Registration for MSEC what documents to collect. Disability: disability groups, how to apply for (receive) disability

Unfortunately, the current socio-economic situation in our country leaves much to be desired.

And most of all suffer from economic instability, the least protected segments of the population - people of retirement age.

January 1, 2015 was not the best event in terms of financial policy: the sensational “Pension Reform” became a reason for worries and the need to find a way out of a difficult situation, because now older people are placed in a strict framework.

But what about those people who, to one degree or another, are deprived of their ability to work? In this case, there is only one way out - you need to know how to apply for disability to a pensioner, where to start, because this is the only way to survive in a difficult period of economic decline.

In what cases is it necessary?

Disability should be issued to a pensioner in case of complete or partial disability, in the presence of serious diseases that force them to spend large sums on the purchase of medicines and visits to medical institutions.

Registration of disability for pensioners entitles them to benefits, which we will discuss further.

According to the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation", there are the following categories of disability that have a civil right to receive financial support. Each category has its own characteristics and preferential rights:

  • 1/2/3 disability groups, provided that the person has a seniority (at least one full day).
  • 1/2/3 groups, provided that the disability was obtained in childhood, before the onset of adulthood. Then the length of service is not a mandatory factor in the appointment of a disability pension.
  • Special categories of disabled citizens: people who were seriously injured during military events (the Great Patriotic War, Afghan, Chechen), during the elimination of accidents at large state-owned enterprises, such as the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and others, as well as cosmonauts who were injured during training or direct space flight.

Each category has the right to a pension intended for it by the legislation of the Russian Federation. So, representatives of the first category of the above list can apply for a pension, in accordance with Articles 1 and 2. Federal Law number 400, which also gives a number of benefits: free travel on public transport (minibuses are not included in this list), benefits for the purchase of a basic list of products and medicines, as well as medical services in public medical institutions.

The rights of disabled children are spelled out in Art. 11 FZ 166, which entered into force on December 15, 2001, according to which, in addition to the appointment of financial assistance, they are entitled to benefits for paying utility bills, as well as paying for a telephone (50% of the standard cost of services).

In addition, people in this group can get the opportunity to go annually to a sanatorium of a treatment-and-prophylactic type of the profile that a person needs.

And finally, the rights of special categories are specified in Art. 7, 8, 9, 10 of the Federal Law, number 166. Citizens assigned to this group get the opportunity not only to pay preferential prices for electricity, water supply, gas and telephone, but also the opportunity to receive some medicines and devices necessary for life support for free.

The right to preferential provision of food and free annual sanatorium treatment is also retained.


Today there are lively discussions and heated discussions regarding the receipt of pensions. Opinions were divided "for" and "against".

“For” they speak about those benefits and rights that, in the difficult conditions of the economic crisis and harsh pension reform, inflation, become just a lifeline that does not allow people to go below the poverty line.

“Against” refers to the difficulties associated with obtaining a disability. In addition, it is worth mentioning that, for example, when appointing the second and third groups, if a person previously received money in social services for the title of “hero of labor”, then this benefit loses its value, is canceled, being replaced by a disability pension. In fact, it is almost the same, only the name changes.

For some people, this order of things is unacceptable, inappropriate: to receive a pension for the degree of seniority is more worthy than for disability.

In all other cases, no matter how difficult it is to obtain a disability, it is still needed.

List of documents

Consider the procedure for applying for a disability pension. Let's start with the preparation of documents.

To apply for a disability pension (PI), it is necessary to collect the following list of documents that the Pension Fund employees will require:

  • Passport or other identification document.
  • An application addressed to a pension fund specialist at the place of registration. The application is written according to a template, which can be taken both on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and in the institution itself.
  • When applying for the first category of disability, where one of the main conditions is the presence of work experience, it is necessary to prepare documents confirming the existence of this experience: a work book or an employment contract. If there are none, any other document confirming the fact of employment of a citizen, a document certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the head (deputy) will do.
  • Medical Research Help. Without this paper, it is impossible to issue a pension, as it confirms the existence of conditions that require state financial support and determines the severity of a person's diseases.

In some cases, employees of the social service and the pension fund require other documents confirming the status of a disabled citizen.

The entire list of documents must be collected within three months from the date of application. A delay of at least a day leads to the cancellation of the application, after which the papers are no longer accepted for study.

The procedure for applying for a disability for a pensioner

The design algorithm is as follows:

The first step is to pass a medical and social examination (MSE) at a state medical institution at the place of registration.

For the examination, a group of specialists is appointed, who, after taking the necessary tests (blood tests, x-rays, ultrasound, etc.), determine the severity of the disease. The attending physician, on whose account the citizen must be registered, sends for examination.

The attending physician draws up a referral on a special form under number 188 U and convenes a commission. It usually takes from a week to three weeks to convene a commission, depending on the doctoral staff. The direct passage of the ITU takes from a week to two.

The next step is to collect the necessary documentation, as already mentioned above.

When the ITU certificate is received and the papers are collected, they are sent to the Pension Fund and the social service at the place of registration. An application is written in the form, after which, the data processing begins by the employees of the institution. At the end of the prescribed period, a pension is issued.


As a rule, the standard processing time is ten days.

The pension itself is accrued, either from the moment of passing the examination (if more than a year has passed since the receipt of the certificate confirming the presence of disability), or from the moment of application (if less than a year has passed from the date of receipt of the ITU certificate).

Moreover, the social pension accrued in the case when the ITU was held more than a year ago is issued in the same month when the confirmation of incapacity for work was received.

That is, if the ITU was held, for example, on August 13, and for one reason or another, a person waited more than a year before submitting an application to the Pension Fund, then the pension can be assigned on August 1, 2 or another date of the current year.

Conditions for applying for disability due to illness

So, a disability pension is issued on the basis of passing a medical examination and collecting a list of documents confirming a person's right to receive financial assistance from the state. But this is not all conditions.

In addition to the ITU and waiting for your turn at the Pension Fund, disability must be regularly confirmed, otherwise it can be removed automatically.

Re-examination takes place once a year (in cases of serious illness - once every two years). I will have to go through all the tests again (blood, X-rays, ultrasound, etc.), communication with the commission of doctors assembled for this occasion.

After disability is confirmed, a certificate certified by representatives of the commission is sent to the Pension Fund. In the case when the group is removed or changed to another, the document is also sent to the state institution. This is the order that should be followed in order to avoid negative consequences.

Registration of disability for a pensioner is not just an opportunity to receive an additional payment to the basic pension, but also the opportunity to receive free or subsidized medicines for treatment, necessary devices - hearing aids, canes or walkers, a wheelchair and many other things that cannot be done without for one or more other illness.

Do retirees need a disability?

Retirees benefit from disability in the following ways:
  • the possibility of receiving an increase in pension;
  • obtaining subsidized medicines and rehabilitation means;
  • receiving a number of benefits, which include free or discounted travel, a discount on utility bills.

Be sure to follow in case of disability and the presence of serious diseases that require the use of expensive drugs.

First steps

Registration of disability begins with a trip to the local therapist or specialist who is undergoing treatment. If disability is obtained after a heart attack, you should contact a cardiologist, if after a stroke - a neuropathologist.

Pensioners who were previously employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the military, and at the same time retired no more than a year before the date of registration, have the right to apply to the hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to receive a referral and undergo all tests.

The attending physician examines the patient and issues a referral for examination by other specialists and testing. The main doctors who will have to visit are an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, an ENT specialist, a surgeon, an orthopedist. The full list depends on the disease and is announced by the attending physician.

Analyzes are also assigned by a specialist. The main ones include general blood and urine tests. ECG and EEG, fecal analysis, biochemical blood test, X-ray, ultrasound may also be recommended. It is worth remembering that some tests are valid for 10 days, so they should be done last.

When visiting doctors, ask them to immediately indicate what means of rehabilitation you need. In the future, after registration of disability, this will be provided to you as part of the IPR.

After examination by doctors, it is necessary to return with all the papers to the doctor who gave the referral. He will fill out the medical history and issue a referral to the ITU, with which you need to contact the head physician of the clinic to sign the papers. After all signatures and seals are received, you must contact the ITU at the place of residence.

List of papers and appeal to ITU

For registration, you need to collect a package of papers, which includes:
  • pensioner's ID;
  • received in the clinic referral to the passage of the ITU;
  • a copy of the labor, necessarily certified;
  • passport with a copy;
  • outpatient card of the patient;
  • extract from the hospital and its copy;
  • if necessary, an act on the presence of an occupational disease or on an industrial injury, drawn up in the form H1.
With all the collected documents, the pensioner must contact the ITU office at the place of residence and apply for an examination. After submitting the papers, you will be assigned the day and time of the examination.

On the appointed day, you must appear at the commission. It is important not to be late, otherwise your application will be delayed. You should have a change of shoes or shoe covers, a disposable diaper with you.

The commission must be attended by four medical specialists. They carefully study the medical history, the conclusions of the polyclinic specialists, the test results, and examine the patient. Based on the results of the inspection, based on a majority vote, a decision is made to assign a disability.

Further actions

At the end of the examination, a certificate of the assigned disability group should be issued, and an IPR should be developed. The necessary medicines and treatment, including sanitary-resort, means and things, without which the life of a disabled person is impossible or significantly difficult, are entered into her list. All these things you have the right to use for free.

The period during which the disability is valid will also be named, and the need for re-examination will be indicated.


The decision to assign disability status is made if at least two of the three criteria listed below are met:
  • Serious health disorders, which suggest the presence of persistent disorders of the body and its organs associated with injuries or diseases, both congenital and life-long defects.
  • The need for social protection and rehabilitation assistance.
  • Disability, which includes the loss of the ability to care for oneself (either total or partial). The presence of a certain degree of restriction in movement and communication, loss of self-control and the inability to perform their job duties.

If the pensioner is a bed patient

What to do if a pensioner cannot move independently? In this case, he will not be able to bypass all the necessary doctors, take tests. It is possible to issue a disability for such a patient at home. To do this, you need to call a local doctor who examines the patient, gives a referral and calls other specialists for examination.

When submitting an application to the ITU, it is important to indicate that the patient cannot appear for examination at the bureau. In this case, the commission goes to the patient's house and holds a meeting there.

Usually, disability in such a situation is handled by a trusted person of the patient - a wife or son, daughter, any other close relative.

Contacting the PF

After receiving all the certificates, you must contact the branch of the pension fund at the place of residence. This is necessary in order to obtain the status of a disabled person with an appropriate certificate and apply for a pension.

To apply for a pension and benefits, you must submit the following documents to the PF:

  • Passport and its copy.
  • Application for a pension. A sample can be found both on the official website of the PF, and by contacting the department itself directly.
  • A document confirming the person's work experience. This may be a work book or a document confirming the fact of employment of a citizen, certified by the head of the organization with a seal.
  • Help from ITU.
It is advisable to submit all documents at once, since all papers must be received by specialists within three months from the date of application. Otherwise, the application will be cancelled.

Please note that if you do not have restrictions on work activity for health reasons, then you have every right to work. At the same time, neither the basic pension nor the disability pension is canceled, and the amount of payments remains the same.

Military Disability Pension

A slightly different procedure for issuing a disability pension for military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Persons who have received significant damage to their health during the service and performance of their duties, or within three months after the end of the service, can count on it. It is also issued if the disability was obtained by a citizen as a result of injury or concussion, mutilation during service, but issued after the end of military service.

To apply for a pension, you must go through the standard disability registration procedure, then contact the pension authority of the Ministry of Defense. The main documents provided are:

  • application for a disability pension;
  • passport and its copy;
  • military ID and copy;
  • ITU reference;
  • results of the military medical commission.

Denial of disability

The Commission may also refuse to assign a disability. In such a situation, it is necessary to apply for a commission within a month. You have the right:
  • Submit an application to the same bureau, indicating that you wish to undergo an examination with a different team of specialists.
  • Submit an application to the higher body of the bureau. For example, you applied to the district bureau. The second time you are already submitting to the regional office.

If you do not agree with the decision of the commission for the second time, then you have the right to file a lawsuit in court to establish disability. But please note that in the case of a negative decision, it will no longer be possible to appeal it.


As already mentioned, in addition to the disability group, its term is also established. So, for disabled people of group 1, a certificate is given for 2 years, and for disabled people of groups 2 and 3 - only for a year.

After this period, the citizen is obliged to appear for re-examination in order to confirm his group. In some cases, the group can be changed up or down, or even removed.

The procedure is the same as the first time - getting a referral from the attending physician, passing tests, registering with the ITU and passing the commission. The list of documents is the same as for the initial setting, but for certification, you must additionally provide:

  • a certificate from the ITU received earlier;
It is worth noting that citizens who receive a lifelong disability and do not undergo a re-examination procedure:
  • received disability due to irreversible morphological diseases;
  • have serious defects;
  • have disorders in the functioning of the body and organs.

Treatment after a stroke or heart attack

It is worth noting that it is no different from the standard procedure, but it is still worth highlighting some features:
  • You can apply for disability after four months from the date of opening the sick leave;
  • The procedure for collecting documents and submitting them to the ITU is standard. Based on the papers received, the commission considers a specific case and assigns disability for a year;
  • At the end of the year, you must re-pass the commission. Often, in a year, body functions are restored, and the group is either removed or a 3rd disability group is assigned. But still, about half of the patients remain disabled.
Registration of disability for a pensioner is an opportunity to receive all the necessary funds for treatment and rehabilitation, as well as to receive a supplement to the basic pension and benefits for the provision of a number of services. In order to apply for disability, you first need to go to your general practitioner, who will give you a referral for an examination - ITU (Medical and Social Expertise). In order for your therapist to recognize the need for such an examination, you will have to tell him not only about the essence of your disease, the causes and timing of its occurrence, but also about how this disease affects your life and performance. The more detailed you describe all the problems that arise due to your disease, the higher the chance of recognizing you as a disabled person. Make sure that the therapist makes the appropriate entries in your outpatient record. After receiving a referral for an examination, go to the hospital and follow all the instructions of the doctors, proving to them that you really cannot lead a full life. The decision to recognize you as a disabled person will be made by the Medico-Social Expert Commission (MSEC).


The disability process can take up to several months. In order not to delay this process for an even longer time, be as careful as possible when collecting the necessary documents. In addition to your passport, you will need a photocopy of the photo page, registration page, and marriage information page. From medical documents, an outpatient card, extracts from hospitals, if any, are required. If you are injured at work, you will need an H-1 form of employment or occupational disease. You will also be asked for a copy of the work book, certified at the place of your employment, and a reference from the place of work. Just in case, take a certificate of income, it may also be requested.

Always take with you a complete package of documents for ITU, including a referral for examination.

What should be the result

If you managed to prove to the commission that your life is subject to many restrictions due to poor health, you will be recognized as disabled and will be issued supporting documents. This is a certificate of disability and IPR (individual rehabilitation program).

In order to receive all the benefits you are entitled to, you will need to go to the department of social protection in your area and draw up the relevant documents. You will also need to visit the pension fund, where you will be issued a disability pension.

You will need

  • - Referral for a medical and social examination in the form No. 088 / U-97 (or a written refusal to give a referral to a medical institution and social protection authorities)
  • - ID card and medical card with all tests
  • - Conclusion of medical and social expertise


It is important to know to whom this or that group is awarded. The law does not spell out which specific diseases can serve as a reason for a positive decision by the expert commission of physicians. The same diseases proceed in different ways: one becomes incapacitated, while the other after a while works normally again. Usually:
first group disability who are unable to continue their usual activities and take care of themselves. They need a permanent
second group includes citizens who can only work in special. Certain functions of their body are significantly impaired.
Disability of the third group can be obtained by people with any defects in anatomy or chronic diseases that reduce their ability to work. They have the right to work part-time.

Go see your doctor for a checkup. It is he who must assess the state of your health and send you for further examination at the medical and social examination bureau at the place of residence. If he does not consider you disabled, and you do not agree with this decision, contact the head of the clinic. If the medical institution refuses to issue a referral to honey. ask for a written refusal for examination and go with it to the commission.

Gather the required documents. Firstly, do not forget the coveted “Referral for medical and social examination” in the form No. 088 / U-97 (or certified by the signature and refusal of the medical institution to issue you this document). Secondly, take a passport or other proof of your identity and registration. Also grab an outpatient card: it should contain all the certificates and tests that are somehow related to your specific problem. It will be important for the commission to know whether the disability occurred and when it happened.

Write an appropriate personal statement according to the sample submitted to the Bureau of Medical and Social Examination before the start of the medical examination. As a result, the commission either recognizes you as disabled or not. In the first case, you must obtain a certificate confirming your group disability and a rehabilitation program. If a negative decision was made against you, you may be given a certificate of the results of the examination.

Disability is a condition in which there are limitations in capacity associated with mental, mental, physical or sensory problems of a person. Depending on the severity of the restrictions, such people are assigned to a certain group, each of which has its own characteristics and benefits. To support disabled citizens, the state issues a disability pension. Payments on it are made according to the assigned group.

A person's age has no effect on disability. The status can be assigned to both an elderly person and a newborn. Accordingly, benefits and benefits are accrued immediately after the submission of the documents necessary to confirm the special status. However, children may be provided with additional benefits or material assistance depending on the severity of the disease (defect). Such benefits are allocated for the purchase of prostheses, medical supplies that are needed urgently. Parents have the right to apply to the social security authorities for additional financial assistance only if they have documents on recognizing the child as disabled and a medical certificate.

Who can be recognized as disabled

A person whose health is seriously impaired after an illness, injury, as a result of which there was a restriction of life activity and ability to work, receives this status. The consequences of what happened cause the need for social protection.

Establishment of disability is carried out by state institutions based on the results of a medical examination. The conditions and procedure for the latter are determined at the highest state level. A person recognized as disabled receives a group (I, II or III) depending on the severity and type of illness or injury.

Disability groups

They are divided into three types: 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Each of them has its own criteria.

Disability is a social insufficiency that requires assistance or social protection due to health problems with obvious pronounced disorders of various body functions. It occurs due to diseases, defects, consequences of injuries, as a result of which vital activity was sharply limited.

The criteria by which the 1st group of disability is determined is the absence of the following abilities:

  • self-serve (complete dependence on another person / persons);
  • move independently;
  • independently navigate in space;
  • communicate with others;
  • control your own behavior.

Criteria by which the 2nd group of disability is determined:

The criteria by which the 3rd disability group is determined include the following abilities:

  • to self-service with the help of auxiliary means;
  • to independent movement;
  • to study in general educational institutions, if a special regime is observed (auxiliary means are used or it is necessary to resort to the help of another person / persons, not counting the teaching staff);
  • to labor activity, if the qualification is reduced or the amount of work is reduced due to the impossibility of their performance;
  • to orientation in space and time, if auxiliary means are used;
  • to communication, which is characterized by a lower speed, assimilation, receipt and transmission of information.

Diseases for which disability is possible

There are certain diseases when VTEK can be prescribed - a medical and labor expert commission. It is by its results that it is determined whether to assign a disability. List of diseases:

The 1st group is divided into two subspecies: A and B. The first "A" is given for the following problems:

The first "B" is assigned when:

  • bilateral anophthalmos;
  • blindness, limb stumps;
  • violations of the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous system;
  • diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system and respiratory organs;
  • some mental illnesses (dementia against the background of epilepsy, lucid catatonia);
  • the absence of several fingers on both hands.

The second group of disability is given for:

  • fecal fistula;
  • the absence of one lung and chronic pulmonary insufficiency of the 2nd degree;
  • stable complete ptosis in the eyes and irreversible changes in the organs of vision;
  • paralysis of the lower limb and severe upper and lower hemiparesis;
  • significant defects of the skull;
  • exarticulation of the shoulder and hip joints, their short stump (if prosthetics are not possible);
  • stump of legs;
  • ankylosis or severe contracture of the hip joint;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • thigh stump;
  • paralysis or severe paresis of one limb;
  • organ transplants;
  • condition after joint arthroplasty;
  • mental illness that lasts more than ten years.

The third group of disability is given for:

This is just a general enumeration of ailments for which disability can be issued. The list of diseases is very wide, they are considered depending on the severity.

Where can I apply for disability?

To begin with, contact the attending physician at the place of residence. It is he who issues the bypass sheet for passing the medical commission. You can also apply to the MES, where disability is issued. They will require certificates that confirm that a person is completely or partially incompetent (in the presence of a mental illness).

If a referral from a polyclinic or social protection authorities to the MES was not given, then how to apply for disability? In this case, these institutions are required to provide a document confirming the refusal to recognize disability. With this official paper, you can contact the MES bureau yourself.

There, the submitted documents are studied, after which a medical examination is prescribed, which is necessary to obtain the appropriate status. The analysis of social, household, psychological, professional, labor and other data is carried out. Based on the results obtained, specialists make a specific positive or negative decision on recognizing a citizen as a disabled person.

What papers are needed

To obtain the status in question, it is necessary to go through a special commission - VTEK. The following documents are required for disability registration:

  • referral in a special form, where all medical reports of doctors are entered;
  • an application from a citizen, which is issued when submitting documents to the bureau;
  • passport and its photocopy in one copy;
  • outpatient card from the clinic where the citizen was observed;
  • medical examinations and all attached extracts (they include appeals to paid medical centers, inpatient examinations, etc.);
  • sick leave, if it is currently open;
  • certificates of occupational diseases, labor injuries, injuries, etc., if they were previously or are available at the moment;
  • characteristics from places of study or work (for employed citizens);
  • a photocopy of labor and documents confirming income (if any).

After the transfer of documents to the ITU, a medical examination will be appointed.

Who makes the decision?

How to apply for disability at home? On a certain day, a commission is held, which can be an exit one, if a person is not able to arrive at the appointed place on his own. It is attended by three specialists. If necessary, representatives of the employment service and other consultants of the required profile are called, who have the right to vote in assessing the results of the examination.

The Disability Commission is a survey of a citizen. It examines medical documents, analyzes everyday, social, psychological and labor data. A disability may be awarded if at least two of the following conditions are met:

  • health is impaired, while there is a persistent disorder of body functions;
  • life activity is limited;
  • there is a need for social protection or rehabilitation is needed.

During the examination, a protocol is kept. Based on the information available, during the discussion, a decision is made to refuse or recognize disability. It is formalized by an act with which the citizen must be familiarized.

Upon assignment of a disability, a confirming certificate is issued, which additionally indicates the group and the rehabilitation program. This document must be submitted to the social security authorities for the further appointment of a pension and benefits.

How to apply for disability with diabetes

By itself, the disease is not the basis for this. A citizen with her may well live an ordinary life, work and serve himself. But there are certain conditions for the course of the disease, on the basis of which it is possible to issue a disability in diabetes.

The first group is assigned if there are significant violations of various body systems. Provided that there are restrictions on self-service, movement, communication and orientation, and the citizen constantly needs the help and care of another person (persons).

The second group is assigned if the patient has a severe form of diabetes mellitus, in which there are significant damage to organs and systems. At the same time, there is an inability to work (second degree). The ability to move independently is allowed.

The third group is assigned for a disease that develops in a mild or moderate form, with its labile course and moderate disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems. At the same time, there is a partial limitation of the ability to self-service and work.

What disability pension is assigned to citizens

The state supports people with a special status. They receive support in the form of social assistance. The law also establishes disability benefits, to which persons who have all the necessary supporting papers are entitled. To obtain it, you must contact the social security authorities with certain documents.

To apply for a disability payment, you must provide a supporting certificate and a medical report on the need to care for the patient. Disabled people of the first group receive 2974 thousand rubles, the second - 2123 thousand rubles, the third - 1700 thousand rubles. There are benefits for travel, medicines and treatment. But instead of them, you can get monetary compensation.

Disabled people are entitled to a 50% discount on utility bills (in the absence of central heating, the cost of solid fuel is reimbursed).

Terms of registration of disability

There are several. The process begins with the collection of documents. This may take one week or more. How to apply for disability faster? The speed depends largely on the citizen himself, the work of doctors and medical institutions. After receiving the necessary documents, an examination is carried out within one month. It can pass in one day if there is no need for an additional examination. Otherwise, the timing depends on the complexity of the procedure itself.

If a decision is made to refuse, then it must be announced on the same day. And all documents containing ITU decisions are drawn up and sent to the Pension Fund and medical institutions within up to 3 days. In general, the process of obtaining disability takes no more than 2 months.


After a citizen is recognized as disabled, he must undergo a commission to confirm his status regularly. Re-examination is carried out once every two years for the first group, once a year - for the second and third, for disabled children - within the time limits established by doctors. Disability must be established before the 1st day of the month following the one scheduled for re-examination. Also, the procedure can be carried out in advance, but this is allowed only if the state of the citizen changes or in the direction of a healthcare institution.

Is it possible to apply for a disability group without a confirmation period?

This is allowed for men over sixty and women over fifty-five; for disabled people who have irreversible anatomical defects; for citizens who meet certain criteria approved by the Ministries of Social Protection and Health.

Re-examination in these cases can be carried out if false documents are revealed on the basis of which disability was issued.

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