Pills for drug addiction: what to take? What drugs to take to relieve muscle spasm? Are there fast acting drugs?

Almost everyone has experienced such a condition as a hangover. Man feels unpleasant symptoms: headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting. To date, developed a lot of pills and preparations for a hangover. They contain various substances, vitamins that help overcome the signs of a hangover.

Hangover cures have a number of useful properties:

  • detoxification and cleansing of the body from the decay products of alcohol;
  • elimination of thirst and dry mouth;
  • normalization water-salt balance;
  • elimination of headache;
  • prevention of dizziness, fatigue and weakness.

Hangover medicine can be taken after or before the event. Most drugs help relieve symptoms after drinking alcohol. Which pill to drink for a hangover is up to you, it all depends on the body.

The cheapest and most common hangover pills are Activated carbon, aspirin and baralgin. After the event, try to drink this combination of Aspirin + No-shpa + activated charcoal: 6-8 activated charcoal tablets, 2 no-shpa tablets, 1 aspirin tablet. Calculate activated charcoal based on your weight: 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight. In the morning, a hangover is usually not felt. Activated charcoal adsorbs toxins, nosh-pa cleanses the liver, and thins the blood and reduces pressure, eliminates pain symptoms.

Titles effective pills hangover: "Askofen" or "Kofitsil-plus". They are taken at night after drinking alcohol. In the morning, the following recipe will help you: a cup of strong, hot, sweet tea, a baralgin tablet and a furosemide (lasix) tablet. Vitamin B6 in ampoules helps against a hangover and bad breath. Pour two ampoules into 0.5 of water and drink in one gulp. Harmful substances are removed faster with the help of sorbent preparations. This group of drugs includes: polyphepan, activated carbon, polysorb, enterosgel.

Effervescent tablets for a hangover: "Aspirin Upsa", "Zorex", "Alka-Seltzer". They practically do not irritate the mucous membrane, quickly dissolve in water and are absorbed in the stomach, penetrate into the blood. Relief comes faster carbon dioxide delivers more oxygen to cells.

To make the stomach work better, you can take Linex, Hilak Forte, Biosporin. It is necessary to drink rehydrants to eliminate dehydration and restore the water-salt balance: rehydron, hydrovit forte. It is better to take tablets from the group of non-steroidal analgesics: ketorol, ibuprofen, citramon P. They quickly and effectively cope with a headache.

hangover cures

Hangover cures can be created based on herbal ingredients. They alleviate the condition and affect the body less negatively. Which pills help with a hangover, they can tell you at the pharmacy. We list the most effective and well-known.

"Korrda" is one of effective drugs from a hangover syndrome based on grapes. Removes toxins from the body and improves liver function. However, it is not used as emergency assistance. He provides supportive care.

herbal remedy"Get up". It contains ginseng, thyme, St. John's wort. Normalizes metabolism, improves performance gastrointestinal tract. Well calms and normalizes a dream. However, it is also not suitable for emergency assistance.

Tablets after a hangover "Alco-Buffer". Active substance drug - milk thistle extract. Normalizes the liver, removes harmful substances from the body.

One of the best medicines from a hangover "DrinkOFF" - eliminates headaches and general symptoms alcohol poisoning. it herbal preparation containing ginger, licorice extract, eleutherococcus and some acids (succinic, citric). Available in the form of capsules and jelly.

Among the hangover pills, Antipohmelin has proven itself well. It contains glucose, succinic and ascorbic acid, monosodium glutamate. Quickly eliminates the symptoms of poisoning and removes toxins from the body. Tablets stop the work of the enzyme, so that the body slowly processes alcohol. RU-21 - western analogue.

What else helps with a hangover is some of the best hangover pills "Piel-Alco". Helps to remove toxins from the body. You need to drink two tablets - one before drinking alcohol, the other - after. The drug contains vitamins, glucose mixture, magnesium sulfate, sodium pyruvate. The main substance is sodium pyruvate, which neutralizes the action harmful substances and eliminates hangover symptoms.

The drug "Guten Morgen"- dry brine, contains ascorbic and succinic acids, grape extract. Protects against dehydration, has a calming effect.

Other hangover medications

Most often, hangover pills are used. They possess quick action and relieve symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

The most famous hangover cure is. Tablets quickly dissolve in water and are well absorbed by the body. The active substance of the drug is aspirin, it also contains soda and citric acid. Tablets best of all eliminate a headache, normalize the balance of acids and alkalis.

What else can you drink for a hangover - tablets "Alka-prim". The drug is similar in action to Alcoseltzer and contains aspirin, glycine and soda. Eliminates headaches and water loss by the body, soothes nervous system, and most importantly, suspends the toxic effects of acetaldehyde.

Tablets for relieving hangover "Zorex". The main active ingredient is unitol. Unitol enters the liver, quickly and effectively eliminates toxic decomposition products of alcohol, removes toxins. The drug is effective, but can cause allergies. If you have an allergy, the tablets must be excluded.

Antipohmelin is one of the effective hangover remedies and cures. It is better to take it before you are going to drink alcohol. The drug contains acids that neutralize the effect of alcohol.

“Zenalk is a hangover cure. Contains in the composition herbal ingredients: extract of emblica, terminalia chebula, chicory, date palm. Improves metabolism, cleanses the liver, brain from harmful influence alcohol, quickly neutralizes the signs of a hangover, has an antioxidant property.

"Bizon" - pills for hangover based on succinic acid and soda. It has strong antioxidant properties, cleanses liver cells of toxins, and normalizes redox processes in the body. Soda leads to recovery acid-base balance. You need to drink the drug in the morning after a feast, it quickly eliminates a headache and improves the general condition.

"Medichronal" is a medicine based on sodium formate, glucose and other substances that have a cleansing effect, improve metabolism. The main active ingredient of the drug - sodium formate, is rapidly absorbed in the intestines, penetrates into the blood and neutralizes the breakdown products of alcohol. Glucose nourishes cells and neutralizes toxins from alcohol. At a small amount acetaldehyde sodium formate can have toxic effect on the body. Therefore, it is necessary to drink "Medichronal" only in case of severe hangover.

How to avoid a hangover and what is better to take

Much easier to warn hangover syndrome. The drugs must be drunk before you drink alcohol. Hangover cures:

  • The drug "Enterosgel" - drink before the feast, it will not let you get very drunk, and after drinking alcohol it helps to eliminate hangover symptoms. In order not to get drunk, you need to drink the drug in a ratio of 1 to 3 alcohol. To prevent a hangover syndrome, you need to drink 3 tablespoons after a feast and 3 tablespoons in the morning.
  • Activated charcoal tablets absorb alcohol and prevent its absorption. You need to drink 2-4 tablets 10-15 minutes before the first glass of alcohol. Then 2 tablets every hour.
  • Drink a glass of milk before drinking, and a hangover and headache will not come.
  • The drug "Almagel" has the same properties as activated carbon. Drink 2-3 tablespoons 15 minutes before drinking alcohol. Reception can be repeated every half hour.
  • An effective remedy from a hangover is porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina. You need to eat a bowl of porridge half an hour or an hour before the feast and the hangover will not come.
  • While drinking alcohol, drink vitamins B and C, they will improve your well-being.

Which medications are best for a hangover, only you can determine for yourself. It all depends on the individual tolerance of the body. If you suffer from a hangover syndrome, you need to drink more fluids: plain water, mineral water, hot tea, broths, fresh juices and fruit drinks. Sleep and short walks are recommended fresh air. Avoid physical activity and stress.

Muscle spasm can be both an independent phenomenon and a symptom of the disease. Drugs that relieve muscle spasm help relieve stress from skeletal muscles, from smooth muscle digestive tract and alleviate neurotransmitter-induced dystonia.

Causes of the disease

Cramps, pain, dizziness, nausea, tachycardia are symptoms of muscle spasm. call it out disease state could be a number of reasons:

  • stress, overwork;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical and other parts of the spine;
  • structural features of the spinal column;
  • pregnancy;
  • response to pain
  • intensive sports;
  • beriberi, lack of micro and macro elements;
  • dehydration;
  • hypocarbohydrate diets.

Symptom management

A symptom that is associated with certain diseases. For its treatment in medicine, various drugs are used.

The use of muscle relaxants

They relieve tension from skeletal muscles and help slow down the conduction of a nerve impulse:

  1. Mydocalm (tolperisone) is prescribed for osteochondrosis, arthrosis, sclerosis, after surgical interventions, for myalgia and to remove spasms; contributes to slowing down nerve impulses, thanks to which it removes muscle pain, convulsions, tension, dizziness.
  2. Sirdalud (tinadizine) is a muscle relaxant of the central type of action: it can not only relieve muscle spasm, but also has a pronounced analgesic effect.
  3. Baclofen is a muscle relaxant that has virtually no effect on neuromuscular tension and does not cause such weakness as Mydocalm and Sirdalud.
  4. Sibazon - a drug that has a pronounced sedative effect on the central nervous system, belongs to tranquilizers, benzodiazepine derivatives, but also has a muscle relaxant property: it is used for complex injuries, arthrosis, myositis.

Use of antispasmodics

Antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Papaverine, Mebeverine), which remove spasm from the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatic and renal colic.

NSAIDs and sedatives

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Used in pharmacy following list drugs:

  • Xefocam (lornoxicam);
  • Celebrex (celecoxib);
  • Nise, Nimesil (nimesulide);
  • Movalis, Movasin (meloxicam).

NSAIDs block the COX1 and COX2 enzymes responsible for the production of inflammatory mediators. Due to this, they relieve inflammation, spasm, reduce pain and swelling.

On the pharmaceutical market, drugs in this group are represented by a wide range: Ibuprofen, Ketonal, Piroxicam, Indomethacin, Diclofenac. But they are used less often, as they are aggressive towards the gastrointestinal tract.

Sedatives promote relaxation, relieve nervous tension and reduce the conduction of nerve impulses along the fibers. They are divided into the following groups:

  • vegetable origin (Novo-passit, Persen);
  • chemical nature (Afobazole);
  • combined (Corvalol, Valoserdin, Valemidin).

Vitamins, micro and macro elements contribute to the normalization of blood circulation, hematopoiesis, improve tissue trophism, maintain water and electrolyte balance. In neurology, the following drugs are used:

  1. Vitamins of group B (Kombilipen, Milgamma, Neuromultivit) in injections and tablets: improve blood circulation, hematopoiesis, impulse conduction along nerve fibers.
  2. Magnesium preparations (Magnelis B6, Magne B6, Magnerot, Magnesium plus) must be used to relieve muscle spasm: they relieve cramps, muscle spasm, improve contractility myocardium, improve mood and performance, relieve flatulence (bloating).
  3. Multivitamins (Supradin, Multi-tabs, Centrum, Complivit, Vitrum) improve metabolic processes organism.

special instructions

For the treatment of neuralgia, osteochondrosis and others neurological diseases a complex of the above means is used, but they all have contraindications and side effects:

  1. Muscle relaxants cause bradycardia and a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, and reduce the rate of reactions. Therefore, they are prescribed with caution in jobs that require heightened attention, or prescribed for the night.
  2. Antispasmodics can cause a decrease in blood pressure. Hypotension, bradycardia absolute contraindications for the reception.
  3. NSAIDs have an ulcerogenic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. They are prescribed with caution in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Take NSAIDs after meals, preferably with milk.

Features of prescribing drugs for the treatment of muscle spasms

  1. With a weak pain syndrome appoint local preparations in the form of ointments (Nurofen, Nise, Ketonal, Voltaren), in the form of patches (Nanoplast, Voltaren, Dorsaplast, Versatis)
  2. With osteochondrosis, muscle relaxants are prescribed in combination with NSAIDs and vitamins.
  3. With pain syndrome that is not stopped by oral and local funds, use injections of muscle relaxants, NSAIDs and vitamins. Medical provocation leads to the elimination of pain.
  4. Often, muscle spasms require the appointment of drugs that help normalize blood circulation (Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Cavinton).


Muscle spasm may be single, especially after physical activity. Then it is enough to take an analgesic or NSAIDs, and the problem is solved. But often muscle spasm is a symptom of a disease. Then complex therapy is required.

How to relieve pain in this case, the neuropathologist must decide. And after removing acute pain you need to get a massage physiotherapy exercises. So that muscle spasm does not recur, you need the right, balanced diet and physical activity.

Breaking is called withdrawal syndrome, pursuing drug addicts after the end of taking narcotic drugs. How stronger effect from the drug, the stronger the withdrawal will be.

What is a break?

The syndrome is a group of disorders - somatic and psychopathological. The main reason for the appearance of withdrawal is a decrease in the dosage of the drug, refusal to use, take. The syndrome is due to physical addiction to the drug. The severity of the syndrome directly depends on how quickly the drug is absorbed during metabolism. Drugs individually affect the body, excretion and withdrawal are different in each individual case. For example, it is difficult to get rid of the consequences of taking Methadone - withdrawal symptoms can last more than a month.

Many consider it possible to remove the symptom at home, thinking that there are pills for withdrawal. People who are faced with such a problem, worried about a loved one, believe that the addict can survive the withdrawal syndrome within the walls of their monastery without going to the hospital. This is not so, do not believe this information. On average, breaking takes 1-2 weeks. Many drug addicts say that they are experiencing real hell during this time. How many days does withdrawal last for a drug addict, determined individual characteristics the body, the drugs used, the duration of dependence.

Withdrawal syndrome is manifested by weakness, convulsions, vomiting, nausea, pain, diarrhea, insomnia. At the same time, disruption occurs internal organs. It is dangerous to experience breaking at home - a new breakdown may occur, a fatal outcome is likely.

If a qualified detox physician is not around, the patient should not be left alone. It is important to monitor his physical, psychological condition. The treatment is complicated by the unavailability of drugs to weaken the breakage, they are sold only by prescription in specialized clinics. . Removal preparations drug withdrawal are not self-selected.

Symptoms of an impending breakdown

Revealing the approach of breaking is simple. Please note that different medications affect the body in different ways, the effects, withdrawal symptoms are similar.

The first signs of impending breakage:

  • Weakness.
  • Sweating.
  • Bad mood.
  • Chills.
  • Malaise.
  • Deterioration of the general condition.

The symptoms are similar to those of an impending flu or cold. The addict wants to be alone, is easily irritated, does not want to communicate, tries to keep warm while lying in bed. The condition of the body worsens, vomiting and diarrhea begin. Due to diarrhea, the body is dehydrated, the drug addict loses his last strength, is not able to deal with pain in muscles and joints. The patient rushes from corner to corner, trying to take a position where the pain is not felt. Muscle spasms begin, from which it is impossible to get rid of. Often, addicts roll on the floor, compare their general condition with blows. different items over the body.

The condition continues with the following manifestations:

  • Vomit.
  • Sudden changes in body temperature - throws into heat, cold.
  • Seizures are observed.
  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • Bones, muscles, joints hurt.

General state in many patients the same, accompanied by insomnia. In the case of sleep, it is intermittent, restless, short-lived.

Psychological manifestations of an approaching breakdown are observed:

  • Uncontrollable anger.
  • Anxiety, inability to stay in one place, anxiety.
  • The person suffers from insomnia, is closed, sees nightmares, hallucinations.

In this state, the addict cannot distinguish a loved one from a demon - it seems to him that he is being tortured by beings of unearthly origin. Gradually, as physical, psychological, other changes begin to take place. The above description is the first reason that the withdrawal time should be referred to specialists, without trying to control the dependent home on your own. This is dangerous for the addict himself, his relatives, close people.

What pills for withdrawal can not be given?

How can it be easier for an addict to overcome the withdrawal? Trying to alleviate the patient's condition, it is desirable not to make him worse. There are drugs, the use of which is excluded in the event of an abstinence syndrome. These include:

  1. Tramal. Counts the best drug to remove breakage. The drug is effective, gives an analgesic effect, affects the central nervous system. It is used by doctors to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Its independent use is strictly prohibited. The substance belongs to active antagonists. Alone pain he weakens, others strengthens. Breaking after taking it will become tolerable, the manifestation will be delayed for several days. The drug causes chemical addiction that forms addiction in the addict. Appointed in therapeutic doses along with other medications. No more than 8 capsules per day are used.
  2. Under no circumstances should you use narcotic drugs to remove breakage. This is a disservice close person. The breaking will stop for a while, the addict will need large dose for her absence in a few days. Treatment stops, the disease relapses.
  3. tranquilizers. Their use by patients is excluded. The drugs were created in the form symptomatic remedies to eradicate anxiety. Quickly cause chemical dependence, similar to narcotics. Each drug received a narrow focus of therapeutic activity. The use of drugs without the knowledge of a doctor is prohibited.

When thinking about how to help a drug addict with withdrawal, remember that medications that are suitable for a drug addict to relieve withdrawal symptoms cannot be independently determined.

It is necessary to study several volumes of specialized literature, giving an understanding of the effect of a particular drug on the body when using each type of drug. Selection is only qualified specialist in the hospital. So you can not harm the patient, choose the drugs that are optimally suitable for him, relieving withdrawal symptoms, calming the addict, not addictive.

First aid for drug withdrawal

If you want to help an addict with the manifestation of withdrawal, you need to focus on the following steps:

  1. Remove internal panic, remember that the problem is solvable. A drug addict will not die during withdrawal - withdrawal begins with withdrawal syndrome chemical substances from the body.
  2. It is important to measure arterial pressure. The danger of withdrawal syndrome is observed at low pressure - if the patient suffers from hypotension. Dangerous indicators- below 90/60 mm Hg. If this indicator is observed, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  3. Put the patient before the fact - you will have to go to the clinic in the near future. Often the addict agrees, feeling terrible.
  4. To relieve pain, analgesics are used - aspirin, spasmalgon, baralgin. Use no more than 3 tablets.
  5. You can apply a sedative, be sure to write down its name. During the appointment with the doctor, it is necessary to indicate which sedative, painkiller was used, in what quantity. In no case should you give alcohol, drugs based on alcohol.
  6. A visit to the hospital is relevant in the morning if withdrawal began in the evening or at night. The addict will be able to survive five to six hours without going to the clinic. At this time, he easily agrees to therapy.

During the onset of withdrawal, make sure that the addict does not do anything to himself. With withdrawal syndrome, many try to jump out of the window, commit suicide The general condition of the body, pain, convulsions encourage the addict to act decisively. You can not leave the addict alone in the room - close to him should always be close. Correct first aid for drug withdrawal is a guarantee of saving the life of the addict before the arrival of the ambulance.

Consequences of breaking

The consequences of a breakdown include changes that occur in the human body. They begin a few hours after the end of the last use of the drug. Full feeling the lack of a dose will manifest itself after a couple of days.

In the process of life, the metabolism of a psychoactive substance is involved. On average, withdrawal symptoms last up to 10 days. Outcome - self wrestling organism with the absence of drugs, organs and organ systems learn to synthesize needed by the body substances in the right amount. It turns out this is not always - the lack of vitamins, minerals affects the result of the body's work. In most cases, this is the main barrier to stopping breaking. Situations are extremely difficult when the body cannot independently produce vitamins, substances, vital important elements- The person is in danger of death. Withdrawal symptoms from synthetic drugs are stronger than from drugs created from plants. Removing drug withdrawal at home in any case is an extremely dangerous undertaking, guaranteeing harm to a weakened orgasm.

How easy is it to move the break?

It will not be possible to quickly transfer the withdrawal syndrome, especially if the patient stays at home. As a means to alleviate the condition are used:

  1. Salt bath, contrast shower.
  2. Meditation, the search for inner strength.
  3. Green tea, milk with honey, diaphoretic tinctures.
  4. Sleeping pills to normalize sleep.

These methods do not always work, especially if the addict has been using drugs for a long time. An alternative solution to the situation is to go to the hospital, consult a qualified narcologist. Ultra-rapid detox is used. it fast method withdrawal symptoms, related to emergency measures problem solving. It is used if, after trying to stop using drugs, the addict has a breakdown during the cleansing of the body.

Withdrawal syndrome passes in about 6 hours.

The essence of the procedure is simple - the patient receives a certain amount of naltrexone - a drug that blocks nerve endings in the brain. It eliminates the possibility of impact on them narcotic drug. Next, anesthesia is introduced, the person falls asleep for 6 hours without experiencing pain.

After anesthesia, the patient wakes up without pain, brittle. If a residual effect breaking is observed, it passes quickly. The procedure is long-acting - after the introduction of a repeated dose of the drug into the body, the addict will not feel any pleasure. There will be no physical desire to return to the use of drugs. Work is underway with psychological factors affecting the desire to buy and apply a new dose. The desire to plunge into the buzz of narcotic dope does not disappear.

Before carrying out such a procedure, the doctor conducts a study of the patient's body, prescribes proper treatment. Ultra Rapid Detox is Not the Solution existing problem. It limits the craving for the use of the drug, facilitates withdrawal, and does not cure the addiction itself. It's important to pass full complex all procedures aimed at eradicating addiction. This includes psychological work with the addict, his further socialization, the search for a goal, motivation for which he wants to say goodbye to drugs.

Carrying out ultra-rapid detoxification is relevant if a breakdown becomes apparent, there is a high probability that all efforts will go to waste. With every addict, this method is not practiced.

There is misconception- the use of ultra-rapid detoxification will become a single solution to problems. This is the first step on the way to the eradication of addiction, it is up to both addicts and relatives, doctors of the narcological center to fight it.

Pain accompanies many diseases of the internal organs. In most cases, it is associated with spastic muscle contraction. To endure such pain is very painful. To cope with it, special drugs have been created - antispasmodics. These drugs act either on the smooth muscle internal organs, or on the process of transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. Due to the relaxation of the muscles, the pain goes away, in many cases this happens quite quickly. Therefore, antispasmodics are so popular with doctors and patients. The list of these drugs is not very large, and many of them are already used long years. Such medicines quickly relieve spasms and alleviate the suffering of the patient.

What are antispasmodics?

These drugs relieve pain caused by muscle spasm. They are also able to dilate blood vessels and bronchi, stimulate cardiac activity. Antispasmodics are now widely used in medicine. Back in the middle of the 19th century, papaverine was isolated from poppy heads. But only in the 20s of the 20th century was its ability to relieve spasms discovered, and it began to be widely used. Research in this area continued, and "Dibazol" was created, which also had a vasodilating effect. And in the 60s, after the creation of No-Shpa, antispasmodics became even more popular.

These drugs are used for pain in the stomach, renal colic, with pancreatitis and cholecystitis, migraine and menstrual pain, violations cerebral circulation and high blood pressure. Some of them are able to relieve bronchospasm or heart pain, while others are used only for gastric diseases.

Classification of these drugs

  1. Neurotropic antispasmodics. Their action is based on the fact that they block the transmission of nerve impulses that send a signal to the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Some of them affect the brain and have a complex effect on internal organs, others have a more selective effect on receptors in the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.
  2. Myotropic antispasmodics. These drugs are more common, as they act directly on the smooth muscles of the internal organs. They affect the biochemical processes occurring in the cells, and are able to quickly relax the muscles.
  3. neuromyotropic antispasmodics. They have a stronger effect, as they combine the advantages of other groups. These include "Baralgin", "Tempalgin", "Spazgan", "Maksigan" and others.

Neurotropic antispasmodics

These drugs are divided into two groups depending on the mode of action.

  1. The most common neurotropic antispasmodics are Atropine sulfate, Platifillin, Scopolamine and Hyoscyamine. They act on M-cholinergic receptors involved in the passage of nerve impulses through the brain. Therefore, in addition to relieving spasms of smooth muscles, neurotropic antispasmodics reduce the activity of the glands. internal secretion and selection of hydrochloric acid, increase heart rate and increase intraocular pressure.
  2. The drug has a more selective effect. It does not penetrate the brain and does not affect other organs. Its effect extends only to the receptors of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system. This medicine is more popular abroad, and in our country it is known under the names "Butylscopolamine", "Buscopan", "Spanil" or "Spasmobrew".

Myotropic antispasmodics

This is the more well-known group of drugs. They are used much more often than neurotropic antispasmodics. These drugs act on the smooth muscle cells of the internal organs and do not penetrate the brain. They block the entry of calcium ions and some enzymes into cells and thus prevent muscle contraction. Very often used myotropic antispasmodics for the intestines. These drugs are known to many and are often prescribed by doctors. Sometimes drugs with the same active ingredient are produced under different names:

  • preparations based on drotaverine: Bespa, Bioshpa, Drotaverin, No-Shpa, Spazmol, Spazmonet, Spazmoverin and others;

  • drugs hydrochloride" and "Papazol";
  • drugs that include mebeverine: "Mebeverine hydrochloride", "Duspatalin", "Niaspam", "Sparex";
  • medicines with the active substance trimebutin: "Trimedat" and "Neobutin".

Antispasmodics of plant origin

Many plants are also able to act on the smooth muscles of the internal organs. They have long been used as antispasmodics in the form of decoctions and infusions. These are herbs such as mint, belladonna, tansy, chamomile, fennel and others. Now there are new herbal antispasmodics (drugs). Their names are becoming more and more known, as such drugs are better tolerated and have less side effects. The most popular of them:

  • "Plantex" removes and can be used even for small children.

  • "Iberogast" was created on the basis of 9 herbs that are effective in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • "Azulan" containing chamomile extract.
  • "Prospan" is an antispasmodic based on ivy leaves.
  • "Tanacehol" contains tansy extract.
  • "Altaleks" in addition to antispasmodic has an anti-inflammatory and sedative effect.

Complex preparations

AT last years painkillers have become more popular, which include several active ingredients. They allow one tablet not only to relieve muscle spasm and reduce pain, but also to eliminate its cause. For example, non-hormonal anti-inflammatory antispasmodic drugs relax muscles, relieve inflammation and fever, and relieve pain. The most famous complex drugs are:

  • "Novigan" is used for renal and intestinal colic, dysmenorrhea, migraine and joint pain.
  • "Spasmalgon" is effective for various pains and spasms, fever, high blood pressure.
  • The drug "Trigan" contains paracetamol and dicycloverine and well relieves spastic pain.
  • "Pentalgin" is a very popular analgesic drug containing five active active ingredients that are effective not only for pain and spasms, but also for fever.

  • "Andipal" helps well only with various spastic pains, but slightly reduces pressure.

The most famous antispasmodics

The list of drugs that relieve pain and spasms is growing every year. But some of them have been popular for a long time. These are "Papaverin", "Drotaverin", "Dibazol", "Papazol" and others. But the most popular drug is No-Shpa. It was created on the basis of drotaverine, but is considered more effective and safer.

All these drugs are most often used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, these drugs help to remove severe pain inevitable in this disease. Best of all, No-Shpa, Platifillin, Atropine, Papaverine help with this. They are also effective in cholecystitis, renal and, in addition, they are effective in spasms of blood vessels and circulatory disorders "Galidor", "Dibazol", "Nomigren", "Papazol", "Nikospan" and others. And "Teopek", "Eufilin" and "Erespal" relieve bronchospasm well.

Contraindications and side effects

Most antispasmodics are well tolerated even by small patients. Therefore, many of them can be purchased without a prescription. Moreover, they drink such drugs one-time - only to relieve pain. But in this case, you must first consult a doctor. After all, not everyone can take antispasmodics. They are contraindicated in:

  • tuberculosis;
  • bacterial infections;
  • serious pathologies of the intestine;
  • severe disorders in the work of the heart, liver and kidneys;
  • individual intolerance.

  • indigestion, nausea, flatulence and dry mouth;
  • disturbances in the work of the central nervous system - anxiety, convulsions and nervous excitement;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • activity disruption of cardio-vascular system- tachycardia, decreased blood pressure.
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