How water affects mood. Influence of the quantity and quality of drinking water on the performance of adolescents. Baths with essential oils

First of all, it is worth understanding what happens to the body while taking a bath. The mechanism of its beneficial effect on a person is complex and rather complicated. It consists of three factors. it water pressure(hydrostatic action), temperature(thermal effect) and water composition(chemical effect). What follows from this?

Firstly, when immersed in water, the human body is freed from gravity, the buoyant force of water causes a feeling of weightlessness, while the musculoskeletal system is unloaded to the maximum, muscle tension is reduced, and the body relaxes.

Secondly, in this case, a redistribution of blood volume occurs with an increase in venous return to the heart and a decrease in stagnation in the limbs - thus blood circulation is normalized, the work of the kidneys and respiratory muscles is activated.

Thirdly, in the bath, the pores are opened and cleansed, and the skin begins to fully fulfill its excretory and respiratory functions.

Fourthly, warm baths contribute to better penetration into the skin and internal organs of chemicals dissolved in mineral water, including oxygen, which have a healing effect. A variety of drugs dissolved in water have a beneficial effect on the nervous system: tension is reduced, the overall tone of the body is increased, skin irritation is relieved. The use of various phytonutrients in the composition of bath water that can penetrate the skin and respiratory tract significantly enhances the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of this procedure. Essential oils have a particularly high penetrating power - the permeability of the skin for them is 100 times higher than for water. A good therapeutic effect is given by baths with the addition of decoctions of various herbs. Unless, of course, there is an allergy.

Fifthly, water, acting on the body in any form, be it bathing, bathing or showering, relieves stress and improves mood, because during this procedure the level of stress hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol) in the blood decreases. But that's not all. Depending on the temperature and the drugs added to the water, a bath can invigorate or soothe, relax or tone up, heal and relieve pain and inflammation. These effects can be achieved in different ways and at different times of the day.

Bath types

According to the temperature of the water, the baths are divided into cold (up to +20 degrees C), cool (up to +30 degrees C), indifferent (+34-36 degrees C), warm (up to +38 degrees C), hot (above +39 degrees C). The duration of the bath depends on its temperature and individual tolerance. short cold baths have a general tonic effect, increase metabolism, stimulate the functions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The exposure time is from 1 to 4-5 minutes, depending on the individual cold tolerance. Cool baths take 10-15 minutes.

Warm baths have a calming effect. The usual duration of such a bath is from 20 to 40 minutes.

hot baths increase perspiration and increase metabolism. But you can not take them longer than 15-20 minutes - this is a big burden on the heart. It is not recommended to take hot baths for a long time for people with heart disease and a tendency to hypotension (low blood pressure) and fainting. After a hot bath, you should take a cool or contrast shower, ending the procedure with cold water.

When can you take a bath?

At any time of the day, only the effect of a particular bath should be taken into account. Before going to bed, it is better to take warm or hot baths. Only they are able to calm the nervous system, relieve tension and fatigue after working days. In the morning, it is good to take a cool invigorating bath so that the body wakes up and is filled with energy. The same effect can be achieved with a contrast shower.

Baths can be general action and medicinal.

Baths general action there are relaxing, soothing, tonic, restorative. This is a general health procedure that does not set itself specific therapeutic goals.

Therapeutic baths In modern medicine, an important role is assigned in the complex therapy of many diseases of the nervous, respiratory and vascular systems, the musculoskeletal system and skin diseases. Treatment with baths is usually carried out in a course of 12 to 30 procedures, daily or every other day, depending on individual tolerance. Contraindications to hydrotherapy are pronounced diseases of the cardiovascular system, infectious diseases, neoplasms, bleeding, diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs.

It is worth discussing separately hot tubs. Such a bath is equipped with equipment that allows you to focus the jet of water on certain areas of the body, as with a manual massage. An increase in body temperature, an increase in blood circulation, an expansion of blood vessels, a decrease in blood pressure - these are the main effects of hydromassage, in addition to thousands of beneficial effects, such as muscle relaxation, increased oxygen levels and the penetration of nutrients into the body.

Bath additives

You can enhance the beneficial effects of water on the body with the help of various additives.

Sodium chloride (salt) baths

Natural sea salt dissolved in water is harmless and contains components necessary for the whole organism. So, potassium regulates the nutrition of skin cells, calcium ensures normal blood clotting, magnesium promotes muscle relaxation, bromine calms the nervous system iodine acts as an antiseptic (substance with antimicrobial activity). A bath with salt tones and relaxes the body, relieves muscle pain, relieves fatigue, irritation, strengthens the nervous system, increases efficiency, and improves mood. In addition, this procedure activates metabolism, improves blood circulation, promotes healing of wounds and skin cracks. The effect of salt baths on the body depends on the concentration of the solution and the temperature of the water, as well as on the initial state of the body. At home, it is best to prepare baths with a salt concentration of 1 g / liter. Along with table salt for sodium chloride baths, lake and sea salt preparations can be used. The preparation of such baths is carried out according to the methods described on the package. If there are no special instructions, then 1 kg of table salt and 300-500 g of lake or sea salt should be dissolved in 100 liters of water (the capacity of an ordinary home bath). The recommended temperature is +37--40 degrees C. The bath is taken for 15--30 minutes, every other day, the course of treatment is 15-20 procedures. After the salt bath, you need to rinse under the shower.


Modern bath foams contain components that soften tap water. They also include mild detergent actives and additional fats that are absorbed into the skin and clean it well. Foams, as a rule, are suitable for all skin types and contain aromatic additives, creating the effect of aromatherapy - the positive effects of smells on the body. Foams may contain plant extracts, I would like to draw attention to some of them. For example, bath foam aloe vera well tones the skin, refreshes the body, relieves irritation, has an antiseptic effect. Thanks to the properties of aloe, the bath gives a good moisturizing effect on the skin, making it soft and supple.

Foam with coconut very nutritious. Coconut perfectly tones and softens the skin. Such a bath will help restore strength.

peach extract relieve fatigue and irritability, have a softening and tonic effect on the skin. To be surrounded by lush white foam, the cap of the product must be foamed under running water. After the foam bath, rinse the body under the shower.

Bath oil

The most commonly used cosmetic paraffin oil with additives - natural or synthetic essential oil and dyes. It can be in a gelatin shell in the form of various figures (gelatin dissolves in water). How much oil is required to prepare the bath is written on the package. Its main effect is aromatherapy. After such a bath, you can not rinse.

Herbal baths

Beneficial effect on the skin and the body as a whole herbal baths thanks to the vitamins, microelements, phytoncides contained in plants (substances that kill bacteria). In addition, inhaling the aromas of herbs calms the nervous system, helps with colds.

Bath herbs can be used fresh and dried - for decoctions, as well as in the form of tinctures and extracts - this is a special raw material processing technology that preserves the beneficial properties of plants as much as possible.

The rules for preparing such baths are quite simple: an appropriate extract (it can be purchased at a pharmacy) or a decoction is added to a bath filled with fresh or salt (sodium chloride) water. It is prepared as follows: 1.5 cups of a mixture of dry herbs, pour a liter of boiling water, boil in a water bath over low heat for 15-20 minutes, let it brew for two hours, strain and pour into the bath. It is better if the water in it is about +35 degrees C. After such a bath, you can not take a shower.

Soothing herbal baths

In order to restore the nervous system, you can take a bath with the addition of a collection of herbs - valerian, oregano, lime blossom and calendula. Well calms, relieves nervous tension, fatigue, improves sleep, helps with colds, a bath of yarrow, oregano, wormwood with the addition of pine buds. Mint - relieves headache, fatigue, nervous tension, skin irritation, cleanses pores. Lavender - relieves fatigue, nervous tension, headache, eliminates insomnia, muscle pain, helps to cure the common cold, inflammation of the respiratory tract and throat, fungal skin diseases. Sage - helps eliminate coughs, bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi), arthritis (inflammation of the joints), tension and muscle pain. Eucalyptus - relaxes muscles, relieves pain in them, has an antiseptic effect. Series - calms the nervous system, relieves fatigue, has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, is used to treat certain skin diseases. If there are no herbs in the house, you can prepare a soothing lemon bath. It must be cut into thin slices, poured with warm water, let it brew for 2-3 hours and poured into a bath with a water temperature of + 37--38 degrees C. After 20 minutes in such a bath, fatigue will disappear without a trace.

Toning baths

If you need to relieve fatigue before an important meeting, it will help pine extract bath and a few drops eucalyptus oil. The needles contain valuable biologically active substances: carotenoids, chlorophyll, vitamins E, K, D, F, it has bactericidal properties. The water should be warm enough - + 35--36 degrees C. Duration - no more than 5 minutes (further stay in warm water, on the contrary, relaxes).

Such a bath well restores strength, gives vigor, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Inhalation of coniferous essential oil has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. But if you didn't have time to buy it, it doesn't matter. You can use ... a Christmas tree. Of course, if there was a real tree in the house. Before you throw it away, you need to collect all the needles and dry it. And then - brew, as needed. To do this, one glass (250 g) is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for half an hour. The infusion can be poured into a bath with a water temperature of + 35-37 degrees C. You should stay in it for no more than half an hour. It is best to immerse yourself in a coniferous bath before going to bed, when other things are not planned, or after stress, when you need to forget about all the worries. And here is the bath calamus extract uplift and invigorate. rosemary extract It is also better to add to the bath in the morning. It helps to activate all body functions, improves brain activity, stimulates the circulatory system, has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect.

Restorative baths

It has long been known that birch brooms have a healing effect on the entire body, help with pain in the joints and aching bones. But if there is no way to go to the bathhouse, then you can limit yourself bath with an infusion of birch buds and leaves. A bath with a decoction of a mixture of birch leaves, chamomile, nettle, burdock root, string in equal proportions has a general strengthening effect. In addition, you can use currant leaves, raspberries and oregano flowers. Their use will perfectly refresh the skin. The leaves are poured with boiling water to make a strong infusion, and added to the bath. You need to take it for at least 10 minutes.

Baths for skin diseases

Celandine, chamomile and linden have long been famous for their healing properties in the treatment of skin diseases. They have a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. They are recommended for use in the presence of pustules or small wounds on the skin, however, it is advisable to first consult a doctor about this. In addition, with inflammatory processes on the skin, a bath with decoction of birch buds, as well as decoction from young spruce branches, which has a general tonic effect. Best for dry skin softening baths, for example, with the addition of the usual starch. It is preliminarily diluted in hot water - 100 g of starch per 10 liters of water. The water temperature should be + 35--37 degrees C.

After that, it is good to take a warm shower, gradually cooling the water. This procedure will perfectly refresh the skin. Bran or gelatin can be used instead of starch. Useful for chapped, irritated, overly sensitive skin honey bath(if there is no individual intolerance to it). Preparing it is very simple: dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of honey in a liter of hot water (or milk) and pour into a bath. Such a solution has an anti-inflammatory, tonic and softening effect on the skin, rejuvenates it and makes it elastic.

Baths with essential oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts obtained by steam distillation of flowers, seeds, berries, roots and other parts of medicinal herbs and plants. The aromatic volatile substances contained in them are able to influence the body through olfactory nerve cells - receptors. Essential oils are effectively used in aromatherapy.

Any of the components of the essential oil has its own threshold of action, the exact range of concentration in the air. To prepare such a bath, you need to add only 5-15 drops of essential oil to the water (how much should be written on the label, an unauthorized increase in the dose can lead to irritation or even burns). The temperature of the water should correspond to the main purpose: for relaxing, soothing oils - pleasantly warm, for tonic oils - from slightly cool to cold.

The time spent in the bath should not exceed 20 minutes. Otherwise, a useful and pleasant event, at best, will not give the desired effect, and at worst, it will harm. Rinsing with water after taking a bath is not necessary. With depression and just a bad mood, a bath with the addition of geranium or pine needles oil will help. For freshness and elasticity of the skin, fir oil is added to the bath. Rose oil has a tonic effect, in addition, it will help you relax after a busy day. Juniper oil heals small wounds and helps in the treatment of pustular skin diseases.

Other additives

Have a good effect on the skin glycerin baths. They not only soften, but also perfectly refresh it. A glycerin bath is prepared as follows: take 400 g of glycerin, fill the bath halfway with water, and add 200 grams there. Then water is added to the desired level and the remaining glycerin is poured in. After a few minutes, you can take a bath, but you should stay in it for no more than 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, rinse well under a warm shower.

A truly magnificent remedy is a bath with the addition of milk or wholly composed of it. Milk has a whole range of elements and vitamins that are useful not only for the skin, but also for the nervous system. Vitamin B, contained in it in large quantities, eliminates flabbiness and fatigue of the skin, vitamin E rejuvenates and produces a regulating effect. Not every woman can buy enough milk to fill a bath, so you can use a more optimal recipe: two liters of milk (preferably fresh and warm), mixed with four tablespoons of honey and left for ten minutes. At this time, fill the bath with water by one third and pour a glass of table salt into it. Wait until it dissolves in water, and pour milk with honey into the bath. The water temperature should not exceed +35 degrees C, otherwise you can harm the cardiovascular system.

There are women who are prone to all sorts of exotic deeds. They take baths consisting entirely of champagne or wine. It is unlikely that such procedures bring much benefit, most likely, they simply cheer up with their unusualness and exclusivity. So such entertainment is only good for improving mood and as an extra proof of eccentricity. Before you take a course of baths, you need to give yourself a clear answer to the following questions:

  1. If you intend to take hot baths (from +40 degrees C and above), are you sure that the state of your cardiovascular system allows it?
  2. In the case of treatment with herbal baths, do you have an allergic reaction to the components that make up their composition?
  3. If you suffer from any chronic disease, is it currently in the acute stage?

At the time of pain symptoms and exacerbation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is strictly forbidden to take baths - this can lead to increased pain.

Bath Rules

  • The air temperature in the bathroom should not be lower than +25 degrees C, and at the same time, there should be no drafts.
  • In order for the skin to better absorb beneficial substances, it is advisable to take a shower before taking a bath.
  • You can not take a bath on a full stomach. After eating, 2-3 hours should pass.
  • It is not recommended to take a bath during menstruation.
  • Taking a bath, it is best to think about something pleasant, forget about the problems of the past day.
  • The most important thing is a sense of proportion and common sense. The procedure should be pleasant, not cause negative emotions.
  • Do not neglect the recommendations regarding the duration of the bath. If it is more, it will simply deprive you of strength, as it has a very strong effect on the body. You need to monitor your well-being - taking a bath should not cause it to deteriorate!
  • While taking a bath, you can massage the body with a brush, dead skin scales will separate, and the skin will become smooth and elastic.
  • After the bath, apply a moisturizer or lotion all over the body.
  • It is best to go to bed immediately after the bath; if this happens during the day, it is advisable to rest for at least 15 minutes after the procedure.

Recently, more and more often we hear the phrase: “You need to drink more water – at least 2 liters a day.” How true this statement is - I decided to figure it out and, accordingly, understand what is the meaning of water in a person’s life and what is the use of water for the body, how much water you need to drink per day, what kind of water is better to drink and how to do it right. I hope this information will be useful to you too.

Personally, I drink little water and, frankly, I have little idea how you can drink such an amount, because in addition to water you also use other liquids (tea, coffee, juices). The only thing I have trained myself to do is

Water \u003d Life \u003d Health - can these words really be put next to the equal sign?

Importance of water in human life

A well-known truth is that water is the source of life on Earth. Man is a part of this life, and it is not surprising that our body also consists of water. There is no exact figure, as it depends on many factors. For example, depending on the age of a person - the embryo consists of 97% of water, a middle-aged person - 65 - 70%, and the older the person, the less the percentage of water in his body. The amount of fluid depends on the physique of a person - the fuller it is, the less fluid.

Literally every organ of ours contains water, somewhere more than it, somewhere less. For example, in the blood - 83%, in the bones - 15 - 20%, brain, heart, muscles - 76%.

This means that not one process in the body can do without water:

  • water helps convert food into energy
  • delivers nutrients to all cells of our body,
  • participates in the cleansing of blood vessels, joints,
  • dissolves mineral salts and removes toxins, slags,
  • regulates body temperature.

Scientists, examining the blood, proved that the cause of many modern diseases is dehydration.

We figured out which water is better to drink, now the important point is how to drink water correctly and at what time of the day it is better.

How to drink water throughout the day

Of course, you can drink water randomly, but if we want water to bring benefits to our body, then it is advisable to follow some recommendations:

  • do not drink water quickly, preferably in small sips;
  • the first glass of water should be immediately after sleeping on an empty stomach;
  • If you exercise in the morning, drink a glass of water after your workout. If your workouts take place at other times of the day, then it is recommended to drink water before and after exercise, it is not forbidden to drink during training;
  • do not drink water with meals, doctors recommend drinking at least half an hour before a meal and not earlier than 40 minutes after a meal;
  • it is advised to drink a glass of water after each trip to the toilet;
  • do not drink too cold and too hot water;
  • It is recommended to drink a glass of water half an hour before bedtime.

Is it bad to drink a lot of water

  1. It is believed that a large amount of water consumed makes it difficult for the kidneys to work. The question is how big? It turns out that healthy kidneys can pass through themselves up to 20 liters of fluid per day. I don't think even water drinkers can drink that much water. Restrictions are possible only for people with serious kidney and heart diseases. In this case, the water regime must be agreed with your doctor.
  2. It is believed that a large amount of water consumed washes out of the body not only toxins, but also useful trace elements. Yes, this is indeed possible, but if you drink at least 6 liters of water per day. It's not a small amount either.
  3. It is believed that frequent consumption of water causes a feeling of hunger. There is some truth in this, but this is on condition that you drink cold water. Water at room temperature just plays the role of a "filler" of the stomach, and, as we know, there are no calories in water, which means that there is no harm to our figure from such a "filler". Even nutritionists advise, if there is a feeling of hunger, to drink water, often it is thirst that is confused with a feeling of hunger and this feeling is more often seized than washed down.

I told you about the importance of water in human life and what is the use of water for the body, how much water to drink per day, what kind of water is better to drink and how to drink water correctly throughout the day. And I think you are convinced that water is truly a life-giving blessing for our body. And this benefit is available to everyone, you just need to make another good habit - to drink water, and now we know how much water to drink per day.

P.S. If you were inspired by this article and decided to get into this useful habit, but in the hustle and bustle of the day you forgot to drink water, in no case do not turn on the “guilt” in the evening and do not catch up. This will not bring benefits, but edema, both internal and external, will help to earn. Gratitude let go of the past day, and the next day, do not forget that you now have a new good habit - drink more water.

As Dr. Dindlar said:

There is no such thing in nature that would cure all diseases, but if there was, it would be water in the right use.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and be healthy!

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Emotional eating can be triggered by major life challenges — being fired, getting sick, getting divorced — or simply by constant stress at work, bad weather, or disruption to your daily routine. Why do these negative emotions lead to overeating?

The fact is that a kind of dependence on certain products is formed. When we eat something tasty, like chocolate, the body releases small amounts of mood-enhancing hormones. This "reward" reinforces the preference we give to the product. In the future, we choose it to compensate for negative emotions, and gradually get used to “jamming” them.

Food also helps to entertain or distract. If we are tormented by anxiety or the memory of an unpleasant situation, food distracts from thoughts and experiences. But this is a short-term effect. As long as the taste of your favorite dish is in your mouth, all thoughts are focused on it. But now everything is eaten, and we again return to the same anxieties, to which the feeling of guilt for overeating is added.

Mood food

Mood food

There is definitely a connection between what we eat and how we feel. There are three ways to get energized: by supplying enough calories, by supplying the body with stimulants like caffeine, and by increasing the metabolic rate.

What is more useful?


They give us energy and promote the production of serotonin, a mood-enhancing brain chemical. The main thing is to avoid sweets, which sharply increase blood sugar levels, which provokes fatigue and bad mood. It is better to replace them with whole grains - cereals, brown rice, breakfast cereals. They are processed not so quickly, maintaining a constant level of glucose.


This is a kind of stabilizer. It slows down digestion, providing more even energy production throughout the day. You can increase your fiber intake by adding nuts, beans, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your diet.


Dehydration and fatigue go hand in hand. Some studies show that even a small amount of fluid deficiency can slow down the metabolism and debilitate. The solution is simple - drink enough water or unsweetened drinks on a regular basis.

Another way to avoid dehydration and replenish energy is to eat fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fluids. Instead of snacking on dry biscuits, eat an apple or a stalk of celery. Even porridge and pasta, which absorb water during cooking, will help out.

Frequent eating


For those who want to be in a good mood and be full of energy all day, breakfast is a must. Studies show that those who do not skip their morning meal feel much more energetic and cheerful! This is especially important for children. No wonder nutrition experts devote so much time and effort to the development of new healthy children's products.


Nuts are ideal for satisfying hunger during the day. After sweets, in half an hour you will want to eat again (due to a jump in blood glucose), and “pistachio” fiber and vegetable protein will provide a feeling of satiety and a constant level of energy for a long time. A handful of pistachios can "seize" and a bun - and again the blood sugar level will remain normal. 30 g of nuts is a great snack for those who want to be in good shape and watch their figure.

Another way to stabilize your blood sugar, energy, and mood is to eat small meals every 3-4 hours. Energy-supporting foods - nuts, cereals, breakfast cereals with milk.

Unlike other nuts, pistachios go through a complex processing cycle, on which the maximum preservation of valuable natural properties depends. Did you know, for example, that fruits picked from trees must arrive at the factory within 24 hours?! They are repeatedly washed, sorted, dried, fried (without adding oil). This is how the world-famous Wonderful Pistachios California pistachios are “produced”. Now they have appeared in Russia. You can recognize them by size (equally large), the color of the fruit (green, not light brown) and the shell (light, without spots), the degree of maturity (all nuts will certainly be opened). These are signs that you have healthy fruits that have not been processed with oil and preservatives.


Fatty fish - salmon, trout, salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which, according to research, can protect against depression. And while the degree of dependence is not fully understood, omega-3s have many other benefits, including for heart function. In addition to fish, these substances are found in nuts and green leafy vegetables.

leafy greens

Another "mood" substance is folic acid. Like omega-3 fatty acids, it is found in green leafy vegetables - spinach, watercress, Romaine, Iceberg lettuce, etc. Good sources of folic acid are legumes, citrus fruits, nuts.


A fragrant drink is better to drink little by little, but often. After all, he "works" for a short time.

Caffeine speeds up metabolism, increasing concentration and alertness. But don't forget that too much coffee interferes with sleep, and lack of sleep is an obvious impediment to good health.

Studies show that the combination of caffeine and L-theanine present in this drink can increase alertness, reaction time, and improve memory. Black tea is also a means of combating the effects of stress.

dark chocolate

Its tonic effect is again associated with caffeine, as well as with another stimulant - theobromine.

The relationship between food and

The relationship between food and mood

Did you know that the best way to start the day is with yogurt for breakfast? Or that macaroni and cheese for lunch makes you sleepy? The use of some products calms and improves well-being, others - invigorates and even excites. Some products "slow down" you and cause blues. So how is food related to mood?

Amino acids from different foods are absorbed differently by the body. As a result, various substances are produced. Some of the chemical reactions that occur during this affect blood sugar levels, mood, and appetite.

Dairy products, fish, meat and poultry contribute to mental and physical activity. The amino acids contained in these products stimulate the production of neurotransmitters that have a tonic effect.

Foods rich in carbohydrates, such as potatoes, help you relax. These foods promote the production of serotonin. This neurotransmitter relieves nervousness and depression. During fasting, neurotransmitters are not produced.

The effect of food on mood

By changing your diet, you can improve your mood. Here are some tips on how to do it.

· Eat healthy food for breakfast. For breakfast, it is recommended to eat dried bread, fruits and protein foods (low-fat yogurt or soft cottage cheese). Proteins are the best food for the brain. They give energy and help to cope with fatigue. If you do not have breakfast, the feeling of composure disappears, fatigue and irritability appear. If you don't like breakfast, take yogurt to work and eat it there.

· Limit the amount of protein for dinner. Eat carbohydrate-rich foods like pasta, potatoes, grains, or rice for dinner. This will help you unwind before bed. You should get the main portion of protein food during the day. Do not overeat in the evening: this overloads the digestive system and prevents you from getting a good night's sleep.

· Drink plenty of water. If you exercise regularly, drink 2-2.5 liters of water daily. This rate depends on the state of health, weight, physical fitness, diet and other factors. Staying in hot or air-conditioned rooms leads to dehydration. More water is required for those who live in higher elevations or in dry climates. Some drinks, such as those containing caffeine, are diuretic and dehydrate the body.

· Minimize Stress. Stress causes people to eat fatty, sugary or salty foods. This leads to weight gain and poor overall health. However, sometimes you can afford to eat what you want. If you completely exclude some products, sooner or later you will want to try them even more.

· Take care of your health. Eat a balanced diet, watch your weight, and limit your intake of sugar, caffeine, and alcohol.



Eating in a state of emotional stress is a way to conquer or alleviate negative emotions such as STRESS, ANXIETY, FEAR, ANGER, BOREDOM, SORRY, LONELINESS... The pressure of everyday life can cause an indomitable desire to give yourself immediate pleasure and eliminate unpleasant sensations, that is delicious to eat! What phenomena in our life can trigger such a program of behavior? For example:

  • Unemployment
  • Financial difficulties
  • Health problems
  • Family conflicts
  • Troubles in personal life
  • Bad weather
  • Hard work
  • etc

And although most people lose their appetite in the face of adversity, there is also a group of people who, in a similar situation, slip into uncontrollable gluttony: they eat everything quickly without even feeling any pleasure. Why such a difference? Your emotions may, in fact, be so closely linked to your eating habits that you automatically rush to eat delicious food just to avoid feeling angry or tired or otherwise uncomfortable, without you even being aware of what you are doing. Food serves as a distraction for you, you focus on it instead of trying to solve the painful problem itself.

Whatever pushes you to gluttony, the result will be the same. Emotions will return and bring you additional experiences, that you could not resist and violated the plan, that your goals were thrown back even further. A chain reaction can begin: you start eating again, now to console yourself from new experiences. And it repeats itself over and over...


When you have an emotional-eating crisis, try the following tips:

  • Manage your stress in other ways, such as yoga, meditation, relaxation.
  • Check yourself - are you really hungry? If you recently ate, then the feeling of hunger is not real, but emotional, and then you should wait and give yourself time to get distracted. Appetite will recede.
  • Keep a food diary. Write down what you ate, how much, when, how you feel after eating and how hungry you are before eating... Looking through your notes, you can see the relationship between mood and food.
  • Find support either in family or friends, or join a group in your city or on the Internet.
  • Fight boredom. Instead of snacking, go for a walk. Find activities you enjoy and distract yourself: watch movies, play with your dog, listen to music, read... And move, move...
  • Eliminate temptation. Don't keep sweet fat at home if you can't resist. Postpone going to the grocery store if you are angry or excited or... And only if you are sure that your emotions are in check - go shopping.
  • Eat lean. Apple, carrot, fat-free or low-fat foods. Choose from a sufficient variety.
  • Get enough sleep. If you feel constantly tired, then this can provoke an unwanted snack to energize. It is better to go to bed early or take a little nap during the day.
  • Contact a psychologist. It will help you understand what is behind your emotional overeating. Together you will be able to develop a strategy of behavior and methods of confrontation.

Forgive yourself and start a new day with renewed vigor. If you have had an episode of such an emotional eating disorder - do not curse yourself, but learn from your experience, developing a plan to resist the temptation in the future. Focus on positive changes in your eating habits and set yourself up to continue!

Hello, friends! Today we will look at the last element of the circle of life that affects our health and emotions - the element of Water. It is difficult to determine which element is the first and last in the circle, and this is especially true for the elements of Water. After all, it is the basis of all life, its beginning, one of the elements of the universe.

In ancient Chinese philosophy, it was believed that all the diversity of forms, structures and processes in life is manifested in the interaction of energy fields. Modern science, which has proven their existence, calls it quantum fields. In ancient China, these fields were called elements that influence our lives and determine health, character, actions and mood. The elements are present everywhere and affect everything that surrounds us. These elemental fields are in constant motion and change. This is how the life cycle of the elements appeared.

Water in the cycle of life

The simplest cells consist mainly of water and are completely subordinate to the elements of Water. But as soon as the elements of Water and begin to interact, more complex organisms of a higher order appear.

The nature of Water is immersion, withdrawal into oneself, into the depths, into the world of our unconscious. According to Chinese philosophy, water represents cold darkness. And if the element of Fire symbolizes the flow of energy upward, towards the sky, then the energy of Water is akin to a vertical flow directed inward, into the depths. The element of Water carries away into the depths of consciousness, to the foundations of being and origins.

But water, being the basis of life, is responsible for the desire of the organism for life, for its viability. This is the spirit of the element of Water - in the desire to live and survive, in strength of will and striving for development and goals.

The element of Water gives the body vitality, helps us overcome the difficulties that stand in our way, rise when we fall and move on.

The season of Water is winter, when everything in nature freezes and goes inside, into the earth. It is there that life energy accumulates, gathers its strength and prepares to go outside at a certain time. The energy of life accumulates in grains, and winter is only an intermediate stage between death and rebirth, when all living things are waiting for an hour for a new stage of life.

It is the grain that can be considered a symbol of the element of Water. A huge powerful potential is hidden and accumulated in a small seed. A mighty force compressed in a small space in the future will surely transform into a mighty Tree. The element of Water gives rise to life. Thus, the state of immersion in oneself, meditation and sleep are under the power of the element of Water. If a person is in harmony with his element of Water, then he endures all life storms, blows of fate and cataclysms steadfastly and wisely.

The energy of the element of Water in Chinese philosophy and medicine is defined as a powerful, boundless and wise Energy of the Ancestors. The energy of the Ancestors is what we receive from our parents and what we enrich and pass on. This is how ancient medicine and philosophy intuitively, unconsciously and associatively determined our genetic code.

The main feeling for which water is responsible is fear. Fear is one of the most important human feelings. Fear contributes to the survival of the organism, protects from troubles on the emotional and physical levels. With the balance and health of the Water element, fear is an element of our survival. Fear is natural and normal as a response to a real threat.

It is a completely different matter when fear becomes a pathology, constant anxiety and uncontrollable horror, unconsciously arises, does not allow you to adequately perceive reality, phobias appear. Such fear paralyzes and destroys the body, causes diseases of a physical and mental nature. With strong violations in the element of Water, panic attacks, persecution mania, delirium are possible.

The color of the element of water is black, the time of day is night.

The influence of the element of Water on human health

Water is responsible in the human body and affects the kidneys and bladder, is responsible for bone tissue.

The element of Water is responsible for the accumulation of energy. The kidneys, which are responsible for the water balance of the body, are considered the place of accumulation of not only the very energy of the ancestors, but also all other energy received from food and not consumed immediately.

The kidneys are responsible for our genetic constitution. Moreover, this ancient theory does not contradict our knowledge of the genetic code of DNA. The kidneys are responsible for the balance of water in the body, and each cell is a water reservoir of fluid, all genetic replication processes occur in the aquatic environment and nothing else. The kidneys are an organ that distributes its energy and influence throughout the body. Thus, the element of Water extends its influence to every cell of the body.

Water is our main component, it is the best dissolve and medium for the course of all processes, the regulator of the vital functions of the body. Only water is able to cleanse the body and remove from it all harmful, toxic, waste cells. Organs of Water - the kidneys strictly carry out this function of the controller of water balance and purification.

It should be said that water is a separate structure and has nothing to do with nutrition. The stomach and pancreas, liver and its bile are responsible for nutrition. The digestive system is under control. Nutrition provides the body with energy from food.

Water does not provide energy to the body, it has other functions. The body even defines and metabolizes water differently than it does food. Water is necessary for the body to digest food, it is necessary for the course of all processes, including moisturizing our organs and mucous membranes, to maintain body temperature through, to ensure effective lubrication of the joints and nutrition. It is also the main component of articular cartilage, providing their protection and mechanism of work. That's why .

The taste of water is salty. It was in the salty waters of the oceans and seas that life originated. Our internal fluids (intercellular fluid, blood, lymph) contain a mixture of salts, similar to sea water.

Excess salts in the body lead to congestion, swelling, accumulation of excess fluid and weight gain. It is the kidneys, controlled by the energy of Water, that are responsible for maintaining the necessary salt and mineral composition in the blood and, accordingly, other body fluids. And here the connection of the kidneys and the elements of Water with the skeletal system of the body can be traced. Without the correct and sufficient balance of salts and minerals in the body, the skeletal system suffers and collapses.

Salts are also responsible for other biochemical reactions, without which the work of the nervous system and brain is impossible, for the transmission of nerve impulses and the work of muscles and organs. Impossible movement and work of muscles, heart.

The kidneys, obeying the element of Water, are responsible for the stable state of the internal environment of the body.

Following this relationship with water, the spinal cord and brain are also subordinate to it, which are able to control the body only through water and its salts, this is how the impulse (order) of the brain can be transmitted to other organs.

The manifestations and balance of the element of Water is expressed in the correct functioning of systems and organs, when the body is clean, free and easy in its work and nothing prevents hormones from controlling metabolic processes. After all, the hormones that regulate our behavior and emotions, as well as blood pressure, also depend on water. Thus, violations of these areas are a violation in the element of Water.

Diseases of the Water element

On the emotional level, the balance of Water is expressed in the desire for goals and actions, resistance to life circumstances, to adapt or overcome them. Then the qualities of the element of Water are inherent in a person - softness, understanding, compliance at the right time.

With an imbalance of the element of Water, a person’s vitality decreases, the will to live and aspirations that determine the meaning of our life disappear, and sexual energy decreases. Or vice versa, with an excess of the energy of Water, a person becomes cold and harsh, at the physical level, inactive and not flexible. This leads to muscle strain, back pain, manifestations of sciatica.

The imbalance of the elements of Water and metabolic processes entail bladder infections, urolithiasis, and acidification of the body. A clear sign of an imbalance in the element of Water is constantly cold hands and feet.

The health of the element of Water is expressed at the physical level in strong bones and teeth, the correct and trouble-free functioning of the kidneys and urinary system, in the flexibility of the body and the mobility of the joints. The healthy element of Water and the correct balance of water in the body are reflected in the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and the whole appearance.

Even our hearing and its sharpness depend on water, because it is the level of water in the hearing organs that ensures the correct functioning of the hearing aid. Thus, all the noises and ringing in the ears, inflammation, dizziness and deafness indicate a violation of the balance of Water in the body.

Once, in one of the medical programs, when asked by a man what to do with constant tinnitus and the absence of any obvious deviations, the doctor replied that you need to adapt and come to terms: this happens and you need to learn to live with it. I can’t imagine life with constant tinnitus, but then I thought that, probably, everything is possible and everything has been tried by a person. But who knows, what if you try the last resort and the knowledge of ancient medicine? Suddenly these noises are signals of the element of Water? What if you pay attention to this and try to adjust, balance the element of Water?

At the physical level, with an imbalance of Water, mental disorders, general weakness, dehydration or fluid stagnation, edema, metabolic and hormonal disturbances are possible, which leads to diseases and imbalance of other elements.

Water Element Diagnostics

Now let's move on to questions that, by asking yourself, will tell you what state your element of Water is in, does it need to be adjusted?

  1. What is my willpower, how resilient am I in the face of difficulties?
  2. Do I find it difficult to overcome and confront life's obstacles?
  3. Do I know how to relax, distract from bad thoughts, or do they torment me for a long time?
  4. Can I get carried away with something, how developed is fantasy and imagination?
  5. Do I have phobias, fears, obsessions?
  6. Are there any problems with hearing and diseases of the hearing apparatus, ringing or noise in the ears, do I get sick a lot, how is my balance developed?
  7. Do you have hair and skin problems?
  8. What is the condition of the bones and teeth?
  9. Are there any diseases of the kidneys, bladder, stones and infections of these organs?
  10. Do I eat a lot of salt and salty foods?
  11. Do I have goals, ambitions, do I have the strength to fulfill and achieve them?

Finally, it remains to say that, after analyzing your condition and your problems, you can try to normalize your element of Water. It is worth showing interest in the techniques of meditation and relaxation. Try exercises to overcome fears and phobias, to relax and calm the mind. On the physical level, it’s good to try gymnastics for muscle relaxation, yoga. In case of serious problems, you can turn to a psychologist, to massage and acupuncture techniques.

And most importantly: don't forget. A huge number of problems and disorders, acidification of the body and diseases are associated with dehydration. Water is the most valuable resource on our planet. Without it, health, life and development are impossible.

All the best! Balance and health to your elements! Do not be ill!

Sources: Eckert A. - "Chinese Medicine for Beginners".

Did you know that so-called mild or moderate dehydration can cause increased irritability, short temper, drowsiness or absent-mindedness? Why is this happening? How do you determine how much water you need to drink? Are there any fluid requirements? How to prevent lack of water even before it occurs? We will try to answer these and some other questions further.

Water and mood

To confirm the effect of water on a person's mood, French scientists conducted two simple, but very illustrative experiments. The first of these involved 30 people who usually drank little water (less than 1.2 liters per day). They were asked to increase their water intake to 2.5 liters for three days. Volunteers were not only able to get rid of thirst in this way. Participants also noted that they felt less tired, and their overall mood improved significantly by the end of the study.

In the second, "reverse" experiment, 22 volunteers took part, who usually drank a lot of water. They were asked to reduce the norm, and the effect was not long in coming: their mood worsened, which led to negative consequences in the form of headaches, confusion and fatigue. At the same time, it turned out that dehydration in men often causes an increase in body temperature, irritability and anxiety, and in women it is expressed, as a rule, in headache and nausea, fatigue and drowsiness, impaired concentration, and decreased performance.

And we are talking about moderate and short-term dehydration (chronic will be discussed in the next article). There is no magic in the symptoms described above - their causes are easy to explain even to a schoolboy. Insufficient intake of water in the body is fraught with an increase in blood viscosity, and, accordingly, oxygen starvation of cells and tissues. In addition, without the consumption of a sufficient amount of water, waste products that poison the body at the cellular level cannot be removed from the body.

When should you drink water?

In terms of the more commonly known definition of clinical dehydration, thirst is a good signal that you need to take a sip of water. It works like this: when the water level in the blood goes down, it becomes thicker. As soon as the solids content in the blood exceeds 2%, the thirst mechanism kicks in. An increase in the concentration of solid particles in the blood by This condition used to be interpreted as a normal change in the level of fluid in the body.

However, many modern experts believe that dry mouth is one of the latest signs of dehydration. By the time the body declares its thirst, it already lacks 2-3 glasses of water. This means that the body has already completely suspended some non-vital functions (enzyme production, etc.). The problem is that this is how the aging process of cells and the whole organism develops. Therefore, if you only drink water when you are thirsty, it means that you are living in "cactus mode" - and this can take away your energy and overall vitality.

It is widely believed that it is enough for healthy people to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but this myth has not received scientific confirmation. The minimum figures for the daily water intake for each individual person should be calculated using the formula 30 ml. water per 1 kg of body weight. That is, if you weigh 80 kilograms, then you should drink at least 2.4 liters of water per day.

But this is provided that you do not drink alcohol and caffeine-containing drinks, do not snack on “dry food” and sweets, do not oversalt food, do not overheat (in summer, near the battery, at night under a blanket, in synthetic clothes, etc.) Also the norm fluid intake directly depends on physical activity and the balance of trace elements in the body. Difficult? Let's go in order...

There is a myth that if you consume black tea, coffee or cola, then this will be the replenishment of your body with water. But it's not. The caffeine contained in these drinks only enhances the excretory function of the kidneys (it is a diuretic) and raises blood pressure. As a result, your body's water supply decreases even more. To neutralize the effect of one cup of strong coffee, you need 3-4 glasses of pure water! Many sugary sodas generally contain a special additive that induces thirst (and increases sales). Throw away and forget!

For the breakdown, assimilation and subsequent removal from the body of animal proteins, much more water is required than they contain. Many prepared foods (chips, crackers, dried fish, etc.) contain little to no moisture and so, like a dry sponge, they absorb water as they move through the digestive tract. Salt is enough for the body only from 3 to 5 grams of salt per day, but most people consume up to 12 or 15 grams of salt daily. If your diet includes meat dishes, various store-bought snacks from bags, or noticeably salty dishes, you should also drink more water than your individual norm.

It is a mistake to believe that the saturation of the body with fluid depends solely on the amount of water drunk. However, you can drink a lot of water and still your body will remain dehydrated at the cellular level! It's all about the delicate balance between minerals, electrolytes and essential fatty acids that distributes and holds water where it's needed, providing fluid nourishment to the blood system, tissues and cells.

Minerals are important components for maintaining cellular balance: they help deliver water to cells and activate the enzymes they contain. Those, in turn, are the basis of all biological processes in the body, from digestion to hormone production and thinking. It is only with the help of fatty acids that form cell membranes that cells can properly absorb, retain and stabilize the water and other nutrients they need. To keep these processes under control, eat as many fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds as possible.

Sports activities especially oblige to replenish supplies of clean water every 15 minutes, so it is necessary to have a drinking bottle with you at all times. The need for fluid also increases during the hot season, during pregnancy or during illness.

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