What kind of medical specialists are there? What are doctors and medical specialties

Graduating from a medical university, having completed an internship, you can become a therapist or pediatrician. But to become a specialist in a narrow profile, you need to specialize. So, let's make a clarification of what exactly this or that doctor does, who should be contacted for certain problems.

THERAPIST- a generalist, in principle, is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of all internal organs. If necessary, refer to narrow specialists.

PEDIATRICIAN- the same as a therapist, but with regards to childhood diseases.

NEONATOLOGIST or micropediatrician. It has such a name because it deals exclusively with children of the neonatal period, that is, only up to 1 month of life. Neonatologists work primarily in maternity hospitals, but one such specialist can work in a city children's clinic.

SURGEON- a specialist who is also known to the majority of the population. This doctor is engaged in diagnostics and mainly surgical treatment of surgical pathology.

ORTHOPEDIST- a doctor dealing with problems of bones, joints, spine. Often can act in one person with the surgeon.

TRAUMATOLOGIST- treats injuries of bones, joints, spine, most often, of course, fractures, dislocations or just bruises.

NEUROLOGIST- a fairly common specialization. Neurologist (neuropathologist) deals with pathology nervous system, treats VVD, cerebral palsy, the consequences of birth or craniocerebral injuries, the consequences of infections affecting the nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis, poliomyelitis) and much more.

It is worth paying attention that it is not worth contacting a neurologist specifically in case of an injury, for example, of the head. You will need to consult a NEUROSURGEON. But when they make, for example, a diagnosis of concussion, it is already possible to be treated by a neurologist. In addition, a neurosurgeon operates on diseases of the nervous system, brain tumors, etc.

OCULIST or OPHTHALMOLOGIST solves all problems with vision and eye diseases.

ENT- doctor or OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGIST deals with all diseases of the ear, throat, nose. But if the hearing is impaired, then the otorhinolaryngologist will refer to the audiologist.

AUDIOLOGIST- a doctor who diagnoses hearing disorders (audiogram), treats hearing loss and selects hearing aids.

NEPHROLOGIST- Diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases and urinary tract requiring conservative treatment (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urinary tract infections - this is all according to his profile).

UROLOGIST- a specialist in something similar to a nephrologist, but often problem solver kidneys and urinary tract operational way, for example, if it congenital anomaly, hydronephrosis, etc.

CARDIOLOGIST- a specialist who heals all heart affairs, this is hypertension, heart attacks, various arrhythmias, in children - birth defects hearts.

RHEUMATOLOGIST- doctor for rheumatoid diseases. If rheumatism is a thing of the past, then rheumatoid, systemic diseases connective tissue, vasculitis is becoming more and more common. it rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, etc. They are treated by a rheumatologist. If in adult patients a rheumatologist is selected in a separate specialization, then in childhood such problems can be dealt with by a cardiologist.

GASTROENTEROLOGIST- specialist in all diseases gastrointestinal tract.

ALLERGIST- a specialist in the treatment of allergic pathology, including bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, allergic dermatitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.


VENEREOLOGIST- a doctor for sexually transmitted diseases, or sexually transmitted infections. Often a venereologist and a dermatologist are combined in one person.

GYNECOLOGIST- problem solver women's health. Usually a gynecologist acts in one person with an obstetrician, a specialist in the management of pregnancy and childbirth.

ANDROLOGIST- A doctor who specializes in men's health.

The largest cohort of general practitioners, followed by pediatricians. But in third place they firmly settled DENTISTS.
Nuance: there are dentists and dentists.
DENTIST- Specialist with higher medical education.
DENTIST has a secondary specialized medical education.

Of the narrow specialists, surgeons and neurologists predominate, followed by ophthalmologists, otorhinolaryngologists and cardiologists. But if there are a lot of adult cardiologists due to the prevalence cardiovascular diseases, then pediatric cardiologists are not so numerous.
Sometimes the same disease can be treated in different specialists or be seen in parallel. So vegetative-vascular dystonia is treated by both a neurologist and a cardiologist, allergic rhinitis by an ENT doctor or an allergist, and allergic dermatitis by an allergist or dermatologist of your choice.

in small towns and settlements get by a small amount narrow profile physicians. And in megacities, you can encounter a very narrow focus of a specialist. So rather "exotic" doctors, for example, are:

KAMBUSTIOLOGIST- A specialist in the treatment of burn patients.
GERONTOLOGIST- a doctor who deals with the health of the elderly.

And even surgeons can operate specifically on a particular organ and are accordingly divided into cardiac surgeons, angiosurgeons, proctologists, thoracic surgeons, etc.

Hematological analyzers or blood analyzers are devices that count white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets automatically using the Coulter principle, as well as measure the concentration of hemoglobin colorimetric method. The remaining parameters are obtained by the calculation method automatically. Each hematology analyzer, depending on the design, is designed for its own reagent system.

Modern medicine does not stand still and is constantly moving forward. That is why now there are many different doctoral specialties, which are not so easy to deal with at first glance. Specialties of doctors - this is exactly what will be discussed in this article.


This doctor deals with all sorts of problems that arise at work immune system. His field of activity is also the identification and treatment allergic reactions. It is worth saying that more and more young patients are turning to this doctor today. With what diseases most often come to this specialist? It could be respiratory allergy, allergic rhinitis, asthmatic or allergic bronchitis, allergic dermatitis, chronic recurrent viral infections, bronchitis.


Let's take a look at the different medical specialties. To understand what this doctor does, you just need to carefully read the title. Indeed, in the translation "andros" means "man." So, this is a doctor who deals with all sorts of problems that relate to the sexual sphere of men. These diseases most often include urethritis, urolithiasis disease, prostatitis, all sexual problems. Most often, the reason for visiting this doctor is discomfort in the urethra and genital organs, problems with erection, potency, and a decrease in sexual desire. An andrologist also deals with diseases of the testicles.


To understand this name, you can also turn on ingenuity. Everyone knows that Venus is the goddess of love. Here is a venereologist and deals with all sorts of diseases that can cause intimate relationship between man and woman. This specialist can be contacted by representatives of both sexes. However, there is one a big problem: people most often come to see this specialist in the very last resort when the problem is already too painful and unbearable. However, it is best to go to a venereologist in the early stages of the disease, when the disease can be dealt with in short terms. The most common problems treated by a venereologist are: gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, donovanosis, genital herpes, etc.


What other medical specialties exist? If there are problems with the digestive system, you need to contact a gastroenterologist. This doctor deals with all diseases that relate to the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, people come to this doctor with the following problems: gastritis, stomach ulcers or duodenum constipation, esophagitis, etc.


If you study further the specialties of doctors, you definitely need to talk about who a hepatologist is. This doctor specializes in liver problems. The most common diseases from which this specialist is called to rid: cirrhosis, hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, infectious mononucleosis, etc.


This is an exclusively female doctor dealing with all sorts of problems that relate to genitourinary system representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. It is worth saying that every lady should visit this doctor at least twice a year (for prevention purposes). Also, this specialist should be contacted if there are the slightest deviations in the work of the genitourinary system.


This doctor deals with problems that concern not only human skin, but also mucous membranes, nails and hair. These specialists are in great demand in cosmetology, sports and sanitary and epidemiological structures.


Consider further the specialties of doctors. The list continues with such a doctor as a nutritionist. It is this professional who will help determine the individual diet of each person. Today, this doctor is mostly visited by already sick people. However, we must remember that everyone needs to eat right, even the most healthy representatives of society.


If you need to deal with problems at work of cardio-vascular system, it is necessary to address to the cardiologist. The main symptomatology with which you should go to this doctor: pressure surges, shortness of breath, a feeling of heartbeat interruptions, a change in pulse, pain in the chest and retrosternal region.


There are also doctors of narrow specialties. One of them is Dr. physiotherapy exercises(LFK). This specialist very necessary at the stage of recovery and rehabilitation of patients. So, with the help of special classes and physical activity this specialist can put on his feet almost any patient.

Expert in narcology

This specialist is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tobacco, alcohol and drug addiction. AT emergency cases, for example, if detoxification is needed, this doctor can go home to the patient. But most often, people with these problems are treated in closed institutions, where this doctor works with them.


We study further specialties of doctors. The list is replenished by such a doctor as a neurologist. He works with those patients who have problems with the functioning of the nervous system. It can help to cope with headaches, insomnia, problems with the vessels of the brain. It will help if there is a deterioration in vision, memory, hearing.

Otolaryngologist (ENT)

This is a doctor who deals with all problems related to the throat, ears and nose. The bulk of the patients who visit this doctor are people with colds.


it children's doctor, to which you should go with the child as soon as necessary. All children under the age of 18 are registered with a pediatrician.


What other clinical specialties are there? The list is supplemented by a psychotherapist, a doctor who can identify and correct problems of psychogenic origin. The doctor draws conclusions on the basis of a conversation with the patient. It helps to deal with disruptive behavior, outbursts of anger, etc.


This is a doctor who deals with problems oral cavity person. Everything related to teeth, bite, jaws - this is the whole area of ​​​​work of this specialist.


Considering the specialties of doctors, the description of professions, it is impossible not to say about such a doctor as a therapist. After all, this is the doctor to whom a person turns first. He can diagnose and treat all problems that are associated with the internal organs and systems of a person.


This is a professional who specializes in diseases of the genitourinary system. It can reveal the causes of diseases urinary tract, prescribe treatment. This doctor can be treated equally by both men and women. There is also a pediatric urologist.


This is a doctor who must thoroughly know the structure of the human body. These doctors help to heal through surgery.

Other specialists

What medical specialties have not yet been considered?

  1. Mammologist. Women who have problems with the mammary glands turn to this doctor.
  2. Chiropractor. This is a doctor who treats problems of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. A nephrologist is a specialist who deals with kidney problems.
  4. Orthopedist. This is a doctor who helps to cope with postural disorders, changes in the shape of the foot, as well as the consequences of a variety of injuries.
  5. An oncologist is a doctor who treats tumors, both benign and malignant.
  6. Ophthalmologist. it eye doctor, it is also called an oculist.
  7. A plastic surgeon is a doctor who corrects defects in appearance through surgery.
  8. A proctologist is a doctor who specializes in working with people who have problems with the rectum.
  9. Reflexologist. This doctor helps to cope with diseases by influencing biologically active points.
  10. Sexologist. This specialist helps to deal with problems in the intimate sphere of the patient's life.
  11. Cell technology specialist. This is a doctor who deals with the isolation from the body, the cultivation and implantation of stem cells.
  12. A phlebologist is a doctor who deals with vein problems.
  13. An endocrinologist is a doctor who deals with problems related to endocrine system person.

This section describes doctors of narrow specialties.

There are many human diseases. Medical universities annually graduate thousands of specialists of the most different direction helping people get rid of a wide variety of health problems. There are more than 100 medical specialties in total. Everyone knows what surgeons, pediatricians and therapists do. But what diseases are treated by other doctors, whose specialty is sometimes difficult for an ordinary patient to pronounce?

Vertebrologist - specialist in diseases of the spine

This specialist in a special area of ​​orthopedics, engaged in the identification, diagnosis and treatment various diseases spine. First of all, such a doctor deals with the treatment of such common ailments of the spine as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia. It also treats less common diseases, such as vertebrogenic lumbago, spondylosis and coccygeal pain.

Hematologist - a specialist in diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs

A hematologist evaluates the properties of blood, its quantitative and qualitative composition in normal condition organism and with it. A hematologist deals with the study of the functioning of the blood-forming organs ( bone marrow, spleen), monitors changes in the composition of the blood and other body systems, identifying various pathologies. A doctor in this specialty deals with the treatment of anemia, leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia and other blood diseases.

Mammologist - a specialist in diseases of the mammary glands

The mammologist is engaged in the identification and diagnosis exclusively female diseases mammary glands - such as mastopathy, cyst, mastitis, breast cancer, etc. The last disease in recent times occupies a leading position among all women's oncological diseases Therefore, the specialty of a mammologist is becoming more and more relevant and in demand.

Andrologist - specialist in male diseases

An andrologist studies male anatomy and physiology, and diseases of the male genital area, such as erectile dysfunction, urinary infections etc. A timely visit to an andrologist can save men from problems such as impotence and infertility.

Endocrinologist - specialist in the endocrine system

This specialist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the human endocrine system. The list of diseases treated by an endocrinologist includes pathologies of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (gigantism, acromegaly), diseases of the adrenal glands (androgenital syndrome, adrenal tumors), diffuse goiter, diabetes.

We all go to doctors in our lifetime. As you understand, many organs and systems function in the human body, and not always a general practitioner can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Most often, for advice, the patient is referred to a specific specialist of a narrow focus. There are many specializations of doctors. Let's talk about what doctors are and what they treat.

General practitioners

This list includes doctors who make an initial diagnosis, and also send for a consultation with other specialists, and also go home.

In order to understand what kind of doctors there are, it is important to understand that in the human body there are some systems consisting of organs and tissues. For example, bone, digestive, cardiovascular, etc. Specialists in this group deal with the treatment of diseases of a particular system.

  • An immunologist is a specialist who deals with the treatment of the immune system. Quite often this specialization is combined with allergology.
  • A cardiologist is a doctor who treats of cardio-vascular system. Namely, diseases of the heart, major and small vessels in the body. In addition, for headaches or shortness of breath, the therapist often refers to a cardiologist.
  • A dentist is a doctor of a fairly wide practice who treats a person’s teeth, oral cavity, jaw, as well as some areas of the neck and face. Dentists also have their own specializations - there are specialists who deal only with the treatment or extraction of teeth, or prosthetics. But quite often the dentist combines several functions at once.
  • An endocrinologist is a specialist who studies and treats humoral or hormonal system organism. In addition, such a doctor studies metabolism. Sometimes there is an endocrinologist who has a second specialization - gynecology. Such a specialist deals with the problems of female hormones.
  • Pulmonologist - a doctor who deals with diseases respiratory tract such as asthma, pneumonia or tuberculosis.
  • An ophthalmologist or ophthalmologist is a specialist who examines and treats the organs of vision, studies the structure and function of the eyes. In addition, such a doctor is engaged in the prevention of eye diseases.
  • A neuropathologist and a neurologist are doctors who treat the nervous system. Their area of ​​interest includes any pain associated with disorders of the nerves, as well as various types of neuroses.
  • A psychiatrist is a specialist who deals with the treatment of the human psyche. If we consider what doctors are in the historical aspect, then psychiatry is one of the youngest specializations, because earlier mental illness not considered an object of medicine.
  • A dermatologist or dermatovenereologist is a doctor who treats skin diseases, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. It is worth noting that a dermatologist quite often has an additional specialization of a cosmetologist.
  • A gastroenterologist is a specialist in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you are worried about the intestines, which doctor treats it, you do not know, then first of all you should contact this specialist. Sometimes a gastroenterologist combines the functions of a nutritionist - a specialist in human nutrition.

What are the doctors involved in women's health

  • A gynecologist is a doctor who deals with diseases that are unique to female body- diseases of the female genital organs, disorders menstrual cycle, infertility, etc. In addition, in the maternity hospital, gynecologists accompany childbirth in women.
  • A mammologist is a specialist in diseases of the mammary glands. In addition, he takes care of all cosmetic surgery female breast.

What are the doctors for men's problems

  • An andrologist or urologist-andrologist is a specialist who deals with disorders of the sexual sphere in men, as well as reproductive disorders. In addition, the urologist also treats diseases associated with the genitourinary system.
  • A proctologist is a specialist who deals with bowel diseases. However, most often, they turn to him with the problem of prostatitis.

It is worth noting that if you are worried about hemorrhoids, which doctor to contact, the therapist will appoint, however, most often the proctologist deals with this unpleasant disease.

Specialist physicians

  • A phlebologist is a specialist in vein diseases, so it is this doctor who treats varicose veins veins and thrombophlebitis.
  • A phthisiatrician is a doctor who treats pulmonary tuberculosis, but quite often his role is taken on by a pulmonologist.
  • A trichologist is a doctor who studies and treats diseases of the hair and scalp.
  • An otolaryngologist, or ENT, is a doctor who treats diseases of the ears, nose, and throat. In addition, he is engaged in the extraction of foreign objects from these organs.
  • Oncologist – specialist in diagnostics and treatment various neoplasms and cancer.
  • A nephrologist is a doctor who deals with diseases of the kidneys. However, quite often the functions of a nephrologist are performed by a urologist.
  • An allergist is a specialist in the treatment of various types of allergies, as well as autoimmune diseases.
  • Traumatologist - a doctor who treats different kind injuries, injuries and fractures.

What are allied doctors

This type of doctor does not deal with any particular disease, however, their help is needed in the treatment of many diseases.

  • A surgeon is a specialist in the treatment of diseases that require physical surgery.
  • An anesthesiologist is a specialist who studies and selects the means and methods for providing anesthesia for pain syndromes, surgical operations and injuries.

What are the doctors who are not related to the treatment of diseases

  • Pathologist - studies diseases by autopsy and examination of human corpses. In addition, he makes a posthumous diagnosis, finds the cause of death, and also examines the effect of the disease on the body.
  • Medical examiner - separate view physicians involved in research dead body to determine the place, time and cause of death. Such a doctor works purely at the request of law enforcement agencies.

As you know, our healthcare system is based on the work of city polyclinics and inpatient hospitals-clinics. It would seem that there is not a single person who in his entire life would not have visited a clinic with some doctor. And yet, there are those lucky ones who not only do not know where the polyclinic of their area is located, but also have no idea what kind of doctors work there. For such people, we will tell you about specialist doctors, whose work should ensure uninterrupted service for the sick population.

Let's not talk about what human body there is a single indivisible system, and to consider each organ as a separate unit of health is rather strange and unreasonable. But this is exactly what happens in our medicine - each doctor is responsible for one thing, practically not paying attention to another. Back to the healthcare system modern society. Medical workers, including doctors, after graduating from higher medical educational institution and internships, become doctors either general practice, or doctors - the so-called. narrow specialists. A general practitioner is a local therapist and a local pediatrician ( pediatrician general practice). All other doctors are doctors of a narrowly focused specialization. So, let's consider specifically - who does what in the clinic.

List of doctors in the clinic

  • Therapist and pediatrician (children's therapist). These are general practitioners involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. general. The therapist and pediatrician can also treat diseases of the internal organs, but, as a rule, they do not do this and redirect the patient to the specialist who directly treats a specific disease or a specific organ.
  • Neonatologist, or micropediatrician. Such a specialist deals only with newborn children up to one month of age. He usually works in maternity hospitals, but sometimes such a doctor also works in a children's clinic (usually in a city).
  • Surgeon. Most of the population knows him well. The surgeon diagnoses and surgical treatment surgical pathologies. But it also includes conservative treatment some diseases. In one person with a surgeon, an orthopedist can act - a specialist doctor who deals with bones, the spinal column.
  • Traumatologist. This specialist treats the consequences of injuries - bruises, fractures, dislocations.
  • Neurologist, or neuropathologist. His "patrimony" - the pathology of the nervous system - vegetative-vascular dystonia, children's cerebral paralysis, osteochondrosis, consequences of craniocerebral and birth trauma, infections of the nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis, poliomyelitis), etc.
  • Oculist or ophthalmologist. Deals with all issues related to vision and organs of vision.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist, or ENT doctor. His competence includes diseases of the ear, nose and throat. In case of hearing impairment, the ENT doctor refers the patient to an audiologist.
  • Nephrologist. This specialist doctor diagnoses and treats - kidneys, ureter, urethra and other organs of the urinary tract. Treatment is conservative. According to his profile, pyelonephritis, infections of the genitourinary system, glomerulonephritis, etc. are treated.
  • Urologist. The competence of a urologist is close to that of a nephrologist. But unlike a nephrologist, a urologist can solve the same problems with the genitourinary system. operational way. For example, if there is a congenital anomaly or hydronephrosis, or stones in the kidneys and ureter, etc. A urologist is considered a male doctor.
  • Cardiologist. Everything related to the heart and blood vessels is the field of cardiology. That is, it is high or low blood pressure, heart attacks, arrhythmias, heart defects and other cardiovascular problems.
  • Rheumatologist.. This doctor treats serious rheumatoid diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, vasculitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, etc. In a children's clinic, a cardiologist deals with the same issues.
  • Gastroenterologist. All deviations in work digestive system, more precisely - the gastrointestinal tract, are within the scope of its competence.
  • Endocrinologist. This narrow specialist deals with the endocrine system - diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease.
  • Allergist. it allergic pathologies, including bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, dermatitis, etc.
  • Gynecologist, dermatologist, venereologist, andrologist, hematologist, pulmonologist, oncologist- these specialists may belong to the staff of the polyclinic but work in separate units.
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