Abstract: “Medicinal plants used in diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Medicinal plants and raw materials of choleretic action

Choleretic plants are called plants that can increase the secretion of bile, activating, accelerating its entry into the duodenum. Such plants and herbs have been used by traditional medicine for hundreds of years in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder, in particular, gallstone disease, cholecystitis.

Most often, such plants are included in a variety of choleretic herbal preparations that can be bought at any pharmacy. Traditional medicine uses medicinal preparations based on these plants. For example, herbal preparations are often prescribed during treatment: cholenzym, allochol, lyobil, as well as nikodin, liv-52, flamin and many others.

Today we will get acquainted with some highly effective choleretic herbs, we will talk about medicinal plants that help to activate the production, output of bile:

Sandy immortelle

For therapeutic purposes, dried immortelle flower buds are used. They contain flavonoids and their glycosides. It also contains some tannins, bitterness, essential oil, as well as vitamin K and sterols. These substances cause the choleretic effect of the plant.

Decoctions are prepared from immortelle flowers, which are used in the treatment of gallstone disease. Immortelle-based preparations are taken for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis, and in the treatment of biliary dyskinesia. Flowers are often included in pharmaceutical choleretic preparations.

Corn silk

Traditional medicine uses a medicinal extract based on corn stigmas to treat various diseases of the liver, gallbladder, accompanied by insufficient bile secretion. Means prepared from them are included in the treatment of cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis. In addition, they are used to eliminate bleeding, since the stigmas contain vitamin K, which increases the level of prothrombin in the blood, increasing its clotting. Also, corn stigmas are used in the treatment of kidneys, as they have a diuretic effect.

Volodushka golden

This plant occupies an honorable third place in providing a choleretic effect after immortelle flowers and corn stigmas. The therapeutic effect is associated with the composition of its leaves. Volodushka contains a number of flavonoids, saponins and tannins. There is a lot of essential oil, the most important for health ascorbic acid.

common goldenrod

An aqueous infusion is prepared from the plant, which is used as an effective diuretic. The infusion actively removes excess water from the body along with salts. Therefore, goldenrod is used to treat inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. Means based on goldenrod are used in the treatment of rheumatism, gout, and edema. In addition, the plant is effectively used in the treatment of gallstone disease.

Gorse dyeing

The plant is rich in alkaloids (methylcytisine, spartein, cytisine), as well as flavone glycosides (genestein, luteolin). Contains valuable essential oil and many other substances. All of them contribute to the treatment of many diseases, as they have choleretic, hemostatic, laxative properties.

Cornflower blue

Traditional medicine recommends funds based on it for the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary and gallbladder, liver. Cornflower has a diuretic, choleretic property. The plant is used in the treatment of poor digestion, as a tonic, bitter remedy that improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Barberry common

For therapeutic purposes, the root system, shrub leaves are used. They contain the valuable substance berberine, which is used to produce the drug "berberine sulfate", which has the property of activating the secretion of bile. This drug is taken to treat chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, as well as hepatocholecystitis and cholelithiasis.

Barberry is also used to lower blood pressure, to increase heart rate. Means prepared on its basis are used in the postpartum period to enhance uterine contractions. A choleretic alcohol tincture is prepared from the Far Eastern barberry.

Common tansy

The yellow flowers of the plant are often included in choleretic preparations, which are used in the treatment of cholecystitis, cholongitis, and are used in cholelithiasis. In addition, an infusion of dried flowers, tansy herb powder is used to get rid of certain types of worms, such as roundworm, pinworms. Tansy is used for jaundice, epilepsy. Tansy is also a well-known laxative.

It is impossible to immediately describe in detail all the known medicinal plants of choleretic action, since there are a lot of them. For example, birch buds, milk thistle grass, buckthorn bark, and rose hips have properties to activate bile secretion. Apply the leaves of skumpia, lily of the valley grass, as well as the root of turmeric and calamus.

In recent years, phytotherapy, folk herbal treatment, the use of medicinal plants have received well-deserved recognition. The success of this approach to the treatment of diseases is scientifically substantiated, confirmed by numerous studies, substantiated by centuries of experience in herbal treatment.

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If there is a malfunction of the gallbladder in the body, when bile is synthesized in small volumes or it enters the digestive tract untimely, the use of medicinal plants cannot be dispensed with. can be called one of the most effective natural remedies.

The gallbladder is one of the organs of the digestive system. It is in it that the bile synthesized by the liver is accumulated, which is so necessary for the breakdown of lipids, the activation of digestive enzymes and the assimilation of important elements that come with food. In addition, bile is endowed with an antibacterial effect, therefore it is a kind of “sterilizer” of the intestines.

Lack of secretion in the bladder or stagnation of bile in it, as well as desynchronization of bile secretion with meals, lead to malfunctions in the digestive tract, disturbances in the absorption of necessary substances, provoke cholestasis (stagnation) and create suitable conditions for the vital activity of bacteria. To solve all these problems, experts tend to recommend medicinal plants.

But before using biliary herbs, you need to figure out which plants have a similar effect, and what is the principle of their effect on the human body.

The most effective herbs for stagnation of the secret: tansy, immortelle, barberry and corn stigma.

However, this is not the whole list of such plants - it is much more. It is also worth noting that the effect of different herbal remedies is somewhat different.

List of choleretic herbs

If we present a more detailed list of herbs that can expel bile from the body, then the following choleretic plants should be included in it:

  • tansy;
  • knotweed;
  • elecampane;
  • nettle;
  • celandine;
  • rose hip;
  • calamus root;
  • birch leaf;
  • mountain arnica;
  • goose cinquefoil;
  • corn silk;
  • immortelle sandy;
  • common dandelion.

Cholagogue medicines on herbs

Not everyone likes to drink herbal infusion and use folk remedies to stimulate the secretion of bile, so herbal medicines are an excellent alternative. Choleretic agents of this type are represented by tablets and capsules. For most people, taking such a drug for such an ailment as cholestasis and other disorders of this type is much more pleasant and convenient.

Treatment is usually carried out with one of the following drugs:

  • Allochol;
  • Insadol;
  • Peridol;
  • Sibektan;
  • Tanacehol;
  • Cholagol;
  • Hofitol.

Whatever name attracts attention, it is important not to forget that treatment with herbal remedies (regardless of what is diagnosed in a patient - cholestasis or other pathology of the gallbladder) is carried out only after agreement with the doctor. Taking them, like choleretic herbs, with stagnation of bile is allowed only under his control and in the dosage indicated by the specialist.

The mechanism of action of bile-excreting plants

Any choleretic herb can have one of the following mechanisms of action on the human body. The tone of the muscles of the bladder increases, and as a result of its contractions, the bile is, as it were, “squeezed out” into the duct. Tansy and corn stigmas have a similar effect on the bile. These are herbs endowed with a particularly pronounced bile-excreting property.

It should be noted: against the background of an increase in the tone of the bile ducts, their diameter decreases. Therefore, removing bile from the body with such herbs is prohibited for people who have calculi in the gallbladder that can block the duct. In such a situation, surgical intervention, alas, cannot be avoided.

Some choleretic herbs during stagnation (cholestasis) help stabilize the chemical composition of bile, and also make it more fluid.

Due to this, there is an improvement in the outflow of bile from the bladder. A similar property is demonstrated by such a plant as agrimony, initial letter and celandine. The positive effect of these herbs is that they improve the general condition of the bladder and normalize liver function.

When taking certain biliary herbs, there is increased pressure in the digestive organs. Because of this, a considerable amount of water enters the bile. She, diluting bile, helps her better outflow. If we talk about plants that have this effect, we should remember the birch leaf.

There are herbs endowed with antispasmodic properties. They help to relax the muscles of the biliary tract, thereby increasing their throughput. Due to this effect, the bile from the bladder is released in a larger volume. The most common medicinal plant with a similar effect is dandelion. For treatment, the roots and leaves of the plant are used. In addition, dandelion has an analgesic effect, so it is also used to relieve colic.

All herbs have different properties. In situations where more than one problem needs to be solved, they are often used together, making up multicomponent fees.

Indications and contraindications

You can use folk remedies for stagnation of bile to treat various pathologies. They are prescribed to maintain the normal function of the bile ducts, with small volumes of bile, with indigestion and other gastrointestinal problems. Cholagogue herbs help, and if a large amount of toxins have accumulated in the body, and the liver needs support to remove them.

(non-calculous form) - inflammation of the bile reservoir. Against the background of this disease, the outflow of bile is difficult and both its stagnation and the development of pathogenic microflora are observed. A mandatory indication for taking herbs is cholestasis. As a rule, this condition is characterized by a decrease in the flow of bile into the duodenum due to problems in its formation or a deterioration in excretion against the background of certain pathological processes. But choleretic herbs are no less useful for pancreatitis, giardiasis.

Although any fruit or herb is a natural product, it can cause harm. The following conditions are contraindications to taking biliary plants:

  • colic;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • acute type of cholecystitis;
  • stones in the gall;
  • excessive liver toxicity.

In the latter situation, the use of herbal infusions will only exacerbate the problem. The same picture is observed with the growth of stones in the gallbladder. If stagnation is treated in this way, then uncontrolled movement of stones can be caused, which often leads to blockage of the ducts. In this case, only a surgeon can help. The prognosis will directly depend on the timely detection of the problem and the provision of medical care.

Children's biliary products

The child's body is different from the body of an adult, therefore, the reaction to the same plant can be unpredictable. Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor about how safe choleretic herbs are for children and whether they are allowed to be taken by babies. Most experts do not advise giving herbs that have a strong choleretic effect to girls and boys under the age of 12.

For young children, a regular diet is much more beneficial, including choleretic foods such as tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, and vegetable fats. If the need for biliary preparations has not disappeared, then before you start using them, you need to consult a pediatrician. He will establish the cause of the disease and choose a remedy that will most effectively and safely eliminate the problem.

Alas, it is quite difficult to know in advance which remedy will be effective in a particular situation. That is why it is advised to opt for biliary preparations, which have a multilateral action. This will help resolve the issue quickly. But it is worth remembering that the choleretic collection is not an ordinary tea. It is drunk in small quantities shortly before meals. Also, do not forget that the reception of even such a harmless remedy should first be agreed with the attending doctor.


Datura ordinary - Datura stramonium L.

Sem. nightshade - Solanaceae

Alkaloids - hyoscyamine and scopolamine

Datura oil

19 Lr containing alkaloids with a choleretic effect. Give the Latin names of raw materials, producing plants, families. Indicate the raw material base, chemical composition, preparations.




Common barberry - Berberis vulgaris L.

Amur barberry - Berberis amurensis Rupr.

Berberine bisulfate (Berberini bisulfas) is available in tablets

20 Lr, used for the treatment of patients with neoplasms. Give the Latin names of raw materials, producing plants, families. Indicate the raw material base, chemical composition, preparations.

Sem. poppy - Papaveraceae


Thyroid podophyllum - Podophyllum peltatum L.

Sem. barberry - Berberidaceae

Interest has arisen in podophyllin as a drug that inhibits the growth of malignant tumors.

Formulas: lignanam

21 Marsupial used in obstetric and gynecological practice. Give Latin names. Indicate the raw material base, chemical composition, application, preparations.


Ergot - Claviceps purpurea Tulasne

Sem. ergot - Clavicepitaceae

Class marsupials - Ascomycetes

pharmacological properties. Ergot alkaloids have an effect on the muscles of the uterus. They also have sedative and hypotensive properties, exhibit an adrenolytic effect and are used for neurosis, vasospasm, hypertension and other diseases.

Medicines. Ergometrine maleate (tablets, solution in ampoules - list B); ergotamine hydrotartrate (solution in ampoules, solution in vials, dragees). Complex preparation "Belloid". "Ergotal" - a mixture of phosphates of ergot alkaloids. Infusion of ergot horns. alkaloid ergotoxin

22 Lr of the poppy family, which have a strong antimicrobial effect. Give the Latin names of raw materials, producing plants, families. Indicate the raw material base, chemical composition, preparations.


Great celandine - Chelidonium majus L.

Sem. poppy - Papaveraceae

In the experiment, celandine preparations cause a delay in the growth of malignant tumors and have a fungistatic and bacteriostatic effect on Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Medicines. Grass celandine, infusion.

isoquinoline derivatives: protoberberine alkaloids (berberine, coptosine, etc.),

protopine alkaloids (protopine, allocryptopine)

Macleaya herb-herba Macleayae

Maclea cordate-Macleaya cordata

Poppy Raw Material - Papaveraceae

Contains isoquinoline alkaloids - sanguinarine

Preparations-Sangviritrin has an antibacterial effect

Cholagogue preparations- These are substances of plant or synthetic origin that enhance the separation of bile by stimulating the liver. Medicines either increase the content of bile acids, or increase the excretion of bile into the intestines. Some tools combine both actions.

Types and list of drugs

All means for regulating the production and secretion of bile are divided according to the mechanism of action into the following groups:

Such a classification is to a certain extent conditional, since each choleretic drug has all the indicated properties, simply expressed to varying degrees. According to the predominance of the effect, the drugs were divided into groups.


This group includes:

  • true, made from the bile of cattle or extracts (concentrated extracts) of herbs that can increase the amount of bile;
  • synthetic, copying the natural action;
  • decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants;
  • hydrocholeretics, which increase the volume of bile produced by diluting it with water.

Allochol Contains dry bile, garlic and nettle extract, activated charcoal. It enhances the synthesis of bile and its secretion, while suppressing putrefactive processes.
Holenzim It contains dry bile, dried pancreas and intestinal mucosa of cattle. In addition to natural bile, it also contains digestive enzymes.
holagol Contains Turmeric Root, Peppermint Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Olive Oil, and Magnesium Salicylate. Choleretic agent with antispasmodic action.
tsikvalon A derivative of cyclohexanone, has a choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Nicodin In the composition - an organic acid of synthetic origin, an additional antimicrobial effect.
Odeston Contains the substance gimecromon, which acts as a choleretic and antispasmodic. Relaxes the bile ducts and the sphincter of Oddi, reduces bile stasis and the process of cholesterol crystallization, prevents the formation of gallstones.
Herbal preparations
Flamin In the composition - flavonoids of immortelle flowers, increases the production of bile, reduces its viscosity, improves digestion of food, suppresses bacteria.
Tanacehol Tansy flower extract changes the chemical composition of bile, increases its synthesis and excretion.
Berberine The extract of the roots and leaves of barberry is contraindicated in pregnancy.
Salicylates (phenylbutazone, ibuprofen, indomethacin and others) Increase the volume of bile produced, dilute it.
Valerian preparations Weak choleretic and antispasmodic effect, improves the condition of the mucous membrane of the digestive canal.
Alkaline mineral waters - Essentuki, Naftusya, Arzni, Jermuk It has a complex effect on the digestive system and excretory organs.


Substances accelerate the secretion of bile, have an antispasmodic effect. These are the drugs:

  • Platifillin - normalizes the tone of the gallbladder, is especially effective in dyskinesia;
  • Papaverine - reduces the tone of all smooth muscles, improves blood supply to internal organs;
  • Drotaverine (No-shpa) - exceeds the effectiveness of papaverine, stops all spastic conditions;
  • Magnesium sulfate (Kormagnesin) - a natural calcium antagonist, relaxes smooth muscles;
  • Sugar substitutes - Sorbitol, Xylitol, accelerate the process of bile expulsion;
  • Rosehip-based preparations - Holosas, Holemaks and others.


These drugs eliminate spasms, relax the biliary tract. Medicines can be of chemical or herbal origin. These include:

Drugs that prevent the formation of gallstones

These are drugs based on ursodeoxycholic and similar acids. It is a bile acid, a natural hepatoprotector. Reduces cholesterol in bile, reduces the production of inflammatory mediators. Helps dissolve gallstones, prevents the formation of new stones. These are the drugs:

  • Urdox;
  • Ursolite;
  • Ursofalk and the like.

Many dietary supplements are sold in the pharmacy network, but they should be treated with caution, since their pharmacokinetics are not studied a priori.

For the treatment of children, only preparations based on natural animal bile or synthetic agents, the pharmacokinetics of which are well studied, can be used. Herbal medicines containing several herbs are not recommended for children under 12 years of age, because plants have a variety of effects that cannot be taken into account.

In all cases, a consultation with a pediatrician or a pediatric gastroenterologist is required; no medicines can be given to children without the permission of a doctor.

The following drugs are considered harmless to children:

The doctor calculates the dose of drugs, focusing on the weight of the child and the severity of his condition. On the recommendation of the attending physician, children can be given mineral alkaline waters in an age dosage. After 12 years, you can use all other medicines that are recommended for adults.

What choleretic drug is better to choose?

For different diseases, the choice of drugs will be different.

It is better not to make independent decisions, but to follow the recommendations of a gastroenterologist. These recommendations are general and cannot be used for self-medication.

With hypertensive type:

  • Any cholespasmolytics that quickly relieve pain - Drotaverin, No-shpa, Odeston, Duspatalin;
  • Cholekinetics to improve outflow - Magnesia, Holosas, Sorbitol.

Choleretic and hydrocholeretic drugs are not recommended; when they are taken, the condition worsens. Mineral water is also not needed (unless otherwise recommended by a doctor).

Antispasmodics are taken for several days, until the pain subsides. Cholekinetics are taken for a long time, sometimes several weeks, until the outflow of bile is normalized.

With hypotonic dyskinesia:

  • Choleretics who take almost constantly or with short breaks - Allohol, Nicodin, Tanacehol;
  • Myotropic antispasmodics - Odeston, Duspatalin;
  • Alkaline mineral waters, which, with regular use, resist aggravation.

With this form of dyskinesia, cholekinetics are undesirable. Antispasmodics are taken for about a week, and mineral water is drunk as often as possible, preferably daily.


First of all, you need to know if there are stones in the gallbladder. If they are, then they take means to dissolve them - Urdox, Ursofalk and the like.

If there are no stones, then antispasmodics (for pain) and choleretics are used, and synthetic ones are better - Odeston, Oxafenamide and others. Antibacterial drugs are almost always required, but the doctor will prescribe them after the examination.

Gastroenterologists know that the pancreas becomes inflamed after the gallbladder. These diseases always go hand in hand. If there are stones in the gallbladder, then pancreatitis will most likely be severe and prolonged. Acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis are surgical diseases, so it is unlikely that you will be able to choose drugs on your own.

In case of a mild exacerbation, you can use such medicines:

  • Allochol;
  • Ursosan;
  • Holosas;
  • Nicodin.


Contraindications to the use of choleretic agents can be relatively divided into absolute and relative. In a particular clinical situation, these circumstances may change places.

Other methods to improve the outflow of bile

It is impossible to rely only on medicines, the basis of recovery is a lifestyle corresponding to the disease.


This is the basis without which normal well-being is impossible. Dietary table No. 5 according to Pevzner is used. You need to eat every 3 hours, the serving should be the size of a palm. Such fractional nutrition allows the gallbladder to produce bile evenly, to avoid stagnation and stone formation.

Experiments with the use of prohibited foods always lead to an aggravation.

A bonus with proper nutrition is healthy uniform weight loss and vigor, which is unattainable in other ways.


Exercise is beneficial at any age and in almost any underlying health condition. An increase in physical activity improves digestion, blood flow and metabolism, which always improves the general condition.

We offer a few simple exercises that you need to perform gradually and slowly, stopping with belching and pain. It is better to start with 2-3 repetitions, gradually increasing the time of classes:

It is advisable to lie on your back in the middle of the complex so that the muscles can completely relax.


The main thing that people with diseases of the liver and pancreas need to understand is that one-time actions for treatment and recovery bring a one-time result. You can live well and long with these diseases if you change all your eating and behavioral habits so that exacerbations almost never occur.


What is bile and bile stasis?

Bile- biologically active fluid, which is the end product of the activity of hepatocytes. It has a special smell, extremely bitter taste, yellow, green and brown hues.

From the moment of formation to excretion, there are 3 stages:

If bile does not enter the intestinal section and stagnates, doctors diagnose cholestasis - stagnation of bile.

As a result, lipid metabolism is disturbed, cholesterol and glucose accumulate in the blood, calculi form in the gallbladder, and the risk of atherosclerosis increases.

Causes of stagnant processes

Stagnation of bile can be localized in any of the areas of promotion of the secret. Hepatic congestion is observed due to structural changes in the liver, damage to the organ by pathogenic microorganisms.

In the gallbladder and ducts, the pathological accumulation of bile occurs due to the following reasons:

Chronic diseases of the digestive system predispose to the development of secondary ailments. Bile stasis is one of the most common complications.

Among the risk factors that predispose to the development of any of these causes, it is worth highlighting: the abuse of fatty and sweet foods, as a result - excess weight, addiction to alcoholic beverages and drugs, an inactive lifestyle, resection of the gallbladder.

Symptoms of bile stasis

The pathological accumulation of bile secretion, due to the containment of their further advancement, is fraught with characteristic symptoms:

  • discolored stools, dark urine;
  • pruritus due to the accumulation of bile acids in the blood plasma;
  • intestinal disorders or constipation;
  • paroxysmal dull pain in the upper quadrant of the abdomen on the right, rarely - colic;
  • heartburn, followed by the formation of bitterness, dry mouth and unpleasant odor;
  • feeling of nausea and vomiting.


When identifying symptoms characteristic of cholestasis, it is strictly prohibited:

  • self-medicate - given the serious violations in the digestive system, the wrong treatment tactics can seriously aggravate the pathological process;
  • use choleretic drugs before ultrasound, since the presence of stones is a strict contraindication;
  • take alcohol and potent drugs that adversely affect the liver;
  • include fatty, fried, sour, cold foods in the diet.


Drugs for stagnation of bile and biliary dyskinesia are divided into several groups:

  1. natural remedies provide the safest effect on the body with a minimal likelihood of side effects. They are low cost and are available in the form of syrups, alcohol tinctures, tablets, tea mixtures.
  2. Synthetic, despite the artificial origin, give a more pronounced therapeutic effect.
  3. In addition, drugs with animal bile extract are of particular importance., these are Allohol, Hologon, Liobil, Hologon, Holenzim. They improve peristalsis, make bile less thick, some of them contain real enzymes produced by the pancreas.

Classification of choleretic drugs

The classification of drugs for bile stasis is based on the chemical structure of each of the drugs and their therapeutic effect. They affect the body in different ways, so they are prescribed by a gastroenterologist on an individual basis.

There are 5 main types in total:

  1. Choleretics- stimulate the production of bile by hepatocytes.
  2. Cholespasmolytics- relax the muscles of the gallbladder, eliminate spasms.
  3. cholekinetics- weaken the walls of the bile ducts and increase the tone of the gallbladder.
  4. Hydrocholeretics. Increase the percentage of water content in bile.
  5. Litholytic drugs. Dissolve already formed calculi in the gallbladder.


These funds activate the synthesis process, due to which the production of bile increases significantly.

Depending on the composition, choleretics are divided into 3 groups:

  • True- based on animal extracts: pancreatic tissue, intestinal lining, animal liver or real bile. These include Liobil, Holenzim, Hologon, Allochol.
  • Synthetic- the active substance is the compounds obtained as a result of organic synthesis. Medicines of this series have a complex effect on the body: they provide a choleretic effect, suppress inflammation, relieve spasms, kill bacteria, and improve digestion. The most famous representatives: Tsikvalon, Osalmid, Nikodin.
  • vegetable- include only natural ingredients. Hofitol contains artichoke extract, Holosas - wild rose, Flamin - immortelle, Febihol - turmeric, Berberis-Gommakord - barberry. Each of the drugs supports the healthy functioning of the liver, normalizes the viscosity of bile and the level of its production. Complex agents have the best effect, these are Travohol, Holagol, Urolesan.


Their appointment is expedient for suppressing painful spasms of the bladder and weakening the muscle tone of the bile ducts. This eliminates the obstacle to the removal of concentrated bile.

Cholespasmolytics are always part of the symptomatic treatment for cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, intestinal, biliary or renal colic, duodenal ulcers and other pathologies. They are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Synthetic- Mebeverine, Papaverine, No-shpa.
  2. vegetable- tincture of valerian, arnica, lemon balm, St. John's wort, elecampane.
  3. Cholinolytics- acetylcholine blockers: Atropine, Platifillin, Besalol, Bellalgin.


A special group of drugs that simultaneously relax the muscles of the biliary tract and increase the tone of the gallbladder. This ensures the expulsion of bile and its free passage to the duodenum.

Cholekinetics provide invaluable assistance in cholecystitis of any form, inflammation of the liver tissues and biliary tract.

The most popular pharmaceutical preparations:

  • Sorbitol;
  • Holosas;
  • Flamin;
  • Magnesia;
  • Mannitol.


One of the effective ways to reduce the density of bile is to increase the percentage of water in acids. Hydrocholeretics have this ability.

These include:

  • mineral waters with a high content of alkalis: Borjomi, Polyana Kvasova, Essentuki, Narzan;
  • sodium salicylate;
  • medicines based on valerian - tablets, tinctures.

In addition to the therapeutic effect aimed at diluting thick bile, prevention of the formation of stones is provided.

Choleretic preparations with litholytic action

Litholytic therapy involves drug dissolution of existing stones and the removal of residues to the outside. The preventive effect is no less pronounced - while taking this type of cholagogue, the formation of stones in the gallbladder is impossible.

There are two main active ingredients that have the necessary effect:

  • Methyl tert-butyl ether;
  • Chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic acids - Ursosan, Livodex, Choludexan, Ursolit, Exhol.

Choleretic herbal preparations

On the domestic pharmaceutical market, there are many types of preparations for stagnation of bile of plant origin.

All kinds of herbs and berries have not only a choleretic effect, but also eliminate the inflammatory process, help reduce spasms, and normalize the functioning of the abdominal organs.

These include: corn stigmas, calamus root, spotted milk thistle, goose cinquefoil, hawthorn, St. John's wort, caraway, pine, common dandelion, birch, knotweed, tansy, celandine, wild rose, oats, basil, aloe, radish root and juice, thistle.

There is an opinion that drugs of natural origin are highly safe, therefore they are suitable for self-treatment. Such behavior is dangerous.

Only the attending physician after a thorough examination can recommend any of the following drugs:

  • Tanacehol;
  • Urolesan;
  • Flamin;
  • Cholemax;
  • Berberis plus and others.

The main indications for the use of choleretic agents from natural components are cholecystitis, which characterizes inflammation of the gallbladder, impaired bile production, acute and chronic pancreatitis. The latter is diagnosed with inflammation of the pancreas.

This disease in most cases is an inevitable consequence of stagnation of bile.

Brief instructions for taking choleretic drugs

To achieve maximum effectiveness from the prescribed drug, several important rules should be strictly observed:

  • all choleretic drugs must be taken on an empty stomach, at least 30-60 minutes before meals;
  • tablets, syrups or tinctures should be washed down with ordinary clean water, in some cases it is permissible to dilute liquid forms with unsweetened tea or juices;
  • an hour after taking a portion of the medicine, you need to eat, otherwise intestinal upset is inevitable: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • the minimum course of treatment is two weeks or more, non-compliance with the duration and frequency of use of the choleretic drug reduces the effectiveness of therapy.

In the chronic course of the disease, the need to constantly maintain the work of the bile ducts and gallbladder, treatment is carried out in courses with the same frequency, but not more than 4 times a year.

The most effective drugs for stagnation of bile

Of all the choleretic drugs presented in modern pharmacies, several of the most popular drugs stand out:

  1. Allochol. A product with natural ingredients, made on the basis of dried bile, extracts of garlic, nettle and activated purified charcoal. It has a complex effect on the digestive system, rarely provokes side effects, has few contraindications: diseases of the gallbladder and liver in an acute form. The average cost of 50 tablets is 45 rub.
  2. Holenzim. A true choleretic remedy, consisting of pancreatic enzymes and natural bovine bile. It is successfully used not only for stagnant processes, but also for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Negative side effects are possible only with individual intolerance to the drug. Pharmacy price varies from 160 to 200 rubles. for packing.
  3. Odeston. Synthetic medicine with the active substance Hymecromone. Relaxes the biliary tract, suppresses spasms, prevents the crystallization of cholesterol with the subsequent formation of stones. It can adversely affect the gastric mucosa, so the simultaneous use of enveloping agents is recommended. In Russian pharmacies, 50 Odeston tablets can be purchased on average for 500 rub.
  4. Flamin. Phytopreparation with immortelle extract. The active substance helps to reduce the gallbladder and weaken the muscle tone of the ducts, which ensures the unhindered removal of bile. It is not prescribed for hypertensive patients, allergy sufferers and patients with an ulcer. Average cost - 160 rub. for 30 tablets.
  5. Oxaphenamide. Thanks to the active substance osalmid, synthesized artificially, choleretic, cholekinetic, analgesic and choleretic effects are provided. It is strictly contraindicated in jaundice, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity and structural changes in the liver. Perhaps the development of an allergic reaction - redness, itching, rash. Oxafenamide and its direct analogues can be purchased at a cost from 450 to 530 rubles.
  6. Gepabene. Combined remedy from the fruits of milk thistle and herb fumes. Stabilizes the functioning of the liver, the formation and excretion of bile. Sometimes provokes increased diuresis. Refers to a number of expensive choleretic drugs - from 400 rub. for one package.
  7. . Artichoke extract, on the basis of which the drug is made, suppresses inflammation and simplifies the excretion of bile into the small intestine. Prohibited for use in cholelithiasis and severe diseases of internal organs. The duration of the course of treatment is 14 days. Per 300 rub. you can buy 60 tablets of Hofitol.

Cholagogue preparations for children

Potent medications can adversely affect a child's body that has not yet been formed. Based on this, the treatment of bile stasis in children differs significantly from that of adults.

If the cause of the pathology is the abnormal structure of the bile ducts, the only way out is surgery.

In other cases, the doctor focuses on dietary nutrition and the use of drugs:

  • true choleretics- Allochol;
  • choleretics of synthetic origin- Osalmid and its direct analogues;
  • plant choleretics- Hofitol, Flamin, Cholemax;
  • cholekinetics- magnesium sulfate, Valerian tablets, Cormagnesin;
  • cholespasmolytics- Papaverine, No-shpa, Spazmonet.

The dosage and frequency of taking a choleretic agent is determined individually for each child, based on body weight. Natural and relatively safe hydrocholeretics for children are mineral waters with alkalis - Essentuki, Borjomi, Narzan, etc.

Of the many types of plants with a choleretic effect, children can be recommended:

  • common dandelion,
  • pharmacy chamomile,
  • juniper,
  • knotweed

Cholagogue drugs during pregnancy

During the bearing of a child, treatment of bile stasis is carried out with extreme caution: it is important to prevent an increase in the contractile activity of the uterus, the penetration of the active substance to the fetus through the placenta, and also not to provoke a significant deterioration in well-being.

Most of the herbal choleretics and antispasmodics are considered the safest:

  • Holenzim;
  • Flamin;
  • Berberis;
  • Cormagnesin;
  • Valerian;
  • Holagol.

It is strictly forbidden to take infusions from various choleretic herbs on your own. Influencing the body of a pregnant woman and directly on the fetus, they can provoke irreversible consequences.

At the discretion of the attending physician, only ready-made herbal preparations are allowed. The regimen, dosage and duration of the course are usually standard.

Such choleretic drugs include:

  • Odeston;
  • Eufillin;
  • Febihol;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Atropine.

The use of choleretic drugs for certain diseases

Bile stasis is quite often formed against the background of other diseases of an acute or chronic form:

  • biliary dyskinesia,
  • cholecystitis,
  • pancreatitis.

In this case, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying ailment. Symptomatic therapy is equally important, but without addressing the key cause, improvement in well-being will be temporary.

Biliary dyskinesia

The disease characterizes a violation of the motility of the gallbladder and, as a result, a malfunction in the functioning of the bile ducts.

It occurs most often in women of thin build, no more than 40 years old. There are two main forms of dyskinesia:

  1. hyperkinetic, in which there is an increased tone of the gallbladder.
  2. Hypotonic when muscle tone is weakened.

Given the different specifics of the development of the disease, in two cases different drugs are prescribed.

With the hyperkinetic type, the following will help normalize the digestive system:

  • All types of cholekinetics- Flamin, Sorbitol, Cholemax, Holos, Berberine-Gommakord. They are used for a long course until complete recovery.
  • Any cholespasmolytics- Drotaverine, Papaverine, Bellalgin, valerian. They are prescribed in a short course at the beginning of drug treatment, then they are used once, if necessary, to relieve pain.

The hypotonic form of dyskinesia involves the use of such drugs:

  • All types of choleretics- Allohol, Febihol, Liobil, Flacumin, Tanacehol, etc. The duration of the course can reach 2-2.5 months.
  • Hydrocholeretics- mineral waters with a high content of alkalis. There are no restrictions on the number and terms of use.
  • Myotropic antispasmodics- Odeston, Duspatalin. Suitable in the first days of therapy. The duration of use of such funds should not exceed 2 weeks.


Cholecystitis- inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder with a subsequent change in the physical and biochemical properties of bile.

The disease is divided into 2 main types:

  • calculous
  • stoneless.

The latter accounts for only 20% of all cases.

The absence of stone formations in the gallbladder makes it possible to use the following remedies for treatment:

  • Choleretics of all kinds- Allochol, Liobil, Tsikvalon, Osalmid, Urolesan, etc. Synthetic substances oxafenamide and hymecromon, along with a choleretic effect, effectively eliminate spasms. Preparations based on cyclovalone have a powerful antimicrobial effect. These features are taken into account when compiling a therapeutic complex.
  • cholekinetics- Cholemax, Magnesia, Sorbitol, Berberine plus. Significantly facilitate the excretion of bile to the duodenum.
  • Cholespasmolytics- No-shpa, Metatsin, Odeston. Effectively fight pain syndrome, contribute to the overall improvement of well-being.

When stones are detected during ultrasound, among choleretic drugs, only those with a litholytic effect are allowed for use: Urdox, Livodex, Exhol, Ursolit, etc. They contain ursodeoxycholic acid, which dissolves calculi. Also, with the calculous type of cholecystitis, cholespasmolytics are indicated.

Pancreatitis characterizes the inflammatory process in the pancreas. The key reason is the deterioration in the excretion of digestive juice and gland enzymes into the small intestine. As part of the complex treatment, choleretic agents are necessarily present, which help to improve the digestive processes.

The following medications will be most effective:

  • Allochol;
  • Holenzim;
  • Ursosan;
  • Holosas;
  • Liobil.

Cholespasmolytics, such as Papaverine, Mebeverine, Drotaverine, will help relieve acute pain, but it is not recommended to use them before a visit to the doctor.


Tubage is a simple medical procedure that helps cleanse the body of stagnant bile, accumulated toxins and improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Carrying out such at home is most comfortable, but before proceeding with the implementation, you should consult your doctor.

Strict contraindications for tubage:

  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • the presence of single or multiple stones in the gallbladder.

The preparatory phase involves a three-day rejection of spicy, fried, fatty foods and those foods that provoke flatulence. At the beginning of the procedure, it is necessary to take a special cleaning solution.

There are 3 equivalent options:

  1. A glass of warm alkaline water (Narzan, Borjomi, Essentuki) with 2 tbsp. l. drug Holosas in the form of syrup.
  2. Dissolved 1 tbsp. l. magnesium sulfate powder in one glass of warm boiled water.
  3. Sorbitol solution - 1 tbsp. l. mix with a glass of warm water.

After drinking a glass of the finished solution, it is necessary to lie on the right side and place a warm heating pad on the hypochondrium. Over the next 2 hours, colic and loose stools will occur. Thus, bile stagnation is eliminated, toxic substances are eliminated and the general condition is normalized.

Folk remedies for stagnation of bile

Traditional medicine is often a good alternative to pharmacy drugs. It is affordable, less expensive, and the preparation of infusions does not require special knowledge.

However, like any other medicines, herbs have many contraindications and side effects, so they require prior consultation with a doctor.

Recipes for effective choleretic decoctions:

Cholagogue herbs for stagnant bile

The most common herbs that have a choleretic effect:

The cost of drugs

Prices for choleretic drugs vary within from 40 to 500 rubles. for packing. The formation of cost, first of all, is influenced by the manufacturer. Imported goods are always more expensive than domestic ones.

The following list shows the most popular drugs for biliary stasis with an average price per pack, ranked from cheapest to most expensive:

  1. Allochol - 45 rub.
  2. Tanacehol - 80 rub.
  3. Holos - 140 rub.
  4. Flamin - 160 rub.
  5. Holenzim - 180 rub.
  6. 300 rub.
  7. Gepabene - 400 rub.
  8. Odeston and Oxafenamide - 500 rub.
  9. Ursosan - 1500 rub. for 50 tablets of 500 mg.

When selecting analogues for expensive drugs, it is important to consider whether the drug belongs to a specific group: choleretics, cholekinetics, cholespasmolytics or litholytic agents.

Diet - the best remedy for stagnation of bile

Regardless of the form, stage and severity of the disease, along with drug treatment, it is mandatory to diet number 5.

Gastroenterologists have developed several key rules, the combination of which provides a gentle regimen:

  • completely eliminate fatty foods;
  • avoid eating too cold or hot dishes, food should be warm;
  • refuse carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • enrich the diet with dairy products, raw and baked fruits, vegetables;
  • boil, stew, steam all dishes;
  • eat at least 5 times a day in small portions, preferably at the same time.

Compliance with the dietary table is necessary throughout the course of treatment. After it ends, you should gradually return to your usual way of life. However, to minimize the development of relapse or the transformation of an acute form into a chronic one, it is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition for life.

Cholagogue products

The following product groups have a choleretic effect to one degree or another:

  • vegetables- tomatoes, beetroot, carrots, white cabbage;
  • fruit- apples, peaches, plums, oranges;
  • berries- cranberry, wild rose, sea buckthorn;
  • dried fruits- dried plums, apricots, figs;
  • greens- artichoke, celery, dill, rhubarb, spinach leaves;
  • seasonings- chicory, ginger root, turmeric;
  • fresh juices vegetable, berry and fruit.

Under a strict ban should be such products as:

It is important to monitor the daily calorie content of all meals eaten - no more than 2500 kcal.


To improve the digestive system, restore the functioning of the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder, an integrated approach is needed:

  • organization of proper nutrition,
  • maintaining an active lifestyle,
  • the use of choleretic and other types of drugs,
  • prescribed by the attending physician,
  • drinking alkaline water or herbal teas.

The desired effect will ensure only strict adherence to all recommendations.


cholestasis during pregnancy

This disease affects the liver, thereby disrupting its work, and prevents the production of bile, disrupts its outflow. The disease is quite rare, but it tends to recur. Most often, it carries a genetic predisposition, so poor nutrition or excessive consumption of fatty foods has nothing to do with it. But these external factors also negatively affect the liver and only exacerbate cholestasis when it occurs.

The main danger of the disease lies in the negative impact on the fetus. Since the disease occurs already in the third trimester of pregnancy, it often ends in premature labor and the child dies in the womb or in the first hours of life. For a woman, cholestasis is dangerous due to the occurrence of bleeding in the postpartum period. Only timely therapy and control of specialists can prevent such dangerous complications and save pregnancy.

Varieties of cholestasis in pregnant women

The disease is divided into types according to the place of localization, the manifestation of symptoms, external signs, as well as the type of occurrence and presence of cytolysis.

During gestation, intrahepatic cholestasis may develop, which is characterized by stagnation of bile during pregnancy directly in the liver. Or extrahepatic type, when bile lingers in the bile ducts outside the organ.

But cholestasis is also divided into acute and chronic types, when symptoms occur unexpectedly or with periodic relapses with intensification and weakening of the signs of the disease. The nature of the disease is determined by external manifestations: it can be icteric, when the mucous membranes and skin become yellow, or anicteric, without visible changes.

Cholestasis is divided into subspecies according to the method of destruction of liver cells: it can be cytolytic or non-cytolytic. In addition, the disease can be manifested by a violation of the outflow of bile to the duodenum or a delay in some components of the bile fluid.

Signs of cholestasis during pregnancy

Most often, the disease develops in the last months of pregnancy and, as a rule, in the cold season, in autumn or winter.

The main characteristic signs of cholestasis include severe itching on the feet, palms, neck and face. It can be so intense that it leads to insomnia and disrupts the usual rhythm of life. Severe itching can lead to the formation of wounds, if a woman cannot tolerate and scratches the affected area, the consequence of such scratching is infection.

If the disease proceeds in a mild or moderate form, then an unpleasant symptom disappears a few days after childbirth. The hormonal background changes, which is affected by pregnancy, and the work of the liver, as well as the kidneys, returns to normal on its own, and the sign of the disease recedes.

With extensive liver damage, severe cholestasis is observed. Its symptom is similar to that of jaundice. In addition to itching, nausea, vomiting occur, yellowness of the sclera, mucous membranes and skin is manifested. Urine is darker, feces become white, and there is no natural choleretic effect.

The danger of cholestasis of pregnant women lies in the risk of premature birth. Then the original feces enter the amniotic fluid, the consequences of such a pathology are fraught with death.

A child can die in the womb as a result of poisoning or after childbirth in the first hours of life. The consequence of liver failure at a high load for a woman in labor is profuse bleeding.

Diagnosis of cholestasis of pregnant women

The discomfort that accompanies the disease is not a basis for making a diagnosis, as it can occur for a number of other reasons. It is common for a pregnant woman to get better, and the skin can stretch, causing itching. To establish a dangerous disease in a woman, cholestasis, it is important to undergo a complete examination.

One of the indicative diagnostic methods is a blood test. It must necessarily include liver tests and analysis for the concentration of bile acids. Since the results of studies at the initial stage may be negative, with continued poor health and itching, a second examination is carried out.

Often, due to the lack of specially equipped laboratories, the diagnosis of cholestasis during pregnancy is made on the basis of the exclusion of other diseases, which greatly complicates the diagnosis and makes it unreliable.

To see the formations that arose as a result of stagnation of bile or stones that blocked the duct, an ultrasound is performed. With cholestasis, it reveals the first sign of liver damage - the organ, as a rule, is enlarged in size, but has a homogeneous structure. But the gallbladder as a result of stagnation of bile becomes noticeably larger.

Only after the diagnosis is clarified, adequate treatment is prescribed and the necessary therapy regimen is selected, only a doctor prescribes a cholagogue during pregnancy.

Methods of treatment of cholestasis of pregnancy

To reduce the risk of complications, a woman is prescribed an unplanned birth when the late term reaches 36-37 weeks. Until this period, with the appearance of the first signs, symptomatic treatment is carried out and choleretic drugs are prescribed during pregnancy.

Pregnant women are prescribed steroid drugs (Prednisolone) to suppress discomfort and Ursosan, a drug based on ursodeoxycholic acid. Its use not only suppresses itching, but also restores the functionality of the liver, has a choleretic effect. To reduce the risk of bleeding in a woman in labor, a woman is prescribed vitamin K, which helps the blood to clot. The drug Hofitol can also be used - under its influence, dyskinesia of the choleretic tract passes and the production of bile is normalized.

Cholestasis threatens the life of an unborn child, so the task of treatment is to preserve its viability and prevent negative effects. Throughout the therapy, the condition of the baby and mother is monitored by specialists and the treatment regimen is adjusted if necessary.

As soon as cholestasis in pregnant women begins to recede, the symptoms will cease to bother or the lungs will open so that the child can breathe on his own, it is recommended to stimulate labor, choleretic drugs during pregnancy are canceled.

In addition to medical adjustments, other methods are also resorted to. A woman can be prescribed plasmapheresis and extrarenal blood purification from toxic substances using sorbents. This method helps to get rid of itching by removing excess bilirubin from the blood, because the liver enzyme causes discomfort.

Diet for cholestasis of pregnancy

In addition to traditional methods of treatment to combat the disease, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition. Diet for cholestasis of pregnant women should be carried out in combination with the main treatment. It is necessary to remove the load from the damaged liver, to cause a choleretic effect. Pregnancy implies a balanced diet, but fatty foods, fried foods should be avoided. You should avoid using:

  • legumes;
  • coffee;
  • some vegetables;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • rich soups;
  • flour products.

Together with food, a pregnant woman should receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important that the menu contains fresh fruits and juices from them, boiled chicken, low-fat dietary meat, such as rabbit or quail. From sweet, it is better to give preference to honey and jam, and to replace a product such as coffee with weak tea.

Traditional medicine for cholestasis of pregnancy

Women in position are more worried about the child and are afraid to take any medications. Those drugs that are prescribed for cholestasis in pregnant women are harmless to the child, but some still remain of their opinion and trust folk methods of treatment more than traditional ones.

Herbal recipes can cope with unpleasant symptoms, for example, chamomile, its flowers and leaves are brewed into a decoction or an infusion is prepared for external use.

Cholagogue herbs during pregnancy, such as oregano or chamomile, are boiled in water and infused for 5-6 hours, the period can be extended to a day. After that, the agent is filtered, and with the help of a sponge or cotton wool they wipe the place of itching.

For oral administration, beetroot syrups and St. John's wort are prepared, which are an excellent choleretic agent and are popular with healers.

Despite the variety of medicinal herbs and alternative methods of therapy, even a harmless herbal product can do harm, so it is dangerous to treat the disease on your own. It is important to consult your doctor before taking any medication.


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