Call your husband. How to find out the name of the future husband by date of birth in different ways

Almost every person wants to know about what “waits and waits” and “how the heart will calm down”. And this is not surprising, who doesn’t want to avoid trouble, or what woman doesn’t want to meet her future husband fully armed? This article will discuss how you can find out what awaits in the future, and what needs to be done to find out the name of the chosen one sent by fate itself.

Fortune tellers

What can you do if you want to know what lies ahead? And why not go to a fortuneteller for this? It will scan a person in a certain way and give answers to all important questions. However, in this case, you need to remember that not every person who calls himself that way can actually predict the future. Today there are quite a few charlatans who will not even give an approximately correct answer.


What to do in such a situation, how to find out the future, if you do not want to turn to strangers? Guessing will be an excellent way out of the situation. So, you can conduct a certain magical ritual and find out what the future holds. However, in this case, it should be remembered that fortune-telling itself must be taken seriously. Only in this case everything will work out, and the result will be true.

Divination - Twig If a person wants to figure out how to find out the future, one can turn to a fairly simple fortune-telling, which will give the answer to the desired question. So, for this you need to stock up on a sprig of bird cherry. One point is important: you can guess in this way only on December 25, on the day of the winter solstice. On the morning of this date, you need to break off about a 10-centimeter branch of bird cherry, bring it home and put it in water. At the time when she is in the hand of a fortuneteller, you need to think about what interests you: will the wish come true, will there be a career advancement, will the beloved make an offer this year. At home, the bird cherry will go crazy on the window and for 12 days, until January 5, every day you need to talk with it, pick it up, think about the successful outcome of the case. If the branch blooms before January 5, the answer to the problem or question is yes. If not, it's negative. It is worth saying that in the old days, girls guessed marriage in this way: the branch blossomed - the girl will get married this year.

Divination - New Year's

How else to know the future? So, you can guess what the next year will be like. To do this, on New Year's Eve, you need to collect water in a teaspoon and take it outside (if the temperature is below zero). The kitchen item is placed evenly so that the water cannot "run away". The next morning, you need to see exactly how the water froze. If exactly or with a tubercle - the year will be successful and bring a lot of joy. If it is a hole, then this year the fortuneteller will have a hard time: there will be a lot of trouble and difficult situations.

Divination - Mirror

When figuring out how to find out the future, it is worth saying that the mirror is a huge helper in magical affairs. It can not only show the future husband, but also tell about what awaits a person. So, if you want to know what will happen next year, you need to pour water on the mirror on New Year's Eve and take it outside for about 10 minutes. After that, you need to bring in a fortune-telling object and carefully examine the patterns that frost painted. Seeing the circles, one should expect prosperity, a spruce branch - the fulfillment of a cherished desire, a triangle - success in all deeds and undertakings, a square - difficult life situations. Everything else will not tell anything, which means that otherworldly forces do not want to predict the future to the fortuneteller at the moment.


Also, some people may be interested in the question of how to know the future by hand. It is worth saying that this option is also possible, for this you need to seek help from a palmist - a person who reads the lines along the hand and gives answers to questions of interest. You should not be skeptical about this type of prediction, because it has existed for several thousand years, and besides, not only representatives of magic are interested in the lines on the palms, but also forensic scientists and doctors - people from the world of scientists. So what do you need to do to know the future? First of all, you need to decide which hand to read your fate. So, women need to consider the left palm, men - the right. There is also an opinion that what is given by God is “written” on the left hand, and what the person himself does and does on the right hand. So, the main lines will be able to predict fate.

1. heart line. It always starts a little below the little finger, but it can end approximately between the index and middle fingers (such people seek a compromise in everything, they are open and friendly); the line can be very short and straight (indicates a restrained character); if it ends strictly under the middle finger, such a person is not interested in the affairs of others, focusing only on himself.

2. mind line. It begins near the thumb and descends in a semicircle to the wrist. If it is long and clear, this indicates that the person is smart and is trying to develop his brain by constantly training it. The more this line descends to the wrist, the better the person's imagination and fantasy are developed. If at the bottom the line becomes sharply straight, this will indicate that a person will be haunted by material difficulties all his life. The so-called "fork" near the wrist (a bifurcation of the line) will indicate that a person begins to do a lot of things, but practically does not bring anything to the end.

3. Life line. When figuring out how to find out the future of a person by hand, it is worth saying that you need to pay attention to the line of life. So, it is next to the line of the mind. However, the farther it is from the thumb, the better life awaits a person. If it is too close, the fortuneteller lacks vital energy and strength to complete the tasks. Breaks in the line do not always mean illness or even death, often it is just a change of views and life positions. If there are duplicate lines at the places of breaks, such people will always be guarded by their angel and will not let troubles happen in their lives.


If a person constantly has the thought “I want to know my future” in my head, why not have a cup of coffee? So, according to the remains at the bottom of the mug, you can also tell a lot about what lies ahead. To tell fortunes on coffee grounds, you need to take a cup of coffee only with your left hand, having mastered the last sip, you need to make circular movements with the cup three times and look at the bottom. Now you need to understand what the coffee grounds drew. It is worth saying that the fewer drawings and small details, the calmer and smoother the fortuneteller's life will be. So, the wand means the beginning of a new business (if it goes from top to bottom, it will not end very successfully, if from side to side, the fortuneteller will like the result). If you can consider an animal or bird, you should decide on its origin. So, if this is an animal of a noble breed - a lion or a swan, something good is ahead, but if, for example, a pig or a sparrow, difficulties await. Figures that look like a star or a flower predict success and good luck. In general, you need to feel what the coffee grounds “says”. If good feelings arise when looking at the drawings, then so be it, everything in the life of a fortuneteller will be excellent. If sadness or doubts prevail, troubles should be expected in the future.


You can also figure out how to find out the future by name. To do this, you need to write your full name on a piece of paper, find a table that assigns a certain number to each letter, add all the numbers together and get a single number. And according to the same number, you need to read what a person can expect in the future. So, these explanations perfectly characterize a person as a person and sometimes even help to decide on a future profession.

Husband's name

Many girls are also interested in the question of how to find out the name of the future husband. For this, there are also several simple, but very true fortune-telling.

1. Papers. To do this, the lady must take as many small pieces of paper as she is full years old. On each of them, an unfamiliar girl must write any guy's name (you can ask the first women you meet on the street to do this, there is nothing wrong with that). Then the fortuneteller puts all the papers under her pillow and falls asleep in dreams of her future husband. In the morning, the lady should put her hand under the pillow and take out a single piece of paper from there. What name is written there, this will be her future husband.

2. Sleep. The next ritual is how to find out the name of the future husband: for this you just need to go to bed. However, before going to bed, you need to think carefully about your future family happiness. In a dream, a girl should either dream of the name of her future husband, or he himself in all its glory.

3. The first passerby. There is another way to find out the name of the future husband. To do this, you need to go outside at Christmas time (preferably at midnight) and ask for the name of the first man you meet. The future spouse will have the same name. Do not be surprised, fortune-telling is ancient, and earlier no one could offend a girl at midnight.

4. Peel. Another way to find out the future, or rather, the name of the betrothed. To do this, carefully remove the peel from the apple, without breaking it. Then it must be carefully thrown over the left shoulder. When she falls, it is believed that one can read the name of her future husband from her curls.

Oddly enough, but with the help of palmistry, you can find out not only your fate and your own psychological portrait, but also find out something about others.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what's in store for you in the near future.

How to guess by the hand in the name of the betrothed?

Curiosity is one of the main features of female nature. It is not surprising that divination for a variety of things has become very popular among ladies. So, unmarried girls are always very interested in who will become narrowed, how many children will be born in marriage ... But fortune-telling by hand in the name of her husband - is this possible?

Perhaps, but not in the usual sense of the word. That is, right on your hand, the name of the betrothed is not encrypted anywhere. But it is with the help of her hand that a girl can find out with whom her fate will bring her.

Palmistry: husband's name

There are several ways to guess by the hand in the name of the betrothed.

1. Divination by the first letter

First way

You will need the help of a friend. Let her take your left wrist with both hands (they need to be kept at a distance of about 10 cm from each other) and scroll it simultaneously in two different directions. Surely you remember the children's game of "nettle"? Here, you need to act on the same principle. While your friend is twirling your wrist, you need to peer into the space between her hands. There, on the skin, folds will lie. In them, if you look closely, you can see the outlines of the letter. Noticed? The name of your betrothed will begin with it. Or she will be present in his name.

Second way

The second version of divination by a letter requires the preliminary manufacture of these same letters. You can cut them out of cardboard or take ready-made toy letters, according to which children are taught to read. So, we take letters in the palm of our hands (you don’t need to take everything, select only those with which male names usually begin. That is, you can refuse the letters b and b, u. But it’s better to leave Y - who knows, maybe you will get a foreigner) . We shake the letters in closed palms, mentally counting to 10. Then we throw them like bones on a flat surface so that they scatter away from each other. The letter that flies off to the left of all will be the most likely initial letter of your betrothed's name. Further, moving from left to right, the letters will follow in decreasing probability. That is, the letter on the far right will be capitalized for your husband's name with the least probability.

2. Divination with a golden ring

The ring must be your own. So, we take tiny pieces of paper, on each we write a male name. We fold the leaves so that we get small squares. We put the squares on one hand, cover the other and shake thoroughly. Then we pour all the pieces of paper into the left hand, trying to distribute them evenly in the palm of our hand. In the right hand we take the ring to which the thread from your clothes is tied (you can pull it out of a scarf or a woolen sock). We swing the ring over the palm with pieces of paper at a distance of 5-7 cm. The leaf with the name over which it stops will be the name of your future husband. If there are several folded envelopes under the ring, then either you will have several husbands, or one of the owners of these names will become your husband.

There are many quite reliable fortune-telling that will help you find out the name of your future husband. Just don't take it seriously. You should just take note of it, perhaps write it down somewhere. And when your time comes to get married - then you will understand whether the fortune-telling was wrong or not.

Palmistry is an ancient and fairly exact science. It can predict the fate, the number of future children, the duration of the allotted life, in what period illnesses will be expected and what they will be associated with.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine the exact name of the chosen one using palmistry, since the information provided to us by the lines on the hand is generalized and such "particulars" as the name are not taken into account.

Although the palmist will not be able to predict the name of the spouse, but with the help of the hand you can find out the first letter. To do this, ask someone to make a "nettle" on your hand, but without fanaticism. It will be enough to twist the hand to such an extent that the outlines of letters or lines appear on it from the folds of the skin, at least a little reminiscent of these letters. Perhaps the drawing will turn out clear, you will find out what letter the name of the chosen one will begin with.

Divination on New Year's Eve

When the chimes strike, go outside, ask the first man you meet what his name is. The same will be true for your spouse.

If the first person you met was a woman, then this year you will not get married yet.

Divination by peel

You need to take a large apple, peel it with a sharp knife to get a thin long strip of apple skin. Then take this skin in your hand, throw it over your left shoulder. It will fall to the floor and fold in a certain way. Which letter the apple peel figure reminds you of will be the first in the groom's name.

On the clover

Here you will have to try especially, since this fortune-telling is suitable if you are in nature or visiting relatives in the village:

  • Find a four-leaf clover flower
  • Pick a flower, put it under your right foot. If you are wearing sandals, it’s better not to risk guessing - the clover will not hold, you need closed shoes - ballet flats, shoes

  • The name of the first man you meet will be the cherished name of the spouse

It is highly likely that this new acquaintance will become the same. Therefore, get acquainted, just in case, immediately after the "clover activation" only with worthy candidates.

How to find out the name of your husband, guessing on pieces of paper?

This divination takes place on New Year's Eve. It is necessary to write men's names on twenty or thirty identical paper squares. Let there be the names of your acquaintances, potentially future husbands. Fold these paper squares neatly, hide them under the pillow. The next morning, after New Year's Eve, put your hand under the pillow and pull out the first piece of paper that is at your fingertips. There you will see the name of your future chosen one.

Divination with a gold ring

  • Write famous names on a piece of paper
  • Thread the ring

  • Take the thread at both ends, achieve the immobility of the ringlet, hold it for a while over each of the names. The one over which the ring behaves "restlessly", begins to sway in different directions, bounce or somehow show its activity, the name of your future spouse

On Christmas night

On Christmas night, comb through your hair with a comb or simple toothed comb before bed. Combing your hair, you need to say: "Narrowed-mummer, come to me, comb my hair." After these words, go to bed.

On this night, a male person should dream - a future husband or just a future beloved. If no one had a dream or you didn’t remember the dream, don’t worry - this does not mean that you will now sit all year in splendid isolation - you can guess throughout the holy week. One of the nights, someone is sure to dream.

Divination on a saucer

Need a few unmarried girlfriends. Draw a special card on whatman paper or the back of a piece of wallpaper. Make a circle inside which all the letters of the alphabet, numbers from zero to nine and the words "yes" and "no" will be written along.

It is necessary to take a light porcelain saucer. Turn off the lights, light the candles and summon the spirit of some dead person. With such fortune-telling, the spirit of Pushkin is especially popular, only, they say, he swears a lot. Put the fingers of all those present during fortune-telling on a saucer.

When the saucer begins to move under the fingers, it means that the spirit has set to work and you can ask him questions. You can ask anything, including the name of your betrothed. According to the reviews of those who correctly conducted this fortune-telling, spirits never make mistakes and this method is considered a very reliable way to look into the future.

Although fortune-telling seems to be just a fun pastime, in the old days they were very believed in, judging by the reviews of grandmothers and great-grandmothers, fortune-telling allowed them to quite truthfully look into their future. Why don't we use simple methods to determine our own future? Still, a husband is a rather serious matter, it would be nice to at least know the name in advance.

You can try various divination methods. If they produce the same result, pay close attention to it.

Do you want to find out the name of your betrothed as soon as possible? Have you decided to use certain techniques, try to lift the veil and see the future? There are several traditional ways, very simple, to help you find out the name of your future husband. Immediately stock up on the necessary items, remember the algorithms and get down to business. It is quite possible that the results will reveal something unknown to you, you will take a fresh look at your acquaintances, you will begin to be more attentive to a person who did not arouse your interest before. It is worth using not only "air" methods based on chance, but also quite practical. Combine intuition, divination and a reasonable approach. Then you will definitely get the information you need.

How to find out the name of the future husband? Taking prompts correctly
Not everyone believes in divination. It is worth using a few secrets so that the “wonderful” information really benefits you.
  1. Don't expect a hundred percent. Guess, but do not make the results the ultimate truth.
  2. Consider results. Take into account what you get by telling fortunes about your betrothed - this information can really be useful to you.
  3. Without Borders. Never put barriers on yourself when you find out that the name of your future husband is not what you would like. If you have already liked a person, it is in your power to conquer him, to win the heart of your beloved.
  4. Expanding horizon. With the help of various fortune-telling, do not narrow, but expand your horizons. Be more attentive to the surrounding men, notice their features, character traits, do not immediately dismiss someone as “inappropriate”.
  5. Manifold. Use different methods at the same time. Imagine how interesting it will be if you get the same name in a row several times. But do not forget - you are not a magician and a wizard. Try to get the maximum benefit from different methods and additionally apply algorithms based on objective analysis.
To make things easier, you can start with "magic" ways. They will also give you hints and help you find out the name of your future husband, narrow down the circle of applicants for this place.

Find out the name of the future spouse. A few simple ways
The best time for divination is Christmas time. However, you can do this any day if you don't want to wait too long. The main thing is your right attitude. Who knows, suddenly the secret will be revealed to you? Use different methods.

  1. The first counter. In the evening, on holy day, stand near your house. Wait for a person to walk past you. The first person you meet is a symbol of your betrothed. Your husband may have exactly the name that this passerby will call you as his own. Perhaps if a friend passes by, you won't even have to ask for a name. When you first see a stranger, ask him to give his name. Please note: guessing is best with several friends, let them stand next to you. Was the woman walking in front of you first? Apparently, you will not have time to get married this year, or this fortune-telling “did not open” to you.
  2. Ring and photograph. Do you already have a contender for your heart? Have you decided to find out if he will become your husband? Take a photo of your loved one, a wedding ring and a long thread. Tie a ring on a thread, you should get something like a pendulum. Bring the ring to the photo. If it begins to make circular movements, this person may well become your spouse. When the ring begins to swing back and forth sharply, this is considered to be a harbinger of parting. Think: what if there is another person near you whom you simply did not pay attention to?
  3. Ring and different names. Your pendulum-ring will still be useful to you. Take a sheet of paper and tear it into several small pieces. Write a male name on each. Names should be chosen both arbitrarily and in accordance with your circle of acquaintances. Carry your ring on a string over all the pieces of paper with names in turn. If over one of the pieces of paper it starts to rotate in a circle - pay special attention to the owner of this name.
  4. Apple skin. You can find out the name of your future husband thanks to the usual apple skin. It should be long and fairly even. Take it gently in your right hand and throw it back over your left shoulder. Then consider exactly how your skin fell to the floor. Perhaps it now resembles some kind of letter? Most likely, this is the first letter of your betrothed's name!
  5. Ship. For this method, you will have to build a whole "sea" and "ship". Take a walnut shell, a candle stub, small pieces of paper with names written on them, a bowl of water and plasticine. Attach the leaves in a circle to the edge of the basin. Insert the candle into the shell. Let your "ship" sail from the middle of the "sea". Wait for it to land on the "shore". He will show you a piece of paper with the right name.
Guess with pleasure, but do not plunge into this activity with your head. You also have objective methods that will help you find out the name of your future husband with a greater degree of probability.

What is the name of the future husband? We are looking for a betrothed among friends and analyze
Try to use not only fortune-telling, but also more practical methods. Then you will surely come closer to the truth.

  1. A diary. Get into the habit of journaling. Keep them short, but regular. It will not take much time, but you will be able to learn a lot of useful information from your diary later. We often forget different events, situations, and people are simply smoothed out of memory. This is especially true for those who communicate a lot. Your diary will be useful to you in determining the main contenders for the place of your husband, will help you refresh your memories of the different men with whom you have ever communicated.
  2. List of positive memories. Sit down and relax. Take sheets of paper and a pen. Try to make a list of your positive memories from the last few months. Men should be associated with them, preferably unmarried. They may relate to the situation indirectly.
  3. List of names. Now start compiling a list of male names. On a separate sheet, write down the names of all the men you know who somehow relate to your positive memories. Then make another, longer list. Include all the men you've been in contact with in the past year.
  4. Analysis. Now you can begin to analyze your lists to find out the name of the future husband. Find out which of the men you like best, whom you have not remembered for a long time, and now you are interested in these people. You will surely be able to discover something new. Refer to your diary, compare different lists.
  5. Evaluation by criteria. You can define several criteria and evaluate all men according to them. Let one positive result according to one criterion correspond to one point. Make a single list, and write the number of points next to each name. You will notice that you actually begin to delve deeper into your attitude towards candidates, notice something previously hidden in the depths of your subconscious, and also see the positive qualities of men that you did not even think about.
  6. Criteria. The list of criteria depends on your personal preferences, supplement it with your own points. It might look something like this:
    • reliable;
    • responsible;
    • decent;
    • successful;
    • honest;
    • has a sense of humor;
    • drew attention to you;
    • did compliments;
    • helped;
    • offered help without being asked;
    • delicate;
    • hardworking;
    • courageous;
    • you have many common acquaintances with him;
    • you like it.
  7. Results. Then evaluate the results of the work done. You will be convinced that you have discovered many acquaintances in a new way, otherwise you look at the men you are already used to and have stopped noticing them.
Here you already have a list of names of candidates for spouses! Choose the one you like the most. You managed to find out the name of the future husband. Now go ahead - win your love.

How to find out the name of the future husband, so as not to make a mistake when choosing a life partner? This question is asked by every girl who dreams of getting married and starting a family. Our great-grandmothers used special divination for this, which today can be done online. It is about them that we will talk today.

How to find out the name of the future husband in the first 40 days after Easter?

One of the most effective methods of divination in the name of the future husband is to conduct a special ritual in the first 40 days after Easter. In 2018, it fell on April 8, so all the girls have time left for fortune-telling until mid-May. To find out the name of the future husband, you will need:

  • 3 thimble of salt;
  • 3 thimble of water;
  • 3 thimble flour.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed to make a dough. Yes, it will be very salty and tasteless, but this is necessary for divination for a husband (future) and requires thorough adherence to all the rules. When the dough is kneaded, it should be formed into a cake. After that, it is placed in a cast-iron pan without oil and fried on both sides. Then they eat the cake and say: “As Christ Risen and shone, so the husband of the future servant of God (his name) took her away as a wife.” After that, you need to go to bed, but no longer drink water and do not talk to anyone. A man should appear in a dream and tell you his name. That is what your future husband will be called later. In the morning, you need to get up, drink a glass of baptismal water and wash her face.

How to find out the name of the future husband online?

If you decide to find out what your betrothed will be called absolutely free and quickly, then you can turn to gypsy fortune-telling. Many fortune tellers know a special ritual on the cards that uses your date of birth. To do this, you can contact an expert or go through the text in real time. But remember that before you call the psychic, you will need to let your hair down and take off all your clothes that have tied belts. It blocks the energy and prevents the magician from reading it correctly. You can also get acquainted with the most popular layouts on tarot cards, which can be done at home absolutely free. Some of them allow you to calculate the first letters of the name of the future spouse, as well as to understand exactly how your relationship will develop in the first stages after meeting.

How to find out the name of the future husband by the hand?

In this option, one cannot do without the help of a specialist in the field of palmistry. As you know, fortune telling along the lines of the palms is considered the most effective way to declassify the future of a particular person. But in this option, it is unlikely that it will be possible to determine the exact name of the future husband, but it is possible to find out his age, as well as the period in your life in which the fateful meeting will take place. In addition, an experienced palmist will be able to tell you how many children you will have, whether you will live with your first husband all your life, and whether you will have lovers or a second marriage.

Divination in the name of the future husband on New Year's Eve

This method is known to many girls who want to tell fortunes in the name of their future husband for free and have fun in the company of their girlfriends. After the chiming clock, it is customary to put on the best outfit and new boots, and then go out alone or in the company of friends. As soon as any man goes to meet you, you should approach him and ask his name. It will become the name of your future life partner.

Fortune telling on the peel from an apple - we find out the name of the husband

In village magic, there is one interesting rite that is usually performed on Apple Spas. On this day, you should go to the temple and bless seven apples from the new harvest. Moreover, the fruits should be large, ripe and, preferably, red. After the service, you should come home from the church, take the most beautiful apple and peel it from the skin in a spiral. After that, it is thrown over the right shoulder, and then the result is evaluated. The peel forms a figure, which will symbolize the name of the future husband.

If you know other effective ways of divination in the name of the betrothed, then share them with our readers in the comments.

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