What is the name of the Hemophilus influenzae vaccine? Possibility of serious complications. Preparation for the procedure

Vaccination will help protect children from Haemophilus influenzae and its consequences.

general information

Haemophilus influenzae is a acute infectious diseases that are caused by Haemophilus influenzae.

Pathogenic bacteria can cause diseases of the lungs, joints. The resulting pathologies can lead to serious deterioration in the child's condition.

The causative agent is Haemophilus influenzae Afanasiev-Pfeiffer type B. Is a representative normal microflora mucous respiratory tract. Quite often there is a healthy carriage of this pathogen.

The source of infection are sick people. It can be various diseases from ORZ to . Infection occurs by airborne droplets.

When sneezing, coughing, the patient releases into the air pathogenic bacteria that can inhale healthy man and get infected.

Probability of getting sick

The probability of getting sick increases significantly in winter and spring. Susceptible to disease young children: from 6 months to 4 years. In winter and spring, the child's immunity is weakened, so there are frequent cases of infection. The risk group includes:

  1. Children from 6 months to 4 years.
  2. Children who are bottle-fed.
  3. Children with a tendency to, whose immunity is weakened.

pathogen enters the human body through the nasal mucosa.

If the child's immunity is strong, the bacterium will not cause harm, but with weakened immunity, microorganisms begin to actively influence and lead to the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

It is not difficult to determine a hemophilic infection, since it has pronounced symptoms:

  • fever;
  • cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • labored breathing;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • hoarseness, hoarseness of voice;
  • sleep disorders.

Complications and consequences

If you do not start treatment on time, serious complications are possible:

  1. Pneumonia. The infection can lead to inflammation of the lungs.
  2. Meningitis. It happens in especially severe conditions.
  3. Inflammation subcutaneous tissue . In the affected area, the skin turns red, swells.
  4. Otitis. Inflames the middle ear, pain in the region of this organ.
  5. Infectious-toxic shock. Manifested in the form of vomiting, indigestion, abdominal pain.
  6. Purulent. Occur when the pathogen enters the joints.


First of all, doctors prescribe medicines that fight the source of pathology, pathogenic bacteria:

  • Cefuroxime;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Cefotaxime.

These preparations are made in the form of tablets. They are accepted 1-2 times a day between meals.

If the child cannot swallow them without chewing, the tablet is crushed and diluted with boiled water.

Duration of admission medicines are prescribed by a specialist. Usually it does not exceed ten days.

Patients have a fever. To reduce it, take the drug Paracetamol. One tablet is enough to relieve fever.

Use the medicine only when necessary, but not more than three tablets per day to avoid overdose. The tablet is crushed and mixed with water before use if the child cannot swallow it.

If the patient has nasal congestion, a runny nose is observed, it is recommended to use Naphthyzin, Xylen. These drops eliminate congestion, normalize breathing. It is recommended to instill into the nose 3-4 times a day, but not more than ten days in order to avoid overdose.

Hemophilus infection needs serious treatment Therefore, doctors prescribe antibiotics:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Cefaclor;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Biseptol.

Drugs eliminate the pathogen, promote recovery. This is very effective medicines, dosage and duration are prescribed by the doctor.

Usually, drugs are taken twice a day, one tablet each. You can not buy the drug yourself you need to consult with your doctor first.

Folk remedies in this case powerless. They will not be able to overcome the pathogen.

The disease is very serious and requires effective medication.

Treatment is carried out by pharmaceutical means.

Effectiveness of vaccination

Vaccination effectiveness incredibly high. In a number of countries routine vaccination against this infection has been performed for a very long time, the number of cases has decreased by 95%. This preventive measure reduces the level of carriage of this bacterium from 40 to 3%.

Types of vaccinations

Doctors call three types of vaccinations against this infection:

  1. Pentaxim. It is effective, it is prescribed for children from a very young age.
  2. Akt-Khib. Vaccination provides immunity to the child, the likelihood of infection is reduced to a minimum.
  3. Hiberix. Performed by the child different ages. Vaccination provides a high degree of protection against infection.

The type of vaccination is determined only by the doctor. Before vaccination, the specialist carefully examines the patient's condition. Selected only after inspection suitable look.


The vaccination schedule is standard for all children, but it can be adjusted according to the age of the patient:

  1. The first injection of the drug is performed at three months. The procedure is repeated at 4.5 and 6 months. This schedule provides the child with up to 95% protection. The child manages to avoid the disease.
  2. The vaccination schedule changes if the first injection of the drug was carried out when the child was more than 6 months. In this case, the drug is administered twice with an interval of one month.
  3. If the child is already one year old and has not previously been vaccinated, the drug entered once. By this age, the child has developed enough antibodies to fight the infection, so just one procedure is enough to effective protection organism.

However, you need to be very careful: vaccination is carried out only in the hospital by a doctor who has previously examined the child, his well-being.

If you have symptoms of a cold, do not get vaccinated. The child must be healthy at the time of vaccination.

It must be remembered that in no case should you administer the drug yourself. The doctor, before administering the medicine, performs dosage calculation.

Much depends on the age of the patient and his weight.

Haemophilus influenzae causes harm to the child's body.

You can find out why children need a vaccine against hemophilus infection from the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Sign up to see a doctor!

The child was given three vaccinations against Haemophilus influenzae at the age of 3,4,6 months. They forgot about revaccination. Now the child is 3 years and 2 months old. And it just turned out. Does it make sense to revaccinate?

Get vaccinated. A single vaccination at your age will completely protect your child from this dangerous infection. The child attends or will attend Kindergarten, in an organized team, the risk of infection is very high.

We would like to adopt our 2 year old daughter. 11 months Vaxigrippom and combine with Act-Hib vaccine. But the daughter after bronchitis. Available residual cough in the morning and throughout the day. Do you need to get vaccinated twice a month apart? The second vaccination will be new year holidays. Is it better to put it later or earlier?

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

For vaccination, the child must be healthy for at least 2 weeks. Vaccination against influenza (if the child has not had the flu and has not been vaccinated against the flu before) at your age is carried out twice, can be combined with vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae. Be careful, the flu is already registered in our country and now there is a risk of contracting this infection, since immunity is not developed earlier than 2 weeks after vaccination.

Child 3.5, frequent otitis media. Lor advised to get vaccinated against pneumococcal infection and Haemophilus influenzae. Is it possible to do these vaccinations at the same time, with one syringe?

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

Vaccinations can be done on the same day, at the same time. But these are 2 completely different vaccines that are produced in factory-made packages in syringe doses and it is impossible and impossible to mix them in one syringe. Vaccines are administered at one time in turn in 2 different parts of the body. At your age, vaccines are given once and are well tolerated.

My eldest daughter was vaccinated with Akt-Khib and Pneumo23 and these vaccinations were useless. Three years later, she became a carrier of Haemophilus influenzae and we were seriously ill with Haemophilus influenzae (the eldest daughter, son and I were ill at the eighth month of pregnancy). Pneumococcus was discovered five months after vaccination, the daughter was very sick, no other pathogen was found. Does it make sense to give such vaccinations to younger children if they did not help the older one in any way?

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

The Pneumo 23 vaccine does not prevent carriage of pneumococcus. Only the conjugate vaccine prevents pneumococcal disease. It is necessary to be vaccinated against this infection as early as possible, in our country and in developed countries this is done from 2 months, since the infection is dangerous for young children, and in the absence of vaccination in early age the risk of infection increases, it is especially high when visiting organized groups. Therefore, to prevent diseases caused by pneumococcus, as well as carriage, it is necessary to vaccinate a child in the 1st year of life.

It is necessary to take into account the carriage of which hemophilic infection took place. Since not all laboratories type the pathogen. There are 6 capsular types of Haemophilus influenzae antigens from a to f. The most dangerous subtype is Haemophilus influenzae type b. Sticks of this subtype cause the development of a severe infection, it is from this infection that a vaccine has been created. Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine does not confer immunity against infection with other serotypes of Haemophilus influenzae. Most often, this pathogen causes purulent meningitis, epiglotitis, otitis media. I don't think that your whole family endured such severe illnesses. In addition, the carriage of a bacterium does not always mean that an individual is carrying this infection.

At 8 months the child was vaccinated against pneumococcus and less than a month later she fell ill with pneumonia! Is there a link between vaccination and disease? Now I'm afraid to vaccinate against hemophilic infection, which was offered to us only at 1 year 10 months.

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

To protect against pneumococcal infection, a young child should be vaccinated at least 2 times in the first year of life and revaccinated after a year, then the immune system is able to cope with pneumococcal infection. A single vaccination does not protect against infection. It was necessary to start vaccinating according to the vaccination schedule at 2 and 4.5 months, and then by 9 months the child would be protected. Also, do not forget that in addition to pneumococcus, pneumonia is caused by other bacterial and viral infections. There is no connection between vaccination and pneumonia, the vaccination could cause fever or malaise (anxiety, lethargy) within 3 days, but not acute respiratory infections or pneumonia 1 month after vaccination. Vaccinate against Haemophilus influenzae type B at 1 g for 10 months, the vaccine is given once, the child will be protected as early as 1 month after vaccination.

If after a year a child was mistakenly given a hemophilic vaccine 2 times - is it dangerous? They put the Pentaxim five-component vaccine.

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

The vaccine is safe. Re-introduction Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine will not cause any complications. After 1 year, the vaccine is given once, because the immune system develops a good response and one vaccination is sufficient for protection, not because it is dangerous.

Is it possible to put Pentaxim or Infanrixhexa after the first DPT? And we need a second vaccination without hepatitis B and preferably without Haemophilus influenzae. What vaccine does not have this? We are afraid to put the Russian DTP, because. close relatives have big complications.

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

Pentaxim and InfanrixGexa - combined five and six-component vaccines. Both vaccines contain vaccines against pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type B, and Infanrix Hexa contains vaccines against viral hepatitis AT.

The vaccine against hemophilic infection type B is contained in a separate vial; immediately before vaccination, it is injected into a vial with vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio. If the child does not need vaccination against hemophilic infection, then this component is not administered. According to the instructions Pentaxim or Infanrix Hexa, with a hemophilic infection according to age characteristics vaccinated after 1 year of life once.

I am 37 years old, I was diagnosed with haemophilus influenza 10 grade 4, nothing hurts me, can I infect my children? One is 8 and 1.9 years old and how do I treat this? How dangerous is this for me?

The main route of infection is aerosol, but the microorganism is often transmitted through contact from the mother (or other very close relatives) to the child. About 90% of the healthy population are carriers of this type of bacteria. But not every person has any clinical manifestations. The risk group includes: children from six months and up to four years inclusive, the elderly, all categories of the population with a weakened immune system; people with chronic lung diseases, patients after the removal of the spleen; people with severe diseases of the blood system. In case of contact of a person who is at risk of developing an infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae, doctors recommend a prophylactic course of treatment with the antibiotic Rifampicin. The frequency and duration of taking the medicine should be consulted with your doctor. It is not recommended to prescribe it on your own.

Immunoprophylaxis is not carried out for all children. Priority is given to children with three months and up to four years. This is the most dangerous period in a child's life, when Haemophilus influenzae can lead to the development of the most dangerous infections. Children after a year and adults are given the vaccine only once. Not only children are vaccinated for free junior groups, but all those who belong to risk categories. Therefore, if there are drugs in the clinic, then at the request of the patient or legal representative Vaccination is carried out for adults and children of school age.

They vaccinated with the Pentaxim vaccine: the first at 10.5 months. (with hib component) at 12 months 5 days (with hib component) and the third at 13.5 months. without hib component. Was it necessary to put the second one with hib if we were already a year old at that time? And is it necessary to revaccinate with Pentaxim in a year with hib?

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

If the first dose of Pentaxim was administered at the age of 6-12 months, then the second dose is administered after 1.5 months. after the first, and as the 3rd dose, administered after 1.5 months. after the second, the diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and polio vaccine should be used, initially presented in a syringe (i.e., without dilution of the lyophilisate in vial (HIb)). As a booster (4th dose) is used usual dose Pentaxima (with dilution of lyophilisate (HIb)).

In the case when there is no need to use the Hib component, the Tetraxim vaccine can be used. This is a biological product of the same manufacturer, similar to Pentaxim, but without a hemophilic component.

Such a course forms in children immunity to five diseases for a period of five years. After this period, at the age of 6-7 years, a second vaccination against polio, whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria is carried out. In this case, another vaccine is used - for example, ADS-M.

The vaccination calendar indicates that vaccination against hemophilic infection begins at 3 months. children at risk. We were offered this vaccination for the first time at 8 months. - I refused, because. we are not at risk. At 10 months we were offered again, saying that I was not watching the current edition vaccination calendar. As a result, we were given the first vaccination against hemophilic infection at the age of 1 year and 4 months. When do we need to set next vaccination from hemophilic infection and how many times to put it?

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

At the beginning of vaccination at the age of 1 to 5 years, a single injection is necessary. So you are already fully vaccinated.

Tell me, is it necessary for a child to have a hemophilic vaccination three times if the first vaccine was given at 8 months?

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

You need to do two vaccinations before the year and one after the year.

My son is 8 years old, we often treat sinusitis (1-2 times a year). Now they were being treated in the pulmo department with a spring exacerbation, while according to the pictures, sinusitis was again and Haemophilus influenzae was sown in a swab from the nose. Were treated with zenate, the temperature does not go away (37.3). Answer, please, does it make sense to vaccinate against hemophilic infection after waiting for remission?

Answered by Polibin Roman Vladimirovich

Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae is indicated for all young children. For older children, vaccination is relevant if there is chronic diseases, as well as if the child is in the group of frequently ill. Therefore, it would make sense for your son to be vaccinated against Haemophilus influenzae. In addition, it must be vaccinated against pneumococcal infection (Pneumo 23).

Hello. Is it advisable to vaccinate against hemophilus infection at 2.3 years old during a physical examination in kindergarten, and Is it really impossible to attend kindergarten for 1-2 months (I am also interested in vaccinations against pneumococcal infection and meningitis.

Answered by Polibin Roman Vladimirovich

Vaccination against hemophilic and pneumococcal infections is carried out in most developed countries of the world for all children from the age of 2-3 months; against meningococcal - recommended for children at risk and for adolescents from 11 years of age. Risk groups are children with the absence of a spleen (congenital or acquired), with liquorrhea (leakage cerebrospinal fluid), patients after cochlear implantation (with congenital hearing loss) and with immunodeficiencies. Pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, and meningococcus may cause serious illnesses such as sepsis (blood poisoning), meningitis (inflammation meninges), as well as in the case of pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae - pneumonia, otitis and other diseases. Children under 5 years of age are at risk for the development of these conditions. Therefore, before entering a kindergarten, where infection is just possible (if the child has not been vaccinated earlier, in the first year of life), vaccination against pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae is extremely relevant. Vaccination against meningococcal infection is indicated for young children, especially those with immune disorders(mentioned above), as well as for teenagers, freshmen, recruits. Within 2-4 weeks after the introduction of the vaccine, immunity is formed, this fact may be associated with the recommendation not to visit organized team during this time.

Hello! My child is 1.2. I planned to get vaccinated against Haemophilus influenzae at a year and a half. Does it make sense to do this vaccination only once?

Answered by Polibin Roman Vladimirovich

Children in their first years of life are most at risk of developing severe Haemophilus influenzae (type b). At the age of over 1 year, one injection is enough to form full-fledged immunity.

In our country, only children belonging to risk groups are vaccinated against a number of infections. For example, from a hemophilic infection. Why is this happening?

Shamsheva Olga Vasilievna answers

It has to do with economic issues. No haemophilus influenzae domestic vaccine so the decision was made to vaccinate only the most vulnerable children. I think that if this vaccine is created in our country, then all children from the age of 2 months will be vaccinated, as is done in developed countries. Vaccination is recommended for all children under 5 years of age. According to international and Russian studies, about half of all purulent bacterial meningitis in young children is caused by Haemophilus influenzae (type b). In the West and in European countries (England, France, Germany, Belgium, etc.), only isolated cases of the disease are recorded annually, since in developed countries vaccination against hemophilic infection is carried out in planned together with vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough.

Hemophilus infection for a long time did not fall into a special category of diseases that attracted close attention of physicians. And, as it turned out, in vain. The danger lies in the fact that it begins and sometimes proceeds as usual. respiratory disease. However, not all are treatable. known drugs. The consequences can turn into a real tragedy, especially for children.

And so, at the next revision of the regulatory documentation, in 2011, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation included a vaccination against hemophilic infection in the vaccination calendar. But the peculiarity is that it is not carried out by everyone. Children are vaccinated on the recommendation and appointment of a pediatrician, as well as with the consent of the parents.

So what is this disease and what exactly is its cunning? How can you protect your own child from this formidable scourge? Let's figure it out.

Manifestations of the disease, features of the virus and forms of development

Haemophilus influenzae - acute developing pathology, the causative agent of which is Haemophilus influenzae. Only six types of sticks, which go under the abbreviation of the first Latin letters(a, b, c, d, e, f). The greatest harm brings pathogen type b.

For a long time, the influenza bacillus did not attract attention, since almost the entire population is healthy carriers (90% of adults and approximately 5% of children), only a few of them fall ill. Among them are children from six months to five years. However, the consequences can be devastating. And what younger child the more severe the disease progresses and more dangerous complications. And most often affected are children aged 1-2 years.

What causes the difference in clinical manifestations hemophilic infection and disease severity? The main reason lies in insufficiently formed immunity, which is not able to provide protection. Affecting the children's body, it spreads very quickly, causing massive inflammatory processes and threatening death.

The main route of distribution is airborne. The virus penetrates the mucous membranes of the oropharynx by inhaling microscopic droplets of mucus that are released when the patient coughs, sneezes or talks. Less commonly, infection occurs by contact-household method: through toys, household items, dishes.

Haemophilus influenzae disease can look different. The most common form is respiratory manifestations. The child has a cough, runny nose, body temperature rises. Complications also do not make you wait long, tormenting you with pneumonia, sinusitis, purulent otitis media, inflammatory phenomena epiglottis, joints.

Attention! The most severe consequences of hemophilic infection are inflammation of the membranes of the brain, spinal cord and sepsis. This pathology ends in death in 15% of outcomes. Therefore, it is necessary to apply in a timely manner medical care and treat the disease.

Sick children need complex treatment in the hospital with antibiotics a wide range actions from the category of amoxicillin (amoxiclav, augmentin, amoxil), as well as a group of cephalosporins. As studies have shown, penicillin series, tetracyclines, erythromycin do not act on Haemophilus influenzae.

Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae

Based on the facts stated above, it becomes clear the timeliness and necessity preventive measures against the pathogen. A specific vaccination will save the child from such a threat.

Vaccinations against Haemophilus influenzae are reliable and safe. They do not contain live microorganisms, but only their fragments containing polysaccharides. Performing the function of foreign agents, after being introduced into the body, they trigger an antigen-antibody reaction. As a result, an immune defense is formed.

Vaccines against hemophilic infection are represented by HIBerix, etc.

Briefly about vaccines and their adverse reactions

Vaccination in Russian Federation is carried out with Act-HIB preparations from the French manufacturer and the English HIBerix. The HIB components are part of the polyvalent Pentaxim (France), the English Infanrix Hexa.

There are no living organisms in vaccines, they themselves are not capable of causing disease and are safe in this regard. However, after them, the appearance of reactions is still possible:

  • fever;
  • hyperemia and local swelling;
  • rash like urticaria;
  • in children with a tendency to common manifestations- anaphylaxis, Quincke's edema.

Important! To avoid negative consequences after vaccination, it is necessary to examine the child in detail before the procedure, notify the doctor about previous manifestations after the introduction of vaccines or other drugs, the presence of food or other allergies. If necessary, conduct a tolerance test.

Age limits of vaccination

Vaccination is done from three months to five years. In doing so, it will be possible to avoid severe complications: meningitis and septic complications.

It is not advisable to vaccinate a child older than five years, since the child's immunity has already been formed so much that he is already able to cope.

Problems and goals of vaccination in questions and answers

The process and features of vaccination raise a lot of questions from parents. This is not surprising: what exactly does it protect against, and will there be more harm from it than good? Here are some answers to topics of interest.

Question number 1. The child was vaccinated against Haemophilus influenzae. Is there a guarantee that now he will not get acute respiratory infections and there will be no meningitis, pneumonia and other inflammations.

Expert answer. There is no 100% guarantee. The vaccine usually contains the Haemophilus influenzae b subtype antigen. The drug protects against this most common and most dangerous virus. The purpose of vaccination is to avoid its formidable manifestations: pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis. Further - to reduce the percentage of hemophilic otitis, bronchitis. If the disease is caused by another type of bacteria, the child can get sick with meningitis, otitis media, and any other form. For example, meningococcal infection: the vaccine leaves no protection against it.

Question number 2. The drug contains anatoxin in its composition. So the vaccine can replace the tetanus shot, right?

Answer. The drug against hemophilus infection is not able to replace the tetanus vaccination. The fact is that toxoid is contained in a small amount, therefore, it is not able to create immunity from such a disease.

The controversy surrounding vaccines continues to this day. However, despite the pros and cons considered, it should be noted that this strain of the virus is more common than others. With the introduction of vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae, since 2011, the incidence and the level of complications of meningitis and sepsis have significantly decreased in the Russian Federation.

Which vaccine is best

On the territory of Russia are allowed to application of Akt-HIB and Hiberix. Both vaccines are effective, the reaction is safe and there is not much difference between them.

The components that are contained in them in the same forms and ratios:

  • fragments of the cell wall, consisting of polysaccharides;
  • tetanus toxoid.

The differences are minimal and are expressed as follows:

  • sucrose is used as a stabilizer for Act-Hib, and lactose is used in HIBerix;
  • Act-HIB contains Trometamol, which regulates the composition of ions.

Where should the vaccine be given?

The injection site depends on the age of the child. Babies are injected with the vaccine in the thigh, its outer part. If the child is over a year old - in the upper outer part of the shoulder.

Why is the sequence of vaccinations different for different age groups?

As mentioned above, the child's immune system is still imperfect, and it is all the less adapted to protection. Therefore, to create immunity at an early age, large doses of antigen inoculation will be needed.

In addition, at infants there are antibodies transmitted by the mother. They act quickly, binding the foreign component and inactivating it. During this time, the baby should develop a protective response.

Existing vaccination schedules

  1. It is carried out if the child receives. In this case, the vaccination is carried out three times with a break of one to two months. Revaccination is carried out in a year and a half. It usually coincides with routine vaccinations against polio, the causative agent of tetanus, and.
  2. If the child is 6-12 months old, there will be a different scheme. Two injections of the vaccine are carried out, between which the baby is kept at an interval of 1-2 months. Revaccination is carried out, as in the previous case, at 1.5 years.
  3. The age of the baby is 1-5 years old: they do only one vaccination without revaccination. This technique provides the child with strong immunity.

Attention! Children over 5 years of age are not vaccinated against Haemophilus influenzae. This is due to the sufficient development of the defense system to fight the virus.

Not everyone is vaccinated against Haemophilus influenzae. What is it connected with?

Currently, clinics in enough provided with vaccine material. Consequently, there are enough drugs to vaccinate all children who need it. However, as you have already noticed, there are age restrictions drug administration. Often, parents think too long and do not dare to carry out the manipulation. By the time they agree, the child has reached an age where the vaccine simply won't do him any good. The need for it disappears if the child is five years old, and his body is already able to get rid of Haemophilus influenzae itself.

Take care of your children!

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

Haemophilus influenzae refers to acute diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae. It is characterized mainly by damage to the central nervous system, lungs, the development of purulent foci in various organs. Most often occurs in clinical forms such as meningitis, pneumonia, septicemia (a type of sepsis), inflammation of the epiglottis (epiglottitis) or subcutaneous tissue, pericarditis, sinusitis, otitis media, etc.

At risk are infants under the age of 2 years; kids attending preschool children's institutions (50% of cases of infection); newborns who are breastfeeding. The only way prevent disease - vaccination. Since 2011, vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae has become mandatory in Russia, but the percentage of parents who refuse it is still high due to lack of awareness.

To date, vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae involves the administration of one of two registered type b polysaccharide vaccines to young children:

  • Act-HIB(production - French laboratory Sanofi Pasteur);
  • Pentaxim known to many parents complex vaccine titled (prophylaxis against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and poliomyelitis).

The introduction of a drug against hemophilic infection to children is usually carried out in several stages:

  • at 3 months;
  • at 4.5 months;
  • in six months;
  • revaccination - in 1.5 years.

If the baby has not been vaccinated three times, the vaccination against hemophilic infection after a year is given only 1 time - this is quite enough to form stable immunity. For children under 2 years of age, the vaccine is administered in the anterolateral region of the thigh. Older age - in the zone of the deltoid muscle (in the shoulder). Parents must have this information in order to accept the right decision at the time when they will take consent or refusal to be vaccinated against Haemophilus influenzae.

Pros and cons

Today there is a real information war against the vaccination of children, so enough information is recorded annually. high percent refusal of parents from vaccinations, including against hemophilic infection. In fact, most of them are not even familiar with this disease. Opponents of vaccination argue that its consequences are very dangerous for the health of the child, and this argument is enough to intimidate naive parents. The advantages of vaccination against hemophilic infection are much greater:

  • the vaccine is very effective, providing 4-year protection in 90% of cases;
  • clinical trials in the UK showed an 87% reduction in the incidence of Haemophilus influenzae meningitis;
  • in Holland, after the start of immunization, complete absence similar cases;
  • in case of infection, the vaccinated child gets sick mild form, which does not leave any consequences in his body;
  • children after vaccination against hemophilic infection, getting into kindergarten, get sick less often.

All these facts speak for themselves: it is imperative to agree to a vaccination of this kind in the absence of contraindications. Even if there is a medical exemption, it is not too late to get vaccinated after recovery. Parents need to think about one simple fact: complications after vaccination against hemophilic infection are extremely rare (1 case per 100,000), only if contraindications are not observed. Here are the chances for irreversible consequences the same purulent meningitis much higher, ranging from brain damage to lethal outcome. Moreover, vaccination is tolerated by children quite easily.

Reaction to vaccination

In most cases, the reaction to the vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae is not even traced. Therefore, it is completely safe to combine with other drugs in DTP. Rare side effects include only two symptoms:

  • local reaction on the skin - where the drug was injected: pain, redness and induration (observed in 10% of vaccinated children), which should not be associated with the fact that you accidentally wet the injection site - you just do not need to let the baby comb it, it is not recommended to smear it with anything or stick it with a plaster;
  • a slight increase in temperature (noted in only 1% of vaccinated children).

All these side effects Hemophilus influenzae vaccinations are not required. medical intervention, as they do not cause much concern and pass on their own within 2-3 days. Really serious complications after such vaccination occur only in case of non-compliance with contraindications.


Serious consequences after vaccination against hemophilic infection are possible if doctors did not timely identify contraindications for vaccination. These include:

  • allergy to tetanus toxoid - it is a component of the administered drug, a protein that is added to the vaccine to enhance effectiveness;
  • any acute or chronic diseases;
  • convulsions;
  • encephalopathy;
  • unexpected, overreaction child's body on previous injections.

If there is even the slightest suspicion of the presence of such health problems in children who are preparing for vaccination, the vaccination against hemophilic infection is either postponed until the child recovers, or canceled altogether. This happens quite rarely. Even rarer complications occur in children after vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae, but parents should also be informed about them.


If the vaccination was carried out with one of the unidentified contraindications for it, there may be quite dangerous consequences for the health of the child against vaccination against hemophilic infection. It can be:

  • angioedema with individual intolerance to the drug;
  • exacerbation of an existing chronic disease;
  • fever, if the vaccination was carried out while the child had a high temperature;
  • damage to the brain and central nervous system, if the vaccine was delivered to the baby, the patient.

This kind of cases are diagnosed very rarely, so parents should not be afraid of the vaccination against hemophilic infection offered by doctors. You need to understand how useful and necessary it is for children in order to avoid health problems later. It is better to carry out the prevention of the disease in a timely manner than to treat it for a long and painful time.

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