How to bring peace to the family if the dog does not sleep well. The "hang up" command: what to do if the puppy does not sleep at night

Dogs, like people, need sound uninterrupted sleep, which is necessary for health and mental activity. But most of the time, pets doze, controlling what is happening around, picking up all the sounds.

It is noteworthy that about 50% of the day the dog spends on sleep. About 30% of the time the animals are inactive, although they are awake. Only 20% of the day pets are active.

Sleep phases

After falling asleep (slow-wave sleep), the animal's body temperature drops, the heart rate decreases, the body is in a relaxed state, breathing becomes deep. At this stage, the animal can wake up from any rustle. This is followed by a phase of REM sleep, which lasts about 10-15 minutes. During this period, rapid eye movement is observed, the animal can move its legs, whine. Pets can snore in their sleep, sleep with their eyes open.

Do dogs dream

There are many differences between a dog and a human, but the similarity of the human and canine brains at the structural level has long been known. Animals are characterized by deep sleep, which is accompanied by rapid eye movement and intermittent breathing. It is in the stage of deep (REM) sleep that people dream, it can be assumed that dogs also dream. As proof of this, numerous examples can be given of how dogs in their sleep begin to move their legs, imitating running, whine, wag their tail. This fact is confirmed by scientists. Moreover, it turned out that representatives of small breeds dream more often than large animals, but sleep of large animals lasts longer.

Scientists, based on studies conducted to study the brain activity of dogs during sleep, concluded that pets dream of typical daily events - eating a piece of meat, chasing a cat, playing with the owner. It turned out that dreams are more often seen by puppies. It is assumed that this is due to the processing of a huge amount of newly acquired experience.

How much do dogs sleep

The amount of time spent sleeping depends on the age of the animal. So an adult dog sleeps from 12 to 16 hours a day. Puppies up to 12 weeks of age sleep about 18-20 hours a day.

Each animal has its own individual characteristics. If the dog sleeps less or more than the average, then do not worry about it. Various factors affect how long you sleep, including environmental conditions, gender, age, and breed. By the way, large breeds (St. Bernard, Newfoundland, Great Dane) sleep up to 18 hours a day. However, if there is a sudden change in the pet's habits, then this should not be left unattended. Perhaps the animal has hidden health problems.

Older pets over the age of 7 spend more time sleeping than younger ones. Elderly animals need rest due to their age, reduced physical and mental activity.

Animals do not adhere to a sleep schedule, and can fall into a nap at any time, especially after eating, walking. A bored pet will also spend time in a dream. Working animals tend to get used to an active lifestyle and may need less than 12 hours of sleep. Instincts will not allow the animal to sleep for a long time, for example, the border collie, due to its working natural qualities, is forced to wake up in order to perform the immediate duties of a shepherd dog.

Why does the dog not sleep

Nervous, susceptible individuals may experience restless sleep. If the pet sleeps less than the average norm, then you can move his sleeping place to a more secluded, secluded, calm place.

If the animal often wakes up at night and begins to behave actively, it may not be enough physical activity during the day. A similar problem is common in families where the pet sits alone at home all day, and the owner, tired after work, walks him in 10 minutes. It is known that a tired and well-fed dog sleeps long and soundly. Therefore, it is important to walk your pet for as long as possible before going to bed, physically loading him.

Animals have a keen sense of hearing and smell. It is likely that the pet is awakened by an unfamiliar smell or sound.

Stress affects sleep duration. Therefore, you need to find out the cause of stress, and then take the necessary measures to eliminate this cause. So, if the animal is in a new home, then you need to give him time to adapt.

You can't wake up your dog

True phrase: "Do not wake a sleeping dog!". After all, 60% of pet bites to children happen when children wake up an animal that is in REM sleep. The reaction of animals at this moment is comparable to the human one, when a person is disoriented from a sudden awakening and can hit the awakening person with his hand, fall out of bed, etc. Therefore, it is important to explain to children that it is impossible to wake a sleeping dog, to scare it.

When a baby moves from a familiar nursery to a new home, he is scared and lonely. Not surprisingly, most puppies stay up at night, whine, beg for attention, and look for their mom. Some, on the contrary, instantly fall asleep due to the stress experienced.

It is difficult to guess how your dog will behave, so we recommend picking up a puppy on Saturday so that after an expected sleepless night you will have the opportunity to rest.

Prepare your bed

It can be a box with high sides or a special basket for dogs. Make sure it's cozy enough, line the bottom with a soft cloth, and put a couple of toys inside. The kid should feel safe, but not be able to get out and go wandering around the apartment.

Survive the first night

Right now the puppy is completely confused and has not yet begun to get used to the new place. Some owners put the puppy box next to the bed and hang their hand down while whining to reassure and show that he is not alone.

Others place the box on the bed, wait for the puppy to fall asleep, and only then move it to the floor.

Both methods are good, but we do not recommend laying the puppy next to you without a box. Of course, this way he will fall asleep faster, but then it will be difficult, if not impossible, to wean him off. The dog simply does not understand why what was allowed yesterday suddenly became wrong today.

In addition, puppies of small breeds should not be taken to the bed at all until they learn to hop on their own. You won’t have time to look back, as the little rascal will fall to the floor, escaping, at best, with a new reason for stress.

Carry out preparatory work

If the dog does not play enough during the day, he will not be able to sleep at night because of the desire to run and excess energy. Therefore, be sure to play with the baby at home, and if he already goes to the toilet outside, then for a walk. The sleep of a tired dog is strong and serene.

Feed your puppy shortly before bed, but not right before going to bed. Meat or dry food is optimal, but not liquid or vegetable, causing additional urge to go to the toilet.

Take your puppy for a walk or make sure he goes to a diaper if it's too early to go outside.

Remember: games first, then dinner and a walk, and only then sleep.

Do not respond to provocations

Yes, you are very sorry for the baby. He is so tiny, and helpless, and whines so sadly that you want to quit everything, turn on the light and take him in your arms.

You will do it today. And tomorrow. And then you have to suffer for the rest of your dog's life. How to explain to a puppy that yesterday you could mess with him, but today you can’t? As cruel as it sounds, ignore the dog, and over time, he will become bored and will have no choice but to just fall asleep.

Decide on a team

Say "place" every time you box your puppy. Some owners manage to teach him the “sleep” command, which means that the games are over and, whether you like it or not, you have to go to bed. Will you try?

Each puppy adapts in its own way, this is a matter of character and temperament, not breed. It depends on your actions how quickly he will get used to it and begin to feel comfortable even at night. Maybe you know some secrets for accustoming a dog to sleep at night?


Babies who have recently changed the situation are unfamiliar and scared. They are afraid of new smells, objects, sounds, so they cannot fall asleep, even if they want to sleep. The puppy needs to be calmed - gently pet him, talk to him consolingly. But don't put him to sleep next to you on the bed. So, of course, he will calm down faster, but in a dream he may fall. In addition, when the pet grows up, it will be more difficult to wean him to sleep on your couch. Therefore, do not even make exceptions: any prohibition is calculated. The dog will not be able to understand, sometimes you can sleep on the bed, and sometimes not.

First of all, give him a separate bed. It is better to adapt the box for this by putting a litter in it. Or buy a special booth for. Put it next to yours to feel secure. You can first put it right on the bed, and when he falls asleep, rearrange it on the floor. Gradually he will get used to his place and will return there to sleep.

Puppies usually sleep about 18 hours a night. So that the dog can sleep at night, do not let him sleep for a long time during the day, wake him up more often, often walk during the day, play with him in the evening, go for long walks. Entertain, and before going to bed, feed meat. A tired baby will sleep soundly at night.

If your puppy can't get used to sleeping alone, hang your hand off the bed and place it next to him. The feeling of closeness of the owner will calm him down and let him fall asleep. Put your favorite toy on the bed or pour warm water into a plastic bottle wrapped in a soft or terry towel. The puppy remembers his mother's warmth and will sleep better. Water can be changed as it cools. If at night the dog wakes up and plays, do not support him, drive him away from you. Soon she will get bored and fall asleep.

The duration of a dog's sleep is influenced primarily by the breed. Service shepherds, rottweilers and dobermans can get by with 8-10 hours of rest per day. Approximately the same duration is observed in active pets.

Huskies, Jack Russell Terriers, representatives of some hunting breeds have short sleep hours that alternate with active wakefulness. Large breeds such as St. Bernards, Bullmastiffs, Newfoundlands rest up to 14-16 hours a day.

Most often, the problem of sleep occurs in puppies. They are very worried about separation from their mother, their brothers and sisters and arrange nightly "concerts" in the new house. It passes quickly.

Main Causes of Sleep Disorders in Adult Dogs
jet lag

In summer, animals can experience a significant shortening of the sleep stage, which is associated with an increase in the length of daylight hours.

Also, if the owner, for example, returns home late, then this can shift the dog's biological clock, and she will sleep less.

Emotional overstrain

The main reason is stress. Prolonged mental stress during a change of residence, the death of an owner or a family member can permanently deprive an emotional pet of rest.

Nervous and susceptible individuals may suffer from insomnia, feeling a sense of fear, panic, longing. New smells and even an unfamiliar place can cause anxiety and lead to insomnia.

Wrong daily routine If outdoor walks are reduced to 10 minutes or less, sooner or later this can lead to a reduction in sleep.

The wrong place to stay

If the bed is located in a noisy place, the animal may experience discomfort near the heaters and often wake up.

If the dog also wakes up the owner, the reason may be some need, for example, if the dog is hungry or they forgot to put a bowl of clean water. In this case, the owner should eliminate the cause of the animal's insomnia and give the command "Place!".

Often, an impulsive, ill-mannered animal can wake up household members. One has only to act illiterately once - petting and playing with a dog at night, and such behavior will become regular.

The reason that the dog does not sleep well at night and asks to go outside may be a chronic disease: indigestion, for example, or problems with the excretory system. Pain, discomfort, malfunctions of the body systems can disturb the pet. A comprehensive examination in a veterinary clinic will help determine the cause of insomnia in a four-legged friend.

The easiest way to start is by choosing the right place for your dog to rest. A furry family member should have a designated place to rest. Many owners of decorative dogs are mistaken, allowing their friends to rest in the master's bed or on the couch.

Rules for choosing a place to sleep a dog:

  • Do not place a bed in a walk-through room or a noisy room. The sensitive hearing and sense of smell of a dog will force it to wake up from the slightest rustle.
  • The location should have been away from drafts, dampness and direct sunlight.
  • Avoid proximity to heating appliances. Dogs do not tolerate heat well, their sleep will become shorter.
  • The best place for a fluffy pet to sleep is in a separate room or a far corner of the room. Do not place a rug or bed in the owner's bedroom.
  • The size of the soft litter should correspond to the dimensions of the animal. A shaggy dog ​​with a thick undercoat often ignores warm bedding and prefers to sleep on bare floors. It is worth choosing a special bed with cooling.

How to choose a bed for a dog, see this video:

To accustom a dog to a place, first of all, you should take a closer look at what place the dog chose himself to rest. If it corresponds to the ideas of convenience and rationality, then the couch can be placed there.

Reception will help: after the dog has eaten, it must be called to the mat, give the command “Place!” and serve treats. The worn item of the owner, laid next to it, will also help. The familiar smell will calm the animal and teach the dog to sleep on the couch.

Ways to establish biorhythms in a dog:

  • Accurately follow the daily routine. Feed, walk and walk the dog at a strictly defined time. After 1-2 weeks of this regimen, the dog's biological clock will be restored.
  • Walks in the evening should be longer. In the beginning, active games and exercises should be included. 10-15 minutes before returning home, the animal should be taken on a leash and walked with him at a calm pace.
  • In the evening, it is necessary to stop the active actions of the pet. The animal should be calmed and sent to a place of rest, treated with a treat.

Read more in our article on why a dog sleeps poorly.

Read in this article

What is the reason if the dog does not sleep well

Pets spend almost half of their lives in the kingdom of Morpheus. The duration of sleep is influenced primarily by the breed of the dog. So, service shepherds, rottweilers and dobermans can get by with 8-10 hours of sleep per day. Approximately the same duration of rest is observed in active pets.

Huskies, Jack Russell Terriers, representatives of some hunting breeds have short sleep hours that alternate with active wakefulness. Large breeds such as St. Bernards, Bullmastiffs, Newfoundlands are not averse to sleeping longer, up to 14-16 hours a day.

As a rule, the owner faces the problem of sleep disturbance in a four-legged family member if a small puppy has appeared in the house. Young animals are often very worried about separation from their mother, their brothers and sisters and arrange nightly "concerts" in the new house, not wanting to rest. However, a situation often arises when an adult dog does not sleep well and interferes with household members.

The causes of sleep disturbance in animals experienced dog breeders and veterinarians include:

  • jet lag. The body of a dog obeys subtle biological laws. In this regard, during the summer period, animals may experience a significant shortening of the sleep stage, which is associated with an increase in the length of daylight hours. Often a pet lives according to the household schedule. If the owner, for example, returns home late, then this can shift the dog's biological clock, and he will sleep less.
  • Emotional overstrain. Stress affects the duration of sleep in the most negative way. Protracted mental stress during a change of residence, the death of an owner or a family member can permanently deprive an emotional pet of a good rest.
  • Sleep disturbance is often observed in nervous and susceptible individuals. Such pets can suffer from insomnia, feeling a sense of fear, panic, longing. New smells, an unfamiliar place can cause anxiety in the animal and lead to insomnia.
  • Often leads to sleep disturbance in a four-legged friend wrong daily routine. If the dog is not often outdoors, walking on the street is reduced to a 10-minute walk, then sooner or later this can lead to a reduction in the duration of rest.
  • The cause of a pet's restless sleep is sometimes the wrong place to sleep a dog. If the bed is located in a noisy place, the animal may experience discomfort near the heaters and often wake up.

If it wakes up the owner

Often, four-legged pets not only stay awake at night, but also wake up household members. The reason for this behavior may be some kind of need, for example, if the dog is hungry or they forgot to put a bowl of clean water for him. In this case, the owner should eliminate the cause of the animal's insomnia and give the command "Place!".

Often, an impulsive, ill-mannered animal can wake up household members. One has only to act illiterately in this situation once - petting and playing with a dog at night, and such behavior will become regular.

If it asks for the street

The reason that the dog does not sleep well at night and asks to go outside, according to veterinary specialists, may be a chronic disease. Digestive disorders, such as diarrhea or problems with the excretory system, force the animal to wake up in the middle of the night and wake the owner.

Pain, discomfort, malfunctions of the body systems can disturb the pet. A comprehensive examination in a veterinary clinic will help determine the cause of insomnia in a four-legged friend.

Where should the dog sleep in the apartment

With the advent of a fluffy pet in the house, the owner faces the question of where the dog should sleep. According to experienced dog breeders and breeders, a furry family member should have a specially designated place to rest. This advice applies not only to representatives of large breeds, but also to miniature pets.

Many owners of decorative dogs are mistaken, allowing their furry friends, small in size, to rest in the master's bed or on the sofa. Experienced breeders do not recommend doing this. The dog will often wake up, wake up the household, demand attention even at night. This behavior will quickly enter the system, and it will be difficult to re-educate the animal.

Thinking about where the dog should sleep in the apartment, the owner can use the advice and recommendations of experienced dog breeders:

  • The bed must be installed in a quiet and peaceful place in the apartment. Do not place a sleeping place for a pet in a walk-through room or a noisy room. Sensitive hearing and sense of smell of the dog will force her to wake up from the slightest rustle.
  • When choosing a place for a couch, you should avoid proximity to heating appliances. Dogs do not tolerate heat well, and their sleep will become shorter.
  • The best place for a furry pet to sleep is in a separate room or a far corner of the living space. Do not place a rug or bed in the owner's bedroom.
  • In order for the dog’s sleep to be sound, care must be taken to ensure that the size of the soft bedding matches the dimensions of the animal. A shaggy dog ​​with a thick undercoat often ignores warm bedding and prefers to sleep on bare floors. In this case, a special couch with cooling will come to the aid of the owner.

How to accustom an animal to a place to sleep

In how to accustom a dog to a place to sleep, the owner will not have any difficulties if he listens to the advice of dog handlers. First of all, you should take a closer look at what place the dog chose himself to rest. If it corresponds to the ideas of convenience and rationality, then the couch can be placed in a chosen place.

You can accustom your pet to a new place to rest using the following technique. After the dog has eaten, it must be called to the mat, give the command "Place!" and serve treats. Effectively accustom the dog to sleep in the allotted place will help the owner’s worn thing laid next to it. A familiar smell is associated with safety in a dog and will allow you to quickly teach him to sleep on a couch.

Watch this video on how to train a dog to a place:

Ways to adjust the biorhythm

If the cause of insomnia in a four-legged friend is a failure in the biological rhythm, then experienced dog breeders and veterinarians recommend following these tips:

  • Accurately follow the daily routine. Feed, walk and walk the dog at a strictly defined time. After 1-2 weeks of such a regime, the dog's biological clock will be restored, and he will stop waking up the household at night.
  • Walks in the evening should be longer. At the beginning of the promenade, you should do active games and exercises. 10-15 minutes before returning home, the animal should be put on a leash and walk with him at a calm pace.
  • In the evening, it is necessary to stop the active actions of the pet. He should be calmed down and sent to a place of rest, treated to a treat.
  • After consultation with a veterinarian, the dog can be given sedatives based on plant materials.

Sleep disturbance in four-legged pets is most often due to external factors: noise, stress, and the wrong place to relax. The cause of insomnia in a dog may be a chronic disease. The advice of experienced dog breeders on the correct choice of a place for a lounger and the recommendations of veterinary specialists on establishing the correct biorhythm will help to normalize the sleep of an animal.

Useful video

See this on how to fix a daily routine for a dog/puppy that won't let you sleep at night:

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