry mix can be put into capsules or covered with breadcrumbs. Such medicines should be taken without chewing, swallowed with water.

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • The first day - before breakfast on an empty stomach;
  • The second day - before breakfast and before lunch;
  • The third day is added evening powder intake.

In the future, triad powder is taken three times a day for another 4 days, the total course of treatment is 1 week. For preventive purposes, such a collection is taken once a week.

Common tansy (lat. Tanacétum vulgáre) is a perennial herbaceous plant, a type species of the genus Tansy of the Asteraceae family.

Common tansy, along with balsamic, is the most common and popular plant of this genus.

Among the people, tansy has the following names: field mountain ash, wild mountain ash, love spell, magpie, nine-man.

In some places in Russia, other plants are called tansy, for example, yarrow (Achillea), common flaxseed (Linaria vulgaris), ragwort (Senecio).

What does it look like

Appearance (photo) of tansy Tansy is a perennial soddy plant 50–150 cm high. You can recognize the plant by its characteristic camphor aroma. The rhizome is long, woody, creeping. Stems numerous, straight, branched at the top, pubescent or glabrous.

The leaves are ovoid, dark green on the upper side, yellow-gray with dots on the lower side. The lower leaves are petiolate, the rest are sessile, rigid.

The flowers of common tansy are small, bisexual, regular, bright yellow, tubular, collected in baskets. Involucre multi-row, hemispherical, receptacle glabrous, peripheral flowers female, median flowers bisexual.

The fruit is an oblong achene with a short, finely serrated margin. The flowering period is July - September. The fruits ripen in August - September.

Where does it grow

The plant grows throughout Europe, in Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, China, Japan and Korea.

The plant is found in fields, roads, bushes, forest edges, meadow steppes, birch forests and upland meadows. It does not form large thickets, but is found everywhere.

Plant of the forest and forest-steppe zone. Clogs perennial herbs long-term use, meadows, pastures, orchards, orchards.

tansy flowers

Tansy flowers and leaves have beneficial properties. Tansy flowers and leaves are considered medicinal. The plant is medicinal, it is used to treat many diseases.

An infusion of tansy is prepared from almost any part of the plant. Outwardly, tansy from barley is used, applying lotions from the decoction of the plant to the affected areas.

Thanks to its fragrant flavor, many people around the world use tansy in cooking as a spicy addition to meat, vegetable and fish dishes.

Many people use tansy infusions as a weight loss supplement. Helps tansy for weight loss by removing toxins from the body, relieves spasms.

Chemical composition

Tansy herb contains:

  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • tanacetin;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • resin;
  • sugar;
  • gum;
  • vitamins B, C;
  • carotene.

Common tansy inflorescences contain potassium, magnesium and selenium. The essential oil contains the substance thujone, which is very poisonous.

Treat with tansy strictly in consultation with your doctor. Before use, study the possible contraindications.

Medicinal properties

The plant is actively used for cooking medicinal decoctions, infusions. Conducted medical research confirm the effectiveness of this medicinal plant.

Pharmacological properties of the plant:

  • wound healing;
  • bactericidal;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • choleretic;
  • antihelminthic.

Due to wound healing and bactericidal properties, the plant is used to treat infectious wounds.

Thujone, which is part of the composition, acts as an antihelminthic agent.

Tansy is also used for diarrhea, to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. The plant relieves inflammation, eliminates diarrhea.

How to collect

For medicinal purposes, tansy flowers are mainly used. To keep more in flowers useful substances, collect them at the beginning of flowering.

For harvesting raw materials, choose healthy plants that are not damaged by insects. Tansy should grow away from factories, roads, landfills.

Cut the flowers themselves without the stalks. Prune flowers in dry weather, such as in the morning or after sunset, when the plants are not wet.

Dry the flowers in a shady place outdoors. You can dry the flowers in a special dryer for vegetables and fruits. Do not set the temperature in the dryer above 40 degrees.

Store dried and finished raw materials in bags made of natural materials. You can put the workpiece in boxes or jars with ventilation. Subject to storage conditions healing properties stored up to 2 years.

How to apply

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are made from tansy Many people are interested in how to brew tansy? After all, if you cook the wrong decoction or tincture, then in best case a person will not feel the therapeutic effect.


  1. Dry tansy flowers - 2 tbsp.
  2. Boiling water - 1 liter.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the flowers, cover with a lid. Wrap the dishes in which you infuse the remedy, or prepare the infusion in a thermos. Infuse the mixture for 4 hours, strain before use.

How to use: Take 3 times a day for half a glass on an empty stomach.

Result: Due to the unique chemical composition of tansy, the components of the plant remove helminths from the body.

Infusion for the stomach

Tansy for the stomach is used for colitis, cholecystitis with low acidity.


  1. Chopped grass - 1 tbsp.
  2. Boiling water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over chopped grass, leave for 4 hours. Strain before use.

How to use: Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Result: Infusion relieves inflammation, removes pinworms, ascaris from the body.

Infusion for the liver

Healing infusion of tansy for the liver is used as a choleretic agent.


  1. Dried tansy - 1 tbsp.
  2. Boiled water - 400 ml.

How to cook: Pour the crushed parts of the plant with warm boiled water. Infuse for 4 hours, strain before use.

How to use: Take 100 ml 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Result: The liver begins to function better. The plant has a choleretic effect.

Infusion for hemorrhoids

Thanks to the flavonoids included in the composition, the development is stopped inflammatory process, go away pain. The essential oils included in the composition heal cracks. Tansy with hemorrhoids destroys bacteria, the infection does not spread to new areas.


  1. Chopped parts of the plant - 10 gr.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over tansy, leave for 15 minutes.

How to use: Use infusion of 1 tbsp. before eating.

Result: Regular intake of infusion eliminates congestion in the veins anus, reduces discomfort, helps stop bleeding.

Infusion to call menstruation

Tansy for menstruation is used only if the delay is not more than 10 days.

An infusion based on a plant is used only for delayed periods not related to pregnancy.

It is categorically impossible to terminate a pregnancy with this method, since this does not go unnoticed for a woman. Tansy for women is used exclusively according to indications.


  1. Tansy flowers - 25 gr.
  2. Boiling water - 1 liter.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the flowers, leave for 1 hour. Strain.

How to use: Take ⅓ cup 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment is a maximum of 3 days.

Result: The plant stimulates uterine contractions, the endometrium is rejected, menstruation appears.

For kids

Tansy contains the poisonous substance thujone, so use infusions for children with caution so as not to harm the child.

Tansy for children is suitable for getting rid of worms, but only if taken in minimum quantity. For each age, the optimal dosage is prescribed. Children from worms can be treated only with a weak decoction of tansy. The drug is given to children not younger than 3 years.

Please note that the recipe for the preparation of the decoction remains unchanged, only the dosage changes. Learn in detail the recipes for tansy for children.


  1. Dried parts of the plant - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water - 500-600 ml.

How to cook: Pour the crushed raw materials with boiled water. Insist 8 hours.

How to use: Give the child no more than 4 times a day. The dosage is selected according to age. Depending on the age, the doctor will set the dosage of the drug.

Result: Bacteria, worms are removed from the body.

Approximate dosage per dose:

  • from 3 to 7 years - no more than 1 tbsp. l;
  • from 7 to 10 years - no more than 50 ml;
  • from 10 to 14 years - no more than 75 ml;
  • from 14 to 18 years - no more than 100 ml.

Be careful, as only a specialist prescribes treatment and dosage for children. The doctor's advice must be followed. The state of health of the child, his life directly depends on this.

During pregnancy

Tansy - how to take during pregnancy and is it worth drinking it at all? Every woman should know that during pregnancy it is strictly forbidden to take any infusions, decoctions and tablets based on tansy.

The plant is taken to induce menstruation, during pregnancy it leads to miscarriage and uterine inflammation. In ancient times, girls with the help of decoctions of tansy provoked bleeding, thereby having an abortion. The use of a plant can harm not only the child, but also women's health.

The components of the plant lead to contraction of the uterus, on later dates contractions may occur during pregnancy.

The plant contains toxic substance thujone. When thujone enters the body of a pregnant woman, the fetus dies, its decomposition begins. If a pregnant woman accidentally drinks an infusion based on a plant, then she may experience the following side effects:

  • poisoning;
  • vomit;
  • convulsions;
  • dizziness;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • liver failure;
  • blood poisoning due to fetal decomposition;
  • body intoxication.

Before possible application read reviews about tansy. First of all, look at the reviews of doctors, consult with your gynecologist.


Contraindications to the use of tansy:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the components of tansy.

To avoid overdose and side effects, take the plant only according to the indications and prescriptions of a doctor. Do not exceed the recommended dosage in prescriptions or in the instructions for the pharmacy drug.

Before using any decoctions, tinctures based on a plant, familiarize yourself with tansy - useful properties and contraindications.


The plant belongs to the species of the genus Tansy of the Asteraceae family, the Astroflorous order, the Dicotyledonous class, the Flowering department.


There are many varieties of tansy in the world, but only a few of them are popular. White and yellow tansy have a difference only in the color of the inflorescences.

White and yellow tansy - both varieties have medicinal properties that are beneficial to the human body. For workpiece useful components use both types of plants.

Due to the fact that tansy conquered many specialists with its beauty, special varieties for the garden plot appeared.

Balsamic tansy - differs from similar species in its unique spicy aroma. The stems are erect, not more than 120 cm high. The inflorescences are collected in bunches of several pieces, the flowers are yellow. They contain essential oil up to 2.1%.

Garden tansy - summer cottages are decorated with this species. The height of the plant is not more than 1 meter, the flowers are bright yellow. In addition to medicinal properties, the plant has an aroma that repels various insects, so tansy is grown in suburban areas. The plant is resistant to climatic changes.

For more information about tansy, see the video:

Tansy infographic

Photo of common tansy, her beneficial features and application:
Tansy infographic

What to remember

  1. Tansy is a medicinal raw material that can be used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids, to induce menstruation, outdoor processing skin from ulcers.
  2. Before use, study tansy - medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of the plant.
  3. For the preparation of decoctions, collect flowers at the beginning of the flowering period.

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The benefits and harms, as well as the methods of using which are today the subject of our consideration, belong to the Astrov family, in the wild it can be seen on river banks, found in steppes and meadows, and it can also be seen as a weed along roads.

AT recent times tansy began to be cultivated as a medicinal plant, sowing vast areas with it. For medicinal purposes, flower baskets are used in this plant, and in some cases, leaves are also used. And although people have been using it for a long time, but in our medical age, knowledge is gradually being lost. Therefore, few people know something about it that tansy can cure, how to take it to help yourself, but not get poisoned. This is discussed further.

What is useful tansy ordinary?

The beneficial properties of tansy are due to its chemical composition, which includes the following components: proteins, carbohydrates, glycosides, carotene, alkaloids, bitterness, rutin, organic acids, vitamin C, tannins, essential oils, mineral compounds, flavonoids.

These components provide medicinal properties this plant. The toxic and poisonous qualities of tansy are also known, but in the right therapeutic dosage, decoctions prepared from flower baskets, have on the body therapeutic effect: choleretic, diaphoretic, antitumor, tonic, as well as anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic action.

Drugs made from tansy have the ability to enhance the production gastric juice, respectively, they are prescribed for hypoacid gastritis, they also increase the heart rate, slow down its rhythm, and increase blood pressure.

Tansy has an anthelmintic effect, respectively, decoctions and infusions prepared on the basis of its flowers are prescribed for invasion by pinworms and roundworms. Preparations from it help to cope with constipation, they are also effective in the presence of flatulence, they are used for nervous disorders, with inflammatory diseases urinary system.

Traditional healers prescribe treatment with tansy for furunculosis, for gout and rheumatism, with a history of malaria, as well as for pulmonary tuberculosis, for colds and for fever.

How to brew tansy?

Various medicinal drugs are prepared from tansy, which effectively cope with a number of certain pathological conditions. For example, a valuable essential oil is obtained from this plant, which is used as a local irritant, it has a stimulating effect on nervous system.

decoction recipe

To prepare a medicinal decoction of tansy flowers, you will need 30 grams of dry raw materials, it must first be finely chopped, after which it is poured into a container, where 500 milliliters of boiling water is poured. Next, the container is installed on water bath, and simmer over low heat for at least ten minutes, avoiding a strong boil.

After that, the broth is removed from the stove and allowed to cool, and only then they begin to filter it using a fine strainer or gauze. Take a ready-made broth of 200 milliliters before the start of the meal up to two times a day. Store it in a cool place for no more than five days.

With inflammation of the joints, with wounds on skin, as well as with a history of scabies, baths help with this medicinal decoction, while it can also be used as lotions for furunculosis and ulceration on the skin.

Tansy juice recipe

You can make freshly squeezed juice from tansy, for this, its flowers, as well as the leaves, are first washed well, then dried with a paper towel, after which they are passed through a meat grinder, you can carry out this procedure twice. After that, the finished homogeneous gruel is placed in gauze and squeezed thoroughly.

Ready juice should be poured into a glass container, then close it with a tight lid, and store in the refrigerator, using as needed. Such a drug will help to cope with fever, stomach ulcers, colds, it is also effective in the presence of gout, arthritis and rheumatism, it helps with migraines, inflammation of the intestines, kidneys, and bladder. It is also used in the presence of abundant menstrual bleeding as well as insomnia.

Powder recipe for helminthic invasion

A powder made from dried tansy flowers will help to cope with helminthic invasion to make it you need the raw materials of this plant, it should be carefully ground to get a fairly fine powdery structure, for this, use a ceramic mortar and pestle.

Then a small pinch of this drug is mixed with honey or some syrup, after which this remedy is used orally up to three times a day, after consulting with the doctor.

Contraindications for use

Preparations made from tansy are contraindicated for use by young children, they should not be used if there is an individual intolerance to this representative of the flora, and it is also forbidden to use the plant during pregnancy and lactation. Since its tonic properties can cause uterine contractions, leading to miscarriage.

It should be remembered that this plant is poisonous, therefore it is important that you use tansy correctly, the recipe, accordingly, was prepared in accordance with the dosage. If the dose is exceeded, symptoms of dyspepsia may occur, which will be expressed in the appearance of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain will also make itself felt. In a more severe situation, convulsions and even cardiac arrest can occur, therefore, it is very important to take exactly the amount of drugs that the doctor of the herbalist will approve.


Before you have an irresistible desire to prepare any of the above recipes for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult a doctor, and from self use drugs it is best to abstain, so as not to get reverse effect and do no harm to your health.

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