Quotes about a friend in your own words. Phrases, sayings and statuses about the best friend. Touching phrases for best friends

Sincere friendship is something that is given from above. And if you were lucky enough to get it, make sure that your friend has no doubt about it. Put the best statuses about your best friend with meaning.

Together, even when it's very difficult

1. Why don't I dedicate tender words to my friend? Because she already knows that I love her.

2. Every woman should have a personal space that only her best friend can violate.

3. I understand it without words. It is necessary, otherwise sometimes it carries utter nonsense.

4. And I know who really saw you without makeup ...

5. What difference does it make what is with this guy. I had a fight with a friend.

6. The more beautiful a friend is, the more difficult it is to be friends with her.

7. Nobody knows me 100%. No, he knows.

8. Do you believe that there can be several best friends?!

9. Best friends are made for the best moments!

10. You can fall in love at first sight, but you can understand a friend from one.

Touching phrases for best friends

Do you think you have a real girlfriend? Then she is worth the status of about girlfriends to tears with a hidden meaning.

  1. Being able to make friends is a talent just like everyone else.
  2. To live without a friend means to be defenseless in a cruel world.
  3. When a friend is too beautiful - it's bad, when she's too smart - too. The main thing is that she has a good heart.
  4. Many female friends are just as bad for a girl's reputation as many men.
  5. They say a friend is known in trouble... Yes, it's all nonsense! A friend is known when everything is better for you.
  6. If your best friend no longer comforts you, think about whether you are complaining too much or you should complain about your friend.
  7. Together you need to be able to cry and laugh out loud.
  8. The height of happiness is when your daughter's best friend is your daughter.
  9. Girls who are friends with ugly girls, don't think they don't notice!
  10. Friendship is when you are ready to share a chocolate bar with your neighbor.

Support and support

Statuses with a meaning about the friendship of girlfriends are not always pleasant, since real female friendship is really rare.

  1. A kindred soul ... calms ... comforts ... I beg you, we can quarrel with her several times a day. But yes, then we always make up.
  2. It is impossible to be with me, all the time praising. I know that my character is definitely not sugar.
  3. Why do I call her a sheep? It's simple: so as not to jinx it!
  4. Female friendship is more valuable because it happens much less frequently.
  5. Girls who have never had the best buddies are witches, that's for sure.
  6. They say that a too beautiful friend is dangerous for your marriage. So, the wrong man is dangerous for your marriage.
  7. If you have common jokes that are incomprehensible to others, then friendship is pecking.
  8. In autumn weather, a sad film is not right, mulled wine is also not right. But a sad movie and mulled wine, combined with your best friend - that's it.
  9. My girlfriend can basically eat everything I have in the fridge. But then she will once again hear what a pig she is.
  10. When guests wash dishes in the house - to poverty, when your own idiot - to the fact that these dishes will finally be washed.

Friendship in the words of great women

Thinking about what statuses with meaning about a girlfriend to put on VK? By choosing one of the following quotes, you definitely can't go wrong.

  1. Some say that friendship in this life is not the main thing. But how each of us would yearn, living in a huge palace, even with a loved one of the opposite sex. F. Ranevskaya
  2. Women's friendship either exists or it doesn't. There is nothing to strive for. M. Curie
  3. If you get sick, go to the doctor and call a friend. A. Jolie
  4. Don't be offended by your friend for pointing out your flaw. In fact, she is doing you an irreplaceable service. S. Theron
  5. Being friends doesn't mean seeing each other often. To be friends means to wait with trepidation for your short meeting. D. Lopez
  6. Friends should be equal. They are equal in spirit, not in material status. Madonna
  7. It's good when your best friend is your mom. N. Comaneci
  8. You can be single with your spouse, but not alone with a friend. A. Kellerman
  9. If you do not feel happiness, then you simply have no one to share it with. Mother Teresa
  10. Friendship for years is when even now you want to live with her under the same roof. R. Levi-Montalcini

Mutually and forever

Statuses about bad girlfriends with meaning should also be correct.

  1. Got a bad haircut. It's not that I'm afraid to go outside ... I'm afraid that this chicken will see and laugh at me.
  2. Love is blind. However, such is the case with friendship.
  3. Have you seen a friend without flaws? Probably not, just like a person without flaws in principle.
  4. If you don't have a hundred friends, why do you need so many?
  5. A friend from whom you hide something from time to time is definitely not your best friend.
  6. People who are good at teaching rarely have any friends.
  7. The spirit of competition is inherent in us by nature. Honor and conscience in relation to a friend must be developed in oneself.
  8. It is unfortunate that the strong friendship of two girls can be broken by one guy.
  9. The aroma of your boyfriend, unfortunately, can be recognized on the shoulder of your “beloved” friend.

Would you like your girlfriend to always be there? Dedicate a cool status to her with a meaning about a friend.

How can I choose only one friend? - Throw them into the lake and choose the one that floats the fastest.

She is such a good friend that she would throw everyone she knows into the water just to have the pleasure of getting them out.

And yet it is more pleasant to hear bad things about your enemies than good things about your girlfriends.

"Yanina Ipohorskaya"

God created a man and then gave him a girlfriend so that a man would better feel his loneliness.

"Paul Valery"

An ex-girlfriend spreads obscene gossip about me, and some of them are not even true.

In life, there is little that pleases, sometimes, however, a friend has troubles.

Are you best friends or just friends? We are simply the best!

The main privilege of friendship is that you can talk nonsense and it will be respected.

Yes, I have a few real girlfriends, but we don't like each other very much.

"Yanina Ipohorskaya"

Two girlfriends of one friend will always find a common language.

A girl can drink a bottle of whiskey, beat a man with her purse and walk home alone along a dark street, but she will go to the toilet with her girlfriend.

Nothing beautifies a woman like the ugliness of her friends.

Nothing strengthens a friendship like the belief that this friend is better than another.

"Honore de Balzac"

I only say good things about my friend, but it's not my fault that her eyebrows are moth-eaten.

"Yanina Ipohorskaya"

She sometimes imagined a world without men, but she could not imagine a world without these two friends of hers. They were "always" in her life. And although, or maybe because all three of them were completely different, it seemed to her that without them the world would have lost one dimension. It would be flat.

"Janusz Leon Wisniewski"

She's my best friend. She thinks I'm slim and I think she's a natural blonde.

"Carrie Snow"

She will forever be my best friend... She already knows too much about me.

The best friend is the one to whom you can come without a call, forgetting the keys to the house, and know for sure that she is at home.

The best friend is the one with whom you dream that you will have a big house for 2 families, great husbands, 5 children each and a bunch of small dogs.

A best friend is like a bra… close to your heart and always supportive.

She is such a best friend. You look at her, and she answers - “Yeah, I thought so too!”

The best friend is the one who forgets about her problems, because she understands that yours are much more serious.

The best friend is the one who stands up for you! Then he will take you aside and say that you were wrong!

The best friend is the one who will understand in any situation, even if you are talking nonsense.

The best friend is the one who knows more than your mom!

The best friend is a person who will understand and accept your decisions, even if they are, in fact, nonsense.

Best friends shouldn't fight because they bring out the best in each other.

Quotes about girlfriends

Best friends. Never hold a grudge against each other, sometimes you can’t even tell your mother what your girlfriend is.

Mothers confess, they are frank with their girlfriends.

"Jeanne Marie Rolland"

I would only have one night of crazy dancing with crazy girlfriends and I will again be an exemplary mother and wife!

I need one, only one friend, but who can get along with all the shades of my fickle mood.

"Esther Clark"

I don’t care what others say about her, she is my friend and I love her, and I won’t give her away for nothing and no one.

My girlfriend prefers apple juice, and I prefer orange juice, but we drink alcohol when we meet.

Friendship is sometimes more important than love. After all, a guy can quit, but a real girlfriend never.

Being friends is not having several hundred VKontakte friends, but when you have one girlfriend in your life who you don’t send to hell, because you yourself will have to go there to make sure that everything is fine.

  • You can't do too much for a devoted friend.
  • You need to think with your head. Not girlfriends.
  • A woman always needs a friend to brag about.
  • Except in the most extreme cases, which are actually very rare, do not say unpleasant things to your girlfriend - let her enemies open her eyes - they will do it readily and much better than you. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
  • Beautiful quotes about girlfriends- Best friends shouldn't fight because they bring out the best in each other...
  • A friend is the person who will always support you.
  • A friend is a person who understands you perfectly, and by telling her: “He is a goat”, you know that she will understand who you are talking about.
  • A friend will wipe your tears when a guy dumps you, but your best friend will come up to him and say, "You dumped her because you're just a scumbag, right?"
  • A childhood friend will help you move to a new apartment, and a good friend will help cover up the traces of the crime.
  • A friend is not the one who jumps after you from the window, but the one who catches you from below ...
  • Once a friend asked me: “What will happen if one day I betray your trust?” I replied: “Trusting you is my decision, and whether to convince me of the correctness of my decision or not is only your choice.”
  • She is my best friend. She thinks I'm slim, and I think she's a natural blonde.
  • A friend is the one who, holding your hand, will hear the beating of your heart.
  • A friend is one who does not throw you, but is always there ...
  • Girlfriend is your reflection...
  • You are my best friend forever - you know too much.
  • A fashionable girlfriend is usually unprofitable.
  • I treat you like a friend, asking you to be indulgent of my shortcomings now, in the hope that in the future you will be indulgent of my virtues. (Katherine Mansfield)
  • I love my girlfriend very much. And I know that maybe she is now reading this status and smiling.
  • I really appreciate those girlfriends who have found a place in their work schedule for me, but even more I love those of my girlfriends who for the sake of me generally forget about the existence of their schedule.
  • Remember: your girlfriend is more dangerous than your husband's girlfriend.
  • Quotes about girlfriends with meaning- Before crying into your girlfriend's vest, smell it to see if it smells like your boyfriend's perfume...
  • The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who doesn't have a close friend.
  • Thank you for having me, even if you yourself do not really want it! You are an amazing friend.
  • Your best and only friend is your own reflection in the mirror...

Your best friend is the only person who sees you without makeup and still loves you.

Correspondence of two best friends in VKontakte:
- I have problems with my hair
- Take a picture, I'll screw up.

The best friend will never ask - why? She just goes to the store, buys, brings, opens and pours.

In any case, in childhood, we all wanted to live in one big house with our best friend. I STILL WANT IT.

The best friend is a person who doesn’t need to be told anything, she can see in her eyes that you’ve done an idiot ...

a normal girl has one best friend, not a million

her friends are cool, even a person who is not close to her is ready to do more for her than her friends ...

The best friend is the one who knows more than your mom

The best friend is the one to whom you can come without a call, forgetting the keys to the house, and know for sure that she is at home.

I love my girlfriend very much. And I know that maybe she is now reading this status and smiling

The best friend is the one who will understand in any situation, even if you are talking nonsense.

If someone reads the correspondence with my best friend - it's so pale.

Neighing with a friend is better than any medicine.

When you lose your best friend, the whole world goes to hell with her.

She understood her without words. It was true friendship.

Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, which you can’t send in FIG, because you have to go there with her so as not to worry.

I was not surprised when one of my friends asked the other for a screwdriver, but when the second took it out of her purse ..

I have such friends that sometimes I'm ready to shoot them. but if not for them, she would have shot herself long ago.

Still, my mom is my best friend! - Why? - She will never steal your boyfriend.

I don’t care what others say about her, she is my friend and I love her, and I won’t give her away for nothing and no one.

You are so humble!
- No, you just haven't seen me with your best friend.

Losing a girlfriend is worse than losing a boyfriend. Because there can be many guys, and the best friend is the one with whom she has been with her all her life.

Forgetting your best friend is unrealistic when she lives 4 floors below.

The best friend is the person with whom you walk down the street and laugh at the whole area, and you don’t care about the opinions of others, you and the two of you feel good ...

A friend is a person who understands you from a half-word, from a half-look, and when you say “he is a goat”, he immediately understands who he is talking about.

The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who doesn't have a close friend.

The best friend is the one after the correspondence with which you constantly have to delete your message history

I was normal. Honestly. Until I met this very psychopath that I call my best friend.

This status is for the best friend! Thank you for having me! :)

The best friend is the one who comes in the middle of the night and tells you how much weight she has lost.

There's a reason I can't be with you - you're my best friend's ex...

She is such a best friend ... You look at her, and she replied, “Yeah, I thought so too”

The most beautiful moment in my life I can call the one when I realized that I had a girlfriend, like-minded person. William Rotsler

I need one, only one friend, but who can get along with all the shades of my fickle mood. Esther Clark

I'm your best friend, you just don't know it yet...

Men treat their male friendships like a soccer ball, which they throw anywhere and anyhow, but it does not break. Women, on the other hand, rush about with their female friendship, like with a crystal vase, and if it falls, it breaks into smithereens, into small pieces. Ann Morrow Lindbergh

Once a friend asked me: “What will happen if one day I betray your trust?” I replied: “Trusting you is my decision, and whether to convince me of the correctness of my decision or not is only your choice.”

Our paths may part, but in my heart there will always be only one friend - you.

You are my best friend forever - you know too much.

A girl's best friend is diamonds. And also - men of non-traditional sexual orientation.

True female friendship is as common as a flowering fern.

Friendship is not one big heroic deed, but many small concessions.

In a friend you find yourself. Isabelle Norton

A friend will wipe your tears when a guy dumps you, but your best friend will come up to him and say, "You dumped her because you're just a scumbag, right?"

A real friend is a girl who knows your favorite song and reminds you of her tune when you yourself forget it.

How do you know if your life is successful? If you are dying and five real, faithful friends have gathered around you, then your life was not lived in vain. Lee Iacocca

A real miracle happens when you meet a kindred spirit who recognizes who you are and who you can become, and who ignites your blood for new great achievements. Rusty Berkus

If a friend happily jumps into your limousine, but does not notice you standing at the bus stop, then is this a friend? Oprah Winfrey

I really appreciate those girlfriends who have found a place in their work schedule for me, but even more I love those of my girlfriends who for the sake of me generally forget about the existence of their schedule. Robert Brault

Girlfriends are like watermelons: to find one worthwhile, you have to try a thousand.

The best you can have is a friend, but the best you can be is to be a friend. Douglas Pagels

A childhood friend will help you move to a new apartment, and a good friend will help cover up the traces of the crime.

Except in the most extreme cases, which are actually very rare, do not say unpleasant things to your girlfriend - let her enemies open her eyes - they will do it readily and much better than you. Oliver Wendell Holmes

Scold your girlfriend eye to eye, and praise in public. Solon

The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who doesn't have a close friend.

In fact, there are few more delicate moments in life than the one when you have to inform your old friend that you are marrying her fiancé. fields

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