How to speed up the onset of childbirth? Nutrition before childbirth. Psychological preparation for childbirth

Pregnancy is such an amazing and wonderful time in the life of every woman that you want this magical state to last as long as possible. Especially as we get closer to childbirth, because in almost every expectant mother, especially in primiparous women, childbirth is primarily associated with pain and torment.

However, today, for every woman, childbirth without pain is not at all a pipe dream, but quite natural process, which is quite easy to organize, the main thing is to know how to do it and prepare in advance for this long-awaited event. And we are not talking about painkillers, medicines and other achievements. modern medicine. In order to nullify the fear of childbirth and, accordingly, relieve the pain from contractions, doctors and psychologists have developed some rules that everyone should definitely familiarize themselves with. future mother long before birth.


How to deal with the fear of childbirth?

What scares a pregnant woman the most? Uncertainty? The stories of acquaintances and girlfriends about the torments they had to go through before meeting with the baby? Or self-provoked excitement and confidence that it will definitely be so painful and scary? To overcome all inner experiences and so that childbirth without fear and pain becomes a reality, observe the following recommendations:

- curb your insecurities: collect and learn as much information as possible about the process itself, the stages of childbirth, about what sensations each of them is accompanied by. Attend courses for expectant mothers, where instructors will provide you with all the necessary knowledge to ensure a painless process and the outcome of childbirth. Information is your weapon to fight fear;

- watch videos of real births and films about them. You will see how natural this process is and understand what not to do in a given situation. Read special literature, for example, Dick Reed's book "Childbirth without fear" will give answers to many questions that interest you and instill confidence in you; - Basically, the fear of childbirth in pregnant women is associated precisely with severe pain during contractions.

However, it is important to understand and accept that pain during childbirth is not an enemy, but an assistant and ally and an integral part of them, because it is by the nature and intensity of pain that one can determine the stage, stage and success of childbirth. If the contractions have become very strong, and the breaks between them are almost imperceptible, then you have reached the finish line to meet your baby. There is no need to fight pain during childbirth, however, a correctly chosen breathing system can be slightly reduced and distracted by a woman in labor, which you can learn in courses for pregnant women, as well as by reading DikaReed's book "Childbirth without fear"; - choose in advance the maternity hospital in which you will give birth and the doctor who will take care of your birth.

So you can pull yourself together in time and not panic, having outlined in advance all the stages of preparation for childbirth;

- gather in advance all the things that you will need in the hospital, specifying the list of everything you need, as well as the necessary medicines, with your doctor;

– discuss the possibility of partner delivery with the staff of the maternity hospital, think about who will be with you in the prenatal room and delivery room: mother, husband or another close person. Their support can be indispensable for you in such difficult times, because they can distract you, give you a pain-relieving massage or just hold your hand;

- be sure to tune in a positive way, drive away all doubts and worries and you will see that childbirth without fear is quite possible.

Dick Reed's book "Childbirth without fear" as a desktop guide for a woman in labor

If no courses for pregnant women and video materials help you to tune in a positive way and that your childbirth will take place without fear and pain, Dick Reed's book "Childbirth Without Fear" can become a real discovery for you, which has become a bestseller and a real reader for pregnant women who want to give birth without fear.

In this book, the author clearly explains what exactly the natural process of childbirth is, what you need to do to relieve tension and stress before and during them, what role is assigned to your assistants and the birth team, how each stage of childbirth is characterized and when it ends. Relaxation at the time of childbirth is given a special role in the book, in addition, you will learn how to behave in any situation and how to act in emergency how to relieve pain impulses and achieve neuromuscular harmony. The book will help you understand and realize the very philosophy and essence of the birth process, and, accordingly, overcome all fears and give birth without pain.

How to give birth without pain?

However, if many women in labor can still cope with the experience and fear of childbirth, then not every woman in labor knows, or rather remembers during labor, how to overcome the strongest tides of pain. But childbirth without pain is not an illusion, but a completely achievable reality, and for this you need to know several tricks:

remember the stages c, the increase and increase in pain indicates that everything is going right - this should calm you down;

do not lie down during contractions, it is better to walk around the room or jump while sitting on a special ball - this is both a good distraction and helps to significantly speed up the process of opening the cervix, and, accordingly, speed up the birth itself;

if the waters have not yet broken, but the contractions are already quite strong, immersion in a bath of water will help to give birth without pain, however, it should not be hot or too cold;

- X Rest well after each contraction, you can lie down and even try to take a nap;

follow the correct breathing technique: deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth, while it is better to count your inhalations and exhalations, this will help to distract and monitor the duration of contractions;

choose a position in which you will be comfortable: so you can relax as much as possible and make it easier for the baby to pass through birth canal;

if the birth is joint, then it will be good if your partner massages your sacrum during the fight, lower back, back and press on the pelvic bones;

relaxing, positive music will help you tune in to a good outcome and overcome the fear of childbirth.

Of course, this technique does not guarantee you complete relief from pain, but you can significantly reduce them and make them bearable. The main stimulus for you will be the appearance of your baby, when you see and put it on your chest, you will immediately forget all the pain and feel boundless happiness.

How to give birth without pain, video

Women in the period of expectation of a child are worried, because they do not know what is ahead of them. It is important for a mother to tune in to childbirth and not be afraid of the process, for this there are methods and techniques for a stable psychological state.

Reasons for fear and insecurity

Fear is heightened by hormonal adjustment body of the expectant mother. To mentally tune in to childbirth, you need to find out the cause of the experience and get rid of it.

Why is a woman afraid of the upcoming delivery:

  1. pain;
  2. uncertainty;
  3. bad experience;
  4. body deterioration.

Pain sensations. It has been scientifically proven that the birth of a child causes pain that is compared to the breaking of twenty bones. In fact, at this moment, the body produces substances that anesthetize and reduce sensitivity.

The uncertainty of the future. The uncertainty of the process causes anxiety in women. The best solution in this case, read books written by experienced midwives. It is not recommended to visit forums, watch amateur delivery videos.

Negative experience. This kind of fear is associated with previous births. It must be understood that each birth process is different from the next. By analyzing the difficulties, it will be possible to avoid repeating bad experiences.

Changing the body and figure. Expectant mothers are afraid that after the birth of a baby, their body will not return to normal. former form. This fear is due to the fact that the skin is stretched, and the woman is gaining weight. Nature has laid down that the figure will gradually return to its original form.

Each type of fear has a history of occurrence, such as a friend's story, previous births or articles. The expectant mother is recommended to think positively, and if there are feelings, contact a psychologist. The right attitude help avoid negative consequences both during and after the birth of the child.

tune in

Psychologically, childbirth causes uncertainty and fear. Experiences due to the pain of the process and changes in the figure accompany the pregnant woman for nine months.

Psychologists have developed options for dealing with fears. Each method is aimed at ensuring that a woman goes to childbirth with positive mood. During pregnancy, it is important to learn to relax, to be distracted from negative situations.

How to psychologically prepare yourself for childbirth:

  • help of relatives;
  • physical activity;
  • literature and preparatory courses;
  • relaxing music;

Accept help from loved ones. Family support is important in psychological preparation. Discuss with your husband an upcoming event, attend courses together.

Physical readiness. Yoga and swimming for expectant mothers will help to tune in correctly for easy and successful childbirth. Muscle training exercises breathing exercises, contribute to the painless birth of the baby.

Reading literature. Refuse to read negative reviews women on the forums. The solution is to study the literature written for pregnant women by experienced obstetricians.

Positive music. Favorite melodies are able to set a woman up for the upcoming process, calm the nervous system, and relax. Music distracts from experiences.

Courses for young families. For expectant parents, there are special courses that teach not only about childbirth, but how to prepare for them. Young mothers will be taught to breathe correctly, to take comfortable postures during contractions.

Positive birth is the key to the birth healthy child. The expectant mother needs to take care of the preparation in advance so that the process in a hurry does not deliver negative emotions.

Causes of pain and ways to reduce it

The psyche is arranged in such a way that if the expectant mother tunes in advance to pain during childbirth, then the sensitivity doubles. Proper preparation reduces discomfort, facilitates the process of the appearance of the baby.

The main causes of pain during labor activity:

  • contraction and distension of the uterus. During contractions, the pain appears at regular intervals, dull in sensation, passing from the loins to the sacrum;
  • pain during attempts is associated with the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. This pain is more localized, sharp.

Having studied in advance the pain that will occur during childbirth, a woman will be able to cope with them. Breathing will help you relax nervous tension, grips with attempts will be easier.

Ways to reduce pain:

  1. natural;
  2. medical.

Natural. Saves during fights correct posture and breath. Walking, light dancing, massage work effectively. You need to breathe slowly, inhaling for 4 counts, and exhaling for 6. While trying, you need to strain your stomach and pull your head to your chest. During all labor activity, thoughts should be about the baby.

Medical. Anesthesia for women in labor is prescribed by an obstetrician. Drugs help reduce pain, relax muscles. Anesthesia helps to easily endure the discomfort that accompanies contractions and attempts.
The only main rule is positive attitude for childbirth without pain. Confidence and calmness will bring only joyful moments to the birth of a baby.

Preparation Methods

For nine months of waiting for a child, a pregnant woman will be able to set herself up for childbirth, even if it is very scary. This is facilitated by courses for future parents, gymnastics, massage and support for loved ones.

How to prepare for natural childbirth:

  • massage;
  • exercises;
  • breath;
  • medicines;
  • psychological preparation.

Massage. From the 20th week, you can begin to massage the perineum using oils for pregnant women. The procedure is carried out daily for 2 minutes. Massage is aimed at improving the elasticity of the walls of the cervix.

Exercises. Everything will be fine during childbirth if a woman prepares for the process during pregnancy. Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the vagina, thereby avoiding tears during the birth of the fetus.

Breath. Proper breathing will help to transfer childbirth without fear and constraint. Exercises are recommended to be done daily for no more than 10 minutes using the technique of economical breathing: the duration of the exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation.

Medicines. To accelerate the opening of the cervix, special gels are used. Stimulation improves labor activity, reduces the likelihood of prolonged delivery. In this case, the gels do not affect the fetus. To reduce pain, painkillers are used intravenously, by the method of epidural anesthesia and inhalation.

Psychological support. For mothers, there are courses that help prepare during pregnancy for the birth of a child. Most maternity hospitals offer partner births. Not only a husband can support a woman in labor, but also a mother or a close friend.

The right attitude, the help of relatives are important when a baby is born. During pregnancy, you need to move a lot, listen to positive music and read literature for expectant mothers.
Preparing for childbirth takes a woman nine months.

At this wonderful time, you should learn how to breathe correctly, choose a maternity hospital and prepare psychologically for the process. The pain at the birth of a baby is inherent in nature, but physiologically a woman is able to prepare for it.

Here I read a post-selection about killer doctors, and actually realized that I had to say something good, especially since the things described in that post were caused by ignorance. And power is only in knowledge :)

Childbirth is like work, and in order to do it well, you need to properly prepare for it.
It doesn’t matter how and where you give birth, there is an agreement or urgently fly to the nearest maternity hospital because the waters have broken.

The first thing you need to take with you to the hospital is your head and good mood. Good mood(for me) simple - we are going to a holiday, to the first birthday of our child, to the first meeting with him / her, we bought the most beautiful diapers, the most beautiful slips, we have a bag for ourselves and the child. Some even come with light makeup. Each has its own such levers and moments that help tune in to the best and cheer yourself up. They should be found and perfected in advance. And in general, the good old Carnegie works - if you enter the hospital with a smile, then you will definitely smile back.

The second is to prepare for the paperwork - not just collect documents, but maybe make a cheat sheet in which you will enter basic information about yourself so as not to answer the same questions. Write down on the sheet - full name, date of birth, date of onset of pregnancy and the EDD, write out the diagnosis from the exchange. If not for yourself, then for your husband/partner. After all, he can register you with this cheat sheet while you change clothes. This will reduce the amount of communication with the medical staff, if there is already a fear of stumbling upon rudeness.

Third. Although, it is necessary to register as a zero point :) Collect in advance (I pack one hundred percent just in time for 36 weeks) packages for the maternity hospital, sign each package, and put in each a list of what is there and in what quantity. Then the right thing it will be much easier for you to find, and if you can’t, then for a partner or medical staff who saw your packages for the first time in their life - and the nurse will not turn everything upside down in search of the item you need right now. According to the list, she will determine in which package, and calmly get everything she needs. Minus one point of mutual irritation.

Fourth. No need to scream at the top of your lungs, and even more so to scream that you can no longer. The phrase "I can't do it anymore" is the most terrible phrase. Firstly, after it, the woman immediately tunes in to what she cannot and turns off her head. She starts yelling, annoying her neighbors in the ward, she stops breathing during contractions, she stops doing something for her child, leaves him alone with childbirth, shifts all responsibility for childbirth to doctors, refuses to do her job. Secondly, childbirth becomes even more painful - after all, the concentration is now spent on screaming, the air is going on screaming, when the fight is over - there will be nowhere for oxygen to come from. That is, thirdly, the woman herself deliberately deprives her child of oxygen. After all, she did not breathe in the fight, did not save it for the child, but, on the contrary, pushed it out. From here we go fourth, when doctors and midwives start to be rude - you put all the responsibility on them and complicated their work, but you need to bring you to your senses. And the only way available to them is in the style of "get together, rag!". Because in a state of hysteria, affectionate words are not heard or act, but not immediately. And in my head it is postponed - "I felt bad, and they yelled at me, probably extorted money."

I'll talk right away. In perinatal, most of them are from Moscow and St. Petersburg, and here, as in modern world, you can agree on any anesthesia. But many of those who live in smaller cities, like my Irkutsk, and there in the maternity hospital, when this topic is raised, will most likely say that anesthesia is only for medical indications, and if you don’t have them, give birth yourself. Or it is not always possible to put anesthesia, but you never know. Therefore, paragraph four will not be superfluous for everyone :) And therefore it is worth recalling that you are giving birth to a child, your beloved child, and for his sake you can also endure.

Fifth. The argument does not always work, and not for everyone, but it calms me a little, so I'll say it. You are not alone. In fact, the phrase “you are not the only one giving birth here” or “you are not the first” should not upset and upset you. You are not the first, and not alone, several more women are now passing the same way as you. It seems to me that the realization that you are not alone with your pain and problem calms a little. Man is a collective animal, but in a collective it is somehow easier. And if a beloved husband is nearby, who will massage his back, then change the diaper, then he will help to sit down and stand up, then in general it’s a holiday, not childbirth :)

In general, it is important to remember that doctors are people too, that it is worth smiling at them. It would be nice to remember the name of the obstetrician - think about it, this is the first person who will take your child in his arms. And if you address her / him by name, then the person will be pleased, it will be easier to remember you. By the way, if you have EP, you went through the first stage of labor well - you breathed during contractions, moved, were calm and focused, then the doctor simply watches you, your condition, and it is the obstetrician who does all the work. And the obstetrician is not rude with the problems that he throws on you. It's just that in the second stage of labor it hurts everyone, and the faster and more clearly she gives you commands, and you follow them exactly, the faster your baby will be born and the faster the pain will end. Therefore, take note, they don’t yell at you, you perceive it that way. In fact, everyone wants everything to end quickly, safely and as best as possible. Trust the people who guide you through labor and they will repay you with the attention that is so important.

In general, I want to say that this is all just a theory, I myself have yet to go through all this. I have no medical or psychological education, I have my first birth. And how do you know what will actually happen. And in general, these are enchanting situations in a vacuum, they just told me, because there are problems and complications. But a lot depends on the personal attitude and preparation of ourselves. Therefore, let's not listen to horror stories - after all, there are only a couple of hundred of them for millions of cases of good reasonable childbirth, and if you take them apart, then half or more of these hundreds will turn out to be sad due to the wrong unreasonable behavior of the woman in labor.

Before inducing labor on her own, a pregnant woman must be sure of the correct assessment of the gestational age. Talk to your doctor about the compliance of the changes detected on ultrasound and CT scans with the deadline. When the body is ready for childbirth, you can apply natural methods obstetrics.

Reasons for inducing labor

  • Pregnancy over 40 weeks. After this period, aging of the placenta occurs, and the effectiveness of the child's nutrition decreases.
  • Multiple pregnancy after 38 weeks. By this time, the children have already matured, and their further intrauterine development can cause problems during childbirth.
  • By medical indications in case of Rh conflict, heart problems, diabetes mellitus.
  • The presence of scars on the uterus.
  • Narrow pelvis.
  • Allergy to prostaglandins.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Increased intraocular pressure.

How to induce childbirth with folk recipes

  • Prostaglandins (biologically active substances) stimulate the cervix to ripen and promote its opening. They are contained in semen, so you can activate labor activity intimacy. Contraindications: infections in the sexual partner, low position placenta. Its detachment is not excluded with a strong orgasm in a woman, so the method must be used very carefully.
  • Climbing stairs, cleaning the house, washing windows - folk ways approaching childbirth.
  • The release of the stimulator of uterine contraction - the hormone oxytocin in the body of a woman occurs during the massage of the nipples. The procedure should be performed carefully so that cracks do not form on the mammary glands, which over time will lead to the development of mastitis.
  • Contraction of the muscles of the uterus can be provoked daily cleaning intestines with a saline enema.
  • After dinner, drink 50 g of castor oil and make an enema with a salt solution (1 spoon per liter of water).
  • Acupuncture with the use of thin needles stimulates the accumulation of energy in the pelvic area - it activates labor activity in a pregnant woman.
  • Castor oil has a laxative effect, but in case of an overdose, side effects- Vomiting, nausea, pain in the intestines.
  • The substance bromelain, contained in pineapples, softens the cervix and provokes labor.
  • Spicy food activates the work gastrointestinal tract and uterus - they contract.
  • "Pulsatill" - homeopathic remedy, which allows you to induce childbirth.
  • Raspberry tea has a stimulating effect.
  • A hot bath increases blood circulation in the pelvic area and cervix, which helps it to relax and possibly open.
  • The production of oxytocin is increased by the pressure of the fetal head on the cervix, which occurs when the mother is in an upright position.
  • If you inflate balloons often and for a long time, then in abdominal cavity pressure increases, which stimulates labor.
  • Chocolate contains adrenaline, a substance that stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. Its action leads to a contraction of the muscular apparatus of the body, including the uterus.
  • Aromatherapy with jasmine and roses will lead to the onset of labor in a pregnant woman with prolonged inhalation of their aromas.
  • In the diet, when deciding how to stimulate childbirth, it is advisable to include large quantities parsley, beets and drink them with raspberry tea.
  • In England, midwives recommend women next remedy to accelerate the opening of the cervix. Mix 50g of castor oil with 100g of apricot juice and 40g of vodka. The intestines of a pregnant woman will begin to be cleared of the contents rather quickly. Behind him, the uterus contracts.
  • Evening primrose oil prepares a woman's path to childbirth, but does not have a direct labor-stimulating effect. It is a natural analogue of the hormones folliculin and sinestrol, which are obtained synthetically. Before childbirth, substances are prescribed to accelerate the maturation of the cervix. Primrose oil, unlike them, does not have side effects and is appointed 2 weeks before the expected date of delivery.
  • Olive oil has a laxative effect and can increase elasticity muscle tissue. If you take it on the 1st spoon daily, then it will become easier to artificially induce labor.
  • Childbirth setting. All processes in the body are under the control of the brain. If a woman subconsciously sets herself up for childbirth, then they will soon begin.
  • Frequent singing and talking with the child contributes to muscle tension abdominals and small pelvis. During childbirth, singing reduces pain.

Physical exercises contribute to the lowering of the child and the pressure of his head on the cervix.

  • Walking should be practiced in the morning, when the surrounding air is as free of pollution as possible. It is advisable for a pregnant woman to take an umbrella with her to lean on in case of back pain. It will also come in handy if it rains.
  • Climbing the stairwells contributes to the rapid movement of the fetus down. Due to the constant movements of the hips, the small pelvis expands, and the child takes the most comfortable position.
  • Swimming breaststroke helps to reduce the muscles of the abdomen and back. Staying in the water additionally allows you to remove the swelling of the legs.
  • Squatting long time. The baby will move faster through the birth canal with the pelvis open. The method is used in the case of a high location of the child on later dates pregnancy.
  • Induce labor by swinging on a swing. To use this method, you need to find a safe swing and swing on it for several minutes a day.

Kinds medical methods birth stimulation:

  1. Stimulating uterine contractions
  2. Affecting the opening of the uterus.

Stimulation of uterine contraction with prostaglandin E2 (enzoprost drug). The substance is inserted into the vagina but does not enter the amniotic sac. When the cervix dilates, the birth process begins. The production of prostaglandin in the body is stimulated by prostaglandin suppositories. Their action begins in 30 minutes, which gives the woman the opportunity to prepare for childbirth.

Opening amniotic sac carried out with a special hook. The procedure is painless, as the bladder does not nerve endings. The outpouring of water leads to an increase in pressure inside the uterus, which stimulates childbirth. Amniotomy does not affect the condition of the child, since the fetus is not affected during manipulation.

For stimulation contractile activity using oxytocin. Most often administered intramuscularly or intravenously. The hormone does not affect the opening of the cervix. It only enhances labor activity. Contraindications to the use of oxytocin: the impossibility of childbirth naturally, hypersensitivity to the drug, the presence of scars and placenta previa.

When induction of labor is not performed

  • If the baby's head exceeds the lower size of the mother's pelvis.
  • Poor fetal condition as assessed by a heart monitor.
  • Hypertension or other health problems in a pregnant woman.
  • Incorrect position of the child.

Before inducing childbirth, a woman should sleep well, psychologically tune in to labor.

The body of a woman is arranged by nature in such a way as to endure and give birth to a child. The body begins natural preparation for childbirth from the beginning of pregnancy and by the time of childbirth is normal, it is completely ready for the birth of the baby. But it is much better when not only physical, but also psychological readiness women on high level.

Various studies conducted in our country have proven that the higher the psychological readiness of the expectant mother for childbirth, the better they go. Prepared women arrive at the maternity hospital on time, catching the first signs of labor that has begun. They are active during contractions and in the laborious period, do not waste energy on screaming, and are determined to help their child. In childbirth, there are much fewer complications - both in the women themselves and in their children. Talking about childbirth, a woman describes them as a process, albeit difficult, but joyful, and the moment of the birth of a child - as the greatest happiness. Psychological readiness for childbirth has a positive impact on the subsequent period: mothers who have already taken place want to be with their child in the postpartum ward, they are more successful in breastfeeding.

Readiness degree

Psychologists divide the level of preparedness for childbirth into three degrees. Try to assess your own level of preparation, even if you are still far from giving birth.

Extremely low level readiness. Strong unrest, numerous fears (for the life of the child, for their own health). A woman does not have objective information about the birth process - she mainly relies on the frightening stories of other women about how their birth went. Expects from childbirth severe pain and suffering. At the same time, he says that he wants to give birth as soon as possible, “so that it all ends.” When childbirth begins, panics. During childbirth, a woman focuses on painful sensations, feels sorry for himself, forgetting about the child being born. She may even experience aggression towards the man who is “guilty”, as well as towards the child who makes her suffer so much. She hardly perceives what the doctors say, is not able to take a position of cooperation. All this increases the risk of complications in childbirth, as well as postpartum depression.

Average level of readiness. The woman knows about childbirth, read articles about them. The mood is mostly positive, although somewhat uncertain. Her preparation for childbirth was not systemic: I read something somewhere, heard something from someone. In general, in the head of the expectant mother there is a cocktail of verified objective information and subjective feelings, memories and fears of other women. A woman can know a lot “in theory”, but during childbirth, knowledge “flies out of her head”, as they are not fixed in practice. Because of this, the expectant mother enters labor confidently, but at certain moments she can “fall out” of this state, panicking and focusing on pain and fear. Unfortunately, this often happens just in the most crucial difficult period, when it is necessary to help the baby be born. Childbirth memories are also a mixture joyful sensations with "It was a nightmare!".

High level of readiness. A positive attitude towards childbirth has been formed as a holiday of meeting with a child. A woman works out in advance everything that can help her in childbirth, bringing breathing techniques, self-massage, and facilitating postures to automatism. She perceives in advance her role in childbirth as a "helper" to the child who is doing his first hard work. She enters childbirth, fully accepting this process, she is in the “here and now” state all the time, she cooperates with doctors. Remembering childbirth, women say that the pain in childbirth was quite tolerable. Childbirth leaves behind joyful impressions, and, physically tired, a woman experiences a tremendous emotional upsurge.

Psychological readiness for childbirth consists of several components, and all of them require the attention of the expectant mother. Operate in the main four directions, and the general mental attitude for childbirth will be at the highest level. The birth will be successful, and the memories will remain wonderful!

Physically Ready

Body readiness is the first in the mosaic of psychological readiness. It begins with a woman's acceptance of changes in own body. It is good when the expectant mother positively perceives both the enlarged breasts and the grown tummy. It is great if she passes all tests in a timely manner and visits an obstetrician-gynecologist, is attentive to her state of health, takes into account difficulties, if any (for example, chronic diseases or complications of pregnancy). With the permission of the doctor, she does exercises that develop the muscles that are involved in childbirth. To prepare the body and help him in childbirth, the expectant mother is looking for information about breathing exercises and postures that facilitate the flow of childbirth. She not only finds it, but also works it out to automatism, so as not to forget about everything at the most crucial moment.
Who will help? Of course, the first and main assistants are doctors. It is they who can allow sets of exercises, swimming, or recommend that they be suspended for some periods. Information about self-massage in childbirth, breathing exercises, postures can be obtained and worked out at childbirth preparation courses.

Forewarned is forearmed!

The second component of psychological readiness is the knowledge and ideas that a woman has regarding the course of childbirth. The law of accumulation of information is interesting: what remains in memory is basically what confirms the initial position. That is, if a woman has an idea of ​​childbirth as a painful process, she will “choose” and remember from the entire volume of both scientific and everyday information that women scream in childbirth, doctors make incisions in the perineum, and then stitch them. She will also constantly keep in mind the story of her friend (a friend of her friend, an Internet interlocutor), whose birth was unsuccessful.

Is it possible to change the original position? Of course, but for this you need to try to start collecting information from scratch. The expectant mother can be sure that her behavior affects the course of childbirth. Ask yourself questions: “Is there something I can do during pregnancy so that the birth goes smoothly? Where can I find out about this?

Take it as an axiom: awareness is important. Knowing what happens in childbirth, you will be less anxious and make sure that the process is proceeding correctly. And in case of unpleasant surprises, you will quickly respond by contacting the doctors.

Look for objective information. First of all, the source of information is doctors and consultants of childbirth preparation courses. Then - books of authoritative experts and magazines about pregnancy and childbirth (their materials are reviewed). It is important that articles on psychology and medicine are written by specialists, and not by journalists. From the Internet information, you can trust the articles posted on the websites of the journals.

Find out what happens at each stage of labor. Start with information about how the body prepares for childbirth, find out the signs of labor that has begun and remember information about when to go to the hospital, what are the stages of labor and how to behave correctly in different periods childbirth. Look for information about how you can help yourself and your baby through labor.

Who will help? Physicians, birth preparation course consultants, experienced moms with a positive experience own childbirth, good books and magazines.

positive thinking

The next component of psychological readiness is emotional: how a woman relates to the upcoming birth, what feelings she experiences, whether she has fears and concerns. Is the woman confident in the successful course of her own childbirth? What picture comes to her mind when she hears the word “childbirth”? Perhaps she represents some surgical process, his face, distorted by suffering. But in fact, childbirth is not like that! They can be filled with joy and happiness. Here are some opportunities to take advantage of to emotionally prepare for them…

Emotions depend on knowledge. If a woman has a lack of knowledge about the process of childbirth, then this provokes unnecessary excitement and anxiety. Therefore, without the development of the second, cognitive, component, you will not be able to calm down emotionally.

Change the wording. If you're feeling anxious, don't say "delivery" but "my baby's birthday." There is already a lot of positive in this wording. Try to draw yourself good picture: the first cry of a baby, your first touch on his skin, the first feeding. Then your expectation will be much less anxious and much more joyful.

Try to relax. Imagine the birth process in some symbolic form. For example, you can draw a picture by taking a sheet and paints. Try to use colors that make you feel happy when looking at the picture. Use visualization: try to close your eyes and imagine an opening flower becoming more and more beautiful, and on the opened flower - small child. This image can help you in childbirth.

Prepare the nest. Nesting syndrome, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy - main part emotional preparation to childbirth. When a woman knows that everything at home is ready to receive a new resident: a crib, and diapers, and tiny clothes, and hygiene products, she feels much calmer. If you want your relatives to buy everything themselves when the baby is already born, you can leave them links to online stores where there are things you have chosen.

Who will help? A psychologist who you can visit for an individual consultation to work through your fears related to childbirth. Birth preparation courses that aim to create a positive experience of childbirth through learning about it, as well as through warm, informal communication between the counselor and the women.

General preparations

Last, but not least, is the family. Childbirth is influenced by how a woman perceives relationships with her husband and other close people. For a future mother, it is important whether they are expecting the birth of a child with joy, with anxiety or with negativity. A woman feels the need to share her experiences with her husband, but if this does not happen, she feels loneliness and dissatisfaction.

In order for the family component of psychological readiness for childbirth to be developed, it is necessary ...

Let loved ones participate. Allow your husband and other relatives to walk the path with you in 9 months. Sometimes a woman herself fences off others from all issues related to pregnancy, and falls into her own “trap”. Talk about the specific help you need. Tell your husband about how the pregnancy is going, what feelings you are experiencing. He may not even be aware of this, because it is difficult for a man to imagine himself pregnant.

Exception is an extreme case. It is possible to exclude someone from close people from the process only if he is negatively inclined and towards expectant mother, and to the appearance of the baby. In this case, you will be calmer if the person is as far away from you as possible. But this - last resort when there is no hope for improvement in relations.

Draw a picture of labor in progress. Discuss with your husband and other loved ones how they see the moment of labor that has begun. Imagine with humor! Such a conversation will help all of you imagine who and how will act at a crucial moment. Everyone will be able to express their expectations: for example, you will tell what, in your opinion, a husband should do. Remind you that you are waiting for support, kind words and practical help so as not to forget anything. Once you have worked through this situation, even mentally, you will all feel calmer.

Joint childbirth. More and more couples want to give birth together. Discuss this at least a few weeks before delivery, as additional preparation will be needed. For couples going to a joint birth, classes are usually held. It is important that joint childbirth be for your couple not a tribute to fashion, but the desire of both. If at least one of you has doubts, it is better to prefer traditional childbirth.

Who will help? Of course, in the case family problems it is best to contact a professional psychologist, and do this long before the birth. Problems that have been accumulating for several years cannot be solved in a couple of days, so you should have a margin of time. Sometimes a specialist may recommend family therapy together with her husband.

Full psychological readiness

So, complete psychological readiness for childbirth is possible when four of its components are formed: the body is ready, knowledge is present, emotions are balanced, and the family is ready to support the expectant mother. All these components are intertwined: it is impossible to help your body without gaining knowledge about it; it is impossible to overcome fears without having information about the process or considering your future uncertain; it is difficult to tune in to childbirth if there are a lot of worries. By preparing for one of the parameters, you make a significant contribution to the preparation of the other. And of course, the main assistants in this matter for you will be doctors, consultants for childbirth preparation courses, psychologists, as well as close people who are close to you.

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