What is the discharge after an abortion. Vaginal discharge after an abortion, what are they. What discharge is observed after the surgical process of abortion

Abortion methods differ in terms of technique. Allocate a surgical method, which involves the mechanical removal of the fetus, and medication. The latter is based on the use of stimulant drugs. Regardless of the method chosen to terminate a pregnancy, this procedure represents a serious intervention in the woman's body and her immune system.

Removal of the fetal egg from the uterus inevitably provokes damage to its walls, which are supplied with blood vessels. Therefore, it is quite natural that after an abortion there is a discharge. It is important to know which of them are a physiological reaction to the manipulation, and which are a symptom of a pathological process, for which medical supervision is mandatory.

How much is the discharge after an abortion

One of the factors characterizing the process of recovery of the female body is the duration of the discharge.

The duration of the discharge

Normally, the discharge period is limited to 10-14 days, depending on the type of abortion. So, 10 days is the natural period of discharge after a surgical abortion. The doctor's mechanical extraction of the embryo and mucous membranes reduces the period of postoperative bleeding, since the restoration is aimed only at healing the damaged mucosa. If the abortion was performed medically, i.e. with the use of pharmacological preparations, the discharge can last longer - up to two weeks. When carrying out a pharmaceutical abortion, the body independently expels the fetus and its membranes. The discharge after a mini-abortion has the shortest duration - 2-5 days. The maximum duration of vacuum aspiration without curettage is 6 obstetric weeks. During this time, the fetal egg does not have time to fully implant into the mucous surface of the uterus, so when it is removed, the degree of damage is less.

Discharge intensity

An increase in the duration of bleeding, their profusion, as well as the absolute absence are signs of deviations in the recovery process after an abortion. It should not be considered the norm and the absence of discharge. Such a picture is an alarm signal, indicating excessive contraction of the muscles of the uterus or spasm of the cervix. In this case, the blood often does not have time to exit and lingers in the uterine cavity. In this connection, the risk of complications, inflammation and life-threatening situations increases dramatically.
Abundant or prolonged bleeding may indicate an incomplete abortion, in which parts of the fetus or membranes could remain in the uterine cavity. The remaining elements make it impossible for it to contract normally, so the bleeding does not stop. This situation requires a visit to the doctor. If, in addition to bleeding after an abortion, dizziness, increasing weakness and pain are present, emergency medical care is required. This condition poses a threat to the woman's life.
Whatever method of terminating the course of pregnancy is chosen, a hallmark of a normally proceeding rehabilitation process is a systematic decrease in the volume and intensity of secretions. After 2-3 weeks after the abortion, an ultrasound scan is recommended to assess the condition of the organs of the reproductive system. Taking into account the doctor's recommendations and indications - the presence of complications in the recovery period - ultrasound monitoring can be carried out earlier.

Normal discharge after an abortion

Violation of the integrity of the connection between the uterus and the fetus inevitably leads to the onset of bleeding. Moderate discharge and slight pain after an abortion are one of the options for the norm. Although, discharge after medical abortion is more abundant. The process of uterine contraction can have different intensity and degree of its manifestation. The period at which the abortion was performed, the individual characteristics of the body and the level of pain threshold affect the severity of symptoms. The scarlet tone of the discharge, most characteristic of the first days after the intervention, is gradually replaced by brown discharge after an abortion. This is caused by a decrease in the volume of oozing blood. On the way to the exit from the vagina, it rolls up, turning brown. Allocations of this nature are not dangerous, especially if they gradually fade away, the body temperature is normal, there are no painful sensations.

Pathological discharge after an abortion

The onset of pregnancy is not only the process of forming a new person, but also serious changes in the hormonal background of a woman. A gross intervention, namely, a sudden termination of pregnancy, is a stress for the body, which can cause malfunctions in its work. Therefore, attention should be paid to all the biomaterial that the body expels, including secretions after a vacuum abortion, even despite the seemingly low invasiveness of the method. Among the post-abortion complications that occur within a few days to one month, the most common are bleeding, inflammation, and infectious diseases. The term of the abortion is directly related to the likelihood of complications and difficulties of the recovery period. Controlling the discharge and knowing the symptoms that indicate violations will help to identify them in time and carry out the necessary treatment.

Brown discharge after an abortion

In addition to the natural color of postoperative discharge due to clotted blood, their brown tone can signal the formation of a polyp in the uterus, endometriosis. In the case of the latter disease, a sharp smell of discharge and pulling pains in the lower abdomen often join.

yellow discharge after abortion

An open wound left at the site of a developing pregnancy is especially vulnerable to foreign microorganisms. Some of them may be of an infectious nature, such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli. Their activity is aimed at disrupting the already damaged microflora. In addition, this color of discharge may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases - trichomoniasis and chlamydia, the consequences of which can be very serious, up to infertility. Therefore, testing for infections is the first thing to do when yellow discharge is detected. The development of complications of an infectious nature is also evidenced by the appearance of discharge with a smell after an abortion.

Regardless of the reasons for an abortion, the procedure is a shock to the body. Attentive attitude to your health and compliance with the recommendations of the doctor will make the rehabilitation period mild, reduce the risk of postoperative complications.

All these questions often worry women who go through this period in their lives. So if you do not have time to visit a gynecologist, in this article you will find answers.

After an abortion, there may be a decrease in immunity, and at this time it becomes vulnerable to a variety of infections. For this reason, the patient must carefully monitor the hygiene and nature of the discharge in order to avoid complications.

Normally, discharge after medical termination of pregnancy lasts up to 10 days, while they are not plentiful and, very importantly, their volume decreases over time. In this case, special attention should be paid to the color of the discharge. Since the blood is a bit old and already clotted, the discharge should have a dark brown color. No unpleasant smell and painful sensations should be observed. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen with such discharge may indicate the presence of a polyp or endometritis.

With pathology, different options are likely. Often, due to violations of the woman's local immunity, the presence of an open wound and a poor balance of microflora, a bacterial infection can join. The vital activity of bacteria is usually accompanied by an inflammatory process and the death of leukocytes - cells of the immune system. Because of this, the discharge becomes yellowish in color with an unpleasant putrefactive odor. This can be dangerous, because it is fraught not only with further infertility, but also with sepsis - blood poisoning. The female uterus has many blood vessels, which are always damaged during any, even medical abortion. Because of this, the infection easily gets into them and quickly spreads throughout the body. If general weakness and temperature have joined the unpleasantly smelling yellowish secretions, the matter is urgent. In such a situation, treatment requires the identification of the causative agent of the infection and the further prescription of antibiotics.

Due to the rich blood supply to the uterus, it is also possible to develop quite severe bleeding. Often this happens when the abortion was not complete, that is, pieces of the fetus remained in the uterine cavity. These pieces do not allow the vessels to contract, because of this, bleeding continues. In this situation, more than two pads with the highest absorbency are consumed per hour. The discharge is scarlet or dark red, very profuse, accompanied by increasing weakness, dizziness, sometimes cramping pains appear in the lower abdomen. Such a situation is extremely dangerous, in fact, this is a true uterine bleeding, so that the blood loss is colossal, and a fatal outcome is quite likely in case of untimely admission to the hospital. Such a woman needs urgent care, which can only be provided by qualified specialists. In order to avoid such a situation after an abortion, not only all parts of the embryo are examined in detail, a control ultrasound is also done to make sure that there are no clots left in the uterus.

After medical termination of pregnancy, spotting lasts a little longer, while they are more abundant than discharge after an abortion. There is nothing surprising here, since after a pharmacological abortion, the fetus and the uterine mucosa come out, and during the surgical abortion, all this is removed by the doctor. Be that as it may, spotting after medical termination of pregnancy should not last more than 14 days, they may look like clots. If such clots continue to go after two weeks, it is necessary to visit a doctor, as this indicates too slow expulsion of the embryo from the uterus, which is fraught with inflammation or bleeding.

So, what are the important aspects regarding discharge after medical termination of pregnancy that a woman needs to remember?

  1. After any abortion procedure, there should be a discharge. If they are absent, this is an unfavorable sign, which indicates that blood is retained in the uterus, which can cause the development of numerous complications. So you should immediately go to the hospital in the absence of discharge after a pharmaceutical abortion.
  2. After medical termination of pregnancy, brown clots are acceptable.
  3. It is very important that over time the volume of secretions decreases, and gradually disappears. This indicates the release of blood residues, the complete cleansing of the uterus and the normal closure of damaged vessels.
  4. It must always be remembered that fungi and bacteria are not dormant. So when an unpleasantly smelling yellowish discharge appears, you should immediately go to the hospital, and not self-medicate. The same must be done if the temperature rises.
  5. After a medical abortion, the volume of discharge and their duration will largely depend on the gestational age. Usually, the larger it is, the more abundant and prolonged the discharge from the uterus will be. But do not forget that their volume over time should be less.

How is the monthly cycle restored after an abortion?

The abortion procedure (taking pills) is taken on the first day of the cycle. After it, the discharge is considered menstrual, although they often last much longer than normal periods and are more abundant. But after an abortion, the next menstruation should begin after 28-35 days. If it is absent, it is quite possible that there are violations in the function of the woman's reproductive system. And they are very different, and, of course, need to be diagnosed.

Perhaps there was a serious hormonal failure, probably, the uterine mucosa is not able to form normally, sometimes both occur.

When menstruation after an abortion does not begin after 35 days, you should consult a doctor, otherwise infertility is likely to occur, which cannot be cured in the future. But the reverse situation is also possible - menstruation does not occur due to pregnancy. Of course, the chances of getting pregnant during the first month after an abortion seem minimal to many, but such cases have occurred, and quite often. Therefore, it is imperative to protect yourself after an abortion. Even better - to adhere to sexual rest at least until the appearance of the first menstruation after an abortion. Since abortion, as mentioned above, is always accompanied by violations of the integrity of the vessels, as a result of which it is especially easy to infect them during sexual intercourse, but then it can be extremely difficult to get rid of it.

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Update: October 2018

Many women have gone through the abortion procedure or are about to go through, are partially aware of the potential complications and consequences, but do not fully represent the entire rehabilitation process and its need and duration.

Why after an abortion it is necessary to exclude some points from the usual way of life? Certain prohibitions are included in the rehabilitation complex and help restore not only physical health, but also prevent the possible (see).

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

Termination of pregnancy is the strongest stress for the body, therefore, after an abortion, the regulation of the functions of the ovarian-menstrual cycle is disturbed. Due to the significantly increased load on all organs during gestation, the hypothalamus is in a state of excitation, which affects the work of the pituitary gland, which ceases to synthesize gonadotropins (FSH and LH) in the required ratios.

And instead of the periodic release of luteinizing hormone, characteristic of the normal menstrual cycle, its monotonous increased secretion is noted, as a result of which the ovaries increase and begin to synthesize. But with the physiological completion of pregnancy, all the changes that occur disappear without health consequences. With a violent termination of pregnancy, the anatomical stage of menstrual dysfunction develops, which leads to the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • insufficiency of the luteal (2 phases) cycle;
  • secondary polycystic ovaries;
  • hyperplastic processes of the endometrium;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • syndrome or Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

The listed pathology is caused by excess production of LH after its previous monotonous release, therefore, the restoration of ovarian-menstrual function sometimes takes more than one month, in some cases several years.

How many days after an abortion menstruation will begin is difficult to answer, it depends on a number of factors:

  • woman's age;
  • existing chronic diseases;
  • abortion method;
  • gestational age when the abortion was performed;
  • during the postoperative period.

Normally, in a healthy and young woman, menstruation after an abortion should begin in about a month, or rather, after the period of time that lasted from the previous menstruation to the onset. To calculate the approximate date of the first menstruation after the procedure, the day of the abortion should be taken as the starting point (the first day of the cycle).

However, artificial termination of pregnancy can not only lengthen or shorten the duration of the menstrual cycle, but also change the nature of the discharge. Perhaps the appearance of scanty, spotting discharge after an abortion, which lasts for one or two menstrual cycles and is associated with incomplete recovery of the endometrium after the procedure.

If scanty menstruation persists for a longer time, this is an occasion to consult a doctor, as well as for an extended examination. The decrease in menstrual blood loss can be due to two reasons.

  • The first is a functional failure in the production of hormones by the ovaries, pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Often this condition occurs after medical abortion, which is associated with taking very large doses of antiprogestins and requires the appointment of appropriate hormonal therapy.
  • The second reason is mechanical damage to the endometrium (too "careful" scraping of the mucosa and trauma to its deep layers) and / or cervix (atresia of the cervical canal). With an injury to the endometrium, synechia () is formed in the uterine cavity, which reduce not only its volume, but also the area of ​​the endometrium, which is rejected during menstruation.

In addition to opsomenorrhea (scanty menstruation), amenorrhea and infertility may occur. Intrauterine synechia requires.

If the menstruation after the termination of pregnancy has become more abundant and repeated for several cycles, it is also necessary to be wary. Abundant and prolonged menstruation may indicate:

  • or the development of endometrial hyperplasia
  • or adenomyosis (uterine endometriosis).

And although menstrual flow after an abortion can be restored immediately, that is, it begins after 21 to 35 days, ovulation may be absent for two to three menstrual cycles, which is considered the norm. If anovulation is observed longer, and there are no visible cycle disorders, it is necessary to start looking for the cause of this pathology.

Discharge after the procedure

Immediately after an uncomplicated abortion, the discharge should normally be moderate, with a small amount of clots. However, both the volume and duration of blood discharge depend both on the term of the interrupted pregnancy and on the method of termination.

  • Small and even meager discharges are observed after a vacuum abortion. This is due to the short gestation period, and, accordingly, a slight trauma to the uterine mucosa.
  • After a surgical abortion, especially in terms of 10-12 weeks, the discharge will be more intense and prolonged.

How many days after an abortion does bleeding continue? The duration of blood smearing after a well-performed procedure is normally 7, maximum 10 days. If the discharge continues for more than 10 days, the placental polyp should be excluded first of all, which is removed by repeated curettage of the uterine cavity. That is why it is so important to visit a gynecologist in 10-14 days, who will not only palpate the uterus and suspect subinvolution or a placental polyp, but also prescribe an ultrasound of the small pelvis.

If clots and profuse bleeding occur after an abortion, regardless of when it was performed, a day or 2 weeks ago, you should immediately seek qualified medical help, since the presence of remnants of the fetal egg or hematometer in the uterine cavity is not excluded.

Abdominal pain in the post-abortion period

After an uncomplicated termination of pregnancy, moderate pain in the lower abdomen or slight discomfort is normal. Such sensations can last up to 7 days and do not particularly bother the patient. If the stomach hurts so badly that it is impossible to lead a normal life and leads to disability, this is a reason to immediately contact a specialist.

  • Cramping and sharp pains indicate the remnants of the placental tissue and the embryo in the uterine cavity and the development of hematometra
  • Aching, constant pain in combination with fever after an abortion is a sign of inflammation that has begun, which can be provoked by sexual infections that are asymptomatic for some time.
  • In general, in the first 2 days after the procedure, a slight increase in temperature (37.2 - 37.3) is not a pathology, but only reflects the body's reaction to surgical intervention. Subfebrile condition is also possible on the day of medical abortion as a reaction of the thermoregulation center located in the brain to taking high doses of hormones.
  • But if a high temperature (more than 37.5) persists for more than 2 days, this is a sign of trouble and a reason to apply for honey. help.

To prevent the development of inflammatory diseases after medical termination of pregnancy, patients, especially those with unsatisfactory results of smears and blood / urine tests, are prescribed a prophylactic course of broad-spectrum antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs for 3 to 5 days (maximum 7 days). In the case of a confirmed inflammatory process, the doses of antibiotics are increased, and the course is lengthened.

Also, for the prevention of septic post-abortion complications, the doctor will definitely recommend to beware of drafts and colds, dress warmer in wet and cold weather and take a shower every day. Equally important is the observance of the rules of personal hygiene:

  • water treatment of the external genital organs at least 2 times a day;
  • timely change of pads and underwear, since the blood that has poured out of the uterine cavity and lingered on intimate hygiene products is a good breeding ground for microorganisms, which contributes to their active reproduction and penetration into the uterus, where they cause inflammation.

Every woman who has artificially terminated a pregnancy should know that drinking alcohol in the post-abortion period is strictly prohibited, especially if she is taking antibacterial drugs.

  • Firstly, under the influence of alcohol, antibiotics are destroyed, which means that taking them will be absolutely useless and will not reduce the risk of post-abortion septic complications.
  • Secondly, alcohol reduces the tone of smooth muscles (the myometrium consists of smooth muscles), which prevents its contraction and involution (return to its previous size) after removal of the pregnancy and can cause bleeding.

uterus after abortion

The most affected organ after an abortion is the uterus. Her damage is the more significant, the longer the abortion was performed. This is especially true for instrumental scraping of the embryo.

The uterus after an abortion begins to contract immediately after the removal of the embryo and takes on its normal, or almost normal size by the end of the procedure. However, a wound surface is formed on the uterine wall (in the place where the ovum was attached), which requires a certain time period for its healing and restoration of the endometrium, ready for transformation and rejection during menstruation.

  • Normally, it takes 3-4 weeks, and by the beginning of a new menstruation (after a previous abortion), the uterus has its usual size and transformed epithelium.
  • But if, upon examination after 10-12 days, which is mandatory after the procedure, an enlarged, softened and painful uterus is palpated, and the discharge is dark red or the color of "meat slops", with an unpleasant odor, scant or moderate, then we are talking about organ inflammation.

The causes of endometritis can be a poor-quality abortion (remnants of the fetal egg), activation of a latent infection or infection during an abortion (violation of asepsis standards) or after (non-compliance with recommendations), or the formation of hematomas. Therefore, all women after an abortion are assigned not only a control visit to the gynecologist, but also a mandatory ultrasound, during which it is confirmed that the uterus is “clean”.

Sex life after an abortion

Based on the above, it becomes clear that sex after an abortion must be excluded. The gynecologist will definitely warn the woman who has gone through the abortion procedure that sexual rest should be observed for at least 3 weeks (after pharmacological abortion).

During the specified period of time, the uterus should return to normal. But in the case of an instrumental or classic abortion, especially in the longer term, the prohibition of sexual activity is extended to 4 weeks, optimally until the end of the onset of menstruation.

  • Firstly, this is due to the high risk of infection of the uterus and the development of inflammation.
  • Secondly, sexual intercourse can disrupt uterine contractile activity, which will provoke its subinvolution or hematometer, and again lead to inflammation.
  • In addition, having sex can cause pain after an abortion.

Chances of getting pregnant after an abortion

Not many former clients of the abortion clinic know that after an abortion, you can get pregnant, and very quickly, even before the onset of the first menstruation. In this case, a parallel can be drawn with pregnancy, which occurred immediately after the birth of a child in the event of a woman refusing lactation.

After the sudden termination of pregnancy, the body begins to actively rebuild and returns to its usual rhythm. That is, the ovaries are preparing for a new menstruation, in them, under the influence of pituitary gonadotropins (FSH and LH), estrogens are produced in stages, first, and then, which stimulates the maturation of follicles and ovulation.

Therefore, in more than half of the cases, the first ovulation occurs in a woman after 14 to 21 days. And if we take into account the life span of spermatozoa (up to 7 days), then pregnancy after an abortion is very likely.

On the other hand, if a woman, after a recent termination of pregnancy due to circumstances, wants to give birth to a child, then it is necessary to refrain from pregnancy for a certain time.

It is believed that the minimum period of contraception after a previous abortion is 6 months. It is optimal if the desired pregnancy occurs in a year, and after a thorough examination and treatment of identified diseases.

It is during this period of time that the body will fully recover, and the risk of pregnancy complications associated with its previous violent termination will noticeably decrease (isthmic-cervical insufficiency, hormonal imbalance, improper attachment of the fetal egg, intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus).

Also, speaking of pregnancy that occurred immediately after an abortion, it should be said about tests for its determination. After an abortion, the test will be positive, and this result will remain for another 4-6 weeks (if the term of the interrupted pregnancy was long, the positive result lasts longer).

HCG is not immediately destroyed and excreted from the body of a woman, this process is rather slow, therefore, a positive result cannot be considered a sign of pregnancy (a case of either an unremoved fetal egg during an abortion, or the onset of a new one). The only thing that can make you doubt the “positivity” of the test is that the second strip in each new test will be lighter (see).

To accurately establish the fact of pregnancy, an ultrasound is performed, and in some situations, a blood test for hCG several times in a row, in the case of a progressive decrease in the level of hCG in the tests, they indicate a false positive test result.

Contraceptive issues

Immediately after the abortion, and preferably before the procedure, it is necessary to choose a method of contraception. The optimal solution in this case is to take hormonal contraceptive pills, as they mitigate the effects of hormonal stress, prevent neuroendocrine disorders, and, in addition, significantly reduce the risk of developing septic complications after an abortion, which is explained by the following mechanisms:

  • reduction in the amount of blood lost during menstruation (blood acts as a breeding ground for microbes);
  • compaction of cervical mucus, which not only prevents the penetration of "gum" into the uterine cavity, but also pathogens;
  • the cervical canal does not expand as much during menstruation (protection against infection);
  • the intensity of uterine contractions decreases, thereby reducing the risk of the spread of pathogens of infectious diseases from the uterus into the tubes.

Reception is recommended, the dose of ethinylestradiol in which does not exceed 35 mcg, since estrogens increase blood clotting, and during the first 20-30 days after the termination of pregnancy, its hypercoagulability is noted. These drugs include Regulon, Rigevidon, Mercilon.

Taking pills should begin on the day of the abortion and continue according to the scheme. The day of termination of pregnancy will be considered as the first day of a new cycle.

Question answer

Can I take a bath after an abortion?

During the post-abortion period (about a month), taking a bath is not recommended, as this can provoke bleeding or the development of endometritis.

Can tampons be used after an abortion?

Of the means of intimate hygiene after an abortion, pads should be preferred, and the use of tampons is strictly prohibited, since the spotting absorbed by the tampon remains in the vagina with it and is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms, which increases the risk of developing post-abortion inflammation.

How long after an abortion can I go to the pool?

Visiting the pool, as well as baths and saunas (too high air temperature), swimming in open water should be postponed for at least a month, until the end of the first menstruation. Otherwise, you can “catch” an infection or increase bleeding, up to bleeding.

Can I exercise after an abortion?

If the termination procedure “passed” without complications and the woman’s condition is satisfactory, then you can return to sports in a couple of weeks after the termination of pregnancy. But the load should not be so intense within a month after the abortion.

Why does the chest hurt and bother after an abortion (the abortion was performed 3 days ago)?

Perhaps the term of the interrupted pregnancy was long enough, and the mammary glands began to actively prepare for the upcoming lactation. But a sudden interrupted pregnancy led to a hormonal imbalance, the body and the mammary glands, including, did not have time to rebuild, which led to chest pains.

Are there any food restrictions after an abortion?

No, there is no need to follow a special diet in the post-abortion period. But if the abortion took place under general anesthesia and the anesthetist diagnosed an allergic reaction to the anesthetic, he may advise further adherence to a hypoallergenic diet (restriction of chocolate, citrus fruits, coffee, seafood and other allergenic foods).

A week has passed since the abortion, I wanted to go to the sea, is it not dangerous?

The trip to the sea will have to be postponed. Firstly, a sharp change in climatic conditions is unfavorable for the recovery of the body, and, secondly, it is impossible to swim in the post-abortion period.

After an abortion, a woman is physically weakened, she may have complications. No matter how the interruption is made, it is always associated with damage or even complete removal of the epithelium. The remains of the fetal egg and blood from damaged vessels are removed. Bloody discharge after any abortion is a must. By their nature, they judge how effectively and safely the operation was. If the discharge stops too quickly or, on the contrary, is too long and plentiful - this is not normal, medical intervention is required.


Features of various methods of abortion

Depending on the timing of pregnancy, an abortion is done in one of three ways: medical (for a period of 4-7 weeks), vacuum (up to 6-7) or surgical (from 7 to 12 weeks inclusive). The longer the period, the greater the likelihood of complications (incomplete removal of the fetal egg, tissue damage, the occurrence of inflammatory processes).

Medical abortion. With the help of a steroid drug, an artificial decrease in the level of progesterone is performed, which is necessary for fixing the embryo in the uterus. The woman then takes another drug that increases uterine contractions. There is a detachment of the fetal egg and its spontaneous excretion.

vacuum abortion- this is the pulling out of the uterus of the fetal egg along with the endometrium using a vacuum device. Since such an operation is performed for a short period of time, it is also called a mini-abortion.

Surgical abortion is carried out by scraping the uterus, removing the fetal egg along with the nearest layers of the endometrium.

The most dangerous is abortion by surgical curettage. With a vacuum abortion, the risk of complications is much less.

Video: Types of abortion and their features

What discharge is considered normal

The following factors influence the discharge after an abortion:

  • the method of its implementation;
  • term of interrupted pregnancy;
  • features of the woman's body (the ability of the uterus to contract, as well as clotting and blood composition).

Within 5-10 days after the abortion, bloody or brown discharge of gradually decreasing intensity is the norm. In the end they become smearing. The color is given to them by impurities of coagulated blood.

Pathological secretions. When to See a Doctor

If brown discharge appears more than 10 days after the abortion, this may indicate the presence of cysts or polyps in the uterus. Small growths are not dangerous, but they can cause pain in the lower abdomen or during intercourse. A woman needs to periodically undergo a gynecological examination to monitor the condition of the uterus.

Brown discharge after an abortion is a sign of more serious diseases. If they appear before and after the first menstruation, this may indicate inflammation of the uterine mucosa (endometritis). Subsequently, such discharges appear in the middle of the cycles, even if they are regular. The discharge has an unpleasant pungent odor. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs must be eliminated. The sooner you start treatment, the less unpleasant consequences of abortion, miscarriages or ectopic pregnancy, in the future.

Complications after an abortion may appear for about 2-3 days. The woman notices that the discharge has changed color or intensified. For example, copious yellow mucus with a putrid odor appeared. This is a sure sign that an infection has entered the uterus, an inflammatory process has begun. The causative agents can be streptococci, staphylococci or E. coli. Yellow frothy discharge with an unpleasant odor appears when infected with chlamydia or Trichomonas (sources of sexually transmitted diseases).

In the case when a woman has abdominal pains for about 3-4 days, the temperature rises, the discharge becomes purulent, she should go to the hospital as soon as possible so that she can have an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and be prescribed antibiotic treatment.

You should consult a doctor urgently in the following cases:

  • there are clear signs of uterine bleeding;
  • the discharge of large clots continues for more than 4 days;
  • weakness increases, dizziness appears.

This condition is life threatening, requires immediate hospitalization and finding out the cause of bleeding. Perhaps surgery.

If on day 1-2 the discharge is meager, and then stops altogether, this is most likely the result of muscle spasm in the area of ​​the cervical canal. This condition is also very dangerous, since the blood does not leave the uterus, it accumulates there and can fester. In this case, the cervical canal must be expanded artificially. Sometimes you have to do scraping.

Discharge after vacuum termination of pregnancy

Although this procedure has its advantages (no need for the use of metal dilators that injure the cervix, local anesthesia is used), complications are also possible. Bloody discharge after such an abortion appears within 3-4 days. If they look like normal periods, then you should not worry. At first, they may contain clots - the remains of the fetal egg and epithelium, then the discharge becomes more uniform, turns pale, and becomes normal.

After about 1 month, normal periods come. Deviations in the timing of the onset of menstruation are associated with the individual characteristics of the organism (depending on the duration of the cycle, the state of health and the nervous system of the woman). Most often, the first cycles occur irregularly, as the body needs time to eliminate hormonal failure.

Full recovery of the nature of menstruation after such an abortion occurs after 3-4 months in women who have given birth before, and in those who have not given birth, the recovery process may be even longer.

Warning: During this period, it is imperative to use contraceptives, because due to the irregularity of the cycle, it is impossible to predict the timing of a possible conception.

Discharge after medical termination of pregnancy

Bleeding after such an abortion is normal. It is an artificially induced menstruation. The exfoliated fetal egg should come out with blood. The shorter the gestational age, the weaker the hormonal changes and the more bleeding will resemble normal menstruation.

The onset of bleeding after taking the medication is considered the start of the next menstrual cycle. The onset of menstruation is expected in a month. If they do not come, then it can be assumed that the woman became pregnant again, since conception is possible already 2 weeks after the abortion. If the discharge is too abundant, does not stop after 4 days - this is a pathology. This condition means that the fetal egg is not completely removed. Bleeding is also possible due to heart failure resulting from taking the drug, or due to vascular disorders.

Video: Discharge after medical intervention, possible complications

Discharge after surgery

During surgery, blood vessels in the uterus are damaged. Therefore, for several days, scarlet discharge after an abortion is not something unexpected. They may gradually turn burgundy or brown, contain lumps. It is worth worrying if the discharge does not weaken, it lasts more than 10 days.

If after 10 days there are still clots in the discharge, you should consult a doctor, as this is a sign of incomplete removal of the fetus. An ultrasound is required. It will most likely need to be cleaned again.

Abundant incessant discharge of blood means that there are cuts in the uterine cavity. This bleeding is life threatening. Sometimes only a complete removal of the uterus can save a woman.

If the discharge is not red, but greenish-yellow with streaks of blood, has an unpleasant odor - this is also abnormal, it means that there is a focus of inflammation in the uterus.

Warning: After any abortion, women should visit a gynecologist after 15 days. The doctor conducts an examination, takes a smear for testing for infections, and also gives recommendations on the use of contraceptives.

The procedure for artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion) is, unfortunately, familiar to many women. However, almost every one of them is concerned about the question of which discharge after an abortion is considered the norm, and in which case they signal an inflammatory process that has begun. This article is devoted to the answer to this question.

Causes of discharge after an abortion

The essence of abortion is to remove the fetal egg attached to the wall of the uterus. Classical medical abortion is a process of careful scraping, which is why there is a discharge after the abortion. Also, pain in the lower abdomen is considered the norm after surgery. In this case, the scarlet discharge should gradually change to brown.

The second option for artificial termination of pregnancy, carried out with the help of hormonal therapy, is also accompanied by bleeding. The color of the discharge in this case varies from red to brown. Bleeding after a medical abortion lasts much longer than after a medical one.

A mini-abortion is accompanied by minor and short-term discharge, since in the early stages of pregnancy the fetal egg does not yet have time to firmly attach to the uterus.

What discharge after an abortion is considered the norm

After an abortion, the risk of infection is quite high. Discharge of a certain nature can signal the onset of the inflammatory process. Normally, after an abortion, there should be discharge without a fetid odor. If they have acquired a yellow color and an unpleasant odor, you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, timely treatment is very important, because it is much more difficult to cope with chronic infection.

Particular attention to the nature of the discharge should be paid 3-4 days after the termination of pregnancy. It is during this period that complications most often occur. Infection after an abortion can hardly be provoked by the wrong actions of doctors, because all procedures are carried out only with sterile instruments. The fact is that after the operation, the cervical canal remains for some time in an expanded state, so the infection can easily penetrate into the uterine cavity.

Another reason for immediate medical attention is the presence of impurities in the discharge after an abortion. In this case, an ultrasound scan is recommended to check the quality of the operation performed.

Excessive bleeding after an abortion may be the result of incomplete removal of the fetal egg. The presence of heavy bleeding can be said if a woman uses two maxi pads within an hour. Increased bleeding can occur if the remains of the fetal egg remain in the uterus and do not allow it to contract properly.

How much is the discharge after an abortion

As you know, the reaction of a woman's body to an abortion in almost all cases is quite acute. The duration of discharge after an abortion is affected by the quality of the operation, the presence or absence of postoperative complications, as well as the characteristics of the female body.

For a classic abortion, discharge within 7-10 days is considered the norm. After a medical abortion, spotting can last up to 30 days, that is, until the menstrual cycle is restored.

Brown discharge - is it normal?

Some women are afraid of brown discharge after an abortion. If they do not have an unpleasant putrefactive odor, you should not worry. The blood leaving the uterus in small quantities has time to clot and acquire a brown tint during its journey. This condition is considered normal.

Sometimes the appearance of such secretions can be a sign of the formation of a polyp in the uterine cavity. This is not a very dangerous disease, but it is recommended to remove the polyp.

And finally, it should be said once again that in order to determine how well the postoperative period proceeds, and whether the discharge after an abortion is the norm, it is best to consult a doctor. The female body after an abortion is very vulnerable, so it is necessary to treat it as carefully as possible during this period.

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