The amount of payment for the care of a child with a disability. When will the allowance for the care of a disabled child be increased. How to apply for disability care allowance

A draft law has been submitted to the State Duma, which provides for an increase in the amount of the monthly allowance for the care of children with disabilities and people with disabilities from childhood of group I. The document is at the disposal of the "Parliamentary newspaper".

Currently, the monthly payment for care by parents (adoptive parents) or guardians (trustees) has been established since January 1, 2013 in the amount of 5,500 rubles, and by other persons - 1,200 rubles. Indexing monthly payment Decree of February 26, 2013 No. 175 is not provided for. The payment is established only for non-working able-bodied citizens, that is, citizens who are able to work, but who left work (did not go to work) due to the need to care for children with disabilities or people with disabilities from childhood of group I and do not have any income in the form of earnings as a result (allowances), reports

"AT State Duma Numerous appeals are received from parents caring for a disabled child, disabled since childhood of group I, concerning the low amount of the monthly payment, as well as the lack of its annual indexation. In order to ensure complete care for children with disabilities or disabled since childhood of group I, the draft law proposes that non-working able-bodied parents (adoptive parents) or guardians (trustees) who provide care, provide the right to receive a monthly payment in the amount of 12,000 rubles, which is comparable to the projected minimum wage in Russian Federation at the beginning of 2019, since from May 1, 2018, the minimum wage is set at 11,193 rubles,” the document says.

The draft law also provides for the annual indexation of this payment in the same manner as monthly cash payments provided to certain categories of citizens are indexed. It is provided that the payment for care is established to one non-working able-bodied person who is a parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (custodian) of a child with a disability or disabled since childhood of group I, in relation to each child with a disability or disabled since childhood of group I for the period of caring for him .

Financing of expenses related to the implementation of this federal law is proposed to be carried out at the expense of the federal budget. The federal law will enter into force on January 1, 2019.

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor, social policy and Veterans Affairs, Yaroslav Nilov noted that the current amount of monthly payments is completely inconsistent with objective economic realities, because at least one of the parents caring for a disabled child in the vast majority of cases is forced to leave his job and lose a stable income.

Nilov recalled that in a family with a disabled child there are special problems associated with the need to provide more complex child care, the acquisition special devices, devices, food, clothes, shoes, provision of paid additional medical procedures. “At one time, the established amount of the monthly care payment for them was comparable at that time to the minimum level of wages in the Russian Federation,” the parliamentarian said. “Today, prices are different, and the economics of caring for a child with a disability is different from what it was five years ago.”

According to the head of the committee, the preparation of the bill took into account numerous appeals from parents caring for a disabled child, disabled from childhood of group I. People complain about the low monthly payment, as well as the lack of its annual indexation.

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Monthly allowance for the care of a disabled child in 2019

Families with disabled children are one of the most vulnerable groups in the population. That is why the state provides material assistance to such families. Target public policy- to provide such families with everything necessary for disabled children to lead a full-fledged way of life. Below we will find out who can count on receiving assistance, what is the compensation payment for caring for a child with a disability, what additional payments exist for a child with a disability under 18, and so on.

Who can receive payments for children with disabilities?

To receive benefits, it is necessary to undergo a medical and social examination (), which should recognize the child as disabled. The main objective criteria for recognizing a child as disabled:

  • There are health problems caused by various diseases, injury or defect.
  • Health problems limit normal life activities.
  • The child needs social protection and/or rehabilitation.

If your child meets the above requirements, MSEC recognizes your child as disabled. You also need to remember that the degree of disability is not established for the child, but only the status of a disabled child is assigned. If the child's condition does not improve, then after the age of majority he will be assigned the status of a disabled child of 1, 2 or 3 groups (depending on the severity of the violations). The parent or guardian must take care of the pension. To apply for an allowance for caring for a disabled child in 2019, you must submit the following documents to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) or the Multifunctional Center (MFC):

  • Statement.
  • Passport or a document confirming the fact of permanent residence of the applicant in the Russian Federation.
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • MSEC conclusion.

The amount of payments and benefits

A child under the age of 18 who is recognized as disabled is entitled to a social pension. In 2019, the amount of the payment for caring for a child with a disability is 13.170 rubles. Also provided Monthly cash payment () and Set social services(NSU). NSO means providing free medicines, the right to free travel in public transport, sanitary-resort treatment and so on. Parents or guardians of a child with a disability may opt out of NSI in whole or in part in favor of cash payments. At complete failure from the NSO EDV for children with disabilities in 2019 is 2.527 rubles, and upon receipt complete package NSU EDV will amount to 1.478 rubles.

The state also provides various benefits and payments to parents of children with disabilities:

  • Monthly allowance for a disabled child to a non-working parent, guardian or other person. How much do they pay to care for a child with a disability? Non-working parents or guardians will receive 5,500 rubles. There are also compensation payments for the care of a disabled child to persons who are not legally the guardians or parents of the child, but actually look after him. Such persons can expect to receive a small allowance in the amount of 1,200 rubles.
  • Payment for days to care for a disabled child. By law, one working parent/guardian is entitled to 4 paid days off to care for a disabled child.
  • One-time cash benefit for the adoption of a child with a disability. It amounts to 124,929 rubles, but only when adopting a disabled child older than 7 years.
  • tax deductions. Tax deductions are flat, tax-free payments that are made available to working parents/guardians to help boost a family's "net" income. The amount of the tax deduction is 12,000 rubles for parents or 6,000 rubles for guardians. An important difference between the deductions is that, firstly, they are provided at the place of work and, secondly, they are provided in proportion to the number of disabled children.
  • Other social benefits and guarantees. Among them are early retirement for a parent, discounts on the purchase of housing, partial compensation by the state for utility bills, and so on.

Regional features

There are also regional and social payments for children with disabilities in 2019, which are provided by local budgets in addition to federal benefits. The amount of social payments depends very much on the region. Let's look at a few examples social assistance in various regions of Russia:

    How much is the allowance for caring for a disabled child in Moscow? The additional monthly allowance will be 6,000 rubles. If the parent/guardian does not work, then he can receive an additional 6,000 rubles. In the event of the loss of a breadwinner, a small allowance of 1,450 rubles is also provided.

  • The additional monthly allowance in St. Petersburg ranges from 6,220 to 14,020 rubles, depending on the type and severity of the disease.
  • Additional monthly allowance in Novosibirsk ranges from 318 to 900 rubles, depending on the type of disease.

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Disabled children, as well as disabled people of group I, sick from childhood include citizens who, due to their health, are unable to work and take full care of themselves and therefore need someone who will take care of them.

For persons who care for less socially protected citizens, our state has provided support measures in the form of a cash payment for the care provided - monthly payments, compensating possible income from other activities or unemployment benefits.

Who is entitled to a monthly payment?

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2013 N 175 "On monthly payments to persons caring for children with disabilities and people with disabilities from childhood of group I" and Article 12 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions" monthly payment is assigned and paid non-working citizen as compensation for caring for a disabled minor child or disabled adult of group I, who has been ill since childhood.

Mandatory conditions appointment of monthly care allowance:

  1. a caregiver citizen should not work, but at the same time be able to work;
  2. nor should he receive any pension or unemployment benefit.

Such persons may be a parent (adoptive parent), guardian (custodian) or another person who has received permission to care for a disabled person from his legal representatives or himself.

That is, the payment can be assigned any citizen, regardless of the facts cohabitation with a disabled person and family ties between them.

The amount of monthly payments for the care of children with disabilities and disabled since childhood

Care allowance is charged to one citizen for each disabled person(for a disabled child or an adult disabled group I from childhood) for the entire period of care for him. The amount of such payments is established by the Government of the Russian Federation and in 2018 is:

  • 5500 rubles for a parent(adoptive parent) or guardian (custodian);
  • 1200 rubles for other persons employed caring for a disabled person.

In the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, with difficult climatic conditions which require increased material and physical costs from the population, the established amount of the allowance for the care of disabled children and disabled people of group I from childhood, increases by a certain factor appropriate for the area. This coefficient is used when calculating the size of pensions in these areas.

How to get payments to carers

If all are fulfilled the necessary conditions, then the citizen can be assigned this type of compensation. To receive caregiver assistance after becoming eligible, you must apply to the local authority who pays the disability pension to the person who needs to be supervised, at the place of his residence:

  • body of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR);
  • district multifunctional center (MFC).

On the day of application for the appointment of payments, you must provide the required package of documents.

Assignment of payments for a disabled child and disabled people of the 1st group from childhood

Monthly care allowances can only be awarded after the emergence of her right(i.e. after termination work activities citizen and at the beginning of care for the disabled).

In order to apply for a care allowance, there is an appropriate list of required documents confirming the right and ability to receive assistance. After all the documents are collected and submitted to the appropriate authority, the appointment and subsequent payment of funds is carried out.

List of documents for processing payments

To make payments you need to submit the following set of documents:

  1. a statement from the caregiver and from legal representative a disabled child, if he has not reached the age of 18, or a statement from a disabled person who has been ill since childhood of group I on consent to care by the person for whom assistance is being issued;
  2. a supporting document stating that the citizen who is caring for a pension was not assigned (such a certificate is issued by the PFR authorities at the place of residence);
  3. a document stating that the caregiver was not assigned unemployment benefits (a certificate can be obtained from the employment service at the caregiver's place of residence);
  4. a medical conclusion that the disabled person is a disabled person of group I or an extract from the act of examination of a sick person. Extract from the certificate of examination of the federal government agency medical and social expertise sends to the body that pays pensions;
  5. a document confirming the identity and work books of the citizen providing care and the disabled person who is being cared for;
  6. if the caregiver is studying full-time, a certificate from the educational institution is required;
  7. if a student who has reached the age of 14 will be caring for him in his free time, then this requires the written consent of one of the parents and the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authority.

If the listed documents are available in the pension file of the person being cared for, submit them not required.

In the event that a minor disabled or disabled since childhood receives a pension through the PFR and at the same time from the law enforcement agency, the caregiver has the right to apply for payment to any of these institutions. In this case, you will need a certificate issued by one of these authorities stating that this care benefit was not assigned by another authority.

For example, if you apply for benefits to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, then such a certificate must be obtained from the law enforcement agency that pays a pension to a disabled person or vice versa.

To get advice on the submission of the necessary documents, you need to contact the customer service territorial authority FIU or the pension service of the law enforcement agency that pays the pension.

Applications for a care allowance

When making a monthly payment, you must submit 2 statements- from the carer and from what needs to be looked after.

  • In the application from the citizen who is engaged in care, it is necessary to indicate passport data, place of residence and the date the care began. If it is necessary to confirm the authenticity of the signature of a disabled person, an inspection report is drawn up by the body that pays the pension.
  • The second application is submitted by the disabled person on his own behalf, if he is over 14 years old, or with the help of a legal representative. Documents confirming his authority are required from the representative (certificate issued by the guardianship and guardianship authorities, and if it is not available, the decision of the guardianship and guardianship authority, adoption certificate, passport and other identity documents).

For parents caring for their minor child with a disability, submit this application not required.

Application forms are in free access on the website of the FIU or in its district office. You can fill them out both before applying for an appointment, and during the submission of documents.

Terms of appointment

The monthly payment is set from the month of application and other necessary documents for payment to the body assigning and paying a disability pension to a disabled citizen, throughout the duration of care behind him. However, documents can be submitted only after the eligibility for this assistance has arisen.

If a citizen loses the right to receive a monthly payment for the care of a disabled child or a disabled person of group I since childhood due to some circumstances, then the payment to him stops until such reasons are eliminated.

Monthly allowance payment

The allowance is paid monthly for the current month in the prescribed amount and added to pension the person being cared for.

A citizen acquires the right to receive this monthly assistance at the time of the start of care for a disabled person and loses in the following cases:

  • Termination of actual patient care. AT this case it is necessary to have a statement from the person being cared for, his legal representative or the relevant act of the authorized body.
  • Death of a disabled person or recognition of him as dead (missing without a trace) in in due course.
  • Assigning a pension or unemployment benefit to a caregiver.
  • Entry into paid employment of a caregiver or caregiver.
  • If the period for which the I group of disability or the status of a disabled child has been assigned has expired.
  • At the moment when a disabled child reaches 18 years of age, provided that upon reaching this age he is not assigned I group of disability.
  • A person with a disability who is being cared for receives treatment in a hospital or other community service facility.
  • Termination of the payment of a disability pension to a disabled person due to.

If the caregiver loses the right to receive this monthly payment, he/she obliged to report about this fact to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) no later than five days. Otherwise, he will have to reimburse the illegally received funds.

Does your work experience include caring for children with disabilities?

If the monthly allowance for the care of disabled children and adults who have been disabled since childhood of group I is a compensation for possible income from work, then a completely logical question arises - what about the seniority and future pension of the caregiver?

The entire period of caring for a sick person is counted in the insurance period and when calculating the amount of the pension of the caregiver for these periods, pension points are taken into account - 1.8 points for each whole year such care.

This means that citizens engaged in this type of activity can also form their pension rights to. This rule is described in paragraph 6 of Art. 1 of Law N400-FZ "About insurance pensions".


Caring for sick disabled people is undoubtedly hard work and governmental support for citizens engaged in such work is extremely important, therefore for them the state provides both (appointed for caring for those who have reached 80 years of age and disabled people of group I) and monthly (for caring for disabled children and adults who are disabled since childhood of group I) , which can be received by almost any able-bodied citizen, without losing the opportunity to form his future pension.

Raising a child with a disability requires increased material costs. Such kids need not only clothes and toys, like ordinary children. Parents have to buy medicines, pay for consultations with doctors or classes with specialists who help their child adapt to ordinary life. We will figure out what payments for the care of a disabled child are due and how you can get them.

General information

To apply for an allowance for the care of a disabled child, you must contact the MSEK for an examination. After the conclusion is received, you can proceed to the design statutory benefits. The amount and procedure of payments are regulated federal laws No. 166 and 181, Presidential Decree No. 175, Order of the Ministry of Health No. 117. Assistance is provided in the form of monthly pensions or allowances, as well as a lump sum.

In addition, families where a seriously ill child grows up have the right to use a set of social services, which includes benefits and in-kind assistance. The latter includes:

  • medicines;
  • special food;
  • prosthetic and orthopedic equipment;
  • sanatorium vouchers;
  • reduction of payment for housing and communal services;
  • tax breaks for working parents;
  • preferential travel to the place of treatment and in the opposite direction.

NSO can be replaced by a cash equivalent. The amount is added to the payments made monthly. In 2017, it amounted to a little over a thousand (to be more precise, 1048 rubles 95 kopecks).

When the status is assigned

Criteria by which a sick child is recognized as disabled:

  • the presence of congenital (acquired) injuries or ailments that caused a violation of body functions;
  • complete or partial loss of mobility;
  • limitation of life activity, inability to serve oneself independently;
  • the need for social adaptation.

After a citizen reaches the age of eighteen, he may be assigned I, II or III group disability, depending on the form of the disease and its severity. Until the age of majority, such a gradation is not made. The status of a disabled person must be confirmed after the deadline. It can be 1-2 years or 5 years. In some cases, the status is assigned before the age of majority.

Care pension payments

Parents, guardians or adoptive parents are entitled to a pension for caring for a disabled child. This period is included in the official seniority. Able-bodied non-working citizens who do not receive benefits from the employment service and who do not have individual entrepreneur status can claim payments. You should apply for the accrual of money to the Pension Fund. To confirm the right to benefits, you must provide an extract from the conclusion of the expert commission on granting the child the appropriate status.

In addition, a statement is required from the caregiver or from the disabled person himself if he has reached the age of fourteen and is capable. Attached to the document:

  • identity document;
  • work book;
  • a certificate stating that the benefit is provided for the first time;
  • a document from the CZ of the population confirming that the citizen does not receive benefits as unemployed;
  • SNILS.

If a pupil or student takes care of a disabled person, the consent of the parents, as well as the guardianship and guardianship authorities, is required. In addition to the above papers, you need to submit a certificate of study at the full-time department or from the school.

The collected documents can be personally handed over to the employees of the Pension Fund or transferred through a trusted person. To do this, you need to contact the branch at the place of residence or the MFC, which are in most major metropolitan areas. Documents can also be sent by mail. Shipment is carried out by registered mail with a list of attachments. If the set of papers turns out to be incomplete, the employees of the PF will report this by calling the specified phone number.

The procedure for receiving payments

A non-working parent or guardian is required to accrue benefits from the month when the application was registered. But this is on condition that all Required documents. For cases where papers are sent by mail, the date on the stamp is taken into account. The fund staff has 10 days to make a decision. The first time the calculation of funds is made for the past period, then the pension is accrued monthly. You can get it in any convenient way: by transferring to a card account or savings book, with delivery to the apartment by postal workers.

The caregiver's payment is added to the allowance accrued to a disabled child. The terms of receipt are regulated by the conclusion of the medical expert commission. If a caregiver retires due to age or is officially employed, he loses the right to the funds that make up the allowance for caring for a disabled person. It is his responsibility to report the changes to the employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within five days.

Amount of pension for caring for a disabled minor

The amount of monthly cash payments depends on the degree of kinship. Parents, guardians or adoptive parents in 2017 will be able to receive 5,500 rubles, other persons (relatives and outsiders) - 1,200 rubles. Monthly payments for the care of a disabled child have a fixed amount and are not subject to indexation. In some regions, the established amounts are added additional funds from the regional budget.

Social pension and monthly payments for children with disabilities

The size social pension until April 2018 is equal to 12 thousand 82 rubles. Indexation in connection with inflation, according to forecasts, will be about 4.1%. Parents can apply for a child social pension at any time. In this case, accruals will be made not from the moment the application is submitted, but from the date the disability was established by the expert medical board. The statute of limitations does not work in this case, unlike the registration of a care pension. The application is submitted on a special form, which can be obtained from the PF or the MFC, as well as independently downloaded from the Internet.

Monthly payments

The amount of this benefit depends on whether the disabled person uses the required package of social services. In case of refusal from the NSO, monthly payments increase by an amount equal to the monetary equivalent of the benefits provided. Thus, the UDV for a disabled child is 1,478 rubles when using a set of social services. After the waiver of benefits in part or in full, the maximum payment will be 2527 rubles.

For getting monetary compensation for a full set of social services or part of it, you need to notify the employees of the Pension Fund of your intention. It is possible to issue a refusal from the NSU only from the beginning of the year. Make sure to apply in advance. The document is drawn up and transferred to the PF until October 1. The refusal will be valid until the beneficiary himself or his representatives change their mind.

What documents are needed for registration

The required package of papers for receiving social benefits also includes:

  • child's identity card (certificate or civil passport);
  • Russian citizenship document;
  • certificate from the place of residence.

Employees of the Pension Fund request an extract from the conclusion of the expert commission of physicians on their own and receive it through interdepartmental communication channels.

The legal representative of a minor is his parents. The mother or father can deal with the registration of the social pension on their own or entrust the procedure to third parties. The basis for the transfer of authority will be a notarized power of attorney. If the guardians of a minor are involved in processing benefits, they need to confirm their status with the relevant documents. Capable citizens who have reached the age of 14 can make an application on their own.

How to apply for NSO

Since the NSO is part of the monthly payment, you do not need to apply for the benefit separately. The right to receive services in natural form arises immediately after filing an application for the accrual of UDV. The right to use the NSU is confirmed by a paper issued by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The document contains the following data:

  • category assigned to the beneficiary (disabled child);
  • the period for which the EDV is established;
  • a list of services to which benefits apply in a given year.

After presenting this certificate, when buying tickets for ground modes of transport, you can count on the provision of free travel throughout the Russian Federation. If the condition of the disabled person does not allow him to move independently, then the person accompanying him also receives preferential tickets.

Maternity capital to pay for goods and services needed by a disabled person

One of the state guarantees for a young family that decides to have a second, and possibly a third child, is maternity capital. Since the beginning of 2016, fathers and mothers of disabled minors have the opportunity to spend payments on social adaptation seriously ill child. It is not at all necessary that a certificate for receiving a mother's capital be issued for a disabled child, it can be a second baby born or adopted by a family.

It should be noted that parents will have to account for spending money. It is not allowed to use the mother's capital for medical care or the purchase of medicines, since these benefits are already provided to children with disabilities. Government Decree No. 831 clearly stipulates what exactly can be purchased for the patient. In total, the order contains 48 items.

Among the listed goods are means for teaching reading and writing to children with visual impairments, auxiliary equipment that allows them to move freely on public transport, communication tools, and furniture equipped for people with partial or complete restriction of mobility. It is also allowed to purchase some types of home medical equipment, such as glucometers or insulin pumps for diabetics.

Funds are allocated after the acquisition of everything necessary, that is, initially, parents will have to buy goods with their own money. To offset the cost of the purchase with funds maternity capital, social security workers draw up an act of examination of the purchased goods for compliance with the needs of a sick child.

How to get compensation for expenses from maternity capital

To apply for a refund from maternity capital through the pension fund, the mother needs to submit an application. In addition, the following documents will be required:

  • certificate for receiving mother capital,
  • applicant's passport
  • SNILS,
  • disability rehabilitation program
  • acts of the social security authorities,
  • sales receipts for goods or services.

To transfer funds, you will need a document from the bank, which indicates the details of the recipient's account.

Benefits when paying personal income tax

If family members of a disabled person (parents, guardians, adoptive parents) work, they can use the right to a tax deduction. Its size for 2018 is 12,000 rubles for mothers (fathers) and 6,000 rubles if the baby is adopted or is under guardianship. The benefit is granted until the age of majority and can be extended if a disabled person of group 1 or 2 continues his education, receiving education in a bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, internship, residency. An important condition is a full-time student's education. In this case, the benefit is provided up to 24 years. A single parent may qualify for a double deduction.


The state, providing material support to parents who have had a difficult lot to raise children with disabilities, is guided by the principle of categorization. In plain language, the funds are credited to a certain group of persons who are eligible for benefits. The financial wealth of the family in this case is not taken into account.

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