Maintenance of computer equipment at the workplace. Maintenance of computer equipment Hardware maintenance


Stages, types, control and maintenance of SVT

Types of technical maintenance of SVT

Automated control systems



As you know, a modern PC is not just a complex device with electronic and electronic-mechanical components, but also a device filled with complex operating systems, software packages, "embedded" programs for testing and self-testing controllers, adapters - all PC components and blocks involved in machine operation.

Firstly, in the past, a typical PC configuration included, in addition to the system unit and keyboard, only a display and a printer. Now it also includes a mouse, modem, sound card, optical disc reader. Secondly, along with the growth of the minimum PC configuration, both the amount of software and its complexity have increased.

This means that behind a large number of names: drivers, utilities, shells and other “bells and whistles”, the so-called synchronous entity has not become visible. Moreover, the multitasking mode allows you to mask these very entities well - the printer prints a document, the user is doing his work at that time, and if a crash or freeze occurs, it is difficult to immediately say what caused these problems. Thirdly, proprietary manuals for a wide range of specialists are not available and often do not take into account a specific PC configuration and a specific software configuration. Although, of course, at the initial stage of diagnosis, such guides can be useful. And finally, in the fourth, the maintenance system created and successfully operating in the Soviet Union was broken in the 90s and is currently in its infancy. It is precisely because of the above reasons that many specialists operating SVT, firstly, cannot “radically” solve their problems and, secondly, there may not be good service centers “at hand” at the right time.

Stages, types, control and maintenance of SVT

Maintenance (TO) is a set of measures aimed at maintaining the equipment in good condition, monitoring its parameters and ensuring preventive maintenance.

The organization of maintenance of computer equipment (SVT) includes not only typical systems of technical and preventive maintenance, frequency and organization of work and logistics, but also automated control and diagnostic systems, automatic recovery systems, as well as various types of software, hardware and combined control, microdiagnostics and diagnostic programs for general and special purposes.

TO SVT includes the following steps

· Maintenance of hardware (APOb) of SVT and networks:

v APOB prophylaxis,

v APOB diagnostics,

v APOB Repair;

· Maintenance of software (SW) of VT facilities and networks:

v software installation,

v software maintenance,

v Antivirus prevention.

All types of work related to prevention can usually be carried out by the user of the SVT himself. In addition, enterprises have specialists or even entire information departments that serve the entire range of available CVT. They also perform diagnostic and repair work on hardware in case of failure.

Types of technical maintenance of SVT

The type of maintenance is determined by the frequency and a set of technological operations to maintain the operational properties of the SVT

TO SVT, in accordance with GOST 28470-90, can also be divided into the following types:

· regulated;

· periodic;

· with periodic control;

· with continuous control.

Scheduled maintenance should be carried out to the extent and taking into account the operating time provided for in the operational documentation for the SVT, regardless of the technical condition.

Periodic maintenance should be carried out at intervals and to the extent specified in the operational documentation for the SVT.

Maintenance with periodic monitoring should be carried out with the frequency of monitoring the technical condition of the computer and the necessary set of technological operations, depending on the technical condition of the computer, established in the technological documentation.

Maintenance with continuous monitoring should be carried out in accordance with the operational documentation for the SVT or technological documentation based on the results of constant monitoring of the technical condition of the SVT.

Control of the technical condition of the SVT can be performed in static or dynamic modes.

In the static mode, the control values ​​of the voltage and frequency of the sync pulses remain constant throughout the entire cycle of preventive control, and in the dynamic mode, their periodic change is provided. Thus, due to the creation of heavy operating modes of the SVT, it is possible to identify elements that are critical in terms of reliability.

Preventive control is carried out by hardware software. Hardware control is carried out with the help of special equipment, instrumentation and stands, and software and hardware systems.

Troubleshooting activities during preventive control can be divided into the following stages:

· analysis of the nature of malfunctions according to the current state of the computer;

· control of environmental parameters and measures to eliminate their deviations;

· localization of the error and determination of the location of the malfunction with the help of hardware and software of the SVT and with the help of additional equipment;

· trouble-shooting;

· resuming problem solutions.

To implement maintenance, a maintenance system (SRT) is created

Currently, the following types of service stations are most widely used:

· scheduled preventive maintenance;

· service according to technical condition;

· combined service.

Planned preventive maintenance is based on the calendar principle and implements scheduled and periodic maintenance. These works are carried out in order to maintain the CVT devices in good condition, identify equipment failures, prevent failures and failures in the operation of the CVT. The frequency of scheduled preventive maintenance depends on the type of SVT and operating conditions (number of shifts and load).

The advantage of the system is to ensure the highest readiness of the SVT. And the disadvantage is that it requires large material and technical costs.

In general, the system includes the following types of maintenance (preventive maintenance):

.control examinations (KO);

.daily maintenance (ETO);

.weekly maintenance;

.two-week MOT;

.ten-day maintenance;

.monthly maintenance (TO1);

.two-month maintenance;

.semi-annual or seasonal (SRT);

.annual maintenance;

KO, ETO SVT includes inspection of devices, running a quick test of readiness (operability of devices), as well as work provided for by daily preventive maintenance (in accordance with the operating instructions) of all external devices (cleaning, lubrication, adjustment, etc.).

During the two-week maintenance, diagnostic tests are run, as well as all types of two-week preventive maintenance provided for external devices.

With monthly maintenance, a more complete check of the functioning of the CVT is provided with the help of the entire system of tests that are part of its software. The check is carried out at the nominal values ​​of the power sources by a preventive change in voltage by plus, minus 5%. Preventive voltage change allows you to identify the weakest circuits in the system. Typically, circuits must maintain their performance when the voltage changes within the specified limits. However, aging and other factors cause a gradual change in the performance of the circuits, which can be detected on prophylactic regimens.

CVT checks with preventive voltage changes detect predictive faults, thereby reducing the number of hard-to-locate faults that lead to failures.

During the monthly preventive maintenance, all necessary work is carried out, provided for in the operating instructions for external devices.

With a semi-annual (annual) maintenance (SRT), the same work is carried out as with a monthly maintenance. As well as all types of semi-annual (annual) maintenance work: disassembly, cleaning and lubrication of all mechanical components of external devices with their simultaneous adjustment or replacement of parts. In addition, the cables and power busbars are inspected.

A detailed description of preventive maintenance is given in the operating instructions for individual devices attached to the SVT by the manufacturer.

When servicing according to technical condition, maintenance work is unscheduled and is performed as necessary based on the condition of the object (test result), which corresponds to maintenance with continuous monitoring or maintenance with periodic monitoring.

The control of the technical condition of the SVT is used to control the operation of the SVT, to localize fault points, and to exclude the influence of random failures on the results of calculations. In modern SVT, such control is carried out mainly with the help of the SVT itself. Preventive maintenance is a series of activities aimed at maintaining a given technical condition of the SVT for a certain period of time and extending its technical life. Preventive measures taken at SVT can be divided into two groups.

There are two types of preventive measures:



Active preventive maintenance performs operations whose primary purpose is to increase the uptime of your computer. They come down mainly to periodic cleaning of both the entire system and its individual components.

Passive prevention usually refers to measures aimed at protecting the computer from external adverse effects. We are talking about installing protective devices in the power supply network, maintaining cleanliness and an acceptable temperature in the room where the computer is installed, reducing the level of vibration, etc.

Active preventive maintenance methods. System backup.

One of the main steps in preventive maintenance is system backup. This operation allows you to restore system performance in the event of a fatal hardware failure. For backup, you need to purchase a high-capacity storage device.

Cleaning One of the most important elements of preventive maintenance is regular and thorough cleaning. Dust that settles inside a computer can cause many troubles.

Firstly, it is a heat insulator, which impairs the cooling of the system. Secondly, dust necessarily contains conductive particles, which can lead to leakage and even short circuits between electrical circuits. Finally, some substances contained in the dust can accelerate the oxidation process of contacts, which will eventually lead to electrical connection failures.

Putting the Chips in Place In preventive maintenance, it is very important to eliminate the effects of thermal shifts in the chips. Since the computer heats up and cools down when turned on and off (hence, its components expand and contract), the chips installed in the sockets gradually "creep out" of them. Therefore, you will have to find all the components installed in the sockets and put them in place.

Cleaning connector contacts Wipe the connector contacts to ensure that the connections between the nodes and components of the system are reliable. You should pay attention to the expansion connectors, power supply, keyboard and speaker connections located on the system board. As for the adapter boards, they need to wipe the printed connectors inserted into the slots on the system board, and all other connectors (for example, installed on the outer panel of the adapter).

Preventive Maintenance of Hard Drives To ensure the safety of data and improve the performance of the hard drive, it is necessary to perform some maintenance procedures from time to time. There are also several simple programs with which you can to some extent insure yourself against data loss. These programs create backup copies (and, if necessary, restore them) of those critical areas of the hard disk, if damaged, access to files becomes impossible.

Defragmenting Files As you write files to your hard drive and delete them, many of them become fragmented; are broken up into many pieces scattered all over the disk. By periodically performing file defragmentation, you solve two problems at once. First, if files occupy contiguous areas on the disk, then the movement of the heads during their reading and writing becomes minimal, which reduces wear on the drive and the disk itself. In addition, the speed of reading files from disk is significantly increased.

Secondly, in case of serious damage to the File Allocation Table (FAT) and the root directory, data on the disk is easier to recover if the files are written as a single unit.

preventive maintenance computer

Automated control systems

Control is a check of the correct operation of the object. The diagnosis process can be divided into separate parts called elementary checks.

An elementary check consists in applying a test action to the object and measuring the object's response to this action. The diagnostic algorithm is defined as a set and sequence of elementary checks together with certain rules for analyzing the results of the latter in order to find a place in an object whose parameters do not meet the specified values.

The occurrence of an error in any CVT device causes an error signal, according to which the execution of the program is suspended.

Upon an error signal, the diagnostic system immediately starts working, which, in cooperation with the control system of the SVT, performs the following functions: 1) recognition (diagnosis) of the nature of the error (failure, failure); 2) restarting the program (part of the program, operation) if the error is caused by a failure;

) localization of the fault location, if the error is caused by a failure, with its subsequent elimination by automatic replacement (or shutdown) of the failed element or replacement with the help of an operator;

) recording in the memory of the CVT information about all failures and failures that have occurred for further analysis. For PC, there are several types of diagnostic programs that allow the user to identify the causes of problems that occur in the computer. Diagnostic programs used in PCs can be divided into three levels:

Diagnostic programs BIOS - POST (Power-On Self Test - self-test procedure when turned on). Runs every time the computer is turned on.

Diagnostic programs for operating systems. Windows 9x and Windows XP/2000 come with several diagnostic programs to test various computer components.

Diagnostic programs of firms - manufacturers of equipment.

Diagnostic programs for general purposes. Such programs, which provide thorough testing of any PC-compatible computers, are produced by many companies.

Power-on Self Test (POST) POST is a series of short routines stored in the ROM BIOS on the motherboard. They are designed to check the main components of the system immediately after it is turned on, which, in fact, is the reason for the delay before loading the operating system. Each time you turn on your computer, it automatically checks its main components:


ROM chips,

auxiliary elements of the system board,

RAM and major peripherals.

These tests are fast and not very thorough when a faulty component is found, a warning or error message (failure) is issued. Such faults are sometimes referred to as fatal errors. The POST procedure usually provides three ways to indicate a malfunction:

sound signals,

messages displayed on the screen

hexadecimal error codes issued to the I/O port.

Operating system diagnostic programs

DOS and Windows include several diagnostic programs. which ensure the testing of the components of the CVT. Modern diagnostic programs have graphical shells and are part of the operating system. Such programs are, for example: a disk cleaning utility from unnecessary files; utility to check the disk for errors; utility for defragmenting files and free space; data archiving utility; file system conversion utility.

All of these programs are also available in Windows.

General purpose diagnostic programs Most test programs can be run in batch mode, allowing you to run a series of tests without operator intervention. You can create an automated diagnostic program that is most effective if you need to identify possible defects or run the same sequence of tests on multiple computers. These programs check all types of system memory: basic (base), extended (expanded) and additional (extended). The location of a fault can often be pinpointed down to a single chip or module (SIMM or DIMM).

The relationship of automated control systems The PC automated control system is strictly hierarchical.

The first, lowest, level is represented by a variety of PC hardware testing programs. The testing programs are located in the BIOS. The main task of testing programs is to prevent the operation of a PC with faulty hardware in order to prevent damage or loss of information stored in the PC. The programs are executed every time the PC is turned on, the user cannot interfere with the testing process.

The operation of the automated control system starts from the moment the PC is turned on. This sequence of operations is organized into a special process called "loading". The initial stage of loading is performed on all computers in the same way and does not depend on the operating system installed on this computer.

Sometimes when the system boots, a program error message appears. By combining the information obtained with knowledge of the boot process, it is possible to determine where the failure occurred.

The second level is represented by test programs of the operating system. Programs are launched by the user when it is necessary to check the operation of a specific element (for example, a system speaker) or a PC system (for example, an I / O system).

The third level includes test programs of equipment manufacturers and general-purpose programs that allow you to test a PC as a whole or a separate sufficiently large system. The test is thorough, time-consuming, and allows you to localize even individual equipment failures and floating faults.

Top level programs can only be used if the first level tests are successfully passed.


The rational organization of the service station should provide for the accumulation of statistical material based on the results of the operation of the SVT in order to summarize, analyze and develop recommendations for improving the service structure, increasing the efficiency of using the SVT, and reducing operating costs.

Careful implementation of planned preventive maintenance significantly reduces the risk of malfunctions. However, the efficiency of finding and eliminating faults largely depends on the qualifications and experience of the maintenance personnel.


1.Educational and methodological manual "Maintenance of computer equipment" State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education Perm Polytechnic College named after N.G. Slavyanov

.Stepanenko O.S. Maintenance and repair of IBM PC. - K: Dialectics, 1994. - 192s.

.Loginov M.D. Maintenance of computer facilities: textbook -M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2013.-319s

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Romanov VP Maintenance of computer facilities Educational-methodical manual Preventive voltage change allows to identify the weakest schemes of the system. Typically, circuits must maintain their performance when the voltage changes within the specified limits. However, aging and other factors cause gradual changes in the performance of the circuits, which can be detected on prophylactic regimens. CVT proactive voltage testing detects predictable faults, thereby reducing the number of hard-to-locate faults that lead to failures. During the monthly preventive maintenance, all necessary work is carried out, provided for in the operating instructions for external devices. With a semi-annual (annual) maintenance (SRT), the same work is carried out as with a monthly maintenance. As well as all types of semi-annual (annual) maintenance work: disassembly, cleaning and lubrication of all mechanical components of external devices with their simultaneous adjustment or replacement of parts. In addition, the cables and power busbars are inspected. A detailed description of preventive maintenance is given in the operating instructions for individual devices attached to the SVT by the manufacturer. When maintaining on a technical condition, maintenance work is unscheduled and is performed as necessary based on the state of the object (test results), which corresponds to maintenance with continuous monitoring or maintenance with periodic monitoring. Unscheduled preventive maintenance includes extraordinary preventive maintenance, appointed mainly after the elimination of serious malfunctions of the computer. The scope of preventive measures is determined by the nature of the malfunction and its possible consequences. The conclusion of the SVT for unscheduled preventive maintenance can also be carried out when the number of failures that occur over a certain set period of time exceeds the allowable values. The system requires the presence and correct use of various testing tools (software). The system allows minimizing the cost of operating the WTS, but the readiness of the WTS for use is lower than when using a planned preventive service station. With a combined maintenance system, “junior types of maintenance” are carried out as necessary, as with maintenance on condition, based on the operating time and operating conditions of a particular type of computer equipment or the results of its testing. The implementation of "senior types of maintenance" and repairs is planned. The rational organization of the service station should provide for the accumulation of static material based on the results of the operation of the SVT in order to summarize, analyze and develop recommendations for improving the structure of service, increasing the efficiency of using the SVT, and reducing operating costs. 21 Romanov V. P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational-methodical manual 1.2.2. Methods of maintenance (repair) of SVT Maintenance (service), regardless of the accepted maintenance system, can be organized using known maintenance methods. The method of maintenance (repair) of SVT is determined by a set of organizational measures and a set of technological operations for maintenance (repair). Methods of maintenance (repair) are subdivided on the basis of the organization into: branded; autonomous; specialized; combined. The proprietary method consists in ensuring the operable state of the SVT by the manufacturer, which carries out maintenance and repair of the SVT of its own production. The autonomous method consists in maintaining the working state of the SVT during the period of operation, in which the maintenance and repair of the SVT is performed by the user on his own. A specialized method consists in ensuring the operable state of the SVT by a service company that performs maintenance and repair of the SVT. The combined method consists in ensuring the operable state of the CVT by the user together with the service company or with the manufacturer and is reduced to the distribution of work on the maintenance and repair of the CVT between them. According to the nature of the implementation, the methods of maintenance (repair) are divided into: -individual; -group; - centralized. With individual maintenance, the maintenance of one SVT is provided by the forces and means of the personnel of this SVT. The set of equipment for this type of maintenance includes: - equipment for monitoring the element base of SVT and power supply: - control and commissioning equipment for autonomous testing and repair of SVT facilities; - a set of electrical measuring equipment necessary for the operation of SVT; - a set of programs (tests) for checking the operation of the SVT; - tools and repair accessories; - auxiliary equipment and devices; -special furniture for storage of property and equipment for the workplaces of the operator and adjuster of the element base. 22 Romanov V. P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational and methodical manual All of the listed equipment provides for the possibility of operational troubleshooting and troubleshooting using bench and instrumentation. This kit, in combination with the necessary spare parts (spare tools, devices) should provide the specified recovery time for the SVT. If the necessary service equipment and qualified technical personnel are available, individual service can significantly reduce the recovery time of the SVT, but at the same time, significant expenses are required for the maintenance of technical personnel and service equipment. Efficiency of the CVT to a greater extent depends on the qualifications of the maintenance personnel, the timeliness of preventive and repair work and the quality of their implementation. Group maintenance is used to service several SVT, concentrated in one place, by means and forces of special personnel. The structure of the equipment composition for a group service is the same as for an individual one, but it assumes the presence of a larger number of equipment, devices, etc., which excludes unjustified duplication. The group service package includes at least a set of CBT individual service equipment, supplemented with equipment and accessories from other CBTs. Centralized maintenance is a more advanced form of CBT maintenance. The centralized maintenance system is a network of regional service centers and their branches - maintenance points. With centralized maintenance, the cost of maintaining technical personnel, service equipment and spare parts is reduced. Such maintenance involves the repair of elements, assemblies and blocks of SVT on the basis of a special workshop equipped with all necessary equipment and instruments. In addition, centralized maintenance allows you to concentrate in one place materials on the statistics of failures of elements, assemblies, blocks and devices of the CVT, as well as obtain operational data from dozens of the same type of CVT with direct reliability control. All this makes it possible to use information to predict the required spare parts and accessories, to issue recommendations for the operation of SVT. 1.2.3. Types of repair of SVT. The type of repair is determined by the conditions for its implementation, the composition and content of the work performed at the SVT. Repair of SVT is divided into types: current; average; capital (for mechanical and electromechanical SVT). Current repairs should be carried out to restore the efficiency of the computer without the use of stationary means of technological equipment at the place of operation of the computer. 23 Romanov V. P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational and methodical manual During the current repair, the control of the computer equipment for operation is carried out using the appropriate means of verification. Medium repairs should be carried out to restore the operability of the SVT, or components of the SVT using specialized stationary technological equipment. During a medium repair, the technical condition of individual components of the SVT is checked with the elimination of detected malfunctions and bringing the parameters to the prescribed standards. Overhaul should be carried out to restore the operability and service life of the SVT by replacing or repairing the components of the SVT, including the basic ones, using specialized stationary means of technological equipment in stationary conditions. Medium and overhauls of SVT or their components are, as a rule, scheduled and are carried out on products for which overhaul resources are determined and (or) the service life (resource) is limited. 1.2.4. Main characteristics of STO One of the main characteristics of STO is the duration of SVT prevention, which is determined by the formula r n t t profPi t t. . Вj Ф К i1 j1 where tПi is the total time for carrying out preventive measures performed sequentially; tВj is the recovery time for n faults during the preventive maintenance period; tF.C. – time of functional control. The duration of prevention is largely influenced by the degree of qualification of the attendants. An analysis of static data on the operation of a specific SVT makes it possible to give recommendations on replacing less frequent preventive maintenance with more frequent preventive maintenance (for example, daily to weekly). This allows you to increase the time of using the SVT directly for computing work. Another important quantitative characteristic is the coefficient of efficiency of prevention kprof., which characterizes the degree of increase in the reliability of SVT due to the prevention of failures at the time of prevention. Prevention efficiency coefficient is calculated by the formula nprof. kpof. ntotal where nprof. - the number of failures identified during the preventive maintenance; ngeneral + nprof. is the total number of failures of the SVT for the period of operation. 24 Romanov V. P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational and methodological manual 1.2.5. Calculation of the number of employees involved in service maintenance and current repair of computer equipment Calculation of the number of employees required to perform service maintenance and current repair of PC (Chn) is carried out according to the formula: ; Tob - the total time spent on maintenance of computer equipment is calculated by the formula: where Tr - time standards for a certain type of work; n is the number of types of work performed; K \u003d 1.08 - a correction factor that takes into account the time spent on work that is not provided for by the norms and is of a one-time nature. The normative time spent on a certain type of work is calculated by the formula: where Hvri is the norm of time for performing the i-th operation per unit of measurement in a certain type of normalized work; Vi is the volume of operations of the i-th type, performed per year (determined according to accounting and reporting data). The range of changes from 1 to i is the number of normalized operations in a certain type of work. The basis for compiling the staffing table for the number of employees is the average headcount (Nsp), which is calculated by the formula: Nsp \u003d Chn x Kn, where Kn is the coefficient that takes into account the planned absenteeism of employees during vacation, illness, etc., is determined by the formula: , where % of planned absenteeism is set according to accounting data. 25 Romanov V.P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational and methodological manual EXAMPLE: CALCULATION OF THE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ENGAGED IN THE SERVICE MAINTENANCE OF SVT Table 1 Repair and maintenance work Volume Normative Norm of work for e costs Unit of time per No. Type of work performed year in time for measurements unit units amount of work, measurements, h. measurements h. Weekly maintenance 1. Checking the performance of devices on tests in one device 1654 0.13 215.0 in accelerated mode 2. Cleaning the magnetic heads of external memory devices one head 1654 0.09 148.9 (floppy disk drives) 3. Checking and removing computer viruses on one PC 1654 0.20 330.8 external memory devices of the PC 4. Defragmenting drives on hard disks one 1654 0.27 446.6 magnetic disk drive 5. Checking lines and local computing devices one LAN 94 0.19 17.9 network (LAN) using offline tests Monthly maintenance 6. Full testing of all PC devices with the issuance of one PC 382 1.70 649.4 protocol, including LAN, detection and correction of errors in the distribution of disk space 7. Supply of updated anti-virus programs and a complete one PC 382 0.48 183.4 check disk memory for viruses 8. Lubrication of mechanical devices of the vehicle (NGMD, streamers, one 763 0.34 259.4 printers) device 9. Cleaning of dust from the internal volumes of the PC with disassembly one PC 382 0.37 141.3 10. Cleaning of screens of video monitors from dust and dirt, one 382 0.35 133.7 adjustment and adjustment, cleaning of internal volumes from dust video monitor 11. Cleaning and washing of printheads of matrix and one printer 382 0.17 65.0 of inkjet printers 12. Cleaning and washing of pens and lubrication of mechanical components one plotter plotter 13. Cleaning of unused toner of printing elements one printer 5 0.34 1.7 laser printers, cleaning and washing optics and timely refilling of toner 14. Cleaning of dust and other washing of reading element in one scanner 1 0.28 0.28 scanners and lubrication of mechanical parts Six months maintenance for personal computers (PC) and peripheral equipment 15. Dust cleaning of internal volumes of PC power supplies, one PC 64 0.80 51.2 cleaning and lubrication of fans 16. Cleaning the screens of video monitors and LCD panels from dust one 636 0.22 139.9 and dirt, adjusting and adjusting the video monitor 17. Cleaning the internal volumes of external modems from dust, one 256 0.47 120.3 independent power supply devices ( UPS) with subsequent testing of their device Total Tr1 2904.8 3. Full testing of external memory devices on one 516 0.35 180.6 magnetic disk and tape device 4. Repair of PC power supplies with replacement of faulty one unit 318 2.50 795.0 elements and subsequent power adjustment 5. Repair of individual units (boards) PC (video controllers, one block 1908 1.15 2194.2 input-output controllers, modem boards, etc.) with replacement of microcircuits (CHIP) 6. one 318 1.20 381.6 Keyboard repair keyboard 7. Repair of laser printers without optical alignment one printer 4 1.60 6.4 systems 8. Adjustment of laser printers optics one printer 4 0.50 2.0 9. Repair of inkjet printers one printer 12 1.80 21.6 10. Repair and adjustment of graph plotters one - - - 26 Romanov V.P. 11. Repair of flatbed scanners one scanner 1 1.50 1.5 14. Repair of Pentium system board one board 6 1.60 9.6 15. Repair of SVGA 14" video monitor (power supply unit) one monitor 150 1.50 225.0 16. Repair of 14" SVGA video monitor (color block) one monitor 150 0.80 120.0 17. Repair of 14" SVGA video monitor (scanner) one monitor 150 0.70 105.0 18. Repair of 21" SVGA video monitor one monitor - - - 19. Repair of video monitors with CRT replacement, adjustment and one monitor 318 2.30 731.4 adjustment 20. Repair of 9 pin printers (control board) one printer 268 1.90 509.2 21. Repair of 24 pin printers (control board) one printer 50 1.90 95.0 22. Printer repair 9 pin (print head) one printer 268 1.10 294.8 23. Repair of printers 24 pin (print head) one printer 50 1.20 60.0 24. one 318 1.00 318.0 Replacement of printer motors of any type motor 25. Replacement of the control board HDD IDE one board 314 0.40 125.6 26. Replacement of the control board HDD SCSI one board 4 0.40 1.6 28. one 318 1.10 349.8 Repair of HDD 3.5" 1.44 MB drives 29. one 318 0.50 159.0 Repair of manipulators Mouse manipulator Total Tr2 7893.8 Total Tr = Tr1 + Tr2 = 10798.6 Standard time spent on the amount of work per year is: n SUM Tr = Tr1 + Tr2; Tr = 2904.8 + 7893.8 = 10798.6 h. 1 Thus, the total time spent on maintenance of the PC (Tob) is equal to: n Tob = SUM Tr x K; Tob = 10798.6 x 1.08 = 11662.49 h. . 2000 The required average number of employees engaged in servicing the PC is equal to: Csp = Chn x Kn = 5.83 x 1.05 = 6.12 people, where Kn is the coefficient of planned absenteeism of employees during vacation, illness, etc. d. is determined according to accounting data and conditionally in the example 5% is accepted. The number of staff is Nsh = Chsp = 6.12 people. - about 6 people 1.2.6. Material support for the maintenance of the SVT The quality of the operation of the SVT depends on the provision of spare parts, various devices and consumables, the provision of instrumentation, tools, etc. It is also important to create the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of computing facilities (temperature and humidity conditions, power mode, etc. etc.) and for service personnel (climatic conditions, noise level, illumination, etc.). The operation of the CVT must be carefully planned. Planning should cover the whole range of issues related both to the compilation of the general program of work of the CVT, the distribution of machine time, etc., and to the entire work of the maintenance personnel. The rational organization of operation should provide for the accumulation of static material based on the results of the operation of the SVT in order to summarize, analyze and develop recommendations for improving the structure of service, increasing the efficiency of using the SVT, and reducing operating costs. 27 Romanov V. P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational-methodical manual 1.3. Systems of automated control, automatic recovery and diagnostics, their relationship Control is a check of the correct operation of an object (element, node, device). The device works correctly - the control circuit does not generate any signals (in some systems, however, a normal operation signal is generated), the device does not work correctly - the control circuit generates an error signal. This is where the controls end. In other words, control is a check: right - wrong. The diagnosis process can be divided into separate parts called elementary checks. An elementary check consists in applying a test impact to the object and measuring (evaluating) the object's response to this impact. The diagnostic algorithm is defined as a set and sequence of elementary checks together with certain rules for analyzing the results of the latter in order to find a place in an object whose parameters do not meet the specified values. Consequently, diagnostics is also control, but sequential control, aimed at finding a faulty place (element) in the diagnosed object. Typically, diagnostics begin with an error signal generated by the control circuits of the CBT. An automatic control and diagnostic system is often referred to as an error detection system. The principle of organizing an automatic control system. The occurrence of an error in any CVT device causes an error signal, according to which the execution of the program is suspended. Upon an error signal, the diagnostic system immediately begins to work, which, in cooperation with the control system of the SVT, performs the following functions: 1) recognition (diagnosis) of the nature of the error (failure, failure); 2) restarting the program (part of the program, operation) if the error is caused by a failure; 3) localization of the fault location, if the error is caused by a failure, with its subsequent elimination by automatic replacement (or shutdown) of the failed element or replacement with the help of an operator; 4) recording in the memory of the CVT information about all failures and failures that have occurred for further analysis. 1.3.1. Diagnostic Programs There are several types of diagnostic programs for the PC (some of which are included with the computer) that allow the user to troubleshoot the computer. The diagnostic programs used in the PC can be divided into three levels: BIOS diagnostic programs - POST (Power-On Self Test - self-test procedure when turned on). Runs every time the computer is turned on. Diagnostic programs for operating systems. Windows 9x and Windows XP/2000 are supplied with several diagnostic programs for 28 VP Romanov Maintenance of Computer Equipment Educational and methodical manual for checking various computer components. Diagnostic programs of firms - manufacturers of equipment. Diagnostic programs for general purposes. Such programs, which provide thorough testing of any PC-compatible computers, are produced by many companies. Power-on Self Test (POST) POST is a series of short routines stored in the ROM BIOS on the motherboard. They are designed to check the main components of the system immediately after it is turned on, which, in fact, is the reason for the delay before loading the operating system. Each time the computer is turned on, it automatically checks its main components: processor, ROM chip, system board accessories, RAM, and main peripherals. These tests are fast and not very thorough when a faulty component is found, a warning or error message (failure) is issued. Such faults are sometimes referred to as fatal errors. The POST procedure usually provides three ways to indicate a malfunction: beeps, messages displayed on the monitor screen, hexadecimal error codes issued to the I / O port. Beep Error Codes from POST When POST detects a problem, the computer emits distinctive beeps that can help you identify the failed item (or group of items). If the computer is working properly, then when you turn it on, you will hear one short beep; if a malfunction is detected, a whole series of short or long beeps is issued, and sometimes a combination of them. The nature of the sound codes depends on the BIOS version and the company that developed it. POST Error Messages On most PC-compatible models, the POST procedure displays the progress of the computer's RAM test on the screen. If an error is detected during the POST procedure, a corresponding message is displayed, usually in the form of a numerical code of several digits, for example: 1790- Disk 0 Error. Using the operation and service manual, you can determine which malfunction corresponds to this code. Error Codes POSTed to I/O Ports A lesser known feature of this procedure is that at the start of each test at a specific I/O port address, POST issues test codes that can only be read by a special card installed in the expansion slot. adapter. The POST board is installed in the expansion slot. Two-digit hexadecimal numbers will quickly change on its built-in indicator at the moment of POST procedure execution. If the computer unexpectedly stops testing or "freezes", this indicator will display the code of the test during which the failure occurred. This allows you to significantly narrow the search for a faulty element. Most computers post codes to I/O port 80h. Operating System Diagnostic Programs DOS and Windows contain several diagnostic programs. Which provide performance of testing of components of SVT. Modern diagnostic programs have graphical shells and are part of the operating system. Such programs are, for example: a disk cleaning utility from unnecessary files; utility to check the disk for errors; utility for defragmenting files and free space; data archiving utility; file system conversion utility. All of these programs are also available in Windows. Diagnostic programs of firms - manufacturers of equipment Equipment manufacturers produce special specialized programs for diagnosing specific equipment, a specific manufacturer. The following groups of programs can be distinguished: Hardware diagnostic programs Many types of diagnostic programs are designed for certain types of hardware. These programs are supplied with the devices. SCSI Device Diagnostic Programs Most SCSI adapters have an on-board BIOS that allows you to configure and diagnose the adapter. Network Adapter Diagnostic Software Some NIC manufacturers also offer diagnostic software. With these programs, you can check the bus interface, control the memory installed on the board, interrupt vectors, and also perform a cyclic test. These programs can be found on the floppy disk or CD that came with the device, or you can visit the manufacturer's Web site. General purpose diagnostic programs Most test programs can be run in batch mode, allowing you to run a series of tests without operator intervention. You can create an automated diagnostic program that is most effective if you need to identify possible defects or run the same sequence of tests on multiple computers. These programs check all types of system memory: basic (base), extended (expanded) and additional (extended). The location of a fault can often be pinpointed down to a single chip or module (SIMM or DIMM). thirty

The organization of maintenance of computer equipment (SVT) includes not only typical systems of technical and preventive maintenance, the frequency and organization of work and logistics, but also automated control and diagnostic systems, automatic recovery systems, as well as various types of software, hardware and combined control, micro diagnostics and diagnostic programs for general and special purposes.

VTS maintenance includes the following stages: AnO6 maintenance of VT facilities and networks Prevention of An06Software installation An06 diagnosticsSoftware maintenance Anti-virus prophylaxis Software An06 repair Maintenance of VT facilities and networks Software Maintenance of SVT

All types of work related to prevention (care for the external condition, cleaning dust inside the PC case), the user of the SVT can usually do it himself. In addition, enterprises have specialists (if the enterprise is small) or even entire information departments that perform work on diagnosing and repairing hardware in case of failure. Software maintenance is usually handled by system administrators.

TO SVT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOST, CAN ALSO BE DIVIDED INTO THE FOLLOWING TYPES: regulated; periodic; with periodic control; with continuous control;

The regulated maintenance must be carried out to the extent and taking into account the operating time provided for in the operational documentation for the SVT, regardless of the technical condition of the SVT. Periodic maintenance should be carried out at intervals and to the extent specified in the operational documentation for the SVT.

Maintenance with periodic monitoring should be carried out in accordance with the frequency of monitoring the technical condition of the computer equipment and the necessary set of technological operations, depending on the technical condition of the computer equipment, established in the technological documentation. Maintenance with continuous monitoring should be carried out in accordance with the operational documentation for the SVT or technological documentation based on the results of constant monitoring of the technical condition of the SVT.

1.2.1. Types of technical maintenance of SVT

The type of maintenance is determined by the frequency and complex of technological operations to maintain the operational properties of the SVT.

GOST 28470-90 "System for the maintenance and repair of technical means of computer technology and informatics" defines the following types of maintenance

  • regulated;
  • periodic;
  • with periodic control;
  • with continuous control.

Scheduled Maintenance should be carried out to the extent and taking into account the operating time provided for in the operational documentation for the SVT, regardless of the technical condition.

Periodic maintenance should be carried out at intervals of time and to the extent specified in the operational documentation for the SVT.

Maintenance with periodical control should be carried out with the frequency of monitoring the technical condition of the CVT and the necessary set of technological operations, depending on the technical condition of the CVT, established in the technological documentation.

Maintenance with continuous monitoring should be carried out in accordance with the operational documentation for the SVT or technological documentation based on the results of constant monitoring of the technical condition of the SVT.

Control of the technical condition of the SVT can be performed in static or dynamic modes.

At static mode control values ​​of voltages and frequency of clock pulses remain constant throughout the entire cycle of preventive control, and in the dynamic mode, their periodic change is provided. Thus, due to the creation of heavy operating modes of the SVT, it is possible to identify elements that are critical in terms of reliability.

Preventive control carried out by hardware and software. Hardware control is carried out with the help of special equipment, instrumentation and stands, and software and hardware systems.

Troubleshooting activities during preventive control can be divided into the following stages:

Analysis of the nature of malfunctions according to the current state of the SVT;

Control of environmental parameters and measures to eliminate their deviations;

Localization of the error and determination of the location of the malfunction with the help of hardware and software of the SVT and with the help of additional equipment;

Trouble-shooting; -resuming the solution of the problem.

To implement maintenance, a maintenance system (STO) is created.

Currently, the following types of maintenance systems (STO) are most widely used:

  • Scheduled preventive maintenance;
  • Service according to technical condition;
  • Combined service.

Scheduled preventive maintenance is based on the calendar principle and implements scheduled and periodic maintenance. These works are carried out in order to maintain the CVT devices in good condition, identify equipment failures, prevent failures and failures in the operation of the CVT.

The frequency of scheduled preventive maintenance depends on the type of SVT and operating conditions (number of shifts and load).

Advantages of the system - provides the highest availability of SVT. Disadvantages of the system - requires large material and physical costs. In general, the system includes the following types of maintenance

  • control examinations (KO)
  • daily maintenance (ETO);
  • weekly maintenance;
  • two-week MOT;
  • ten-day maintenance;
  • monthly maintenance (TO1);
  • two-month maintenance;
  • semi-annual or seasonal (SRT);
  • annual maintenance;

KO, ETO SVT includes inspection of devices, running a quick test of readiness (operability of devices), as well as work provided for by daily preventive maintenance (in accordance with the operating instructions) of all external devices (cleaning, lubrication, adjustment, etc.).

During two-week maintenance a run of diagnostic tests is provided, as well as all types of two-week preventive work,

provided for external devices.

At Monthly maintenance provides a more complete check

functioning of the CVT with the help of the entire system of tests included in its software. The check is carried out at the nominal values ​​​​of the power sources, a preventive change in voltage at + 5%.

Preventive voltage change allows you to identify the weakest circuits in the system. Typically, circuits must maintain their performance when the voltage changes within the specified limits. However, aging and other factors cause gradual changes in the performance of the circuits, which can be detected on prophylactic regimens.

CVT proactive voltage testing detects predictable faults, thereby reducing the number of hard-to-locate faults that lead to failures.

During the monthly preventive maintenance, all necessary work is carried out, provided for in the operating instructions for external devices.

At semi-annual (annual) THEN (ONE HUNDRED) the same work is carried out as with the monthly maintenance. As well as all types of semi-annual (annual) maintenance work: disassembly, cleaning and lubrication of all mechanical components of external devices with their simultaneous adjustment or replacement of parts. In addition, the cables and power busbars are inspected.

A detailed description of preventive maintenance is given in the operating instructions for individual devices attached to the SVT by the manufacturer.

At condition maintenance maintenance work is unscheduled and is performed as necessary based on the state of the object (test results), which corresponds to maintenance with continuous monitoring or maintenance with periodic monitoring.

Unscheduled preventive maintenance includes extraordinary preventive maintenance, appointed mainly after the elimination of serious malfunctions of the computer. The scope of preventive measures is determined by the nature of the malfunction and its possible consequences.

The conclusion of the SVT for unscheduled preventive maintenance can also be carried out when the number of failures that occur over a certain set period of time exceeds the allowable values.

The system requires the presence and correct use of various testing tools (software).

The system allows minimizing the cost of operating the SVT, but the readiness of the SVT for use is lower than when using a planned preventive service station.

At combined maintenance system“Junior types of maintenance” are carried out as needed, as in maintenance on condition, based on the operating time and operating conditions of a particular type of computer equipment or the results of its testing. The implementation of "senior types of maintenance" and repairs is planned.

The rational organization of the service station should provide for the accumulation of static material based on the results of the operation of the SVT in order to summarize, analyze and develop recommendations for improving the structure of service, increasing the efficiency of using the SVT, and reducing operating costs.

1.2.2. Methods of maintenance (repair) of SVT

Maintenance (service), regardless of the accepted maintenance system, can be organized using known maintenance methods.

Method of maintenance (repair) SVT is determined by a set of organizational measures and a set of technological operations for maintenance (repair).

Methods of maintenance (repair) are divided according to the organization into:

  • corporate;
  • autonomous;
  • specialized;
  • combined.

proprietary method of the state of the SVT by the manufacturer carrying out maintenance and repair of the SVT of its own production.

Offline Method consists in maintaining the operable state of the SVT during the period of operation, in which the maintenance and repair of the SVT is performed by the user on his own.

Specialized method consists in ensuring the working state of the SVT by a service company that performs maintenance and repair of the SVT.

Combined method consists in ensuring the operable state of the CVT by the user together with the service company or with the manufacturer and comes down to the distribution of work on the maintenance and repair of the CVT between them.

By the nature of the performance methods of maintenance (repair) are divided into:




With individual maintenance maintenance of one SVT is provided by the forces and means of the personnel of this SVT. The set of equipment for this type of maintenance includes:

Equipment for monitoring the element base of SVT and power supply:

Control and adjustment equipment for autonomous testing and repair of SVT facilities;

A set of electrical measuring equipment necessary for the operation of SVT;

A set of programs (tests) for checking the operation of the SVT;

Tool and repair accessories; - auxiliary equipment and devices;

Special furniture for storage of property and equipment for the workplaces of the operator and adjuster of the element base.

All of the above equipment provides for the possibility of prompt troubleshooting and troubleshooting using bench and instrumentation. This kit, in combination with the necessary spare parts (spare tools, devices) should provide the specified recovery time for the SVT.

If the necessary service equipment and qualified technical personnel are available, individual service can significantly reduce the recovery time of the SVT, but at the same time, significant expenses are required for the maintenance of technical personnel and service equipment.

Efficiency of the CVT to a greater extent depends on the qualifications of the maintenance personnel, the timeliness of preventive and repair work and the quality of their implementation.

Group maintenance serves to service several SVT, concentrated in one place, by means and forces of special personnel. The structure of the equipment composition for a group service is the same as for an individual one, but it assumes the presence of a larger number of equipment, devices, etc., which excludes unjustified duplication. The group service package includes at least a set of CBT individual service equipment, supplemented with equipment and accessories from other CBTs.

Centralized maintenance is a more progressive form of SVT service. The centralized maintenance system is a network of regional service centers and their branches - maintenance points.

With centralized maintenance, the cost of maintaining technical personnel, service equipment and spare parts is reduced. Such maintenance involves the repair of elements, assemblies and blocks of SVT on the basis of a special workshop equipped with all necessary equipment and instruments. In addition, centralized maintenance allows you to concentrate in one place materials on the statistics of failures of elements, assemblies, blocks and devices of the CVT, as well as obtain operational data from dozens of the same type of CVT with direct reliability control. All this makes it possible to use information to predict the required spare parts and accessories, to issue recommendations for the operation of SVT.

1.2.3. Types of repair of SVT.

The type of repair is determined by the conditions for its implementation, the composition and content of the work performed at the SVT.

Repair of SVT is divided into types:

  • current;
  • average;
  • capital (for mechanical and electromechanical SVT).

Maintenance should be carried out to restore the operability of the computer without the use of stationary means of technological equipment at the place of operation of the computer. During the current repair, the CVT is monitored for operation using appropriate verification tools.

Average repair should be carried out to restore the operability of the SVT, or components of the SVT using specialized stationary means of technological equipment. During a medium repair, the technical condition of individual components of the SVT is checked with the elimination of detected malfunctions and bringing the parameters to the prescribed standards.

Overhaul should be carried out to restore the operability and resource of the CVT by replacing or repairing the components of the CVT, including the basic ones, using specialized stationary means of technological equipment in stationary conditions.

Medium and major repairs of SVT or their constituent parts are, as a rule, planned and are produced on products for which overhaul resources are determined and (or) the service life (resource) is limited.

1.2.4. Main characteristics of service stations

One of the main characteristics of STO is duration SVT prevention. The duration of prevention is largely influenced by the degree of qualification of the attendants.

An analysis of static data on the operation of a specific SVT makes it possible to give recommendations on replacing less frequent preventive maintenance with more frequent preventive maintenance (for example, daily to weekly). This allows you to increase the time of using the SVT directly for computing work.

Another important quantitative characteristic is coefficient effectiveness of preventionkprof., which characterizes the degree of increase in the reliability of the SVT due to the prevention of failures at the time of prevention. Prevention efficiency coefficient is calculated by the formula

where nprof. - the number of failures identified during the preventive maintenance; ngeneral + nprof. is the total number of failures of the SVT for the period of operation.

1.2.5. Calculation of the number of employees engaged in maintenance and current repair of SVT

The calculation of the number of employees required to perform maintenance and current repair of the PC (Chn) is carried out according to the formula:

where: Nr.v - the norm of working time of one employee for the planned year
(2000 hours);

Tob - the total time spent on maintenance of computer equipment is calculated by the formula:

where Tr - time standards for a certain type of work; n is the number of types of work performed;

K \u003d 1.08 - a correction factor that takes into account the time spent on work that is not provided for by the norms and is of a one-time nature.

The standard time spent on a certain type of work is calculated by the formula:

where Hvri - the norm of time to perform the i-th operation per unit of measurement in a certain type of normalized work;

Vi is the volume of operations of the i-th type, performed per year (determined according to accounting and reporting data).

The range of changes from 1 to i is the number of normalized operations in a certain type of work.

The basis for compiling the staffing table for the number of employees is the average headcount (NSP), which is calculated by the formula:

Chsp \u003d Chn x Kn, where Kn is a coefficient that takes into account the planned absenteeism of employees
during vacation, illness, etc., is determined by the formula:


where % of planned absenteeism is set according to accounting data.

1.2.6. Financial support for the maintenance of SVT

The quality of CVT operation depends on providing it with spare parts, various consumables, instrumentation, tools, etc. . p.) and for service personnel (climatic conditions, noise level, illumination, etc.).

The operation of the CVT must be carefully planned. Planning should cover the whole range of issues related both to the compilation of the general program of work of the CVT, the distribution of machine time, etc., and to the entire work of the maintenance personnel.

The rational organization of operation should provide for the accumulation of static material based on the results of the operation of the SVT in order to summarize, analyze and develop recommendations for improving the structure of service, increasing the efficiency of using the SVT, and reducing operating costs.

The operation of VT means consists in using them to perform the entire range of tasks assigned to it. For the effective use and maintenance of computers and other means of CT in working condition, maintenance must be carried out during operation.

Maintenance is a set of organizational measures, including the provision of VT facilities with the necessary equipment and equipment designed for efficient operation.

With individual service, maintenance of one computer is provided by the forces and means of the personnel of this computer.

Group service is used to service several computers assembled in a single computer.

Centralized maintenance is a more advanced form of BT maintenance. This includes installation and commissioning and commissioning, troubleshooting during operation, centralized repair, supply of VT tools with spare parts, assistance to maintenance personnel on software issues, training and retraining of maintenance personnel.

Main performance characteristics

The degree of suitability of an aircraft for its intended use is determined by operational characteristics.

The operability of the VT means is understood as the ability of the VT to function, ensuring the performance of the specified functions with the parameters established by the requirements of their documentation. This characteristic makes it possible to judge the state of the VT at a certain point in time, however, during operation, it is important to know its state not only at a given point in time, but also the ability to perform assigned tasks for a given period of time. For these purposes, the concept of reliability is introduced.

Under reliability of funds VT understand its ability to maintain performance for a given period of time under certain operating conditions.

At the stage of storage of VT funds, such a characteristic as safety is used, which is understood as the ability of VT to maintain good condition under specified storage conditions.

For access to the unit and mounting, VT troubleshooting capability.

To characterize the VT from the point of view of its suitability for repair, the concept of maintainability is introduced. Onboard elements of VT facilities are not repairable.

Under durability understand the properties of VT means to maintain operability for a certain state with the necessary interruptions for maintenance and repairs.

An important characteristic is reliability.

Principles of organization of operation

The effectiveness of the use of BT funds largely depends on how rationally the operation of these funds is organized. In general, the organization of operation includes:

    Choice of service system;

    Material support for the maintenance of BT facilities;

    Determining the required number of service personnel and their qualifications;

    Planned and preventive work;

    Operational documentation;

    Planning for the operation of BT facilities;

    Analysis and accounting of operation results;

    Organization and systematic training of service personnel.

Service system selection. The most typical enterprises involved in the operation of VT facilities are computer centers. According to the nature of the tasks to be solved and the composition of the equipment, computer centers are broadly divided into:

    Computing Center for solving scientific and engineering problems;

    Planned calculations and economic research and a center for automated control of objects;

    Usually, a computer center includes a subdivision for maintenance, mathematical preparation of problems, programming, and operators;

Maintenance material. The quality of operation of VT means depends on providing it with spare elements, various devices and consumables. Provision of control and measuring devices and tools.

The operation of BT facilities must be carefully planned. Planning covers the whole range of issues: drawing up a general program of work of the computer center, distribution of computer time and all the work of the maintenance personnel. The rational organization of operation should provide for the accumulation of statistical material based on the results of the operation of BT facilities in order to generalize it.

An important issue in the organization of maintenance of VT facilities is the issue of determining the rational number, qualifications and layout of specialists for its implementation. The operation of VT can be one- or two-shift, and in large VTs three-, four-shift. The composition of the maintenance personnel depends on the type of maintenance and the mode of operation of the VT facilities. With round-the-clock work, it is advisable to have an additional reinforcement group in the amount of 5-8% of the staff.

Operational documentation. Its composition depends on the class of computers, the composition of the equipment, etc. The composition may include: forms, technical description, operating instructions, etc.

Operational planning. Planning is the basis for the rational organization of the operation of BT facilities. It serves to determine a specific program of action for any calendar period. There are the following types of planning:

    operational-calendar - consists in drawing up plans for loading the machine and the work of maintenance personnel based on the volume of requests for machine time. Machine time planning is possible only 7-10 days ahead.

    planning of organizational and technical measures consists in drawing up a work program for the maintenance personnel.

Analysis and accounting of operating results. During the operation of the VT, it is necessary to keep records - logs for the operation of VT facilities and a machine time log

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