Why does a dog bite on the legs. What to do if a dog bites? How to wean a puppy from biting his legs and arms: training methods and preventive measures. Raising a pet during the game

Biting is a natural and indispensable behavior for growing puppies. Until now, among cynological "experts" there is an opinion that biting behavior should be punished.

This is the wrong decision, which in the end can lead to the fact that the dog never learns to control the force of the bite. And in a certain situation, it can strongly bite a person or another dog. This can be avoided by teaching your puppy to bite “softly” from early childhood.

Why does the puppy bite?

It's simple: this is how they get to know the world by the “tooth”, communicate with their brothers and sisters, relatives. This is their tactile and gustatory perception of the world, which contributes to the development of the child's brain.
For me personally, it’s not clear what kind of “wise guy” came up with the idea that you need to wean the puppy from biting once and for all - while hitting him on the muzzle or, even better, pressing the puppy’s tongue to the teeth or pinching it.

It turns out that if a human baby wants to touch his mother's body or clasp her finger in his fist, what do you need ..? Prick it with a needle or hit with a hammer on the fingers. Silly and absurd.

Yes, of course, puppy teeth are razor-sharp, and bites are extremely unpleasant and can even injure, cause serious wounds. Therefore, suppression of bite force or the so-called "soft" mouth should be taught to the puppy from a very early age.

Now it so happened that many breeders are trying to distribute puppies as early as possible. Apparently, they want to save on food and vaccinations, not realizing that it would be better for puppies to stay longer in the company of their mother, brothers and sisters. When puppies communicate with each other, they mostly do it with their mouths, biting each other. If one of them bites his “relative” painfully, then he signals this with a squeak or whimper, after which he licks the “wounds”. The bitten person realizes that he overdid it. And the next time he starts to control the pressure of his jaws. This is a great and natural biting school for puppies.

But we live in the real world, where a puppy usually appears in our family at the age of 1.5-2 months (plus more time for quarantine after vaccinations), deprived of the opportunity to learn to bite gently and communicate with his peers and relatives. Therefore, we, the members of his new family, should act as a moderator of the force of bites.

Teaching a soft mouth is, in my opinion, one of the most important steps in dog socialization. If your dog, even being poorly socialized, accidentally (from pain, an unexpected incident, etc.) bites a person / dog, then having the “soft bite” skill, it will at least not cause physical harm to the bitten.

How to wean a puppy from biting and grabbing?

Teaching a puppy to suppress biting is a two-step process.
The first is the suppression of the force of the bite, the second is the reduction in the frequency of bites.

1. Bite force suppression

Remember: no swearing or punishment from the puppy for biting you painfully. Just let him know that his bites hurt you. How to do it?! You can squeak, yelp, or "whoop" with high notes in your voice. Move away from him for a while to “lick his wounds”, you can ask the puppy to sit or lie down (a hand gesture is enough). Then continue the game.

If the puppy does not respond to your "hiccups" and continues to bite hard, then you can leave the puppy for 1-2 minutes by itself in the room. Give him a chance to think and calm down a bit. Do not overdo it with time, but when returning, talk to him affectionately and gently stroke him, thus showing that you are unhappy only with the strength of his bite, and not with his existence in general. Continue the game.

When you are playing and the puppy nibbles on your hand without causing any sharp pain, then it is time to completely get rid of even such “bites”. At the moment of "gnawing" your hand, react as if you are in great pain, exclaim something like: "Ah-oh ... little bully, it hurts me a lot!". The puppy will think: “Well, sissies, these people. You have to be very careful when you touch their skin." This is exactly what will happen if you engage in biting games regularly.

Important: you should not start learning such games when the puppy is extremely active and excited (usually in the evening). For training, choose those moments when the puppy is calm.

2.Reducing the frequency of bites

When the puppy has already learned to use his teeth carefully, it is important to teach him to stop biting the moment he is asked to do so.

In order to distract the puppy from biting and reward the correct behavior, you can use the “No” signal or ask the puppy to sit or lie down.

Let's look at how you can use the "No" signal.

Take the treat in your hand, hold it in front of the puppy and say "No". If the puppy doesn't take the treat within just one second, say "Take it" and reward the puppy for holding back. Gradually increase the pause between "No" and "Take" up to 2.3..20 or more seconds.

If the puppy is impatient and reaches for the treat, then clench your hand into a fist and start the countdown again, then the puppy will understand that he will be rewarded when he is calm and has waited a certain time. Also during this exercise, the puppy learns to take the treat from your hand gently, without snatching the treat too hastily.

When the puppy understands and reinforces the meaning of the “No” signal, you can use it when the puppy has grabbed something with its teeth (a valuable thing, a hand, etc.) and it needs to be released. Use a treat as a reward for the puppy letting go of the object and sitting down after you told him "No".

This exercise allows you to train your puppy to stop biting when you need it. But this does not mean that the puppy should not bite at all. On the contrary, the best reward for non-biting behavior will be the opportunity to continue biting some object or your hands.

When you've made the decision to end play training, tell your puppy "No" or "Everything" (if he knows this signal) and treat him to a delicious bone or kong stuffed with treats. This will allow the puppy to relax, unwind after a training session. Remember that puppies are still very small to absorb a lot of information efficiently, so don't overwhelm them with long sessions and watch for the stress signals your student is showing.

By combining these two points - biting force suppression and biting frequency - you will be able to teach your puppy a "soft" mouth, which will avoid possible injuries and troubles with people and the puppy will be able to communicate delicately with his relatives. After all, most of the communication between puppies (and adult dogs) involves mutual biting, but none of the participants in the game is injured.

When a person first acquires a puppy, he does not attach importance to the fact that the baby gnaws at his hand or grabs his shoes or clothes in a funny way. The baby gets angry and attacks in a funny way, and at first it is funny and cute.

But when the puppy grows up, the teeth become sharper, and the owner begins to punish the baby. How to wean a puppy from biting without losing his confidence?

Why does the puppy bite

Puppy uses teeth to play with other animals

Just like children, puppies learn critical skills through play: Babies are less than a month old when they start fighting each other. At the same time, bites, ferocious growls and even barks are used. After the puppy is weaned from its mother and littermates, it continues to grow and train its wrestling skills at the first suitable facility.

The kid can attack any moving object, be it a ball, a plush rabbit or the owner's slippers. Up to two months, the puppy hones his attacking skills in the hands of the owner, but very soon his teeth become very sharp, and his jaws are getting stronger. Many puppies bite for a simple reason: they are growing.

Rules of conduct during the game:

  • If a small one, that is, a one-month-old puppy, bites, then you just need to distract him with any toy.
  • If the baby is used to playing with the hands of the owner, then instead of them you need to slip him toys or old rags.
  • With the manifestation of perseverance, the puppy must be punished.

How to wean a puppy from biting

The toy in the owner’s hand is used as a “victim”

Bringing home a small plush ball, the owner must understand that an animal will grow out of it, which will be with him for at least ten years: this is usually a dog. That is why those habits that can annoy a person during this period should not be encouraged.

You can't play with your puppy. If he strives to bite, then you need to lightly slap him in the face, saying menacingly “fu!”. Usually the baby, having received a rebuff, does not get upset, but cheerfully runs away to another toy.

It is necessary to strive to wean a puppy from biting at an early age, before the change of teeth, without injuring the pet, but distracting it.

  • If the puppy runs after his feet, trying to bite on slippers or socks, then you should not scold or beat the baby for this. You can simply distract the bully by throwing a toy in front of his face or giving an old sweater to be torn to pieces. Contrary to popular belief that the dog will then begin to tear everything in a row, this does not happen. Puppies know their toys very well.
  • Owners love to piss off their pets while they're still little, because it's fun to watch the little one get angry by attacking their hand. But this game has a downside: the owner's hands should carry only positive emotions, and cause unchanging respect from the dog. Playing with hands and allowing to take the brush in the mouth and chew it, belittle the owner's power and give the animal the illusion of permissiveness.
  • If the puppy decided to snap back, violently attacks the owner, then you should take him by the scruff of the neck and pat him a little. This technique is used by the mother of the babies if they start to get impudent, so all the puppies immediately understand that it is impossible to joke with a person who is so strong.

This technique is effective in training dogs and helps to wean a puppy from biting as long as the owner can pick up his pet.

Biting while playing

Do not allow a puppy to show
aggression in the game

You can and should play with a puppy - this brings up in him a sense of affection and love for the owner. But, if a puppy that is quiet the rest of the time, bites during the game, becoming ferocious and wanting to tear the owner to pieces, then you must immediately stop the fun. The dog must know that you should never bite the owner.

The same should be done if an older puppy bites while playing catch-up with the owner. It can be biting on the legs or arms while running, jumping on a person and the desire to grab his face. Such games must also be immediately ended, the bully must be scolded and such fun stopped for a while.

If a puppy runs after a person with a loud growl during the game, he should be punished immediately. A grown puppy, attacking the owner during the game, demonstrates his superiority over him, this should not be allowed. You should immediately stop the game by taking the puppy on a leash and straightening it.

How to deal with an aggressive or naughty puppy without harming him or losing his trust is shown in the video tutorial. An experienced trainer simply and clearly demonstrates the process of weaning a puppy from the habit of biting.

No matter how much we love dogs, they have natural instincts that create certain problems. Nature rewarded these animals with sharp claws and teeth. Sometimes they cause us concern if the dog regularly bites on the arms and legs. While the puppy is still small, it can seem cute and funny. But when an adult animal has this habit, it is already fraught with wounds and pain.

It is necessary to wean the dog from the habit of biting. The sooner this is done, the better. The main thing in the process of re-education is not to lose the trust of the pet. Correcting a dog's behavior requires patience and self-discipline.

Reasons for pet misbehavior

To deal with an existing problem, you must first find out its causes. Biting is a natural reflex of dogs. As a rule, aggressiveness is manifested under the action of some kind of stimulus. It is an expression of the animal's emotions. But when it rushes at people, it can happen for several reasons.

Young age

For small puppies to grab toys with their teeth, other items are considered normal. Especially when teeth are being cut, the dog wants to gnaw everything. With his peers, the puppy plays in this way. It is not surprising that he also begins to bite the owner, as if communicating with him. But you should not let your pet play with arms and legs, wean them from it.

Bad Education

If the habit of biting remains in an adult, these are educational errors or lack of training. This is how dogs can behave in which there is a lack of communication, they spend a lot of time in an aviary or on a chain. You can't let the situation take its course. And an adult dog with the right approach can be weaned from a bad habit.

genetic predisposition

In some dog breeds, aggressive behavior is inherent in nature, which can manifest itself in different ways. It is better to train such pets with experienced dog handlers. Service and hunting dogs can bite - dobermans, huskies, rottweilers, breeds with a high degree of excitability - dachshunds, russells.

With some breeds, such difficulties arise extremely rarely due to their good disposition:

  • beagle;
  • bobtail;
  • Border Collie.

How to wean a puppy from biting

You need to understand that an adult dog will grow out of any puppy. And if he bites the hands and feet of the owner, you need to wean him from this as soon as possible, preferably before the change of teeth.

Rules of behavior

Animals should not be allowed to play with their hands. If he tries to bite them, it is necessary to say “no” or “fu” in an imperative voice. You can slap lightly on the muzzle with a newspaper. But this is fraught with the fact that in the future the dog will be afraid of any swings.

If the puppy runs after his feet, trying to grab his slippers, you don’t need to scold him for it. It is better to distract him with some kind of toy or an old rag. The opinion that the dog will then lie to all things in a row is erroneous. He knows where his toys are.

If the puppy bites his hand, you need to open his jaws and slip the ball. Stroke your pet with your hand. He must understand that the owner's hands are needed for affection, they cannot be bitten.

But if he still does not leave his habit, you need to stop playing with him, go to another room, ignore the puppy. He must remember that after a bite, the owner will always stop playing with him. If the puppy does not obey, you can gently take him by the scruff of the neck and press him to the floor.

Teaching a puppy to human dominance

From childhood, the dog must get used to the fact that the owner of the house is in charge, and she is a friend, subordinate to his will. The owner can show his dominance while eating. First the owner eats, then the puppy. You can take a piece of food from the pet's bowl. He can growl, show aggression. But he must learn that it is the owner who feeds him, and he is the leader.

On a note! A puppy should have its own territory from the very beginning. The master's bed is the place of the leader, you can't climb into it. Otherwise, it will be regarded as the seizure of territory and subsequent domination.

How to wean an adult dog from biting

It will be more difficult to deal with an adult dog. If he bites even while playing, this is a serious problem. It is possible to re-educate an already formed dog only partially. He, like a man in adulthood, hardly changes his habits. Psychological characteristics in dogs are laid up to a year.

You need to start getting rid of a bad habit with basic training. Dog aggression in response to some action speaks of its dominant behavior. It takes a lot of effort to become an authority for an animal. It is better to seek help from a cynologist. But if this is not possible, it is necessary to change the manner of communication with the dog. She must understand that she is not in charge of the house. She should have her own place to rest and this is not the owner's bed. The dog is a pack animal. And it is important for her to understand who is the leader in this pack.

It is best to avoid games in which the animal might bite, even by accident. If this happens, you just need to carefully open your mouth, free your arm or leg. Pretend to cry, squeal, that is, indicate that it hurts. Then go to another room. The pet will understand that he caused trouble to the owner.

Prohibited actions

Any dog ​​obedience should be rewarded with a favorite treat. Verbal praise is also important. As for punishments, during the educational process it is impossible:

  • hit the animal in the face, it becomes intimidated or even more aggressive;
  • deprive the dog of food and water;
  • close in dark rooms;
  • shout out loud.

You can hit the animal only lightly with the palm of your hand. You should not be afraid to punish the dog, but you need to do it correctly. Using permitted methods of reward and punishment, you can wean a pet from biting the hands and feet of the owner.

The educational process of a dog should begin at an early age. The owner requires an understanding of the psychology of the animal, patience, perseverance. If a pet bites the owner's arms or legs, it is necessary to wean him from this habit, for whatever reason he does not do it.

How to wean a puppy and an adult dog from biting? More helpful tips in the following video:

Dogs remain popular pets. Cats create competition, but statistically people are more likely to choose dogs. Lovely animals are extremely loyal and reliable, which can not be said about most freedom-loving cats. Pros and cons can be found in the content of both participants in the comparison. People who get a dog are trying to stop the animal from biting. The difficulty is close to thousands of families, but not all dog breeders are able to solve it. Most dogs are prone to uncontrolled anger and aggression, often due to a complex character or genetic predisposition. Dogs of fighting breeds have a hard time restraining aggression. Dogs require thoughtful and regular education, you have to turn to a professional dog handler.

It happens that good-natured pets bite the owner and family members during the game, doing it unconsciously. Let the bites not carry an aggressive connotation, the owner should think about strict upbringing. The dog is able to hurt an adult and a small child by accidentally biting. Many people experience bites while playing.

Puppies that fail to catch even “thick-skinned” people try to bite others, dogs can not wait to test their own fangs for strength. This is the main reason why a dog is brought up from an early age. Don't expect instant success. All breeds show features. A dog with a developed intellect is able to understand the requirements of the owner and fulfill them from two or three attempts, but not all breeds are smart. It takes more time to educate.

Preventive measures

When trying to wean a dog from biting, apply a number of presented rules. A simple list will be a preventive measure for a growing puppy.

  • The pet should not be allowed to play with the owner's items: clothing items and just personal items. If the puppy grabs his arm, sleeve, trouser leg during the game, stop the game and get out of the dog's field of vision. An indicative gesture is enough for intellectually developed breeds to stop biting. Just enough to freeze. The dog will get bored, calm down and loosen his grip.
  • The pet must clearly understand where its place is, even if it is arranged in the form of an ordinary bedding lying in the corridor of an apartment or in the corner of a room. It is advisable to take a place for the dog in the hallway or hallway of the house. For a large animal kept in a private house, purchase an aviary or booth. A biting dog must be sent back in a harsh tone, interrupting the game.
  • A puppy is like a child. He needs toys that can get rid of the bites of the owner and the surrounding furniture. If your dog starts biting, slowly open your jaw and point to the toy. With a gesture, the owner means that the dog should only chew on a toy.

These preventive measures are not a panacea. Change them to the requirements of individual breeds that require a tough approach. This applies to the mentioned fighting breeds. Without proper upbringing, lovely creatures become dangerous for the owner's family and society. If the dog has never bitten before, but started doing it for no reason, then the root lies deeper. A possible reason is a response to the physical strength that the owner showed to the dog.

Methods of influence on the dog

It is more difficult to wean an adult dog from biting. Not all dog breeders raise a growing puppy correctly. An adult dog bites while playing, and this is already a serious obstacle. Here are the rules to follow:

  1. Avoid games during which the dog may bite.
  2. If the dog grabbed the person in a fit of playfulness, gently open the jaws. No physical punishment towards the animal!
  3. A pet, as a rule, treats the owner's family with respect and sincere love. Point out what hurts. Squeal when bitten by a dog and pretend to cry. Next, get up and walk away from the animal. The method is effective for the re-education of the dog. The beast understands that it hurt the authoritative and beloved owner.
  4. The animal sometimes does not perceive the owner as a leader. This gap in education is extremely common. Serious training will be required, the dog will understand that the main one is a person. Otherwise, the pet will get used to biting regularly both in the game and for no reason. It is important to resolve the issue of dominance upon detection, and if necessary, contact the dog handler.
  5. They say that a barking dog does not bite, but in practice this aspect depends on the age, breed and sex of the dog. If the growing puppy began to bark and bare his teeth, press the culprit to the floor with his muzzle, calming the dog's ardor. You should look the puppy intently and menacingly into the eyes, confirming that the person dominates.

An adult dog can be changed, but only in part. An adult animal, like a man in adulthood, is difficult to re-educate. The psychological foundations of a dog are laid up to a year. It is supposed to make every effort to gain authority in the eyes of a small pet. The theme of dominance is the main one in education. If the dog does not respect and does not consider the owner an authority, its behavior will become simply unpredictable.

Compliant breeds

To the question why dogs bite, there is a definite answer: insufficient education. Filling the gap can be difficult due to the low intelligence of a particular breed or age. We note the breeds of dogs, the maintenance of which rarely causes these difficulties.

  • Border Collie. The most intelligent dog in the world, distinguished by a good disposition and extreme intelligence.
  • Beagle. Puppies are active and restless, their endless kindness delights many. Smart, reserved and proud dogs who understand who is in charge.
  • Bobtail. A huge ball of wool is able to deliver a lot of fun from the game to adults and small children. Patiently ready to ride on the back of the kids, not reacting to restless movements. Kind, lazy and docile beast.
  • The Golden Retriever is one of the kindest in the world. The animal is able to act as a nanny without prior training.

These breeds are most sensitive to dominance. They are restrained in their actions and carefully analyze. To cause the four listed dogs to bark, you will have to seriously try. Dogs will not make noise idle, much less bite.

Before purchasing a puppy, you need to find out which dogs do not bite. Especially the warning applies to families with children, it is necessary to protect the kids in advance from the attacks of an aggressive pet.

Confused about what to do with a biting dog, it is possible to turn to cynologists who will indicate the main training methods recommended for execution.

Correcting the behavior of a dog requires patience, observation and consistency of actions from the owner. The pet does not bite just like that, it is a reaction to an irritant, an expression of emotion. For a four-legged friend to be manageable, it is important to teach him to control himself. Let's look at the problem of "biting" in two directions: a young and an adult animal.


There may be several reasons.

First, he is still learning to live. And while he does not know what hurts, he does not know how to control the force of jaw compression. If you watch the wrestling puppies, you will notice that in the process of fussing they bite each other, and if they get carried away, then the “victim” voice shows where to stop. When you play with a puppy and he bites you hard, let him know that he hurt you.

You can come up with a special exclamation, for example, “Ai!”, After which you immediately stop the game. The sequence "command - cessation of communication" will lead to the fact that he will gradually learn to control his forces.

As a rule, several such repetitions are enough for the baby to understand that he needs it.

Secondly, the teeth are changing. During this period, the puppy constantly wants to chew something, massage and scratch the aching gums. Make sure that he has rubber toys, gelatin bones or natural large mosses nearby. An ordinary raw carrot can serve as an excellent toy: both a delicacy and a means for loosening milk teeth.

If he missed a moment and bit his hand painfully during the game, do not scold him. Stop it, and then gently rub your finger on his gums while talking to him gently.

Thirdly, the “complex” character: harmfulness, hyperactivity, willfulness.

Here, the situation cannot be corrected by stopping the game, and it is required to follow a number of recommendations aimed at prohibiting and switching the attention of the pet.

  1. Stop playing.
  2. Does the puppy continue to play and try to grab clothes or shoes? Freeze (the movement of the dog is perceived as a continuation of the game) and give a forbidding command, for example, “Fu”, “No”, “No”.
  3. Offer the baby a replacement for your trouser leg or sleeve: gently unhook your teeth and give a toy. Do not talk, do not scratch or stroke him - he must learn that the world consists not only of prohibitions, and all things are divided into two types: those that can be bitten and gnaw, and those with whom it is undesirable to treat so.

Have you tried everything without success? Learn how to do it right and get rid of problems!

The signs of estrus in a dog are described in detail.

adult dog

If we are talking about a healthy animal, then most likely the problem is dominance.

Unfortunately, many owners do not pay attention to such alarming “calls” as grabbing hands and feet when you pass by, “marking” on your shoes, refusing to give the owner a tasty bone on the “Give” command, growling when approaching to the place where there is a dog bowl, etc.

A bite is the peak of the situation. The dog deliberately goes to hurt, "put in place", as it seems to her, to show who is in charge here.

What to do

The dog perceives the family in which he lives as a pack. We can often, without realizing it, lose our leadership position if we treat it like a child, try to please, hesitate to use forbidding commands, or pronounce them in an uncertain tone.

It must be remembered that we are talking about a pack animal. It always observes a person, reads sign language, captures intonations and mood. And if his actions are not similar to the behavior of the leader of the pack, the dog will try to take a vacant place.

  1. Treat your pet like a dog, not like an equal person. Always remember that in the family hierarchy, she is at the very bottom. It won't stop you from loving him.
  2. Feel free to say prohibition commands if you don't like an action. Do not shout, do not hit, but say in a firm voice "Fu", "No", "No".
  3. Apply commands for endurance and achieve their strict implementation. Be sure to encourage the animal.

If the dog bites, observe its behavior and control your actions. Patience and understanding of the motives of actions will help to correct the situation. Be a loving, but tough and demanding owner, and the wicked one will become a devoted and reliable friend.

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    Today, April 23, 2015 at 6-30 in the morning, I was grabbed by the left hand and bit through it. I listened to a lecture on the radio about the aggression of PEOPLE towards unfamiliar dogs, and therefore, when I saw a sitting dog, I pressed my left hand to my hip, fixed my right hand with a purse in a fixed position, continued to move .... but the result is deplorable - medicines, dressings, injections and it is not known when the hand will heal. The owner let the dog go for a walk for the morning toilet, though without a muzzle. And what to do now, in Yaroslavl we have not yet adopted a law on walking pets and there are no claims against the owner / the owner was not around /. Elena

    • Elena, firstly, accept sympathy for what happened. I beg you to listen to my commentary and, even if it seems absurd or stupid to you, just let it be stored in your memory. What happened to you is the dog's owner's fault, that's a fact (simply because he left her unattended). However, I'm 90% sure that none of this would have happened if you hadn't listened to "dog attack lectures" on the radio. Most likely, your fear provoked the dog to attack you. Why do I think so in absentia? Because the "wolfhound" (Central Asian shepherd dog? Caucasian?) bit you only once. It is common for such breeds to fall to the ground and, having piled on, deal with the enemy in this way. It didn't happen - because it only happens in scary stories and on training grounds.
      I assume the following happened. Your fear - and only he - provoked the dog to bite. You behaved inadequately from her point of view, so the dog chose to express his excitement about your inadequacy in this way (what is normal for people looks crazy in the eyes of animals). But again, the owner is to blame, who allowed his pet with an unbalanced psyche to walk alone.
      For the future - two tips, both equally important:
      Do not watch TV, do not listen to "informative lectures" of this kind. All these horror stories are stored in the subconscious as propaganda of violence and fear. Seriously. Hence the conclusion: if you want you not to have problems with dogs, stop thinking that they will attack you and be afraid of them. They do not "feel" fear on an unknown subconscious level, as they say, they SEE your fear with the help of their eyes, nose and ears 🙂
      We saw a dog - your task is to relax. Breathe deeply, calm your heart, there should be no stiffness in the body. Don't look the dog in the eye.
      And, I will tell you the most important thing: the worst thing that can happen in the life of you and your family is if you pass on your fear to children (willingly or unwittingly, children are excellent observers).
      Wish you all the best!

  1. Good afternoon! Maybe I'm posting in the wrong forum, but I have a serious problem with one of my two dogs at home. Yorkies, 9 and 8 years old. In March, the eldest underwent a complex operation, where I almost lost her, they cut out neoplasms of the mammary glands, but it turned out that the blood was not coagulating and they did a transfusion, what I'm talking about, after she spent 5 days in the clinic, before she had never been left without us. And then ... I gave, so many manipulations, pain, antibiotics, but also vrchi over her with the nurses day and night. When I took her home, she practically lived in her arms for a month, ate from her hands, new toys, constant kisses, even the younger dog had less attention, but the younger one was not offended, but on the contrary she was next to the older one (she was afraid that they would take it away again). Only after 1.5 months she recovered, the scar healed, and her behavior became unbearable. Onoa drives me out of bed, sister, growls, rushes, if I want to make the bed, barks until hoarse, and this horror grins. A false pregnancy appeared, they drank galastop, but she continues to hide in a pillow and protect imaginary puppies, a pillow, hates everyone, eats well, but sucks (I need to give antibiotics, but you can’t on an empty stomach). Walks hunched over and quickly quickly, to the toilet or water and back. Help what to do. On the one hand, she is already an adult, on the other, I feel guilty that I underwent such an operation, and on the third, when I remember that I almost lost her, I myself begin to kiss her. Thanks and sorry for such a detailed post.

    and one more thing: everyone is sleeping, the apartment is quiet, it’s dark, and when she starts barking, growling, she puts the whole house on her ears and you can’t shut her up in any way. He sleeps exclusively in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head (earlier only in the legs), so he shoves and shoves with his paws, turns around and sleeps on his back, and his paws are on his head, on his face and she doesn’t care.

    • Hello, what you described is an old story. The owner who feels guilty towards the dog. And a pet that simply DOES NOT LIVE with such emotions, because it does not know how to experience them 🙂
      In your situation, a small dog suddenly has a significant increase in its social status (because one fine morning you suddenly recognized its absolute leadership, allowing you to behave differently). After all, she does not understand that you feel sorry for her because of her illness, she sees what is happening as something that has become the leader of the pack 🙂
      Well, it is logical that she strengthens her primacy every second: this is how dogs are arranged, they cannot live differently, it is in their nature.
      A dog does not know how to hate and harbor anger for a long time 🙂 She simply reacts to changes around.
      Here is where I elaborated on my opinion on the matter.
      Read this answer, and if you have any clarifying questions - ask them in that thread!

  2. I read the article on the link, watched the video - one to one. But the problem is that I started to be afraid of my own dog. She grabbed me, rushes. Today I will start to follow your advice - we'll see what happens. She doesn’t even put her father in authority - she can come up to him and sit on him. All this is said

  3. thanks for the advice. Three days have passed - our behavior is improving. I noticed that she was afraid to bite me. I, at my own peril and risk, started kissing her on her prr and grinning, she understood that I was not afraid of her and was also kissing me. We fall asleep now calmly, if I put my hand on it. Then she does not growl, but sleeps quietly. I’m afraid she’ll get used to it, but it’s not scary) she sleeps near my head, but the main thing is that she has a hand on her until she falls asleep)))))))))) and I also exhaust her with ball games in the evenings. that then it is even too lazy to growl and bark.

    Good afternoon! You have such detailed advice, maybe you can tell us how to be. We have a Welsh Corgi mix, male, 8 months old. at 3 months. On the street he behaved stiffly, whined, asked for his arms, sat still and did not want to go anywhere. Inexperience, we thought, maybe he was cold, it was January. but constantly running, he was not interested in toys or treats. On the street, he did not pay any attention to the dogs, if one of them tried to play with him, he ran away to the side, or hid behind the owner. On the May holidays they took him with them for city, there he walked all day with pleasure, ran after the ball. But, another problem arose - in the presence of the owner, he began to throw himself at neighbors, including children. on someone else's territory - the story repeated itself, when trying to stroke him, even bit him to calm down a few. It became dangerous to come to us, we had to close him in the room first. .By nature, very maned, inquisitive, loves to look for objects and bring them. In appearance, a cute, harmless dog becomes an uncontrollable monster when approached by strangers, and especially children. How to behave with him, can you tell me? Thank you!

  4. Good day! We have this problem: York is 2 years old, the dog has become aggressive towards all households. If she sleeps on the bed, she doesn’t pass by, she starts to bark angrily and pounce trying to bite, and she doesn’t touch those who are with her on the couch at the moment. And on the street, this is an ordinary little dog that is afraid of every rustle, and affectionate to all passers-by. What to do advise?

  5. A lot of kennels have now divorced with breeders who only need to make money, they knit sick dogs all the time, it’s especially scary when security guards are allowed to breed with genetic types of idiopathic aggression, mental illness and physiological - dysplasia, eyelid obstruction, internal anomalies, etc.
    In general, it’s terrible, okay, small dogs, but large ones? I am for the euthanasia of such dogs, if you do not give in to behavioral adjustment, then do not risk your life and the lives of those around you and always remember that a dog is not a person, and as they say, a dog’s place is just an animal, in natural conditions such anomalies are doomed to disappear .
    Previously, there was a very strict screening in breeding and breeding sub-breeding, but now everything is decided by money, making money in any way, and as a result, bitten people or even worse.
    Also there were no stray dogs before.
    If all else fails and the dog continues to bite and behave like a dog, the first is a hereditary, genetic disease - idiopathic aggression! Continuing for a long time, unrepairable, unmotivated and how to speak out of the blue dog aggression should make you think and take decisive action.
    Patience in such cases will definitely not lead to good ((((
    A lot of dogs now, both small and watchdogs, have just such a hereditary disease.

  6. I got a cocker spaniel not long ago, she is 1.5 years old, the dog is not bad, but there are small problems, firstly, when walking, she quickly pulls, starts to wheeze, even the poor woman is sometimes sorry, tried to put on another harness, started to growl, they took it off .at home friendly, playful, but if she did something, or she really liked something, she starts to growl, she can bite, fu commands, she practically doesn’t react, maybe where she was no one cared for her, it seems that everyone did as she wanted, thought to give it back, then changed their minds, thought we’d give it back, and then they give it to someone else and God forbid they mock her for disobedience. Maybe try to buy her a strict collar so that she pulls so hard when walking unless, of course, with her age and upbringing, something can work out. With respect ...

    Help me please. A year ago we adopted a Scotch Terrier, i.e. took him away from the previous owner, who was going to euthanize him. The dog was extremely neglected, when we arrived at the house, he lay in one corner for a month and went out from there only to walk or eat, he did not sniff the corners on the street. After a haircut, a lot of scars were found on his head and body. In addition to his appearance, he also had behavioral problems: he threw himself and hysteria at the sight of other dogs, bicycles, roller skaters. A year has passed, the behavior has changed slightly for the better, but he continues to throw himself on bicycles and bites everyone who tries to touch him. I don’t know what to do, he has already taken root with us and it would be a pity to put him to sleep

  7. Almost a month ago we adopted a Shih Tzu dog. She is 1 year and 3 months old. A week ago, the puppet dog began to show aggression towards me, not allowing me to comb or pick up. And today she bit me. It hurts to the point of bleeding. Now I'm reading on the Internet what to do. Recommend please. The dog does not touch the husband, purrs lovingly around him, but I get it (((

  8. Hello, I have a dog of the Shar Pei breed. She has been afraid of walking since childhood, shakes on the street, does all her business and goes home with a bullet. What we just didn’t do. , she starts to grin, growl and rush at me. As soon as I remove the leash, everything is fine, she loves everyone, wags her tail. She never shows aggression, but as soon as she walks, she is a completely different animal. he is friends with them, does not bite anyone. I don’t know what to do at all ...

  9. Hello, I have a dachshund dog, and she growls, bites. When guests arrive, he immediately chooses with whom to play and begins to bite the guests in a playful way for all places, and if he is strongly attracted, he climbs to mate (male). When I say fu, you can’t, no, he doesn’t obey. If you try to remove it from them, it can bite very hard. Barks and rushes if someone in the house starts to shout loudly or make quick hand gestures. The dog was pampered and not beaten, sleeps where he wants and also eats where he pleases. Is it possible to normalize the dog or is it too late? Dog year.

    Hello, I have a Yorkie for almost three months, a boy, he lives with us for a week and a half, the dog is good, he almost taught him to wear a diaper, I feed him by the hour, but he bites all the time, it’s impossible to stroke or caress him, and not only does he bite his hands, he jumps all the time and grabs his face .. how can I wean him? when I remove it and say no, it continues the same thing ..

    Good afternoon. My dog ​​is 6 months old. He bites my hands during the game, or on the street he gnaws on occasions, trying to take him away. I have bruises all over my hands, when I want to stop it, he pinches or bites my legs. Teams performs only at home, and with food. Perceives and fears only men at home. I have tried all the video tutorials. He considers himself dominant. What should I do? Thanks

    I have a 2 month old Airedale puppy and one problem is that he bites a lot. It is impossible to stroke, feed, or fasten/adjust the leash - he immediately digs into his hand and clenched his jaw. I thought that there were simply no toys, but when they got it, it still hurts me and the rest of the household. No stopping the game and leaving without attention does not help - he starts to gnaw on his feet / slippers / things that lie on the floor. When all the same you climb on the bed with your feet - from a rough game, he turns to aggression: growls, rushes onto the bed (he cannot climb because of his height). The daily war for leadership: who is more stubborn, who is stronger, who will do nasty things to each other more (I begin to scold or give commands in a strict voice, and he, in turn, bites and stubbornly refuses to obey). Please help with advice - he is still small, but I'm afraid to miss this moment when he grows up and even more fierce "battles" for dominance begin. I'm scared, help me.

  10. Hello, all dog lovers!) I have a toy terrier, a wonderful, beloved dog ... but .. He is 8 years old. It so happened that at first he lived in my sister's family, then in the family of our parents, and in the end, he has been living with us for 3 years, i.e. from 5 years old. Affectionate, wonderful, but sometimes a nightmare! I understand that the change of owners on the psyche of the dog is reflected capitally negatively. I try, educate, but it doesn't work. Accepts only her husband. Of course, he somehow loves me, rejoices, etc. (I feed him) :)) In general, the problem is, he bit me 3 times, and all because he came to our bed at night (categorically forbidden, comes when we sleep), I turned to my husband and he bit me, the last time he darted like a snake into the eye. Thank God, only the eyelid. I swear, my husband scolds him, but somehow there is no return. I'm not saying that he does his little things in the apartment periodically. Although, he is accustomed to walk, on the contrary, he does not want to, he hides when we take him outside. My sister also told me that when she took him away, that all the puppies followed the “mother” in a flock, and our Mavrik was sitting alone, she took pity on him, thought that they didn’t like him, that’s why she took him)) And he’s like that ... Not I know how to raise an adult dog, it doesn’t work for me, maybe someone can help with advice. Thank you) And thank you for listening) Health to you all and your pets)

    Good day to all! I have a problem - the kindest and most accommodating German shepherd, a girl, 5 years old, ran out of the site and bit a passerby, and at a distance from the house, in the village, the passerby just walked, did not show aggression. She bit and ran away. The issue was settled with the victim. But what about the dog? My grandson periodically comes, 4 years old, they always walk together, absolutely no problems. Is it dangerous for children? Can it somehow affect her?

    My dog ​​- a Pomeranian - is very affectionate, friendly to adults and children, does not bark at home, BUT on the street he rushes at all animals and dogs too, barks even with a scream-squeal, and if he manages to get close to the animal, he will definitely bite. .. I took him at the age of 3, now he is 4. From birth, he was brought up in a family where there was the same dog-male (his dad), they were good friends and lived together, and walked together, fasting always on a leash, and only in nature they were released. Now I can’t let go of the dog at all, he runs uncontrollably in all directions, does not pay attention to cars or anything ... I’m afraid that a larger animal will bite him to death if he starts attacking, and he always strives for this. In such situations, I take him in my arms and turn his muzzle to the other side, then he calms down a bit, but turns it around in all directions and looks for a victim. At such moments, he does not listen to any commands, his eyes run like crazy

    Good evening!
    Our dog (Pembroke Corgi) bit me. He treats my young man with respect, recognizes his authority. Mine doesn't at all. Even though I'm the only one who feeds him. I feed and pamper for the execution of commands (next, sit, lie down, give a paw, roll, bunny), for good behavior when walking, cutting claws, combing. Today I wanted him to go to the place (he has a fairly large aviary). I took a treat, I tell him "Place". He stayed where he was. I also took his chewing toy. I repeated the command. At this time, the young man went about his business. The dog came and sat next to him. I repeated the command. He began to snarl. I repeated the command came closer, he clanged his teeth. Bared his teeth. He didn't let me approach him. I moved closer. He bit me.
    What am I doing wrong. Why does my dog ​​hate me. This is not the first time he has bitten me. The first time he bit me when he decided to urinate at home (although he was recently accustomed to the street and in the toilet), I slapped him (quite lightly).
    Sometimes I'm sure he hates me. But on the other hand, he misses me when I'm gone. Always running to meet me. Just hugs me. When you are afraid of something.
    What I don't understand. How to earn his respect. How to make it clear that I'm the leader, not him?

    Hello. We have a 9-month-old puppy. We picked it up on the street, a mestizo dachshund and don’t know who) It looks like a smooth-haired fox terrier. plaid, and tramples with its paws (as cats do) We are very happy when we come home from work, dancing, screaming, trying to bite with joy and lick it. But recently I began to grab my bedding, chew and growl like a bear cub. strongly when I put on a leash, although he likes to walk. Thank you.

    Hello, I would like to ask for advice!
    Thank you all in advance.
    Toy Terrier, male, 5 years old.
    Well, frankly, an impudent muzzle) can bite any family member without a twinge of conscience, if he doesn’t like something, he doesn’t let the child (like a child, a guy of 15 years old closet) into the room, if he came before him, a wild hysteria begins, throws, bites. He knows the diaper, but maybe there are other spare places that he also visits every day. He doesn’t let people into the apartment, hysteria begins again. You can only cope with a treat, or a constant switch of attention to a toy. We were spoiled by understanding ourselves, but we want advice on how to reduce aggression, what methods to influence, how to accustom to a diaper (the street does not perceive in any way, refuses to go out, and if taken out, then it gets very upset and suffers with the toilet to the house).

    Hello. I have a 4.5 year old sharpei. since childhood, she was very pampered, gradually she began to bite. But not to blood, just bite or push with your nose, or show your teeth and growl. And recently (about 2 years) she gradually began to take leadership in the family, she bit everyone, moreover, throwing herself. till blood. Only I remained an authority for her. I took it awkwardly the other day when I was trying to wash my paws. She rushed at me sharply, biting me several times until I could hide behind the door. The dog is very capricious, since childhood she was afraid of everything, she is afraid to ride in a car, she is afraid of rain, it is impossible to force her! only by force, wrapped in a blanket, we can shove it into the same car ... We decided to give it to a cynologist with behavior correction for overexposure. But something else worries me - is it possible at such an age to change such a difficult character, because. we have a small child 2 years old and we are afraid that the dog might attack the child too!

    Hello! I have a chihuahua 5 years old, from the age of 2 he began to bite, and the owners and just almost all strangers ... I bathe him with difficulty, because when I want to pick him up he tries to bite ... he can still spin in place for a long time and bite your paws and growl, this is when they shouted at him or something is not according to him ... but in another, he executes all my commands, used to sleep in bed, but when I pointed to his place in a week I got used to it, so now, now we have a child in our family, 8 months already, and so the dog tried to bite the baby, when we stomped around the apartment, at first he growled, and then when I took the baby in my arms, I wanted to grab him, that he jumped up ... tell me what to do, we are thinking of giving the dog to relatives, because we are afraid that it will bite ... thanks for your attention;)

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