Comic riddles on medical topics. Riddles about professions. eye diagnosis

Riddles about doctors in an easy and accessible form will explain to children that doctors do not need to be afraid, because not only vaccinations and injections are associated with them, but also the only way to quickly recover during an illness.

This doctor is not just a doctor,
He heals people's eyes
Even if you can't see well
You can see everything with glasses.

Who in the days of sickness
more useful than all
And heals us of all

Don't be afraid of the pediatrician
Don't worry, calm down
And of course don't cry
It's just childish...

How can you see through the wall?
In glasses and in the light, and then not be able to.
And meanwhile he saw through it
Not only me, but also my heart.


He treats skin diseases -
From furuncle to erysipelas.


He sits at the patient's bed
And how to be treated, he tells everyone.
Who is sick - he will offer to take drops.
Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

Heals young children
Heals birds and animals.
Looking through his glasses
Good Doctor...

Who is for the good of all people
Does he share his blood?

Hidden here is the question:
Doctor with thread and needle
What's the name? remember
And give me a quick answer.

This doctor will remove
I have easy appendicitis.
The scalpel is his best friend
Who is that doctor?

We are suffering from a cold again,
We call him to the house.
He will give us sick leave.
And who is he as an expert?

Captain Ksyusha with Zhanna
Infected with manna porridge.
And then they treated cabbage soup,
They want to be...

Drills whistle heard -
Treats everyone's teeth...

Mama can put cans
To smear abrasions and wounds.
Mom gives injections
To all the kids in our school.
Mom caress, kind word
Helps you get healthy!


Seryozha coughs loudly.
He seems to have bronchitis.
They call the clinic
And Serezha says:
- Do not be afraid and do not cry -
Good is coming to you...

I was given yesterday
Two injections...


Riddles about doctors will help children get to know the professions of people who work in the hospital and, perhaps, stop being afraid of them.

Children encounter doctors regularly, starting from the first seconds of their lives. And it’s not even that they often get sick, just children, due to their constant development, they are under special control by doctors, and no one has yet canceled routine vaccination. Unfortunately, the latter is precisely the root cause of the fact that children are even afraid to come close to doctors' offices, fearing that they will be hurt there.

Their fear is understandable, but what should parents do, who already always worry about their children, especially if they get sick. Do not follow the child's lead and thereby aggravate the situation even more, start the disease and cause even more hysteria, but not from fear, but from pain ?! Of course not! Just to get acquainted with doctors you need to approach more consciously and smoothly.

First, try not to skip healthy appointments so that your baby can see that a visit to the doctor is not always accompanied by unpleasant procedures.

Secondly, always honestly warn the child what awaits him in the clinic: a simple examination, vaccination, x-ray, or something else. So you will not undermine his trust and avoid baseless tantrums.

Well, and thirdly, explain to the baby how important it is to visit a doctor on time in order to stay healthy, tell us what doctors are and what each of them treats, and do it not in the form of a lecture, but in the form of an exciting game with visual ( toy) tools, pictures, poems, fairy tales (stories) and cartoons. In general, everything that children like. So you will warm up the interest of the baby, and he will be happy to visit the doctor next time, if only to compare how true his “equipment” and knowledge are. Do not miss the moment to increase this interest by asking riddles about doctors.

This online section contains the best and most interesting children's riddles about doctors. They are not difficult even for kids. Each riddle is designed to adapt to doctors and procedures faster.

You can ask them both before the appointment, so that the baby himself will tell which doctor he will go to now, and after it - as an effective way to consolidate and systematize the impressions that the child has left after visiting one or another specialist, doctor's office.

Remember: everything is in your hands, and the mood of your child is in the first place! Do not rely on riddles alone - they are not a panacea, but only your little assistant in choosing the key to the heart, knowledge and mood of your child.

We offer riddles about the professions of people. Each riddle comes with a clue. It's great if you and your child learn a few riddles. This contributes to the development of memory, speech, vocabulary.

Riddles about teachers Who teaches all children to write and read,
Love nature, respect the elderly?

With white chalk and a pointer
He teaches us a lesson!
And he speaks well
Our beloved…

He teaches children at school.
Strict, but forgiving.
Helps you get smarter
He explains everything.

Riddles about physician (doctor), nurse
Who in the days of sickness
more useful than all
And heals us of all

Don't be afraid of the pediatrician
Don't worry, calm down
And of course don't cry
It's just childish...

We are suffering from a cold again,
We call him to the house.
He will give us sick leave.
And who is he as an expert?

Hidden here is the question:
Doctor with thread and needle
What's the name? remember
And give me a quick answer.

This doctor will remove
I have easy appendicitis.
The scalpel is his best friend
Who is that doctor? …!

How can you see through the wall?
In glasses and in the light, and then not be able to.
And meanwhile he saw through it
Not only me, but also my heart.

This doctor is not just a doctor,
He heals people's eyes
Even if you can't see well
You can see everything with glasses.

Seryozha coughs loudly.
He seems to have bronchitis.
They call the clinic
And Serezha says:
- Do not be afraid and do not cry -
Good is coming to you...

Who sits at the patient's bedside?
And he tells everyone how to be treated.
Who is sick - he will offer to take drops.
Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

Captain Ksyusha with Zhanna
Infected with manna porridge.
And then they treated cabbage soup,
They want to be...
(by doctors)

Mama can put cans
To smear abrasions and wounds.
Mom gives injections
To all the kids in our school.
Mom caress, kind word
Helps you get healthy!

Riddles about artist
Pilot Borya has a friend
Paint all around.
Rain on the window
So it will grow...

I have a pencil
colorful gouache,
watercolor, palette, brush
And a thick sheet of paper
And also - an easel-tripod,
Because I...

I love bathing in paint.
Completely without fear
I dip my head
And then I don't wipe
By paper sheet
Or woven canvas
Left, right, up and down
I walk. Who am I?

Here is a wooden helper for you.
It must be sharp all the time.
Outline, still life, portrait, landscape
Draw quickly...

To spread out the notes,
Musicians have music stands
And to dilute the colors,
Artists need...

Puzzles about the cook
I will find them in the restaurant -
These people in caps
They conjure over pots
With ladles in hand.

Tell me who's so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup
smelly meatballs,
salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches?

The singer has neighbors -
Twins Denis and Fedya.
Water is boiled in the evenings
So there will be...
(by chefs)

Each of his creations
Just a fairy tale, food,
Thoughts, creativity flight.
Anyone who has tried will understand.

Mom cooks soup
Babies from different groups
Deftly fashion cutlets
And cut the vinaigrettes.
And with such a skillful mother
I am the most satiated!

He works at the stove
As he soars on wings.
Everything rages around him
The kitchen is his forge.

Riddles about pilot, aviator, cosmonaut
He drives a great plane,
Safe flight with him
Real ace…

Sasha proudly plane
Lucky on a string.
He's getting ready to fly
So it will grow...

silver needle
I led a thread in the sky.
Who is brave
white thread
He sewed the sky, but hurried:
Has the tail of the thread fluffed up?

I see a plane in the sky
Like a glowing lump
The pilot controls it
Otherwise, just...

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
He's not flying a plane
And a huge rocket.
Children, who, say it?

At first they twisted it in a centrifuge,
And then they dressed up in a heavy spacesuit.
He went to fly among the stars.
I also want to! They say he hasn't matured.

Riddles about cook, captain, diver, scuba diver, sailor
Who prepares everything in a naval way:
Pasta, borscht and dumplings,
Porridge, pancakes, compote,
Does he call the kitchen a galley?

He is both a cook and a sailor.
What is his name, tell me?
Everything is naval, porridge, juice
Prepare delicious...

He is on the bridge
And he looks through the binoculars of the sea,
The ninth wave is not afraid -
He firmly holds the helm.
He is on the ship - the king and pan.
Who is this? …

He is a marine, but a good wolf,
He knows a lot about the blue sea.
Brought to many countries
Your ship...

Who puts on a spacesuit
And diving deep?
Who in shoes with lead
Walks there on the bottom on foot?

Like a goose's flippers
On his feet
He usually wears a mask
Or with glasses
Behind - two balloons,
In cylinders - oxygen,
And like a fish
He swims in the water.
(Scuba diver)

You, like a private in the infantry,
You serve as a private in Morflot.
Boatswain ordered? Quicker
Climb up the ladder to the yard.
And do not be afraid, do not hang your nose!
You are in a vest! You - …

I want to be a sailor
To visit the sea
And serve not on earth,
And in the military...

Riddle about the border guard

If I'm an excellent student
I won't miss school.
I can work...
Deservedly to shine with medals.
(border guard)

Riddle about tanker

The car rushes briskly into battle,
The enemy will not hide before her,
That car in a clean field
Controlled …

Papa is small
But handsome as an artist
The engine starts just
So daddy...

Riddle about infantry
Can you become a soldier
Swim, ride and fly
And if hunting is in the ranks -
Waiting for you soldier...

Riddle about war

Any military profession
It is imperative to learn.
To be the backbone of the country
So that the world does not have ...

Riddle about sapper

If dad understands
Repairs the kettle and boiler
And then it all explodes
So dad was...

Riddle about the paratrooper

If dad is very brave,
He will protect everyone skillfully,
The Air Force will celebrate the holiday,
This means he...

Riddles about professions for children with riddles and pictures. Clicking on an image will open it in a large new window.
Professions are a very important topic for children, it is desirable to give as many ideas and images as possible for the main professions, such as a cook, teacher, doctor, military man, artist, and so on. Riddles will help in a playful way to fix the names of professions and additionally understand how one profession differs from another.

The presenter hands the participant of the competition a card on which any medical specialty is written. For example, ophthalmologist, dentist, ENT, gynecologist and so on. The participant must, with his gestures and facial expressions, explain to those present which doctor is indicated on his card. The one from the audience who guessed first gets the next card with the task.


Participants compete in pairs. Each pair, blindfolded, must put on each other things that are in the bag provided by the leader. There are two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. As soon as the "surgeons" are fully equipped, they shout: "Scalpel!". The pair of surgeons who "prepared for the operation" faster than the rest wins.

eye diagnosis

The facilitator takes turns calling the symptoms of a particular disease. Which of the doctors with fewer listing of the number of symptoms will be able to determine the diagnosis - he receives a prize. For example, fever, cough, runny nose, headache and joint pain - influenza; fatigue, short-term sleep, complete lack of a sense of rest after sleep, difficulty falling asleep - insomnia; partial memory lapses, lack of control over the amount of alcohol consumed, severe hangovers, binges - alcoholism, and so on.

In uniform

Medics are as agile as soldiers or firefighters. They also quickly need to transform from a simple person into the guise of a "rescuer". A set of uniforms has been prepared for each participant: a cap, a mask, a dressing gown with buttons, boot covers, gloves. At the start command, each participant begins to gather at his post. Whoever quickly puts on all the accessories will become the winner and receive the title of the most dexterous physician.

Medical plaster

This competition will require several volunteers, on which the host or person responsible for the holiday will draw wounds with the help of iodine or a felt-tip pen (in the same number and in the same places). Each participant receives his volunteer and the same number of plasters (small - disposable). At the “start” command, doctors must find wounds on their “patients” and seal them all with medical plasters. Whoever completes the task first, wins.

The language of medicine

Doctors are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives sheets with the same phrases, but written in Latin. The phrase can be absolutely any (compiled using a dictionary or online translator). The team that completes the translation first and does it verbatim first will be the winner.

Medical opinion

Each medic gets a pie with any filling. On the “start” command, the participants, using a scalpel (small knife), must open their pie, find out its filling and sew it up (using a thread and a needle). Whoever copes faster, he won. After the autopsy, everyone must voice their medical opinion and whoever gets it funnier will also receive a prize.

hit or miss

Each doctor in turn pulls out a phantom from a medical cap, which will indicate any very interesting action, for example, draw a fly on the face with green paint or put on medical gloves and walk in them for an hour, rub your back with medical alcohol or drink a glucose solution, in general, everything unusual. And then either do everything according to the phantom, or drink medical alcohol.

And suddenly you have to be a surgeon

Each participant receives two identical shreds, a needle and thread of the same length. At the “start” command, each participant threads a needle and sews his two shreds together. Whoever sews two patches faster and better, he receives a diploma of the best surgeon and a prize.

Aibolit will help you
Throat color like raspberry
So you have... ANGINA

2. If you ran through the puddles
Umbrella was not needed
And in the morning out of nowhere
Appears... COLD.

3. Smile and joke
He loves kids very much.
Puts in a row for injections
Children's doctor. ..PEDIATRICIAN.

4. Hepatitis, dysentery
Malaria, diphtheria
Everything will drive away like a Chikist

5. Stand in the heat, stand in the cold,
Always in the hands of bouquets of roses
This house gives kids
We'll call him... Maternity hospital.

6. Check the cleanliness, the quality of cleaning
Disinfection for you in a moment is carried out deftly
If you break their law, a receipt flies in an instant,
And send it to you... SANEPIDEM STATION.

7. He is not a sadist, but he will shine a lamp in the eye,
Everyone, like a schoolboy, will answer all the letters.
In the card, everything will be encrypted, Chekist,
Among the people Glaznik, but for us ... OCULIST.

8. "Scalpel, clamp, dry, fast, pretty,
Time? Pressure? We'll make it, take it easy."
Many colleagues and sterile around,
This is how the best works... SURGEON.

9. If, for luck, a stork is knocking on your door,
So your baby is due soon.
In childbirth, an assistant, tactful and dexterous,
Who is it? Friendly… . OB/GYNECOLOGIST

10. White teeth - of course beautiful,
In an instant, he will drive away caries playfully.
The seal will not be left in the mouth by a proctologist,
Everyone's favorite doctor... DENTIST

11. In his office "sweeter" pills,
And there they will sing "lyuli-lyuli" without a problem.
He is happy with what is called Aibolit,
Everyone knows what heals children ... PEDIATRICIAN

12. He is no worse in the desmurgy of a surgeon,
The gypsum will put you on, tighten it tighter.
Set the joint without drugs and needles,
Everyone's favorite doctor... TRAUMATOLOGIST.

13. He promises everyone sweet dreams,
The mask gently puts on your mouth.
No, he is not an ENT or a dentist,
We know that this is... ANESTHETIST

14. In the hands of a stethoscope, and a tonometer in place,
He knows medicines, probably two hundred tons.
Runs to the site and sends hello to everyone,
Master of Medicine, dear .... THERAPIST

2. Table joke "10 signs that you are a doctor..."

1. Not women, but stethoscopes are hung around your neck ...

2. You promised something to Hippocrates...

3. You will be the first to know about new trends in women's underwear (and men's too).

4. Everything around is in shit, and you are in white ...

5. You regularly lose someone...

6. You know how to write out what the pharmacy can not read ...

7. You not only drink alcohol, but also rub it on the buttocks of other people ...

8. In the West, you would receive 100 times more ...

9. Kal can tell you a lot...

10. If we get sick, we will not contact you.

3. Musical riddles "We diagnose the lyrical hero of the song"

Short fragments of songs are read (or sounded), and the guests try to determine what really bothers the patient, that is, to make a diagnosis. The one who makes the most correct diagnoses is entitled to some kind of medical prize.

Fragments of songs and diagnoses:

1. "And my heart stopped,
My heart sank" (diagnosis: heart failure).

2. "If you don't hear me,
So it's winter." (diagnosis: otitis).

3. We walked with you,
I cried, oh I cried (diagnosis: hysteria).

4. We honestly want to tell you:
We don't look at girls anymore (diagnosis: impotence).

5. In vain you scold the rain, in vain you scold him
You stand and wait, but why, you don't know (diagnosis: sclerosis).

6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,
So it's not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).

7. She even wanted to hang herself,
But institute, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).

8. I know - you want, I know for sure - you want,
I know for sure - you want, you want - but you are silent (diagnosis: dumbness).

9. It hurts me, it hurts
Do not relieve this evil pain (diagnosis: pain shock).

10. And his wound rots,
And it won't get any smaller
And won't live (diagnosis: gangrene).

11. Every step through hurts,
Every gesture hurts through (diagnosis: fractures of the limbs).

12. Judge people, judge God, How I loved
In the frost barefoot to the sweetheart went (ORZ)

13. I got drunk drunk,
I won't get home (alcoholism)

14. Black eyes, passionate eyes, Eyes burning and beautiful!
How I love you! How I fear you!
Know that I saw you at an unkind hour! (Hypnosis session.)

15. I am not an angel, I am not a demon, I am a tired wanderer.
I am back, I am resurrected
And knocked on your house. (Clinical death.)

16. Never said
But there is no more patience. (Silence.)

17. Night! Cold expectations.
Pain! It's like I'm split.
I do not see anything,
I hate myself. (Night blindness.)

18. And the dawn is already more and more noticeable,
So please be kind... (Hangover syndrome.)

19. Why are thoughts so confused?
Why does the light dim so often? (Fainting.)

20. I rush into the night to catch up with you,
But I understand that I'm standing and I can't run. (Paralysis.)

21. Unfortunately, I am, but, fortunately, not alone
I fell into your insidious addiction. (Addiction.)

22. A snowstorm covered the road,
The sledge track disappeared...
Hands get cold, feet get cold,
And it's all gone and gone (frostbite)

23. This girl is nothing.
And this one is nothing.
And this one, I note,
The belly puffs up from the tea. (Binge eating.)

24. Oh, and now I myself have become somewhat unstable,
I won't get home from a friendly drinking party. (Alcohol intoxication.)

25. And I recognize the sweetheart by his gait. (Flat feet.)

26. I tried to get away from love,
I took a sharp razor and straightened myself. (Suicidal syndrome.)

27. There is no logic in your thoughts,
How can I find the truth in them? (Schizophrenia.)

28. What are you, my dear, look askance,
Tilt your head low? (Osteochondrosis.)

29. Sweet berry tore together,
Bitter berry - I'm alone (poisoning)

30. Far, far, far
My only true friend.
Not easy, not easy, not easy
Without reliable, proven hands (masseur).

31. Hot sun, hot sand,
Hot lips - a sip of water. (Sunstroke)

The presenter hands the participant of the competition a card on which any medical specialty is written. For example, ophthalmologist, dentist, ENT, gynecologist and so on. The participant must, with his gestures and facial expressions, explain to those present which doctor is indicated on his card. The one from the audience who guessed first gets the next card with the task.


Participants compete in pairs. Each pair, blindfolded, must put on each other things that are in the bag provided by the leader. There are two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. As soon as the "surgeons" are fully equipped, they shout: "Scalpel!". The pair of surgeons who "prepared for the operation" faster than the rest wins.

eye diagnosis

The facilitator takes turns calling the symptoms of a particular disease. Which of the doctors with fewer listing of the number of symptoms will be able to determine the diagnosis - he receives a prize. For example, fever, cough, runny nose, headache and joint pain - influenza; fatigue, short-term sleep, complete lack of a sense of rest after sleep, difficulty falling asleep - insomnia; partial memory lapses, lack of control over the amount of alcohol consumed, severe hangovers, binges - alcoholism, and so on.

Bandage, bandage, bandage...

Participants are divided into several teams of 2-3 people, one of which is a mummy that needs to be wrapped in a bandage. At the start command, doctors must quickly, deftly and efficiently wrap their mummy in bandages. Whose team will do it faster and who will get the best mummy, that team won.

In uniform

Medics are as agile as soldiers or firefighters. They also quickly need to transform from a simple person into the guise of a "rescuer". A set of uniforms has been prepared for each participant: a cap, a mask, a dressing gown with buttons, boot covers, gloves. At the start command, each participant begins to gather at his post. Whoever quickly puts on all the accessories will become the winner and receive the title of the most dexterous physician.

Such different diagnoses

Guests are divided into teams of 3-4 people. Each team participates in turn. In each team, a person is selected who will have to show diagnoses from a hat with phantoms. So, the first team puts forward their "indicator", he goes to the center, takes out his puff, which indicates any diagnosis, for example, influenza, osteochondrosis, hypertension, and so on. Pulled out a phantom, show me. As soon as the "indicator" team correctly guesses the diagnosis, the "indicator" pulls out the next phantom and shows the next diagnosis. How many in one minute the "indicator" will have time to show, and the team to guess the diagnoses, the team will receive so many points. In the end, the team with the most points wins.

The Diamond Arm

Guests are divided into pairs, in which one participant will be "sick", and the second - a doctor. Each couple receives the same roll of bandage. At the “start” command, the “doctor” must turn the hand of the “sick” into a diamond hand, bandaging it with a whole bandage. The couple in which the "doctor" bandages his hand the fastest, having used up the entire bandage, will become the winner.

Take a pill

Guests are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives the same set of different tablets (in a bag), for example, activated charcoal, analgin, biseptol, ascorbic vitamin and so on, it is desirable that these are tablets with distinctive visual features. At the “start” command, each team looks into its bag, takes out pills and recognizes them. The team that is first ready to list the names of all the pills in "their" bag, and does it right, will be the winner.

And suddenly you have to be a surgeon

Each participant receives two identical shreds, a needle and thread of the same length. At the “start” command, each participant threads a needle and sews his two shreds together. Whoever sews two patches faster and better, he receives a diploma of the best surgeon and a prize.

Riddles about doctors in an easy and accessible form will explain to children that doctors do not need to be afraid, because not only vaccinations and injections are associated with them, but also the only way to quickly recover during an illness.

This doctor is not just a doctor,
He heals people's eyes
Even if you can't see well
You can see everything with glasses.

Who in the days of sickness
more useful than all
And heals us of all

Don't be afraid of the pediatrician
Don't worry, calm down
And of course don't cry
It's just childish...

How can you see through the wall?
In glasses and in the light, and then not be able to.
And meanwhile he saw through it
Not only me, but also my heart.


He treats skin diseases -
From furuncle to erysipelas.


He sits at the patient's bed
And how to be treated, he tells everyone.
Who is sick - he will offer to take drops.
Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

Heals young children
Heals birds and animals.
Looking through his glasses
Good Doctor...

Who is for the good of all people
Does he share his blood?

Hidden here is the question:
Doctor with thread and needle
What's the name? remember
And give me a quick answer.

This doctor will remove
I have easy appendicitis.
The scalpel is his best friend
Who is that doctor?

We are suffering from a cold again,
We call him to the house.
He will give us sick leave.
And who is he as an expert?

Captain Ksyusha with Zhanna
Infected with manna porridge.
And then they treated cabbage soup,
They want to be...

Drills whistle heard -
Treats everyone's teeth...

Mama can put cans
To smear abrasions and wounds.
Mom gives injections
To all the kids in our school.
Mom caress, kind word
Helps you get healthy!


Seryozha coughs loudly.
He seems to have bronchitis.
They call the clinic
And Serezha says:
- Do not be afraid and do not cry -
Good is coming to you...

I was given yesterday
Two injections...


Riddles about doctors will help children get to know the professions of people who work in the hospital and, perhaps, stop being afraid of them.

Children encounter doctors regularly, starting from the first seconds of their lives. And it’s not even that they often get sick, just children, due to their constant development, they are under special control by doctors, and no one has yet canceled routine vaccination. Unfortunately, the latter is precisely the root cause of the fact that children are even afraid to come close to doctors' offices, fearing that they will be hurt there.

Their fear is understandable, but what should parents do, who already always worry about their children, especially if they get sick. Do not follow the child's lead and thereby aggravate the situation even more, start the disease and cause even more hysteria, but not from fear, but from pain ?! Of course not! Just to get acquainted with doctors you need to approach more consciously and smoothly.

First, try not to skip healthy appointments so that your baby can see that a visit to the doctor is not always accompanied by unpleasant procedures.

Secondly, always honestly warn the child what awaits him in the clinic: a simple examination, vaccination, x-ray, or something else. So you will not undermine his trust and avoid baseless tantrums.

Well, and thirdly, explain to the baby how important it is to visit a doctor on time in order to stay healthy, tell us what doctors are and what each of them treats, and do it not in the form of a lecture, but in the form of an exciting game with visual ( toy) tools, pictures, poems, fairy tales (stories) and cartoons. In general, everything that children like. So you will warm up the interest of the baby, and he will be happy to visit the doctor next time, if only to compare how true his “equipment” and knowledge are. Do not miss the moment to increase this interest by asking riddles about doctors.

This online section contains the best and most interesting children's riddles about doctors. They are not difficult even for kids. Each riddle is designed to adapt to doctors and procedures faster.

You can ask them both before the appointment, so that the baby himself will tell which doctor he will go to now, and after it - as an effective way to consolidate and systematize the impressions that the child has left after visiting one or another specialist, doctor's office.

Remember: everything is in your hands, and the mood of your child is in the first place! Do not rely on riddles alone - they are not a panacea, but only your little assistant in choosing the key to the heart, knowledge and mood of your child.

Cool riddles for ingenuity (decent)

Try to solve riddles with your wits. The clue can be found by clicking on " Answer to the riddle"

AT one city came sage. He knew everything in the world. People came to the sage for advice, and the sage helped everyone. The boy lived in the city. Hearing that a sage appeared in the city, the boy decided to test the abilities of this sage. The boy was smart. Therefore, he caught the butterfly and squeezed it between his palms so that he could release it or crush it. And then this boy came to the sage with a butterfly between his palms.
- Listen to me! If you are really very wise and help people, guess if the butterfly is alive in my hand?
If he answered "live", the boy would crush the butterfly. If he answered "dead", the boy would release a butterfly. What did the sage say?

The answer to the riddle >>

To two people approach the river. Near the shore is a boat that can only support one. Both men crossed to the opposite bank. How?

The answer to the riddle >>

W whether on a cliff a guy and a girl.
Her: Do you love me?
He: yes!
She: could you jump down for me?
What two words did he say if they went on safe and sound?

The answer to the riddle >>

At whose mustache is longer than their legs?

The answer to the riddle >>

W the famous magician says he can put the bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?

The answer to the riddle >>

H then it goes uphill, then downhill, but remains in place?

The answer to the riddle >>

G where does it occur that a horse jumps over a horse?

The answer to the riddle >>

I put the pencil in the room so that no one could step over or jump over it. How did I do it?

The answer to the riddle >>

To Which table has no legs?

The answer to the riddle >>

At Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Chichi, Cheche, Chocho. What is the name of the 5th daughter?

The answer to the riddle >>

M Can he come out of the cellar with two heads?

The answer to the riddle >>

FROM bears a rich house and a poor one. They are on fire. Which house will the police put out?

The answer to the riddle >>

O neither are metallic or liquid. What are we talking about?

The answer to the riddle >>

AT what word "hid" an alcoholic drink and a natural phenomenon?

The answer to the riddle >>

At who's heel behind the nose?

The answer to the riddle >>

H what happens if you combine Microsoft and iPhone?

The answer to the riddle >>

W eating soldiers past the Eiffel Tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he get to?

The answer to the riddle >>

P before what mere mortals even the president takes off his hat?

The answer to the riddle >>

H maybe in an empty pocket?

The answer to the riddle >>

P What do they often go about, but rarely go?

The answer to the riddle >>

AT They gave it to you, and it belongs to you now. You never gave it to anyone, but all your friends use it. What it is?

The answer to the riddle >>

H what does a guard do when a sparrow sits on his beret?

The answer to the riddle >>

R eka, which "fits" in the mouth?

The answer to the riddle >>

To When is the best time for a black cat to sneak into a house?

The answer to the riddle >>

One person got in. Everyone there was naked. He looked around to see if anyone he knew was nearby.
Suddenly he saw a couple - and realized that they were Adam and Eve. How did he know?

The answer to the riddle >>

To How can a person not sleep for 8 days?

The answer to the riddle >>

AT What is the difference between portfolio and portfolio?

The answer to the riddle >>

O t head to tail 12 m, and from tail to head 0 m. What is this?

The answer to the riddle >>

At school principal has a brother Nikolai. But Nicholas has no brothers. Could this be?

The answer to the riddle >>

G Where do people pay for what is taken from them?

The answer to the riddle >>

M Is it possible to predict the score of a football match before it starts.

The answer to the riddle >>

H then a woman gets it for money, and a man for free?

The answer to the riddle >>

E there was a merchant on the train, he ate a pickle. He ate one half and gave the other half to whom?

The answer to the riddle >>

B the aton was cut into three parts. How many incisions were made?

The answer to the riddle >>

AT Which word has 3 L's and 3 P's?

The answer to the riddle >>

To What is the longest word in Russian?

The answer to the riddle >>

H won't fit even in the biggest pot?

The answer to the riddle >>

D The girl couldn't sleep at night. She twisted and turned, but nothing could help. Suddenly she picked up the phone and called somewhere. And after that she was able to sleep peacefully. Why exactly after the call she could fall asleep?

The answer to the riddle >>

H and the seashore was a stone. A word of 8 letters was written on the stone. When the rich read this word, they wept, the poor rejoiced, and the lovers parted. What was that word?

The answer to the riddle >>

AT How many digits are as many as there are letters in its name? The answer to the riddle >>

H increase the number 666 by one and a half times without performing any arithmetic operations on it.

The answer to the riddle >>

At who is a hundred faces?

The answer to the riddle >>

AT What type of weapon has 2 numbers and years?

The answer to the riddle >>

W And what usually students are expelled from the class?

The answer to the riddle >>

D The two young Cossacks, both dashing riders, often fought among themselves about betting who would overtake whom. More than once one or the other was the winner. Finally, they got tired of it. Gregory said: “Let's argue the other way around. Let the pledge go to the one whose horse comes to the appointed place second, and not first. "Okay!" Mikhail answered. The Cossacks rode their horses into the steppe. A lot of spectators gathered: everyone wanted to look at such a curiosity. One old Cossack began to count, clapping his hands: “One! Two! Three!..” Disputants, of course, are out of place. The spectators began to laugh, judge and argue, and decided that such a dispute was impossible and that the debaters would stand still, as they say, until the end of the century. Then a gray-haired old man, who had seen different views in his lifetime, approached the crowd: "What's the matter?" He was told to. The old man answered: “Hey! Now I’ll tell them such a word that they will jump like scalded ones. ” And indeed, the old man approached the Cossacks, said something to them, and in half a minute the Cossacks were already rushing across the steppe at full speed, trying without fail to overtake each other. But the bet was still won by the one whose horse came second. What did the old man say? The funniest female jokes

Aibolit will help you
Throat color like raspberry
So you have... ANGINA

2. If you ran through the puddles
Umbrella was not needed
And in the morning out of nowhere
Appears... COLD.

3. Smile and joke
He loves kids very much.
Puts in a row for injections
Children's doctor. ..PEDIATRICIAN.

4. Hepatitis, dysentery
Malaria, diphtheria
Everything will drive away like a Chikist

5. Stand in the heat, stand in the cold,
Always in the hands of bouquets of roses
This house gives kids
We'll call him... Maternity hospital.

6. Check the cleanliness, the quality of cleaning
Disinfection for you in a moment is carried out deftly
If you break their law, a receipt flies in an instant,
And send it to you... SANEPIDEM STATION.

7. He is not a sadist, but he will shine a lamp in the eye,
Everyone, like a schoolboy, will answer all the letters.
In the card, everything will be encrypted, Chekist,
Among the people Glaznik, but for us ... OCULIST.

8. "Scalpel, clamp, dry, fast, pretty,
Time? Pressure? We'll make it, take it easy."
Many colleagues and sterile around,
This is how the best works... SURGEON.

9. If, for luck, a stork is knocking on your door,
So your baby is due soon.
In childbirth, an assistant, tactful and dexterous,
Who is it? Friendly… . OB/GYNECOLOGIST

10. White teeth - of course beautiful,
In an instant, he will drive away caries playfully.
The seal will not be left in the mouth by a proctologist,
Everyone's favorite doctor... DENTIST

11. In his office "sweeter" pills,
And there they will sing "lyuli-lyuli" without a problem.
He is happy with what is called Aibolit,
Everyone knows what heals children ... PEDIATRICIAN

12. He is no worse in the desmurgy of a surgeon,
The gypsum will put you on, tighten it tighter.
Set the joint without drugs and needles,
Everyone's favorite doctor... TRAUMATOLOGIST.

13. He promises everyone sweet dreams,
The mask gently puts on your mouth.
No, he is not an ENT or a dentist,
We know that this is... ANESTHETIST

14. In the hands of a stethoscope, and a tonometer in place,
He knows medicines, probably two hundred tons.
Runs to the site and sends hello to everyone,
Master of Medicine, dear .... THERAPIST

2. Table joke "10 signs that you are a doctor..."

1. Not women, but stethoscopes are hung around your neck ...

2. You promised something to Hippocrates...

3. You will be the first to know about new trends in women's underwear (and men's too).

4. Everything around is in shit, and you are in white ...

5. You regularly lose someone...

6. You know how to write out what the pharmacy can not read ...

7. You not only drink alcohol, but also rub it on the buttocks of other people ...

8. In the West, you would receive 100 times more ...

9. Kal can tell you a lot...

10. If we get sick, we will not contact you.

3. Musical riddles "We diagnose the lyrical hero of the song"

Short fragments of songs are read (or sounded), and the guests try to determine what really bothers the patient, that is, to make a diagnosis. The one who makes the most correct diagnoses is entitled to some kind of medical prize.

Fragments of songs and diagnoses:

1. "And my heart stopped,
My heart sank" (diagnosis: heart failure).

2. "If you don't hear me,
So it's winter." (diagnosis: otitis).

3. We walked with you,
I cried, oh I cried (diagnosis: hysteria).

4. We honestly want to tell you:
We don't look at girls anymore (diagnosis: impotence).

5. In vain you scold the rain, in vain you scold him
You stand and wait, but why, you don't know (diagnosis: sclerosis).

6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,
So it's not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).

7. She even wanted to hang herself,
But institute, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).

8. I know - you want, I know for sure - you want,
I know for sure - you want, you want - but you are silent (diagnosis: dumbness).

9. It hurts me, it hurts
Do not relieve this evil pain (diagnosis: pain shock).

10. And his wound rots,
And it won't get any smaller
And won't live (diagnosis: gangrene).

11. Every step through hurts,
Every gesture hurts through (diagnosis: fractures of the limbs).

12. Judge people, judge God, How I loved
In the frost barefoot to the sweetheart went (ORZ)

13. I got drunk drunk,
I won't get home (alcoholism)

14. Black eyes, passionate eyes, Eyes burning and beautiful!
How I love you! How I fear you!
Know that I saw you at an unkind hour! (Hypnosis session.)

15. I am not an angel, I am not a demon, I am a tired wanderer.
I am back, I am resurrected
And knocked on your house. (Clinical death.)

16. Never said
But there is no more patience. (Silence.)

17. Night! Cold expectations.
Pain! It's like I'm split.
I do not see anything,
I hate myself. (Night blindness.)

18. And the dawn is already more and more noticeable,
So please be kind... (Hangover syndrome.)

19. Why are thoughts so confused?
Why does the light dim so often? (Fainting.)

20. I rush into the night to catch up with you,
But I understand that I'm standing and I can't run. (Paralysis.)

21. Unfortunately, I am, but, fortunately, not alone
I fell into your insidious addiction. (Addiction.)

22. A snowstorm covered the road,
The sledge track disappeared...
Hands get cold, feet get cold,
And it's all gone and gone (frostbite)

23. This girl is nothing.
And this one is nothing.
And this one, I note,
The belly puffs up from the tea. (Binge eating.)

24. Oh, and now I myself have become somewhat unstable,
I won't get home from a friendly drinking party. (Alcohol intoxication.)

25. And I recognize the sweetheart by his gait. (Flat feet.)

26. I tried to get away from love,
I took a sharp razor and straightened myself. (Suicidal syndrome.)

27. There is no logic in your thoughts,
How can I find the truth in them? (Schizophrenia.)

28. What are you, my dear, look askance,
Tilt your head low? (Osteochondrosis.)

29. Sweet berry tore together,
Bitter berry - I'm alone (poisoning)

30. Far, far, far
My only true friend.
Not easy, not easy, not easy
Without reliable, proven hands (masseur).

31. Hot sun, hot sand,
Hot lips - a sip of water. (Sunstroke)

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