Mineral water during lactation. Drinks and lactation: a healthy drink for a nursing mother. Video: is carbonated mineral water good for the body

A nursing mother, choosing foods for her diet, should always remember that all the food she eats will inevitably affect her baby's body. This makes a woman approach nutrition very responsibly and carefully.

The nutrition of a woman should be of high quality so as not to harm the health of the baby. There are a number of products that should not be consumed during this period. Some of them need to be eaten with caution. How is the situation in this case with drinks, and in particular with mineral water?

Is there any benefit?

Such water is always considered useful, but in the case of lactation, everything is somewhat more complicated. It is extracted from underground sources, so it is rich in many substances necessary for every organism. Mineral water contains sodium, potassium, and iron. Many will say that it is without a doubt healthy drink. But in fact there is another side.

Consider the benefits of mineral water:

  1. Due to the content of iron and calcium, it will promote normal development child, strengthen bones.
  2. Potassium contained in mineral water will bring a lot of benefits to the heart and central nervous system.
  3. Zero calorie product allows you not to worry about extra pounds.
  4. The elements that make up the composition have a beneficial effect on digestion and other processes.

What are the disadvantages of mineral water for a nursing mother?

  1. If consumed in excessive amounts, it can lead to the accumulation of salt in the body. As a result, puffiness and other problems will occur.
  2. Also a large number of water can cause kidney disease, as it contains a lot of calcium.
Therefore, it is best to choose table water. It does not have much calcium, so it is suitable for daily use. You can drink up to two glasses of this water a day.

Therapeutic-dining room can be drunk in courses lasting 15-20 days, after which a break is made. Borjomi water contains a lot of fluorine, so instead of using it regularly, it is better to choose a course. Young mothers will be very useful "Narzan", in which there is a lot of calcium.

Medicinal mineral water should be perceived as medicine. You can drink it only after consulting a doctor.

Is it possible to use non-carbonated mineral water during this period?

Such water can be with or without gas. During lactation, non-carbonated milk will be an excellent option to make up for the lack of trace elements in the body of the mother and baby. Milk will be produced better.

What about gas water?

The answer in this case will not be as unambiguous as in the case of still water. Certain types such water can even be called medicinal. But only the water that is carbonated by nature brings benefits. If the gas was introduced artificially, this can lead to some problems.

  1. Irritation may develop in the stomach and intestines. If a woman has problems with these organs, then it is better to stop drinking water with gas.
  2. Carbon dioxide can destroy tooth enamel.

During the feeding period, it is better to refuse mineral water that contains sulfates. These substances will create an obstacle to the normal absorption of calcium, which is very important during this period for both organisms.

Such water should not be consumed too large quantities. If you follow the measure, then it will not do harm. But it is advisable not to drink water immediately after opening the bottle, it is better to wait for the gas to come out at least partially.

In addition, it is necessary to observe how the baby's body reacts to the use of mineral water by the mother. If a child has problems with the tummy in the form of bloating or colic, even minor ones, drinking water should be abandoned.

It is worth saying that the use of such water has an extremely rare effect on a child. Most often, its effect on the mother's body is observed.

Even if mineral water with gas is not always acceptable for consumption during lactation, then other drinks containing dyes are even more contraindicated. Such drinks contain sugar, as well as dyes and other chemical components that can cause allergies. Also, a large number of such drinks will contribute to weight gain.

Beware of fakes

The mineral water that a nursing mother consumes must be of high quality and natural. Many producers, instead of renting a well, extract water from dubious sources, selling it as mineral. And some add minerals to tap water. All this makes production very economical, but it is unlikely that it will have a good effect on the health of people who use such water.

It is good if such water simply does not cause any reaction of the body, but in some cases poisoning is even possible.

To distinguish high-quality water from a fake, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Buy products from recognized brands.
  2. Give preference to water that is sold in glass bottles. If the manufacturer has not saved on packaging, then, most likely, the quality of the product will be good.
  3. The packaging should contain information that the water meets state quality standards. There should also be information about the source from which the water was extracted.
  4. The label on the bottle should be glued evenly and beautifully.
  5. Do not be seduced by the low price of water. Most likely, it will be an unnatural product. Real mineral water costs the manufacturer. And no one will work at a loss.
  6. When you open the bottle, notice if there is any smell. If it is a real mineral water, it will smell like sulfur.

As a result, we can say that it is quite acceptable for a nursing mother to drink mineral water. It is important that it be of the highest quality.

Video: what and how much to drink while breastfeeding?

And then came these unforgettable first days of communication with the long-awaited newborn, who peacefully sniffs on the chest of a happy mother. From now on, for many months there will be a new excitement and concern - breastfeeding, when many questions arise, including whether lemonade can be given to a nursing mother. This issue is especially relevant for a hot summer, when the vast majority of people dream of hiding from the heat under an air conditioner with soft drink in hand.

However, a breastfeeding mother is special condition body, when it is advisable to weigh the benefits and harms of everything you eat and drink, and lemonade is no exception in this list.

There are two cardinal different approaches to women's perception of breastfeeding.

Those who are already lucky not to encounter diathesis and intestinal disorders in infants, to which the mother’s diet has led, they relate to the choice of products with philosophical calmness.

Nursing motto “Everything is possible! And then we'll see" is akin to a promise during pregnancy to live without any fear, because "Pregnancy is not a disease!". This point of view allows you to drink not only lemonade, but even coffee and weak drinks. alcoholic drinks. She has the right to exist. And we wish nursing mothers who do not follow a diet to continue to be lucky in life.

However, there is a more restrained approach to the issue, when the risks of the baby are at the forefront, and not just mother's appetites.

Medicine does not stand still and constantly accumulates statistics about allergens, about harmful or useful influence of this or that product for production breast milk and its quality. About what compounds get to the baby through breast milk, is it too early for his pancreas, will it complicate the work of the kidneys.

This means that if we wish, we can take into account the basic recommendations for drinking and analyze the different answers to the question “Is lemonade harmful while breastfeeding?”.

Since lemonade is an overseas invention, let's turn to the established point of view of nursing American women. In America, where a special culture has developed around drinking lemonade, allergic diseases are more common than anywhere else in the world.

Is the question harmful? food product infants, is primarily considered through the prism of which group of allergenicity it belongs to.

Let's go through the groups, highlighting the products of our latitudes, from which we traditionally prepare a refreshing drink.

citrus lemonades

Lemon, orange, grapefruit - this is the basis of most lemonades, including those made from several ingredients.

Alas, these fruits are highly allergenic foods.

Berry lemonades

These are the most colorful drinks of the summer. And here we again run into high and medium allergenicity.

Strawberries and wild strawberries are in the lead, but also cranberries, raspberries, black currant so beloved in our strip are not completely safe. A certain optimism is inspired only by white and red currants, gooseberries, as well as not early watermelons, selectively selected at the bazaar, taking into account all the signs indicating high content nitrates.

Lemonades from exotic fruits

Passion fruit, kiwifruit, specialty citrus fruits are all a first line of caution, often allergic even in adults.

Lemonade sweeteners: sugar, fructose and honey


If a nursing mother is not afraid to get better, then sugar in moderation is not harmful to her. But lemonade containing sugar will still not become a quality alternative to clean drinking water or tea to stimulate lactation (which you also want to drink sweet).

Gaining an excess of calories from drinks, a woman risks not only improving the quality of milk, but increasing fat mass, which is the opposite! - should be consumed during breastfeeding.

Surprising as it may seem to learn this, but doctors have long been talking about the myth “I will definitely get better with breastfeeding! No and no again!

Nature provides a reverse mechanism. And if we carefully considered nature, then breastfeeding with adequate nutrition allows you to reset those few natural extra pounds at the waist and hips, which a woman can gain within healthy norm during pregnancy.


Honey stands out. Again, the high allergenicity of the product and the peculiarities of storage and sale make one wonder if it is really needed in the nursing diet. A mother who lives in an apiary, who has been using honey regularly since childhood and is confident in its freshness, would never think to be afraid.

At the same time, the doubt is justified whether lemonade is possible for a townswoman who is not accustomed to beekeeping products, especially if it is prepared with boiled last year's honey as a sweetener.

Unfortunately, vouching for the quality of products on the shelves of our stores is a thankless task.

lemon water

And even when we meet a restrained permissive answer to the question “can a nursing mother have lemonade”, these are always light naturopathic recipes. The name water with an additive is more suitable for them.

For American women, this is lemon water, with a reservation for gradual introduction and daily monitoring of the reaction of the baby. The percentage of lemon in lemon water should be small: 1-2 circles of an average lemon per 1 liter of water without gas. No sweeteners or other ingredients.

By a similar principle, you can acidify the water with the least allergenic wild berries of your strip, add a little cucumber, apple or cherry juice. And also use the drink that is recommended for babies - water without gas, raisin water, a weak compote of 1-2 dried fruits, sweetened with fructose.

Whatever the choice in the diet of a nursing mother, drinking regimen should be sufficient: from 1.5 liters of fluid per day. This is one of the guarantees for adequate production of breast milk.

When there is plenty of milk, the baby every day pleases the family with an ordinary miracle - a fleeting process of development from a touching baby into an independent first-year walker. We wish you constant patience and reasonableness in caring for your miracle!

It always seemed strange to me - after all, substances get into milk from the blood, and not from my mother's stomach :)

Just in case, read:

Feeding a nursing mother.
Among the enduring myths about breastfeeding, the myth about the special diet of a nursing mother is the most often repeated. Many women, on the advice of "well-wishers", sit on the strictest diet without allowing yourself a single piece fried or let's say salty. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that recommendations on the nutrition of nursing mothers, now distributed in maternity hospitals and children's clinics, are drawn up against the backdrop of sharp increase the number of allergies in young children. From the first days of feeding, a nursing mother begins to be limited as if she already suffers from a hereditary food allergy and must pass it on to her child by inheritance. However, in fact, such cases are not so common, and food allergy in the form of diathesis, it often occurs in children of artificers, and not in infants. Therefore, it is not at all necessary for an ordinary average woman to adhere to such strict rules. So what should we be afraid to eat while breastfeeding?
Imaginary dangers
During breastfeeding, a woman's diet may not differ from her usual diet. Since pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are natural physiological processes, then their success cannot be fundamentally related to the woman's diet. Indeed, not a single mammal, be it a goat, a gorilla or a wolf, has changed its diet after giving birth! In this sense, a man who belongs to mammals is not much different from them. Therefore, a nursing mother can eat the same way she ate during pregnancy.
But pregnant women are also advised to follow a diet? Of course, they advise that food should be varied, full, should contain more natural products and less chemicals. Sorry, but these recommendations can be given to any person who has begun to think about his diet. Perhaps pregnancy is a reason to think about healthy eating and give up some of your habits. But it is worth giving up and limiting yourself only to the extent that a woman is ready to give it up forever. It is much more important to take care of variety by eating all foods and focusing on spicy food desires. Similarly, you can eat during breastfeeding.
But what about the products, because of which the child can "puff"? The list of similar products includes cabbage and black bread, and all legumes and much, much more. In fact, there is no direct connection between what mom eats and the composition of milk. Milk is a liquid of a very complex composition, the concentration of each component in it is determined by the internal mechanisms of lactation. Milk is synthesized from the components of blood and lymph, and not from the contents of the mother's stomach. Only artificial nutritional supplements, such as chemical dyes or drugs, pass into breast milk unchanged, and then, the concentration of some of them is comparable to the concentration in the mother's blood, while others are much lower. No cabbage enters the milk and therefore cannot "puff" the child from it.
Then what happens when a child actually reacts to a product? In half of the cases, an unbiased assessment of the situation (in particular, the repetition of feeding the mother with a suspicious dish a week later) shows that there was no reaction, the child was reacting to something else, such as a change in the weather. In other cases, there is indeed individual reaction on the product, and not from the child, but, above all, from the mother. Not all foods are digested equally well. There are products that cause heartburn, flatulence in mom, weaken, strengthen. Depending on the strength of the reaction, certain changes occur in the mother's blood, some of them may also affect the composition of milk. In this case, the child may or may not respond to these changes. Every mother-child pair is different. Perhaps, after a while, the mother will find that when eating some kind of product, for example, the same cabbage, her child's gas formation increases or sleep becomes restless. As a rule, there is only one such product or there are only two of them, and in the same mother, different children may react to different products. It is very difficult to predict in advance what kind of product it will be. For example, I regularly meet mothers whose child reacts inadequately not to a product, but to a certain recipe, for example, stewed meat with garlic or cabbage stewed with mushrooms. It is unreasonable to remove the entire list from the diet in advance, because this way you can greatly impoverish the diet of a nursing mother. Therefore, more competent is the usual observation, trial and error. Perhaps the baby will not react at all to cabbage, but will force the mother to limit the consumption of beets or bean soup.
But what to do with products that allegedly dramatically change the taste and smell of milk? These usually include onions, garlic, radishes, cauliflower, pungent spices, etc. In the traditional recommendations for the last century, nursing mothers were advised to exclude them from their diet completely and use them during weaning. As practice has shown, all this is nothing more than fiction. Such products can and do affect the taste and smell of milk, but the appetite of children and the frequency of breastfeeding do not change. To confirm this fact, the following experiment was conducted in England: they collected a list of 2 dozen such products, fed them to mothers and observed how the frequency of sucking and the amount of milk sucked out by the child changed, depending on what his mother ate or drank. It turned out that of all the “suspicious” products, only 2 affected the volume of sucked milk. If mothers ate garlic, then children sucked milk ... more, not less, they seem to like the pungent smell of garlic! If mothers drank strong alcoholic drink, then the children sucked sluggishly and could refuse to suck at all. So, from the whole list of “bad-smelling” products, there remains ... alcohol, which, I am sure, a nursing mother reading this magazine will not eat.
Thus, we repeat once again, the diet of a nursing mother should not differ in any way from her diet during pregnancy. special diet may be observed in special occasions when the mother of the child is severely allergic or the family is malnourished.
Dangers are real - allergies
If the mother or father of the child suffers from allergies, this applies especially to the mother, then the woman should be more careful about her diet. The baby can be adversely affected not only by the food allergy of the mother, but also by allergies to odors, dust, cat hair, Poplar fluff etc. In this case, the child may have a tendency to diathesis, which in some cases manifests itself quite sharply literally in the first 2 months of life. Of course here the best assistant Mom will be a doctor. If it is a homeopathic doctor, his treatment will not cause additional allergies in crumbs, and the results are simply magical. However, every mother who finds herself in such a situation should know elementary rules security.
So, in children predisposed to allergies, diathesis can be caused by the following foods:
citrus fruits: lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit;
strawberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn;
foreign protein: beef and dairy products, fish and fish products, poultry and eggs, soybeans and legumes, etc.
In addition to food allergies in a child can cause:
chemical additives used in Food Industry such as preservatives, colorants, flavors, etc.
children food.
Preventive vaccinations usually lead to an exacerbation of diathesis.
In the case of a child prone to allergies, the mother will need to adhere to certain dietary restrictions. As a rule, in the first weeks of feeding, the mother’s diet excludes: cow's milk, chicken, pork, fish, eggs, nuts, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, citrus fruits, etc. In some cases, the list can be much longer, in others shorter. After some time, the products are introduced one by one into the mother's diet in compliance with all precautions. If an infant has an allergic reaction to one of the administered products, which can manifest itself as redness of the skin of the cheeks, dry skin on the knees and elbows, increased gas formation (bloating), etc., then this product should be excluded from the diet for a period of 1 month and then try again.
We do not specifically provide complete list products and the timing of their introduction into mom's diet, once again emphasizing that this problem should be solved together with a doctor or an experienced consultant. However, it is very important that no product is excluded from the mother's diet forever. Today, experts believe that the introduction of allergens through breast milk in small quantities is effective method, which helps to prevent the occurrence of allergies in the future. With the help of breast milk, the child adapts better to these products. Therefore, a child - a potential allergic person - should not be weaned until he has become acquainted with all the products that he will eat in the future. His familiarity with allergens comes first through mother's milk, and then directly, when he begins to get acquainted with the food of adults. If acquaintance with food occurs against the background of breastfeeding, the new food is digested with the help of breast milk and does not cause the child to sharply negative reactions. Thus, mother's milk promotes adaptation to allergens, allowing the child to absorb food in the most optimal way. It should also be noted that the reduction in the risk of allergies and diathesis during breastfeeding is directly dependent on the duration of breastfeeding.
Thus, breastfeeding an allergic child will certainly require more attentive attitude to your food. However, all this will pay off handsomely if, as a result of competent actions of the mother, the child outgrows his allergy with minimal consequences. I would also like to emphasize that for an artificial child, dietary restrictions are usually more stringent than for babies, and the family will still be forced to follow a certain diet so as not to tempt the baby with something tasty, but unacceptable for him. Therefore, although the mother does not breastfeed, she will still have to sit on a diet, and possibly for more than one year. It turns out that breastfeeding and dieting are much more beneficial not only for the health of the baby, but also for the convenience of the mother.
I would like to make an appeal to those mothers who doubt their ability to breastfeed a child due to dietary restrictions. Breastfeed your baby and eat everything! Not everyone needs restrictions, and if they are needed, they still cannot be avoided, with any type of feeding. If you need individual advice, then contact the experts and you will definitely be helped.
Published in "Lisa" at 12.03
signed by Tsaregradskaya Zh. V.

Our body is two-thirds water. Therefore, we also need it, like air and food. In a nursing mother, the need for fluid is usually increased. But drinking plain clean water is not as tasty and pleasant as carbonated water. In this material, we will consider the question - is it possible for a nursing mother to drink sparkling water.

Mineral water, saturated with gas, from natural sources were used in antiquity. In the modern world, water is carbonated artificially. The carbon dioxide contained in the composition acts as a preservative, preserving beneficial features mineral water. The amount of it in drinks can be different. But in accordance with accepted standards, it should not be higher than 10 g / l. That is, approximately 1% of the total volume.

Is sparkling water good or bad?

There is an opinion that it is useful. In particular, it strengthens the walls of the stomach and intestines. With reduced selection gastric juice helps solve this problem. you can often find advice to prepare infusions from medicinal herbs on soda. Allegedly, it strengthens them therapeutic effect. Natural carbon dioxide gives the water antibacterial properties. Sparkling water quenches thirst well, refreshes, drinks easily and pleasantly.

But artificially introduced carbonic acid can harm our body. Firstly, it irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, therefore it is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases. Secondly, it can provoke gastritis. Thirdly, carbon dioxide has a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

It was said above about mineral sparkling water. But drinks are also very popular - lemonades, cola, etc. In addition to carbon dioxide they contain sugar or its synthetic substitutes, flavors, flavors, preservatives. Naturally, they are of no benefit to the body. Moreover, they can cause the development of allergic and other diseases.

It has been scientifically proven that sugary carbonated drinks often lead to the development of obesity. they are tasty, easy to drink and a person can drink 1-2 liters of a sweet drink unnoticed. And they contain a lot of calories. Thus, with regular use, all this is deposited in the fat layer. In addition, a large amount of sugar increases our blood glucose levels and insulin production. This can lead to the development of diabetes. Orthophosphoric acid, which is contained in industrial carbonated drinks, is also dangerous. It has the ability to wash out of our bones and increase their fragility.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to drink sparkling mineral water?

The use of mineral water with HB will not be harmful if you control its amount. The main drink during lactation should still be pure water, as well as natural teas, compotes, fruit drinks, etc. They are really useful. And a nursing mother can use her favorite mineral water occasionally. Then it won't do any harm.

But from sugary drinks like cola it is better to refuse altogether. They are of little use even to adults. healthy person. And in a child who receives a whole cocktail of flavors, sweeteners and dyes with mother's milk, this can cause serious problems with health.

Be sure to track how the baby reacts to soda. Some babies have bloating and increased gas formation. As a result, he behaves uneasily, feels bad.

So, nutritionists and pediatricians do not categorically prohibit carbonated mineral water to a nursing mother. But you can drink it in small quantities and occasionally. Follow these tips and stay healthy!

The general conclusions are as follows:

Mineral water is on the list of prohibited foods during breastfeeding, the use of which during breastfeeding is contraindicated due to high probability manifestations allergic reactions from the baby's body. It is better to refuse for the first year of lactation. Consumption this product even in a small amount can be dangerous for babies.

When breastfeeding, a woman needs to carefully choose the foods and drinks she uses, since she alone is responsible for the health of her child.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have lemonade, because the gases contained in it contribute to the fermentation processes in the intestines? Even without this, a newborn is often tormented by bloating and colic, since his intestines still have weak peristalsis.

To maintain lactation, a woman needs to drink 2-3 liters of fluid per day, this is quite enough. And it should be normal drinking water rather than carbonated lemonade. Without exception, carbonated drinks are under the strictest prohibition- Pediatricians are extremely categorical in this.

Carbonated lemonade contributes to the formation of gas in gastrointestinal tract, as well as significantly worsen the quality of mother's milk.

Purchased lemonade contains a large amount of sugar, acid, dyes, flavors and preservatives.

Everything that a mother eats and drinks during lactation is passed on to her child. As a result, carbonated lemonade causes colic, flatulence and indigestion in the baby. When breastfeeding, carbonated lemonade is very harmful to the baby's digestion.

No wonder doctors have a sharply negative attitude towards the use of carbonated lemonade during pregnancy.

Therefore, a nursing mother needs to carefully plan her menu, thinking first of all about her child.

The chemical composition of lemonade against a newborn

  • The most basic property of carbonated lemonade is the ability to cause belching, bloating, flatulence and the resulting pain in the epigastric region.
  • A huge amount of harmful substances present in a store-bought drink turns it into a chemical mixture that is extremely dangerous to health. These harmful substances in in full force pass into breast milk, and from it - to the baby, and his body reacts without fail.
  • Also, carbonated lemonade contains a large amount of acid - malic, citric and orthophosphoric. And these acids are able to wash out calcium, which is vital for the formation bone tissue, which can lead to frequent fractures and even rickets. You can see the codes for the acids included in lemonade on the labels of the drink - citric acid is designated as E330, and orthophosphoric acid is E338.

The body of an adult, perhaps, is able to cope with such a mixture of "harmful things", but the delicate, still imperfect ventricle and intestines of the baby will certainly suffer.

Another caveat - carbonated lemonade is a high-calorie drink. If a nursing mother wants to get in shape faster after the birth of a baby, lemonade should be completely excluded from the diet.

Lemonade for nursing: whether to listen to reviews on the forums

Some carefree mothers say that they drank carbonated lemonade, and everything was fine with their babies, nothing happened. But it is advisable for you to listen to the recommendations of pediatricians, and not to the reviews on the forums. After all, the reaction of each baby in each case will be different.

Just imagine the harm that your frivolous consumption of harmful drinks can bring to the little man. It is better not to spoil the child's health and not create unnecessary problems for yourself and him.

Together with breast milk, with the baby's first food, digestive system begin to populate beneficial bacteria. At this point, it is important that the microflora is properly formed, and the use of harmful drinks, such as carbonated lemonade, adversely affects this process.

Remember that the future health of your baby depends on the quality of breast milk.

What lemonade can you drink with HB

A nursing mother can drink lemonade - but depending on which one. We offer to prepare a wonderful refreshing homemade drink - tasty, healthy, natural and perfectly quenches the thirst of a young mother.

How to make lemonade for a breastfeeding mom

  • Boiled chilled water - 1.5 liters;
  • Slices of orange, lime, lemon - to taste;
  • Sugar - 1 pinch;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Ginger juice - 1 teaspoon.

Mix everything thoroughly. This drink is not dangerous for the baby and perfectly quenches the thirst of a nursing mother.

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