First aid for frostbite frostbite. Providing first aid for frostbite: practical advice. Help with frostbite

Walking in the fresh air in the cold, contemplating the beauties of winter nature does not always bring pleasure and enjoyment. Often this is accompanied by very unpleasant phenomena, one of which is frostbite - the impact of adverse weather conditions on open areas of the body, which leads to tissue damage. It occurs primarily not as a result of exposure to frost, but because of a violation of blood microcirculation. This happens under the influence of several factors: sub-zero air temperature (or high humidity and strong wind); narrowing of blood vessels in the cold, impaired blood circulation in certain areas of the body or skin; the death of cells in tissues or organs that do not receive enough blood. Such processes in the body lead to very sad consequences, therefore, in order to prevent them, it is important to provide first aid in a timely manner.

Symptoms and signs of frostbite depend on the affected area:

  • Ears. Failure to follow the basic recommendations for using a headgear in winter can lead to frostbite of the ears. This process is accompanied by a strong reddening of the skin in these areas, a feeling of pain and discomfort.
  • Face. The main symptom is a tingling of the nose, a burning sensation on the cheeks. When the first signs appear, you should rub your face with your hands (do not use wet gloves, snow or coarse fabrics) and cover it with a scarf or cover yourself with a hood.
  • Arms. This part of the body is most often prone to frostbite, which can occur even when using mittens (if they are not warm enough or get wet during the walk). In the event of the appearance of the first signs (burning in the fingers, their numbness), simple physical exercises should be performed - clench and unclench your fists, rub your hands, most importantly, prevent them from stiffening.
  • Legs. Frostbite of the lower extremities most often occurs due to excessively tight shoes, which disrupt blood circulation in the tissues. Wet shoes can also lead to an unpleasant phenomenon. It is extremely important to choose the right shoes for the winter: they should be spacious, warm and very comfortable.

In order to provide qualified first aid for frostbite, it is worth knowing the degree of its development:

  • I degree. It occurs as a result of a short stay in the cold and the main symptoms are: burning, tingling of a frostbitten area of ​​the skin, pallor of the skin. Full recovery will take several days, during which redness and peeling of damaged areas of the body will be observed.
  • II degree. This stage is characterized by loss of sensitivity of the skin area, limbs. After warming, painful sensations intensify, itching appears, bubbles appear on the surface, filled with a clear liquid, which burst over time. Full recovery will take at least two weeks.
  • III degree. They are characterized by similar symptoms, but they are more pronounced, the pain is stronger. The blisters that appear on the frostbitten area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin are filled with bloody fluid, and after their destruction, scars remain. People with third degree frostbite will take approximately one month to get rid of the effects and return to normal life.
  • IV degree. It is considered the most dangerous, because it leads to very complex consequences: not only the death of skin cells is observed, but also internal organs and bones are affected. After warming, the frostbitten area swells and becomes cyanotic. This degree is dangerous not only for health, but also for life, so it is important to start the right treatment in a timely manner.

In order to provide first aid to a person with frostbite, it is important to find out a few nuances:

  • What part of the body, skin area is affected.
  • Frostbite degree.
  • The conditions under which the victim has been in the last few hours.
  • The general condition of a person, his well-being and sensations.

Regardless of the factors, assistance should be provided as soon as possible - this will increase the chances of the victim for a full recovery, help maintain health, and in especially difficult situations - life. If you find or encounter a person with frostbite, you should do the following:

  • Transport the patient to a warm room, warm the affected skin using blankets, warm water, the temperature of which should be increased gradually by adding hot liquid. The first sign that the body has warmed up and blood circulation has been restored is reddening of the skin, the appearance of pain and tingling.
  • Carry out massage, rubbing with light massaging movements of the affected area to resume and activate blood microcirculation.
  • The next step is to apply a compress using sterile gauze in several layers. Medical professionals do not recommend the use of various types of ointments - this can make it difficult to accurately determine the degree of cooling in the hospital or cause an allergic reaction, which will aggravate the situation.
  • Give the victim a warm drink to drink to restore internal balance and normalize temperature.
  • After providing first aid, a person with frostbite should be taken to a medical facility as soon as possible for examination by specialists and a choice of further treatment.

Wanting to help the victim, people who provide first aid for frostbite often make all sorts of mistakes that only complicate the situation and lead to complications. It is extremely important to know what not to do in such a situation:

  • Rapid warming of the frostbitten area, that is, immersion in very hot water, is strongly not recommended - this can lead to tissue death (necrosis).
  • You can not rub the affected area with wet hands, snow or a very rough cloth - this can injure the already affected skin and lead to the development of infection, inflammation.
  • You can't take alcohol.

Frostbite Prevention

Frostbite is much easier to prevent than to eliminate its consequences. For prevention, it is worth following very simple and affordable recommendations:

  • When going for a walk, in frosty, wet or windy weather, you should warm up well by choosing the warmest clothes, which should be at least three layers. We must not forget about a hat, mittens and comfortable shoes.
  • Lubricate exposed areas of the skin with a fat cream (it is better if it contains natural oils). Do not use moisturizing or alcohol-containing cosmetics.
  • Going outside in the cold on an empty stomach is not recommended, you should definitely eat nutritious food, which will provide additional energy to generate heat.
  • Staying in the cold, you should constantly move, move your hands, and carefully wrap your face and ears.
  • It is worth giving up smoking on the street, and it is also not recommended to go out into the cold while intoxicated or take strong drinks.
  • In winter weather, it is especially important to show sympathy and help strangers, you should not be indifferent.

Low temperatures cause two main effects: freezing and frostbite.

Freezing - cooling of the body under the influence of low ambient temperature. Frostbite is a local limited skin lesion.

First aid for freezing

Freezing is a general effect of cold on the body, which can lead to general hypothermia. Freezing occurs as a result of the depletion of the adaptive mechanisms of thermoregulation, when the body temperature drops under the influence of external cooling, and all vital functions are inhibited until they are completely extinguished. People freeze in the mountains as a result of accidents, for example, during an avalanche. However, low temperature is not a prerequisite for freezing. For example, if an injured or sick person is motionless for a long time, he may freeze even when the air temperature is above zero. Normal human body temperature is up to 37°C, when freezing it drops below 36°C.

If the body temperature drops to 36.5-34°C, then protective processes begin in the body. There is a centralization of blood circulation, in which the vital organs have an advantage in blood circulation at the expense of other organs and tissues, blood vessels narrow, chills appear, motor activity increases, breathing and pulse quicken, goosebumps appear, pallor, muscle tremors, orientation is disturbed, feel pain in the limbs.

With a decrease in body temperature to 34-28 ° C, exhaustion appears. The frequency of respiration and pulse slows down, the strength of heart contractions weakens, hypoxia and hypoxemia increase, lethargy, drowsiness appear, pain sensations decrease, consciousness becomes clouded. Then the stage of paralysis begins. With a drop in body temperature to 30 ° C, loss of consciousness occurs, stiffness of the muscles occurs, stiffness of the joints, pupils constrict.

It is necessary to bring the body temperature back to normal, for example, bring the victim into a warm room, cover with blankets. If a person is conscious, then give hot, sweet tea, a little alcohol. In case of severe freezing, the victim is undressed and placed in a bath with cool water, the temperature of which should not be lower than body temperature, then the water temperature is gradually increased to 38 ° C. It is necessary to constantly monitor the vital functions of the victim. You can not warm it with a massage.

Help with frostbite

Frostbite is damage to body tissues caused by low temperatures. From the cold blood vessels narrow, the affected area is not supplied with oxygen. Frostbite is most susceptible to fingers and toes, nose, auricles and face, which do not have a protective fatty layer.

The body of a gradually freezing person tries to compensate for the loss of heat by reducing the flow of blood to the surface of the body, and the body, in turn, reduces heat transfer. During superficial frostbite, blockage of the capillaries occurs, which can cause gangrene. When the whole body freezes, blood vessels constrict, causing ischemia of the skin, which turns pale, goose bumps appear. The body begins to produce more heat, and muscle tremors occur, which also contributes to additional heat production. If all these measures of self-defense of the body do not help with prolonged exposure to cold, then general hypothermia (hypothermia) is inevitable. When freezing, a burning sensation is felt, later loss of sensitivity, and when warmed, quite severe pain occurs. Peripheral circulation is disturbed, heartbeat and respiration become less and less frequent, and finally, metabolism is completely disturbed. The temperature of the human body drops to a critical point and is 25 ° C, death occurs.

The severity of frostbite depends on the duration of the cold and on the state of the body:

  • 1 degree - superficial frostbite - the affected skin turns red, and then turns white, there is no pain. After warming, “goosebumps” are felt, the skin turns blue, swells, hurts, and is sensitive to cold.
  • Grade 2 - the affected area of ​​the body swells, the skin is whitish-gray or cyanotic, blisters with serous fluid appear.
  • Grade 3 - blisters fill with bloody fluid, all layers of the skin die, wounds occur.
  • Grade 4 - characterized by necrosis of all soft tissues, sometimes bones, gangrene begins.

What to do?

The victim must be warmed, give hot tea. If frostbite is superficial and a part of the body is affected, then it should be warmed, for example, the hand can be placed under the arm. Measures such as massage or rubbing with snow are not applied. In the second and third degrees of frostbite, unfasten tight clothing, give the victim’s body a “jackknife” position, and apply a sterile bandage to the frostbitten area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. The person providing first aid should not touch the affected areas. The victim is warmed with blankets, if the person is conscious, then they give hot tea.

With frostbite of the third and fourth degree, in order to avoid cardiac arrest due to temperature changes when cold blood enters the heart from the affected peripheral areas of the body, it is necessary that the victim be at rest.

Frostbite occurs at temperatures below 15°C. The action of low temperatures is enhanced by wind and water, for example, even with slight frosts in wet shoes, you can freeze your fingers.

It is necessary to warm a frozen person gradually. This is best done in the bath or shower. The water should not be too hot, its temperature should be increased gradually. A frozen person feels very well the “return of life” to the affected tissues of the body: in those places, goosebumps intensify, even pain may appear. After normalization of blood circulation in all parts of the body, a person must be put to bed, since his cardiovascular system is greatly weakened. In addition, hypothermia increases the risk of infectious diseases. Frostbitten limbs should not be massaged and rubbed strongly. After normalization of blood circulation, swelling, pain, and temperature rise. The degree of tissue damage can be determined only after some time. Usually the contours of dead tissues become distinct after a few days.

Frostbite III and IV degree should be treated by a doctor, even if the area of ​​skin lesions is small.

The doctor will lubricate the affected areas of the skin with a special ointment. Dead tissues, if they have not separated due to reactions occurring in the body, sometimes have to be removed surgically. The doctor must also ensure that necrosis does not affect healthy tissue. In the worst case, amputation of the affected limb is required.

Alcohol dilates blood vessels, so after drinking it, the human body is not able to properly protect itself from the cold. In addition, people in a state of intoxication are not able to evaluate their feelings.

With the advent of winter, the work of doctors increased. And one of the reasons for this is frostbite ().

To understand how serious tissue damage during frostbite is, you need to know the basic signs of such a cold injury. It is also important to provide timely assistance to the patient. And this article is just designed to tell you about the signs of 1, 2, 3 degrees of frostbite, as well as first aid for it.

Initial symptoms

To understand how serious tissue damage during frostbite is, you need to know the basic signs of such a cold injury. This will allow much faster and better help to a person if he has frostbitten limbs or other parts of the body.

With different intensity and depth of tissue freezing, the main manifestations can be distinguished:

  1. Numbness of the affected parts of the body, lack of response to stimuli to one degree or another, which is associated with the depth of the injury.
  2. Painful tingling (mild or strong), possibly a feeling of fullness.
  3. Pronounced whiteness of the skin at the site of frostbite (I degree).
  4. The appearance of blisters, as with; blue skin, pain (II degree).
  5. Dark, blue spots (sites of necrosis at III degree), bloody blisters.
  6. Black (as if charred) areas and glaciation (IV degree).

About what is the first aid for each classification according to, we will describe below.

The video below will tell about the symptoms of frostbite and help with it:

First aid for frostbite

To begin with, let's briefly consider the three basic principles of first aid for frostbite of limbs and other parts of the body.

Basic principles

There are three basic principles of emergency care tactics:

  1. The sooner the effect of cold stops, the higher the effectiveness of treatment.
  2. Proper warming of the affected area provides for the primary restoration of blood flow in the microvessels of frostbitten tissue, and only then - an increase in temperature inside the tissue. Then warming occurs naturally: warm blood enters the gradually expanding vessels of the diseased area from the central regions of the body while restoring cellular metabolism.
  3. Any method that provides active external heating carries the risk of developing oxygen starvation in frostbitten tissues and a high probability of necrosis, which ultimately means amputation.

The first emergency first aid for frostbite and general hypothermia is discussed below.

First aid for burns and frostbite

First aid

What Not to Do

The basic principles explain the prohibition of certain actions when trying to warm a frostbitten part of the body if blood flow has not been restored in it, and the vessels are “empty” due to cold spasm.

If the nose, ears, cheeks, fingers, hands, feet and any other parts of the body are frostbitten, in no case should you:

  • Rubbing them with snow, a rough cloth, which will cause microtraumas on the skin, freeze the body even more, worsening the condition.
  • With frostbite of 2-4 degrees, massage, pinch and rub with your hands, further injuring the damaged tissue.
  • Apply hot pads. A sharp jump in temperature at the point of contact of cold skin with a hot object will lead to an additional one, which will aggravate all the destructive processes that occur in frozen tissues.
  • Immerse the limb in hot water. Such actions, for example, are able to “ensure” the complete loss of fingers with a deep degree of damage, which is most often difficult to determine by eye.

"Hot" in this case - water with a temperature above the temperature of the affected area by only more than 4 degrees. For example, if the skin temperature is 32 C, then it will be “hot” for this option already at 36 C Celsius.

  • Do not allow any smearing with fats, creams and ointments and rubbing with alcohol. The use of alcohol is possible with mild frostbite, but at the first stage of the process (until the limb or part of the body begins to warm up), it is difficult to determine its severity.

The danger of rapid warming

  • If on the frostbitten parts of the body (legs, arms, nose, ears, cheeks, fingers) the temperature is sharply increased, a thermal burn will occur, and the fiber and muscles will remain frozen. Heat activates metabolic processes. But the vessels are still compressed, clogged, and blood circulation is either absent or disturbed. Cells, without receiving food and oxygen from the blood, rapidly lose energy and die.
  • In addition, with a sharp warming, the victim experiences extremely painful sensations and which can lead to pain shock.

About what is the first aid for frostbite and freezing, read below.

What needs to be done

When the first signs of frostbite appear, it is necessary that the victim warm up, since only internal warming can give a positive result if a person has frostbitten part of the body. In order to properly help and prevent tissue necrosis from developing, it is necessary:

  1. Avoid further cooling.
  2. Provide slow internal warming by removing all frozen clothing, placing the person in a warm room.
  3. Put on warm dry clothes, cover with blankets, drink sweet hot drinks (fruit drinks, tea, coffee).

The video below will tell you about what first aid for frostbite (frostbite) is:

With shallow frostbite

For minor frostbite:

  1. gently warm the affected area with warm hands, very gently "shaking" the soft tissues, but not rubbing the skin too actively.
  2. put a frostbitten limb, hand, foot in warm water, the temperature of which can be only 2-3 degrees higher than the skin temperature. And then gradually increase it to 37 - 40 degrees for 20 - 30 minutes.
  3. Apply a dry warm bandage wrapped in a woolen cloth and continue to warm the patient.

If the skin becomes pinker, soreness appears, we can assume that blood circulation has been restored.

First steps for frostbite

With frostbite above II degree

With frostbite above II degree:

  1. They call an ambulance or immediately deliver a person to a hospital (traumatology).
  2. Do not use water for warming, as in the case of mild frostbite.
  3. In severe conditions of 3-4 degrees, glaciation of the limb - they do not allow thawing of the affected area.
  4. A sterile bandage, a thick layer of cotton wool or cotton fabric, polyethylene, woolen fabric (in several layers) are applied to frostbitten areas. Optimally - each subsequent layer should be wider in area. Such a dry warming compress leads to a gradual expansion of blood vessels and restoration of blood flow.
With "iron" frostbite

Such an injury occurs if, in the cold, they touch a bare part of the body (fingers, nose, lips, tongue) to metal. The mucous or superficial layer of the skin freezes to it.

What to do:

  1. Do not abruptly withdraw your fingers, do not tear off the “glued” tongue, as is often the case with children. Otherwise, in addition to a cold burn, a person will receive damage to the mucous membrane with bleeding and the likelihood of infection.
  2. Pour the place of "freezing" with warm water so that the metal heats up, then the consequences of injury will be minimal.
  3. Close the "burn" with a bandage and place the victim in warmth.
  4. If the area adhering to the metal is nevertheless “torn off”, you need to quickly rinse the surface with boiled warm water, an antiseptic (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin). Stop the blood. If the skin is affected, hydrogen peroxide can be used, if the mucous membranes are affected, it is better to press sterile bandages to the wound.

First aid

So, the first honey. assistance to victims of frostbite. The ability to fully, intensively and quickly restore microcirculation with deep frostbite (already from II degree) exists only in a hospital.

This can be explained by the fact that the course of the frostbite stage before warming is characterized by the absence of vivid sensations (except for tingling), and it is very difficult to determine how extensive and deep the lesions are. And only after hospitalization can this be done reliably.

Therefore, first of all, the ambulance specialists:

  1. Assess the general condition of a frostbitten person, determining the readings of blood pressure, the usefulness of the work of the heart muscle and respiratory organs.
  2. Determine the likelihood of development, the risk of laryngeal edema, bronchospasm.
  3. Measures are taken to revive the patient on the spot, if, in addition to local frostbite, the person has received severe general frostbite, and respiratory arrest and heartbeat have been detected.
  4. With severe pain, analgesics are administered intramuscularly: Ketonal, Ksefokam.
  5. A heat-insulating bandage is applied and, if the limb is frostbitten, ensure its fixation.
  6. The person is admitted to the trauma department.

Further, doctors in the hospital analyze the depth of the process and the degree of tissue damage, developing an intensive treatment for the patient. The main task in this case is to prevent necrosis, activate blood supply and cell healing.

Knowledge about how frostbite is provided and can actually save the life of a victim. Therefore, everyone should know the nuances of help.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you about how to help a child with frostbite in this video:

Frostbite in cold weather develops quickly and imperceptibly, bringing irreparable harm to human health. In such situations, it is important to help the person as soon as possible - before the arrival of doctors. You need to know what the first first aid for frostbite is in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from serious consequences.

What is frostbite and how severe is it?

Frostbite is the effect of low temperature on the human body, due to which the skin and underlying tissues are affected. This is a dangerous process that can lead to limb amputation. Such a cold injury should be treated as quickly as possible to prevent the development of irreparable complications.

Frostbite is divided into 4 degrees of severity depending on the depth of tissue damage. All types of injury differ in symptoms and treatments. Frostbite classification:

  • The 1st degree is characterized by blanching of the skin area, and after warming - reddening of the affected area. In this stage of frostbite, only the upper layers of the skin are affected. The frostbitten area may tingle, hurt, or swell. Local hypothermia develops;
  • The 2nd stage of frostbite includes all the symptoms of the 1st degree, but blisters are added to them, as with burns, with transparent contents. There are no scars in place of the blisters;
  • Grade 3 is characterized by necrosis of the entire thickness of the skin. With frostbite of this severity, the blisters are filled with bloody contents. The victim needs urgent treatment in a hospital;
  • Level 4 is the hardest. With it, the deepest damage to the skin and underlying tissues occurs. The first signs of deep frostbite - the damaged area becomes black. It has to be surgically removed, and a frostbitten leg or arm often needs to be amputated.

First aid for frostbite depends on the severity of the injury. First of all, it is necessary to determine the degree of frostbite in the patient in order to understand how to help him correctly.

How to understand that a person has received frostbite and needs help

First aid for frostbite should be provided as early as possible to avoid the development of more severe conditions. In order for emergency care to arrive in a timely manner, you need to know what the first signs of frostbite look like. It is necessary to provide assistance to the victim in such cases:

  • the patient complains of severe pain in the limbs, knees or other affected parts of the body;
  • the skin on the affected areas has a marble tint, there is a feeling of tingling and burning in the frostbite;
  • the victim has a very low body temperature;
  • when cooling, the limbs may swell;
  • blisters appear on the skin with clear or bloody contents;
  • with severe freezing, the victim is disoriented in space or is unconscious on the street.

Doctor's advice. If you notice a person with these symptoms on the street in frosty weather, immediately call an ambulance and try to provide first aid to the victim before the arrival of specialists

First aid rules for frostbite of varying severity

First aid for frostbite of limbs and other parts of the body is similar to first aid for burns, but has its own characteristics. And they must be taken into account, otherwise you can seriously harm the victim. The provision of first aid (PMP) for hypothermia and frostbite begins with the fact that the patient, as soon as possible, is transferred to a warm, safe place. Then you need to call an ambulance and try to alleviate the condition of the victim as much as possible. Properly rendered first aid for burns and frostbite can prevent the development of complications.

The algorithm of actions in the provision of first aid is as follows:

  • take the patient to a warm place, remove all wet, cold clothes and shoes from him;
  • cover with a blanket and drink a warm drink. Give the patient tea or milk, but coffee or alcohol is not allowed;
  • inspect the affected areas and determine the severity of frostbite. With mild frostbite, you can do a gentle massage of the damaged areas of the skin, but only if there are no blisters;
  • apply a clean bandage to the damaged areas with blisters and wait for the arrival of doctors;
  • help with burns, frostbite of the 3rd-4th degree is more complicated. The patient needs to be given an anesthetic, calm, apply a sterile bandage to the affected area.

Taking the right steps in dealing with frostbite can save a person's life. It is important to follow not only the procedure, but also the rules for providing assistance with hypothermia.

Rules for first aid for frostbite and hypothermia:

  • the person providing first aid must do everything carefully and quickly so as not to harm the patient;
  • it is impossible to do with frostbite rubbing with alcohol tinctures, oils or other solutions;
  • you can not open the bubbles yourself;
  • do not use a battery, hot bath, heating pad or open fire for warming.

First aid is an important step in the treatment of frostbite of different stages. This memo can be useful to everyone. By following the correct sequence of actions, you can alleviate the condition of the victim. But it should be remembered that careless and illiterate actions can harm the victim. Help with frostbite should be quick and correct.

Important! The correct determination of the severity of the injury is an important step in providing first aid for hypothermia.

In what situations it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance brigade

If a person froze something to himself, it is better to immediately seek medical help. But there are situations when it is necessary. It is necessary to involve specialists immediately in the following situations:

  • severe condition of the victim: lack of consciousness or disorientation;
  • if frostbite of limbs and other parts of the body occurred due to winter injuries in the mountains;
  • frostbite 3-4th degree of severity;
  • severe hypothermia, body temperature does not normalize for a long time;
  • lack of sensitivity in the affected area;
  • severe pain;
  • large affected area.

In such situations, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible so that doctors can provide high-quality specialized care to the patient.

Is it possible to hope for folk remedies with frostbite

People often turn to traditional medicine for help if there are no suitable medicines at hand. But not everyone knows in which situations such methods of treatment are beneficial, and in which they are harmful. Folk methods of treatment can only cure mild degrees of injury.

It is effective to use calendula, chamomile or aloe compresses as first aid for frostbite. They relieve inflammation and stimulate the healing of affected skin areas. But it is impossible to cure frostbite with traditional medicine alone, especially if the damage is serious. At 3-4 degrees, inpatient treatment is necessary, since there is a high risk of infection of the wound or an increase in the area of ​​​​the lesion.

Methods of treatment are chosen depending on the severity of frostbite. If there is an opportunity to consult a doctor, it is better to do it right away.

Frostbite Prevention

Prevention is always better and easier than cure. To protect yourself and your family from frostbite, it is enough to follow simple precautions when going outside in frosty weather. Preventive measures are as follows:

  • for children and adults, you need to choose the right outerwear and shoes. Things should be made of dense materials, and it is recommended to choose shoes with a sole of at least a centimeter;
  • dress in such a way that there are as few open areas of the body as possible so that the skin is less supercooled;
  • do not go out hungry and tired, do not let a weak child go out alone;
  • do not wear metal jewelry outside, do not give your child metal toys in winter. Pick up things that exclude contact of the naked body with metallic things or elements.

Prolonged exposure to low temperatures leads to frostbite (hypothermia), as a result of which tissues and nerve endings are damaged. Untimely first aid for frostbite can lead to complete necrosis of tissues, which will be the reason for the amputation of damaged body parts. Moreover, the provision of first aid is an emergency action, after which the victim must be taken to a healthcare facility for a complete examination and qualified treatment.

Causes of Hypothermia

Frostbite causes 2 factors: low temperatures and the length of stay in the zone of their action.

  • Out-of-season clothes and shoes;
  • Raw clothes;
  • Excessive physical activity that causes overwork;
  • Prolonged stress;
  • Starvation;
  • Frostbite received earlier;
  • Weakened immune system after previous infectious diseases;
  • Rhine syndrome;
  • Increased sweating on the legs;
  • Diseases associated with blood vessels and the circulatory system;
  • , accompanied by ;

The last factor often leads to the most serious consequences. This is due not only to physiological changes in blood vessels, which expand under the influence of alcohol. In the first speech, the danger of intoxication lies in the impossibility of a person to adequately assess his condition and eliminate the effects of cold in time.

Urgent Action

First aid for hypothermia is provided based on three fundamental principles:

  • Stop contact with cold as soon as possible;
  • It is necessary to warm the frostbitten area correctly, first restoring blood flow in all vessels of the damaged tissue, and then inside the tissue itself;
  • The choice of method of heating the skin during cooling should be based on a slow and gradual principle, since intense heat will cause a lack of oxygen in the tissues, which will lead to their necrosis.

With frostbite, first aid is an integral part of treatment. Indeed, the presence or absence of serious complications depends on how quickly and correctly it will be provided.

Consider the algorithm of actions that must be followed when helping the victim:

  • Move the patient to a warm place;
  • Place it next to heating appliances.

For minor tissue damage, the following methods of assistance are used:

  • A hot bath will help to warm up, and a gentle, gentle massage of damaged integuments will stimulate blood flow;
  • Change the patient's clothes into dry warm clothes;
  • Apply a dry gauze bandage to the frostbitten area to prevent infection;
  • Give the victim warm drinks. In case of severe inhibition of a person, the use of 100 g of alcohol is indicated.

First aid for frostbite involves using a special bandage that will "isolate" the heat. Its use is especially important in severe stages of hypothermia. Impose it after the implementation of the previous points of the algorithm.

To make such a bandage, you will need gauze, cotton wool, polyethylene and any warm cloth. A thick layer of cotton wool is placed on the cold-damaged place, wrapped with a bandage. The resulting structure is covered with polyethylene or oilcloth, and then wrapped with a cloth.


Stimulation of blood flow by massage and rubbing is permissible only with a mild stage of frostbite.

If the victim has frostbite of the upper or lower limbs, it is important to ensure their immobility. To do this, after applying a heat-insulating bandage, they are fixed to a thing with a hard and even surface (plywood or board).

In case of severe symptoms and a deterioration in the general well-being of a person, emergency care for hypothermia ends with an ambulance call.

Prohibited Methods

There are a number of mistakes that are often made during first aid for frostbite and hypothermia.

Consider the most dangerous and unnecessary actions for the health of the victim.

  1. Rubbing damaged areas with snow. Snow is a collection of tiny crystals, which, when rubbed, will cause even more injury to frostbitten skin. And since it is always filled with dirt, infection will be added to the damage.
  2. Injury to frostbitten parts of the body. Any additional damage will lead to complications in the form of purulent discharge.
  3. Application, lotions, alcohol and oils for rubbing the skin.
  4. Intense and rapid exposure to heat. In this case, the vessels will not cope with the load, and the tissues will die. Then only amputation can stop the spread of infection.
  5. Use for warming alcoholic beverages in large quantities under the influence of cold. The victim will not be able to warm up, and the amount of heat transfer will only increase.

When providing assistance, it must be remembered that any actions related to the possibility of infection or violation of the integrity of skin tissues are prohibited.

Degrees and their symptoms

First aid for frostbite is provided according to the algorithm described above, regardless of the types and degrees of damage to tissues and nerve fibers. However, their knowledge is fundamentally important when prescribing appropriate therapy and choosing a treatment method.

Consider the types of tissue damage during frostbite, based on the principles of their classification.

First of all, the degree of tissue damage is determined. It is set based on how deep the cold has penetrated into the tissues.

Diagnosis is carried out in a hospital, where employees of a medical institution analyze the dynamics of recovery of a frostbitten area of ​​the skin. A visual examination and palpation can reveal the extent of the lesion.

Doctors distinguish 4 degrees of frostbite. Consider their manifestations and methods of treatment.

  • 1 degree.

Damage is fixed only on the most superficial layers of the skin.


  • Under the influence of cold, the skin becomes a pale marble color;
  • In the heat, the skin turns red;
  • There is a burning sensation and heat;
  • There is a slight swelling;
  • Slight decrease in sensitivity;
  • The skin itches and starts to hurt;
  • Perhaps the formation, filled with a clear liquid.

Therapy is aimed at restoring the temperature indicators of the skin and blood flow, preventing infection.

  • 2 degree.

The entire thickness of the skin is frostbitten, but the stem cells remain intact.

The appearance of large blisters is added to the signs of the 1st degree. They may contain blood.

  • 3 degree.

All skin tissue is damaged: dermis, fiber, stem cells.

Significant symptoms begin to appear:

  • The skin becomes cyanotic;
  • No sensitivity;
  • There is extensive swelling;
  • The frostbitten part of the body is very cold on palpation.

This condition requires surgical excision of damaged tissue.

  • 4 degree.

Prolonged exposure to cold leads to damage to all layers of the skin tissue, reaching the bones and muscles. The skin acquires a blue-black color, sensitivity completely disappears. On palpation, the victim does not experience pain, and when pierced, the blood does not come to the surface. Immediately after warming, extensive swelling of the tissues quickly develops.

First aid for hypothermia 3 and 4 degrees consists in the immediate hospitalization of the victim with the imposition of a heat-insulating bandage.

Stages and mechanisms of influence

Hypothermia is characterized by three stages of development, depending on which emergency care for frostbite will have its own characteristics.

There are light, medium and severe stages of cold damage to the human body.

Mild frostbite requires only conservative treatment. This stage is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The skin is pale;
  • Chills occur;
  • Difficulty in speaking;
  • Decreased heart rate is recorded;
  • Blood pressure and respiration are normal.

Assistance with hypothermia of the mild stage is carried out according to type 1 and 2 degrees of frostbite.

The middle stage is characterized by a sharp up to 30 degrees.

The victim feels severe drowsiness and loss of strength, consciousness is depressed. Pulse and breathing slow down.

A similar condition can accompany all four degrees of frostbite, so help is provided depending on the symptoms.

In the severe stage, critically low body temperatures and are observed. Victim , are observed , appearance is possible . Damaged areas of the body are cold, acquire a pronounced bluish color. Breathing slows down to three times per minute.

First aid for severe frostbite is immediate hospitalization followed by surgery.

Prolonged exposure to low temperatures leads not only to frostbite, but also to a general cooling of the body. And when it is supercooled, the level of protective forces decreases, which leads to colds and viral diseases.

Medical help

Severe degrees of damage are always accompanied by a violation of blood microcirculation, which can only be restored in a medical institution. In addition, it is not always possible to determine the stage of the lesion without appropriate conditions.

Therefore, first aid for frostbite consists in the following actions:

  • Assessment of the general condition of the patient: measurement of pressure, body temperature, respiratory and cardiac performance;
  • Elimination of the risk of onset, swelling of the larynx and spasms in;
  • Carrying out urgent measures in case;
  • Relief of severe pain syndrome;
  • Checking the correctness of applying a heat-insulating bandage and fixing the limbs;
  • Delivery to a medical facility.

In a medical institution, the first honey. assistance is provided after diagnosing the degree and stage of damage. A treatment method is chosen, the main task of which is to prevent tissue necrosis, normalize blood flow and heal the skin.

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