How to put your baby to sleep at night. A heart-to-heart conversation before bed: the power of positive thoughts. How to get your baby to fall asleep on their own

Sometimes a simple action - putting your baby to bed - becomes a mission for a real super agent. There can be many reasons for disturbing children's sleep: physical discomfort (for example, when the tummy hurts or teeth are cut), turning points development (when the baby is about to walk or talk). There are more serious cases childhood insomnia, such as ICP - intracranial pressure.

So if your baby has difficulty sleeping, we strongly recommend that you show him to a pediatrician and a neurologist. If none serious reasons no worries, use one of the proven methods. And then calm children's sleep will be your victory and reward!

Method number 1 - motion sickness

One of the most popular ways to put a baby to sleep is to rock the baby in her arms, in a sling, on a fitball, in a crib or cradle. This method is ideal for the youngest children, because it reminds them of a great time - being in their mother's tummy. Babies usually fall asleep pretty quickly, because there are close person, the child feels the warmth and beating of his mother's heart, and the measured swaying sets him up for sleep.

A serious minus of the method is that you need to have angelic patience, because you need to rock the baby until deep sleep, when the facial muscles relax, and the arms and legs limply hang. Slightly over-pumped or under-pumped - and that's it, start again: we only dream of children's sleep. The initial physical training of the mother will not be superfluous - the kids are growing rapidly.

Method number 2 - falling asleep at the chest

If your baby is among the lucky ones who are breastfed, then you probably noticed that he often falls asleep during a meal. A bottle with a mixture works a little worse, but is also effective: a calm children's sleep is guaranteed.

There is only one minus - the same as with motion sickness: when the breast is taken away and put into the crib, babies often wake up. In addition, the older the baby becomes, the more difficult it is to put the child to bed using this method.

Method number 3 - joint sleep

Many mothers still practice co-sleeping with their baby. This is like an attempt to perfect the previous two methods, because you do not need to take the breast and shift the baby to the crib. Feeling the familiar smell, the child calmly falls asleep, and the mother does not need to get up several times to feed the child.

This method seems to be ideal. However, this is not so, and it’s not even about the well-known horror story about the fact that you can sleep a child, that is, crush it. Often the father of the family remains offended: he is expelled to a separate bed, and it’s not very comfortable for mom to sleep, because every time she tries to roll over, the child wakes up.

However, each family decides what temporary difficulties it is better to put up with; sometimes it's better to put your baby to bed with you than to wake up every time and run to the crib.

Method number 4 - sequence of actions

This is the most effective way put the baby to sleep and keyword here, as you may have guessed, - the sequence. Day after day, you must adhere to the same actions that precede sleep. For example, bathing, feeding, and then laying down the baby must be strictly at the same time: children's sleep, it turns out, also lends itself to a schedule. Only by performing these actions every day, without breaks and weekends, you can achieve a lasting result.

Unfortunately, this method also has disadvantages: in our hectic life, it is not always possible to strictly follow the schedule, and the results will have to be expected no earlier than in a couple of months.

Method number 5 - alarm clock

No, don’t be scared, you shouldn’t put a wound alarm clock under your baby’s ear: it will come in handy if you decide to extend the little man’s sleep time. If you keep a child's sleep diary, you will soon notice that he wakes up at the same time. The baby has already developed his habits, even if they can hardly be called good.

It is possible to correct the situation, although no one promises a 100% result. Having found out what time your fidget wakes up, wake him up exactly half an hour before this time. Having broken the established routine in this way, slowly increase the intervals between awakenings until the desired result is achieved.

This method can hardly be called fast, like the previous one, besides, it is quite painful for both parties. A child, having lost the habit of waking up at the same time, may begin to do this chaotically, and then the entire sleep system will have to be adjusted again. And then putting your child to sleep will be oh, how difficult.

Method number 6 - for persistent mothers

Before you start using this method, be patient and valerian: here, more than ever, you will need your peace of mind. For nervous and impatient mothers, this method is categorically contraindicated. The main training falls on the day, but you can’t relax at night either.

So, wait until the baby begins to show signs of sleep: rub his eyes, yawn and act up. If before that he was playing and was excited, you need to calm him down, but in no case should you pump or feed him. Then put the baby in the crib and stand by, trying to prevent tears. You can hum a lullaby, rock the crib a little, but you can't meet his eyes or pick him up. If after 15 minutes the baby has not fallen asleep, and the tears have turned into a real tantrum, take him in your arms, calm him down and, preventing him from falling asleep in your arms, put him back in the crib.

If the baby is whimpering quietly or lying quietly but not sleeping, stand by and wait for the baby to fall asleep completely. The laying period should last no more than 45 minutes during the day and no more than an hour at night. Sounds intimidating, right? Having started to apply this method, the main thing is not to leave it in the middle. The course of treatment is about a month. But is a child's sleep worth it?

Method number 7 - falling asleep alone

The beginning is the same as in method number 6: catch the first signs of falling asleep and put the child to bed. As soon as the baby calms down, leave the room. Most likely, you will immediately hear displeased crying. Do not rush at the first call, wait three minutes, if the baby is flooded - no more than a minute. Then return to the room and try to calm the child. Take the baby in your arms only if he sobs excitedly for more than three minutes. As soon as he calms down, put him back in the crib and slowly leave the room.

The baby did not fall asleep and cries? Come back and calm the child again. Total time laying should not exceed 45 minutes.

After 5-6 days, the results will be noticeable, but still stock up on patience and valerian: the path to proper children's sleep is not easy. And there is no need to reproach yourself for being too strict: by developing a regimen, you are acting for the good of the baby. Be careful: putting the baby to sleep using methods No. 5, 6 and 7 can not be earlier than he is 5 months old.

Method number 8 - warm bath

A warm bath infused with a soothing herbal infusion usually works great. Look at how your child behaves after water procedures: for some, the bath has an exciting effect. If your child, fortunately, belongs to the group that begins to rub his eyes after swimming in warm water and quickly falls asleep, great. The point is small - to feed the baby and put him to sleep in the crib.

As an additive to the bath, you can use an infusion of a string - it will not only relieve inflammation on the skin, if any, but also soothe the baby. Be careful with valerian: pediatricians say that it is contraindicated for children under one year old, because it gives the opposite effect.

Method number 9 - white noise

Small children fall asleep perfectly to monotonous sounds such as the buzzing of a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer or the hiss of a radio, to the sound of water or a lullaby without words.

Find the right music or sound and turn it on every time you put your baby to bed. Only the sound should be barely audible so as not to interrupt the children's sleep and not to wake the sleeping baby.

Method number 10 - a cozy nest

This method works very effectively for the smallest children: with its help, putting the baby to bed is very, very simple. All you need is to make something like a cocoon out of a blanket or a blanket. Swaddle the baby or just grab the handles so that they do not interfere with the crumbs to fall asleep.

The main thing here is that the blanket should not be too close to the baby's nose, so that the child does not suffocate while sleeping. As a rule, newborn children are not yet accustomed to large space, it scares them: what kind of dream is there? A cocoon made of blankets will remind the baby of the carefree time in his mother's tummy. Good night and happy dreams!

Set your baby up for a good night's sleep... throughout the day

If the child is very tired during the day, he can become completely (naughty, stubborn and self-willed). That is why the time of putting to bed is the most inappropriate for the fight. You need to solve this problem in the daytime.

First of all, you must follow the obvious rules for your child to be healthy and active:

  • make sure that the child is more in the sun and plays in the fresh air;
  • feed him healthy food(minimize sugar, avoid caffeine, artificial colors and flavors, and include fiber-rich foods in the diet to avoid constipation);
  • make sure that the child sleeps well during the day, but not for too long, so that fatigue accumulates in the evening.

In addition to this, you need to build relationships with your child throughout the day so that he naturally I would like to work with you tonight.

How to put a child to sleep without tears: 3 ways

Children hate sermons. They are with much more likely they will do what they see rather than what they are told. So, instead of giving a lecture, teach the little one a lesson in an indirect way.

We all jealously guard the "front door" to our minds, rejecting all messages that seem too mentoring to us... and even praise if it is excessive or insincere! Nevertheless, all of us (children and adults) have great confidence in what we manage to overhear - in other words, in the information that comes to us indirectly.

Here are three interesting ways to show your child that you need to be kinder and more compliant, but in an indirect way - so that the baby does not feel like he is being pressured: "gossip", playing with dolls and fairy tales.

"To gossip"- means to have your child overhear you whisper to someone in secret about his actions that you want to encourage (or, conversely, minimize).

The child constantly eavesdrops on your conversations with others, so use this opportunity to send small messages to him. If you talk five or ten times a day in secret with someone, giving a positive or negative assessment of the actions of your child, in less than a week you will notice a change!

Say something like:

- Can you imagine, dad, when it's time daytime sleep, Rosie came up to me and lay down next to me just three seconds after I called her! So fast! She is definitely growing up!

- Can you imagine, grandma, Marnie kissed all her dolls, then hugged a bear, made a couple deep breaths and exhalations, and then very quickly fell asleep.

Another way to indirectly send messages to your dwarf is doll game. Young children are often more likely to listen to their doll's advice than their mother's!

When two-year-old Sadie balked at the sight of the toothbrush, her dad, Jonah, turned to the toy Buzz Lightyear and said:

- Wait... I need to consult with Buzz about this.

Jonah then "spoke" to Buzz in a conspiratorial whisper, but in such a way that Sadie could hear him:

- Buzz, Sadie needs your help! She refuses to brush her teeth, but I don't want bad sugar bugs to put holes in them. What do you think about this?

Jonah put his ear to Buzz's helmet and pretended to listen to the answer.

- And what, Buzz? Do you want Sadie to have good teeth and get rid of the bugs? And will you be proud of her if she brushes her teeth? Excellent! And can I put a mark on her hand if she does well? Thanks Buzz!

Sadie brushed her teeth, constantly looking at Buzz. Jonah then hugged her, put a mark on her arm and "gossip" with Buzz about what a good little girl Sadie is.

Your little one will love to switch roles while playing with dolls (or toy animals). First, for example, the child can speak for the bear cub (“Ah, ah, I don’t want to go to bed!”), And then you switch roles, and he will act as a mother bear (“Okay, let's play two more minutes. But then you will need to brush your teeth, okay?").

Another option for indirect influence is to use fairy tales you made up. They must have hidden lessons. Children love to listen to fairy tales - over and over again - and because of this, the messages hidden in them are slowly absorbed, which means that you do not have to saw the child or threaten him.

So pick a time during the day, snuggle up somewhere with your little one and tell him a story in which Billy the Rabbit (it's better that the characters are animals, not people) tries to quickly put on pajamas so that he has time to read books, or going to bed early to have a cool dream about what a superhero he is!

Another way to reduce your child's resistance before bed is to sit down and read their personal bedtime book together. Here's how you can make such a book with your own hands.

Take your little one to the store to choose stickers. You will also need heavy colored paper or cardboard, a hole punch, and a binder (so you can add and remove sheets as you like).

When you get home, work together on the cover of your new book.

Inside the book, on the first and last pages, draw a happy face and write: "Four Rules for a Happy Sleep." Come up with your own rules. Below are some good options:

  • Happy, clean hands.
  • We clean, we clean our teeth.
  • Great in pajamas!
  • I feel very comfortable in my bed.

Over the next few days, take pictures: capture on them how you buy a special bed sheets; your star map; dinner; games before bedtime (with dimmed lights); the process of putting on pajamas, brushing teeth, turning on white noise; heart-to-heart conversation before going to bed; prayers; kisses from mom and dad; how do you turn off the light; how your mischievous sleeps and how he wakes up happy with the birds.

Also take pictures of other family members (including pets) getting to bed and sleeping. And in addition, paste in the book funny pictures related to sleep that you find in magazines, and even scribbles of your baby.

Under each photo or drawing, put small captions, for example:

  • Maya brushes her teeth.
  • Dad and Theo are reading funny stories...and they have fun!
  • Twyla's eyes feel good and close.

Finally, find some pictures of nature... maybe a sunlit sky, or moonlit night, or some sleeping animals.

Read this book with your baby throughout the day and ask: "What's next?" until the child remembers all the actions in in due course. From time to time, ask him to help you remember all four rules. If the baby begins to look through his book every day, in the evening he will be more accommodating.

Finally, this bedtime book will be another memento from your child's early childhood!

Sleep preparation ritual: what to do and what not to do

Each family has its own procedure for preparing for bed. The main thing is to make sure that all rituals are pleasant, soothing, consistent and performed with love.

When it's time for bed, don't do anything that might make your baby resist. For example, instead of asking, "Are you ready to go to bed?", exclaim enthusiastically, "That's it! It's time for bed!" Gesture it's time for bed and start counting down before you sing the song you usually sing at bedtime. When you sing, use simple gestures to show that it's "time to sleep": for example, you can put two palms together and lower your head on them.

All children love to wish Good night to their toys. Prayers, lullabies and bedtime stories are also great sleep rituals, and a pacifier and a last sip of water will shorten the path to dreamland.

Offer your baby water, or mint tea, or chamomile tea decaffeinated, but avoid juices or sugary drinks before bed that cause cavities.

Favorite items, such as a soft blanket or a teddy bear, can become great helpers when falling asleep. Think of them as stepping stones on the path to adulthood and independence.

And do not forget about the good old attribute of falling asleep -.

A heart-to-heart conversation before bed: the power of positive thoughts

Another wonderful way to end the day is with a method called "Heart Talk Before Bed."

In the last minutes before falling asleep, your child's mind is open, he is like a small sponge, absorbing your words full of love. A heart-to-heart talk before bed allows you to use this opportunity to fill your mischievous mind with gratitude for all the wonderful things that happened today, as well as strengthen his faith in the good things he can do and experience tomorrow.

Here's how to apply this method with children ages one and older:

  • Lay the baby down and sit next to him.
  • In a soft and calm tone, list the good deeds and funny situations that happened to him today.
  • If you put marks on your child's hand, count them and try to remember together what he earned them for.
  • think about tomorrow and list the events that can happen and the good deeds that the baby can do (“I won’t be surprised if tomorrow you climb to the very top of the slide. You can also help the teacher collect all the cubes!”).

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Comment on the article "5 ways to put your child to sleep without tears"

The dream of a child. How do you put your children to sleep, mine doesn’t want to sleep at all without me, as soon as I leave, wakes up immediately and runs after How to put to sleep ?. Dream. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness And also ...

Dream. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development We are now 2 years old. The ritual is the same for us. Making a bottle of formula, putting it to bed Putting to bed: which is more important... I am often approached by parents of children visiting...


Girls, thanks for the replies. I knew everything was going to work out for the best.

I read a book, then I turn off the light ... I lie down next to me and falls asleep immediately ... I transfer it to her bed ...
I don’t know how I will sleep in the garden, because at home I get up at 6 in the morning, but I can lie down for a daytime sleep, or maybe not. Laying during the day is useless - just when she gets tired and passes out. I hope that everything will be adjusted in the garden by itself ... they adhere to the same schedule

Maybe put the baby to bed later? He will get used to his dad, and then he will fall asleep with you. Well, as an option, rocking on a rocking chair. Pack with you, phoneless and books. Sleep on your own, children are not fools, they perfectly understand the movement ...


Only with breasts, and still so. Exceptions - in a car, in a stroller, if you get very tired, extremely rarely, not with me - under fairy tales or cartoons. Now we, apparently, have finally abandoned daytime sleep, we sleep from about 21.30 to 8-9. In general, these laying downs are my nightmare, two years have actually passed in trying to put the child to bed :) Over these two years, even the sofa where we all sleep has never been assembled.

Senior from six months, junior from a year on night sleep fit according to one scheme - bought, in pajamas, kissed, put in the crib, turned off the light, went out and closed the door. All. Until a year and a half, both still drank milk at night.
If I lie down with a phone and a book next to me, and a 5-year-old will sausage and chat when they sleep, they don’t read.

We sleep well. And in the evening - a light show! Tell magic way! Teach your baby to sleep! At first I put it to bed, then my husband went to save the child's ass. The dream of a child 3 years old and older. How to put a child to sleep: the experience of mom and caregiver.


And meeeeeee

10/30/2018 9:21:49 PM, Miguera??

We had the same until we introduced the rule to fall asleep to a child without a mother. How much time has been released! And that was just 3 years old. Now my daughter falls asleep alone, though with the door open and the light on in the hallway. From time to time there are "pee, poop, drink", but this is not to sit with the child until he falls asleep. Just explain to the child that he is big, and the big ones all fall asleep on their own. It can quarrel for a week, then he will get used to it. The main thing is not to go on about the child. What are our results (1.5 years have passed since my daughter began to fall asleep on her own)? The daughter also falls asleep for a long time, as before, but the nervous system has become much stronger for the parents (and this is just as important for the child as for mom and dad) and 1.5 hours of free time have appeared.
And one more thing: rituals are still worth introducing. The same book before going to bed will give 10-15 minutes necessary for the child communication with a parent. Have us this habit with 2-'s years.

child mode. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition My children did not sleep during the day from 1 to 1.5 years, and I myself, according to my mother's stories, too. True, in the kindergarten the children began to sleep again, but this is because in ...


And try not to lie down during the day. Do not be afraid in the evening at 20-21 o'clock it will already be chopped off. This is exactly how I set mine up. She tried to stay up late. I couldn’t go to bed until 23. I stopped lying down during the day. A couple of days and everything was fine. Now she goes to bed at 22, gets up at 9, and sleeps from 14 to 15 during the day.

if it’s more convenient for everyone, then live like that, if not, you need to try to rebuild, of course ... and if you wake up in the morning, for example, at 8 in the morning, dress (at least through some tears and whims), let him walk with his legs, then sleep for hours at 12 for a couple of hours, well, the evening will somehow work out here
in general, as I presented it .... it's all difficult, even very (it's easy to give advice, yeah, yeah :))

A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, read the book "How to put a child to sleep without tears" by E. Paintley. she was advised to me, but we then discuss the issue of expediency traditional way rocking babies...


I rocked up to a year and 2 months. At first she was worried (all her friends unanimously talked about how good their children are, they fall asleep themselves), and then she stopped harassing herself and the child and rocked in her arms. And one evening he began to scream in my arms and pull his hands to the bed, since then for a month he has not wanted me to rock him, apparently he himself was already uncomfortable in his arms to fall asleep.

read the book "How to Put Your Baby to Sleep Without Tears" by E. Paintley. she was advised to me, but we either get sick, or our teeth climb, I haven’t tried it on myself yet :) but suddenly it will help you

How to teach to sleep separately. parent experience. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationship with Still sleeping with me. Now there was a need to accustom to sleep alone. How did you do it? How long did the process take?


Eh, I would like your problems. Anyutik from birth, in principle, sleeps calmly only separately, if you put it next to him, he yells. More recently, she began to pamper her mother - she comes at night and goes to bed, sniffs a warm little lump next to her.

Come on! I have mine still love to fall asleep with me. The older one then almost leaves by itself (it is only necessary to give her a direction and make sure that she does not count the corners), and we attribute the small one. They always sleep on their own.

Advise / tell how to teach a child to sleep through the night and not ask for a breast at night! Requires breast every hour. And about "sleep all night", there is an excellent book by E. Pantley "How to put a child to sleep without tears", there are just ways to teach him to fall asleep.


Transfer to a crib, preferably in another room. Give a shout. No more than half an hour. Then take. But DO NOT GIVE breasts, rock them. The main thing is not to give more breasts under any circumstances if you want to wean.
That's exactly how I excommunicated in 1 and 3.

Do you sleep together? It can first establish a separate sleep (maybe there will be fewer attachments?), And then wean. And the older and younger fed at night and put in the crib, tk. I can’t sleep at all with a sleeping child next to me :-(((I’m afraid to crush, especially when I was just crumbs. I can’t get enough sleep! Therefore, since birth, both are in the crib ...

The youngest at your age woke up 2-3 times at night, more only when she was sick. It didn't bother me at all! Now she wakes up once a night to pee, but she still can’t fall asleep without a breast :-(I think it needs to be weaned over the winter - it’s already big :-))) Although, again, the chest is only for sleep - it doesn’t bother me :-) suits me and her!

A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, regimen I'm already simply exhausted with these laying down. The child sleeps alone or with you - this is a matter of your convenience. Many children, sleeping separately from birth, aged ...


Imagine, any psychologist will tell you - if he doesn't want to - let him sleep with you. Then the age will come when he will ask to be in his bed. Somewhere around three. It seems to me that applying emotional abuse over the baby, he may develop a neurosis. Try to meet him and he will outgrow it.

sit next to you until you fall asleep. when he gets used to falling asleep in his bed - start going out. at first, when the eyes already merge and there is no strength to protest, then earlier and earlier. it's not a matter of one day

How to put to sleep???? I have two children, both girls, 6 years old and almost 3 years old. They sleep in one room, we in another, my parents (live with parents) in the third. Something recent times we are having trouble getting to bed :((Children sleep in a bunk bed, the eldest...


I have a 3 year old daughter. The diagnosis is hyperactivity. So she goes to bed at about 12 at night, and maybe at one o'clock to fall asleep. we put it down for 2, or even 3 hours. We read, sing lullabies, tell stories and so on. After 12, of course, we begin to swear and raise our voices. But usually it doesn't help. She gets up around 8, during the day you can’t put her down either. Today I sat with her for 2.5 hours and to no avail. We consulted with a somnologist: she said that everything was in order. The main thing is not to force sleep and not punish sleep. Everything will return to normal. Such an age. She prescribed phenibut, but it does not help much.
So you still have a not very critical situation with laying down :) Probably, you won’t be able to change anything until the youngest passes this age. Maybe try to move the time a bit later and not listen to bedtime stories. Fantasy can also keep you awake, and fairy tales really spur it on. Recently they said on TV that in general fairy tales are big job for the brain and that they contain a lot of encrypted information, so you don’t need to read them at night.

I understand that I am getting out of the whole topic, offering to close the door and turn off the light. But I still put my son to bed. In the light and with songs. I will sit with him until he falls asleep. Read books and sing songs. By the way, his nightlight is on all night. Because he is afraid of the dark. And I don’t see anything terrible in the fact that mom or dad can sit in the evening with the child until he falls asleep completely.
Now you can throw tomatoes at me))

How to put a child to sleep at night? We are almost a year and two. Not so long ago, such a problem appeared: Before, I just fell asleep with a tit. A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.


go to the site, there is a topic "self-going to sleep", just read the one that was earlier than last year. The problem is relevant and the topic, in my opinion, is still dragging on. And... please be patient. I went through it.

We introduced a ritual - and everything became easier. Be sure to shower / bath, then kefir, then mom reads 3 books of his choice, then dad sings :) - the same song every day - and the child turns his nose to the wall and says "bye, bye." AT last resort maybe ponit-one more book. Trained for about a month. Only in more early age started in a year. But it is desirable that the child throws out his energy reserve in a day :).

How to put a child to sleep? Dreams. Child psychology. Share your experience (preferably positive :)) of putting the child to bed. Interested in a small age (up to two years), how you laid then then, what and how changed later.


Budiiiiit ... yyyy .... he himself whoever you want ...

I stopped "seizing the moment", quite late, about 4 years. He fell asleep in the first days at about one in the morning, then he himself shifted the clock by 11, then even earlier, between 10 and 11. At the same time, he was already on his feet no later than 8, and more often at 6.40-7. I went to my dad ... he, too, is an owl with a small need for sleep, working at a computer until 2-4 in the morning and getting up at 7-8 in the morning is in the order of things. And his summer working regime is generally ... he goes to bed at 7 in the morning, gets up at 11 and is cheerful all day.

They didn't put me to bed and didn't wake me up. My daughter at this age had a day of about 25-26 hours, i.e. floating rhythm. Namely: live your life and let the child live ...

Put the child to bed at the same time, repeating the same actions. Try not to stretch your actions to put the baby to bed for an hour (baby's dream). Children who can already speak quickly learn to bribe their parents: one more kiss, read...


Critical age 5 years. If a child has not learned to sleep well before the age of 5, in adulthood he has a high chance of having insomnia, 5 years is the border. At this age, the child already understands well what parents want. Many children at this age go to bed, do not cry, do not call their parents, but the problem is not resolved, as they continue to fall asleep with difficulty and wake up often, only now they keep it to themselves. In the worst cases, the child has nightmares and other nightly problems, and cries that he doesn't want to go to bed. FROM adolescence insomnia remains for life.
Sometimes parents do not even understand the seriousness of this problem, it seems to them that everything will pass with age. In fact, 35% of children suffer from sleep problems before the age of 5. But these data are underestimated, since many parents believe that it is normal if a child from 6 months to 2-3 years old (and sometimes even further) does not want to go to sleep, wakes up 3-5 times at night, explaining this with hunger , desire to drink, write, etc. Therefore, surveys often do not give correct results. 35% - the statistics of our center for the treatment of sleep problems.
From 6-7 months, the child is able to sleep alone in his room, in absolute darkness and for 10-12 hours without waking up and without requiring the presence of adults.
If your child is not sleeping as described above, it is natural for you to ask yourself: what is going on, what is wrong? Why isn't our baby sleeping then?
Forget the excuses you used before: gas (passes by 4-5 months), teeth, hunger, thirst, too much energy, went to kindergarten, etc. There is only one reason in 98%: Your child has not yet learned to sleep! Like this? -you ask. - What does it mean?
You will discover this in later chapters. If you literally follow all our instructions, then in less than one week your child will turn into a night sleeper.
Before you start reading the other chapters, you should convince yourself of the following things:
- your child is not sick (if he sleeps poorly, this is not a disease and it cannot be treated with medicines: valerian, motherwort decoctions, etc.)
- your child does not have any psychological problems(excuses like: wakes up because he feels parting with his parents, etc.)
your child is not spoiled (even if everyone tries to convince you otherwise). If he does not sleep well, this is by no means the consequences of being spoiled, even if this is expressed in the fact that he constantly requires the attention of his parents, wants to be lulled, rocked, carried in his arms, read to him, etc.
-If your child does not sleep well, it is not your fault.
Our book will help you teach your child to sleep.
The 3-4 hour cycle of an infant consists of the following items; food-sleep-hygiene (change diapers, etc.) The order may change (hygiene-sleep-eating). Sometimes there are anarchist newborns. They do not even follow this simple pattern, that is, they fall asleep and wake up without any logic.

How to put your baby to sleep - 5 rules. Sometimes the task of putting the kids to bed sometimes turns out to be very difficult for parents - the child seems to be tired, but does not want to go to bed. Daily routine for a child. Ways to put your baby to sleep. Print version.


but you can’t force it, especially such a small child. my son is 2 years old, he still wakes up at night. when he was 1 and 3, I thought he was hungry (which most likely was the case, because he ate very bad complementary foods). now he wakes up to check where I am (he's bored, I'm at work all day). I was also terribly exhausted from 2 years of sleeplessness. but do not believe it - now it has become easier, over the past week he wakes up only 2 times a night, and immediately falls asleep. so I have hope that everything will be fine soon!

Rather, the reason for nighttime waking up is in HOW YOU put him down. He, of course, falls asleep from motion sickness on the pillow, and in the next period of "REM" sleep, when he semiconsciously evaluates this env. environment, he discovers with horror that there are no familiar attributes in which he fell asleep. Scream - mom - motion sickness - and so on in a circle.
There is only one way out - to admit that the child has PROBLEMS with sleep. Make sure that he is healthy and closely engage in the formation of HEALTHY sleep. That is -
1. A certain time of day (the most physiological 20-30 - 21-00)
". A constant ritual - the last bottle - bathing - brushing your teeth - a song - a mishma under a barrel. nipple
3- Wish good night in a gentle but firm voice. take a look. and EXIT the room.
4. Starts crying - wait a bit - go in, pet, insert the pacifier, try to exit confidently.
In savisimist from the "neglect" of the case - from 3 to 10 days. It is very important that you be sure. that you are doing a good thing for your child and yourself (I’m afraid that now they’ll slaughter a piece of wood for each one ..). To tell the truth, after a year it’s more difficult than at 6 months, but it’s really good for the child too (children who have slept are completely different children) Good luck .

How to put to sleep? Dream. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Ignore all the child's efforts to get your attention and all the tears?


We have a ritual - we turn off the lights everywhere, we say that everyone will go to sleep - and dad, and mom, and a Christmas tree, and a TV, and ... Then dad and daughter (she with a pacifier and a favorite blanket) fit on the sofa for 5 minutes ten. And then I take her to her room and we fall asleep on the couch in an embrace. Then I move Nikki to the crib.

At the dacha, we just all lie down together in our parents' bed. If I don't fall asleep before Nikki, I move her, sleeping, to her bed.

It seems to me that the presence of a regime, a ritual, plays a big role. Bath, books, turn off the lights, shake? Lie down with a toy? Lie down with your mother so that she can then shift to the crib? It seems to me that it is important for a child to know what comes after what. I sat with the children. who grew up without any regime - wanted to hang themselves already.
Put in bed and leave the exit is not for everyone, mine, for example, vomits from crying if he is not calmed down in time. 04/07/2001 12:07:01, Olya

Olga! This is all temporary. All of my kids have gone through this. At about three years, they no longer bother, well, if only to fix the blanket or go to the potty.
Imagine! There is only a year left and you will sleep peacefully all night. :)

Big problem with sleep. It is possible to put a child to sleep only in his arms. And laying turns into a real How to put to sleep???? I have two children, both girls, 6 years old and almost 3 years old. They sleep in one room, we in another, my parents (live with...


My baby is already 1.2, but there have always been problems with sleep: they went to bed for at least an hour! Its OK now. I achieved this by creating a whole ritual of going to bed: each time the same sequence of actions: five minutes of a quiet game (look at a book, etc.), I curtain the windows, I wrap it in the same blanket, I take it in my arms in only one position , I sing only one motive (I never sing it in another situation), I even am in a certain place in the room, etc. And I already realized that it is useless to put the child to bed before he somehow shows his desire (rubs his eyes ..). We also always had fewer dreams during the day than is usually required for a certain age of the child. When it was necessary to sleep twice a day, they went to bed for an hour, and slept for 30-40 minutes, until I began to put 1 time. The first week he was naughty when he was awake, but I occupied him with active games (best of all with water, for the sake of this the children are ready not to sleep at all) and now we sleep for 2-2.5 hours. And neuropathologists have disappointed me more than once. I would be very happy if I could help you even a little.

02/14/2000 23:21:48, Marinka

Oh my god, I have the same problem. Even worse, since I have twins - girls, and both behave this way.
The neuropathologist advised us to keep them awake in the evening and entertain them during the day as long as possible. During the day it has become easier to lay - they fall asleep faster, and at night the same thing.

How much does your daughter sleep a day? Mine is no more than 12 hours.

You are probably familiar with such comic wisdom about maternal happiness: “Happiness is when everyone is at home and everyone is sleeping”? Every joke has some truth. Children are a great joy, but sometimes, having finally put the heir to bed, the mother feels true relief.

How important is sleep for babies?

A sore point for many parents: how to put the child to sleep? Even newborn babies do not always fall asleep as soon as their mother puts them in the crib. Baby comes to rock in a cradle, carried in her arms, rolled in a stroller.

But sleep is not a whim of the mother. For young children, he not only gives rest after a day dedicated to learning about the world and games. Compliance with sleep and wakefulness ensures Good work all physiological processes in a growing body and maintains a healthy nervous system.

All parents are well aware that if you break the regimen for the child, do not let the baby sleep, fatigue, whims and tantrums immediately follow. In addition, the mode is a great help for mom and dad. A child who is accustomed to living according to the regime easily fits, falls asleep well and feels great during the day.

How Much Sleep Do Children Need?

The amount of sleep needed depends on the age of the child. Newborn babies sleep almost all the time, waking up only to eat, but gradually the time of wakefulness increases. Growing up, the body gets stronger, getting more and more strength for active work.

  • From birth to 2 months, babies sleep about 18 hours a day;
  • in half a year - 16 hours;
  • closer to a year, children sleep two or three times a day for two hours or more. 11 hours should be allotted for a night's sleep;
  • by the year, the amount of sleep decreases and a clear regimen is formed with two periods of daytime sleep of 1.5 - 2 hours. Night sleep should last about 10-11 hours;
  • closer to two years, children switch to one daytime sleep. In total, it takes about 11-14 hours to sleep.

Does a baby need daytime naps?

Theoretically, before school, it is desirable that the child sleep during the day. If the body copes without such rest, then night sleep must be on time and quite long - all the same 11-14 hours.

Of course, all children are different. Temperament, temperament, characteristics of the body affect the need for sleep. If your baby sleeps a little less than normal, but is alert during the day, active and healthy, then most likely there is nothing to worry about. Then your task is to provide a regimen and quality rest.

Arranging healthy sleep

So, we have clarified our task. Now we need to understand what we, parents, can do to put the child to bed and that the baby gets quality rest during sleep.

Establish a sleep and rest schedule

It is much easier to put the baby to bed if he is used to a certain regimen. If baby is everything time runs sleep at the same time, he will not even have any doubts that he can "play a little more."

In addition, the body, accustomed to falling asleep, say, at 9 pm, does not require special efforts to retreat into the arms of Morpheus.

Create the right atmosphere

Comfortable pajamas not only keep you warm, but also create a feeling of comfort. The fabric should be soft, and the pajamas themselves should be loved. You can buy it together with your child, entrusting the choice to him.

Organize all the conditions for a comfortable sleep

Let there be a pleasant twilight in the room. If your child is unsure in the dark, don't insist on turning off all the lights. Children love to fall asleep by the light of a night light.

In the room where the child sleeps, there should be fresh air and a cool temperature. It is under such conditions that one falls asleep easier and sleeps more soundly. Ventilate the room in advance, perhaps leave the window ajar if the weather permits and the location of the crib.

When the baby falls asleep, try not to disturb him. It will be better if the room where they sleep is quiet and dark.

Magic rituals for the night: help for parents

Children are famous conservatives. AT this case this trait can be of great help to parents. Create your own family bedtime routines. The child will get used to them very quickly and the very performance of these rituals will already set him up for sleep.

Fairy tales and lullabies

You can lull the child under lullaby songs. It seems that not a single mother passed these “musical performances”. Even very young children calm down at the sound of their mother's voice.

From a certain age, reading at night becomes such a ritual in many families. This is a wonderful tradition that grows out of the classic Ryaba Hen, recited from memory at bedtime.

Listening to books, the child calms down, in addition, the very presence of parents nearby during falling asleep has a calming effect.

Evening bathing, cleaning toys and other habits

However, not only fairy tales and lullabies set you up to fall asleep. All actions that are carried out regularly, at the same time before bedtime, seem to tell the child that it is time to go to bed.

cleaning toys, party water procedures- all these are also your "magic rituals". The main thing is that parents themselves do not skimp on their duties and do not forget how important the regularity of such actions is for the baby.

We understand that parents are people too, you get tired at work, maybe things are still waiting for you, and then the kid demands a fairy tale. What a temptation to refuse, turn on the cartoon and send the child to the room alone!

But if you have not yet taught your baby to fall asleep on their own, this process, on the contrary, will drag on indefinitely and will include requests to eat, drink, pee, tears and irritation.

But after all - to be honest - you would like the child to fall asleep quickly. And it is the observance of all household rules and habits that will help you get such a desired result.

We put the baby: effective ways

However, rituals are rituals, but you still have to put the child to sleep. The following simple methods will help you easily lay down a baby:

motion sickness

A method proven by centuries and generations of mothers. Classic variant- "on the handles." Indeed, usually in such a situation, the child falls asleep pretty soon. It's a pity only my mother's "handles" and back. Cradles, strollers and even a special fitball help out.


Often infants fall asleep at mother's breast. The bottle also "works", but not as efficiently. Both of these methods have their drawbacks - when shifting the baby to the crib, he may wake up. And then everything starts all over again.

Water procedures

Many mothers use evening bathing as an excellent opportunity to prepare the baby for falling asleep. Soothing herbs can be added to the bath, warm water relaxes and lulls. After such a bath, all you want is to eat and sleep sweetly.


Another actively practiced method is the so-called co-sleeping. Mom is comfortable, the child is calm. In general, a good option, giving the opportunity to sleep for the whole family.

But it also has disadvantages - dad has to go to another sleeping place, not all men are experiencing this with joy. In addition, then you have to somehow teach the child to sleep in his bed. And my mom was so good...

"Nest" from a blanket

Little children are not yet used to a large space around. Another way of laying is based on this - creating a cozy “nest” for the child. The baby is swaddled so that he does not interfere with his arms and legs, and wrapped in a cozy blanket. In such conditions, children usually fall asleep faster.

Ways to lay a preschooler

With older children, the situation changes. It becomes difficult to rock them in your arms - both literally and figuratively. Indeed, you no longer know how to hold a 3-4-year-old on the handles, then the legs hang down, then the hands do not fit. Yes, and the baby weighs no longer like a newborn.

The child is weaned, becomes an adult, it's time to get out of the parent's bed - how to put the baby to sleep at that age?

Classics of the genre - lullabies and fairy tales

We talked about this method above. The child relaxes, listening to the parent's voice, and gradually falls asleep. You can sit holding the baby by the hand and stroking the back.

A subtle moment is to carefully move away from a child who has just fallen asleep. You must be able to accurately calculate the moment in order to move away from the crib and not wake up your treasure, which has just begun to fall asleep.

The warm evening bath still works

Aromas of some herbs can be sprinkled in the bedroom. For example, lavender is a good sedative. Check with your pediatrician if aromatherapy can be used.

Ways for patient and persistent parents

If you want to teach your child to fall asleep on their own, without your participation, be patient and stock up on valerian. For myself. Put the baby in the crib and go. That's what it says in the instructions.

If the child cries, wait a few minutes and approach him. Calm down, talk, stroke - but do not pick up and do not look into the eyes. When the baby calms down, leave the room again.

And although you are not doing anything terrible, on the contrary, you are accustoming him to quality sleep, endure baby crying may not all. That's what valerian is for. If you have enough patience, over time a small miracle awaits you - the baby will go to bed and fall asleep on his own, you will only need to kiss him at night and turn on the night light.

Not enough courage for such training?

Try the simplified version. Sit near a falling asleep child, stroke, shake, but do not take it in your arms, do not sing songs and again try not to make eye contact. Oddly enough, it sounds, but it is the look into the eyes that turns on the “tears mode” in the baby.

He has someone to cry. If the baby whimpers and cries, be patient for a while, pick it up, calm it down and put it back in bed. Sit next to him until he falls asleep.

Both of these methods are short term teach your child to fall asleep on their own. In fact, this is very correct. Thus, the ability of the body to rest on its own is developed.

The basic principles of these methods

The main rule for these two ways of laying is that if the baby has not fallen asleep on its own within 45 minutes, it is not necessary to continue “education”. You should take your son or daughter in your arms and put him in the way he is used to. Try one again next time.

Let's say right away - and children are different, and parents too. Not all mothers have the patience and strength to complete the learning process. There are also some pretty stubborn kids.

However, we hasten to console you - your baby will still grow up and will sleep without you. Moreover, someday you will remember how sweet it was to hold a sniffling baby close to you. Children grow up so fast!

Daytime sleep: how to convince the baby to sleep during the day?

If everything is more or less clear with night sleep - no matter how much you have to lull, nature will take its toll and the baby will sleep - then with daytime sleep everything is not so clear.

From a certain age, the child refuses to go to sleep during the daytime. It can be understood. For us adults, sleep is an opportunity to relax and unwind, but for a baby it is almost a punishment.

Get rid of toys interesting games and occupations. In addition, the child's psyche is not yet very good at relaxing and overexciting the child a little, as it becomes difficult for him to fall asleep.

  1. This is exactly the case when the regime is your everything. The body gets used to rest at a certain time.
  2. Create conditions. How can you sleep when mom and dad have guests, the sun is shining through the window and the TV is on?? The baby should sleep in a separate room. Try to keep it ventilated, close the curtains and ensure silence.
  3. Motivation is important not only for adults. Tell your child in a language that he understands that during sleep he grows, helps his body to recuperate and work well.
  4. Try to put the child on daytime sleep 5-6 hours after waking up in the morning. During this time, he just has time to get a little tired. If resting during the day is important to you, make sure that in the morning the baby gets up on time and does not sleep for too long.

  1. Tell your child a story, sing a song, just lie down or sit next to him. If the body is tired, it will fall asleep quite easily.

If these methods do not help, it may make sense to leave the child alone. Just take this time to relax. Let the baby listen to your fairy tale in the crib, lie down. And put him to bed early in the evening.

We lay the baby in five minutes: how realistic is it?

Very often, parents are looking online for ways to put their child to sleep in 5 minutes or 1 minute. Relatives and acquaintances are interviewed in search of a magical remedy. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question whether they work or not.

Try, experiment, and you might get lucky! Here are a few more tips to help your baby fall asleep faster:

  1. It is easier for some children to fall asleep when they are stroked on the back.
  2. Another is when mom counts sheep in a slow and measured voice. The important thing here is that the events do not distract the attention of the baby, as it would be in an interesting story. (“One little sheep jumped over the fence, then a second small, white sheep, good, fluffy, approached the fence ...”).
  3. Sometimes a light stroke on the forehead and nose of the baby “works”. From such movements, the eyes close by themselves.

You will definitely find something of your own. And a magical dream will surely fly into the window of your bedroom. Let the children sleep sweetly and grow in their sleep.

Starting at six one month old, children, before most sleeping peacefully in their beds for days and waking up for a short time to eat and smile at their mother, they suddenly begin to act up, cry and give their parents a lot of trouble. Young parents who first encountered this problem should know that it is useless to be nervous and worried - there are enough reasons for not wanting sleep in children, and identifying them is a paramount task. Having solved it, the child’s anxiety will also be eliminated, which means that the problem itself will disappear, how to put the child to sleep without whims and tears.

Sleep is a natural need of the body, but each has its own characteristics, which are inevitably superimposed on falling asleep and night rest.

Genetically, a person does not have uninterrupted sleep all night. In addition to biological individuality, a person, as a member of society, is also guided by social motives. For years, getting up at the same time for work, a man and a woman form a certain ritual of going to rest, get used to falling asleep in certain time for a specific number of hours.

When changing professional activity All these habitual stereotypes can also change. What can we say about a child who has just been born - his physiology has not yet been fully formed. And when the baby begins to grow, he has other priorities besides sleep and food. The child learns to cognize the unfamiliar world around him, and it is quite logical that after the amazing daytime discoveries and impressions, he cannot, and does not want to fall asleep immediately.

In addition, the temperament of the child and his personal characteristics nervous system laid in it by nature even in the mother's womb, and it will not be possible to remake them. This means that parents will have to get to know their baby better and try to help him and themselves.

In fact, there are only three common causes of children's sleep disturbance:

  1. physical ailment;
  2. external stimuli;
  3. Features of the psyche.

Even inexperienced parents eventually begin to understand the prerequisites for the discontent of the baby before the upcoming sleep. The test is long sleepless nights does not pass in vain, and soon dad and mom can distinguish a simple whim from a sickly condition of the baby.

What keeps the baby from sleeping?

The main reasons that the child wakes up, cries and is naughty, are quite natural phenomena:

  • Sometimes the pain in his tummy does not let him fall asleep - intestinal colic occur in children from 2 to months to six months. This may be due to imperfect digestive system baby, which is actively developing. In addition, caught in time breastfeeding air causes indigestion, which is why after eating it is necessary for the baby to burp. To do this, you need to hold it for a while. vertical position (
  • Another prerequisite for restless sleep and tears is teething - it can begin at 4 months. If, in the case of colic, the child can be given the means intended for this, for example, Espumizan, then it will not be learned to eliminate pain when teeth are cut. The only thing that can be done is to lubricate the baby's gums with a special cooling cream, and while he is awake, you should give him rubber teethers. Pain may accompany fever. Doctors advise using children's Nurofen and similar drugs in order to not only reduce fever, but also to produce pain relief.
  • Also, the child may not sleep due to elementary hunger. A growing organism requires the necessary nutrients every 3-4 hours. You should not wait until he wakes up on his own and starts to get nervous - when receiving a breast, the baby immediately calms down, without reaching crying, and he can eat in a sleepy state.
  • Natural emptying in a dream gives the baby discomfort and it is quite natural that he wakes up. This is the most harmless simple reason, which is easy to fix by changing the child's diaper or diaper. To avoid unnecessary neurosis, children's accessories before going to bed should be replaced with clean ones. It does not hurt and it is convenient to re-lay the children's bed linen.
  • An unfavorable situation in the house and extraneous noise is unacceptable if parents want their child to have a restful sleep. A TV, even turned on in another room, can disturb children's peace. The apartment should have a calm atmosphere, as for the children's room, silence is preferable there.
  • You should also pay attention to the climatic indicators of the room where the baby sleeps. The optimum temperature is 21-24 degrees, the room must be ventilated. With average humidity and the absence of drafts, the child's sleep is normalized.
  • Another factor that can affect the nighttime rest of an infant is that games before bedtime, especially active ones, lead to overexcitation of the child's psyche, which negatively affects further rest. In a couple of hours, or even earlier, the child should be calmed down - you can bathe him in warm water, let him listen to pleasant, quiet music or tell him a fairy tale.

Parents should know that hysteria and tears cause harm to the child, shaking the still fragile nervous system, so you should not leave him unattended in any case.

If there are no symptoms such as fever, the diapers are dry and all irritants are removed, but nothing helps and he still continues to cry, you need to see a doctor - perhaps there is serious illness that needs to be recognized and treated promptly.

How to put your baby to sleep without crying

Children's specialists and experienced moms can give advice to help new parents cope with the situation.

To do this, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • It is important that before going to bed the child is fully fed, it is better to carry out the last feeding as late as possible. A hungry baby will definitely wake up, after a while, which will add to his anxiety, and to his parents - hassle.
  • It is necessary that before a night's sleep, the baby does not sleep for at least 4-5 hours. Perhaps he gets enough sleep during the day, so it is better to reduce daytime sleep a little. Children who like to sleep during the day should be awakened, of course, doing this carefully and affectionately. The transition to a normal night's sleep must be gradual.
  • Preparation for sleep should be akin to a ritual, so that the baby associates it with rest. It can be swimming, reading a book. Following a certain algorithm will help teach children to calmly go to bed.
  • AT evening time need to refuse charging, active exercise, noisy games. The hyperactivity of the child will not allow him to calm down quickly, and will violate normal sleep at night. It is advisable to postpone all fun for the morning.
  • You should not wrap the baby too much at night or, conversely, leave him half-dressed - if he is hot or cold, this will affect the quality of rest.
  • When a child cannot fall asleep for a long time, you can help him with this by doing a body massage using baby cream or oils.
  • It is noticed that children who spend a lot of time with their mother in the fresh air fall asleep much better. Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of walking. The children's room should also be thoroughly ventilated - this will help the child fall asleep quickly and soundly.

A simple observation of the individual life biorhythms of the crumbs helped many mothers to competently organize the sequence of feeding and sleeping of the baby. As soon as the child shows signs of lethargy, yawns and is naughty, he must be put to bed. Over time, parents begin to understand when he needs rest, and when he needs fun. If there is some temporary discrepancy, a gradual adjustment will allow everyone to get enough sleep - both the baby and his parents.

In addition to these time-tested tips, there are also special ways how to put a child to sleep without tears and tantrums.

Several methods for laying down and sleeping

When dad and mom chronically do not get enough sleep, all known ways to calm the baby are used. In spite of modern techniques, the well-known old ones, such as motion sickness and singing lullabies, still help parents cope with a difficult situation.

  1. 1.motion sickness, accompanied by a quiet song or calm music, is very effective. At the same time, you can hold the child in your arms - clinging to the warm mother's chest, he feels secure and quickly calms down, and monotonous singing contributes to this. True, after this, the sleeping baby will have to be very carefully put to bed. You can rock the baby in the crib, but for this, be sure to gently stroke and hug it with your hand. Some moms put their favorite on him soft toy, a soft rolled towel or your still warm underwear. So the child will feel the warmth and smell of the mother.
  2. If mom didn’t work out with vocals, then you can for the night read fairy tales to a child or tell a story about something new and interesting that happened during the day. This should be done quietly, periodically repeating that the parents are nearby and the baby will fall asleep soon. This is a kind of suggestion, which, however, has a calming effect on the child's psyche, relaxes the baby and prepares him for sleep.
  3. Rituals for sleep, although initially incomprehensible to children, have an amazing positive action. And over time, they begin to understand the obvious meaning of what is happening and quickly fall asleep.

If every day, half an hour before bedtime, the child sees and feels the same actions, he will soon get used to it - pleasant words, sounds, strokes will be associated with the moment of falling asleep.

How to get your baby to fall asleep on their own

If small child until about a year old, a close relationship between feeding and sleep remains, and simple ritual actions are suitable for falling asleep, then in the future he must learn to fall asleep himself. Just as parents teach their children to dress themselves, wash their faces and hold a spoon, they should teach their child to fall asleep. To do this, you need to change the stable association that sleep is associated with food. You can use special methods from the age of nine months.

soft method

The soft method is based on gentle training for one and a half to two months. Immediately before the planned sleep, the mother refuses to breastfeed the child, trying to captivate him with an interesting conversation, looking at bright pictures, reading. You can use everything that interests the baby and gives him pleasure.

In the future, children should be weaned from night feedings - you can sit with the baby, stroking him on the back, say familiar phrases that dad and mom are nearby, give him a drink. Parents who act in this way notice that the child wakes up less and less at night and no longer requires the mother's breast.

hard method

The most severe method is that, after putting the child to bed, the mother leaves the room for a few minutes. At first, a child who does not understand what is happening should be reassured affectionate words and touches, and then exit again. These actions are repeated until the baby falls asleep. Despite a certain cruelty, the method is very effective - after two weeks, the baby begins to fall asleep on its own.

To wean children under 2 years old from the breast, there is a method of explanation. It can also be used when switching to artificial feeding. The child is explained that for some reason there will be no more milk at night. This sad story must be told several times a day, and reminded of this in the evening, before going to bed. So the baby gradually weaned from the evening feeding.

In special literature and the Internet, you can find other ways to put the child to sleep. But the main emphasis must be placed on the individuality of the baby. What works for one child may not work for another. Therefore, first of all, you need to understand the natural features of your daughter or son, so as not to harm their health and psyche.

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Any mother knows that if a child has played out for dinner, it can be very difficult to put him down. But sleep is an essential part of life. little man. This is a necessary rest during long day. Within 5-6 hours after waking up, the baby gets tired, starts to act up. In addition, if a child misses daytime sleep, already at 5-6 pm he will die of sleep, and this leads to a failure in the regime. Parents of young children know the schedule, discipline and routine - first of all.

How much sleep should a child

A newborn baby sleeps almost all the time, more than 20 hours a day. As the baby grows, waking time slowly replaces sleep time. At first he sleeps 4 times a day, then 3, then only two times. After one and a half years, the child can sleep only once a day, but this dream is quite long. A baby up to two years old sleeps 3-4 hours, a three-year-old toddler - 2-2.5 hours. The child should sleep during the day until seven years, then - at will. If your student came home tired, be sure to offer him a rest after lunch. It is not necessary to sleep - he can just lie down in bed for an hour. Usually children do not need daytime sleep after 9 years.

Follow the routine!

To make it easier for the child to put to bed during the day, you do not need to allow him to sleep until late. Another rule is to put the child to bed at the same time. Correct Mode will help you form a clear daily routine that the child will soon get used to. The best way to help you with this is the kindergarten schedule. The rise of the child should not be later than 8 am. Breakfast at 9, lunch at 12-13 o'clock. After lunch, sleep, after which an afternoon snack at 16.00, then a walk, dinner. Children who go to kindergarten usually do not suffer from this problem, because their regimen is clearly defined. If you are just getting ready to go to the garden, accustom your crumbs to such a routine in advance - this will be very useful.

What to do to make the child fall asleep during the day

Sometimes it happens that the baby does not fit in any way, he just does not want to sleep. To sleep soundly, and the process of falling asleep fast, you need to follow two simple rules.

  1. Walk. This is one of the main pledges. good appetite and good sleep. A couple of hours before the expected lunch, go for a walk. Mom can combine a baby walk with shopping, paying utility bills and other things. You can just go to the playground so that the baby runs and plays with peers. Fresh air and active games will do their job - the baby will certainly get tired and want to sleep. After that, the main thing is to quickly come home, change clothes, wash your hands and sit down at the table.
  2. Hearty food. Often a child refuses sleep because he wants to eat. This happens with children who snack between breakfast and lunch. If the kid constantly runs around with a cookie, then with an apple, he will probably refuse soup. And by the time he goes to bed, he will be either hungry or full. Therefore, you should not feed the child before dinner, no additional fuel during the walk. And then the baby will wise up the soup offered after a walk for both cheeks. And after a hearty dinner, what is supposed to be? That's right, sleep!

Under these conditions, the baby will fall asleep very quickly.

In order for sleep to be long and healthy, for this you need to create some conditions.

  1. In the room where the child sleeps, there should be a comfortable air temperature, about 20-25 degrees. It has been proven that you sleep much better in a cool room, so keep your child out of the heat.
  2. The environment during daytime sleep should be calm, quiet. No sharp and loud noises from which the child can wake up.
  3. If it shines in your eyes bright sun, it is advisable to close the window with curtains.
  4. If the baby usually falls asleep in his bed, let him sleep with his mother during the daytime sleep. This not only gives the child a sense of security and comfort. Falling asleep in mother's arms is a touching moment of unity and love.
  5. At the time of daytime sleep, you can change the little one into night pajamas. This will allow the child to tune in to sleep.
  6. The condition of the bedding is very important. The mattress should be moderately soft, comfortable. The pillow should only be used after two years of age. Sheets and duvet covers should be made from natural materials such as cotton.
  7. Before you put the child to bed, bring him to drink, put him on the potty. You must provide for everything that he may need in advance. If you have any rituals before going to bed, great. You can scratch your baby's back, stroke his nose, give him a drink of milk. Daily performance of such rituals will help the baby associate the action with sleep.
  8. For some children, reading books helps them sleep. A favorite book, learned almost by heart, often becomes a kind of signal for going to bed. But reading should not be enthusiastic, but rather monotonous, quiet, so that the baby falls asleep faster.
  9. Many children go to bed with their favorite toys, don't mind it. But remember that it can be a car, a teddy bear or a doll. Lego or a designer in bed will only play your baby away, driving away sleep.
  10. It happens that a mother plans important things for the upcoming sleep of a child. She hopes that the baby will soon fall asleep, and she will do the planned work. And when the baby refuses to sleep, she gets nervous, threatens him with the abolition of sweets, worries. This condition is transmitted to the child, and he definitely does not want to sleep. Be as soft and patient as possible, and very soon your fidget will close his eyes.
  11. Lie down with your child until he falls asleep. At the same time, you do not need to talk with the baby for a long time, tell him that mom wants to sleep. Close your eyes and do not answer the crumbs' games. After a short fuss, he, too, will soon fall asleep.
  12. Immediately before going to bed, you need to exclude any active games, running around, screaming. This leads to overexcitation of the nervous system of the baby, it will be difficult for him to calm down and fall asleep.

Whether to lay the baby again

It happens that a doorbell, a car alarm or a phone wakes up a child, and he wakes up irritated. Is it worth it in this case to re-lay the baby? It all depends on his desire and the time he has already overslept. If the child only fell asleep an hour ago, try putting him down again. To do this, you can simply lie down next to the baby, hug him, cover him with a blanket. Often the child quickly falls asleep and continues his interrupted sleep. If the baby slept more than half of the usual sleep time and no longer wants to go to bed - do not force him. Just entertain the baby, offer him something to drink or eat to smooth out the memories of an unpleasant awakening.

Putting your baby to sleep at night is easy. Sometimes the baby himself gives active signs that he wants to sleep. The child begins to yawn, rubs his eyes with his hands, stretches, nods. If you notice these signs in your crumbs, put him to bed. And then he will please you with a long and healthy sleep, which is so necessary for the little man.

Video: 7 ways to put your baby to sleep

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