Tetanus toxoid purified adsorbed liquid (AS-anatoxin) (Anatoxinum tetanicum purificatum adsorptum fluidum). Tetanus toxoid horse serum purified concentrated

Active immunization of children against tetanus from 3 months is carried out in a planned manner with adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DPT-vaccine) or adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid (ADS or ADS-M-toxoid).

Emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus is carried out with: injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes; frostbite and burns (thermal, chemical, radiation) of the second, third and fourth degree; community abortions; childbirth outside medical institutions; gangrene or tissue necrosis of any type, long-term abscesses; animal bites; penetrating damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Emergency prophylaxis of tetanus involves the primary surgical treatment of the wound and the creation, if necessary, of specific immunity against tetanus. Emergency tetanus immunoprophylaxis should be carried out as early as possible after injury, up to 20 days, given the length of the incubation period for tetanus.

For emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus, anti-tetanus toxoid and anti-tetanus human Ig are used, and in the absence of the latter, anti-tetanus serum.

Considering the possibility of developing immediate allergic reactions in particularly sensitive individuals, patients should be monitored medically for 30 minutes. Vaccination sites should be provided with anti-shock therapy.

Persons who have had acute diseases are vaccinated no earlier than 1 month after recovery.

Patients with chronic diseases are vaccinated 1 month after the onset of remission. Children with neurological changes are vaccinated after exclusion of the progression of the process. In case of exacerbation of allergic diseases, vaccinations are carried out 2-4 weeks after recovery. At the same time, stable manifestations of the disease (localized skin phenomena, latent bronchospasm, etc.) are not contraindications to vaccination, which can be carried out against the background of appropriate therapy.

Immunodeficiency, HIV infection, as well as maintenance course therapy (including steroid hormones and anticonvulsants) are not contraindications to vaccination. Vaccination is carried out 12 months after the end of treatment.

In order to identify contraindications, the doctor on the day of vaccination conducts a survey of parents and an examination of the child with mandatory thermometry. Children temporarily exempted from vaccination should be taken under observation and account and vaccinated in a timely manner.

The opening of the ampoules and the vaccination procedure are carried out with strict observance of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. The drug in the opened ampoule is not subject to storage.

The drug is not suitable for use in ampoules with broken integrity, lack of labeling, with a change in physical properties (color change, the presence of unbreakable flakes and foreign inclusions), improper storage.

Tetanus toxoid purified adsorbed liquid is a drug used for active routine or emergency immunization against tetanus. Vaccination is carried out in strict accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health.

Instructions for use of tetanus toxoid

Chemical composition of tetanus anatoxin

The composition of tetanus toxoid purified adsorbed liquid includes 10 so-called binding units or (EU). Produced in the form of a solution in ampoules, with a volume of 0.5 milliliters. Excipients: sorbent - aluminum hydroxide, merthiolate as a preservative, and formaldehyde.

Pharmacological action of tetanus toxoid

The action of any toxoid is based on the same principle - the introduction into the patient's body of a drug made from a toxic substance that is practically incapable, at least under normal circumstances, of having a harmful effect.

This is done to induce the body's immune response, with the formation of specific antibodies, after which the person will not be susceptible to infection by this foreign agent.

Usually, the process of weakening the toxin is carried out by sufficiently long soaking in a weak solution of formaldehyde, the temperature of which should be about 40 degrees, after which the harmful component of this substance is almost completely inactivated.

The duration of antitoxic immunity can vary up to several years. To form a stable immunity to the toxin, several injections of toxoid should be carried out, the frequency of which is regulated by the relevant order.

Tetanus anatoxin indications for use

Adsorbed tetanus toxoid, as already noted, is used for emergency and planned prophylaxis of tetanus, in the presence of the following conditions:

Injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin;
Abortion in out-of-hospital conditions;
Childbirth in out-of-hospital conditions;
Animal bites;
Planned prevention.

Contraindications of tetanus toxoid for use

Carrying out preventive measures using Anatoxin tetanus instructions for use categorically does not allow in the presence of the following circumstances:

Individual intolerance to anatoxin;
Acute infectious diseases;
Fever of unknown etiology.

It should be noted that all unvaccinated patients should be taken under special control. After normalization of the general condition, for example, after an infectious disease, 1 month should pass, after which vaccination should be carried out.

Conditions such as HIV infection, immunodeficiency diseases, bronchospasm are not contraindications to immunization.

Precautionary measures

Due to the fact that in response to the introduction of purified adsorbed tetanus toxoid, a pronounced allergic reaction very often occurs, patients should be observed after the procedure for 30 minutes.

Yes, and the immunization itself should be carried out in a specially equipped treatment room, equipped with everything necessary for urgent measures aimed at stabilizing the patient's vital signs.

Before the direct use of this toxoid, sensitivity should be determined by introducing serum diluted in a ratio of 1 to 100.

Before using the drug, its suitability should be assessed. There should be no impurities or sediment in the solution. Ampoules are opened in compliance with all asepsis rules. Unused toxoid, when the packaging is depressurized, should be disposed of in the usual way, it is not subject to storage.

Tetanus Toxoid Application and Dosage

Persons without contraindications, as well as those who have not previously been vaccinated against tetanus, will be immunized according to the following scheme. A double injection of 0.5 milliliters of the drug is carried out subcutaneously with an interval of 30-40 days. Manipulation is carried out in the subscapular region.

Revaccination is mandatory in the period from 6 months to a year. Subsequently, every 10 years, repeated administration of tetanus or diphtheria-tetanus toxoid should be carried out.

Emergency prophylaxis is carried out up to 20 days from the date of injury. The volume of injected toxoid, as well as the mode of application, are determined according to special tables. Revaccination is carried out according to the previously given plan.

The introduction of toxoid should be recorded in a journal indicating the batch number of the drug, the manufacturer, the date of immunization, and the name of the nurse who performed the manipulation.

Side effects of tetanus toxoid

With the introduction of tetanus toxoid, allergic reactions may develop: swelling, fever, difficulty breathing, weakness, malaise, polymorphic skin rash, exacerbation of allergic diseases. Such manifestations develop, most often, in a period of up to half an hour.

Preparations - analogues containing tetanus toxoid purified adsorbed liquid

This substance is contained in the preparation of the same name.


For the formation of stable long-term immunity, it is extremely important to complete a full course of immunization, and it is mandatory to revaccinate every 10 years. Only in this case can one count on the emergence of immunity to tetanus toxin.

In a number of acute infectious diseases, tetanus is considered the most dangerous, the causative agent of which affects nervous system person, leading to death. Therefore, all over the world, children are vaccinated against tetanus, using tetanus toxoid for vaccinations. The drug belongs to the group of anti-tetanus sera, is used as part of a routine vaccination according to the vaccination calendar, as well as for emergency measures when a tetanus vaccination is necessary.

Tetanus and its causative agent

Information about the disease came from ancient times, it was described by Hippocrates, and Avicenna studied the development of the infection. The countries with the highest prevalence of tetanus are considered to be countries with a humid hot climate, as well as with underdeveloped medical care.

The most characteristic manifestations of the disease are spasms of skeletal muscles with convulsive clenching of the jaws, preventing breathing, leading to suffocation. Signs of tetanus are a consequence of the ingestion of toxins secreted by the causative agent of infection Clostridium into the human blood. Anaerobic microorganisms live in the soil, multiplying, secrete exotoxin - a strong biological poison.

Tetanus is the most formidable disease, mortality after infection is more than 70%, which is why immunization against it is so important, carried out according to a certain scenario using the drug ac toxoid.

Tasks of vaccination

  1. Non-specific measures are associated with the prevention of injuries, careful surgical treatment of wounds in case of injury.
  2. Specific measures include routine vaccination of children and revaccination of adults at ten-year intervals.
  3. Emergency measures are mandatory for all people in case of injuries, wounds, before operations and childbirth, in case of burns, as well as frostbite.

Important: Tetanus vaccination is mandatory for every person in childhood. Adults - with any damage to the skin, despite the consequences of the injection.

Reliable protection and prevention against a deadly threat

To prevent infection with tetanus, preparations of the group of toxoids prepared on the basis of the toxin of the pathogen are used. For immunization in the course of emergency or planned prophylaxis, tetanus toxoid is used as a monopreparation or as an ingredient in an associated vaccine.

Important: the choice of dose, regardless of the type of tetanus injections, is based on a general examination of a person and the results of his tests, which reveal the percentage of tetanus toxins in the blood.

Ac toxoid from a chemical point of view is a liquid solution of tetanus toxin, maximally neutralized with the help of formaldehyde and heating, freed from ballast (proteins) by adsorption of aluminum hydroxide gel. This is a suspension that has a yellowish-white color, in a calm state, separation into two fractions is allowed - a layer of loose sediment, above which is a transparent liquid. After shaking, the substance becomes homogeneous.

Detailed instructions on the use of the drug, reports on precautionary measures, on the conditions of its storage:

  • store the vaccine at a temperature of 6 ± 2 ° C, the storage location should be dry and dark;
  • if the drug is frozen, it becomes unusable;
  • transportation is carried out by closed transport at the same temperature as storage.

Important information:

  • the drug ac toxoid, produced in ampoules, is for a single injection with a grafting dosage of 0.5 ml and for a double injection - 1 ml;
  • the drug is sold in packs of 10 ampoules;
  • the shelf life of the liquid adsorbed toxoid is 2 or 3 years, depending on the manufacturer, the drug with an expired shelf life cannot be used;

Tip: do not forget that as anatoxin refers to drugs that are sold strictly on prescription. Keep ampoules out of the reach of children.

More about tetanus toxoid

  1. A drug with antigenic properties, capable of forming specific immunity against tetanus, is active against microbes, as well as the toxin they secrete.
  2. Anti-tetanus serum is contraindicated:
  • with individual intolerance to the drug, as well as with allergic reactions;
  • in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute infectious diseases;
  • in febrile conditions of unclear etiology;
  • during pregnancy, ace toxoid is not administered, only during its planning.

Important: if urgent prophylaxis against tetanus is necessary, contraindications are not taken into account.

  • Ac toxoid is indicated for routine and emergency tetanus prophylaxis. It is injected deep under the skin in the scapular region, before the procedure, the ampoule is thoroughly shaken so that the consistency becomes homogeneous.
  • №№ Name of events Age group clarification
    1 Planned Prevention Younger children and teenage group 1. With active immunization of unvaccinated children, combined diphtheria-tetanus toxoid is used for primary vaccinations.

    2. Revaccination is performed with toxoid in single minimal doses

    adults 1. Revaccination of adults is carried out with a combined or as toxoid every 10 years with minimal doses

    2. People who were not vaccinated in childhood are first vaccinated with a combined vaccine, and for revaccination, ac toxoid is used at a dose of 0.5 ml

    2 emergency vaccination Both adults and children of all ages The process of primary (surgical) wound treatment is combined with measures of immunoprophylaxis with a number of vaccines, including tetanus toxoid, taking into account the timing of the last vaccination
  • Although the vaccine contains slightly toxic bacterial fractions, the instructions report on the side effects of the drug:
    • temporary signs of malaise with headaches, accompanied by a rise in temperature;
    • redness with soreness at the injection site, swelling and induration in the injection area are likely;
    • allergic rashes are possible.

    Important: very rarely, the administration of the ac toxoid vaccine may result in the development of serum sickness or symptoms of anaphylactic shock, which requires urgent anti-shock therapy. Working with the drug requires strict adherence to safety measures, and it is forbidden to use opened ampoules with serum.

    The instructions do not report on the results of the interaction of tetanus toxoid with other drugs.

    Tip: Despite the possibility of adverse reactions, tetanus vaccination is mandatory in childhood, as well as in the presence of open wounds. It is not necessary to be vaccinated during your lifetime, but you should not forget about the deadly threat if you do not have the opportunity to make an emergency injection.

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    Anatoxin Tetanus instructions for use, analogues, contraindications, composition and prices in pharmacies

    By list By action

    Latin name: Anatoxin tetanus

    Active substance: Tetanus toxoid (Anatoxin tetanus)

    ATX code: J07AM01

    Manufacturer: Biomed im. I.I. Mechnikova (Russia)

    Shelf life of the drug tetanus toxoid: 3 years

    Storage conditions of the drug: Keep the drug in a dry and dark place. The optimum temperature is about 6°C. Ampoules must not be frozen. They can also be transported at a temperature of about 6°C in covered vehicles.

    Terms of dispensing from pharmacies: Supplied only in medical facilities. You can not buy in a pharmacy.

    Composition, form of release, Pharmacological action tetanus toxoid

    Ingredients of tetanus toxoid

    One dose of the vaccine includes tetanus toxoid , aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde , merthiolate 0.01% (preservative).

    Release form of the drug tetanus toxoid

    This tool is available in the form of a suspension of a yellowish-white hue, intended for internal administration.

    Pharmacological action of the drug tetanus toxoid

    The medicine serves for active immunization against tetanus.

    Indications for the use of the drug tetanus toxoid

    Indications for the use of the drug tetanus toxoid are:

    This tool is used for active immunization against tetanus and, if necessary, urgent prevention of tetanus in case of gangrene or tissue necrosis, injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, community abortions, animal bites, frostbite and burns, childbirth outside medical institutions, abscesses, penetrating injuries of the gastrointestinal tract .

    Contraindications for use tetanus toxoid

    Contraindications to the use of the drug tetanus toxoid are:

    There are no contraindications for urgent tetanus prophylaxis. In the case of routine vaccination, tetanus toxoid is not used for acute infectious diseases and chronic diseases at the acute stage. In addition, it is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, in case of immunodeficiency and immunodeficiency states, a negative reaction to the components of the drug.

    tetanus toxoid— Instructions for use

    Instructions for Anatoxin Tetanus reports that the drug is injected subcutaneously into the area under the scapula. A full course of injections for people who have not previously been vaccinated against tetanus includes two 0.5 ml shots. Between them there should be a break of 30-40 days. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out after six months or a year at the same dosage. In some cases, this interval is extended up to 2 years. Further revaccinations are carried out every 10 years. The drug is administered once at a dosage of 0.5 ml.

    Vaccinations for some hard-to-reach populations may be carried out on an abbreviated schedule. In this case, the injection is done at a double dosage. The first revaccination is carried out after 6-24 months. Further revaccinations are carried out every 10 years. Dosage - 0.5 ml.

    Active vaccination of children (age from 3 months) against tetanus is carried out with ADS-toxoid, DPT-vaccine or ADS-M-toxoid, following the instructions for use.

    Revaccination of adult patients fully vaccinated with associated agents, including tetanus toxoid, is carried out every 10 years.

    If necessary, emergency prophylaxis of tetanus is carried out by primary surgical treatment of the wound. The injection should be given as soon as possible from the moment of injury until the 20th day. Used AS-anatoxin, anti-tetanus human immunoglobulin. If it is not present, tetanus equine serum, which is purified by peptic digestion, may be used.

    AS-anatoxin is injected under the scapula subcutaneously. Dosages PSCHI - 250 ME intramuscularly. Injections are made in the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks. In turn, PSS is administered subcutaneously at a dosage of 3000 ME.

    Side effects

    Basically, the appearance of such negative reactions as malaise, fever, headaches is reported. These symptoms usually go away on their own within two days.

    In addition, local side effects sometimes develop, such as redness or pain at the injection site. They also pass on their own within two days.

    With the appearance of adverse reactions, it is not required to cancel the use of the drug. In some cases, it may be necessary to increase the time interval between drug administrations.

    When using tetanus toxoid, allergic reactions may also appear: polymorphic rash, Quincke's edema, urticaria. For this reason, patients should be monitored for 30 minutes after injection. The vaccination site must be equipped with anti-shock therapy.

    tetanus toxoid- Analogues of the drug

    Analogues of the drug tetanus toxoid are.

    AS-anatoxin: instructions for use


    AC toxoid consists of purified tetanus toxoid adsorbed on an aluminum hydroxide gel. The preparation contains 20 binding units (EC) of tetanus toxoid in 1 ml. Preservative - merthiolate at a concentration of 0.01%.


    The drug is a suspension of a yellowish-white color, which, upon settling, separates into a transparent supernatant liquid and a loose precipitate that breaks up when shaken.

    Indications for use

    Clinical contraindications for routine vaccinations with AS-anatoxin:

    1. Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases - vaccination is carried out no earlier than one month after recovery.

    2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases - vaccination is carried out in a state of clinical and laboratory remission.

    3. Long-term and severe diseases (viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, meningitis, myocarditis, diffuse connective tissue diseases, etc.) - vaccination is carried out individually 6-12 months after recovery.

    4. Severe forms of allergic reactions to the administration of ADS, ADS-M, AD-M, AS-anatoxins (shock, Quincke's edema, polymorphic exudative erythema, etc.).

    5. Severe post-vaccination reactions in the form of anaphylactic shock, encephalitis, agranulocytosis - vaccination is carried out no earlier than 6 months after recovery (remission).

    6. Hereditary and progressive neurological and articular diseases, sub- and decompensated hydrocephalus, acute cerebrovascular accidents, convulsions more than once every 6 months, epilepsy and epileptic syndrome with seizures not more than one attack in 6 months.

    Note. Children with non-progressive cerebral palsy and other stable neurological disorders can be vaccinated with ADS-M toxoid after one year of age; children with a history of seizures can be vaccinated with ADS-M toxoid 6 months after the seizure against the background of anticonvulsant therapy.

    7. Immune disorders: oncological diseases, immunosuppression as a result of cytostatic therapy and the use of corticosteroids for more than 14 days. Such children can be vaccinated 1 month after the abolition of these treatments.

    8. Anemia: contraindications for vaccination are patients with hemoglobin levels below 80 g/l.

    Vaccination with AS-anatoxin is carried out no earlier than 2 months after vaccinations against other infections.

    In each individual case of a disease that is not on the list of contraindications, the question

    about contraindications regarding vaccination is decided by the commission.

    In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (feldsher FAP) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey and examination of persons who are vaccinated, with mandatory thermometry. Persons temporarily exempted from vaccinations should be monitored and registered and vaccinated in a timely manner after the removal of contraindications.


    1. Presence in history hypersensitivity to the respective drug.

    2. Pregnancy:

    • in the first half, the introduction of AS-anatoxin and PSS is contraindicated;
    • in the second half, the introduction of PSS is contraindicated.

    Dosage and administration

    1. Active immunization

    The drug is injected subcutaneously into the subscapular region. A full course of immunization with AS-anatoxin for adults consists of two inoculations of 0.5 ml each with an interval of 30-40 days and revaccination after 6-12 months with the same dose. With an abbreviated scheme, the full course of immunization includes a single vaccination with AC-anatoxin at a double dose (1.0 ml), revaccination after 1-2 years with a dose of 0.5 ml, and then every 10 years.

    Immunization of some contingents of the population (elderly people, unorganized population), taking into account the specific conditions in certain areas, by decision of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, can be carried out according to an abbreviated scheme, providing for a single vaccination with AC-anatoxin in a double dose (1.0 ml) and revaccination after 1-2 years with a dose of 0.5 ml and then every 10 years.


    1. Active immunization of children against tetanus at the age of 3 months is carried out routinely with adsorbed pertussis diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DPT-vaccine) or adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid (ADS-anatoxin, ADS-M-anatoxin) in accordance with the guidelines for " the use of drugs.

    2. Revaccination of adults previously fully immunized with associated preparations containing tetanus toxoid is performed every 10 years with AS- or ADS-M-toxoids at a dose of 0.5 ml.

    3. Persons who have not previously been vaccinated against tetanus (from 26 to 56 years old), who received ADS-M toxoid for the prevention of diphtheria once, to form full-fledged immunity to tetanus 30-40 days after the administration of ADS-M toxoid, AC-toxoid is administered at a dose of 0.5 ml. Revaccination is carried out after 6-12 months once with the same dose of AC-toxoid.

    2.Tetanus emergency prophylaxis

    Emergency prophylaxis of tetanus includes primary surgical debridement and simultaneous specific immunoprophylaxis.

    Emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus is indicated for:

    Injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes;

    Frostbite and burns (thermal, chemical, radiation) of the second, third and fourth degree;

    community-acquired abortions;

    Childbirth outside medical institutions;

    Gangrene or tissue necrosis of any stage; abscesses;

    Animal bites;

    Penetrating damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

    For emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus, apply:

    Adsorbed tetanus toxoid (AS-a);

    Adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid (ADS-a) with a reduced content of antigens (ADS-M-a);

    Tetanus toxoid human immunoglobulin (PSHI), made from the blood of immune people. One prophylactic dose of PSNI contains 250 international units (IU);

    Anti-tetanus serum (PSS) obtained from the blood of hyperimmune horses. One prophylactic dose of PSS is 3000 IU.

    The scheme for choosing prophylactic agents during emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus is presented in table No. 1.

    AS-anatoxin is injected subcutaneously into the subscapular region.

    PSCI is administered at a dose of 250 IU intramuscularly in the upper-outer quadrant of the buttock.

    PSS is administered at a dose of 3000 IU under the skin.

    Before the introduction of PSS, an intradermal test with horse serum diluted 1:100 is required to determine sensitivity to horse serum proteins (the ampoule is marked in red).

    To conduct an intradermal test, an individual ampoule and a sterile syringe with divisions of 0.1 ml and a thin needle are used.

    The diluted serum is injected intradermally into the flexor surface of the forearm in a volume of 0.1 ml. Accounting for the reaction is carried out after 20 minutes. The sample is considered negative if the diameter of the edema or redness at the injection site is less than 1.0 cm. The sample is considered positive if the edema or redness reaches 1.0 cm or more in diameter. In case of a negative skin test, PSS (from an ampoule marked in blue) is injected subcutaneously in a volume of 0.1 ml. If there is no reaction after 30 minutes, the rest of the serum dose is injected with a sterile syringe, the ampoule with which should be stored with a closed sterile napkin.

    Comment. Individuals with allergic diseases and reactions to various allergens, as well as those who have previously been administered preparations with horse serum (PSS, anti-rabies and oral and encephalic heterogeneous gamma globulins) are recommended to administer antihistamines before the main dose of PSS. Persons with a positive reaction to the intradermal injection of 0.1 ml of 100-fold diluted horse serum, or those who had a reaction to the subcutaneous injection of 0.1 ml of PSS, further administration of PSS is contraindicated.

    Active routine immunization and emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

    Before use, the drug ampoule is carefully inspected;

    The drug can not be used if there is no label on the ampoule, the presence of cracks in the ampoules, the content of foreign inclusions, the presence of sediment, the expiration date, improper storage;

    Immediately before the introduction of AS-anatoxin, the ampoule is shaken until

    homogeneous mixture;

    Before opening, the ampoule is wiped with cotton wool moistened with alcohol before and after the incision with a file. An open ampoule with AS-toxoid or PSS can be stored, covered with a sterile napkin, for 30 minutes;

    The drug is drawn into the syringe from the ampoule with a long needle with a wide lumen. For injection, be sure to use a new needle;

    The skin at the injection site for disinfection is wiped with cotton wool moistened with 70% alcohol. After the injection of the drug, the injection site is lubricated with iodine or alcohol.

    The vaccinations carried out are recorded in the established accounting forms, indicating the date of vaccination, the list of administered drugs (ADS, PSS, PSCI), doses, time of administration, series, manufacturer of the drug, as well as reactions to the administered drug.

    Side effect

    After the introduction of AS-anatoxin, both general reactions can be observed, manifested in malaise and fever, as well as local reactions in the form of redness, swelling, pain, passing through 24-48 hours. In exceptional cases, shock may develop. After the introduction of PSS, complications may develop: serum sickness, anaphylactic shock. In this regard, for each vaccinated, it is necessary to establish medical supervision within an hour after the vaccination. When symptoms of shock appear, urgent anti-shock therapy is necessary. The room in which vaccination and emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus is carried out should be equipped with anti-shock therapy.

    Persons receiving PSS should be warned about the need to urgently seek medical help in case of fever, itching and skin rashes, joint pain and other symptoms characteristic of serum sickness.

    Release form

    AS-toxoid is produced in ampoules of 1.0 ml (2 vaccination doses). The package contains 10 ampoules.

    Storage conditions

    AS-anatoxin is stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of (6 + 2) ° C. The drug, subjected to freezing, is not subject to use. Transportation is carried out by all types of covered transport at a temperature of (6 ± 2) "C.

    Best before date

    2 years.

    Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
    It is necessary to consult a doctor, and also read the instructions before use.

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