Do adults need to sleep during the day? Daytime sleep - is it necessary? Benefits and harms of daytime sleep for adults. Ways to beat midday sleepiness

Many people wonder if daytime sleep is good for you. Scientists have proven that if you take a nap after dinner, then psychological and physical indicators improve. All sorts of tests and experiments were carried out by specialists from different countries, during which they managed to find out how much time to sleep during the day, when to arrange a siesta, and what improvements it will bring.

Let us consider in more detail what exactly gives us daytime sleep: benefit or harm. We will also learn how to properly build a vacation schedule in different situations in order to restore your strength to the maximum.

To sleep or not to sleep?

Many people think that sleeping during the day is bad. However, this is the opinion of those people who simply do not know how to properly organize their vacation. In fact, a healthy person can sleep peacefully during the day if he feels an urgent need for it. Afternoon naps won't disrupt jet lag if planned properly, nor can they negatively impact night's rest.

However, it must be taken into account that there certain rules, which you need to perform if the benefits of daytime sleep are important to you. It is worth resting regularly, so your body learns to quickly “turn off” even in a noisy environment and in the bright light of the sun.

You need to gradually accustom yourself to short-term siesta, perhaps it will take more than one week.

We rest properly

Midday naps will do you the most good if you organize them properly. First of all, find out how much sleep you need.

It is believed that the optimal time for a daytime nap will be 20-30 minutes. During this period of time, a person does not sleep soundly, he does not have time to plunge into the phase slow sleep and lose touch with reality. However, his strength is restored very qualitatively.

After a siesta, any business will seem simple and feasible, the feeling of fatigue and lethargy will completely disappear. To get the maximum benefit, we organize daytime sleep according to the following rules:

Benefits of rest

Some people doubt whether it is possible to sleep during the day, and completely in vain. daytime sleep useful if you follow all the rules of its organization.

Research carried out in different countries On volunteers, they proved that people who slept for several days in a row after dinner feel much more cheerful, their mood improves and their ability to work increases.

Daytime naps are also beneficial for the following reasons:

  • during rest, tension is relieved from the muscles and nervous system;
  • people who sleep every day for 20-30 minutes have a much higher concentration of attention;
  • rest is good for memory and perception, these indicators increase markedly among lovers of a lunch siesta;
  • 37-40% reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease;
  • if you sleep in the afternoon, then drowsiness in the afternoon is eliminated;
  • increased desire to engage in physical labor;
  • creativity increases;
  • people can see answers to difficult questions in the context of their dreams, as the brain is actively working during rest, a clue mysterious images you can see in the dream book;
  • the lack of rest is replenished if you could not get enough sleep at night.

Harm from daytime rest

The question of why you can’t sleep during the day is relevant only for a limited circle of people. In an absolutely healthy person, the habit of resting after dinner will not cause any negative consequences. But if the rules for organizing sleep are not observed or if there is certain diseases, it is best to rest only once a day - at night.

Consider the cases in which it is harmful to sleep after dinner:

Sleep at work

Now in the world there are not many companies that are willing to allow their employees a lunchtime nap. However, the most progressive international giants, such as Google, Apple and others, are still convinced that a short day off significantly increases the productivity of employees and their desire to work.

The most loyal to the siesta in the workplace are in China, it is considered normal here, even if a person fell asleep during an important meeting. This indicates that the employee is very hardworking, devotes a lot of time to his work and gets very tired.

In Russia, the practice of daytime sleep in the workplace is not very common. However, there are already large companies that have equipped special rest rooms for their employees. It is also practiced to sleep employees in their own cars in the parking lot, and the most courageous sleep in special sleep capsules that can be used even in the office.

Summing up

Proper organization of daytime sleep is the key to it great benefit for the body. If you have no health problems, and there is an opportunity to practice a short day's rest, do not miss it in any case.

Scientists have proven that, having taken a nap during the day for 20-30 minutes, a person will not violate his night sleep on the contrary, improve it. Treat your vacation responsibly and try to make it complete.

AT recent times more and more began to talk about how useful daytime sleep is. Medical scientists confirm that such a short rest has a positive effect on mental and physical abilities, restores the strength of the body, after which a person is again able to cope with everyday tasks. However, there are those who believe that this alone does not prove the benefits of daytime sleep. during the day, so as not to feel overwhelmed later? And is it worth it to go to bed in the middle of the day?

Sleep duration

To determine whether daytime naps replenish energy, harm or benefit from additional rest in daytime days, scientists conducted tests. They were attended by people of different professions living in different countries. The results were very interesting. Although in most cases it was confirmed that it is good for health to sleep in the afternoon, there were exceptions. For example, the pilots of passenger planes after forty-five minutes of sleep felt as if they regularly lacked sleep.

Thanks to this experiment, it was possible to establish that the duration of daytime sleep plays an important role. So, in order to feel good and you need to sleep either twenty minutes or more than sixty minutes. Then either the phase deep sleep or already finished. The main thing is not to allow sleep to last longer than two hours during the daytime. Will there be any benefit or harm from such a dream? Those who slept more than two hours during the day will agree with the conclusions of physicians: emotional and physical state person deteriorates, his reactions slow down, and mental capacity are declining.

The benefits of daytime sleep

Daytime sleep: harm or benefit to the human body? As already mentioned, it all depends on its duration. If the day is twenty minutes, it contributes to a kind of reboot of the brain. After such a dream, mental abilities are accelerated, the body feels a surge of strength. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to relax a little during the day, you should use it. What exactly are the benefits of daytime sleep?

  • relieves stress;
  • increases productivity and attention;
  • improves perception and memory;
  • is disease prevention of cardio-vascular system;
  • relieves drowsiness;
  • increases the desire to work physically;
  • compensates for the lack of night sleep;
  • increases creativity.

Daytime sleep and weight loss

Those who watch their figure appreciate daytime sleep very much. Benefit or harm for weight loss from sleeping during the day? Of course, only benefit. After all, a dream in the afternoon enough allows the body to function properly. If a person does not get enough sleep, hormonal disruptions begin in the body, carbohydrates are no longer absorbed. This can lead to weight gain and even diabetes. Daytime sleep can make up for a short night rest and contribute correct exchange substances.

It’s also good to know that short naps during the day can help lower cortisol levels. But he is responsible for the set subcutaneous fat. Yes, and a surge of strength after waking up will contribute to active sports. It all also contributes to weight loss.

Harm of daytime sleep

Can Daytime Sleep Be Harmful? Yes, if, as mentioned above, a person sleeps for more than two hours or if he wakes up when the body has entered a deep sleep phase. In this case, all human abilities will be reduced, reactions will be slowed down, and time will be wasted. If, having fallen asleep, a person did not wake up after twenty minutes, it is better to wake him up after another fifty minutes, when the phase of deep sleep and its final stage, dreams, pass. Then there will be no harm from daytime sleep.

Also, a good full day's rest can prevent you from falling asleep at night. If this happens regularly, the body can get used to being awake at night and insomnia will develop.

Fight against drowsiness

They often think about the question: “Daytime sleep: harm or benefit?” - people who struggle with drowsiness in working time. The reason for this condition is regular lack of sleep at night. But not everyone has the opportunity to lie down for a few minutes during the day. Therefore, the manifestations of hypersomnia must be fought. How? First, get enough sleep at night. Scientists say that for an adult is enough - means seven to nine hours. In addition, you can not fall asleep watching TV, argue before bed, play active games or work hard mentally.

Sleepiness will not overcome during the day if you try to wake up and go to bed at the same time, even on weekends. It is also worth falling asleep no later than ten or eleven o'clock, but not in the early evening. Otherwise, sleep will not be as effective at night and daytime sleepiness will not disappear.

What else do you need for a healthy sleep at night?

So, if you get enough sleep at night, you will not need daytime sleep. Harm or benefit to sleep proper nutrition and exercise? Of course, for any organism, regular and balanced diet and physical exercise- only for the benefit. Normal full tricks food put in order daily rhythms. Therefore, dinner should be at least three hours before bedtime.

Calmly and quickly fall asleep will also help physical education for half an hour a day. Aerobic exercises are especially beneficial for the body. AT healthy lifestyle life includes the refusal to drink alcohol before bedtime. This is due to the fact that alcohol prevents sleep from reaching deep phase and the body cannot fully relax.

It is important to understand that daytime sleep is not a whim of lazy people, but a necessity for the body. It improves general well-being, improves performance and strengthens the immune system.

The first thought that comes to me in the morning when I see my own half-closed eyes in the mirror is: “Today I’ll go to bed at nine o’clock in the evening!” The sleepy body calls back to the warm under-clothing world in such a way that it is very difficult not to succumb to temptation. And I give in. "Just a minute" eventually results in whole hour being late for work.

But the most interesting thing happens during the day: fatigue presses on every cell of the body and makes you look for a secluded corner to take a nap there, right in the middle of the working day! Has this happened to you?

For the time being, I thought it was not normal to want to sleep during the day. But then I found out that Daytime sleep is a completely natural need. In the countries of South America, it is even customary to arrange a “quiet hour” - when, after a lunch break, employees lock themselves in their offices and just ... sleep.

American sleep expert Scott Campbell called daytime naps a healthy habit. He explains this by saying that taking a nap after dinner prompts a person to own organism, and it makes no sense to "close your ears" to these tips. If we do not listen to the inner voice and do not rest for a few minutes, our strength will quickly be exhausted.

Benefit from short sleep proven by science. Experts in this field say that the biological clock of each of us is set so that you need to sleep twice a day. The first is from midnight to seven in the morning, and the second is from one to three in the afternoon.

What is the nature of this need? With cold. It is during the indicated time periods that the temperature of our bodies decreases, and this does not depend on the diet and rest.

Numerous studies show that 15-minute naps increase physical and brain activity. After a slight "rest", the mood of both children and adults improves. A particularly useful afternoon nap for the elderly.

And yet, every medal has a downside. Some scientists explain the desire to sleep among white day laziness and the presence of serious diseases. So, if older men and women like to lie down after dinner, then this may be alarm bell stroke. This hypothesis is supported by studies that found that people who are in dire need of daytime sleep are two or even four times more likely to have strokes.

What explains such a paradox? It appears to be shallow superficial sleep(and this is often the daytime nap) provokes failures blood pressure. Such jumps lead to hemorrhage in the brain.

But do not be afraid, the researchers reassure. You need to sound the alarm only when you get enough sleep during the day and do not overwork, and the bed still calls you on a date during the day.

For young people, the desire to sleep during daylight hours is completely normal, if not essential. After all, it is young people who most often lack sleep at night and are in dire need of recuperation. Experts from Harvard came to the conclusion that only 60 minutes of daytime sleep can restore brain functions just like a good rest at night. To establish this fact, they involved volunteers who slept for 20 minutes before passing the test for attention and memory. Such young people showed more nice results than those who did not sleep during the day, and after 40 minutes or an hour of daytime sleep, their mental abilities increased altogether.

So, you and I have to determine the harmfulness and usefulness of daytime sleep for ourselves. And yet, I will say, based on personal experience: sleep when you want, because you deserve it. ;)

Scientists have long argued about the benefits of daytime sleep. Indeed, a short rest favorably affects the physical and mental activity. The body restores strength, a person can easily cope with current tasks. But there are supporters of a different opinion. Let's try to figure out how to sleep so as not to feel overwhelmed and is there any point in relaxing in the middle of the day?

Scientists conducted tests to study the benefits of extra rest during the day. The study involved representatives various professions and segments of the population. More than eighty percent of the subjects confirmed positive influence sleep. But there were also exceptions. For example, the crew of passenger airliners after forty minutes of daytime sleep felt severe fatigue. Thanks to the study, it was possible to establish the effect of the duration of rest.

To restore strength and feel good, you need to sleep for more than one hour or twenty minutes. Then the phase of deep sleep will not have time to come or will have time to end. In any case, daytime sleep should not last more than two hours. After a long rest, the body's reactions slow down, physical and emotional condition will deteriorate significantly. This leads to a decrease in mental abilities.

You can choose for yourself optimal time. Consider the most beneficial species sleep.



If you are overcome by drowsiness, and you can’t get enough sleep, rest for two to five minutes. A short micro-sleep is great for coping with signs of fatigue.


Five to twenty minutes of daily minisleeping increases stamina and alertness. Significantly improved physical activity and general state organism.

For 20 minutes

The optimal duration of a day's rest is 20 minutes. This sleep includes the benefits of both micro and mini sleep. After rebooting the brain, a place is cleared for a better perception of new information.


Young children, as well as adults during the period of illness, need to sleep from fifty minutes to one and a half hours. The body recovers faster. Significantly improved cognitive process. A day's rest of this duration includes a fast and a slow phase.


Daytime sleep with the correct distribution of time contributes to a reboot brain activity the body feels energized. Doctors recommend resting during the day to relieve stress, increase productivity and focus. Memory and perception are significantly improved.

Daytime sleep is used as a prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. There are cases when a rest in the middle of the day contributed to an increase in creativity and the desire to work physically.

How to lose weight with sleep?

If you follow the figure, proper rest during the day will help the body work better. When a person is sleep deprived, hormonal disbalance. Metabolism is disturbed, carbohydrates are hard to digest. Constant sleep disturbance leads to overweight or even diabetes.

Daytime rest contributes to replenishment of night sleep. The level of the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, decreases.

A surge of strength and energy contributes to active sports. A person can eliminate excess weight.

Get rid of daytime sleepiness

Frequent sleepiness during the day makes it difficult to concentrate on work. Even on weekends, you can not tune in to rest. The term hypersomnia means repeated daytime sleepiness. In most cases, it occurs due to insufficient night sleep.

Just a few sleepless nights, and you will feel how the pace of life will decrease, the mood will deteriorate. There are a few effective ways that will change everything. Night sleep will become more complete and better, and daytime sleepiness will disappear. Let's analyze them in detail:

  1. Sufficient sleep at night. People often wake up earlier than usual in order to have time to finish current affairs or clean themselves up before work. Thus, sleep time is wasted. This indicates an incorrect distribution of morning affairs. If you make a schedule, you can wake up a few hours later. After all, for a good rest, an adult needs from seven to nine hours of sleep. A teenager will need an average of nine hours.
  2. Get it right sleeping place. Before going to bed, it is not advisable to watch TV, play video games or work at a computer. Also, do not deal with business papers or decide conflict situations before bedtime.
  3. Try to wake up at the same time. Daytime sleepiness often occurs due to the wrong mode. The schedule must also be adhered to on weekends.
  4. Accustom your body to the new sleep time gradually. For example, for four days, go to bed fifteen minutes earlier. This approach will help reduce stress. If you try to fall asleep abruptly an hour earlier than your normal schedule, daytime sleepiness can only get worse.
  5. It is important to maintain the order of daily rhythms. Whenever possible, meal times should be consistent. Frequent snacking during the day, as well as closer to the night, lead to sleep disturbance. Breakfast and lunch should be complete. Do not overload the body with food three hours before rest.
  6. Pay attention to exercise. Thirty minutes a day of active exercise will help you sleep peacefully and easily. Aerobic exercise also promotes relaxation. But in any case, it is not advisable to actively engage in sports less than three hours before bedtime.
  7. Follow the daily routine. If you can't get seven or eight hours of sleep, rearrange your schedule. Review things that are not very important. You can reschedule activities that you start late at night to another time.
  8. Go to bed only after the first signs of drowsiness. It is necessary to distinguish between fatigue and the desire to sleep.
  9. Evening sleep negatively affects the state of the body. daytime fatigue will only get worse, and at night you will most likely not be able to sleep.
  10. Do not abuse alcohol. Drinking alcohol before bed disrupts deep sleep. As the alcohol is eliminated from the body, you will wake up at night. You won't be able to fully relax.

Impact on night rest

Frequent naps can negatively affect your well-being. Excessive rest time or the wrong time (after 14.00) can affect the night's sleep. Lack of sleep will cause severe fatigue. Therefore, a person is forced to rest several times during the day. Such a schedule can cause chronic insomnia.

Harm to health

American scientists have found that the daytime sleep of the elderly increases the likelihood of a stroke by four times. English somnologists adhere to the same opinion. Daytime sleep of the elderly and mature people (but only if the duration of sleep is more than 8 hours) reduces life expectancy.

An increased risk is also associated with diseases of the older age category. For example, snoring often leads to obstructive sleep apnea (stopping breathing). This, in turn, increases daytime sleepiness and increases the likelihood of strokes. But still we are talking about excessive daytime rest. Short sleep is beneficial.

Avoiding daytime naps

There are situations when it is better not to sleep during the day. If you just have nothing to do or are bored, sleep is not The best way kill time.

Sometimes the body cannot resist the urge to sleep. People intend to lie down for 20 minutes, but get up only after 3 hours. As a rule, this is fraught with headache and fatigue. If you cannot cope with drowsiness, it is advisable to undergo an examination or seek advice from a somnologist. Excessive sleepiness is not normal.

If you find it rather difficult to fall asleep in the evening, sleeping in the middle of the day is undesirable for you. There is a risk that going to bed at night will become even more difficult. How to properly plan a dream? Let's talk about this in more detail:

  1. Make sure no one disturbs your peace. After all, if there are several awakenings in half an hour, rest will not bring the desired result.
  2. If you find it hard to fall asleep in the presence of noise and light, create optimal conditions. Earplugs and an eye mask, silence and darkened shutters on the windows will help. You don't have to go to bed during the day. After all, from insufficient willpower, you can oversleep much more time. Ideal for a short rest "day" clothes and a sofa. At work, you don't really have to choose. You can take a nap on a regular sofa or a folding chair.
  3. You may be overwhelmed by everyday thoughts. Try to relax. Nothing will happen in just twenty minutes. Not everyone can fall asleep the first time. Even the first week can be unsuccessful. Do not worry. Time will pass, and you can absolutely fall asleep anywhere.
  4. Plan to sleep no later than 14.00-15.00. Until this time, the body is in urgent need of rest, and you will fall asleep faster. If you wait, the awakening can be significantly delayed. As a result, it will be very difficult to fall asleep at night.
  5. Set the alarm time correctly. Remember that it takes about 10-15 minutes to fall asleep.
  6. If you have the classic trouble waking up, have a cup of strong drink before bed. Tea or even coffee will do. After all, the action will begin only in twenty minutes. Until that time, you will sleep well and can easily get to work.
  7. Feeling a little tired after sleep, muscle flaccidity is the norm. For quick recovery do some exercise, go outside or turn on a bright light. will appear good mood, cheerfulness and fresh ideas.

Daytime sleep should not be taken as a whim of sissies and lazy people. Complete rest everyone needs healthy person not only to increase productivity, but also as a preventive measure for many diseases.


Svetlana Tantsyreva

Scientists are haunted by small human weaknesses. This time, daytime sleep fell under their close research attention. It turned out that the desire to take a nap after dinner speaks not only of laziness or the body's need to recuperate, but also of serious illnesses, writes today "RBC daily".

Here is what AYURVEDA says about it:

In Sanskrit, Sleep is called Nidra. Sleep is nutrition and healing, it gives growth and restores. Together with other positive practices such as meditation, relaxation, etc. etc., sleep purifies, gives the qualities of freshness, vitality, beauty of the mind and body.
Sleep is nothing but a state when the brain is temporarily, as it were, disconnected from sensory and internal organs. This mechanism is laid down by Nature itself, because such rest is vital for our body and especially the psyche. Sleep disturbance causes various ailments, exhaustion, weakness, stupefaction, and may be one of the causes of infertility and even premature death.
Irregular, short, insufficient or vice versa too long can cause diseases and shorten life.
Sleeping during the day is not recommended, as it promotes the formation of Ama toxins in the body and mind. Sleep after eating is especially harmful.
Of course, there are some exceptions, for example:
- children or the elderly;
- weakened by disease;
- those who have poisoned;
- feels tired from excessive sexual activity;
- tired from hard physical work
for more details, you can read


I don't think. I love to fall asleep for an hour and a half on weekends during the day. If possible, I never deny myself this and I feel great.

Alexander N

Who said it's bad? In my opinion, it's useful. Within reason, of course.

elena korneeva

who has what body. some sleep during the day is necessary - the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced. and some, having slept during the day, cannot sleep at night ... and this is a complete harm. eternal lack of sleep

What are the benefits of daytime sleep?


Vladislav Naumov

Daytime sleep is good for the heart

Daytime sleep protects against cardiovascular diseases, American scientists believe. According to them, the risk of dying from heart disease is reduced by 40% for people who regularly sleep during the day.

To participate in the study, Harvard Medical School staff selected about 24,000 volunteers aged 20 to 86 who had never suffered heart attacks and strokes and were not sick. oncological diseases. Observing participants who were required to provide detailed information about his daily routine and habits, lasted six years.

After taking into account factors such as dietary habits and physical activity, the researchers concluded that the risk of death from cardiovascular disease was reduced by 37% for those who liked to take a nap during the day, provided that nap breaks were taken at least three times a week and their duration was at least 30 minutes. Shorter naps were associated with a 12 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease.

The authors of the study note that the protective effect of the afternoon siesta was stronger in working participants compared to retirees. The usefulness of daytime sleep, scientists associate with its beneficial influence on the level of stress hormones, the excess of which is associated with increased risk heart attacks and strokes.

Daytime sleep is not only useful, but also... harmful!!! !

Scientists are haunted by small human weaknesses. This time, daytime sleep fell under their close research attention. It turned out that the desire to take a nap after dinner speaks not only of laziness or the body's need to recuperate, but also of serious illnesses, RBC daily writes today.

After conducting a series of experiments, the American neurologist Bernadette Baden-Albala found that regular daytime naps in older people can be alarm signal about the pre-stroke condition. In the course of the study, the results of which were presented at international conferences, the state of cerebral vessels in two thousand people was analyzed. It turned out that the likelihood of a stroke in older people who regularly experience an overwhelming need to sleep during the day was two to four times higher than those who slept exclusively at night.

This is because during superficial, shallow daytime sleep, older people often experience jumps in blood pressure, which can cause cerebral hemorrhages. However, Baden-Albala immediately made a reservation that the results of the study are correct only in the case of the appearance of "unmotivated" daytime sleep, when a person who does not lack sleep and increased loads still sleepy anyway. It is this drowsiness that can be a harbinger of a stroke. But the desire of young, actively working people to sleep for an hour after dinner speaks only of a general lack of sleep and the body's need to recuperate. Therefore, under such a set of circumstances, daytime sleep is not only safe, but also has a beneficial effect on the body.

Specialists from Harvard University found that in this case, an hour of afternoon sleep restores brain function no worse than a full night's sleep. Volunteers who napped for 20 minutes outperformed non-sleepers by 15% to 20% on a subsequent test of attention and memory. And those who dozed during the day for 45-60 minutes did think one and a half times faster than those who were awake.

The idea of ​​a short daytime nap in the workplace is finding more and more fans, not only among ordinary employees, but also among their bosses. It is believed that for a person working in an office, a 20-minute sleep immediately after lunch, between 13:00 and 15:00, is ideal - such a pause can increase overall work efficiency by up to 35%. Offices of modern Western companies in without fail equipped with rest rooms for staff. And some go even further, installing special sleep capsules.

Irina Nafikova


Even with the medieval Salerno code of health it is written:
"Dine modestly, forget about wines,
Don't be useless
Stay awake after eating
Avoiding afternoon naps. "
These are long-term observations of our ancestors. An exception for sleep may be isolated cases when you are very tired or have not had enough sleep.


I know that daytime sleep on the contrary, is not useful.

Is it useful for an adult to sleep and rest during the day? Do you sleep during the day? Do you have such an opportunity?



There is a possibility, but there is no need. Energy is so rushing out of me during the day, and in the evening too, that I spend 2-3 hours actively on the street, and then I continue at home in the same spirit. It all started with the rejection of animal protein and fasting one-day weekly. I plan to cleanse the body 10 daytime fasting. They say and spiritually relieves. Paul Bragg inspired with his book and lifestyle))


Of course have. after a day you will come and sleep :)

Olga Karpova

I don't have that option. But if it does, I'll definitely use it. I think that for both an adult and a child, a lack of sleep is more harmful than an hour. afternoon nap. We all now have a life in such a rhythm that there is no time to sleep, everyone walks sleepy, and therefore irritated.

stop stop

when you are hungry, the breg himself says that you need to sleep more :)


I do not have such a need, I have enough energy until late in the evening.

Natalya Podkaminnaya

It all depends on the lifestyle and work of a person, the body itself will tell you whether you need to sleep or not.
I, personally on a decree, get up at night to the child, the result - I don’t get enough sleep, - during the day I want to take a walk for 20-30 minutes. This is enough for me, if I sleep longer - my head starts to hurt.


in Spain, Siesta is legal - rest or even sleep during lunch. I also take siesta regularly. prolongs life

Is napping helpful?


Incognito Unknown

Half an hour, no more.

I am

Especially at work


Sleep is generally useful;)


Yes, naps are really helpful. A person who is able to relax and restore strength for short span time (due to sleep) - preserves health.
The body needs to restore its strength in the ways that are natural for it, to put it simply - the body needs rest. It is known that recovery life force Most effectively occurs during sleep, when the whole body is in a state of complete rest.

Julia Egorovskaya

Depends on each specific person. For some, a daytime sleep gives vigor and strength for the rest of the day, while for others, on the contrary, it drives them so that they cannot come to their senses.

Super Girl

Don't trust anyone! DO NOT sleep during the day! In no case! This is very harmful! Just like not sleeping at night, especially from 21:00 to 2:00! It is then that the mind and consciousness of a person rest from all problems! And when the sun is shining, the body cannot sleep!

Guzel Khakimullina

I also wonder if daytime sleep is useful. Men - yes, I know for sure, they like to sleep during the day and they don’t get anything from it. And my head always hurts after a daytime sleep. But it doesn’t work for half an hour, after you fall asleep for a couple of hours for sure, and then you walk like a beaten one until the evening, and your head hurts terribly.


You need to listen to your body. if you want to sleep, then it is much more harmful not to sleep and to mock the body. He will remember you later.

Galina Fofanova

My father slept all his life after dinner for 15-20 minutes, and until the age of 83 he did not complain about headache. In order not to sleep for a long time, I chose an unsuitable place for sleeping: an armchair, 2 chairs ... I also sometimes practice this at work at lunchtime, I sleep sitting at the table, leaning on the table, covered with a jacket, for about 15 minutes, somewhere in the back room, the employees are understanding, they don’t bother ... But in the second half of the day - such a rise in efficiency!
I read somewhere in the newspapers that in England office workers can afford such a short rest.

Do adults need daytime sleep?



I also like to lie down during the day. I don’t fall asleep, but I can take a nap.


I absolutely need.

friends chips

yes. I'm going to sleep. and then in the evening, sometimes, it is also interesting here

cat Baiyun

If you don't get enough sleep at night, then you need it))

♪♫IzoLda Darling Dosvidos ❤

You know, I often just need it.

Is daytime sleep good?


Elena Bondareva

20 minutes of daytime sleep replaces 4 hours of nighttime sleep. So sleep well!

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