The name of all parts of the body. For everyone and about everything. Stovepipe legs - full legs

The body is a concept that exists in various branches of science. Consider the human body or human body, how physical structure, its structure, functionality, etc.

  • The adult body is made up of nearly 50 trillion different cells.
  • There are over a trillion different chemical compounds in a single human brain. However, the total cost of all chemical substances, spent by Nature on one human body, about 160 dollars.
  • 70% of the bodies of adults are water. The proof is the fact that after the cremation of the body of an adult, the remaining ashes weigh about 4 kg. 24% are organic substances and 6% are inorganic.
  • Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe. The hydrogen atoms that make up the human body today are the same ones that formed 13.7 billion years ago during the Big Bang.
  • There is so much iron in the human body that a nail about 8 cm long can be forged from it.
  • Over 90% of the cells in the human body are "borrowed" from other living organisms. They are mainly fungi and bacteria. We share 98.4% of our DNA with the chimpanzee's genetic code, 70% of our DNA is the same as the slug's.
  • Scientists have calculated that about 300 million cells per minute die in the human body, and about 300 billion new ones are formed per day.
  • The largest of them is the female egg. The smallest is the sperm.

Depending on gender, age, race, genetic characteristics, and simply because each of us is a separate universe, there are countless variations in the number and combinations of cells in the human body. Even identical twins of the same sex, who are the closest in genetic code and cellular formula, have different fingerprints and some other differences.

Female body: functional features

Despite numerous speculations around the stronger and weaker sex, the female body in fact often turns out to be more perfect and adapted to the difficulties of life.

  • The body of a girl more easily endures the test of birth than the body of a boy, and during her life is more resistant to negative influence environment, stress, etc.
  • Pain threshold for women is 9 times higher than any macho.
  • Ladies have a more perfect sense of smell. They are better able to identify citrus, vanilla, cinnamon and coffee aromas.
  • Ordinary people endowed with three types of color receptors that provide normal vision. But some of the fair sex have 4 or 5 of them, so they can distinguish much more shades.
  • Men hear with the left cerebral hemisphere, and ladies use both hemispheres for this, respectively, their hearing acuity is higher.
  • Women blink twice as often as men.

However, the differences are not always in favor of the fair sex. There are also advantages of the male body over the female body, we will talk about them below.

Time of youth best time in a woman's life. The girl's young body is full of vitality, her beauty is experiencing a wonderful flowering time.

But, as a rule, it is at this time that young people are too picky about their own appearance. Even with ideal parameters, a perfect body, girls often become victims of teenage complexes. They go in for fitness to the point of exhaustion, go on diets, change cosmetologists and hairdressers.

Depression and other significant psycho-emotional disorders can occur at a young age if the girl's body really has significant deviations from the generally accepted norm, for example, overweight, too large or small stature, cosmetic flaws, etc.

In such a case, parents, girlfriends, a man in love or an experienced psychologist can raise self-esteem, look differently at their own body.

Pregnancy and the woman's body

The female body is "programmed" to give birth to 35 boys and girls.

  • A girl's ovaries store about 600,000 immature eggs at birth.
  • Only 400 of them will be lucky enough to meet a spermatozoon.
  • Moreover, they are 175,000 times heavier than their "narrowed". The "age" of a mature egg is short - it lasts no more than a day.
  • Pregnancy occurs in women on average about 270 days. However, deviations from this figure are quite significant. For example, maximum time registered between the birth of two twins is 87 days.

The average representative of the stronger sex is taller, weighs more, is stronger than the average woman.

  • The average male height is from 170 to 180 cm, and this is 10 cm more than the female norm.
  • The brain of a man is heavier than a woman's by more than 100 g, on average it is 1375 g.
  • The male body “burns” calories faster than it happens in the body of the fair sex, since its muscle mass, which ensures efficient metabolism, is much larger.
  • The heart of the stronger sex beats more slowly, and its mass and size are larger.
  • It is easier for a man to read text printed in small print.
  • The male body produces almost 10 million spermatozoa (this amount is enough to reproduce the population of our planet in about 6 months). On average, a spermatozoon lives 36 hours. It contains 37.5 megabytes of DNA. Therefore, with each ejaculation, there is a data transfer of 1500 terabytes.

The body of the child: from prenatal development

The structure of the body of an adult has many differences from the embryo, which is obtained as a result of the fusion of female and male germ cells. However, three germ layers (ecto-, meso- and endoderm) give rise to all tissues (muscular nervous, epithelial, connective) and parts of the human body.

Much changes over time, and by the time a child’s body is born, it looks much more like a human body, it has all the organs and systems of an adult, only they can be arranged a little differently and do not work very efficiently.

  • Although the female body has many differences from the male, the first 6 weeks of male and female embryos are identical.
  • On the 7th day after the merger of the female and male cells the embryo has a gut, and after another 20 days - sections of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Already in 30 days prenatal development some parts of the future skeleton can be distinguished.
  • In the third month, the embryo acquires a papillary pattern on the fingertips.
  • Teeth begin to form six months before birth.
  • In the mother's womb, the child's body is covered thin layer hair, but shortly before or after birth hairline disappears.
  • The fetus reacts to the sounds of music, distinguishes between voices.

  • The body of a baby has 26 billion cells.
  • During the first month after birth, the number of neurons in the hemispheres of the naked brain increases by three zeros. The brain of a baby in the first year of life grows 3 times faster than it will happen later.
  • The head is about ¼ of the entire body length of a child, while in an adult it will be only 1/8 of the body length.
  • At birth, the body of a child has more than 300 cartilages, differing from the structure of the body of an adult. As they grow, some fuse together, resulting in 206 bones in adulthood. Only added kneecaps, forming by half a year.
  • In the body of a newborn about a liter of blood.
  • At birth, the lungs of people are pink, they darken with use, due to pollution in the air.
  • A feature of the visual perception of newborns is that they see the world in black and white.
  • It takes time to learn how to “flip” the image, because for the baby from birth the whole world “stands upside down”.
  • Newborns cry without tears for the first 40 days after coming into this world.

Development of children of preschool and school age

  • Children, like flowers, grow faster in the spring.
  • The brain of a child who is deprived of care and attention can be significantly smaller than that of someone who is loved and developed. Thanks to training, it can increase by a quarter or more, and completely stops growing by the age of 18.
  • To stimulate the development of children, it is recommended to read aloud more.
  • Children have a better sense of smell and higher hearing acuity.

The main parts of the human body are:

  • lower limbs;
  • torso;
  • upper limbs;
  • head.

All parts of the human body are composed of four main types of tissues formed in the process of intrauterine development from germinal petals.

  • nervous tissue forms a system consisting of neuroglia and neurons. It controls the entire body and connects the body with the outside world.
  • Connective - formed by lymph, connective, cartilaginous, bone and adipose tissues. Its role is to build, protect, support the organs and the body as a whole.
  • Muscular, including cardiac, smooth and skeletal tissues, provides the ability to move the body and function of its organs, participating in a change in their volume and shape.

The structure of the human body: body systems

In order for the parts of the human body to function properly, 11 systems work harmoniously:

  • integumentary protects muscle, bone and all the rest;
  • nourish and enrich with oxygen every cell of the human body - digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory and excretory;
  • reproductive makes it possible to continue the race;
  • immune fights with external enemies ( pathogenic microflora) and internal ( cancer cells);
  • and the endocrine and nervous systems “run” everything, mutually influencing each other.

Between the systems and internal organs of the human body there are "good-neighbourly relations", they support each other's functions and work together for the benefit of the body.

However, thanks to reserve abilities, the body can survive without some parts of the body. A person can do without one, several, and even all limbs. He is able to live without a stomach, 75% liver, spleen, 80% intestines, one lung and one kidney.

But the “shortage” will undoubtedly affect the quality of life and its duration. For example, it is unlikely that a person without a kidney will ever be among those whose life path lasts over 115 years. Such lucky ones have enviable health and are extremely rare: one in two billion inhabitants of the Earth.

All internal organs have their own places assigned by Nature. The structure of the human body is "thought out" by evolution to the smallest detail. However, options are possible. According to medical statistics, in 1 person out of 100 thousand, internal organs do not have usual location, but mirrored.

About the lungs and the circulatory system

Human blood is a "cocktail" in which are mixed in special proportions:

  • red blood cells (erythrocytes) that transport oxygen;
  • white (leukocytes) - "warriors" who stand guard and protect the body from diseases;
  • platelets (thanks to them, the blood "coagulates");
  • plasma (its composition is similar to the composition of the water of prehistoric seas).

In the body of people, blood makes a long journey every day, overcoming about 10 thousand km. In four days, she, with the same success, could go around the globe.

  • Moving through the arteries, the blood carries oxygen, hormones and nutrition to all tissues, returning through the veins already depleted. Only the pulmonary vein, the only one among all other veins, like arteries, passes oxygenated blood through itself.
  • The most significant artery in the human body is the aorta.

If you put your child's fingers into a fist, it will be the size of his heart. To imagine the size of an adult, you will have to interlace the fingers of both hands together.

  • "Motor" pumps 4 thousand liters of blood daily. Almost a million barrels of blood "runs" in a lifetime, they can only fit in two supertankers carrying oil.
  • For the body to function properly, the heart muscle must contract 30 million times a year, at a rate of 70 times in 60 seconds. It is so industrious that it continues to pulsate for another five seconds after it is removed from the body.
  • The change in heart rate can match the rhythm of the music the person is listening to.
  • Every day, the heart muscle generates energy, which is enough to charge an electric car, based on 32 km of travel.

In order to carry out oxygenation of the blood, Nature made the lungs of people from thousands of bronchial branches holding clusters of alveoli. The exchange of CO2 for O2 is carried out in microscopic capillaries.

  • If you calculate the total lung surface area, it will correspond to the size of a standard tennis court.
  • Every day, the lungs pump 2 million liters of air through themselves, and their owner does not seem to notice this important process, being an “exclusive” mammal, unable to do two things at the same time - breathe and swallow.
  • The body's need for oxygen changes as we grow older. Young people consume almost double the amount of oxygen needed by pensioners.

Starting with the very opening with which people speak and eat, that is, with the mouth, gastrointestinal tract stretches for almost ten meters to end at the anus.

  • It is designed so that the food will go into the stomach, even if you dine standing upside down.
  • Normally, about 2 liters of liquid and food are placed in it, but if you try, you can “stuff” much more. Truth to digest a large number of food, all 35 million digestive glands will have to “work hard”.
  • The acid in the stomach is so concentrated that in 300 seconds it can easily corrode a steel razor. If you remove the mucous "pad" from the stomach, it will digest itself. To ensure safety, Nature arranged it so that normally it is updated every three to four days.
  • It is curious that the mucous membrane of the stomach turns red from heat, constraint, or for another reason, along with all the skin of the body.
  • The internal organ with the greatest extent (640 cm) - small intestine. His "neighbor" colon, almost 3.5 times shorter.
  • The most significant of all internal organs body (1600 g) - the liver, formed from 100 thousand lobules. Being a very hard-working body, it bears five thousand duties at once.
  • Its cells take several years to fully renew itself.
  • Moreover, only it is one of all the other organs in the human body that is capable of regeneration, even after an almost complete hepatectomy, when only 10% of the organ remains, it is able to fully recover in a few weeks. What happens in the organisms of patients who undergo partial resection of this organ, and their donors.

The human kidneys consist of almost a million nephrons, which are perfect filters that purify 1300 ml of blood per minute, 880 liters during the day, or 4.5 million liters in an average life.

  • During the day, they manage to clean all the blood almost 300 times and excrete 1500 ml of waste in the form of urine.
  • It is curious that the bladder can "store" up to 1140 ml.

The work of the endocrine, immune, reproductive systems: human body temperature, etc.

The system of the human body, which is often called "hormonal" by the people, is divided into glandular and diffuse. Carrying out "total control" over the body, she acts in a well-coordinated "trio" with the immune and nervous systems.

Glandular is represented by many glands:

  • hypothalamus;
  • the pituitary gland;
  • thymus;
  • epiphysis;
  • gonads;
  • pancreas;
  • adrenal glands;
  • thyroid and parathyroid.

Diffuse - produces more than 30 hormones and is "collected" from cells scattered throughout all internal organs:

  • spleen;
  • liver;
  • stomach
  • intestines;
  • kidneys.

The adrenal glands are located exactly in the place indicated by their name. These are very interesting glands that change in size as their owner matures and then ages. If the baby is born at the 7th month of pregnancy, his adrenal glands and kidneys will have almost the same size. After birth at term, they are already smaller. And they continue to “shrink” until old age. In an elderly person, these glands are so tiny that they are difficult to see without a microscope.

The body produces many amazing substances that regulate human body temperature, sleep, appetite, manage stress, etc. They are called “hormones”.

  • Everyone knows that the normal temperature of the human body is 36.6 ° C, but deviations can be very significant, for example, due to malfunctions in the endocrine system.
  • Do you know what is the ultimate heat the human body that has ever been recorded is 46.5°C.
  • At normal temperature human body, his body produces so much heat in half an hour that, having accumulated it, you can boil a two-liter kettle.

The immune system is represented by cells that resist pathological microflora and neutralize cancer.

The immune response can be congenital or acquired and is most often realized by leukocytes.

The reproductive system of the body is under the control of the nervous and endocrine systems. Moreover, the structure of the human body is such that the sex glands (gonads) are an element of the hormonal and reproductive systems at the same time.

The main difference between the functionality of the reproductive system, in comparison with other living beings, is the absence of seasonality. reproductive function. All year round on our planet every day 240 million people or 4% of the total population of the globe enter into sexual contact. Because of this, humans are a rapidly proliferating species.

It consists of central (spinal cord and brain) and peripheral.

  • The brain is 60% white and 40% gray matter. In total, it contains 60 billion cells, 1/6 of which are neurons, continuously growing.
  • In adults, the weight of the brain is from total weight body is usually only 2%. On average, it weighs less than 1.4 kg. For men average figure is 1375 g, and for women it is another 100 g less.
  • The brain consumes about 1/5 of the energy generated by the human body. It requires about the same amount as for a ten-watt light bulb.
  • His left hemisphere controls the right side of the human body, and the right hemisphere, which is responsible for self-knowledge in general, controls the left side of the body.
  • human brain usually involved at 4%. If used "to the fullest", it is capable of containing a quadrillion bits of information, which would be enough for five (non-repeating) editions of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  • This "biocomputer" is unrivaled, as it processes data at a speed of 3000+ Ghz and can perform 38,000 trillion operations per second. The BlueGene supercomputer, the most powerful to date, runs at a much lower performance of just 0.002% of that of the human brain.
  • To provide it, there are almost a million chemical reactions during wakefulness, in a dream their number drops to 100,000.
  • Even after the death of the body, the electrical waves sent by the brain are recorded for more than a day and a half.

The spinal cord is made up of 13.5 million neurons, and it controls the "army" of nerve cells, which has almost 10 billion.

Its length is up to 45 cm, and the thickness is the same as the diameter of the index finger.

It accepts "messages" from:

  • 0.5 million sensory "sensors" located in all parts of the body;
  • 0.2 million - temperature;
  • 4 million pain receptors.

Every 5 cm of the human body is "equipped" with 9 thousand nerve endings, of which:

  • 36 - register the temperature;
  • 75 - pressure;
  • 600 - pain.

When a person touches something, nerve endings send SMS to the brain. It is transmitted at an average speed of 200 km per hour. There are neurons that are faster, and there are slower ones, so the speed is not the same in different parts of the path through the body.

Visual information is paramount for a person, and accounts for up to 90% of all information about the surrounding world.

  • Human eyes have from 110 to 130 million receptors capable of perceiving light and distinguish up to 10 million shades of colors.
  • Their performance will not "keep up" with the most advanced electronic telescope, especially at noon, when visual acuity is higher.
  • human eye can be compared with digital camera, with a matrix resolution of 576 megapixels, endowed with a multi-focus lens capable of self-adjusting in a couple of milliseconds, capable of processing 36 thousand bytes of data in an hour.
  • The eye first turns the picture of the world. And only as a result of interpretation by the brain, it returns to normal.

Human ears perceive sounds from 1,000 to 50,000 Hertz. After a heavy meal, hearing becomes dull. Therefore, it is better to go to a concert or a musical hungry.

Each person's tongue has at least 10 thousand taste receptors, which are completely renewed after 10 hours. But by the age of 60, many people have lost about 50% of their taste buds.

A person is able to distinguish smells, thanks to the nerve "sensors" with which his nose is "equipped". Some animals have a much more perfect "smell", but the human nose also has quite good characteristics: it, on average, differentiates 10 thousand aromas and identifies an object by smell when its ratio to air is 1:1,000,000,000,000,000.

integumentary system

It is represented by the dermis and its derivatives, nails and hair, and is the leader in size among other systems of the human body.

  • The skin is the largest organ in the human body. The skin of an adult in an "expanded" form will occupy an area of ​​​​about 2 square meters.
  • epidermal cells (upper layer) skin bodies) are updated in 4 weeks.
  • In an hour, 600 thousand dead scales are exfoliated from the surface of the epidermis. For the year, "gained", on average, 700 g, by the age of seventy - 48 kg.
  • The skin contains about 73 km of nerves.
  • Humans have as much hair on their bodies as chimpanzees. But they are shorter, thinner and lighter, so the vegetation is not so noticeable.
  • The life of each hair lasts up to 7 years.
  • Every day, about 100 hairs die off on a person's scalp alone.
  • Each of them can withstand a hundred-gram load, if you multiply this amount by the number of all the hairs on your head, the fairy tale about Rapunzel will no longer seem like a fantasy.
  • Human nails add in length, on average, half a millimeter per month.
  • But on the legs they grow 4 times slower.
  • The longer the fingers themselves, the faster their nail plates lengthen. On the middle fingers of the upper limbs there are record-breaking growth rate nails, and on the little fingers of the lower limbs there are “outsiders” that grow more slowly than all the others.
  • Many people think that with the death of the human body, the life of hair and nails does not end, and they continue to grow. This is not true. The lifeless body seems to “shrink”, decreasing in size, while the appendages of the dermis (hair, nails) remain unchanged, so an illusion is created that they are growing.

The skeleton of the human body, which consists of 206 bones, is updated once every three months.

33-34 of them, which form spinal column, unpaired. The rest are located symmetrically in the left and right parts bodies and form pairs.

  • Although bones are 25% water, 45% mineral and 30% organic, they are 4 times stronger than concrete and even stronger than steel. A block of bone the size of a matchbox can withstand a load of nine tons.
  • By the way, when laughing or coughing creates more pressure on the spine than when walking.
  • The hardest bone in the human body is the lower jaw.
  • If you remove minerals from the bone by immersing it overnight in a 6% solution of hydrochloric acid, it will become so soft that it can be tied into a knot.
  • The human hand is made up of 32 different bones.
  • The phalanges of the fingers are strong enough to support the weight of the entire body.
  • The foot has 31 bones, and they are the fastest growing bones in the human body.
  • Femur is the longest in the human body, its length is about a quarter of the height of a person. She's so strong she can endure axial load about 1600-1800 kg.
  • The smallest bone is called the stirrup and is located in the middle ear.
  • There are 22 bones in the skull of an adult.
  • The hyoid bone is the only bone in the body that is not attached to other bones.

The human body has 230 movable and semi-movable joints.

Humans have fewer muscles than caterpillars. Although each of the people has more than 600 of them. All of them last for visceral (smooth and cardiac) and somatic (skeletal).

  • Muscles often work in pairs so that they can "pull" in different or opposite directions, flex or extend.
  • Most strong muscles human body, chewing, located on both sides of the mouth.
  • The longest muscle in the human body is the tailor's muscle (Sartorius), located in the hip joint.
  • A person uses 200 muscles to take one step.
  • The shoulder blade is connected to the body by 15 different muscles, all attached to the same bone.
  • people have more facial muscles than any other animal on Earth (22 on each side of the face).
  • 17 muscles work while a person smiles, and 43 - when he frowns.
  • If one eye blinks, more than 200 muscles come into motion.
  • The eyes have the most responsive muscles. They react within 1/100th of a second.
  • The focusing eye muscles do the contraction exercise 100,000 times a day. To give the muscles of the legs a similar workout, you need to walk about 80 km.
  • Human speech is produced by the interaction of 72 muscles.

Human body weight

The total body weight of a person can vary within fairly wide limits. It depends not only on physique, sex, age, but also on lifestyle, diet, diseases.

  • The most significant organ is the muscles, they make up about 43% of the human body weight.
  • Bones, together with the red brain, make up only 12.1% of a person's weight.
  • The weight of the brain on average is about 2% of the total body weight of a person. Elderly people begin to "slim" the brain, it loses almost one gram per year.
  • The weight of the human cerebellum is about 150 g.
  • Eyeball a person weighs about 28 g.
  • The human body weight includes five to six liters of blood.
  • digestive tract weighs about a couple of kilograms, and the human intestine contains about 1 kg of bacteria.

Healthy and beautiful body

Folk wisdom says: "Health is the most valuable thing a person has." And one cannot but agree with this. A beautiful body, first of all, is healthy. Nature endows each of us with limitless abilities. And the task of a person is to try not to lose them, walking through life, but to make the most of, “slow down” the programmed aging of the body, resisting negative factors external environment and fighting "internal" enemies:

More than 90% of diseases are caused or complicated by stresses that affect the body's resistance, the body's immune response.

But still, the cause of each disease is a pathogenic factor or several factors. The following are distinguished:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • physical;
  • biological;
  • psychogenic.

most common cause untimely death and disability in the world today are cardiopathology.

More than 100 types of cancer are known to science. Any part of the body can become a target for cancer.

Diabetes is now called a noncommunicable epidemic. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, 422 million people in the world in 2014 had some type of diabetes. This is 8.5% of the adult population of the world. This pathology is the main reason kidney failure. Every year it results in 5% or 5 million cases of blindness in adults and one million limb amputations.

Every year, all countries spend almost 375 billion dollars on the treatment of patients who have become victims of the "sweet killer".

Traditional Therapies: An Integrated Approach

Modern medicine approaches the treatment of all diseases in a complex manner. They are used both medicinally and non-drug methods, including:

  • diet;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy methods;
  • instrumental treatment, etc.

Effective therapy should not only relieve the symptoms of pathology, but fight its cause.

Great importance is given to prevention, which helps to prevent illness and injury, to have a healthy and beautiful body. Sometimes preventive advice is very simple. For example:

  • full-body exercise and diet can reduce the chance of developing or delay the incidence of diabetes by more than 50%;
  • sleep 7 hours every night helps to increase life expectancy;
  • taking vitamins C and E serves to prevent dementia.

In addition to traditional methods of treatment and prevention of diseases, there are alternative methods that are based on folk ways treatment. Many of them, in the course of the development of medical science, were recognized as classical medicine, and moved from the category of non-traditional to the category of traditional. This happened, for example, with dietology, massage, hypnosis, etc.

Among the most famous and popular alternative therapies are:

  • naturopathy, which includes several well-known methods (hirudotherapy, aromatherapy, thalassotherapy, apitherapy; herbal medicine, etc.);
  • homeopathy;
  • other unconventional methods, including acupuncture (impact with needles on certain points on the body) and acupressure (massage aimed at biologically active points on the body), bioenergetics, osteopathy and many others. others

All of them are used today in the complex treatment of various pathologies. For example, acupressure or acupressure (massage effect on points on the body) has become part of traditional method treatment - reflexology. And acupuncture or acupuncture (the impact of needles on points on the body) is considered traditional medicine in China.

Why care is needed for all parts of the human body

For the health and beauty of the body of any person, home and professional hygienic and cosmetic procedures. Hygiene, first of all, serves the prevention of infectious diseases. It was she who helped to significantly reduce the death rate of people around the world.

Much of what happens in our body, we simply cannot see with the naked eye.

  • For example, more living organisms live on the skin of one person than there are people on the surface of the Earth.
  • Just inside the navel, thousands of bacteria live, which form an ecosystem comparable in diversity to the flora and fauna of the rainforest.
  • Every square inch of the skin is inhabited by about 32 million bacteria. Fortunately, the vast majority of them are harmless.
  • More dangerous germs are transmitted through handshakes than through kissing.
  • There are more bacteria in the human mouth than the populations of the United States and Canada combined.
  • Plaque begins to form 6 hours after a person has brushed their teeth.
  • If you brush your teeth regularly, you can prevent not only cavities, intestinal infections but also heart disease.
  • Much of the dust under people's beds is their own dead skin.
  • One square centimeter of human skin contains about 100 sweat glands. The palms of the hands and the soles of the feet - even more.
  • Tiny mites live in the eyelashes of all people.

The beard grows faster than other hair on the body. If the average man does not take care of his beard, it can grow up to 9 meters long.

By the way, frequent washing hair does not cause hair loss, as some fear. And there is no scientific evidence that shaving or waxing causes hair to thicken.

In people with dark skin wrinkles appear later than in people with light color skin. Therefore, the latter are forced to start anti-aging cosmetic procedures much earlier in order to maintain a beautiful body and face.

Humans are the best distance runners on the planet. Beautiful human bodies no worse than other four-legged animals, they are adapted for a marathon. The only condition for a person to retain the potential inherent in Nature is simple exercises for the body, cardio training, stretching, power training which are held regularly.

Classes not only help to achieve sports heights, but also solve quite “mundane” tasks.

  • There are sets of exercises for the whole body or for "problem" areas. For example, exercises for weight loss of the whole body or exercises for "drying" the body help to reduce weight and reduce volume in general. Simple body exercises that target specific muscle groups can help reduce body fat in desired areas.
  • Complexes of exercises for body growth help those who consider themselves not tall enough to “grow up”, and at the same time get rid of a number of serious psycho-emotional problems.
  • There are exercises for the whole body that help to activate the immune system, fight cardiopathologies, diabetes and other serious illnesses.
  • Special sets of simple exercises for the body are designed for the complex treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, diseases digestive system, bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases, etc.
  • There are exercises for all parts of the body, even for eye training, optimization erectile function and many others. others

Body Growth Exercises

Human height is determined not only by genes. Growth hormone is also "responsible" for it. On average, growth hormone is produced at a rate of 500 micrograms per day at age 20, 200 micrograms per day at age 40, and 25 micrograms per day at age 80.

Not only boys and girls want to “grow up”. At the age of 30, people begin to gradually decrease in size, and many want to reverse the process. Body building exercises can help with this.

One of the most effective for body growth are horizontal bar exercises. You don't have to pull up. It is enough just to hang on the horizontal bar, at least 10 seconds per approach. The main thing is that exercises for body growth are performed regularly, it is recommended to train on the horizontal bar from 6 to 10 times a day.

In addition, to “grow up” are useful:

  • cycling;
  • simple stretching exercises for the body;
  • team sports such as basketball, football, etc.

Simple exercises for weight loss

On average, over the course of a lifetime, people spend five years eating and manage to consume 7,000 times more food than their body weight, and some even more. Hypodynamia also does its job, as a result, the number of obese patients is growing.

Body fat is not particularly dangerous until the level of total body fat reaches 35% for men and 40% for women. However, every kilogram excess fat- this is more than 11 km of new blood vessels, cellulite and various psycho-emotional disorders due to dissatisfaction with one's own reflection in the mirror.

A proven cure for obesity is proper nutrition and exercises for losing weight of the whole body or exercises for drying the body in “problem” areas.

Muscle tissue is three times more efficient at burning calories than fat. That is why exercises for weight loss of the whole body should be aimed at increasing muscle mass. This does not mean at all that everyone should do weightlifting together and build muscle, like Schwarzenegger. The right combination cardio, stretching and strength exercises for weight loss of the whole body will help to acquire beautiful shapes, no frills, and increase calorie consumption.

Rating: Rating: 5/5 Votes: 40

Heads, shoulders, knees and… tear carcass?

We tend to think that we know everything or almost everything about ourselves. But the human body has great amount parts of the body, the name of which we do not even guess. And now you have the opportunity for the first time to call a spade a spade and get to know the nameless parts of yourself.

In addition, you will be able to impress people with your amazing knowledge of anatomy and physiology. And from now on, it will be much easier for you to communicate with doctors (believe me, they also like to call things by their proper names).

Body part named glabella

Many people would do well to thin it out

Well hello, dear reader - meet Glabella! This is the place above the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows. Its name comes from the Latin "glabellus", which means "hairless", but even beautiful people planets may have problems with hairiness in this part of the body. But wait... If Frida Kahlo can flaunt a unibrow and still be one of the world's greatest artists, then why should mere mortals care about some "hairy" glabella? Perhaps you just need to invest in good tweezers - and the problem is solved.

By the way, glabella can be useful: if you pinch the skin on it with your fingers and it does not smooth out, this is a sign of dehydration. This simple test could save your life one day.

Many names of parts of the human body have an interesting history. And to get acquainted with these stories will help us true friend- etymological dictionary.


Let's start with the most important human organ - the heart. This word is often used in the sense of "soul"; heart man- soft, kind, sincere. And by its origin, this word should rightfully be mentioned first: the heart is connected with the “middle”. That is, the heart is the “middle”, the center of a person, his essence, the most, most important thing in him.


There were, however, earlier and other ideas about the receptacle of the soul. For example, the liver. This word is derived from the verb "oven", which used to mean "cook, cook food." The liver is probably so named because of important role during the process of digestion. Although not everything is clear here: after all, from the same verb, though in a more complicated way, the name of another internal organ, the kidney, is formed. And the kidneys are not involved in digestion!


Another internal organ - the lungs - is so named because it is lighter than other organs of the body and does not sink in water. A person has two lungs; in singular this word sounds easy.

Previously, in Russian, the most common noun for designating this body was plyucha. It goes back to an ancient root meaning "to swim". This word reflected the same observation about the ability of the lung to float on water. It's interesting that Latin name lung - pulmo - is also associated with the ancient verb "to swim." Now we can see the Latin root in the name of the section of medicine that studies lung diseases - pulmonology.

Spine, cartilage, clavicle, shoulder blade

Of the words denoting different elements of the musculoskeletal system, interesting story have the words spine, cartilage, clavicle, shoulder blade. The spine is made up of individual vertebrae, like a chain of links. It is the word "link" that the name spine is related to.

The word cartilage in others Slavic languages looks like a crackle, a crackle, a crackle. In these names, a connection with the verb "crunch" is visible.

Weave your fingers together and bend them with a sharp effort - do you hear a crunch? Sit down - do your knees creak? This sound is produced by joints, junctions - the composition (hence the word joint) of bones with each other, in which there is a lot of cartilaginous tissue. In children, it is elastic, so it produces less sounds. With age cartilage tissue hardens, joints become less flexible, and often older people are asked: “How are you?” ironically answer: “Squeak!”

The word clavicle is related to both “key”, and “stick”, and “club”. All of them denote objects, one way or another curved. The clavicle is the bone that connects the shoulder and the torso. latin letter S. It is interesting that in the Old Russian language a stick was called not only a stick for support with a curved upper end but also cunning, resourcefulness, deceit.

The shoulder blade is a wide, flat bone located in the upper back that looks like a small spade. The name of a plant with wide, flat leaves, burdock, is historically associated with this word.

Eyes, eyelid, eyelashes

Now let's talk about appearance. Eyes... Where did this word come from? In some Slavic languages, the word "eye" means ... a cobblestone, a boulder. In the Old Russian language, "eye" meant a ball. Scientists believe that originally the word "eye" meant a stone ball, a bead, or even a berry bone. Then it began to be used instead of the word "eye" in different kind colloquial terms. They sometimes say now: “Hey, why did you roll out the balls?”, Meaning that a person is staring at something. And the “balls” in Old Russian just turned out to be “eyes”. Then this word finally replaced the eye, the eyes, leaving them only the field of poetry.

The word "eyelid" in many Slavic languages ​​​​means a cover. The eyelids really close the eye, being its protection. Additionally protect the eye and "eyelashes", whose name is related to the word found in different dialects of the Russian language - "ryasny", which means "abundant, lush, frequent" (obviously, the density of growth of small hairs - eyelashes) is responsible for the formation of the word "guilty" .


The origin of the word skin is interesting. It turns out to be associated with the word "goat" and originally meant a goat's skin. Like this!


"Language" is an ambiguous word. In addition to the well-known organ of taste and speech, located in the mouth, this word denotes both speech and the ability to speak. "Which foreign language do you study?”, “How much does a jellied tongue cost?”, “Could you help me swing this heavy tongue of a bell?”, “Have you lost your tongue ?!” - in all these questions the word language appears in different meanings.

But this word used to have one more meaning, now completely forgotten: “language” was called the people, the community of people who speak the same language, understand each other. This is where the word "pagan" came from - "representative of a non-Christian people."

The etymological dictionary can tell the curious reader a lot more. For example, the fact that the words foot and nail are historically related and come from a common word that once meant a hoof.

Or about the fact that the neck is so named because it “sews” the head and torso, and in the related word “sheath” (used only with the preposition for and as part of the adverb top-down), the meanings “sew, sew” and "twirl".

Or that the words “eyebrow” and “log” are historically close. In a word, do not forget to look into the dictionary at every opportunity - you will always find a lot of interesting things there!

Heads, shoulders, knees and… tear carcass?

We tend to think that we know everything or almost everything about ourselves. But in the human body there are a huge number of body parts, the name of which we do not even guess. And now you have the opportunity for the first time to call a spade a spade and get to know the nameless parts of yourself.
In addition, you will be able to impress people with your amazing knowledge of anatomy and physiology. And from now on, it will be much easier for you to communicate with doctors (believe me, they also like to call things by their proper names).

Body part named glabella

Many people would do well to thin it out

Well hello, dear reader - meet Glabella! This is the place above the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows. Its name comes from the Latin "glabellus", which means "hairless", but even the most beautiful people on the planet can have problems with the hairiness of this part of the body. But wait... If Frida Kahlo can flaunt a unibrow and still be one of the world's greatest artists, then why should mere mortals care about some "hairy" glabella? Perhaps you just need to invest in good tweezers - and the problem is solved.
By the way, glabella can be useful: if you pinch the skin on it with your fingers and it does not smooth out, this is a sign of dehydration. This simple test could save your life one day.


An angel's fingerprint or just a hollow?

A small hollow under the nose is the "filtrum", or philtrum. In fairy tales, this is the place of the touch of an angel, erasing the memories of a past life.
In mammals, such as dogs, the philtrum keeps the nose moist, which contributes greatly to any dog's amazing olfactory ability.
In humans, the groove has ceased to perform practical functions, however, it can also help in the diagnosis of diseases: the flattened walls of the groove can indicate alcoholism or Prader-Willi syndrome. A wide filtrum is associated with Down syndrome (most often in boys).

human nostrils

Nostril made up of nostrils - the world will never be the same

Let's focus on the nose area. In fact, each of your nostrils is made up of many small nostrils. The nasal septum, which the “cool” youth loves to pierce so much, has its own wings, which are called “columella nasi”. Now you know everything about your nose.

Sounds proud, but means something that brings pain in the night

You still refer to this part of the body as the big toe. Sounds kind of ordinary, don't you think? But they could proudly call him “Hallux”, like some ancient Greek god!
Most likely, you do not remember about its existence until the moment of impact on pieces of furniture, however, it is he who helps you keep your balance and vertical position. Absence of the thumb the serious reason to refuse to serve the Motherland (which is why many "craftsmen" shoot themselves in the foot).

Finger Morton

Even the Statue of Liberty has it. And you have?

Continuing the theme of leg riddles, let's talk about what is observed in many people.
Morton's finger is physiological feature, with which forefinger the legs are longer than the big one. It does not bring any harm to health (apart from problems with the choice of shoes). However, in Ancient Greece such a finger was considered the standard of beauty, and even the Statue of Liberty was created with such a “defect”.

Handful (Gowpen)

An unknown Scandinavian word, the knowledge of which will be useful

Oddly enough, but in Russian there is not even a hint of a similar word. According to encyclopedias, it is read as "gaupen". In fact, this word does not denote a part of the body as such, but denotes a function - to carry something in folded palms in such a way that they turn into a vessel (the closest it can be translated as "fold hands like a boat" or "handful").
The etymology of the word itself goes back to the Old Norse gaupn, which means "a hollow made from hands joined together to form the shape of a bowl." Still, the Vikings thought creatively.

Anatomical snuffbox

All literary heroes took a snuff of tobacco from her

Sounds like something from the sexual realm, but it's far from it. The snuffbox is a natural depression on outside hands, between thumb and forefinger.
This part of the body got its name due to the fact that it was convenient to sniff tobacco from it. A very pragmatic attitude towards your body.

Bridle bridle strife

A simple bridle, but how beautiful it sounds! In fact, there are many bridles on the human body. it connective tissue, which helps moving parts move in a given area. For example, holding the tongue or upper lip.
As you know, men have another frenulum - on the penis. It can cause problems during intercourse. Also, this place is popular for piercings. Therefore, you should not google the word "bridle" at work if you do not want questions from colleagues or superiors.

An incomprehensible part of the body, but it is more interesting with it

Tragus is a small triangular cartilage on the outer ear. With it, you can close the ear canal if you press.
Like the frenulum, this part of the body is popular for body piercing, but its natural function is still unknown. Perhaps it serves to detect the source of the sound.

Beautiful name for a tender part of the body

The white crescents at the base of the nail are the "lanula". Their name, as expected, they received from the Latin "lun", which translates as "moon". In fact, this is the second nail under the first, and very sensitive. Any injury to the lanula entails a lifelong deformation of the nail, so it should be protected like the apple of an eye.

Dimples of Venus

So tasty for many depressions

The dimples of Venus, or simply the dimples on the back, have long been considered a symbol of sexuality and feminine beauty, so it is not surprising that they were named after the Roman goddess of beauty.
There is a common misconception that people with dimples of Venus are more sensual, passionate and reach orgasm faster. There is no scientific evidence for this version.
The bad news for those who want to get those dimples is that they can't be created through diet and exercise. Just genetics and nothing else.

Mysterious place with its own name

Cantus is called outer corner palpebral fissure where the upper and lower eyelids meet. The reason why this place needs a name is a mystery shrouded in darkness.

Lacrimal caruncle (Lacrimal curuncle)

Perhaps the strangest part of the body

Everyone wondered - what is this ball of flesh in the inner corner of the eye. And this is precisely it - the lacrimal meat. Thanks to him, we cry, or rather, we bring tears out. Scientists note that the meat is a vestigial part of the so-called "third century" (which can be found even in cats - try to look into their eyes during sleep). For some unknown reason, the human body abandoned them, although most mammals still boast extra eye protection.

Supersternal groove

Another non-sexual but erotic body part

Like the dimples of Venus, the supersternal groove refers to absolutely non-sexual parts of the body, but is considered as such.
Sex aside, this part of the body is a great point to strike when defending against an attack. From which side to look - you decide.

armpit vulgaris

Axilla, or simply "armpit" - main part the body of any person, no matter how much we sometimes want to get rid of it. Sprays, shaving, even removal sweat glands- this is what many go to to get rid of the smell of sweat. Meanwhile, it is the glands located in the axillas that transmit information about their owner to the olfactory receptors of potential sexual partners.


Not only women have ... breasts

The male chest is a very peculiar part of the body. And for many representatives of the stronger sex, they turn not into steel plates of the torso, but into a kind of female mammary glands. This is possible in adolescence, during the period hormonal adjustment. Moreover, in the adult state, gynecomastia is also possible - it is observed in bodybuilders who take steroids for too long. The deviation can go away on its own, but most often surgery is needed.

Muscle that lifts the upper lip and wing of the nose (Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi)

Elvis left this world, but his smile remained

The favorite muscle of the king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley, has received the status of the muscle with the most long title. She is responsible for your ability to be ironic and smile sarcastically. Using it would be great for Draco Malfoy to show his dislike at a Muggle party.
The name of this muscle is translated as "elevator of both edges of the lip and wing of the nose." With the "sarcastic muscle" located on both sides of the mouth, most people can demonstrate irony with only one part of it.
There are still a lot of names in the human body, from which ordinary person can get bad. However, with this set, you can already pass for an expert in the field of human nature, so keep it for yourself - you won't regret it.

Main parts of the body

Torso: chest and abdomen

Upper limbs: shoulder, elbow, forearm and hand: wrist, metacarpus and fingers.

· lower limbs: thigh, knee, lower leg, foot: tarsus, metatarsus, fingers.

The human body is located in 3 planes , mutually perpendicular to each other:

1) Sagittal plane (anterior-posterior) - divides the human body into left and right parts.

2) Frontal plane (transverse) - divides the body into front and back parts.

3) Horizontal plane - divides the human body into upper and lower parts.

The rotation of the joints is possible due to movements in 3 axes:

1) Sagittal axis (anterior-posterior). Possible abduction and adduction of limbs

2) vertical axis. Inward and outward rotation possible

3) Frontal axis (transverse). The axis coincides with the frontal plane. Flexion and extension possible

Location of organs and body parts:

Medially - an organ lying closer to the middle of the body.

Laterally - an organ remote from the middle of the body.

The cell is the universal unit of "living".

The cell is surrounded by a membrane membranes, which protects it, has the property of semi-permeability and plasticity.

Internal environment cells have a gel-like structure, in which are located organelles cells.

Cells form the cloth when they have a common origin, general structure and perform the same function.

There are 4 types of fabric:

1. epithelial

2. connecting

3. nervous

4. muscular

epithelial tissue - (epithelium, from Greek epi - on, over and thele - nipple) - border tissue lining the surface of the skin, the cornea of ​​​​the eye, serous membranes, inner surface hollow organs digestive, respiratory and urogenital systems(stomach, trachea, uterus, etc.). Most glands are of epithelial origin.

Connective tissue- this is a tissue that is not directly responsible for the work of any organ or organ system, but plays a supporting role in all organs, accounting for 60-90% of their mass. Most of the hard connective tissue is fibrous (from Latin fibra - fiber): it consists of collagen and elastin fibers. Connective tissue includes bone, cartilage, fat and others. Connective tissue also includes blood and lymph. Therefore, connective tissue is the only tissue that is present in the body in 4 types - fibrous (ligaments), solid (bones), gel-like (cartilage) and liquid (blood, lymph, as well as intercellular, cerebrospinal and synovial and other fluids). Fascia, muscle sheaths, ligaments, tendons, bones, cartilage, joint, articular bursa, sarcolemma and muscle fibers synovial fluid, blood, lymph, vessels, capillaries, fat, interstitial fluid, extracellular matrix, sclera, iris, microglia and much more - it's all connective tissue.

nervous tissue- is a system of interconnected nerve cells and neuroglia, providing specific functions of perception of irritations, excitation, generation of an impulse and its transmission. It is the basis of the structure of organs nervous system, providing the regulation of all tissues and organs, their integration in the body and communication with the environment.

Muscle- tissues that are different in structure and origin, but similar in ability to pronounced contractions. They provide movement in space of the whole organism as a whole or its parts (example - skeletal muscle) and the movement of organs within the body (for example, the heart, tongue, intestines).

Types of muscle tissue:

1) Cross-striped (striated) muscle

2) Striated cardiac muscle tissue

3) Smooth muscle tissue. Forms the walls of internal organs and blood vessels, slowly shrinks and cannot be controlled.

motor act:

1) Organs that perform a motor act (skeleton, muscles)

2) Organs regulating the motor act (nervous and endocrine systems)

3) Organs that help to perform a motor act (all other organs)


The human skeleton consists of an average of 206 bones.

Renewal of tissues occurs every 20-25 years

Skeleton Functions:

1) Support. Muscle support

2) Motor. Movement in space with the help of tubular bones

3) Protective. flat bones

4) Exchange. Chemical composition, calcium

5) Hematopoietic. spongy bones and Bone marrow

Bone classification:



short (phalanges of fingers)


Spongy (loose, porous)

* Vertebrae are mixed bones

The structure of the tubular bone:

Osteon- this is a complex of bone cylinders nested one inside the other, containing mature cells bone tissue- osteocytes. The osteon is a unit of compact matter. In the center of the osteon is a canal with blood vessels.

Osteocytes- Mature bone cells.

Osteoblasts are young bone-forming bone cells (diameter 15-20 microns) that synthesize intercellular substance - matrix . As you accumulate intercellular substance, osteoblasts are immured in it and become osteocytes.

metaphysic- a section of a long tubular bone located between the epiphysis and the diaphysis. Due to the metaphysis, the bone grows in length in childhood and adolescence.

The bone is covered on the outside periosteum , to the outer layer of which the tendon of the muscles is attached. The inner layer periosteum contains young bone tissue cells - osteoblasts , the division of which contributes to the growth of the bone in width. The periosteum is involved in the formation callus at fracture. Under the periosteum is a compact substance, the unit of which is the osteon. In the center of the osteon is a canal with blood vessels. Behind the compact substance is a spongy substance, between the crossbars of which is located the red bone marrow.

* Growth and development of bones due to the work of the muscles.

In places of greatest load, the thickness of the compact substance increases.

Due to the thickening of the compact substance, the medullary cavity decreases.

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