Actresses with potato noses. A hooked nose on a girl - what does this mean? Does the shape of the nose affect character traits? P.S. Sophia Loren. The girl you can't live without

Not all actors have an appearance that meets the generally accepted standards of beauty, however, this did not in the least prevent them from achieving fame and winning the sympathy of a huge number of fans. With 20 actors with a non-standard appearance, we will get acquainted further.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch, Laurence Olivier and Emmy Award winner, Golden Globe and Oscar nominee, like any Englishman, is not without self-irony. "God has given me a strange face - somewhere between an otter's face and something people find vaguely attractive," he says. "Cumberbatch - sounds like someone passed a gas in the bathroom!" - continues the main Sherlock Holmes of our time. A sharp mind, a sense of humor and talent - and without Cumberbatch, not a single rating of the sexiest actors can do. And Time magazine generally makes him one of the hundred most influential people. "Otter face"? Benedict, the women and the press you hate so much don't agree with you!

Marty Feldman

Two-time BAFTA winner Marty Feldman was not only an outstanding comedian, but also a successful screenwriter and director. He gained fame as a performer leading role in the 1960s TV series Marty. He also starred in Young Frankenstein, Silent Movie, and the Monty Python troupe's How to Annoy People sketch series. Feldman's bulging eyes are the result of hyperactivity thyroid gland, A strange shape nose - a consequence of boxing matches in his youth. "Money can't buy poverty," Feldman said. Like talent, we will add - trite, but true, and Marty Feldman only confirms this truth.

Eddie Redmayne

The appearance of Eddie Redmayne, an Englishman with an admixture of Irish and Scottish blood, is closer to catwalk than Hollywood standards. Heads of fashion houses adore such androgynous guys. And Eddie is hard to miss with his red hair and freckled skin. No wonder he was the face of Burberry, and fashion magazines, interrupting each other, praised Redmayne for excellent taste in clothes. But we love him, of course, not for this. Are there many such models? And here is one actor. Who else could play Stephen Hawking in such a way that Hawking himself would praise him? And to receive three major awards for this at once - the Oscar, the Golden Globe, and the BAFTA?

Vincent Cassel

Vincent Cassel, like everyone else in our ranking, is not very similar to Apollo. Rather, the satire Marsyas, who, to his misfortune, won Apollo in a musical competition, for which he was left without a skin. There is something demonic in Kassel. Negative charisma attracts both women who are crazy about the Frenchman and Hollywood producers who, in the words of Kassel himself, always offer him the role of scum. “But I take revenge on them: I make my scum cooler than their heroes,” Kassel gloats.

Daniel Craig

Now it's even hard to imagine how much noise arose when Daniel Craig was approved for the role of James Bond. Bond fans, without restraining themselves, spilled poison on the Internet, criticizing both Craig's acting and, of course, his appearance. He was reproached for the color of his hair (the first blond agent 007!), his drunken face (well, the spitting image of a wino), his resemblance to Vladimir Putin, and even his lack of masculinity! But Craig confounded vicious critics by becoming the highest-grossing and highest-paid James Bond.

Danny Trejo

Danny Trejo, who gained wide popularity thanks to Robert Rodriguez, who directed him in the films From Dusk Till Dawn, Spy Kids and Machete, mainly gets the roles of evil Mexicans and Indians. Mustache, tattoos, long hair and a gloomy look from under your brows - the villains are convincing. By Trejo's own admission, he got into the movie quite by accident - trying to get off drugs. And in childhood and youth, he hunted for petty crimes. Now Trejo, smiling radiantly, says that with his roles he demonstrates to fragile minds how quickly the crooked path leads criminals to prison or to the cemetery.

Adrien Brody

Long-nosed, long-legged, big-armed, with doggy sad eyes, Adrien Brody, if he were a woman, would probably suffer from vicious sexist jokes. And he live in Ancient Rome- it was to him that the poet Catullus would dedicate his poem "The Village Beauty". But Brody was lucky to be born in our century - tolerant. And a man - the century is still sexist. Women want to kiss him, directors give him roles, and Brody, with a sad look, rows all sorts of awards with a shovel. His most famous films are: "The Pianist", "The Mysterious Forest", "King Kong".

Michael Berryman

The extraordinary appearance of Michael Berryman is a consequence genetic disease- hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, in which a person can be left without hair, nails and teeth. big forehead, sunken cheeks and wrinkled skin are also symptoms of this rare disease, which determined the creative role of Berryman. During his long career, he managed to star in almost a hundred films, playing mutants, monsters, monsters and other terrifying characters. Michael Berryman is best known for his roles in the cult film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and the TV series Star Trek.

Adriano Celentano

It is probably enough to say that the most famous film of Adriano Celentano, in addition, of course, to The Taming of the Shrew, was Bingo Bongo, in which the Italian actor portrayed the ape man with amazing persuasiveness. This role has become one of the most unusual in Celentano's career, because throughout the film he does not speak, but growls with inarticulate sounds. Outcome? The audience's hearts are shattered. Such is it, animal sexuality - more important than a glossy appearance.

Danny DeVito

The path to the acting career of Danny DeVito was tortuous: he burst into a big movie straight from hairdressing salon. Catholic dad DeVito, who himself worked as a barber, gave his son a huge scandal when he mentioned that he was going to go to the artists. My father (probably rightly) believed that a 152 cm tall man was unlikely to conquer the Hollywood hills. As a result, Danny DeVito trained as a makeup artist, but his acting career caught up with him. In the United States, DeVito gained immense fame playing taxi dispatcher Louis De Palma in the TV series Taxi. For this role, he received both an Oscar and a Golden Globe. And worldwide fame came to him after the film "Romance with a Stone", in which he reincarnated as a short gangster.

Willem Dafoe

Defoe admits that he likes to play outsiders with an unusual fate. And the demonic appearance is only at hand here. Perhaps it is difficult to find a better performer of the roles of sociopaths and outcasts. Willem Dafoe, like no other, is known for his "villainous" roles: he played a Martian, the owner of a strip club, a thief in law, an FSB agent, the Green Goblin, finally! But the most surprising thing is that the roles of non-villains come out of him no less convincing - which is worth at least his work in The Last Temptation of Christ and The English Patient.

Steve Buscemi

Steve Buscemi looks like he's been pretty battered by life, and not like an actor of the first magnitude. Despite his acting talent, he often plays episodic and secondary roles on wide screens. The eccentric Buscemi is also known for his transformations into killers, bandits and other criminal characters. For example, he played Mr. Pink in " Reservoir Dogs Tarantino, maniac Garland Green in West's Con Air, and a petty crook in the Coen brothers' Fargo.

Christopher Walken

"Morning - best time to watch movies,” says Christopher Walken. We think this is true, especially if we are talking about films in which Walken portrays Evil, because at night impressionable people can stop their hearts. And Walken is able to scare with one glance, he does not need makeup. For this reason, he always gets criminal and mystical roles. “You don’t have to do anything to me to make me look sinister,” the actor admits. And even the “famous before himself” hairstyle, which would look simply comical on others, looks creepy on Walken.

John Malkovich

John Malkovich is another actor on our list with a face that could be that of a serial killer or psychopath. Not surprisingly, he also often gets the role of people who do not want to meet in a dark alley. “I am attracted to inhuman characters. People try to find reasons for cruel and sadistic behavior, but I think it's all just a lack of humanity and concern for others. I think I'm good at playing these characters because I just don't like them. They are very attractive to the audience, but I hate them. It's pretty weird," Malkovich says.

Jack Black

"Don't underestimate the power of your eyebrows!" Jack Black insists. Indeed, it is difficult to surpass him in the ability to properly raise an eyebrow. It is difficult not to envy such talent, as well as such thick hair and beard. Eyebrows, beard, hair - it seems that all this is on the face of most men, but only Jack Black looks like Chewbacca, who dyed his hair in a brunette.

Gerard Depardieu

"Belgium - can it take all the world's cholesterol?" - such an inscription flaunted next to the image of Gerard Depardieu in scandalous French Charlie magazine Hebdoe after the actor, dissatisfied with the tax cases brought against him, decided to change his citizenship and moved to Belgium. And you still think that our text is evil? Over the appearance of Depardieu (especially over the nose-eggplant) made fun and viciously joked all and sundry. This did not prevent the star of "Waltzing" from filming with the best directors (in total, he starred in several hundred films) and dating beauties (Depardieu claims that, in addition to four official children, he also has 20 illegitimate children from ten mistresses).

Ron Perlman

Ron Perlman, best known for his role as Hellboy, is a little apocalyptic himself. It seems that after the nuclear winter, when the radioactive ash cools down a little, about such determined men with clubs will crawl out of the ground and with their powerful hands will rebuild the world. From this point of view, it is quite natural that Pearlman is the voice of the narrator in the Fallout series of post-apocalyptic games.

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson has an amazing ability - at the snap of a finger, turn his face into an animated caricature. Perhaps this is one of the secrets of the frenzied popularity of the series "Mr. Bean". Atkinson's hero sticks out his ears, goggles his eyes and moves his nose like a bloodhound sniffing the trail. Agree, not every actor can make the audience laugh until hepatic colic with just one movement of the facial muscles.

John Travolta

The star of "Grease" and "Pulp Fiction" John Travolta can hardly be called handsome - he was given an unusual appearance by his Italian father and Irish mother. Travolta could hardly have played airy and sophisticated creatures, such as vampires glowing in the sun. "I'm just not a vampire" - this is how he explained Tarantino's reluctance to star in the film "From Dusk Till Dawn." But he looks great in the role of bandits, corrupt CIA agents, terrorists and brutal dancers from the outskirts.

Benicio Del Toro

Bright Puerto Rican appearance, sad eyes that remain sad even when Benicio del Toro frowns or laughs, brought him many roles in crime thrillers and dramas. Films about drugs, sex and rock and roll may seem banal, but the dark and sullen del Toro just by his presence takes them to a new level.

What do actresses do big nose? Inferiority complex? How to hide a big nose?

Actresses with big noses. Famous people also have flaws and flaws in appearance, such as, for example, as a large nose. Beauty inferiority complex? - Naturally, they do not leave this part of the body in its previous state, but seek to correct it. And rhinoplasty helps them a lot. After her intervention, they have "much different" noses. Consider them on the faces of actresses. And we find out - What do actresses with big noses do?

Angelina Jolie. She never liked her nose. But Angelina decided to remake it only on the eve of her very first screen test "Hackers". How did she make her nose beautiful? Jolie only reduced the bridge of her nose, so plastic surgeons took a little time to fulfill the desire of the actress. They did everything so perfectly that Jolie fans are still arguing about whether, in fact, their favorite actress had plastic.

Winona Ryder. She decided to get a rhinoplasty before starring in the films "Beckham Stoker's Dracula" and "Edward Scissorhands". Her nose, after the operation, looks so natural that few people know about such a "step" of the former "Muse" Johnny Depp.

Sarah Jessica Parker. A very nice lady did not like herself very much, considering herself completely ugly. That is why she subjected her nose to rhinoplasty techniques. And not just once, but three times. By the way, from plastic surgery not only her nose was “suffered”, but her whole face.

Joan Rivers. Unfortunately, the plastic nose did not decorate this actress in any way. On the contrary, plastic surgery "stole" the attractiveness of the actress: her thin nose, frankly, does not go well with plump lips.

Kathy Griffin. For her, plastic surgery worked a miracle: literally ten years ago, before plastic surgery, she looked quite comical. Remember her crazy perm on her head, her facial features, more reminiscent of men. Now she is a modest, sweet lady. Sometimes plastic surgeons perform incredible miracles.

Jennifer Aniston. The actress convinces that she did plastic surgery on her nose on the advice of doctors. The fact is that her dad is Greek, and she inherited the nose.

Pamela Anderson. She loves to experiment with plastic surgery. Claiming (in vain) that her nose is very large, the actress also tried plastic surgery on it. She was very pleased with the results of her "heroic" act.

Barbara Streisant. He recalls with horror what a long nose she had as a child. Now with her appearance everything is in in perfect order, and the long nose "dissolved" in memories.

Keira Knightley. Having concluded that her nose is somewhat larger than an attractive woman should have, she decided to slightly correct it. She did it well, although the differences are almost imperceptible.

Julia Menshova. She suffered greatly from the fact that her nose was large and uneven. She, for a long time, was shy about it. However, when Julia did rhinoplasty, everything improved for her, and she breathed a sigh of relief: her “newly made” nose gave her face attractiveness and undeniable charm.

Lana Flynn Boyle. Her nose was large because of the hump at the top of her nose. Naturally, the actress did not need this hump at all, and she removed it, was not afraid of any rhinoplasty. Now her nose is perfect: the operation was successful. Now she proudly remembers the day when she crossed the threshold of the clinic, in which they helped to change the "piece" of herself.

By the way, despite the result, not one of the actresses has regretted what she did. After all, actresses know for sure: everything can be fixed “again”. The main thing is not to overdo it with corrections.

While actresses hid and hid their noses, scientists have proven that a long nose is “luck” human health. A group of scientists conducted unusual experiment. They made two artificial noses, one of which was three times larger than the other. Then they attached their CC to faces (artificial) and it turned out that the nose that was longer let in much less harmful pollutants (by 6.5%) than the nose, the size of which was closer to the real one (meaning a nose of small size) . Another big nose protects a person from all sorts of colds.

P murmuring all this, you begin, to some extent, to envy the "white envy" of big-nosed people. And they, of course, do not think how useful their nose is. “Ugly” benefits somehow do not appeal to them. Especially for women. After all, these gentle creatures really want each of their parts to be the standard of perfection, and a long nose does not fit into these standards.

It's a shame when the nose (long) does not interfere with the person personally, he feels comfortable with him, but he has to “part” with him because of the image or because of any medical indications. It was the same with Jeniffer Aniston: about her long nose, she never complexed, and did not even think that she would have to, somehow, change it.

P it’s bad that such a nose, if desired, cannot be hidden with the help of bangs or some kind of hairstyle. It is a pity that cosmetics will not hide it in any way. So people have to resort to the "magic" of plastic surgery, risking their health, nerves and even their own lives.

Rhinoplasty is tricky because, for many, it is addictive. Well, for example, the actress purposefully made a correction of some part of the body that did not suit her. Then she realized that this part is not the only one that will not interfere with the changes. And off we go. Of course, they don’t feel sorry for the money at all, since they are spent for the sake of beauty, with which they will then have to live, and with which they need to shine with dignity.

If you have a long nose, consider whether you really need to do something with it. Perhaps it just seemed long to you at this moment. Know and remember that rhinoplasty "contains" a lot of contraindications. They should not close their eyes. After all, life is more precious than a perfect nose, isn't it? Of course, no one immediately thinks about this, sincerely hoping that luck is in their hands, and that everything will be fine with them. Believe in the best, not forgetting that everything happens in life.

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These men are the exception to all the rules. Nature has rewarded them with an appearance that is far from the accepted standards of beauty, but despite this, they are damn attractive and charismatic.

website I have to warn you that you can be blown away by a stream of powerful energy, be careful.

Danny Trejo

Every Trejo hero is a simple Mexican guy with the intelligence of a stool. But how cool is he, go crazy! Tattoos, motorcycles, machetes - that's it. He's the same in real life, that's the beauty of it.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Curly blond curls, large almond-shaped eyes, an elongated head, a disarming smile and a royal appearance allow him to transform into any heroes and attract the attention of others in any society.

Javier Bardem

This sultry Spaniard is a true heartthrob. He drove thousands of women crazy, despite his rough features and big nose. Javier looks like a real brutal, uncouth macho and treacherous seducer, but in fact he is a decent family man and raises two children - a son and a daughter.

Serge Gainsbourg

Four marriages, many mistresses and an incredible number of admirers. How? Probably due to the charisma that made and still makes him fall in love, despite the specific appearance.

Mick Jagger

Despite (or thanks to!) his strange appearance and bizarre movements, a special aura emanates from Jagger, which fascinates both women and men.

Adrien Brody

The peculiar appearance and natural charm of Adrien Brody served him good service on the way to success. He is called an intellectual actor, considered strange and arrogant, he is unpleasant to someone, others admire the scale of his acting abilities. But one thing is clear: he does not know an indifferent attitude towards himself, including from women.

Adriano Celentano

Large teeth, a wrinkled forehead, a heavy look - unlike the same Alain Delon, he does not have classical male beauty. But despite this, Celentano, with the help of his talent, was able to become a real embodiment of masculinity and sexuality. Who will dispute?

Gerard Depardieu

Appearance Depardieu, in fact, is far from the one that should drive the fair sex crazy. However, he was always by his side. beautiful women. French charm is merciless!

Vincent Cassel

A thin face, a hooked nose and bulging eyes - such an appearance should repel, but in fact, on the contrary, it attracts and drives girls crazy. Long-term marriage with Monica Bellucci is the main proof of the undeniable sexuality of the French actor. In the movies, he often plays villains: sexy, smart and powerful.

Yury Nikulin

“I always knew I was ugly. A worm in a faint. Thin, long and stooped ... ”- the actor recalled how they made fun of him in the army. It was then that I realized: if he began to reflect on his appearance, ridicule would haunt him until the end of his life. And he chose the only true tactic - to laugh at himself along with everyone. It was self-irony and boundless charm that helped him achieve the love of millions.

Willem Dafoe

Due to his demonic appearance, for most filmgoers, Defoe was and remains the best performer of strange roles: characters with an unstable psyche, normal people, falling into crazy circumstances, and just villains. The unusual appearance of the actor is the result of mixing various bloods: English, Scottish, Irish, German, Swiss and French.

Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken has unique gift make the audience feel out of place, and his face plays a key role in this. His eyes always seem to be wide open, as if he's always trying to make you feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

Mickey Rourke

Once upon a time, trees were big, ice cream was delicious, and Mickey Rourke was so handsome that you couldn't take your eyes off him. Since then, everything has changed dramatically. But I am glad that there are still things in the world that do not change: Mickey's charisma, for example. What does it matter what he looks like? He's beautiful, period.

12:30 30.06.2016

As children, we consider beauty to be synonymous with success in life. But over time, we realize that we were wrong. Do not be born beautiful, but be born lucky - this is the motto of the new time. Our next heroes confirm this by their example.

Beauty is no longer the main thing even in glamorous show business. Gone are the days of dazzling blondes with long legs and men with perfect chin. Now the zest is valued - who has what it is. And the more interesting this “zest” story is, the more we empathize with the celebrity, and the closer it seems to us.

Actor Owen Wilson's signature feature is his crooked nose, which seems to have come from outer space and found nothing better than to park on perfect face handsome blonde. Alas, this nose has a completely earthly and ordinary story: it was broken - and not once, but twice. The actor could have corrected this flaw long ago - but he is afraid that he will lose his "I". There are many beauties - and Wilson is one of them.

Barbara Streisand

The legendary singer and actress Barbara Streisand played in the 1968 film "Funny Girl" - almost the story of her life. In her youth, she really was funny: an irregularly shaped face and a long hooked nose. But very charming and talented. Having achieved success and received the first big fees, Barbara completely refused to correct her nose (although the producers insisted) - because she believed that he brought her good luck.

Sylvester Stallone is an amazing actor. He was unlucky from childhood, but then he recouped his fate in multiple sizes. Sly was injured during childbirth facial nerve. Because of this, he was left partially paralyzed. underlip and half of the tongue. So the cynical crooked grin of this thug is not some kind of tribute to fashion, but the natural expression of his face. Which, coupled with a sad look (also a born feature) has a deadly effect on tender women's hearts.

Peter Falk and Sammy Davis Jr.

Few mortals have managed to become a screen star, having such a disadvantage as Peter Falk. At the age of three, he had his right eye removed, which struck cancer. For the rest of his life, Peter used a glass or plastic eye. This tragedy did not make him give up: he was actively involved in sports and even decided to try his hand at the stage - and very successfully. The actor has more than 160 films to his credit, among which the role of the incomparable Lieutenant Colombo from the series of the same name stands out. Peter Falk had a good sense of humor: when he wanted to make someone laugh or shock, he simply pulled out his prosthesis and put it in front of the interlocutor.

The famous American pop singer, actor and singer Sammy Davis Jr. also had a glass eye. At the age of 29 - at the peak of his career - a man got into a car accident and lost his left eye. He lived a long and successful life, continuing to perform, film and record. And he died of throat cancer at the age of 64 - he refused the operation, because after it he could not sing ...

Well, if we are talking about the eyes, let's remember celebrities with the most unusual organs of vision. What unites David Bowie and actress Kate Bosworth? That's right - eyes different color. True, each of their artists received this feature in different ways. Bowie - due to an injury to his left eye at the age of 15, which caused the pupil to dilate and change the iris: he became brown, and the second remained blue.

As for Kate Bosworth, those multicolored eyes of hers - congenital feature. It is scientifically called "congenital sectoral heterochromia": the left eye is blue, and the right is half brown. A number of other famous actors can boast of a similar genetic "zest": Mila Kunis, Jane Seymour, Demi Moore and Dan Aykroyd.

The gap between the teeth has long been considered a sign of the lower class. And at the same time brought good luck to its owner. These stereotypes began to be actively broken in Hollywood in the 50s and 60s: remember Lauren Hutton and Brigitte Bardot. In the 80s, the outrageous Madonna intercepted their baton. And now such a flaw is no longer surprising, but on the contrary, it is considered a piquant detail of appearance. Take a look at the French style icon Vanessa Paradis!

Scars adorn men - and certainly these ones. Scottish actor Tommy Flanagan plays tough guys and scumbags, which dictates his unusual appearance: the actor has deep scars on both cheeks. He received them in his youth, when during a fight he was hit in the face with a broken bottle. These scars did not prevent Flanagan from becoming an actor, and even made him more recognizable. He starred in such films as "Braveheart", "Saint", Gladiator, "Sin City", "Alien vs. Predator", "Sons of Anarchy", etc.

But the British soul singer Seal got his characteristic masculine appearance "thanks" to lupus, which he had had in early childhood. Since then, the musician had deep scars on his face. This not only does not spoil his appearance, but also adds popularity to the singer.

Scars on the face varying degrees Harrison Ford, Joaquin Phoenix and Sharon Stone have visibility - and what, have you ever paid attention to them? ..

The leader of the Radiohead group and a popular American actor, the star of films such as "Platoon", " Good morning, Vietnam" and "Bird" by Forest Whitaker, combines a congenital eyelid defect - the so-called "lazy eye". Scientifically, this is called amblyopia: atrophy of the muscle of the eyelid.

This feature did not prevent Forest Whitaker from winning an Oscar for Best Actor in The Last King of Scotland, as well as acting in hundreds of films as an actor, making several films as a director. And Thom Yorke is to become one of the most respected and beloved by the public musicians of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Jamel Debbouze is one of the most beloved French comedians of the new generation. Everyone loves it - adults and children. Meanwhile, this most charming hero has a serious handicap. At the age of 14, Jamel was hit by a subway train, as a result of which he injured his hand. Since then, the limb has ceased to develop and the actor cannot use it. That's why he hides it all the time in his pocket. This physical handicap did not prevent him from gaining worldwide fame and becoming the star of films such as Angel-A, Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra, Amelie, etc.

Sarah Jessica Parker and more

Well, at the end of the general herd we will launch celebrities with crooked legs. This is such a common feature of the figure in our time that no one pays attention to it. This is what Sarah Jessica Parker, Christina Aguilera, Katie Holmes, Paris Hilton, Leighton Meester, etc. use. And no one refuses mini-skirts! ..

Flaws in appearance are not only ordinary people but also many celebrities. Another thing is that it is much easier for the rich and famous to change something in themselves, they have money for plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures.

The stars also have their favorite plastic surgeries and these are rhinoplasty and breast augmentation. The nose is very important public person. It is known that the camcorder has such a feature as a slight increase in image size. So, if the nose is large, then on the TV screen it will seem even larger and more awkward. It is clear that famous person I don't like this arrangement at all.

But if we talk about the specifics, then which of the celebrities has big and ugly noses.

Winona Ryder

Very beautiful actress twice nominated for an Oscar film award. She had to get a nose job before acting in such popular films as Edward Scissorhands, Beckham Stoker's Dracula.

Her operation was extremely successful. It is impossible to see the traces of the operation on her face, the nose looks very beautiful and natural. But it so happened that Winona Ryder did rhinoplasty at the dawn of her film career, so not everyone will remember her old nose.

Joan Rivers

Unlike the first actress, this rhinoplasty did not benefit. But in addition to the nose job, Joan Rivers did several others. plastic surgery: abdominoplasty, mammoplasty, lip plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery.

Angelina Jolie

The recognized sex symbol of our time, Angelina Jolie, has also repeatedly resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. She underwent rhinoplasty before starring in the film "Hackers". That is, the rhinoplasty was just the first operation of a famous actress.

The actress has always considered herself ugly, so she decided to turn to plastic surgeon. Her nose has been corrected three times. In more detail, the plastic surgery of the actress was subjected not only to the nose, but also to other parts of the body.

Kathy Griffin

Plastic surgery for this actress has really become the key to beauty and femininity. To be honest, the image in which she appeared before the audience for the first time did not suit her at all. Rhinoplasty has benefited Kathy Griffin.

This actress has Greek roots and therefore she had to have a nose job. Although Jennifer Aniston herself says that the doctors advised her to have the operation.

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