Breeds of goldfish. Goldfish: types, photos and names Aquarium fish with a long tail

- beginner aquarists often ask and this immediately betrays them as beginners. All goldfish belong to the same biological species - Carassius auratus, and the diversity of their appearance, arose in the course of centuries of selection. People brought out many breeds (varieties) of goldfish.

goldfish- a vivid example of the unlimited possibilities of directed breeding work, especially if it continues for more than a thousand years. During this period, the modest Chinese crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio), which is a subspecies of silver carp, turned into a hand-written beauty - a goldfish, and she, in turn, gave many varieties that are very different from each other in their appearance.

Following Askar Polonsky (book "Aquarium fish", 1998), in relation to goldfish and varieties artificially bred from it, we will use the term " breed"when it comes to persistently inherited changes in the shape of the body, or the shape and parts of the body (the presence or absence of fins, forked fins, ordinary or telescopic eyes, etc.), and" variety"when referring to different colors in fish with the same body shape." Variety"- this is a less strict term. It is also used when distinguishing fish by the length of the fins (varieties of goldfish with long or short fins), and by the shape of the body, and by color. Well, the now fashionable expression view we will not use a goldfish (when in fact the breed is meant) - this is an incorrect term.

All breeds of goldfish can be divided into two large groups: long-bodied and short-bodied.

Long-bodied varieties similar in shape to their wild ancestor. For the most part, these goldfish are distinguished by much greater endurance and the ability to live long in cold water without harm to themselves, even wintering in a pond in the middle lane.

figures short-bodied goldfish they are distinguished by a pretentious variety, but they are always strongly compressed in the direction from head to tail. The photos below clearly demonstrate this. Short-bodied goldfish, in comparison with long-bodied ones, are rather gentle creatures, because the deformation of the body shape natural for the species does not go unpunished, and the ability to adapt in short-bodied breeds turned out to be significantly reduced. About what conditions they need and how to feed them properly, read the article "".
There is a fair amount of confusion with the names of the breeds of goldfish. In different books under the same name, fish are described that are different in appearance. In addition, there is a lot of obscurity with breed standards, for example, with the regulation of the length of the fins. We won’t figure out who names the breeds of goldfish correctly and who doesn’t, these disputes can be endless, but we will present here a photo from the catalogs of Asian exporting companies, signed like this (translated into Russian), as the exporters themselves call their fish . We hope that the pictures presented here will help clarify the names of those breeds of goldfish that are currently the most popular in Russia.

Ryukins (ryukins) not only short-bodied, but also high-bodied, which makes them very effective. There are calico, red and red-white varieties. The caudal fin is bifurcated and its length varies greatly. There are long-tailed and short-tailed varieties of Ryukin. All ryukins are relatively unpretentious and, compared to other breeds, better tolerate small aquariums and increased stocking densities. However, changeling fish are often found among ryukins, and deviations from the norm and feeding with unsoaked dry food clearly contribute to turning over. For feeding short-bodied goldfish, dry food is needed in advance.

telescopes, first of all, are remarkable for their bulging eyes. With age, bulging increases. Too "big-eyed" fry should alert: it is very likely that he was poorly fed, and the fish is simply "tightened" and in front of us is not a fry at all, but a dwarf. In general, however, the bulge of the eyes primarily depends on the quality of the producers, that is, it is determined by heredity. It is important that the size of the eyes is the same, fish with eyes of different sizes should be culled, as their appearance is by no means attractive. There are long tail and short tail telescopes.

repainted in red. During this process, which can take many months, they will be red and black. Black-and-white telescopes with black eyes are called "pandas" - their appearance is somewhat reminiscent of these funny bears. Telescopes are somewhat more demanding than ryukins in terms of containment. The decor of an aquarium with telescopes should not have protruding sharp elements that injure the eyes. The most gentle black varieties of telescopes.

Telescopes can have a wide variety of colors. The length of the forked caudal fin varies greatly, but in most cases, fish with medium length tails are found. Unlike our domestic ones, young imported black telescopes sometimes

Lionheads can be red, red and white, chintz, brown (chocolate), white and black and black. No less, and perhaps more common name for these goldfish - orandas. Often the name "lionhead" is rigidly and unequivocally associated only with fish without a dorsal fin. It is possible that this is correct, but even in Chinese books about goldfish there is no unequivocal opinion on this issue. Orand with pronounced "cheeks" are often called lionheads. Red-black lionheads are very spectacular and in high demand, but when buying such a fish, you should keep in mind that the black parts of the body can change color over time, and the fish will turn orange. The process of "repainting" takes a long time and can drag on for a year or more, so you will have time to admire your fish.

Lionheads (orandas) are gentle fish. With an increase in the content of organic substances in the water of the aquarium (as can be judged by), as well as growths on the head, they can become covered with a fungus, or begin to collapse. In addition, fish can get gill rot. It is impossible to increase the stocking density when keeping these fish! Deviation of the specified parameters of aquarium water from the norm can lead to the destruction of their "cap".

Ranchu are distinguished by powerful and diverse in color growths on the head, and “cheeks” are very pronounced, which can make the appearance of these fish absolutely touching. In some books, lionheads are called ranches, specifically noting that the hallmark of a lionhead is the absence of a dorsal fin. However, at present, Asian breeders call fish without a dorsal fin nothing more than ranch. The forked caudal fin of the ranch is very short. Oddly enough, these fish are by no means the unfortunate victims of selection, they are strong in health and easily adapt to new conditions. It should be noted that the absence of a dorsal fin and the presence of growths on the head are not the only signs of the Ranch breed. Fish that fully meet the breed standard should have a caudal stalk bent down and the lower lobes of a forked caudal fin extending to the side.

Photo 2. Young Thai ranch. The growths on the head are still being formed, but the shape of the body is quite typical for this breed of goldfish.

Actually, the eyes of the water eye are quite normal, but it's all about the bags under the eyes. They surround the eye from below and from the sides, and the life of these fish must be very difficult. I did not see very small fish, but in the 5 cm fry that we imported, the pouches were still very small, probably in fry, they are practically not expressed. During the overexposure, the fish have grown a little, and the bags have greatly increased. They are filled with liquid and are very tender. When transplanting fish and when cleaning the aquarium, these bags are easily damaged, so special care is needed here. With regard to the decor of the aquarium, you should do the same as in the case of telescopes. A "burst" pouch can recover after some time. Water eyes have no dorsal fin, and the length of the caudal ranges from short to medium. Coloring can be very diverse. Red varieties are very good, the scales on their rounded backs have a beautiful bright sheen.

Another breed of goldfish is the stargazer. As a rule, it is a delicate and, in many respects, helpless variety, difficult to maintain. Always looking up eyes make it difficult to find food, which makes stargazers uncompetitive. These fish are intolerant of close stockings and need high quality water. It is better to keep them separately, or together with water eyes.

Photo 3. Stargazer, but not a simple one, but a pom-pon - leathery folds around the nostrils formed two spherical pom-pons on the nose of this goldfish.
Pearl: This breed is distinguished by an ovoid body shape and convex relief scales. There are brown, red and red-white, as well as chintz varieties. The pearl is a very delicate fish - certainly not for beginners.
Subject to intestinal diseases and gill rot. Demanding on the quality of aquarium water: nitrites and ammonia should not be at all!

In decorative terms, pearls are simply excellent. A lot of people like such clumsy ping-pong balls in an aquarium.

There are several breeds of goldfish. Names were given to them by breeders from different countries, so the same fish in the literature can be found under different names.

So, all types of goldfish, or in other words, all their varieties:

A comet is a goldfish with a long ribbon-like tail. The longer the tail, the "more thoroughbred" the fish. In general, the length of the tail should be greater than the length of the body. Comets that have a body and fins of different colors are more valued.

These fish are easy to keep, but they are quite restless. Their disadvantage is that they are not prolific.


Shubunkin is a goldfish with transparent scales and elongated fins. The Japanese name for this fish is calico. The color of Shubunkin is chintz, it consists of white, black, yellow, red and blue.


Fish with a predominance of blue-violet tones are highly valued. Coloring is formed in gold by the year, and blue tones appear only by the third year of life. Shubunkin's fertility is much higher than that of a comet. They are unpretentious in content and have a calm temperament.


The telescope is a goldfish with an egg-shaped body and a forked tail. The main difference between this fish is its large bulging eyes. They should be symmetrical and equal in size. There are several types of telescopes according to the size, shape and direction of the axes of the eyes. There are fish with cylindrical, dish-shaped, spherical, spherical, cone-shaped eyes.


The tail of telescopes can be long, veiled, or maybe short, “skirt”.


The more convex the eyes and the longer the tail, the “more thoroughbred” the fish. The most popular telescopes are black and velvet. Telescope males are very active and prolific.

The oranda resembles a telescope in the shape of the body and fins, but has a characteristic fatty growth on the head. These fish can be white, red, motley, black.

red-capped oranda

The so-called red-capped oranda is most valued. She has a white body, and a growth on her head is red. It is quite difficult to get such a fish when breeding. The fry of this fish are born with a yellow cap, and its color is made red by introducing a special dye into it (as they do in China).

lionhead or ranch

The lionhead or ranchu is a goldfish with a short body that does not have a dorsal fin.

Her back is semicircular, her fins are short, her head has a lush outgrowth that looks like a raspberry.

Ranch reach its peak of beauty by the age of four.

The stargazer has bulging eyes, the pupils of which are directed upward at an angle of 90º. It lacks a dorsal fin, the other fins are short, and the tail is forked. The body is rounded. It is very difficult to breed such fish. With ideal proportions and symmetrical eyes, one fish out of hundreds of fry is obtained.

water eyes

Water eyes have eyes in the form of bubbles hanging on both sides of the head, as if filled with water. Catch these fish from the aquarium must be very careful, as their eyes are very vulnerable. In young fish, the eyes begin to grow in the third month of life. In valuable specimens, they reach a quarter of the body size.

Velvet ball - a goldfish with growths in the form of fluffy lumps on the sides of the mouth. They can be blue, red, white. Their size is approximately 10 mm. With improper care, these growths can disappear. The caudal and anal fins are forked. The color of these fish is very diverse.


The pearl has a spherical shape with a diameter of about 8 cm. Its fins are short. The body color is golden or orange-red, less often motley.


Each scale of the fish is round, convex, has a dark border and resembles small pearls.

Veiltail or ryukin has an egg-shaped body and "expressive" eyes. The caudal and anal fins are long, thin and almost transparent.

This fish has the main decoration - the tail, which consists of two, and sometimes three or four fins fused at the base.

The ideal fish of this breed has a minimum ratio of tail length to body length of 5:1. The length of the ventral fins should be 3/5 of the length of the tail, and the length of the pectoral and anal fins should be half the length of the tail. The tail fin looks like a graceful plume.

oranda, ranchu and shubunkin

All types of goldfish require sufficient swimming space, good aeration and water filtration. It is better to buy a more powerful filter, since there is usually plenty of dirt from these fish. But, even with such a filter, it is advisable to change the water weekly by 30% of the volume.

Keep the water temperature around 20℃. Coarse river sand can be recommended as a soil.

I hope that the description of the types of goldfish will help you easily determine which species swims in your aquarium.

Types of goldfish - video

life span of goldfish

Each type of goldfish has a different lifespan. Of course, it depends on the conditions of detention, but under optimal conditions it is as follows:

Goldfish: 10-30 years

Shubunkin: more than 10 years

Fantail: about 10 years

Veiltail: up to 20 years

Calico riukin: up to 20 years

Ryukin red and white: under 18

Ryukin red: up to 15 years

Oranda Little Red Riding Hood: up to 14 years

Lionhead: up to 20 years

Ranchu: 5-10 years

Celestial Eye or Stargazer: 5-15 years

Water eyes: 5-15 years

Telescope: up to 17 years

Goldfish breeds are divided into two groups: long-bodied and short-bodied. Long-bodied fish are shaped like their ancestor crucian carp, require less oxygen, are more mobile, hardy and live longer (sometimes they live up to 40 years). Short-bodied species live less (rarely more than 10-15 years) and require more water than long-bodied species (simple goldfish, comet, shubunkin), with the same body length. These features must be taken into account when choosing fish and creating appropriate conditions for keeping them.


R. Pihotsky, in his book on goldfish, gives the following classification of differences in the characteristics of the breeds of goldfish common in China:

  1. Coloration: gray, red, yellow, black, white, spotted, blue, purple and speckled.
  2. Body shape: narrow and long, rounded and short (ovoid).
  3. Dorsal fin: normal, rudimentary, absent, long, short.
  4. Caudal fin: simple, forked, simple above and forked below, hanging, enlarged triple, long, medium length, short.
  5. Anal fin: simple, forked, simple above and forked below, rudimentary, absent, long, short.
  6. Head shape: normal, narrow, wide, “lion”, “goose”.
  7. Eyes: normal, small, like a “dragon”, “heavenly eye”, “water eyes”.
  8. Scales: normal opaque, transparent, pearlescent, absent.




A comet is the simplest and most unpretentious variety of small goldfish with a long ribbon-like (often forked) tail that exceeds the length of the body. The longer the tail fins, the higher the specimen is valued.

Comets with a swollen body, like a veiltail, are considered a marriage (according to some experts, this is a different breed). A developed dorsal fin and slightly elongated other fins give the appearance of the fish more harmony.

The color of the comet may vary, but those individuals whose body color differs from the color of the fins are of particular value. In China, silver fish with a bright red or lemon yellow tail, 3-4 times the length of the body, were considered especially beautiful.

Despite the fact that comets grow well and mature in almost any environment, they are difficult to work with. These strong restless fish often jump out of aquariums. Females produce relatively little caviar. Together with goldfish, they are suitable for keeping in a garden pond.



Also called calico. The body is elongated, the fins are elongated compared to a goldfish. The scales are transparent, which is why the shubunkin is often called scaleless. The color combines red, white, black, yellow and blue, with blue appearing at 2-3 years of age.

bristol shubunkin. This variation was bred in England by crossing Shubunkin with a comet. Fish with wide rounded fins took all the best from both breeds.

cambridge shubunkin. This multi-colored fish is dominated by blue over others and has a slight black speck.



Fish with double and triple tail fins are mentioned in Chinese sources in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. The Japanese got to know them quite early, as evidenced by the images of these fish. Fish with a forked caudal fin were brought to Japan from the islands called Ryukiu, located between Taiwan and Japan. Hence the name of these fish - riukin. In Europe, they were known in the middle of the XVII century. The Dutchman Baster, mentioned above, in 1765 described fish with forked tail fins.


Another name is the Japanese goldfish. The difference between a wakin and an ordinary goldfish is an elongated body (up to 30 cm) and a short forked tail. The fish is valued for the brightness of its color. The red color in these fish is predominant and can evenly cover the entire body and fins. Often it is combined with white and black. Silver, pearl, gray, bronze, brown, gold and other shades are also possible - separately and in combinations, yellow, orange and other colors are often present. Wakins are found mainly in ornamental ponds in gardens and parks.


Lionhead (ranchu, shishitashira) - a new decorative form of a goldfish with a short, rounded body covered with scales. The back is semicircular, without a fin, forming an acute angle with the upper outer edge of the tail, the other fins are short, the tail is three-lobed or bifurcated. Its characteristic features are the presence in the upper part of the head and on the gill covers of massive outgrowths that have arisen from skin compaction and resemble a lion's mane or raspberries, which begin to form in fish from 3 months of age. The outgrowth is much larger (covers the entire head) than that of the oranda, sometimes it is so large that it covers the small eyes of the fish.

Coloring is different, often contrasting with the color of the growths on the head. In Japan, the red ones are considered the most popular. There are also red fish with white spots on the body; with a white body, a shiny snout and fins, or with a red gill cover.

In the breed, a lionhead is separated Chinese or red. Its main differences are in a massive translucent intense red growth on the upper part of the head and on its sides and a forked caudal fin with 4 processes. The body is golden or light red.

The ranch acquires the greatest beauty after three years, reaching the maximum size - 18 cm.

water eyes

water eyes

Water eyes - have eyes like stargazers (i.e. look up), but have bags under the eyes, filled with liquid and very delicate, which surround the eye from below and from the sides. In the best specimens, the “bubble” is equal in size to a quarter of the body. The pouches begin to grow in young fish after 3-4 months. When transplanting fish and when cleaning the aquarium, these "bubbles" are easily damaged, so special care is needed here. A burst pouch may recover after some time, but most likely there will be more or less than the second pouch. The body is ovoid or rounded, with a low back, the profile of the head smoothly merges into the profile of the back. The dorsal fin is absent, the other fins are paired, the caudal fin is two-lobed, does not hang down.

The coloring is varied. Orange, silver and brown varieties of colors are common. The combination of a red head and a golden body is appreciated.

When breeding this breed, there are difficulties in selecting producers: you need fish with symmetrical eyes of the same shape and size and a flat (without tubercles) back.

Fish often lag behind other breeds in growth.


The telescope (water dragon, demekin) appeared around the same time, in the 16th century, as indicated by several books. He was one of the first breeds that Europeans met. He came to France in the middle of the 18th century. But this breed came to Japan relatively late - after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895.

The telescope has a swollen body of an ovoid or rounded shape, the height of the body is more than 1/2 of the length, the dorsal fin stands upright, the rest of the fins are long veiled, the caudal fin is forked, often hanging down, longer than 3/4 of the body length. The eyes are convex, 1-2 cm in size (in the best specimens bred in Shanghai, up to 5 cm). Telescopes differ in the shape and length of the fins, the presence or absence of scales, coloration, and some other features. The longer the tail and the more prominent the eyes, the more beautiful the fish is considered. Fish with a tail fin in the form of ribbons are called tape and the skirts skirt telescopes. Not the last role is played by color.

black telescopes. They have large rounded eyes, a bifurcated caudal fin, shorter than the body, all fins are elongated. The height of the body is 3/4 of its length. The scales are arranged in even rows. The color of the body and fins is velvety black.

Telescopes with black and white coloration, symmetrically located throughout the body, are commonly called pandas, and if the color of the body is white, and the fins are black - magpies.

According to the shape, size and direction of the axes of the eyes, several types of telescopes are distinguished. The main types of eye shape: dish-shaped, spherical, cylindrical, spherical, cone-shaped. Both eyes should be symmetrical and have the same size and color.

Telescopes, like other short-bodied breeds, are pampered and thermophilic. This is especially true for black and velvet, which are very popular. It should be noted that this color is not stable and may lighten. Some experts believe that this depends on the quality of feeding, the intensity of lighting and the color of the soil in the aquarium - the darker the soil, the darker the color of the fish.



Stargazer (Heavenly eye) is characterized by bulging eyes, the pupils of which are directed upwards at an angle of 90 degrees. The fish also lacks a dorsal fin, all others are long, the tail is forked, two-lobed, the edge of the upper lobe should not fall below the line of the back. The body is round, ovoid, the back is low, the profile of the head smoothly merges into the profile of the back. It is extremely difficult to obtain an impeccable stargazer when breeding: at best, several individuals can be selected from hundreds of fish.

All the charm of astrologers is manifested in low and flat reservoirs, allowing them to be viewed from above. The elongated body shape and veiled tail are a deviation from the canon, but some see this as a new variation.

There is a story about the origin of this breed - they were kept in Buddhist monasteries in Korea and the eyes turned upwards "enabled" the fish to look at God. The fish were carefully guarded and, according to legend, several specimens were stolen.


The Japanese associate the name of the fish with the concept of "fantastic painting". A distinctive feature of this fish is the outgrowths of a granular structure on the head (some call it a fatty outgrowth). In the oranda, in comparison with the lionhead, they are more developed on the forehead. German authors call the oranda "goose head". In terms of the shape of the body and fins, the oranda resembles the synthesis of a telescope and a veiltail. This variety has many color variations - from white to red, mottled, black. The most valued is the white oranda with a red growth on its head (red-capped oranda). Even from very good producers it is not possible to obtain more than 10-15% of such fish.



The pearl is an unusual and very spectacular fish, bred in China. The body is almost round (7-8 cm), the dorsal fin stands vertically, the other fins are short, often paired. The caudal fin is two-lobed, 1/3 of the length is cut out, does not hang down.

The color is gold or orange-red. There are also completely white options. Each scale is edged with a dark color; it is so convex and round (raised in a dome-like manner) that in the reflection of light it looks like small pearls.

The fry of these fish already at the age of 1-2 months take on a rounded shape characteristic of adult fish and are very funny.

Subject to intestinal diseases and gill rot. Demanding on the quality of aquarium water: nitrites and ammonia should not be.

Single tailed breeds of Goldfish

This group of breeds includes goldfish with a single tail similar to the tail of an ordinary crucian carp, having a Wild type of body shape or a Torpedo-type body (Wakin). Breeds with a regular tail differ only in color, length and shape of the fins.

Goldfish Common (Common Goldfish)

An ordinary goldfish differs from crucian or carp only in body color.

Goldfish Comet (Goldfish Comet)

The Comet goldfish has a torpedo (Wakin) body shape, elongated fins and a long, deeply forked tail with sharp ends, similar to open scissors. The preferred colors in the coloring of Comet goldfish are white and red. Comet is an active and fast swimming goldfish.

Goldfish Shubunkin (Goldfish Shubunkin)

The Shubunkin goldfish, like the Comet, has the shape of a Torpedo (Wakin) body, but in the coloring there is a mixture of many colors - red, blue, white and black. For such a variety, the fish is called "chintz", and for transparent scales - "scaleless" goldfish.

Goldfish Bristol Shubunkin (Goldfish Bristol Shubunkin)

The Bristol Shubunkin goldfish breed was bred over 70 years ago in Bristol (UK). The Bristol Shubunkin has a heart-shaped tail with rounded contours. Show fish of the Bristol Shubunkin breed must have a blue background with splashes of purple, red, orange, yellow, brown and black.

Double tailed breeds of goldfish

Double-tailed Goldfish breeds have a double anal fin and two tails fused at the base.

Goldfish Fantail

Almost any goldfish with a double tail can be considered a fantail, which is the ancestor of all later breeds. Split-tailed goldfish were first seen during the Ming Dynasty (China) in 1400.
The fantail goldfish breed is distinguished by a smooth teardrop-shaped or ovoid body shape without growths, sacs and protrusions. The caudal fin should be high, fully divided and not drooping. The lower lobes of the caudal fin should be somewhat shorter than the upper ones. The upper fin is higher than that of a normal goldfish. Fantail goldfish are available in all colors and patterns.

Goldfish Veiltail

A distinctive feature of the Veiltail goldfish breed is a long, graceful double tail with sharp edges and without any branching or indentation between the lobes.
The dorsal fin is high and well developed.
The shape of the body of the Veiltail is ovoid or spherical with a smooth transition of the head into the profile of the back.
Veiltail goldfish are available in all colors and patterns.

Goldfish Oranda (Goldfish Oranda)

Oranda is one of the most popular and common breeds of goldfish. A distinctive feature of the Oranda breed is warty growths in the upper part of the head ("cap"), the presence of growths on the gill covers is also considered acceptable. There are two different types of Orand according to body type: in Japan, an elongated body type is popular, in China it is shorter and more compact. Oranda goldfish are available in all colors and patterns.
Many varieties, variants of the Oranda goldfish breed have been bred:
Calico Oranda (Calico Oranda); Blue Oranda (Blue Oranda); Brown - Chocolate Oranda (Oranda Brown, Chocolate Oranda); Oranda Little Red Riding Hood (Redcap Oranda); Oranda Dragon Eye - with eyes like a Telescope (Dragon Eye Oranda); Lionhead Oranda - Lionhead with an upper fin (Tigerhead Oranda); Oranda Pom Pom - with growths on the nose (Pom Pom Oranda); Oranda Goose - with growths resembling the head of a goose (Goosehead Oranda), etc.
Oranda with a tail Phoenix(Oranda Phoenix tail) is one of the new varieties of goldfish bred in recent years in China. The fish has the body of an Oranda and a beautiful tail - large and wide.

Goldfish Ryukin

The Japanese breed of goldfish Ryukin (Ryukin, Nymph) is considered one of the most popular breeds in the US and Japan. In body shape, Ryukin is very similar to Fantail, but has a characteristic body protrusion ("hump") under the dorsal fin. The work of modern breeders is aimed at increasing the bend of the back - increasing the height of the Ryukin body. The dorsal fin of the Ryukin should be high and stiff, like the crest on a Roman warrior's helmet.

Goldfish Pearl (Goldfish Pearlscale, Pearl Scale Goldfish)

The Pearl Goldfish has a very small, narrow head and an almost spherical body shape. Of all the goldfish breeds, the Zhemchuzhinka fish are the closest to a spherical body shape and the smallest in size. The protruding scales, which have a darker contour and contrasting color, give the impression that the entire body of the fish is covered with beads or droplets. The Pearl is a relatively young breed of goldfish known since the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Goldfish Tosakin (Goldfish Tosakin)

Tosakin goldfish is considered one of the most expensive and rare. The breed was bred in Japan in the mid-1800s for viewing from above in ornamental ponds and ponds. The Tosakin goldfish has a short, egg-shaped body and a chic, fully fused tail that forms a circle in a horizontal plane.

Goldfish Butterfly tail

The term Butterfly (butterfly tail) is commonly used in reference to the tail of a group of goldfish breeds. A distinctive feature of the forked tail Butterfly (abbreviated as "Butterfly") is the similarity in shape to the wings of a butterfly when viewed from above. Usually this term is used in relation to Telescopes - Butterfly Telescope. Tail Butterfly can be found in other breeds of goldfish.

Wakin Goldfish, Japanese Goldfish (Goldfish Wakin)

Wakin Goldfish - The Japanese goldfish has a torpedo body shape and a fantail forked tail. It is believed that the breed was originally bred in China, in Japan it has been bred since the early 1500s in the middle of the Muromachi era (1336 - 1573). Many types of goldfish that exist in Japan today have evolved from the Wakin breed. Just like Koi carp, Vikin is a fairly large fish intended for keeping in ornamental ponds. Unlike Koi carp, Wakin has no antennae and is a real goldfish.

Goldfish Jikin, Goldfish Peacock (Goldfish Jikin)

The Jikin (Peacock Tail) goldfish has the body shape of a Ryukin and a peacock tail that looks like an X when viewed from behind. Another distinguishing feature of the Jikin breed is the six parts of the body painted in red (lips, fins, tail) on a white background of the rest of the body. Due to the difficulty of obtaining clean lines in Japan, artificial removal of unwanted pigment from white areas of the body is practiced. You can also find other names for the Jikin breed - Peacock, Sea Wolf, Rokurin (Peacock, Sea Wolf, Rokurin).

Breeds of Goldfish without a dorsal fin (Dorsalles breeds)

Breeds of Goldfish without a dorsal fin should have a smooth back without tubercles or spines and generally a body shape type.

Goldfish Fish-Egg (Goldfish Egg-fish)

The Chinese breed of goldfish, the Fish-Egg, has a pronounced ovoid body without a dorsal fin. Unlike the Ranchu and the Lionhead, this breed completely lacks a "cap" - growths on the head. For this breed, various tails are acceptable -,,. Goldfish Eggs are offered in all shades of color and color options.

Goldfish Lionhead (Goldfish Lionhead)

Lionhead is one of the oldest breeds of goldfish that does not have a dorsal fin. The breed was bred in China in the 1600s as a subspecies of the Eggfish breed. Goldfish of the Lionhead breed have a head evenly closed on all sides with well-developed growths, in contrast to the Oranda, which has more growths on top of the head. The wide massive head of the Lionhead looks much larger than that of other breeds of goldfish and looks like a bulldog's head.

Goldfish Ranchu

The Ranchu goldfish was developed in Japan between 1853 and 1889. Initially, the Ranchu fish did not have strongly developed growths on the head, but gradually, in the process of crossing with the Chinese Tigerhead and Lionhead breeds, the size of the growths on the head increased significantly. The difference between modern fish of the Ranchu (Japan) and Lionhead (China) breeds is very difficult to identify. Experts note the growing convergence of breed standards for these species of goldfish. Ranchu goldfish are offered in all shades of color and color options. Red Riding Hood Ranchu and White Ranchu with red eyes are especially prized.
goldfish breed Ranchu Lionhead, Lionchu(Goldfish Lionchu) was bred in Thailand as a result of crossing Ranchu and Lionhead (Lionhead + Ranchu - Lionchu). The Lionchu breed was officially recognized at the My Fancy Goldfish Competition 2006, which took place May 26-28, 2006 in Singapore.

Goldfish Pom Pom (Goldfish Pom pom, Goldfish Pompom)

Pom Pom goldfish are distinguished by the presence of enlarged nasal septa, consisting of shreds of skin that have formed tight growths of balls - pompoms on the nose of the fish. The growths on the nose take on a bizarre shape, which is also called bouquets.
Chinese Pom Pom
The Pom Pom goldfish breed was bred in China with a body type (no dorsal fin).
Japanese Pom Pom In Japan, Pom Pom is bred with a dorsal fin and body type, which is called the Japanese Pom Pom.

Differences in the breeds of goldfish in the shape and size of the eyes

Goldfish Telescope

A distinctive feature of the popular Telescope goldfish breed are enlarged eye sockets protruding beyond the skull.
Modern telescopes have three types of eyes: In terms of body shape, the Telescope breed is most similar to. Some modern versions of the Telescope have higher spins, like the .
A huge number of breeding species of the Telescope have been bred in all variants of color and type of coloring. At the end of the 19th century, a black-velvet variety of the Telescope with long fins and a luxurious tail was bred in Russia, called the Moscow Black Telescope.
In Japan, the telescope breed is called Demekin, in the USA telescopes are usually called Moors (Moor - Black Moor), and in the East you can sometimes find the name "Dragon Eyes" (Dragon Eyes).

Goldfish Celestial, Celestial Eye

Characteristic features of the Stargazer or Celestial Eye breed are the complete absence of the dorsal fin and protruding eyes, like those of the Telescope, but turned up - looking up.
The breed appeared in China in the mid-1800s, the Stargazers (Choutengan) were first brought to Japan in 1903.
Stargazers are considered one of the smallest breeds of goldfish in terms of body size.

Goldfish Water Eyes, Bubble Eye (Goldfish Bubble Eye)

Unlike the Stargazer breed, goldfish, Water Eyes or Bubble Eyes, have large blisters filled with lymph fluid under the protruding eyes pointing upwards. The dorsal fin is completely absent. There is a variety of Bubble-Eye breed with double bubbles on both sides of the body. One pair of blisters under the eyes, the other a little lower - behind the oral cavity. The Watereye breed originated in China in the early 1900s and is believed to be the result of breeding work with the Stargazer breed. Just like the Stargazer, the Watereye goldfish breed is a small-sized goldfish breed.

Differences in the breeds of Goldfish by the type of scales

In the lower layers of the transparent scales of a goldfish there is a layer of lime crystals and a silver pigment - guanine, which is responsible for the degree of reflectivity of an individual scale.
Flakes with strong reflectivity and a high content of guanine acquire a metallic sheen.
Opaque flakes have a low content of guanine and, as a result, a low reflectivity.
The nacreous scales of goldfish are characterized by scales with a partial absence of guanine and the presence of individual scales with a high content of guanine (scales with a metallic sheen).

The variety of aquarium fish is sometimes amazing. And given the fact that one type of fish has its own varieties - the aquarium world becomes simply gigantic.

Sometimes even an experienced aquarist finds it difficult to say what kind of fish this is. We hope that the following selection of goldfish species will help you figure out who swims in your aquarium.

Detachment, family: carp.

Comfortable water temperature: 18-23°C.

Ph: 6-8.

Aggressiveness: non-aggressive, but can bite each other.

Compatibility: with all peaceful and non-aggressive fish.

The goldfish was bred in China over 1500 years ago, where it was bred in ponds and garden ponds on the estates of the nobility and wealthy people. Goldfish was first imported to Russia in the middle of the 18th century. Currently, there are many varieties of goldfish.

The color of the body and fins is red-gold, the back is darker than the abdomen. Other varieties of color: pale pink, red, white, black, black-blue, yellow, dark bronze, fiery red. The goldfish has an elongated body, slightly compressed from the sides. It is possible to distinguish males from females only during the spawning period, when the female's abdomen is rounded, and the males have a white "rash" on the pectoral fins and gills.

With an increase in the volume of the aquarium, the planting density can be slightly increased. In particular, two goldfish can be placed in a volume of 100 liters (or three, but in this case it will be necessary to organize good, high-quality filtration and frequent water changes). 3-4 individuals can be planted in 150 liters, 5-6 in 200 liters, 6-8 in 250 liters, etc. This recommendation is relevant when it comes to fish no less than 5-7 cm in size, excluding the length of the caudal fin.

A feature of the goldfish is that it loves to dig in the ground. As a soil, it is better to use coarse sand or pebbles, which are not so easily scattered and, most importantly, are swallowed by fish. The aquarium itself should be spacious and specific, with large-leaved plants. Therefore, it is better to plant plants with hard leaves and a good root system in an aquarium with goldfish.

In the general aquarium, goldfish can be kept together with calm fish. The necessary conditions for an aquarium are lighting, filtration and aeration.

Characteristics of water: temperature can vary from 18 to 25 °C. Fish tolerate salty water well. If the fish feel unwell, salt can be added to the water - 5-7 g / l.

Goldfish are unpretentious in terms of food. They eat quite a lot and willingly, so remember that it is better to underfeed the fish than to overfeed them. Adult fish are fed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Feed is given as much as they can eat in about 5 minutes, and it is better to remove the remnants of uneaten food. It is necessary to include in their diet as protein, but the most important plant food is their main diet. Properly fed adult fish can survive a week-long fast without harm. It must be remembered that when feeding with dry food, they should be given in small portions several times a day, since when it enters a humid environment, in the esophagus of a fish, it swells, significantly increases in size and can cause constipation and disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive organs of the fish, resulting in the death of the fish. To do this, you can first hold dry food for some time (10 seconds - flakes, 20-30 seconds - granules) in water and only then give them to the fish. When using specialized feeds, the color of the fish can be improved.

Long-bodied goldfish are durable , under good conditions, they can live up to 30 - 35 years, short-bodied - up to 15 years.

Celestial eye or astrologer

The stargazer has a round, ovoid body. A feature of the fish is its telescopic eyes directed slightly forward and upward. Although this is considered a departure from the ideal, these fish are very beautiful. The color of the stargazers is orange-gold. The fish reaches a length of up to 15 cm. More -Stargazer.

This fish is the result of relentless and merciless selection of the Chinese goldfish. The size of the fish is 15-20 cm. It has an ovoid body, the back is low, the profile of the head passes smoothly into the profile of the back. Coloring is different. The most common colors are silver, orange and brown. More -Water eyes .

Veiltail or Fantail

The veiltail has a short, tall, rounded egg-shaped body and large eyes. The head is big. The color of the veiltail is different - from a solid golden color to bright red or black. More about -.


The pearl is one of the fish included in the so-called "Goldfish" family. The fish is unusual and very beautiful. It was bred in China. More -Pearl .


The body of the comet is elongated with a long ribbon bifurcated caudal fin. The higher the score of a fish instance, the longer its tail fin. Comets are like veiltails. More - Comet .


Oranda is one of the fish included in the so-called "Goldfish" family. The fish is unusual and very beautiful. Oranda differs from other goldfish - a growth-cap on its head. The body, like many "Goldfish" is ovoid, swollen. In general, it looks like a veiltail. More - Oranda .


Another artificially bred form of the "Goldfish". Homeland - Japan. Ranchu literally translates as "cast in an orchid." The fish is unusual and very beautiful. Read more - Ranchu .

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