Dead body what. Determination of prescription of death

Death is a taboo subject for the vast majority of normal people. The end of the road scares us so much that we have created countless religions and beliefs designed to comfort, calm, encourage ...

Unable to accept the final verdict, people cannot completely exclude death from their thoughts. The wisest thing, of course, is to adopt the ingenious saying of Epicurus. Stoick quite reasonably remarked: “While I am here, there is no death, and when it comes, I will no longer be.” But stoicism is for the few. For everyone else, we decided to write a concise, medically based guide to what happens to our bodies after death.

Almost immediately after the moment of death, the body starts several irreversible processes. It all starts with autolysis, roughly speaking, self-digestion. The heart no longer saturates the blood with oxygen - cells suffer from the same deficiency. All by-products of chemical reactions do not receive the usual way of disposal, accumulating in the body. The liver and brain go first. The first because it is here that most enzymes are located, the second because it contains a large amount of water.

Color of the skin

Then comes the turn of other organs. The vessels are already destroyed, so that the blood, under the influence of gravity, goes down. Human skin becomes deathly pale. This is how popular culture presents the dead: remember the pale vampires and zombies attacking defenseless beauties from dark corners. If the directors tried to make the picture more believable, they would have to show that the rear of the dead aggressor is dark from the accumulated blood.

Room temperature

Nothing functions and the body temperature begins to gradually decrease. Cells do not receive the usual dose of energy, protein filaments become immobile. Joints and muscles acquire a new property - they become rigid. Then comes rigor mortis. Eyelids, jaws and neck muscles give up at the very beginning, then everything else comes.

Who lives in the house

In the dead body there is no longer a person, but there is a completely new, cadaverous ecosystem. Actually, most of the bacteria that make it up lived in the body before. But now they begin to behave differently, in accordance with the changed conditions. We can say that life in our body continues - only our consciousness no longer has anything to do with this.

Molecular death

The decay of the human body is an unpleasant sight for most normal (and still living) individuals. Soft tissues break down into salts, liquids and gases. Everything is almost like in physics. This process is called molecular death. At this stage, decomposition bacteria continue their work.

Unpleasant details

The pressure of the gas in the body increases. Blisters form on the skin as the gas tries to escape. Entire patches of skin begin to slide off the body. Usually, all accumulated decomposition products find their natural way out - the anus and other openings. Sometimes the pressure of the gas increases so that it simply tears the stomach of the former person.

Return to the roots

But even this process is not completed. A dead body lying on bare ground literally returns to nature. Its fluids drain into the soil, while insects carry bacteria around. Criminologists have a special term: "island of cadaveric decomposition." He describes a patch of soil generously, ahem, fertilized by a dead body.

Since the creation of the world, everyone on this planet has been tormented by a sacred question: is there life after death? The best minds of mankind are trying to answer it: scientists and esotericists, magicians and skeptics to the marrow of their bones - at least once everyone asked the question of the possibility of immortality.

In this article

How long does a person die

A quick death is the highest good, unfortunately, not everyone can use it. Depending on the cause of death, the process of extinction of body functions can occur instantly or stretch for hours, days and even months.

No expert can name the exact time of brain death: classic textbooks on physiology indicate an interval of 3-4 minutes. But in practice, it was possible to “resurrect” people even 10–20 minutes after cardiac arrest!

There is a whole science dedicated to the rituals and features of parting with life - thanatology. Thanatologists distinguish 3 types of death:

  1. Clinical death - the heart and breathing of a person have already stopped, but the body has a reserve for medical intervention, you can get out of this state.
  2. Biological death is the death of the brain, today it is an irreversible phenomenon, although a number of body functions are preserved, cellular memory has not yet disappeared.
  3. Informational death is the final point of no return, the body is completely dead.

Today, doctors are able to bring a person back from clinical death, and the latest developments of scientists in 10 years will reach such a level of development that a person will be taken out of biological death as well. Perhaps someday death will no longer be considered an irreversible phenomenon.

Doctors can bring a person out of a state of clinical death if not too much time has passed

Everyone's feelings before the last breath are extremely individual. A person is left alone with himself and his thoughts: we come into the world alone, and we leave it alone. Everyone will experience their own, unlike anything else, but the stages until the end of life are approximately the same.

The process of physical death by stages, their duration and symptoms is given in the table.

Stages of death What happens to the body Symptoms of the onset Duration
predagonic state The body is trying to reduce the torment of the body caused by the cause of dying. The functions of the central nervous system are disturbed, breathing becomes frequent and irregular, pain is dulled, loss of consciousness is possible From several minutes to several hours, in some cases the phase is absent
Agony The last attempt of the organism to survive, the concentration of all forces on the struggle for life Rapid heartbeat, consciousness returns to the person, heavy breathing 5 to 30 minutes
clinical death The body shows no visible signs of life, but is still alive Stopping the beating of the heart, oxygen is no longer supplied to the brain From 5 to 15 minutes depending on the causes of death and the age of the patient
Death Diagnosis body is dead Stop breathing and heartbeat, CNS shows no signs of life 5–10 minutes

Lama Ole Nydahl will tell about the process of death and biological dying, the separation of the soul from the body: in addition, he will share a useful practice that will make the complex process easier.

Man feels his death

Many people are actually able to feel the icy breath of death years and months before its physical onset. But more often death is predicted in a few days, this can be explained by simple changes in the body:

  1. There are no pain receptors in the internal organs, but they can make themselves felt, signaling an imminent cessation of functioning.
  2. A person feels even an impending cold, it is not surprising that he can feel something more serious.
  3. The organism is in many ways wiser than consciousness, and its unwillingness to fade away is colossal.

Do not panic because of a sudden deterioration in health and immediately write a will. But a trip to the doctor will be most welcome.

A few hours before the expected death, you can predict a quick outcome by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the chest, it is hard to breathe and from lack of air the chest seems to be torn from the inside;
  • dizziness - a person becomes partially insane, he is no longer responsible for his actions and words;
  • fear - even if a person is completely ready for what is happening, a feeling of fear hovers somewhere nearby;
  • fever - the body temperature does not increase, but it seems to the person that the room is stuffy.

Some artists and poets predicted their death in their work long before its actual onset: for example, A.S. Pushkin described the death of his literary prototype Lensky in a duel 11 years and 11 days before the fatal shot of Dantes.

Celebrities who predicted their own death

The psychological aspect of death

Death is one of those phenomena, the expectation of which is much more terrible than the process itself: many people poison their existence with constant thoughts about the horrors of the transition to another world. It is especially difficult for the elderly and those who are terminally ill: constant thoughts about physical death can lead to severe depression.

Do not panic and devote too much energy to questions about the study of the mechanisms of death. This can lead to panic and a general deterioration in well-being.

Death is an inevitable process, it is part of life, so you need to treat it calmly. You can't get upset over something you can't change. If you can’t look at death with optimism, at least you should try to keep your presence of mind. As a result, no one can say with complete certainty what awaits a person outside of life. But many of the testimonies of survivors of near-death experience are in a positive mood.

What after death

It is impossible to say with certainty what awaits a person, but most agree that death is far from the end. This is just a parting with the physical shell and its transition to a new level.

Separation of the soul from the body

The difference in views on death and its consequences of religion and science is reflected in the summary table.

Question Religion's answer Scientists answer
Is the person dead? The physical body is mortal, but the soul is immortal Man does not exist outside of his physical shell
What awaits a person after death? Depending on the deeds during life, the human soul will continue to exist in heaven or hell Death is irreversible and is the end of life
Is immortality real? Everyone will gain immortality - the only question is whether it will be full of joy or torment The only possible immortality is in leaving offspring and the memories of loved ones.
What is earthly life? Earthly life is only a moment before the infinite life of the soul Physical life is all that a person has

After the death of the physical soul, it does not immediately go to another world: for some time it gets used to the new form and continues to be in the human world. At this time, consciousness practically does not change, the ethereal soul continues to feel like the same person as during life. Only on the 3rd day the soul finally separates from the body and is ready for the transition to another world.

What happens to the soul after death in different religions

The peoples that developed in cultural isolation demonstrate surprisingly similar systems for organizing the afterlife: for the righteous there is a place of eternal bliss - Paradise, for sinners endless suffering is prepared in Hell. Such intersection of plots speaks of something more than a poor imagination: the ancients could have more extensive information about the underworld than a modern person, and their records may turn out to be not just a fairy tale, but a reality.

The film of the Ren TV channel will tell about the secrets of the afterlife in detail - it turns out that there is evidence that Heaven and Hell are real:


The concept of Paradise resembles a real state - it is not for nothing that it is called the Kingdom of Heaven, the angels have their own hierarchy, at the head of the sacred abode the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The souls who have gone to heaven are in a state of blissful peace and joy. The world opposite to Paradise - Hell - is a place for those who sinned a lot and did not repent of it.


The ancient religion does not have a unified concept of the afterlife. But the descriptions from the Holy Talmud suggest that this place is completely different from reality. People who have been awarded heavenly places do not know human feelings: there are no strife and quarrels between them, envy and attraction. They do not know thirst and hunger, the only occupation of a righteous soul is to enjoy the true light of God.


Beliefs are reduced to a three-level system of organization of Paradise:

  1. The lowest level is where those who have sinned fall. Most of all, it resembles the earthly reality. The souls of the dead do not know the need for food and water, they sing and dance a lot.
  2. The middle level - Tlillan-Tlapallan - is a paradise for priests and those who have comprehended the true values. Here the spirit is more pleasing than the body.
  3. The highest level - Tonatiuhikan - only the most enlightened and righteous get into the House of the Sun, they will spend eternity side by side with the deities, not knowing the worries about the material world.


The dark kingdom of Hades awaited the soul that left the physical body: the entrance there can even be found in the vast expanses of Hellas. Nothing good awaited those who fell: only endless despondency and lamentations about the past beautiful days. A different fate befell the souls of heroes and people clothed with glory and talent. They ended up on the famous Champs Elysees for endless feasts and conversations about the eternal.

Charon transports the soul to the realm of the dead


One of the most popular religions in the world thanks to the idea of ​​reincarnation. To determine what kind of body a particular soul deserves, Yama Raja looks into the mirror of truth: all evil deeds will be reflected in the form of black stones, and good ones in the form of white ones. Based on the number of stones, a person is given the bodily shell that he deserves.

Buddhism does not deny the concept of Paradise - but you can get there only after a long process of reincarnation, when the soul reaches the highest point of development. There is no place for grief and sorrow in Paradise, and all desires are instantly satisfied. But this is a fickle abode of the soul - after resting in paradise, it will return to earth for further rebirths.

Indian myths

India is a country of bright sun, delicious food and the Kama Sutra. It is from these components that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe afterlife abode for brave warriors and pure souls is formed. The leader of the dead - Yama - will deliver the worthy to Paradise, where endless sensual pleasures await them.

nordic tradition

The Scandinavians prophesied paradise only to famous warriors. The souls of men and women who fell in battles were collected by beautiful Valkyries and taken straight to Valhalla, where endless feasts and pleasures awaited those who had found eternal life, inaccessible during life.

The ideas of the Scandinavians about the afterlife are primitive and based on the dominant part of the life of the ancient tribes - military operations.

Egyptian culture

The appearance in world religions of the description of the Last Judgment is due to the Egyptians: the famous "Book of the Dead", dated 2400 BC. e. describes this chilling process in detail. After the death of the physical soul of an Egyptian, it entered the Hall of Two Truths, where it was weighed on a double-sided balance.

Fragment of the Book of the Dead - judgment in the Hall of Two Truths

If the soul turned out to be heavier than the feather of the goddess of Justice Maat, it was devoured by a monster with the head of a crocodile, and if the sins did not pull the soul down, Osiris took it with him to the kingdom of eternal bliss.

The Egyptians considered life as a severe test and practically waited for their death from the first days of existence - it was there that they were supposed to comprehend real bliss.


In order for the human soul to find eternal peace and taste the joys of Eden, it has to go through a severe test - crossing the Sirat bridge. This bridge is so narrow that its thickness does not even reach a human hair, and its sharpness is comparable to the sharpest earthly blade. The road is complicated by a heavy wind, tirelessly blowing towards the etheric body. Only the righteous will be able to overcome all obstacles and go to the heavenly kingdom, while the sinner is doomed to fall into the hellish abyss.


The fate of the eternal soul according to this religious worldview will be decided by the just Rashnu: he will have to divide all human actions into bad and worthy of respect, and then appoint a test. The soul of the deceased will have to cross the Bridge of Separation in order to enter the realm of eternal bliss: but those whose sins were great will not be able to do this - the unrighteous souls will be picked up by a demonic creature named Vizarsh and taken to a place of eternal torment.

Can a soul get stuck in this world

After death, the etheric body of a person is in a state of stress, and many paths open before him. Sometimes the soul does not dare to go along one of them and remains between the worlds, which is tantamount to endless suffering and torment, compared to which hell is a place of entertainment.

Even the most ardent righteous person can find himself imprisoned between worlds and experience terrible torment until the end of time, if his spirit is not strong enough.

Physical death continues with the separation of the soul from the body shell: it takes several days to say goodbye to the material world. But everything does not end there, and the soul has to start a journey through the invisible world. But if a person was lack of initiative, sluggish and indecisive during life, he will not be able to change even after death: it is such souls who risk not making a choice and remaining between the worlds.

Peace and tranquility

People who managed to continue their earthly journey after the clinical death of the body tell a lot about what they managed to survive in a few minutes of being on the other side. More than half of the saved speak of meeting some non-material entity that has human outlines. Someone assures that this is the Creator of the Universe, someone speaks of an angel or Jesus Christ - but one thing remains immutable: next to this creature, there is a complete understanding of the meaning of life, all-encompassing love and boundless peace.


At the moment of separation of the ethereal essence from the physical shell, a person can hear unpleasant and disturbing sounds, similar to the noise of a raging wind, an annoying buzzing and even ringing akin to a bell. The fact is that the ethereal body at the moment of separation from the physical shell is sent to a completely different space through the tunnel: sometimes before death a person connects to it unconsciously, then the dying person says that he hears the voices of relatives who are not alive and even angelic speech.


The phrase "light at the end of the tunnel" can serve not only as a beautiful turn of speech, it is used by everyone who has experienced a state of clinical death and actually returned from the other world. The ethereal essence of reanimated people saw a dazzling stream, the contemplation of which was accompanied by extraordinary calmness and peace, the adoption of a new form of existence.

After death, a person sees a brightly lit tunnel

No one can say for sure whether there is life after the death of the physical body: but the numerous testimonies of people who have been on the other side inspire optimism and hope that the earthly path is only the beginning of a long journey, the duration of which is infinity.

What happens in the coffin with the body after it is buried? This question is of interest not only to those who are fond of mysticism and anatomy. Almost every person on the planet often thinks about this. A large number of myths and interesting facts are associated with the burial process and the further development of the body, which few people know. In our article you can find information that will allow you to learn more about what happens to the corpse throughout the time when it is underground and above it.

General information about processes

Death is a natural process that, unfortunately, cannot yet be prevented. To date, how the decomposition of the body in the coffin takes place is known only to those who have a medical education. However, detailed information about such a process is also of interest to many inquisitive people. It is worth noting that a variety of processes take place in the corpse immediately after the onset of death. These include temperature changes and oxygen starvation. Already a few minutes after death, organs and cells begin to collapse.

Many torment themselves with the thought of what happens in the coffin with the body. Decomposition, depending on many factors, can proceed in completely different ways. There are more than five processes that, due to certain circumstances, occur in a particular body. Surprisingly, the putrid smell is often artificially created by specialized organizations. This is necessary for training search dogs.

Decay and mummification

In our article, you can find detailed information about what happens in a coffin with a human body after death. As we said earlier, there are more than five processes that can take place in a particular corpse, depending on a wide variety of factors. The most well-known forms of body development after burial are putrefaction and mummification. Almost everyone has heard about these processes.

Decay is a laborious process that takes place in the body. As a rule, it begins on the third day after death. Simultaneously with decay, the formation of a whole list of gases begins. These include hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and many others. It is for this reason that the corpse emits an unpleasant odor. Depending on the season, the body may decompose slowly or quickly. At air temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius, rotting of a corpse occurs in the shortest possible time. If the body was not buried, then the time of its decomposition on the surface of the earth is 3-4 months. When the decay process comes to an end, only bones remain from the corpse, and everything else turns into a mushy mass and eventually disappears altogether. It is worth noting that everything that stands out at this stage absorbs the soil. Thanks to this, she becomes unusually fertile.

What happens in the coffin with the body after death if it is mummified? In this process, the corpse dries completely. An interesting fact is that during mummification, the initial body weight is reduced tenfold. As a rule, such a process takes place in those corpses that have been in conditions of low humidity for a long time. Such places include an attic or, for example, sandy soil. A mummified corpse can persist for quite a long time.

There are only a small number of people who know what happens in the coffin with the human body after death. However, this process is of interest to many. In our article, you can find out more information about how the body develops after death.

Peat tanning and fat wax formation

The process of formation of a fat wax occurs if the corpse is buried in a wet form of soil or has been in water for a long time. As a result, the body is covered with a greasy white layer, which has a specific and unpleasant odor. Often this process is also called saponification.

Not everyone knows what happens to a person's body after death in a coffin after 2 months if it is buried in excessively moist soil. After 60 days, the corpse begins to crumble and has a white-yellow hue. If the human body is buried in peat soil or is in a swamp, then the skin becomes dense and rough. It is worth noting that when tanned, the corpse acquires a brown tint, and the size of the internal organs is significantly reduced. Over time, the bones become soft and resemble cartilage in their consistency. By the way, peat tanning can also occur due to the influence of certain factors. These include the temperature of the water and the presence of a variety of trace elements and chemicals in it.

The impact of living organisms on a human corpse

In addition to all of the above factors, the human body can be destroyed by the effects of animals, insects and birds. Most apparently, the body of the deceased is destroyed by fly larvae. Surprisingly, they are able to completely destroy the corpse in just two months.

Other living organisms that absorb the body of the deceased are ants, cockroaches and corpse eaters. Termites are able to turn the body into a skeleton in two months. It is no secret that in addition to insects, the human body can be eaten by dogs, wolves, foxes and other predatory animals. In the reservoir, the corpse is destroyed by fish, beetles, crayfish and other aquatic inhabitants.

Explosive coffins

Not everyone knows what happens to a person in a coffin. With the body, as we said earlier, after some time after burial, various changes begin to occur. After a few hours, the corpse begins to release substances, including various gases. In the event that the coffin was not buried, but was placed in a crypt, it may explode. Many cases have been recorded when relatives came to visit the deceased, and he detonated. However, this can only happen if the coffin is hermetically sealed, but not placed in the ground. We strongly recommend that you be careful when visiting the crypts.

self destruction

What happens to the body in the coffin after death after some time? This question is asked not only by doctors and criminologists, but also by ordinary people. Surprisingly, for some time the body absorbs itself. The thing is that in any organism there are millions of a wide variety of bacteria that do not cause any harm during life. First of all, after death, they completely destroy the brain and liver. This is due to the fact that these organs contain the largest amount of water. After that, the bacteria gradually destroy everything else. It is with this process that the change in the color of the skin of the deceased is associated. After the corpse enters the rigor stage, it is completely filled with bacteria. The time and process of self-destruction may differ depending on the set of microbes in a particular organism.

It is worth noting that some bacteria can only be in the body at a certain stage of decomposition and putrefaction. Surprisingly, under the influence of microorganisms, the tissues of the deceased turn into gases, salts and various substances. By the way, all these trace elements favorably affect the composition of the soil.


In our article, you can find out what happens to the body in the coffin after exposure to the larvae. As we said earlier, in addition to bacteria and other microorganisms, tissues and internal organs are also absorbed by insects, animals and birds.

After the stage of self-destruction ends, the corpse begins to destroy the larvae. Surprisingly, the female fly is capable of laying about 250 eggs at a time. It is no secret that the body of the deceased emits a sharp and unpleasant odor. It is he who attracts insects that lay a large number of eggs on the body. A day later, they turn into larvae. Surprisingly, only three flies are able to devour a corpse with the same speed that a tiger or a lion would do.

The location in the body of certain soil elements or certain microorganisms allows forensic scientists to find out where a person died or was killed. They also argue that in the near future it is the bacterial set of the corpse that can become a new "weapon" for solving many crimes.

The soul of man

Some people think they know what happens to the body in the coffin. They argue that after some time the flesh of the deceased leaves the soul, and, dying, a person sees everything that the living do not see. They also believe that the first three days after death are the most difficult for the deceased. The thing is that for 72 hours the soul is still near the body and is trying to return back. She leaves as soon as she sees that the face and body are changing. After this happens, the soul rushes from home to grave for seven days. In addition, she mourns her body.

After seven days, the soul goes to a place of rest. After that, she only occasionally lowers herself to the ground to look at her body. Some believe that they know what happens in the coffin with the body and soul. However, it is impossible to prove that the spirit actually leaves the flesh.

Diamond production

It is difficult enough to bear the death of a loved one. Some even find it difficult to imagine what happens in the coffin with the body. Often people cremate their dead relatives or even erect a crypt for them right in the yard. Recently, a technology invented by American specialists has gained particular popularity. Surprisingly, they create diamonds from the ashes and hair of a deceased person. American experts believe that this is a great way to preserve the memory of the deceased. Today, this technology is used all over the world. As we said earlier, diamonds can also be made from the hair of the deceased. Today, this procedure is extremely popular. Few people know, but most recently, a company that deals in such jewelry was ordered to make diamonds from Michael Jackson's hair.

It is worth noting that precious stones can be created from dust due to the fact that it contains carbon dioxide. The cost of such a service in America is 30 thousand dollars. Many believe that one should not torment oneself with the thought of what happens in the coffin with the body. They argue that it is better to keep only good memories of the deceased.

Love after death

Everyone handles the death of a loved one differently. There are many cases when people did not bury the deceased, but left him in their house, hiding it. It is known that his wife died in a man, but he did not want to betray her body to the earth, because he could not let her go because of great love. Surprisingly, he ordered a transparent coffin and placed his beloved in it, after pouring a special liquid into it. Then he built a coffee table out of the coffin.

Another case of strange treatment of a corpse occurred in America. There, the woman decided to make a stuffed animal out of her husband. For the corpse, she set aside an entire room in the basement. There she arranged the furniture and her husband's favorite things. She placed the body on a chair. The woman often visited him, told how the day went and asked for advice.

There used to be a tradition. If a person did not find a mate during his lifetime, then he was married after death. It was believed that if this was not done, then the soul of the deceased would not find a place for itself and would wander forever.

This tradition was also in Russia. If the girl died unmarried, then she was dressed in a wedding dress and a guy was chosen who should follow the coffin to burial. It was believed that thanks to this, the soul would find peace. It is worth noting that in some localities this tradition is still popular today.

Necrophilia was common in ancient Egypt. This is no coincidence, because the Egyptians believed the myths, according to which she impregnated herself with the help of the corpse of Osiris.

Summing up

Death is a natural process. A large number of myths, conjectures and interesting facts are associated with it. It's no secret that the loss of a loved one is difficult to bear. Some people become depressed because of this and do not make contact with society. There are many cases when people begin to suffer from a mental disorder. As a rule, they do not bury their relatives, but leave them in the house, hiding this from neighbors and friends. In our article, you found out what happens to the body in the coffin. The photos that we have selected will let you know what happens to a person after death.

No one likes talking about death, about the perishability of being, and so on. For some, they remind lectures on philosophy, which we tried to skip at the institute, while for others they make me sad, make me look at my life from a bird's eye view and understand that there is still so much to do.

No matter how sad it is, it is important to treat this as a part of life and it is useful to season everything with a share of humor, as well as interesting facts.

1. A large number of unpleasant odors.

After death, the body completely relaxes, as a result of which the previously contained gases are released outside.

2. Rigor mortis.

He is also called Rigor Mortis. And it is caused by the loss of a substance called adenosine triphosphate. In short, it is the absence of it that causes the muscles to become hard. A similar chemical reaction begins in the body two to three hours after death. After two days, the muscles relax and return to their original state. Interestingly, in cool conditions, the body is the least susceptible to cadaveric petrification.

3. Goodbye wrinkles!

As mentioned just above, after death, the body relaxes, and this indicates that tension disappears in the muscles. So, small wrinkles in the corners of the lips, eyes, on the forehead may disappear. Also, the smile disappears from the face.

4. Wax bodies.

Some bodies, under certain conditions, can become covered with a substance called "fat wax" or "adipocyr", which is a breakdown product of the body's cells. As a result, some areas of the body may become "waxy". By the way, this fat wax can be white, yellow or gray.

5. Muscle movement.

After death, the body twitches for a couple of seconds, spasms occur in it. Moreover, there were cases when, after a person expired, his chest moved, giving the impression that the deceased was breathing. And the reason for such phenomena lies in the fact that after death for some time the nervous system sends a signal to the spinal cord.

6. Attack by bacteria.

In the body of each of us lives countless bacteria. And for the reason that after death the immune system ceases to function, now nothing prevents them from moving freely throughout the body. So, the bacteria begin to absorb the intestines, and then the tissues surrounding it. Then they invade the blood capillaries of the digestive system and the lymph nodes, spreading first to the liver and spleen, and then to the heart and brain.

7. Cadaverous groans.

The body of every person is filled with liquids and gas. As soon as all organs are attacked by bacteria, which we wrote about in the previous paragraph, the process of decay begins, and then part of the gases escapes. So, for them, one of the ways out is the trachea. Therefore, whistling, sighing or groans are often heard inside a dead body. Definitely a terrible sight.

8. Sexual arousal.

In most dead men, after death, the penis swells, resulting in an erection. This is explained by the fact that after cardiac arrest, the blood under the influence of gravitational forces moves to the lower organs, and the penis is one of those.

9. Childbearing.

There have been cases in history when the body of a deceased pregnant woman pushed out a non-viable fetus. This is all due to the presence of gases accumulated inside, as well as complete bodily relaxation.

10. It is impossible to die of old age.

Old age is not a disease. Everyone knows that after the death of a person, his relatives are issued a death certificate. And even if the deceased was 100 years old, this document will not indicate that the cause of his death is old age.

11. Last 10 seconds.

Some experts argue that after the soul has left the body, there may be some cellular activity in the head and brain. All this is the result of muscle contraction. In general, after fixing the state of clinical death, the brain lives for another 6 minutes.

12. Eternal bones.

Over time, all human tissues completely rot. As a result, a bare skeleton remains, which after years can collapse, but in any case, especially strong bones will remain.

13. A little about decomposition.

It is believed that the human body is 50-75% water, and each kilogram of dry body weight during decomposition releases 32 grams of nitrogen, 10 grams of phosphorus, 4 grams of potassium and 1 gram of magnesium into the environment. At first, this kills the vegetation below and around. It is possible that the reason for this is nitrogen toxicity or the antibiotics contained in the body, which are released into the soil by insect larvae that eat the corpse.

14. Bloating and more.

Four days after death, the body begins to swell. This is due to the accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the destruction of internal organs. The latter does not happen only with the embalmed body. And now there will be a very unpleasant description. So, bloating occurs first in the abdomen, and then spreads to the whole body. Decomposition also discolors the skin and causes blisters. And from all the natural orifices of the body, a foul-smelling liquid begins to ooze. Moisture and heat speed up this process.

15. We fertilize the earth.

As the body decomposes, it releases many nutrients that are absorbed into the soil. You will not believe it, but their increase can improve the ecosystem, in particular, it will become an excellent fertilizer for growing vegetation nearby.

16. Hair and nails.

You have probably heard more than once that, supposedly, after death, hair and nails continue to grow. Actually it is not. It turns out that the skin loses moisture, exposing the hair. And the length of the nails is usually measured from the tips to the point of contact with the skin. So, when the skin recedes, they seem longer, and it seems as if they are growing.

The following stages of death are distinguished: a pre-agonal state (characterized by a disorder of blood circulation and respiration), a terminal pause (sudden cessation of breathing, a sharp depression of the activity of the heart, the extinction of the bioelectric activity of the brain, the extinction of corneal and other reflexes), agony (the body begins to fight for life, there are short-term breath holding), clinical death (lasts 4-10 minutes), biological death (brain death occurs).

18. Blueness of the body.

It occurs when the blood stops circulating through the body. The size and color of such cadaveric spots depends on the position and conditions of the body. Under the influence of gravity, blood settles in the tissues. Thus, a lying body will have spots in the areas on which it rested.

19. Method of burial.

Someone donates his body to science, someone wants to be cremated, mummified or buried in a coffin. And in Indonesia, babies are wrapped in cloth and placed in holes made in the trunks of living growing trees, which are then covered with palm fiber doors and sealed. But that's not all. Every year, in August, a ritual called "manene" takes place. The bodies of dead babies are removed, washed and dressed in new clothes. After that, the mummies "walk" around the village like zombies... They say that in this way the local population expresses their love to the deceased.

20. Hear after death.

Yes, yes, after death, of all the senses, hearing is the last to surrender. And therefore, relatives often mourning the deceased pour out their souls to him in the hope that he will hear them.

21. Severed head.

After beheading, the head remains conscious for another 10 seconds. Although some doctors say: the reason that a severed head can blink is in a coma into which the body falls. Moreover, all these blinking and facial expressions are caused by a lack of oxygen.

22. Long-lived skin cells.

While a loss of blood circulation can kill the brain in minutes, other cells don't need a constant supply. The skin cells that live on the outer shell of our body can live for several days. They are in contact with the external environment, and through osmosis they will pull out everything they need from the air.

23. Defecation.

It was mentioned earlier that after death, the body relaxes, tension disappears in the muscles. The same applies to the rectum, anus, resulting in defecation. It is launched by gases that overwhelm the body. Now you understand why it is customary to wash the deceased.

24. Urination.

After the onset of death, the deceased may also describe himself. After such relaxation, the process of rigor mortis is started, described in paragraph No. 2.

25.21 grams.

That's how much the human soul weighs. Its density is 177 times less than the density of air. This is not fiction, but a scientifically proven fact.

In any profession there is a basic ethic of paramount importance. Medicine, for example, bases its professional practice on the Hippocratic Oath, which articulates the ethics of healing. The law bases its practice on legal ethics. The highest ethics for the funeral service profession is known to be based on respect for the deceased. The ethical question "What should be done with the dead?" can be understood ambiguously. Some people believe that the deceased should be buried in the ground. Others are in favor of cremation. Still others believe that the bodies of the dead should be transferred to medical educational institutions. Fourth support the idea of ​​freezing the dead, and the fifth are in favor of drowning. Sixth - for sending into space ...

One way or another, but the main result in the history of mankind is that in all ages people tried to get rid of the dead body as soon as possible. Firstly, people were driven by a sense of their own security - even in ancient times it became clear that a dead body could be dangerous for the living. Secondly, people could not afford, did not want to watch the rapid decay that destroyed the dead body of a loved and dear person. The transformation of a loved one into a formless rotten biomass is the highest test for anyone. Although history knows many examples when a loving husband, wife or mother did not want to part with the dearly deceased, they delayed the burial for a month or more. But the stench, the ugliness, the common sense, urged the deplorable act of burial.
In Western culture, there is an attitude of denial and neglect in relation to dying and death. In particular, modern culture highly values ​​new, shiny, and useful things, while devaluing old, worn, and unusable things. And therefore, the value of a human corpse is often low, because the corpse symbolizes death, which disgusts our materialistically superficial culture, which tries to avoid any vision and knowledge of it. In addition, the body of a dead person is a psychological and ethical paradox for people, since the living is always attractive, and the sight of a dead body is repulsive. The dead symbolize destruction and despair, and since living people do not want to deal with destruction and despair, we have come up with a carefully crafted system of protective measures to help us cope with this situation.
However, respect for the dead is deeply rooted in human nature, no matter how much we show our disdain, apathy, or even disgust. We call for ethical or respectful treatment of the dead. This attitude was even among our distant ancestors - the Neanderthals.
Anthropological studies prove that the burial of human bodies is more ancient than all religious rites, a practice that was used about 60 thousand years BC. In the Shandiar cave in Iraq, researchers found corpses adorned with elk antlers and shoulder blades. Flower pollen was found, which was probably used as an offering to the deceased and concealed an unpleasant odor during the funeral ritual. Primary behavioral characteristics of our natural and instinctive urge to treat the dead with great reverence have been found among Neanderthals. This genetically and instinctively conditioned tradition continues to this day, ennobled by our modern culture and intellect.
From a review of the history of mankind, it becomes clear that the neglect of the dead is clearly the fundamental cause of the decline of the state and social order. History shows us that the eventual disappearance of many civilizations was foreshadowed by an increase in indifference to caring for their dead. Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece and Nazi Germany are examples of such civilizations. When examining the fall of these mighty empires, it is found that the lack of due regard for the dead was widespread. Historical chronicles show that the observance of rites, rituals and mourning ceremonies for the dead serves as a wonderful example of the perfection of some past cultures.
The eminent British Prime Minister William E. Gladstone (1809-1898) spoke succinctly about the ethical, moral and sociological consequences of neglecting the care of the dead:
“Show me the way in which a nation cares for its dead, and I will measure with mathematical precision the degree of mercy of this people, their attitude to the laws of the state and their devotion to the highest ideals.”
This eloquent quote contains a deep moral truth, and funeral service professionals often cite it as a quote. But no matter how many times these words are mentioned, their impact on our profession, society and humanity as a whole will never dry up.
A common type of burial in the islands of colonial England. The messenger of the world of the dead is dressed in a shroud of a half-monk - the vestment of a half-pharaoh. A young man climbed a tree in fear, giving way to an agent of death

The rotting of the body begins immediately after death. The body becomes the host of many organisms. The tissues and fluids inside the body change color and texture, and separate from the bones over time. Although putrefaction is a natural process, decomposition produces odors that cause general disgust and fear of infection. The body must return to the ground or burn in the fire. Today, more than half of humanity prefers the fiery method of getting rid of a dead body. In some cultures, death is not considered final until the body is completely gone. Disintegration time depends on internal factors such as weight, embalming procedures, and external conditions such as exposure to moisture and oxygen. In some cases, corpses dry out or undergo chemical changes that cause partial, temporary, or complete preservation. However, in most cases, only intentional mummification will save human remains from turning to dust.
The fear of being infected by the dead is as strong today as it was in ancient Greece. The miasma emitted by a decaying corpse is believed to pollute the earth and air. The ancient Romans and nineteenth-century graveyard reformers advocated that the dead should be buried outside the city to protect people from dangerous fumes rising from graves.
Planting trees in the cemetery was supposed to reduce the amount of toxic fumes in the air. Despite this, gravediggers often fell ill and died as a result of contact with the dead. Hughes Marais describes the following incident in 1773: “On the fifteenth of January of this year, a gravedigger who was digging a grave in the cemetery of Montmorency touched with his shovel a corpse buried a year ago. Foul-smelling vapors rose from the grave, inhaling which, he shuddered ... When he leaned on a shovel to fill the hole he had just dug, he fell dead.
On another occasion, in 1773, a grave was being dug in the nave of the church of Sainte-Saturnin in Saly. During earthworks, a pre-existing grave was opened, from which such a vile stench escaped that everyone who was at that time in the church was forced to leave it. One hundred and fourteen of the 120 children preparing for the first communion became seriously ill, and 18 of those present, including the priest and vicar, died. Gravedigger Thomas Oakes died while digging a grave at Aldgate Church in 1838, Edward Luddett died instantly when he tried to get Oakes out of the pit.
As people began to better understand the disease, deaths began to be attributed to cholera or plague, which were transmitted from the dead. Those who worked with corpses soon learned to take precautions, and embalming, as a sanitary measure, became increasingly popular. When Tom Dudley, Captain Mignonette, died of the plague in Sydney, Australia in the early 20th century, his body was wrapped in sheets soaked in disinfectant and placed in a coffin. The coffin was filled with sulfuric acid and mercury perchloride, lowered down the river and buried in a very deep grave.
There are thousands of such fatal examples, they are found in all countries, described on all continents. While embalmers still protect themselves and the public from infectious corpses, the fumes of the dead continue to haunt the living.
Type of burial among the natives of Australia - a typical Asian way of leaving a corpse to be eaten by birds - vultures in the Towers of Silence (India) and on trees (Australia)

The smells emitted by a dead body are very unpleasant, they cannot be compared with anything and cannot be erased from memory: It is a smell from which people instinctively recoil, as from a slap in the face. The smell of human remains is more repulsive than any other sensory experience. People who have met him for the first time say that their nose stopped smelling only after a few weeks and even years later, just remembering this smell causes him to smell it in full force. Pathologist F. Gonzales-Crussi remarks: "Wash a decaying corpse in sweet-smelling perfume, but it will still stink of rotten carrion even on a bed strewn with roses." Some try to mask the smell with cigars, coffee, or menthol ointment, which they apply under their noses.
Those who work in the emergency room, like pathologists, are well acquainted with the smells of death and classify the dead into three categories: fresh, mature and overripe. All medical students in anatomy theater know that the smell of death is very difficult to get rid of, but out of context it is sometimes difficult to recognize. The 21-year-old woman, whose apartment was a floor above serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer's, told reporters that she often complained to the manager about the smell: "It soaked my clothes and I couldn't get rid of it, even after a bath. How could we assume that these were dead people?
The natural decomposition of the body is accompanied by the formation of large amounts of hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, methane and ammonia, which create enormous pressure inside the body and inside the coffin. The gas generated inside the body gradually causes the drowned body to float, even if a weight is attached to it. When the flesh has decomposed enough and the gas has room to escape, the body floating on the surface can sink again and become a skeleton over time. Numerous chemical changes take place inside a dead body, one of which is the hydrolysis and hydrogenation of fats, a process by which muscles, viscera, and fatty tissues are replaced by a light, soapy, waxy substance called fat wax. The smell of this substance has a special power.
Funeral chulpa (chulpa) had the shape of a triangular pyramid. They assembled a pyramid of unfired bricks. Sometimes the chulpa was built in the form of an obelisk. It was widespread among the peoples of South America, in Mexico, and especially among the American Indians. The bodies, previously embalmed in a special South American way, were wrapped in their own clothes, over which they put on a funeral vestment with a cap and a hole for the face and legs. The dead were buried sitting in a family circle, "looking" at each other. It was these family crypts that were discovered by the first Spanish conquerors of South America.

Several factors influence the putrefaction of bodies, which can be divided into four stages according to the state of the corpse: fresh, bloated, decomposing, and dry. From practice it is known that one week in the air is equal to two weeks in the water and eight weeks in the ground. The fastest way to decompose remains is cremation, which reduces tissue decay to one hour.
If the body is exposed to heat, or if the person had an elevated temperature at the time of death, decomposition will proceed more rapidly. High temperatures speed up autolysis - the destruction of tissues by the body's natural enzymes. A body left to the elements in winter decomposes faster from the inside, and there is a greater chance of spots, mold, and discoloration on the skin because the skin does not separate from the body as quickly. Clothes or shrouds speed up the decay process. Thin people and those who die suddenly in full health decompose more slowly than others. Deep burial also inhibits decomposition. Bodies buried at a depth of one and a half meters take many years to turn into a skeleton. Embalmed bodies may decompose more slowly during the first six months, depending on the amount of adipose tissue. Embalming can slow down the activity of the larvae and the disintegration of the body into pieces.
Two graves of Mr. Bech and Captain Inn in the English colony in Malaysia. Trying to imitate the burial tradition of England, the aborigines wove tomb baskets symbolizing the universe and laid out a tombstone from bamboo

Like embalming, quicklime (which many say shrinks the body even faster) is a preservative. The lime reacts with body fat to form a hard soap that is resistant to insects and bacteria and slows down decay. Different parts of the body can decompose at different rates. In soil with high natural acidity, bones are poorly preserved, but some organic remains may be preserved. In basic soils, organic remains decompose quickly, but bones are preserved. Body parts that are more resistant to decay than other parts include bones, teeth, cartilage, hair, and nails. The female uterus, a very hard and compact muscular organ, is considered the most resistant organ of the human body to decay.
In hot, dry climates, the body may mummify in some places and decompose in others, especially where its parts are pressed against each other or located in a cramped place from which the liquid cannot easily evaporate.
The decay of the body is often aided by insects if they have access to it. Folklore abounds with descriptions of worms devouring our earthly remains, as in the following two versions of a popular English ditty:
1. When a coffin is being driven down the street towards
Don't you think that kaput will come to me too?
Put on a wooden shirt
They will lower it into a hole and fall asleep to the eyeballs.
And in the skull countless worms will live
And they will roam back and forth -
2. When a dead person is being carried along the street
You think, alas, kaput will come to me
Covered with a shroud and buried deep
And I will become food for worms and a hole.
They will eat and spit out my insides
And they will roam back and forth - hoho-hoho-hoho.

The physical fate of the body after death is a very good reason for lifetime modesty, since flies are not very picky about the bodies in which they lay their eggs. Outdoors, they lay thousands of eggs in the nose, mouth, ears, and any damaged areas. In hot climates, the larvae can strip a corpse to the bone in about 10 days to two weeks. Even in cold climates, the larvae can survive in the heat generated by the decomposition of a corpse.
William "Tender" Russ, a 61-year-old gravedigger, complained to an interviewer that the modern funeral service omits the Bible verse from the Book of Job that talks about worms eating the human body. "They say such things sound disgusting. They really are disgusting. But people need it when they look down at the grave ground."
Worms serve as a reminder of the mortality of our kind, and both help and hinder forensic anthropologists who study them to determine the time of death and then have to search around for its cause. For serial killer Dennis Nilson, the flies served as a reminder of the victims he placed under the floorboards. Twice a day he sprayed his apartment to kill the flies that flew out of the decaying flesh of the dead. Although screwworm larvae are most often associated with the dead, the Wall Street Journal writes that the humpback fly (humpback) is most often found in mausoleums and crypts. Such flies lay their eggs on the body before burial or inside the coffin. If adults cannot squeeze into the coffin through a hermetically sealed gap, they lay their eggs along the cracks so that the offspring can enter through it after hatching from the eggs. There is evidence that one pair of humpback flies in a grave can produce 55 million adult flies in just two months.
Bodies left unburied can become prey for even more types of insects, including several types of flies and beetles.
The Mummies Museum in Guanajuato, which has more than a hundred mummified bodies in its collection, clearly testifies to the unusual attitude of local residents to death. The mummies exhibited in the glass cases of the museum are quite well preserved. Unlike the Egyptian mummies, the Mexican mummies were the result of severe dehydration of the bodies, rather than intentional embalming. This is due to the fact that the soil in Mexico is rich in minerals and the atmosphere is very dry.
Photo: All rights reserved.

Despite its extreme unattractiveness, being eaten by insects is just one way to recycle corpses. The corpse as fertilizer is a topic that many poems are devoted to and which was put into practice in the collection of human remains. In England in the 1830s and 1840s, tons of human bones were ground up in mills and used as fertilizer. In China, bones for this purpose were collected in necropolises. Nineteenth century economists saw more value in cremation than in burial, knowing that ashes were excellent fertilizer.
Others demanded that cemeteries be turned into crop farms. "The wonderful flowers that bloom here / fertilized by Gerty Grier" - this is the most common epitaph. Many people asked to be buried in their own gardens, but the idea that the body should turn into part of the vegetables we eat was accused of cannibalism, although the charge was later dropped: "After death, undergoing various transformations during decomposition, the human body converted into other organic substances. These substances can be absorbed by plants, and people can eat these plants or their fruits. Thus, the atomic elements that make up a dead person may eventually end up in other people. " The reality of the phenomenon "From earth to earth" is not as tempting as poets try to present it. "From dust to dust, they say. It's funny to me. From dirt to dirt, more like the truth," said William Russ, nicknamed "Gentle."
While Omar Khayyam writes about grass growing from unfamiliar but wonderful lips, poets use the image of collapsing female forms to lament human vanity. "Hey, lady - false breasts, managed to deceive men - worms can not be deceived!" writes Cyril Tournure in The Shell of Death. Even the most beautiful and richest men must swell and rot in the grave. The decay of the flesh erases all signs of individuality, except for the difference in bone size and structure.
The English Puritans of the seventeenth century preached that a body without a soul would be a nightmare to those who behold it. Epitaphs from the early eighteenth century compare the decomposed body to the resurrected dead and existence in human memory. Corpses are put away because they are unpleasant to the senses and also because they become useless. Mummy author Georges McHag writes that bodies that don't naturally decompose would be troublesome to have around, like old tin cans. Plastic surgeon Robert M. Goldwyn, on the other hand, laments that "My human canvases must dry out with me." This is also vanity, but despite all the lamentations, the flesh will dissolve.
Self-mummification of a corpse under the action of sunlight

For some people, death means the complete disintegration of the body. In such cases, mourning for the deceased, apparently, continues in parallel with the decomposition of the corpse, until its complete disintegration. In ancient Greece, it was believed that the rate of decomposition is directly proportional to the social status of the deceased.
The Greek Orthodox Church has stated that only the bodies of the excommunicated do not decompose. Therefore, among the Greek curses there are such as "So that the earth does not take you" and "So that you do not rot." Roman Catholics believe that only the corpses of saints do not rot.
Scientifically, mummification can occur naturally under the right conditions, but the basic rule is decomposition. And in the coffin, and in the same shroud, the bodies always become food for worms. Many people order the cremation of their bodies to avoid the usual course of things, while others simply try not to think about it, and still, the rotting of the body after death, as the poets passionately argue, is a challenge to our earthly vanity.
"A dead butterfly on a living flower." Even a butterfly chooses a place for its eternal rest.
A photo

So, death is not a popular, widely discussed issue, a topic that people are used to thinking about every day. The very subject of death has an initial uncertainty. As for the human remains, the public status of this phenomenon in all civilized countries belongs to the shameful taboos of society. In 1975, noted death psychologist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross wrote that death is a "terrible and terrible subject" that people avoid by all means possible.
But the last decade has revealed a greater emancipation of death. The skull became a fashionable attribute in clothes, the planetary youth movement "Emo" appeared, inspired by the symbolism of death. Death has become the new radical and fashionable topic of the media, fodder for endless TV programs and newspaper articles.
At the same time, if bereavement, euthanasia, hospices, murders, suicides have firmly occupied the niches of the most discussed information blogs, then human remains, which are the essence, the material content of the grateful memory of descendants, are still taken out of the public interest and nothing but disgust , hostility, feelings of dirt, something disgusting in most people do not cause.
I want to hope that intellectuals, highly spiritual, moral people will still loudly declare that the denial of death is far from a harmless phenomenon. After all, it's like denying the very fact of the existence of the universe. The Englishman John McMapperson said: “People's attitude towards the remains of their relatives is of decisive importance for understanding their own destiny on earth, for realizing that each of us must die. Indeed, human destiny is something more than the coming of death and the prolongation of life. After all, the one who came into the world and began to live, he began to die.
How I would like to quote here a simple rule of ethics: "Give way to others just as others have done for you." I am for humanized death. But, apparently, the vulgar perception of death will live forever. Those who do good to death have the same chances. I wish there were more of the latter. While some cynically argue that the worms that eat the corpses of a loved one will be full, let others find solace in gaining eternal life.

ABSORPTION - absorption of a gas or solute by a liquid or solid.
AUTOLYSIS (self-destruction) - self-digestion - the breakdown of cells and tissues of the body under the influence of the hydrolytic enzymes contained in them. Postmortem autolysis - occurs without the participation of microorganisms and is due to the activation of hydrolytic enzymes under conditions of a shift in the reaction of the environment to the acid side; refers to early cadaveric phenomena.
AEROBES are microorganisms that can live and develop only in the presence of free oxygen. Some of them are actively involved in the process of putrefaction of a corpse (more complete decomposition of protein molecules and less formation of malodorous substances).
WHITE-EYED SIGN (the phenomenon of "cat's eye") - one of the signs indicating the onset of death. When squeezed from the sides of the eyeball, the pupil takes the form of a narrow vertical slit, and when pressure is applied from top to bottom, it becomes horizontally elongated. This sign is observed already 10-15 minutes after the onset of death.
HEMATOMA (blood tumor) - a limited accumulation of blood in tissues with the formation of a cavity in them containing liquid blood.
HEMOLYSIS (erythrocytolysis) - the destruction of red blood cells with the release of hemoglobin into the plasma.
Hemopericardium - accumulation of blood in the cavity of the heart sac (pericardium).
hemopneumopericardium - accumulation of blood and air in the cavity of the heart sac.
HYPEREMIA - an increase in blood supply to any part of the peripheral vascular system (for example, on the skin in the form of redness).
HYPERCAPNIA - an increased amount of carbon dioxide in the blood or other tissues.
HYPERTROPHY - an increase in an organ or part of it due to an increase in the volume or number of cells.
HYPOSTASIS - stagnation of blood in the underlying parts of the body and individual organs. There are intravital hypostasis, agonal and postmortem hypostasis. In forensic medicine - the first stage of the formation of cadaveric spots, due to the flow of blood down, due to gravity, with overflow of blood vessels, especially capillaries. At this stage, the cadaveric stain turns pale when pressed due to the expulsion of blood from the vessels, then re-stains. Corpse spots appear 1.5-2 hours after death, the stage of hypostasis lasts 8-15 hours.
ROTTENING - the process of splitting organic, nitrogen-containing, mainly protein, substances as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms. In forensic medicine, cadaveric decay refers to late cadaveric phenomena that destroy a dead body. Optimal conditions for rotting a corpse are created at an ambient temperature of 30-40°C and a humidity of 60-70%; the soft tissues of a corpse can collapse in 1-1.5 months.
Putrid gases - substances formed during the decay of organs and tissues, containing methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, ethyl and methyl mercaptan.
RECEPTION OF THE BURNING OF THE CORSE - the period of time that has elapsed from the moment of burial of the corpse to the moment of its study.
TIME OF DEATH - the period of time elapsed from the moment of cardiac arrest until the moment of examination of the corpse at the place of its discovery or until the moment of research. The prescription of the onset of death is determined by the severity of cadaveric changes, with the help of supravital reactions, morphological, histochemical, biochemical, biophysical methods for examining the organs and tissues of the corpse.
DEFORMATION - a change in the size and shape of a body under the influence of an external force (without a change in mass); elastic - if it disappears after the cessation of exposure, plastic - if it does not completely disappear. During deformation, a special state occurs in the body, called stress. The highest stress at which the deformation remains elastic is called the elastic limit. The stress at which the body collapses is called the tensile strength. The simplest types of body deformation: tension, compression, shear, bending or torsion. In most cases, the deformation is a combination of several types of deformations at the same time. At the same time, any deformation can be reduced to the two simplest ones - tension (or compression) and shear. Deformation is examined using strain gauges, as well as resistance strain gauges, X-ray structural analysis, and other methods.
PEAT TANNING - a type of natural preservation of a corpse that occurs when the body of a corpse is in peat soil for a long time, where, under the influence of humic (humic) acids, soft tissues and organs are compacted and stained brown. The skin of the corpse becomes dense, brittle, acquires a dark brown color. Mineral salts dissolve in the bones, as a result of which the latter become soft, resemble cartilage, and are easily cut with a knife.
FATWAX (corpse wax) - a type of natural preservation of a corpse; a substance into which the tissues of a corpse turn under conditions of high humidity in the absence or insufficient air content, which is a compound of fatty acids (palmitic and stearic) with salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals (soap).
RETROPERITONEAL HEMATOMA - hemorrhage with the formation of accumulation of blood in the tissue of the retroperitoneal space (in the posterior abdominal cavity).
ZONE OF PRIMARY NECROSIS - the central (close to the wound channel) part of the zone of contusion of tissues that die at the time of injury in direct contact with the injuring projectile or related components of the shot.
IMBIBITION (absorption, soaking) - the third stage of the formation of cadaveric spots, developing on the second day. In this stage, cadaveric spots do not turn pale when pressed and do not move. When the tissue is cut, cadaveric spots are evenly colored in light purple and lilac colors, no drops of blood stand out from the vessels.
CORSE PRESERVATION (preservation) - natural (mummification, peat tanning, fat wax, freezing) or artificial factors (chemical - formalin, alcohol) that prevent the putrefactive decay of organs and tissues of the corpse.
HEMORRHAGE (hemorrhage, extravasation) - the accumulation of blood that has poured out of the vessels in the tissues and cavities of the body.
BRUISED - hemorrhage and translucence of accumulated blood in the skin, mucous membrane and underlying tissues due to rupture of blood vessels from the impact of a blunt object. Depending on the period of formation, the bruise has a different color, which makes it possible to judge the prescription of its formation. Its shape indicates the features of the surface of the traumatic object.
MACERATION (softening, soaking) - swelling, softening and loosening of tissues as a result of prolonged exposure to liquids, maceration of the skin of a corpse is formed under the action of a liquid, often water. First, the stratum corneum of the epidermis is loosened in the form of swelling and wrinkling of the skin and its pearly white coloration. With prolonged exposure to water, the macerated layers are torn off from the dermis with nails in the form of "gloves of death".
MUMIFICATION (make a mummy) - drying of the tissues of a corpse, creating the possibility of its long-term preservation. The m arises only at air dryness, sufficient ventilation and the increased temperature; It is formed in the open air, in a ventilated room and during the burial of corpses in dry, coarse-grained and sandy soils. M.'s intensity also depends on body weight. This process is more susceptible to corpses that have a weakly expressed subcutaneous fat layer. With M., the corpse loses all the liquid, its mass is 1/10 of the original.
ossification - the stage of osteogenesis, in which mineralization (calcification) of the intercellular substance occurs. In the development of the skeleton, three stages are observed: connective tissue, cartilage and bone. Almost all bones go through these stages, with the exception of the bones of the cranial vault, most of the bones of the face, etc. The following types of ossification are distinguished: endesmal, perichondral, periosteal, endochondral.
Endesmal - occurs in the connective tissue of the primary bones with the appearance of an island of bone substance (ossification nucleus) and radial spread (for example, the formation of the parietal bone).
Perichondral - occurs along the outer surface of the cartilaginous bone rudiments with the participation of the perichondrium. Further deposition of bone tissue is due to the periosteum - periosteal ossification.
Endochondral - takes place inside the cartilaginous rudiments with the participation of the perichondrium, which releases processes containing vessels into the cartilage. Bone-forming tissue destroys cartilage and forms an island - the core of ossification.
The vertebrae, sternum, epiphyses of the long tubular bones of the extremities ossify enchondrally; perichondral - the base of the skull, the diaphysis of the long bones of the limbs, etc.
Rigor mortis is an absolute early sign of death, it is a peculiar state of muscle tissue in the form of compaction and shortening of the muscles, fixing the corpse in a certain position. It manifests itself in the first 2-4 hours after death simultaneously in all muscle groups, however, as a rule, in a descending type: first of all, the masticatory muscles stiffen, then the muscles of the neck, trunk and upper limbs, and lastly, the lower limbs. It is determined in all muscle groups 12-18 hours after death, reaching a maximum after 20-24 hours, and is retained for several days, after which it is resolved. It also develops in smooth muscles. Cathaleptic rigor mortis occurs at the time of death and retains the original posture of the corpse (for example, during the destruction of the medulla oblongata). Rigor mortis makes it possible to judge the prescription of death, fixes the posthumous posture of the deceased, makes it possible to decide on the movement of the corpse and changing its posture.
BONE REMAINS - bones of a corpse left after complete or partial decay of soft tissues and organs under the influence of natural processes (decay, destruction by insects and their larvae, small rodents and large animals, predatory fish, arthropods, birds, etc.). Can be preserved for centuries, are the object of forensic research.
Upon detection of O. to. affiliation to a missing person is established, i.e. the identity of the deceased is established. For this purpose, the anatomical features of the bone remains, their species affiliation, gender, age, race, height, structural features of the body according to the bones, etc. are determined. Sex, age, race are determined by the bones of the skull, pelvis, condition of the teeth, other bones, height - by long tubular bones, and it is possible to determine the growth from bone fragments. A specific personality is established on the basis of particular signs - anomalies of the anatomical structure, features of the teeth, traces of injuries and diseases, etc. The examined injuries on the bones can indicate the cause of death. Existing methods for the study of bone remains make it possible to determine the age of burial of a corpse.
A forensic medical examination of bone remains is carried out in the medical forensic department of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination.
PNEUMOTHORAX (air in the chest) - the penetration of air through the damaged chest wall or from the damaged lung and its accumulation between the pulmonary and parietal pleura, one of the formidable complications and manifestations of chest trauma. In this case, the lung collapses, the interpleural gap turns into a cavity.
Distinguish P. complete and partial, one- and two-sided; traumatic, surgical, spontaneous and artificial. Traumatic P. happens open, closed and valve. When P. is closed, the air that has entered the pleural cavity soon resolves (300-500 ml of air resolves within 2-3 weeks). With open and valvular P., a severe symptom complex of cardiovascular and respiratory disorders develops, a picture of pleuropulmonary shock, leading in the next few hours after the wound to the death of the wounded person, if he is not provided with medical care.
PTOMAINS (dead body, corpse) - cadaveric poisons, alkaloid-like substances formed in the process of decay of protein substances. These include: choline, neuridin, trimethylamine, cadaverine, putrescine, sarpin, midalein, midin, midatoxin. It is believed that various P. appear in the corpse during its decay not simultaneously, but in a certain sequence, which requires the expert to be careful when examining corpses.
STAFF SPOT - an absolute sign of death. They are accumulations of blood in the underlying parts of the body, arising due to gravity, with overflow of small vessels, capillaries and translucence of blood through the skin, bluish-gray or bluish-purple in color. They usually appear 1.5-2 hours after death.
In its development, P.t. go through three stages: hypostasis, stasis and imbibition, which makes it possible to determine the prescription of the onset of death. In addition, P.t. indicate the position of the body after death, the amount of blood in the corpse; their coloration makes it possible to put forward a certain version of death (for example, carbon monoxide poisoning is indicated by the bright red color of P.T.); allow to establish the fact of the movement of the corpse, sometimes to solve other issues important for the investigation.
POST-MORTAL BIRTH - squeezing the fetus through the birth canal from the uterus of the corpse of a pregnant woman with gases formed during decay.
TANATOLOGY (the doctrine of death) is a science that studies the process of dying, death, its causes and manifestations. Judicial T. - a section of thanatology that falls within the competence of forensic doctors - studies all types of violent death and sudden death.
Smoldering - the process of protein decomposition with air access, a small amount of moisture and the predominance of aerobic bacteria, one of the types of decay. T. is more intense than ordinary putrefaction, with more complete oxidation and is accompanied by a relatively small formation of foul-smelling gases.
Corpse (cadaver) - the dead body of a person (or animal), one of the objects of a forensic medical examination, an autopsy is usually performed no earlier than 12 hours after death.
CYANOSIS (dark blue) - bluish coloration of the skin and mucous membranes, due to the high content of reduced hemoglobin in the blood.
EMPHYSEMA CAPIDA (bloating) - stretching of the organs and tissues of a corpse as a result of the formation and penetration into loose tissues and the subcutaneous base of gases formed as a result of decay. Gas pressure in the abdominal cavity can sometimes reach 2 atm.

Sergey YAKUSHIN, President of the Association of Crematoriums and Manufacturers of Cremation Equipment, publisher of the Funeral Home magazine

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