What to eat to increase calcium. Calcium for a person: what is the danger of its shortage and excess. How to replenish this microelement in the body? Therapy with food

The human body requires a certain amount of minerals every day, including one of the most important
element is calcium. While 99 percent of calcium is found in teeth and bones, some is found in cells hair follicles. It helps stimulate cell interaction, thereby promoting hair growth and healthy follicles. This mineral supports the functioning of the heart, muscles, nerves and various other systems that have importance for healthy hair growth.

Since calcium is not produced in the body, its reserves should be replenished as it is consumed so that a deficiency does not adversely affect health. Calcium is present in many foods, and in almost all dairy products. In addition, you can buy calcium preparations and calcium-containing nutritional supplements at the pharmacy. However, before you start taking it, you should take into account that an excess of calcium is just as harmful to the body as its deficiency.

How to replenish calcium in the body

1. Eat Calcium Rich Foods

Adults aged 19 to 50 need 1000 mg of calcium every day, people over 51 need at least 1200 mg daily to prevent osteoporosis and other age-related diseases such as hair loss. The consumption of calcium-containing foods is the most safe way saturate the body essential mineral not leading to overdose.

Milk, cheese, sesame, leafy vegetables (cabbage, ) and fish with soft bones(canned salmon, sardines) - all of these products contain a large number of calcium. Hazelnuts, figs, kelp, oysters too good sources calcium.

in 200 ml of low-fat milk - 240 mg of calcium
in 150 g of low-fat yogurt - 210 mg
40 g of cheddar cheese - 296 mg of calcium
There are 34 mg of calcium in 85 g of broccoli.
in 12 g of sesame seeds - 80 mg
in 100 g of salmon - 91 mg
in 100 g of sardines - 500 mg
in 160 g of oranges - 75 mg
in 160 g of apricots - 117 mg

2. Take supplements

If food is not enough to provide the body with the right amount of calcium, you can take it in the form food additives. But keep in mind that if calcium-rich foods make up the majority daily diet, food supplements should be taken less. In total, the maximum daily intake calcium should not exceed 2500 mg.

3. Replenish Vitamin D

Calcium intake against the background of a lack of vitamin D is a waste of time, effort and money, most of calcium cannot be absorbed without it. As you know, the most generous source of vitamin D is the sun. Those who live in the northern regions are advised to receive sunshine vitamin from food. Rich in vitamin D: cod liver, mackerel, herring, butter, cheese, egg yolk.

3. Avoid junk food

We are talking about carbonated drinks, flour and technologically processed products. All of them contain a large amount of phosphorus, which interferes with the normal absorption of calcium by the body.

4. Eat less sugar

Studies have shown that sugar causes insulin resistance, which prevents the body from absorbing calcium. If those parts of the body that need calcium, such as hair and nails, are unable to absorb it into the right quantities, their health is under serious threat, even if there is enough of this element in the diet.

5. Reduce your fat intake

Excess fatty foods- another one possible reason poor absorption of calcium by the body. Also note that what fatter product the less calcium it contains.

6. Avoid Too Much Salt in Your Diet

How to make up for the lack of calcium in the body

Calcium from dairy products is poorly absorbed. Sesame paste (dark, unprocessed), nuts (almond, pican, etc.) And. of course, liquid calcium, calcium gluconate. BUT! Give calcium in dietary supplements to the baby only after an analysis that confirms its lack.

Powder preparation.
Wash the egg with soap.
If the eggs are from your chickens, you can not thermally process them, but if the eggs are from the store, calcine the shell in the oven, after removing the thin inner film.
The film is easier to remove if the egg is raw. You can hold the shell in water for a while before removing the film.
Grind the shell in a mortar to a powdery state.
Powder application.
Pour ½ teaspoon of shell powder into a large spoon, extinguish with lemon juice, you can drink it with water. Accept it right away fish fat because calcium is absorbed only with vitamin D.

Recipe for Strengthening bone tissue Cinderella is based on the action of calcium citrate, which enters the human body through eggshells and lemon juice. The mechanism of absorption of citric calcium by the body is as follows: acid from lemon juice interacts with calcium salts eggshell.
I didn't call him "Cinderella" by chance. The cooking process is laborious and painstaking. As part of the recipe chicken eggs rustic ("from under the rooster") - not incubator and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
. Boil 10 fresh village eggs "hard boiled" and leave for a while - let them cool.
. Separate the protective film from the shell in the most thorough way with inner surface eggs.
. Dry the peeled shell - put it in a dark, well-ventilated place for 1-3 days.
. Grind the dried shell into small pieces with a porcelain pestle in a mortar or coffee grinder for household purposes.
. Sift the egg powder through a sieve to eliminate inclusions of shell fragments and inner film.
. Pour into a glass container, dark glass is better. Keep away from heat and direct sunlight.
. Squeeze lemon juice from 1 drop to 1 tsp.
. Pour into a teaspoon required amount egg powder and pour over lemon juice.
. Wait for the end of a violent foamy reaction in a spoon (egg powder will turn into a fluffy airy foam) and eat.
. The course is at least 2 months.
Children with pleasure and genuine interest watch the effervescent reaction of lemon juice and egg powder in a spoon - real magic. Therefore, to persuade a child to eat it, as a rule, is not difficult. And what a benefit! Calcium citrate, prepared according to the Cinderella recipe, prevents rickets in children, strengthens bones and dental tissues, increases immunity to influenza and resistance to different kind infections.
in detail
Strengthening the bone tissue of the skeleton and teeth is necessary not only for children, but also for adults at any age. Our body is so arranged that it is impossible to create calcium reserves - calcium needs to be replenished regularly. Especially in need of it:
. growing body of children
. women during pregnancy
. lactating women
. women during menopause hormonal adjustment organism
. men and women after injuries - fractures
. after and during chemotherapy courses
. to restore the structure of hair and nails
. older people - to prevent bone thinning
. people suffering from seizures.
It is important to calculate the daily dosage of lemon bio-calcium taking into account age:
. For children from six months to a year - 1/10 tsp. in a day
. For children from one to five years old - 1/5 tsp. in a day
. For children from five to seven years old - 1/3 tsp. in a day
. For children from seven years and above - 1/2 tsp. in a day
. For teenagers from 13 years old and adults - 1 tsp. in a day.
How to cook eggshell?
So let's use folk recipe at minimal cost: peel the shell of 2 eggs from the film, rinse thoroughly under running water cold water dry in the oven for a few minutes. Grind the shell in a mortar, extinguish a pinch of powder with a few drops of lemon juice, stir well and take a pinch once a day with meals. Calcium prepared in this way begins to be absorbed already in the mouth. It is necessary to store the shell in a dark glass container.
It's safe home remedy absolutely does not load our kidneys. It has been proven that eggshell calcium is not deposited in blood vessels but only in bones.
Eggshell is useful for children and adults with brittle nails and hair, bleeding gums, insomnia, hay fever, asthma, diathesis, removes radionuclides, improves immunity, etc.
WITH preventive purpose the shell must be consumed 2 times a year for 1.5-3 months to prevent diseases of the spine, osteoporosis and dental caries. Dosage from 1.5-9 g per day, depending on age.
Do not forget to eat foods rich in calcium: sesame and Sesame oil, dairy products, spinach, legumes.
Products containing both calcium and phosphorus - apples, green pea, wheat grains, cucumbers, cabbage, especially cauliflower, celery, lettuce, radishes, cottage cheese, white cheeses.
1. With inflammation of the pancreas, it is good to take 0.5 tsp on an empty stomach for 20 days. eggshell powder with a glass of a small amount lemon juice or water.
2. For the prevention of osteoporosis: grind 10 lemons together with the peel. Release the shell of 5 eggs from the film, dry for several minutes in the oven, grind into powder, preferably in a mortar. Mix this powder with lemons and leave for a week to completely dissolve the shell in a dark place. Take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day for a month. This treatment is carried out 2 times a year.
I wish you great health!

Anna Koroleva

Reading time: 17 minutes


The role of calcium in the human body can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to this element, we can boast of strong nails and teeth, beautiful hair. Calcium is involved in the formation of bones of the skeleton, normalizes the work of the heart and nervous system, lowers cholesterol, participates in the process of blood clotting, prevents inflammation endocrine glands and support the overall immune system.

Calcium deficiency in the body - symptoms and causes

A lack of calcium in the body can lead to serious problems with health. Unfortunately, to find its deficiency on initial stage difficult.

However, listening to yourself, you can notice the main symptoms of calcium deficiency:

  • Nails begin to break, hair falls out more than usual.
  • The fragility of the bones increases, frequent fractures are possible, the bones grow together slowly.
  • weakness and fast fatiguability become your constant companions.
  • You suffer from cramps in your legs, you constantly feel numbness in your fingers.
  • Suddenly you become weather dependent bad weather feel aching in the bones and chills.
  • Immunity is reduced, as a result - frequent colds and infectious diseases.
  • There is tachycardia.

The rate of calcium in the blood depends on age:

  • In an adult human - from 1.5 to 2.15 mmol/l;
  • For a child - 1.75 mmol/l.

Age also affects daily allowance calcium intake:

IN separate group includes pregnant and lactating women. This is due to the fact that they need to provide a trace element not only for themselves, but also for the baby. For expectant and nursing mothers, the daily dose of calcium can reach 2000 mg.

Causes of calcium deficiency are different character, key factors include:

  • food intake with low content calcium, starvation, unbalanced diet.
  • Smoking and excessive coffee indulgence - both cigarettes and coffee speed up the process of removing calcium from the body.
  • Low levels of vitamin D3 in the body, which promotes the absorption of calcium and maintains its concentration in the blood. Daily dose D3 for children and adults - 400-800 IU, for pregnant women - up to 1500 IU. Vitamin is found in most seafood: in the meat of cod, herring, halibut, salmon, red and black caviar. Mushrooms, chicken meat, and dairy products will also help fill the lack of vitamin D3.
  • An excess of substances that contribute to the active excretion of calcium from the body - magnesium, lead, iron, phosphorus, potassium and others.
  • Taking medications.
  • Excessive addiction to alcohol - it prevents the absorption of calcium by the body.

Also, do not forget that there are natural ways excretion of Ca from the body, for example, with urine. Therefore, in the case of the use of diuretics or laxatives, the volume of loss of the element will increase significantly. You can check the level of calcium in the body and take preventive measures in time through a blood test.

How to fill a calcium deficiency - foods and drinks that will help

  1. The most active excretion of calcium too salty foods, smoked meats, oatmeal in large volumes, alcohol, strong tea and coffee.
  2. The best conductor of calcium in our body is considered plant foods - in the first place in this list located soybeans, beans, lentils and green peas. The second position is deservedly occupied by animal products - eggs, fish and meat. In addition to calcium, this food is rich in protein, and fish serves as a source of phosphorus.
  3. Large amounts of calcium found in milk and dairy products. Surely, many still heard phrases like “drink milk, otherwise you won’t grow up” in childhood. And indeed, under these words there is a scientific justification.
  4. Fruits and vegetables also contain calcium. Let the element enter the body through such food in small doses, but stably.

Foods and drinks that will help fill calcium deficiency:

Product Ca content per 100 g of product (approximately in mg)*
Poppy 1438
Unpeeled sesame 975
chia 631
Flax seeds 255
Vegetables and greens
Dill 1516
Basil 177
Parsley 138
Broccoli 47
White cabbage 40
Lettuce leaves (lettuce) 36
Radish 34-35
Carrot 33-35
Cucumber 16
Potato 12
Tomato 10-14
Fruits/ dried fruits
Dried apricots 55
Raisin 50
Date fruit 34-64
Kiwi 34
Apricot 28
Citrus fruits (from grapefruit to kumquat) 22-62
Grape 14
A pineapple 13
Hard cheeses (especially Parmesan) 800-1200
Processed cheeses 600-700
cow's milk 125
Cottage cheese 100-150
Sour cream 90
Fish and seafood
canned sardines 380-420
Crabs 90-100
Shrimps 90-95
oysters 62-82
Carp 50
Rabbit 18
Chicken 14-28
Pork 4-14
Veal 6-12
Orange juice with powdered milk 200
Ryazhenka 124
low fat yogurt 110
Kumys 100-120

*According to USDA - Department of Agriculture USA.

What substances promote the absorption of calcium?

Effective absorption of calcium by the body is possible by combining the mineral with phosphorus, vitamins B9, C, D. Recall, to detect phosphorus in large quantities you can in fish, which is also rich in vitamin D3. Element B9 is present in parsley, lettuce, cabbage, mint and other greens. In addition to seafood, a successful combination of calcium with phosphorus and vitamin D3 is observed in seaweed and beef liver.

The harmonious combination of calcium and phosphorus differ White cabbage, wheat, green peas, cottage cheese, hard cheese, beans and beans. The substance carotene also positively affects the absorption of calcium.

You can also restore the balance of a microelement in the body by taking special vitamin complexes that are sold in pharmacies, but you should consult your doctor before buying!

calcium deficiency during pregnancy

With a lack of calcium in the body during pregnancy, most women face. The fact is that the fetus during development needs a large amount of the mineral, which leads to a lack of the element in future mother. Consequently - bad feeling And possible problems With intrauterine development baby.

It is possible to compensate for the calcium deficiency in the body of the expectant mother by following a diet in which foods containing the element will prevail. For example, 1 glass of milk, 50 g will help replenish the daily calcium intake. hard cheese and 200 g of cottage cheese. Another way is to take calcium tablets designed specifically for expectant mothers. And again, it is important to understand that such issues should be resolved only with your doctor!

Calcium deficiency in children during growth

The growing body of a child needs many minerals, and especially calcium.

Calcium is one of essential elements V human body, which affects the work of most vital important systems. Unfortunately, few people think about what an insufficient amount can lead to. The maximum that people can think about is that, due to the lack of this element, it is possible: brittle nails, dull hair, deterioration of the teeth and so on.

However, the consequences are much more serious. This, including a violation of the heart muscle. Or, for example, the deterioration of blood clotting. And this is just the beginning of the list. Therefore, it is extremely important to remember that calcium must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities.

Calcium deficiency symptoms

First of all, let's deal with the symptoms - how to understand that there is not enough calcium in the body? Here are the symptoms that indicate this problem:

  • state general fatigue body, lethargy, unwillingness to do anything, even fall asleep or wake up
  • unable to focus on what you are doing right now
  • deterioration of hair, teeth, nails, skin on the face
  • and joint pain
  • hemorrhages, hemorrhages
  • reduced immunity, all diseases are much more difficult to tolerate
  • tendency to allergic reactions rises sharply
  • growth disorders, frequent fractures (in more severe cases)

Therefore, if you notice at least one of these symptoms in yourself, this is an occasion to think about your health. After all, the deficiency of this mineral threatens you not only with deterioration appearance, but also serious violations in the work of the whole organism.

What causes calcium deficiency

The deterioration of the appearance is due to the fact that the body, feeling a calcium deficiency, for example, in the blood vessels, "takes" it from the hair or nails, thereby making up for the shortage. If external reserves are depleted, then the body takes the missing calcium from the bones, which are very rich in it. And this, in turn, becomes a much more serious problem than, for example, brittle nails or dull hair. The structure of the bones becomes porous, the bones themselves brittle. This leads to such a disease as. Basically, this disease is age-related. But due to a large lack of calcium, it can develop even in childhood or adolescence.

Calcium deficiency in the work of the heart muscle leads to even more serious consequences, and it can also greatly worsen blood clotting. In addition, a consequence of a lack of calcium can be:

  • arrhythmia
  • atherosclerosis
  • diabetes
  • arthritis
  • depression

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The greatest harm can be done children's body. Since during the period of growth and formation it is very important that all microelements, macroelements and vitamins are balanced and in sufficient quantities.

For the elderly, such a deficit can threaten not only frequent fractures, but also poor healing And difficult period recovery.

A special risk group is pregnant women. If there is not enough calcium in the body of a pregnant woman, then the fetus can develop with pathologies, and childbirth can go through with complications.

However, if you notice this problem in time, then replenishing calcium is not so difficult. There are several options:

  1. Drink a course of drugs recommended by your doctor and bought at a pharmacy.
  2. Increase the amount of consumption of products containing this element.
  3. Turn to traditional medicine, which in this case can really provide the necessary assistance.

First of all, you need to understand that a doctor's consultation is mandatory. After diagnosing and assessing the severity of your condition, the doctor will be able to prescribe the right course of treatment.

How to increase the amount of calcium in the body

If it is very large, then most likely you will be offered hospitalization. This is the only correct solution in this case. If everything is not so serious, then it will be possible to get by with a course of treatment with drugs containing calcium. In addition, a drug containing vitamin D is usually prescribed. The dosage is selected individually.

Without calcium, the human body cannot function normally. And this is a fact. This element forms the basis of bones and teeth, regulates the rhythm of heart contractions, reduces the pulse rate, and participates in the process of blood clotting. And its deficiency leads to diseases. About how to prevent serious consequences for health and compensate for the lack of calcium in the body, we will tell today in a new material.

Calcium is a vital trace element for the body.

About 99% of all calcium and 70-77% of phosphorus in our body are part of the skeleton. The human body contains from 1 to 2.2 kg of calcium and about 650 g of phosphorus.

The lack of calcium in the body is a very insidious phenomenon. The consequences of the lack of an element are at first glance imperceptible and do not become noticeable immediately, they can appear only after a long time.

anxiety symptoms

Tension, anxiety, irritability, fatigue– can also be caused by a lack of calcium.

Also, as a result, the elasticity of the skin decreases, it becomes dry and lifeless.

The condition of hair and nails worsens - they become brittle and dull. Enamel defects and caries are the clearest indication that calcium reserves should be replenished immediately.

But that's not all

The lack of Ca affects the muscles and contributes to the sensation of leakage, the development of spasms and seizures, involuntary trembling of the limbs (tremor), the occurrence of nocturnal muscle cramps.

What is the essence of the problem?

All the complexity low absorption of calcium. It is about 25-30%. In order for the body to “accept” calcium, it must enter the body in a decent “environment”.

Phosphorus, magnesium, strontium and vitamin D are responsible for the absorption and regulation of calcium, which comes not only with food, but is also produced in the body under the influence of sunlight.

A logical question: how to replenish calcium reserves?

And nature itself can help with this! It is impossible to compensate for calcium deficiency in the body only with the help of tablets. They can only improve calcium absorption. There are natural products in which calcium is accompanied by substances necessary for absorption. For example, these are milk and dairy products, fish, nuts.

This macronutrient is well processed from beans, peas, lentils, aromatic plants (parsley, dill, basil), onions, cabbage, pumpkin and wild rose, all kinds of nuts.

Do not forget that one of the important sources of a macronutrient is drinking water, with which comes up to 30% of soluble calcium salts!

List of useful

These foods are high in calcium, and many also contain magnesium and vitamin D:

  • tofu cheese;
  • white, red and other beans;
  • spinach;
  • rhubarb;
  • curly cabbage (grunkol);
  • Chinese cabbage (bok choy);
  • broccoli;
  • algae or seaweed;
  • pistachios;
  • sesame seeds;
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • dates;
  • canned fish (since they contain fish bones suitable for eating);
  • cilantro;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • oat groats;
  • lemon juice.

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