Benefits for military pensioners for sanatorium treatment - grounds for obtaining. Military pensioners returned free travel to the sanatorium

According to the current legislation, payment for travel to the sanatorium for military pensioners in 2019 will be available. But, as practice shows, it is not so easy for servicemen who have gone on a well-deserved rest to receive the promised compensation. The first thing pensioners face is an unreasonable refusal to provide payments. The second is ignorance of the procedure, how the travel to the place of rest and back is paid for military pensioners.

Legislative regulation of the issue

First of all, it is necessary to turn to the laws that regulate the procedure for paying for travel to a sanatorium for military pensioners. It should be noted that the federal legal acts are fundamental. At the regional level, municipalities are allowed to specify the provisions of the Federal Laws, expanding them. Therefore, in certain administrative areas, the rules for obtaining benefits may differ slightly.

Table No. 1 "Legislative regulation of the issue"

The list contains only federal laws, on the basis of which payment is made for travel to military pensioners to the place of rest. But in addition, you can add to this list the Orders of the Governors, the Decrees of the local government and the laws of the regions.

Compensation for sanatorium treatment for military pensioners in 2019

According to the provisions of Federal Law No. 76, each military man is guaranteed free pass to the place of rest and back home. But such a benefit is granted no more than once per calendar year.
. It was also established that payment for the road to the place of treatment is provided to the following categories of citizens:

  • current military who have been issued a referral to a resort for the purpose of treatment (a corresponding medical opinion is required);
  • military personnel who perform their duties in dangerous or harmful conditions;
  • a member of the employee's family, if the referral to a sanatorium is the doctor's decision;
  • transferred to the reserve if the service life was more than two decades.

In addition, in some cases, the travel document will be paid for by the accompanying military, if there are medical indications.

Important! Payment to military pensioners for travel for treatment is carried out for all types of transport, except for taxis..

Free travel for rest and treatment of military pensioners

There are some features of compensation for such payments. In particular, the list of paid expenses includes:

  • payment for all types of tickets to the boarding house and back. For example, you can count on ;
  • bed linen compensation;
  • insurance fees, if they are included in the cost of the travel document.

At the same time, you cannot count on payments for ticket exchange (due to the fault of a serviceman), as well as on an additional commission associated with the purchase of coupons remotely.

Table No. 2 "Features of the implementation of compensation"

As for family members and accompanying persons, their travel is paid on a par with military personnel. Also, before purchasing plane tickets, you need to find out if it is possible to compensate for tickets of a particular company.

How to receive compensation

In order to receive benefits and compensation payments, you must perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • the whole organization of spa treatment, as well as the purchase travel tickets immediately in two directions carried out in cash of the pensioner (coupons are purchased for personal funds with the possibility of subsequent compensation);
  • after the end of the holiday, all documents on the costs of non-treatment are collected;
  • submission of documents for consideration;
  • making decisions and paying costs.

Where to go

Where to apply depends on the category of serviceman. So, the active military must send all papers confirming the costs to the commissariat at the place of service. It is allowed both to submit a report through the immediate commander, and directly to the senior commander. The report must contain the following statements:

  • the rank and name of the commander to whom the petition is sent;
  • military personal information;
  • description of the circumstances of obtaining a voucher for a sanatorium spa treatment;
  • calculation of associated costs;
  • request to pay the costs.

As for pensioners, they will have to contact the FSS at the address of their registration. It is not allowed to apply to the authorities of another region, since each municipality may establish its own conditions for granting benefits.

The order of consideration of documents

In addition to the report, applicants for payments must submit the following documents:

  • arrival coupon, which should contain a mark of arrival in the resort city;
  • travel cards;
  • all receipts for payment of services;
  • a document confirming kinship (if a member of his family is traveling with the soldier).

It is allowed to pay only after the fact, since it is almost impossible to preliminarily estimate the costs. So, officials have no more than ten days to make a decision on the report. This time is enough to check the completeness and authenticity of the submitted papers.

O decision the military is notified in writing. And if you agree to pay compensation for travel expenses, cash are accrued with the main amount of the benefit from the next month.

Possible difficulties and ways to solve them

As a rule, the report on fare payment is satisfied in 80% of cases. The rest are waivers. In practice, there are such grounds for refusal.

The information contained in our articles is for informational purposes only! Laws change, information ceases to be relevant. In addition, each issue must be considered individually. To quickly get an up-to-date answer to your question, do not hesitate to fill out the forms feedback on the site, ask questions to the online consultant in the lower right corner of the screen. And the most effective method- call the phones! It's fast and free!

List of benefits for military personnel under contract and their families in 2018

Family members of military personnel can also count on social guarantees from the state. Their wives and minor children are entitled to free medical services and annual payment for travel to places of rest. In addition, the wife of a soldier has the right to increased allowance for child care and an increased lump sum postpartum payment, which in 2018 will amount to 11,451.86 and 26,721.01 rubles, respectively.

Benefits for military personnel in 2018

  • a military wife can receive child benefits bigger size than other categories of wives;
  • in addition to a one-time allowance for the birth of a child, the wives of servicemen receive monthly subsidies, the amount of which is set separately in each region;
  • children should be identified in preschool and school institutions out of turn. However, compensation for payment kindergarten is 80-90%;
  • Families of military personnel are entitled to free travel to the place of rest and back to anywhere in the country once a year. On holiday abroad this measure does not apply.

Benefits for military pensioners in Moscow and the region in 2018

There are concessions that are implemented as a result of instructions from federal law. Article 3 of Federal Law-76 enshrines the rights of active and retired military personnel, as well as members of their families, to social protection, state guarantees, and compensation. Responsibilities for the implementation of the law are assigned to the federal state bodies, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and local self-government.

Benefits for military pensioners in 2018

  • issue one-time subsidies, housing certificates for the purchase, construction of housing;
  • transfer state premises free of charge to ownership or social lease with subsequent privatization;
  • compensate for the payment for renting an apartment;
  • offer participation in the accumulative mortgage system.

Travel compensation for pensioners in 2018: how to get transport benefits

  • participants and invalids of the Second World War (Great Patriotic War);
  • family members of the military who died in the fighting;
  • victims of the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident;
  • rear workers;
  • heroes of labor of the times of the USSR and the Russian Federation, members of their families:
  • prisoners concentration camps, prisoners of war;
  • disabled people of all groups;
  • persons identified as victims political repression, rehabilitated;
  • awarded with the badge Honorary Donor" (in Soviet times and during the period of modern Russia);
  • families raising children with disabilities, plus persons looking after children with disabilities;
  • children and other categories of citizens receiving a survivor's pension.

13 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1:

  1. if the outgoing employee has at least 25 years of total work experience. At the same time, at least 12.5 years of them should be the period of service in law enforcement agencies.
  2. on the day of dismissal, the period of service must be at least 20 years;

How to apply for travel allowance for pensioners

Pensioners of St. Petersburg will be able to get a seasonal discount when using short-range electric trains in the amount of 90% in the period from May to October. Residents of the Leningrad region of retirement age will enjoy an 85% discount regardless of the season. Pensioners permanently residing in Moscow and having a Moscow residence permit will retain the right to travel free of charge on electric trains within the Moscow Ring Road. Residents of other regions should check their benefits with local authorities social protection.

The procedure for reimbursement of compensation for actual costs, as a rule, does not cause difficulties for pensioners. In order to receive funds, a person claiming compensation must submit an application to the relevant authorities and attach travel documents.

Travel to a place of rest for military pensioners in 2018

Family members of a serviceman - citizen, when moving to a chosen place of residence in connection with the death (death) of a serviceman - citizen, are entitled to free transportation of up to 20 tons of personal property in containers by rail, and where there is no rail transport, by other modes of transport (for with the exception of air). In the case of transportation of personal property in a separate wagon, luggage and small shipments, they are reimbursed for the actual costs, but not more than the cost of transportation in a container weighing 20 tons.

How is travel reimbursement for pensioners in 2018

If a citizen wants to go on vacation in a train compartment, luxury cabin, etc., he will be paid only the fare within the specified categories. The rest he pays himself. There is also no fee for issuing a ticket, additional services during the journey, and advance booking.

The right of a military pensioner to pay for travel to a place of rest

Unfortunately, the effect of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 19, 1993 N 4520-I “On State Guarantees and Compensations for Persons Working and Living in the Far North and Equivalent Areas” does not apply to military pensioners due to the fact that this law regulates only the rights of persons who worked in the conditions of the Far North, you did not work, but served. This position is fully enshrined in the Ruling of the Constitutional Court Russian Federation dated May 28, 2013 N 738-O "On the refusal to accept for consideration the complaint of citizen Konovalov Sergey Vladimirovich about the violation of his constitutional rights by the provisions of Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Guarantees and Compensations for Persons Working and Living in the Far North and Equivalent areas to them." With which you definitely need to read in full, as the court gave a lot of clarifications about your rights.

Get compensation and benefits

The current legislation allows pensioners to rest and be treated in sanatoriums free of charge once a year or more often if there are indications of doctors. From the country's budget, not only the ticket will be paid, but also the maintenance of the pensioner in the sanatorium and his transfer to the place of recovery.

What are the benefits for military pensioners in 2018

Upon entering the service in any department, a soldier is attached to medical institution that serves him. Having retired due to seniority or for any other reason, he has the right to receive the necessary advice and medical care in full there. And it also has the opportunity to:

Reimbursement of travel for pensioners - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the military, to a place of rest

  • For pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 10, 11, 16 articles of the Federal Law "On social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies ..".
  • For pensioners - northerners - the law "On State Guarantees and Compensations for Persons Working and Living in the Far North" is provided.

It is possible to use balneological, climatic, mud methods of healing. Benefits for military pensioners for sanatorium treatment are provided by health resorts of a profile corresponding to the disease, for example:

Sanatorium specialization

Reasons for obtaining a ticket

Organs respiratory system

Musculoskeletal system

  • arthrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • myositis;
  • spondylosis;
  • polyarthrosis;
  • arthropathy;

The cardiovascular system

Digestive organs


Legislative and legal framework

Sanatorium-and-spa treatment of military personnel who are on a well-deserved rest is guaranteed by the legislation of the state. The allocation of budget funds for the rehabilitation of military pensioners is based on the operation of the following legal documents:

federal laws

No. 76-FZ dated 05/27/98

"On the status of military personnel"

No. 178-FZ dated 19.07.99

"On the state social assistance»

No. 5-FZ dated 01.12.95

"About Veterans"

No. 4486-1 dated 12.02.93

"On the provision of pensions for persons undergoing military service…»

Order of the Russian Ministry of Defense

No. 333 dated 15.03.11

"On the order of sanatorium and resort provision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development

No. 328 dated 29.12.04

"On approval of the order of submission social services certain categories of citizens"

What benefits are provided

A military pensioner is entitled to annual receipt preferential vouchers to a medical institution.

If for some reason it is not possible to go, he can be provided with it for the next year.

When there are medical indications, spa treatment is carried out twice. Vouchers to military sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation can be obtained by:

Person category Benefit amount Who gets

Military pensioners

  • Heroes of the USSR, RF;
  • full holders of the Order of Glory;
  • persons who have passed hospital treatment those who, according to the conclusion of the medical-military commission, need to be restored in sanatorium institutions

payment of 25% of the cost

military with more than 20 years of service

Family members and close relatives

  • wife;
  • children under 18, students full-time education in universities up to 23 years;
  • dependent persons;
  • disabled children

Legislation guarantees free travel once a year - the road to the place of treatment and back is paid. The exemption applies to pensioners and family members. It is necessary to purchase tickets on your own, and after returning to receive compensation. Reimbursement for travel expenses:

  • bus with soft seats;
  • by rail - SV, compartment, or reserved seat car - taking into account the status of a military man;
  • sea ​​vessels - depending on the rank of the military;
  • economy class aircraft.

Compensation for sanatorium treatment to military pensioners

There are cases when military personnel who are on a well-deserved rest, who are entitled to a preferential ticket to a sanatorium, various reasons they cannot use it. Since 2012, the issuance of monetary compensation to pensioners in case of refusal of medical care in the sanatorium institutions of the military department has not been provided. This is due to the increase in the amount of pensions for military personnel.

How to order a ticket to a military sanatorium

  1. visit a therapist, get a certificate of form No. 070 / U-04;
  2. collect a package of documents;
  3. make an application;
  4. send papers in one of the ways specified by law;
  5. to get in line;
  6. wait for a response within 10 days.

Making an application

According to the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 333 dated March 15, 2011, a military pensioner can send documents and an application for preferential spa treatment in several ways. For this use:

  • mailing to the State Military Medical University of the Ministry of Defense;
  • personal visit to the military commissariat at the place of registration;
  • electronic application through the portal of the departmental health resort, the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The application is made on a special form. It is important to fill it out correctly, without blots and mistakes. It contains such data.

  • the entire organization of spa treatment, as well as the purchase of tickets in two directions at once, is carried out in cash by the pensioner (coupons are purchased for personal funds with the possibility of subsequent compensation);
  • after the end of the holiday, all documents on the costs of non-treatment are collected;
  • submission of documents for consideration;
  • making decisions and paying costs.

It is allowed to pay only after the fact, since it is almost impossible to preliminarily estimate the costs. So, officials have no more than ten days to make a decision on the report. This time is enough to check the completeness and authenticity of the submitted papers.

Payment for travel to a sanatorium for a military pensioner

The fare to the sanatorium will be paid for by the military enlistment office for my wife, it’s clear to me, but for my wife, I am a military pensioner. Article 20 Postal items[Law on the Status of Military Personnel] [Chapter II] [Article 20] business trips, in connection with the transfer to a new place of military service, to places of use of rehabilitation leave, for treatment and vice versa, to the chosen place of residence upon dismissal from military service, and conscripted military personnel and cadets of military professional educational organizations or military educational organizations higher education before concluding a contract with them for military service, also to places of use additional holidays(excluding winter holidays); in trucks and passenger buses of the military unit, allocated to ensure the organized transportation of military personnel to the place of military service and back. 1.1. Military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, other areas with adverse climatic and (or) environmental conditions, including remote ones, as well as on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts , cadets of military professional educational organizations or military educational organizations of higher education, before concluding a contract with them on military service, have the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport once a year through the territory of the Russian Federation to place of use of the main (summer vacation) vacation and back. Military personnel who do military service under a contract outside the territory of the Russian Federation are entitled to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (excluding taxis) transport once a year to the place of use of the main (summer vacation) leave on the territory of the Russian Federation and back. 1.2. Military personnel who are doing military service under a contract, when transferred to a new place of military service and dismissal from military service, in addition, have the right to transport free of charge up to 20 tons of personal property in containers from their former place of residence to a new one by rail, and there, where there is no rail transport, - by other modes of transport (with the exception of air). In the case of transportation of personal property in a separate wagon, luggage and small shipments, they are reimbursed for the actual costs, but not more than the cost of transportation in a container weighing 20 tons. 2. Family members of a serviceman - a citizen who is doing military service under a contract, specified in paragraphs 6 - 10 of paragraph 5 of Article 2, have the right, on the grounds established for servicemen - citizens, to travel free of charge: from the place of residence to the place of military service of the serviceman in connection with his transfer to a new place of military service; once a year - to the place of use of the vacation and back (one family member, with the exception of a family member belonging to the category specified in paragraph nine of clause 5 of Article 2 of this Federal Law); for treatment in medical organizations at the conclusion of the military medical commission and back; upon dismissal of a serviceman - citizen from military service, as well as in the event of death (death) of a serviceman - citizen - to the chosen place of residence. Family members of a serviceman - citizen, when moving to a chosen place of residence in connection with the death (death) of a serviceman - citizen, are entitled to free transportation of up to 20 tons of personal property in containers by rail, and where there is no rail transport, by other modes of transport (for with the exception of air). In the case of transportation of personal property in a separate wagon, luggage and small shipments, they are reimbursed for the actual costs, but not more than the cost of transportation in a container weighing 20 tons. In the event of the death (death) of a civilian soldier, members of his family (but not more than three people) and his parents have the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport to the place of burial of the deceased (deceased) soldier citizen and vice versa. One of the family members of a deceased (deceased) serviceman-citizen and his parents have the right once a year to travel free of charge through the territory of the Russian Federation (in cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation, also through the territory located outside the territory of the Russian Federation) by rail , air, water and road (with the exception of taxis) transport to the burial place of a civilian soldier and back. 3. A person who accompanies a serviceman who goes to a medical organization or a sanatorium-and-spa organization, on sick leave, to the chosen place of residence upon dismissal from military service, or family members of servicemen - citizens undergoing military service under a contract, going to medical organizations or health resort organizations, if the need for escort is recognized by the conclusion of the military medical commission, has the right to travel free of charge to the place of treatment (use of leave), the chosen place of residence and back on the grounds established for the escort. 4. In the event of a serious illness of a serviceman, two members of his family or two close relatives shall have the right to travel free of charge from their place of residence to the location of the sick person and back on the grounds established for the serviceman, once during the illness. 5[b]. Officers discharged from military service upon reaching age limit stay in military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff activities, total duration whose military service on a preferential basis is 20 years or more, and with a total duration of military service of 25 years or more, regardless of the reason for dismissal, have the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport for treatment in medical organization in stationary conditions in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission or to sanatorium organizations and health organizations and back (once a year). [u] The family members of these officers have the same right to travel when traveling to sanatorium organizations and health-improving organizations, as well as warrant officers and midshipmen dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more.[u] military service, as well as to the place of use of the leave and back. At the same time, a serviceman doing military service under a contract, sent on a business trip, enjoys the right to book and receive out of turn a place in a hotel on a business trip certificate. 7. Servicemen who are doing military service under a contract, using personal vehicles for official purposes, are paid financial compensation in the manner and amount determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. 8. Conscripted military personnel have the right to transfer simple letters and sending parcels with personal clothing. Forwarding of ordinary letters of conscripted military personnel, as well as ordinary letters addressed to them, is carried out in stamped postal envelopes purchased at the expense of funds provided for these purposes to the federal executive authorities, in which federal law military service provided. The forwarding of parcels with personal clothing of servicemen undergoing military service on conscription, the forwarding and return of parcels addressed to them is carried out at the expense of funds provided for these purposes by the federal executive authorities, in which military service is provided for by federal law. 9. Expenses associated with the transportation of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, members of their families and the transportation of personal property by rail, air, water and road (excluding taxis) transport, hotel reservations when sending military personnel on business trips, are reimbursed for the account of funds of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (another federal executive body in which military service is provided for by federal law) in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1998 (as amended on July 3, 2016) “On the Status of Military Personnel” Article 20. Travel by transport. Postal items 1. Military personnel have the right to travel free of charge: by rail, air, water and road (excluding taxis) on business trips, in connection with the transfer to a new place of military service, to places of use of rehabilitation leave, for treatment and back , to the chosen place of residence upon dismissal from military service, and military personnel undergoing military service on conscription, and cadets of military professional educational organizations or military educational organizations of higher education, before concluding a contract with them for military service, also to places of use of additional holidays (with the exception of winter holidays) (as amended by the Federal Law of December 14, 2015 N 370-FZ) (see the text in the previous edition) on trucks and passenger buses of a military unit allocated to ensure the organized transportation of military personnel to the place of military service and back.

Fare payment

These expenses are reimbursed by the military commissariats at the expense of the funds provided for in the consolidated budget estimate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the social security of discharged military personnel (Article 006226 Classification of expenses according to the budget estimate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation). "

Form 1 requirements are issued for travel in a direct direct connection, and in the absence of a direct connection - with least amount transfers in accordance with the signs of passenger routes in shortest communication, which are developed and sent to military units by the heads of the military communications service of military districts, fleets. In the absence of a direct connection, Form 1 requirements are issued for each section of the route.

Compensation for travel to the sanatorium for military personnel

  • active military, following for rehabilitation or treatment;
  • liable for military service, serving in remote areas, areas with adverse conditions climate or ecology, as well as contract servicemen staying abroad when they are sent on annual leave in the Russian Federation;
  • one of the family members of a military contractor (except for full-time adult children under 23 years of age, if they are not recognized as disabled before the age of majority, and are not dependent on the military), to the place of vacation or for treatment if there is a referral from the military medical commission;
  • accompanying a serviceman for spa treatment, if such a need is confirmed by a medical commission;
  • officers discharged from military service and members of their families, if the length of service prior to dismissal was at least 20 years on a preferential basis (the reason for leaving the position is OSHM, deterioration in health or reaching the maximum established age or at least 25 years, regardless of the motive layoffs);
  • retirees of the Ministry of Defense who have resigned from the position of warrant officer or midshipman, heading to a sanatorium, have a preferential term of service of 20 years or more at the time of dismissal (the reasons for leaving the post should be OSHM, medical indications or reaching the age limit).

To understand what conditions must be met by the military in order to be guaranteed reimbursement of expenses associated with the cost of traveling to the boarding houses of the Moscow Region, the study of current legislation for 2018 will help. An analysis of typical situations in which the department may refuse to compensate for travel will help to avoid mistakes and competently defend violated rights.

Payment for the road to the place of treatment for a military pensioner

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of March 15, 2011 N 333 approved the Procedure for Sanatorium and Resort Provision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, according to which military personnel (discharged from military service, members of their families) are sent to sanatoriums, rest houses, recreation centers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the basis of medical indications.

"In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ"On the status of military personnel" military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (with the exception of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in formations and military units permanent readiness in positions to be recruited by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, and entered the military service under a contract after January 1, 2004, as well as military cadets educational institutions vocational education), and members of the families of military civilians during their holidays, but not more than once a year, are provided with sanatorium treatment and organized recreation in sanatoriums, rest houses, boarding houses, children's health camps, at tourist bases of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (another federal executive body in which military service is provided for by federal law).

Are military pensioners paid for travel to the place of treatment

  • spouse or husband;
  • minor children;
  • adult children who have become disabled before reaching the age of 18;
  • children under the age of 23 who study full-time in educational institutions;
  • dependents of military personnel or employees of the Ministry of the Interior.

How can a military pensioner get to a sanatorium for treatment? The state is trying to help him in this. Special Decree No. 176, which entered into force on April 1, 2005, approved the rules for compensating the travel of military pensioners to the sanatorium. Travel expenses to the location of the sanatorium or resort can be compensated different categories residents of Russia, including;

Preferential vouchers to a sanatorium for pensioners in 2018: conditions and nuances of registration

  • participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  • employees of the penitentiary system (including retired and reserve citizens), employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel who participated in hostilities in international and local conflicts of the USSR or the Russian Federation;
  • military personnel of battalions and automobile troops who took part in the delivery of goods to Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989;
  • family members of dead invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as war veterans;
  • persons residing in Leningrad during the blockade (you must have an appropriate certificate and badge);
  • invalids.

State assistance for pensioners includes not only cash payments but also a number of other services, including preferential vouchers in a health-improving sanatorium. According to the legislation of Russia, some categories of citizens who have retired on a well-deserved rest can receive free tours for treatment or recreation sanatorium complexes countries.

The list of sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners and the conditions for obtaining vouchers in them

  • WWII veterans;
  • invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  • family members of fallen participants and disabled veterans of the Second World War;
  • citizens who lived in besieged Leningrad (you must have an appropriate certificate”);
  • members of fallen combat veterans;
  • combatants in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989;
  • power structure pensioners.

If in a sanatorium with a pensioner members of his family are sent, then they are in without fail must be entered in the "special notes" column of the pension certificate!

  • medical certificate in the form No. 070 / U-04, which confirms the need for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation; as a rule, this document is issued by the local therapist at the place of residence of the pensioner;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);
  • conclusion medical and social expertise may be required to confirm the disability of a military pensioner;
  • medical certificates of the wife and children (in the event that they go to a sanatorium together with a military pensioner;
  • marriage and birth certificates of children, which confirm the relationship.
  • apply to the regional department for sanatorium provision Ministry of Defense of Russia. Department coordinates can be found on the Internet or directly contact your military unit.
  • It is necessary to provide the above package of documents to the department, as well as write an application.

    Travel allowance for pensioners

    Within ten days of submitting an application territorial authority The Pension Fund must inform the citizen about the decision on his request for compensation. In the event that a pensioner was denied benefits, but at the same time he is confident in the legitimacy of his claim, he has the opportunity to protect his rights.

    Also, it is important to note that a northerner pensioner can count on compensation payments once every two years. The biennial frequency is calculated taking into account the calendar order, from January 1 of the year in which the citizen submitted an application with a request to reimburse the fare.

    How can a pensioner receive compensation for travel to and from a vacation spot?

    If you are applying for a financial refund of the funds spent on travel, then you will need to attach travel documents to the application, which are issued by transport organizations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The term for consideration of your application should also not exceed 10 days. Compensation will be paid in the same way that you receive your monthly pension.

    The compensation itself can be made in one of two options, or in a combined form. The first option is to provide the pensioner with travel documents that give the right to free travel on transport that will take him (the pensioner) to the place of sanatorium treatment. The second option is the actual reimbursement of funds spent on the road, but within the limits established by the rules. Let's look at the refund restrictions:

    27 Jul 2018 1271
  • People often have to travel for treatment. This also applies to pensioners. And under what conditions is the travel to the place of treatment of military pensioners? Are compensations paid for travel by transport to the sanatorium? Let's deal with these questions.

    How can a military pensioner get to a sanatorium for treatment? The state is trying to help him in this. Special Decree No. 176, which entered into force on April 1, 2005, approved the rules for compensating the travel of military pensioners to the sanatorium. Travel expenses to the location of a sanatorium or resort can be compensated for various categories of Russian residents, including;

    • combatants during the Great Patriotic War;
    • military personnel who served in units for at least 6 months from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945;
    • military personnel who have a medal or order of the USSR;
    • citizens who worked at air defense facilities, on the construction of defensive structures;
    • citizens who have served in the military in the rank of officer and have reached the age limit;
    • officers dismissed from service due to organizational and staff measures or for health reasons;
    • midshipmen and warrant officers upon reaching the age limit or dismissed for health reasons, as a result of organizational and staff measures.

    The total service life for persons of the last three categories must be at least 20 years. Payment of compensation is also provided for the family members of the former serviceman. Payments for travel to the place of treatment of a military pensioner are possible annually for movement along railway, by water, by air, by bus in both directions. But payment is only possible once a year. The sanatorium does not have to belong to the Ministry of Defense. Compensation is not provided for travel to a place of rest or a camp site. If the sanatorium belongs to the Ministry of Defense, then the military pensioner pays only 25% of the cost of the tour. It is sold to his family members for 50%. Payment for travel to the sanatorium to a military pensioner is made in full.

    And what about overseas health resorts? You can go to Karlovy Vary or Piestany, to other resort places. Travel expenses are paid, but not in full. AT this case the calculation is made for air, water, bus transport to the place of crossing the state border and back. No travel expenses are paid. Other categories of citizens are equated to military personnel:

    • employees who served in the internal affairs bodies who have reached the rank of major with at least 20 years of service;
    • military personnel of the internal troops retired after January 13, 1993 and with a length of service of 20 years or more;
    • members of their family.

    Family members are:

    • spouse or husband;
    • minor children;
    • adult children who have become disabled before reaching the age of 18;
    • children under the age of 23 who study full-time in educational institutions;
    • dependents of military personnel or employees of the Ministry of the Interior.

    Compensatory payments for travel to military pensioners to the place of rest and treatment are made for:

    • bedding;
    • luxury wagon;
    • reserved seat;
    • insurance premiums;
    • additional fees for transport.

    The following documents are required to receive compensation:

    • holiday statement;
    • documents confirming the financial costs of travel;
    • documents confirming stay in a health institution;
    • children's birth certificate or marriage certificate.

    In addition to pensioners, former citizens of Leningrad who survived the siege and have the appropriate certificate enjoy the right to receive compensation. There is another category of people with the right to benefits: these are employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and law enforcement agencies.

    All collected documents submitted in person to the appropriate social security service. No more than 10 days are allocated for their consideration. During this time, a decision on the payment of compensation is made. If a refusal is received, the pension fund will notify you in writing. Based on this letter, you can file a corresponding complaint with a higher authority, up to the main branch of the FIU.

    On January 1, 2012, pensions were increased and some benefits were removed from military pensioners. But payments for a trip for treatment are saved almost completely. This does not include surcharges for a trip to a holiday destination.

    Questions compensation payments for a trip for treatment are of interest to many.

    Military pensioners used this benefit for a long time and use it to this day. It is only necessary not to lose travel documents and hand them over to the pension fund on time.

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