Compatibility to conceive a child. What blood types are compatible in parents for conceiving a child. Blood types and their compatibility

When planning a pregnancy, future parents are advised to take tests in advance to determine their blood groups and Rh factor, in order to avoid possible conflict and complications during conception. Even if they didn’t, as soon as the expectant mother comes to the first appointment at the antenatal clinic, she will still be sent to do a lot of tests. And one of them will be the determination of the group and Rh affiliation of the blood of partners.

A child can become the owner of any of the blood groups, since four groups are formed simultaneously at conception. The largest percentage is the blood of the parents. If the parents have the same group, then, in almost all cases, the baby will have the same group.

Details on the inheritance of blood types of a child from parents:

The main thing about the Rh factor. What is the "Rhesus conflict" in partners and its effect on the fetus

Gynecologists are sure that the influence of the blood group on conception is not so important as the Rh factor of the parents. It is desirable that future parents have the same entry in the cards in the "Rh factor" column, this will help to avoid problems that, otherwise, may arise both during conception and during pregnancy and even after the birth of the baby.

Therefore, if it became known in advance that the values ​​​​of the Rh factor of the partners do not match, then before conception it is desirable, and sometimes simply necessary, to undergo special therapy in order to prevent the rejection of the fetus by the mother's body.

If, nevertheless, couples with different Rh factors are already expecting a baby, and no preventive measures were taken at the stage of pregnancy planning, then you need to carefully monitor the condition of the fetus throughout the pregnancy. To date, with timely diagnosis, the Rh conflict can be neutralized by introducing anti-Rh immunoglobulin for a period of 26-27 weeks.

Rhesus conflict in mother and fetus. What is the danger?

There will be nothing terrible if a pregnant woman has a negative one, and a child has a negative one. This should not worry parents. But if the opposite is true: the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the child has a positive one, then it is likely that the Rh conflict will still arise.

Fetal erythrocytes, when released into the mother's blood, can be perceived by her body as foreign bodies, which will provoke an immune response. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the level of Rh antibodies in the expectant mother. Until the 28th week, the Rh factor should be tested monthly, after this period - every two weeks. Doctors also pay special attention to the fetal liver: if it is enlarged, it may be necessary to do an intrauterine transfusion or even terminate the pregnancy.

Therefore, if we talk about the conception of a child, then most future parents, as a rule, are concerned about the influence of the Rh factor. But very few people know about the threats that the incompatibility of the blood types of the mother and the unborn child can carry.

Reasons for incompatibility

As you know, type I blood is characterized by the fact that its erythrocytes lack antigens A and B, but they have antibodies? and?. At the same time, the remaining groups have such antigens, in connection with which the first group, when it encounters antigens A or B that are alien to its environment, enters into a fight against them or, the so-called conflict, as a result, erythrocytes containing antigens are destroyed.

This conflict is just called the immunological conflict according to the AB0 system, or more often it is called the "blood type conflict".

Compatibility of blood types of husband and wife when conceiving a child:

Who is at risk?

A blood type conflict becomes likely when a pregnant woman and an unborn child have different blood groups (Table 1):

  • In mother I or III - in child II;
  • In mother I or II - in child III;
  • In mother I, II or III - in a child IV.

Women with type I blood who are carrying babies of groups II or III are most at risk. This combination most often provokes a conflict in the blood type of the mother and her baby, which can cause. Doctors also pay special attention to such combinations of blood groups in partners (Table 2):

  • Women of the I blood group - men II, III or IV;
  • Women of group II - men of III or IV;
  • Women of group III - men of groups II or IV.

What influences the conflict and its development?

If the pregnancy goes well, then such a conflict is excluded. Basically, thanks to the placenta: the placental barrier does not allow the blood of the mother and child to mix. But if this happens, then there is a risk of hemolytic disease in the baby, because of which the child's organs often suffer, especially the brain, kidneys, and liver.

How to identify incompatibility, methods of treatment and prevention

Regular analysis may show incompatibility of groups. Incompatibility will be indicated by the presence of a high level of antibodies in the blood of a pregnant woman.

Group conflict in a newborn is manifested when observing such symptoms: anemia, edema, jaundice, enlarged spleen and liver. Conflict or incompatibility is always necessary to visit a doctor and be aware of your situation.

In order to prevent the dangerous consequences that incompatibility of blood groups can lead to, it is recommended to take a blood test for hemolysins (specific antibodies) frequently. If they are available, the expectant mother should be in the hospital under the close attention of doctors.

The incompatibility of sexual partners by blood does not cause problems with conception. The situation with the onset of pregnancy is due to immunological incompatibility and depends on the characteristics of the female and male body in each case. A study on the Rh factor excludes the possibility of developing a conflict between the mother and the fetus, and does not affect the process of conception

With the development of genetics, the compatibility of the blood of future parents during conception has become a hot topic in medicine. Family planning is based on love and mutual understanding, but the birth of a child is the most important event in the life of every couple, and for a successful pregnancy, gynecologists recommend undergoing research to eliminate the incompatibility of a woman and a man.

Pregnancy and blood type compatibility

  • conflict pregnancy

The essence of the study is to determine the blood type of the future mother and her husband and to identify their Rh factors. The ideal combination is recognized as the same blood belonging to both sexes, especially with regard to Rh compatibility. Because with the incompatibility of factors in the parents, a blood conflict may develop between the mother and the child, which aggravates the course of pregnancy and negatively affects the development of the fetus.

Compatibility of partners during conception

The incompatibility of sexual partners by blood does not cause problems with conception. The situation with the onset of pregnancy is due to immunological incompatibility and depends on the characteristics of the female and male body in each case.

A study on the Rh factor excludes the possibility of developing a conflict between the mother and the fetus, and does not affect the process of conception. The compatibility table for the Rh factor clearly shows the risks of developing a conflict pregnancy:

At conception, Rh factor compatibility is determined in the early stages. The expectant mother and her husband undergo examinations at the antenatal clinic during registration. A conflict pregnancy can make life extremely difficult for future parents.

However, this condition is not regarded as a complete incompatibility of the couple for conception; from the data of the compatibility table, it can be seen that the conflict does not always develop. Even under the most unfavorable set of circumstances, when the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, and her husband is positive, the baby has a 50% chance of inheriting negative mother's blood, which eliminates the possibility of conflict.

In a situation where the mother has a positive second, third or any other blood type, carrying a baby with negative blood, there will be no erythrocyte conflict, since positive blood is always stronger. Conception compatibility is not determined by groups, during the planning period only the difference in the Rh factors of the parents matters, and even it is not an indicator of complete incompatibility.

Compatibility of partners during pregnancy

During pregnancy, after examining a married couple to determine their conflict by Rh factor, it is necessary to assess the compatibility of their blood groups, while you can calculate the probability of a group in an unborn child.

The group, like the Rh factor, depends on special proteins on the surface of red blood cells. In the first, there are no proteins at all, and in the second, third and fourth they are present, but each with its own characteristics. In a situation where a woman does not have the protein that her husband has, the child can inherit the father's protein and come into conflict with the mother's body. This happens less frequently than an Rhesus conflict, but you need to be aware of such a possibility.

From the table compiled on the basis of a study of the interaction of erythrocytes, we can draw conclusions about the compatibility of parents by blood group:

From the indicators of the table, we can conclude that the compatibility of the blood of a husband and wife does not always occur, the likelihood of incompatibility is not uncommon. However, in a happy family born in love, a change of partner due to such incompatibility is excluded, so it is necessary to look for ways to mitigate the consequences of the conflict and be more attentive to the course of a conflict pregnancy.

A conflict in a group develops with 100% probability only in a combination of group 1 in a woman and group 4 in a man.

Characteristics of the compatibility of 4 and 3 positive groups are:

  • From the third in a man, a conflict will develop in women with groups 1 and 2.
  • With the fourth rare in a man, a conflict will arise in three cases out of four possible combinations - there will be no conflict when two fourth groups are connected. In a situation where a woman has 4, a conflict is possible if she is negative at the same time.

There is a high probability of a conflict with the first negative blood in a future mother, so gynecologists recommend that mothers with this blood accessory undergo all recommended examinations on time and take an antibody test starting from the 8th week of pregnancy.

conflict pregnancy

A blood conflict is formed when incompatible erythrocytes of a mother and a child collide, as a result of which the latter are attacked by maternal immunity and are gradually destroyed. A similar phenomenon entails hemolysis of the baby's erythrocytes with further concomitant complications in the form of hemolytic jaundice, fetal dropsy and oxygen starvation.

In case of suspicion of a complicated pregnancy, the gynecologist prescribes additional examinations of the child with the help of ultrasound, CTG and even amniocentesis. Doctors do their best to prevent the development of serious diseases in the baby or the possible loss of the child.

As a preventive measure for complications, an injection of immunoglobulin is prescribed for a period of 28 weeks. Immunoglobulin slows down the development of antibodies in the female body, "attacking" the placenta with a growing baby. In rare cases, a small amount of biomaterial is transfused through the umbilical cord to the child in order to normalize his level of red blood cells and reduce the negative effect of hemolysis of red blood cells.

For the successful conception and development of the baby, an atmosphere of love and understanding in the family will be needed., and determining the compatibility of groups and Rh factors of parents is one of the studies aimed at eliminating possible complications of pregnancy. published.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Blood type compatibility is information that is often decisive. Knowledge of compatibility allows you to quickly find a donor for blood transfusion, as well as avoid a difficult pregnancy and the development of pathologies in the embryo.

Which blood group is suitable

Blood is a substance that includes plasma and formed substances. There are several classification systems, among which the most common is the AB0 system, according to which this biological material is divided into 4 types: I, II, III, IV.

Plasma consists of two types of agglutinogens and two types of agglutinins, which are present in a specific combination:

In addition, the plasma may contain a specific antigen. If it is present, then it is considered that in humans. If absent, negative.

When a person needs a transfusion, it is necessary to know which blood groups are compatible and which are not. In the input of numerous studies and experiments, scientists have found that the universal is I, which is suitable for everyone else. This blood can be transfused to each other. IV (positive Rh +) is also characterized by versatility, it is possible to transfuse the biological material of all the others into such blood.

Detailed characteristics of the four groups:

  • I - universal. People with a positive Rh factor have a universal donor material, since it can be used for transfusion in any case. But the recipients of this biological fluid were less fortunate - they only need single-group material. According to statistics, 50% of the world's population has a universal blood composition.
  • II - inferior to the first in universality. As a donor material, it is suitable only for owners of the second and fourth.
  • III - suitable only for owners of the third and fourth groups, subject to the same Rh factor. The recipient of the third group can accept the biomaterial of the first and third.
  • IV is a rare type of biological material. Recipients can accept any blood, and only members of their own group can become donors.

Compatibility scheme by group for human blood transfusion:

Give away Accept
1 1, 2, 3, 4 1
2 2, 4 1, 2
3 3, 4 1, 3
4 4 1, 2, 3, 4

The question of compatibility is also taken into account in the field of family planning. The health of the mother and the unborn child depends on the group and Rh factors of the parents, therefore, before planning a conception, tests should be taken. Blood compatibility for conceiving a child is presented in the table.

Compatibility table:

1 2 3 4
Mother 1 +
2 + +
3 + +
4 + + + +
  • "+" - compatible;
  • "-" - conflict.

First group

It does not contain antigens, so it is compatible in any case. Universality is characterized by the first positive. When transfused, 1 positive can be combined with II, III and IV, but it accepts only its own kind. The first negative is valued for the compatibility of blood for transfusion to any person in an emergency. But it is used in small quantities (no more than 500 ml).

For transfusion in a planned manner, one-group biological material should be used, while the Rh factors of the recipient and donor should be identical.

Compatibility options for group 1 for conception:

There is a pattern in inheritance. If both parents have the first group, then the child will inherit it with a probability of 100%. If parents have 1 and 2 or 1 and 3, then the probability of having babies with 1 and 2 or with 1 and 3 groups is 50/50%.

Second group

The presence of antigen A in it allows it to be combined with 2 and 4, which include this antigen. In terms of compatibility, 2 positive conflicts with 1 and 2. The reason is the presence of antibodies to antigen A in the latter.

If a person has a second positive, then only the same type 2 blood is suitable for transfusion. With a negative Rh, it is necessary to look for a donor with a Rh-negative biomaterial. In case of an emergency, blood type 2 can be combined with 1 Rh-.

The second group is compatibility when planning pregnancy:

Third group

It is not characterized by a combination with 1 and 2 (there are antibodies to antigen B), since group 3 contains antigen B. Only an identical biomaterial is transfused to a person with a third negative. In emergency cases, the first negative is applied, subject to regular compatibility checks.

Blood type 3 positive is rare, making it difficult to find a donor for a transfusion. A suitable biomaterial for transfusion to a person with a third positive is 3 Rh+ and Rh-, as well as 1 Rh+ and Rh-.

Compatibility of blood types for conceiving a child:

fourth group

It consists of antigens A and B, for this reason, in relation to donation, group 4 is suitable only for people with the same group.

People with the fourth group are considered universal recipients, since they can be transfused with any blood. And Rh doesn't always matter:

  • 4 positive - full compatibility with others (1, 2, 3), regardless of the Rh factor.

You need to know which biomaterial is suitable for 4 negative. Anyone, but only with a negative Rh.

4 blood group - compatibility with other groups during pregnancy:

What blood groups are incompatible

Blood group compatibility during transfusion helps to avoid situations where the body does not accept unsuitable donated blood. Blood transfusion shock is considered a dangerous complication of this situation, so you need to know which types of blood are incompatible. Moreover, during transfusion, the Rh factor (Rh) matters.

The Rh factor is a protein that is located on the membrane of blood cells and exhibits antigenic properties. The transmission of this protein is hereditary. By its presence, a conclusion is made regarding the Rhesus:

  • positive (Rh +) - there is a protein on the erythrocytes;
  • negative (Rh-) - there is no protein on erythrocytes.

Transfusion of donor material should be carried out only taking into account Rh. It is impossible for the cells of the Rh-positive biomaterial to interact with the cells of the Rh-negative. Otherwise, the process of destruction of red blood cells starts.


  • I Rh + - with everyone who has Rh-;
  • II Rh- - with I and III;
  • II Rh+ — with all but II and IV Rh+;
  • III Rh- - I and II;
  • III Rh+ — with all but III and IV Rh+;
  • IV Rh+ - c I, II, III and IV Rh-.

The types of blood that are incompatible for conceiving a child are the same as in the case of a transfusion.

Rhesus conflict

Many are interested in how the parents' biomaterial can affect the conception of a child and how the Rh factor affects conception. It has been established that parents of different groups with the same Rh factor are suitable for each other to conceive a healthy baby. If the biomaterial of the parents matches against the background of different rhesus, then difficulties in conception are possible.

The problem is that in case of incompatibility, a conflict over the Rh factor is possible - negative and positive red blood cells stick together, this is accompanied by a number of complications and pathologies.

If the positive Rh factor of the pregnant woman is stronger, then the risk of conflict is minimal. Pregnancy will normally proceed in women with Rh-, provided that the partner has the same Rh factor. If the partner has Rh +, then it is likely that the child will inherit it. In such a situation, a Rh-conflict of mother and child may occur. The Rh of the unborn child is determined based on the indicators of the mother and father.

Influence of Rh factors:

In practice, Rh conflict occurs in no more than 0.8% of cases. But this problem is given special attention, because it carries a danger. Rh-positive fetal plasma for a pregnant woman with Rh-negative plasma poses a threat, therefore, antibody production processes are launched in the woman's body. Hemolysis occurs - a process in which antibodies begin to interact with the erythrocytes of the embryo and have a detrimental effect on them.

During the metabolic process, the bloodstream of the fetus is enriched with nutrients and oxygen. At the same time, the waste products of the embryo enter the bloodstream of the pregnant woman. There is a partial exchange of erythrocytes, as a result of which part of the positive cells of the child penetrates into the blood of the mother, and part of her cells into the bloodstream of the fetus. Similarly, antibodies enter the body of the embryo.

It is noticed that the Rh conflict during the first pregnancy occurs less frequently than during the second. When maternal cells first interact with fetal cells, large IgM antibodies are produced. They rarely and in small quantities enter the bloodstream of the fetus, therefore they are not capable of harming.

During the second pregnancy, IgG antibodies are produced. They are small in size, so they easily penetrate into the bloodstream of the unborn baby. As a result, hemolysis continues in his body and the toxic substance bilirubin accumulates. Fluid accumulates in the organs of the fetus, and the work of all systems in the body is disrupted. After birth, this process continues for some time, which aggravates the condition of the newborn. In such cases, a diagnosis is made.

In severe cases, the Rh conflict negatively affects conception - a pregnant woman has a miscarriage. For this reason, pregnant women with Rh- need careful monitoring of their condition, conducting all tests and studies.

Knowledge of blood compatibility helps prevent a number of complications, sometimes incompatible with life. And this applies not only to the transfusion procedure. Finding out compatibility should be one of the important stages in planning conception. This will help eliminate the severe course of pregnancy, miscarriages, the development of defects and pathologies in the child.

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact a hematologist at your healthcare facility!

A planned pregnancy is a big step. In preparation for procreation, spouses must undergo a small examination, as a result of which serious chromosomal abnormalities can be detected.

Before pregnancy, doctors advise taking a genetic test and determining. This will affect the process of intrauterine development of the baby and its subsequent viability.

The influence of the Rh factor

After blood sampling, the presence of protein on the surface of erythrocytes is determined. Its presence gives a (+) Rh factor, and its absence indicates that the Rh factor (-). The outcome of pregnancy will be favorable for parents with the same Rh factor. If a child is conceived by a couple with opposite Rh - blood factors, then pregnancy is accompanied by great pathologies. But this also happens only when a woman has (-), and a man has (+).

For example, the father is Rh negative and the mother is Rh positive. In this case, the child gets the mother's blood type and father's Rhesus. This means that there is protein in the mother's blood, but not in the blood of the fetus. Such a pregnancy does not threaten either the mother or the fetus.

If, on the contrary, the mother's Rh is negative, and the father's is positive, a conflict arises between the immunity of the mother and the fetus. Such a pregnancy ends, as a rule, either with a miscarriage, or with a missed pregnancy, or with the birth of a dead child, or a child is born with abnormal development (mainly with brain diseases). In obstetrics, this is called Rhesus conflict. This is due to the high protein content in the blood.

Important: Geneticists have proven that a blood type is transmitted from the mother to the child, and Rhesus from the father. In order to exclude a cut-conflict, partners need to undergo the necessary examination.

By diagnosing incompatibility at an early stage, there is hope for the birth of a healthy baby. If, according to indications, there is still a danger that maternal immunity will begin to reject the fetus, then a special therapy will be carried out that increases the chance of a favorable pregnancy outcome and does not threaten the health of the embryo.

What is Rhesus conflict?

There are very frequent cases when the incompatibility of partners is found out already at a certain period of a normal pregnancy. There is an explanation for this. The response of maternal immunity to incompatibility with the Rhesus of the child will not necessarily manifest itself in the first pregnancy. There is a chance that the first child will be healthy.

Rhesus conflict probability table

But at the next conception, the mother's body with a negative Rh will begin to produce antibodies in large quantities, mistaking the fetus for a foreign organ. Penetrating through the placenta, they begin to conflict with the blood of the child, causing disturbances in its development. In the event that the fetus wins this struggle for life, there is a threat to the health of the mother. In order to exclude such consequences, the doctor prescribes drug immunoglobulin therapy from the fourth month of pregnancy. If partners are incompatible, a woman should undergo the same therapy if there was an ectopic pregnancy, after an abortion and premature birth. This is done in order to remove excess protein from the blood.

Many couples ask: Does blood type affect the conception of a child? Blood type has no significant influence in pregnancy planning!!! The same can be answered the question, what blood types are incompatible with each other? Blood groups should only be compatible in the field of donation. For conception, only the Rh factor plays a fundamental function. It is necessary to plan the conception of a child if the partners have different Rh factors in advance and under the supervision of a specialist doctor.

Below is a table of conception by blood type:

Important: Do not forget that if you contact the antenatal clinic in a timely manner, you can avoid unpleasant consequences. And a timely appeal to specialists leaves a chance for the birth of an absolutely healthy child.

The existence of different blood types was discovered at the very end of the nineteenth century. They are determined by antigens A and B on erythrocytes and antibodies in the blood serum to those antigens that are not on erythrocytes (AB0 system).

Four blood types and Rh factor

Four combinations are possible:

  1. There are no antigens. Group one 0(I). Antibodies α and β in blood plasma.
  2. There are only antigens A. The second is A (II). Type β antibodies.
  3. There are antigens B. Group three B (III). α antibodies.
  4. Both types of antigens are present. Fourth AB (IV). There are no antibodies in plasma.

Forty years later, another discovery was made - the Rh factor. Its essence is the presence or absence of antigen D on erythrocytes. If there is, the blood is positive Rh +, if not, then negative Rh-.

Compatibility table for blood transfusion

Both discoveries were of great importance for the development of practical medicine, in particular, for the prevention of blood conflicts and the treatment of their consequences during pregnancy, childbirth and blood transfusion.

However, over time, blood groups began to be used not only in medicine, since their impact turned out to be more multifaceted than the discoverers thought. Studies have shown that blood types affect a person's character, and therefore their relationships with other people. The concept of “compatibility of people by blood group” has appeared in its most diverse aspects. People compatibility tables began to be published.

This effect should not be taken too literally. For example, group 1 assumes the possession of leadership qualities. According to statistics, more than half of American presidents had 1+. However, not every person with the first group turns out to be a leader in life.

This is not a mandatory rule, but a greater or lesser probability. In the same way, it is impossible to determine the future blood type of a child when conceived by parents with one or another group.

Blood affects the quality of sex

Compatibility of a man and a woman by blood type in sex

Sex plays an important role in the lives of many. But people are different, and their ideas about ideal sex, acceptable boundaries and norms are very different from each other. They are based on differences in characters, which are determined, among other things, by blood groups.

Compatibility of blood type partners

According to statistics, it is noted in the following pairs:

  1. A couple in terms of sexual relations is compatible in terms of blood type if both partners have 0 (I).
  2. Another almost perfect couple is a man 0(I) and a woman A(II).
  3. Everything is wonderful in relations between men and women with the same second group.
  4. The tendency to experiment and search for new sensations makes a harmonious relationship between the B (III) man and women with groups 1, 2 and 4.

Incompatibility of sexual partners by blood group

  1. It is believed that sexual relations between a man with A and a woman with AB are unfavorable.
  2. There may be a failed connection between a man and a woman when both have the fourth group. However, here the situation strongly depends on the ability of partners to understand each other. If they come to an understanding, then sex can be harmonious.

In all other possible options, the saturation and brightness of the sexual life, the researchers evaluate as "satisfactory" or "good".

Blood type affects family relationships

Compatibility of people by blood type to create a family

No one argues that the family is a cell of society, although the works of the person who expressed this idea are no longer studied in schools and institutes, as in the Soviet years. What is necessary for this cell to be strong? Love and harmonious sex, of course, strengthens the family. But this, as practice shows, is not enough to create a viable family.

Often, as a reason for divorce, it is indicated that the spouses did not agree on the characters.

This can be avoided if, before going to the registry office, find out the compatibility of future newlyweds by blood type for marriage. It is not necessary to donate blood for analysis to determine the compatibility of spouses (science has not yet reached this point), but knowledge of the group will help to understand the probabilistic behavior of a husband or wife.

What women should know about candidates for husbands

  1. Men with 0 (I), as mentioned above, are prone to leadership. This character trait cannot be ignored. The desire of a woman to drive such a man under the heel on the advice of her mother, friends or her own will will not turn into anything good. Possible response options:
  • quarrels and divorce;
  • drunkenness;
  • trips to the side.
  1. When a man has A(II), he is usually reliable and stable. However, there is a small minus - he may have doubts about the sincerity of his partner's feelings, therefore, he needs constant replenishment. A wife should not forget that her husband should periodically say that she loves him, and only him.
  2. The owners of the third group value independence. Life without a sense of freedom is not life for them. Such people have incompatibility with powerful women who seek to dominate and control, have a habit of arranging scenes of jealousy due to coming home late. Sooner or later, the husband will get tired of this, and he will go in search of another woman who does not seek to limit his freedom.
  3. If your chosen one has an AB group, most likely he is a person with subtle feelings, prone to romance. In marriage, he is reliable, but somewhat indecisive, therefore family relations develop harmoniously if a woman takes on the functions of a leader, though without emphasizing this, so as not to develop an inferiority complex in him.

What men should know about marriage candidates

  1. A woman with group 0 (I) is not inclined to hover in the clouds. Can successfully make a career, earn more than her husband. In order for a marriage with such a woman to be happy, you should not be jealous of her success in business and try to prove that for a woman there is nothing better in life than three German "K" (children, kitchen, church).
  2. If the wife has group 2, she is most likely from the category of women who experience "longing for a strong male shoulder." When a husband has one, these women become excellent wives, real keepers of the family hearth.
  3. Women with group 3 are independent natures. Energetic. Succeed everywhere - at work and at home. Independence and energy sometimes push them to seek adventure outside the family, but they value marriage at the same time. The risk of family breakdown because of the love of freedom is small.
  4. The owners of antigens A and B are most often women who are prone to an idealistic perception of the world. They can evaluate a candidate for husbands for a long time, carefully analyzing even insignificant signs of his personality. Men who want to propose a hand and heart to such ladies or those already married to them should never forget about the subtle feelings of their chosen ones, which can be jarred or broken with a rude word.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, in addition to the AB0 factor, family relations are also influenced by other circumstances (money, culture, age), which cannot be ignored.

For more information on the topic, see the video:


What you need to know about the compatibility of the characters of people by blood group?

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