Kindergartens had to urgently get rid of the inhabitants of living corners. A corner of nature in a dow Plants in a living corner of a kindergarten

From an early age, not only the foundations of personality are laid in children, but also most of the values, in particular the attitude towards nature. A corner of nature in a kindergarten is not just a part of the interior, its importance can hardly be overestimated. Close proximity to nature has a positive effect on preschool children, making them kinder, more attentive and gentler. Caring for the inhabitants of the corner develops responsibility, thrift and care in children. And observations of changes in nature that occur at different times of the year form curiosity in kids, the ability to think logically and notice details.

A living corner in kindergarten is drawn up in each age group, taking into account sanitary standards, the age of the pupils and their capabilities.

Rules of SANPIN for DOW p.6.11. it has been established that the placement of animals, aquariums and birds in group rooms (dressing room, group room, bedroom, buffet, toilet) is not allowed.

Therefore, the main inhabitants of the corner will be plants: indoor flowers and a mini garden on the windowsill. A mini garden is made up of garlic, onions, oats and other crops grown in boxes in autumn and winter.

  1. Work in a corner of nature should be available to kids in terms of time and strength, so plants are selected that are unpretentious in food and care for them.
  2. Plants should not harm the health of babies.
  3. Flowers in a corner of nature in a preschool educational institution should be selected from different types for comparison.
  4. When placing plants, their biological needs must be taken into account.
  5. Making a corner of nature in a preschool educational institution must be done so that preschoolers can come up, observe, and do certain work.
  6. Plants should have an attractive appearance that can attract and hold the intermittent attention of children.

Corner of nature in the younger group should have no more than 4-5 types of unpretentious indoor flowers. These are plants with pronounced flowers, leaves and stems that bloom for a long time and beautifully. Primula, balsam, ficus, geranium are perfect.

Corner of nature in the middle group should contain 5-6 species of plants. These are flowers with different sizes and shapes of leaves. In particular, agave, asparagus, chlorophytum.

Into a corner of nature in the senior group place from 6 to 7 types of flowers in 2 or 3 copies. Plants should have different stems (creeping, climbing) and have bulbs or corms. These include ivy, tradescantia, amaryllis.

For preparatory group the number of plants is 6-7 species, which differ in the method of reproduction (bulbs, viviparous). For example, saxifrage, bryophyllum, cyperus.

When planning the design of a corner of nature in kindergarten, do not forget to provide a place to store working equipment, these can be:

  • spray,
  • watering can,
  • leaf wipes,
  • stick for loosening the soil,
  • seedling cups.

In the younger groups, the teacher monitors the cleanliness of the corner and tools. In the senior and preparatory group, this can be done with children (assign a duty officer). The work of preschool children in the corner of nature is carried out in accordance with the curriculum.

When decorating a corner of nature in a preschool educational institution with your own hands, remember that it should contain a lot of visual material. The most significant of them is the calendar of nature.

In the kids group it will be enough to place a picture depicting the current season. And also a doll dressed according to the season.

For older kids a manual with pictures of the seasons and weather conditions with a movable arrow in the center is attached to the wall. After the walk, you can discuss the weather with the children and move the arrow to the desired image. Also, in a corner of nature, it is necessary to allocate a place for children's drawings on the topic of the observations made.

in senior groups children are introduced to conventional signs for indicating the weather. Every day, preschoolers mark fluctuations in the weather with conventional signs and at the end of the month they sum up: how many days were cloudy, how many sunny, windy, rainy. By the end of the year, the guys will get an idea about the climate in their region.

Often, a natural and ecological corner in a kindergarten is combined into one and, in addition to the above, is placed in it:

  • a set of pictures with birds, insects, domestic and wild animals, plants;
  • models of vegetables and fruits;
  • children's crafts from natural material;
  • equipment for conducting experiments - molds, containers of different volumes, spatulas, measuring spoons. You can conduct didactic games and experiments with water, sand, stones, shells, clay to study their properties.

Activities in the corner of nature contribute to the development of labor skills in preschoolers. Already in the younger group, the teacher involves children in the implementation of feasible labor assignments. In the senior group, duty is introduced in the corner.

Working in a corner of nature gives the children a lot of pleasant experiences. Preschoolers learn to understand the world around them, to notice both general and individual signs of natural objects, which leads them to an understanding of the uniqueness and diversity of living organisms. Communication with nature stimulates the thirst for creativity in children. A properly organized living corner is a powerful educational tool in the aesthetic, psychological and moral development of children.

A living corner in kindergarten is a fairly common phenomenon. When children learn that there is a living corner in kindergarten, children are very happy: try to find a child who would not like to watch fish in an aquarium or listen to parrots talk. Unlike children, parents are more skeptical and often wonder if a living corner in a kindergarten is legitimate, because bird feathers, animal hair, plant pollen are one of the most common allergens, and no matter how it turns out that, along with the joy of communication with flora and fauna the child has not earned himself an allergy.

In this article we will talk about a living corner in kindergarten: aspects of its organization, its inhabitants, the rules of a child's behavior in a living corner.

A living corner in a kindergarten should be organized in accordance with clause 6.13 of the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool institutions (SanPiN - 10, dated 01.10.2010), which means that

  • Plants and animals must be safe.
  • A living corner in a kindergarten should not include aggressive or unpredictable animals, thorny and poisonous plants.
  • Stray animals in the corner are excluded.

In addition, the list of plants that are prohibited can be further studied in the "Hygienic Requirements for the Safety and Nutritional Value of Food Products" dated 06/01/2011. Among the prohibited exhibits, one can find, for example, parsley, widely used in everyday life.

A living corner in the kindergarten is organized only with the permission of the veterinary supervision, which registers the exhibits, notes the timeliness of vaccinations given to animals, and advises on the necessary hygiene procedures. In practice, ideally, everything should look like this: a veterinarian is assigned to a preschool institution, who gives recommendations on the selection of animals, birds, fish separately for each group. Beforehand, the medical staff of the preschool educational institution conducts an individual conversation with each of the parents, in which they find out contraindications in children, a predisposition to allergies.

The corner is in the care of the employees of the preschool educational institution: children should not take care of pets and plants. The only thing is that they can help, for example, water the plants. To do this, the parent committee buys small watering cans, marks for each child. A competitive element can also be introduced into caring for plants: each of the children is responsible for their own plant and at the end of the year the results are summed up, who coped with the task better.

Unlike plants, it is forbidden to organize a living corner in a kindergarten with aquariums, animals and birds in a group.

A living corner in kindergarten is a real mini-zoo. The room must be specially equipped, hot and cold water must be supplied to it, sewerage must be organized, food and equipment must be laid out on shelves that are not accessible to children.

A living corner in kindergarten is an important step in raising children. Preschoolers learn to care for plants, get acquainted with the types of flora and fauna, and find differences. It is important that “every creature has a pair” - so that children can personally find common features and individual differences.

Objects in the corner are placed in such a way that children can freely approach and examine them. As a rule, a living corner in a kindergarten is inhabited by fish, birds, and mammals.

Typical inhabitants of the zoo corner:

  • Fish: swordtails, guppies, catfish, zebrafish, goldfish, barbs.
  • Birds: budgerigars and canaries.
  • Mammals: hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, rabbits.

An interestingly designed corner of nature in the group room of a preschool institution is an important part of the overall development of the child. The location depends on the design and its components: the presence of plants, their species, various panels. It is important that this part of the room is well lit, which means that the most suitable place is by the window. It often occurs when a corner of nature is located in a common corridor, while it can even have a fountain.

It should be noted that sanitary rules prohibit equipping a corner of nature in a group room with cages with animals. Plants should not pose a danger to children (for example, have thorns). For different age groups, their own corner of nature is formed in kindergarten, the options can be seen in the photo below.

Acquaintance with nature

The younger group of children is unpretentious to the types of plants placed, because their knowledge in the field of plant growing is very small. This means that it is enough to arrange several types of long-flowering plants with large and pronounced leaves for ease of perception by children. Suitable ficus, primrose or geranium. One of the advantages of the corner is the opportunity given to kids to care for flowers. Of course, this happens under the supervision of a teacher.

In the middle group, plants are already more diverse in appearance, leaf shape. Their number can reach six pieces. Children are trusted to water the plants, but no more. If a transplant is necessary, then they can only observe the process. So, asparagus or chlorophytum flowers are very suitable for this age category.

The design of the corner may include figured plant trays. The older group needs more variety for full development. Therefore, the number of plants for this age category of children can be increased to seven species, while they will attract more attention if flower pots are placed on elegant metal stands at different levels from the floor. It is unlikely that you will be able to complete them on your own, but you can replace the iron structure with hanging planters located at different heights.

A natural corner can be supplemented with a self-painted decoration of flower pots. To do this, you need gouache, a brush and decorative varnish. The pattern that is applied with gouache on the outside of the pots can be very diverse. Here, both specific images and just lines are allowed, intricately interspersed with each other. For children of the senior and preparatory groups, it will be interesting to do this work on their own. After the paint dries, the pots are varnished. And then the plants are planted directly.

You can make a panel similar to the previous one by using a pre-made herbarium. A corner of nature in pictures is also quite an interesting option. To do this, you need to perform compositions on large-format white sheets using dried leaves and flowers. It is better to use A3 or larger paper so that the pictures are well viewed from afar. The herbarium in this case is attached to PVA glue.

Planting live plants

A creative flow of thought is necessary in order to decorate a kindergarten, the design of corners for which is only a small part of the possible options. So, you can supplement the living corner, depending on the season, with small boxes with seedlings, which will eventually be planted in a nearby area. Making a children's corner can be accompanied not only by planting live plants, but also by autumn bouquets from collected leaves or dried flowers.

A swing can be made from anything - even tires. Our article will help you with this!

Since the aquarium is allowed to be displayed only in a living corner of the common corridor, an artificial one can be made in the group room, while the design of the corners in the kindergarten in the pictures will fade somewhat for children in its colorfulness. But, nevertheless, you will need an empty aquarium, sea stones, which are laid out at the bottom in any order. But first, a printed photograph of the seabed is pasted on the back wall of the aquarium. If desired, you can fill the container with water.

The design of a children's corner in the library can include all of the above ideas, with only one difference - beautifully arranged books between flower pots.

1. The value of a living corner in familiarizing preschoolers with nature

The educational value of nature can hardly be overestimated. Communication with nature has a positive effect on a person, makes him kinder, softer, awakens the best feelings in him. The role of nature in the upbringing of children is especially great. Familiarization of children with nature in kindergarten requires constant direct communication with it.

In a preschool institution, children are introduced to nature, the changes taking place in it at different times of the year. Based on the acquired knowledge, such qualities as a realistic understanding of natural phenomena, curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and treat all living things aesthetically are formed. Love for nature, the skills of caring for it, caring for living beings give rise not only to interest in nature, but also contribute to the formation of the best character traits in children, such as patriotism, diligence, respect for the work of adults who protect and increase natural wealth.

To acquaint children with nature, to cultivate a love for it, a corner of the nature of the kindergarten, which contains indoor plants and some animals, will help. Each age group has its own corner of nature, but it is good to have a common corner of nature for the entire children's institution. It can be used to replenish the inhabitants of the corners of nature age groups.

The corner of nature provides an opportunity to focus children's attention on a small number of inhabitants, on their most typical signs, and thus provide deeper and more solid knowledge. The variety of plants and animals that children encounter directly in nature makes it difficult to single out the general, essential and regular in the life of plants and animals.

Familiarization with a limited number of specially selected objects in a corner of nature allows us to solve this complex and important task. The spatial proximity of the inhabitants of a corner of nature also matters. Children get the opportunity to look at plants and animals well, to observe them for a long time.

Children see the inhabitants of the corner of nature every day, which facilitates the work of the educator; under his leadership, the guys systematically observe and care for living beings. In the process of caring for them, children get an idea of ​​the diversity of flora and fauna on earth, how plants and animals grow and develop, what conditions need to be created for them.

In a corner of nature, preschoolers can approach animals and plants throughout the day, examine them, and conduct long-term observation of them. Children develop concrete knowledge about nature. When getting acquainted with living objects, preschoolers develop observation, interest in nature.

While working in a corner of nature, preschool children develop the following cognitive processes: perception, thinking, imagination, as well as attention and memory. Children think (establish causal relationships), remember the names of the inhabitants of the corner of nature, come up with games using the objects of the corner of nature. While caring for the inhabitants of nature, children develop labor skills and such valuable qualities as diligence, respect for the living, and responsibility for the assigned work.

Location: Tomsk region, Tomsk

Babies begin their acquaintance with the outside world immediately after birth, but only at kindergarten age do they approach this process meaningfully. In the nursery and the younger group, children begin to study the seasons, natural phenomena, and learn to respect living beings. To acquaint children with nature, to cultivate love for it, respect for the work of adults, curiosity and observation, a corner of nature in kindergarten will help. It houses indoor plants, some pets, didactic material and plant care items.

Before you start decorating a corner of nature in the DOW group, you need to choose the right location for it. As a rule, this is the brightest and sunniest part of the room.

In addition to all of the above, there should be didactic material in the corner: these are entertaining games that reveal the secrets of the world to the kids, various visual aids, and albums with pictures.

Description of the forms of entertaining and leisure activity.

1. Table with recesses for water and sand, with a plastic work surface. Plastic rug, dressing gowns, arm ruffles.

2. Natural material: sand, water, clay, stones, shells, cones, branches, pieces of wood, various fruits (beans, cereals) (all items are large).

3. Containers of different capacities, spoons, spatulas, sticks, funnels, sieve, rubber and plastic toys for playing with water.

4. Mirrors for playing with a sunbeam.

5. Items for games with a shadow.

6. Magnifiers, "magic" glasses - colored "glasses" (made of plastic).

Corner of nature: "Green corner":

1. Indoor plants: 3-4 species with large leathery leaves, erect stem, large bright flowers. One of the plants should be duplicated so that children can learn to find the same plants. Recommended plants: ficus - a good air purifier, ever-flowering begonia - fights diseases of the upper respiratory tract, balsam, coleus, hybrid fuchsia.

2. Plants characteristic of different seasons:

- in autumn - an exhibition of bright, large vegetables and fruits;

- in winter - branches of coniferous trees;

- in the spring - a garden: planting onions, oats, sprouting peas, beans - for observations;

- in summer: bouquets of ornamental plants: asters, chrysanthemums, tulips, carnations, etc.;

3. Aquarium (layout) with snails and brightly colored fish.

4. Watering cans, sticks for loosening the soil, a sprayer, rags, brushes, aprons (children are not on duty, they only carry out small assignments of the teacher).

Consists of 2-4 pages: a picture depicting the season; weather observation sheet - use plot pictures or photographs depicting the activities of children at different times of the year; bird observation sheet - cards with birds that have been seen are placed in the feeder. Before going for a walk, they put on a didactic doll according to the season and put it in the calendar of nature.

Extras: themed albums by season and theme of the week, algorithms for the water and sand center, game models of a farm, forests, etc.

  • Conversations with children:

The structure of a houseplant.

What does a plant need to grow?

How to care for a houseplant?

  • Didactic games

Guess the plant from the description.

Find a plant by name.

  • Reading fiction:

poem by E. Blaginina "Spark",

Slovak fairy tale "The sun is visiting",

A.K. Tolstoy "My bells ...",

Guessing riddles, memorizing poems, compiling descriptive stories

  • Joint and independent activity.

Observations of plants in a corner of nature.

Observations of the work of the educator in caring for the plants of a corner of nature (labor to help)

  • Artistic creativity

coloring pages on the theme of nature;

Description of expected results.

- orientation in the seasons;

- fostering respect for nature;

Children's possession of information:

- that a plant needs light, heat, water, air, earth to grow;

- that a plant consists of a root, stem, leaf, flower;

– that plants differ from each other;

- that the state of the plant depends on the care of the person.

It should be noted that the Corner of Nature zone is constantly being transformed and supplemented with new elements and objects. There is a separate shelf for crafts, toys, various natural materials (shells brought by children from vacation, cones, stones, etc.), as well as your own photos and photos of your relatives and friends in nature. Each child can bring his own thing, which is dear to him, and put it on a shelf in the Corner of Nature.

With nature. Less and less often they are in the forest, in the meadow. Behind the city noise it is difficult to hear the singing of birds, among the asphalt it is impossible to observe animals from the wild. To interest children, schools can equip a small room so that the animals of the living corner live in it.


It's no secret that every child is looking for a reliable companion. Don't limit yourself to just hanging out with classmates. A little attention, care, time spent on feeding and care - and a faithful and reliable friend can appear among the pets: a hamster, a rabbit, a rat or a parrot.

Animals of the living corner serve as an excellent visual aid. On the example of such exhibits, it is easier to conduct biology classes and thematic seminars. Care and accustom to work, develop a sense of responsibility.

Many in the process of studying begin to study in depth the issues of nature. Some prefer photography, others are engaged in research work. Based on their observations, children begin to systematize and generalize information, and the results are presented in the form of interesting presentations.


Animals of the living corner should be available for viewing by children and not pose a danger to them. It is assumed that keeping animals should not be an end in itself. The collection is designed to expand the horizons of knowledge and ideas about the environment and the participation of children in and care for them are designed to shape the personality and develop socially important properties and functions of the future member of society. In order for the corner to organically fit into the room and not cause discomfort when visiting it, you should take care of cleanliness and sanitary hygiene.

When placing aquariums, terrariums, cages and aviaries indoors, it is advisable to combine them with plant forms that are most suitable for their habitat. The presence on the walls of thematic stands (models, stuffed animals) will help children better understand the structure of the body, skeleton, feeding and keeping of various species. Do not divide the corner into zones for junior and high school students. Shared care stimulates the development of a sense of responsibility.

Children, gradually getting up to speed, can take on some of the care of pets. A functional living corner in the school requires more effort than it would take to breed only plant forms. There are added concerns about the purchase and preparation of feed, its storage, obtaining and permits, maintaining cleanliness and sanitary and hygienic standards.

Starting with a small corner of nature, you can try adding an aquarium and see how interest and attendance changes. At the next stage, you can get snails, frogs, toads, newts. It is worth settling reptiles and small mammals only after realizing that there will be proper support from children, their parents and from the school administration.

Despite the complexity, it is quite possible to set up shifts. Now it is possible to provide temperature and lighting control, and watering and distribution of feed on weekends can be automated. In this mode, the corner can be open to the public up to six days a week.


As a rule, the expansion of a corner of nature begins with the appearance of fish in it. For aquarium maintenance, even simple small crucians or loaches caught in a pond are quite suitable. They are not particularly demanding on the conditions of detention and feed. Of the decorative species at the initial stage, it is recommended to have guppies, veiltails, swordtails.

In an aquarium, not only small fish can live. It is quite capable of providing conditions for keeping hydras, swimmers, snails, daphnia. In combination with a variety of aquatic vegetation, you can create a kind of natural reservoir. Elodea, pondweed, hornwort and other unpretentious species will make the aquarium an interesting object to study and observe.


The peculiarity of these animals is daytime sleep. They are ready to be actively awake in the late afternoon. In addition to a place to rest, they should have enough space for walking. In the house, you can equip several levels connected by ladders, as well as equip a running wheel, tunnels, so that they are not bored when walking in a confined space.

When planning a living corner at school, it should be remembered that it is impossible to house several animals of this species in one cage, they are unlikely to get along together. The optimum temperature regime for them is 20-25 °С. The cage needs a drinker, a bowl for food, for sand, a stone for grinding teeth, a filler at the bottom. The cage is cleaned twice a week.

You can add fruits, vegetables, lettuce, fresh herbs to grain feed mixtures. They will eat carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, feast on persimmons, pears and apples. Females waiting for offspring should be additionally fed with low-fat cottage cheese, boiled egg yolk or chicken meat.


Fans of these intelligent reptiles claim that they are very easy to become attached to. It is believed that turtles like to be stroked on their shells. With proper care, pets can live for a long time in a living corner, delighting visitors with their silent and funny movements.

They cannot live in a box. The minimum size of the terrarium is from 60 cm in length and up to 40 cm in width and height. Land turtles are undemanding to care for. For soil, sawdust, hay, wood chips, shell rock mixed with large washed sand, large pebbles are used. Requires a heating lamp and ultraviolet. Plants in a terrarium with a turtle do not live long: it eats them. You can feed it with fruits and berries, vegetables and fresh herbs (clover, dandelion).

Caring for turtles does not cause worries, if you properly equip her habitat. Experts advise using an absorbent film for the bottom layer in the terrarium, and a perforated rubber mat on top. You can already place soil on it. A bowl should be used for feeding. It is necessary to ensure that pets do not eat the soil or its substitute. If this happens, you should think about replacing it and review the diet by adding vitamins and trace elements.


These creatures prefer to stay awake at night. It's hard to see them during the day. Tame enough to pick up, will not work. For the winter, hedgehogs completely hibernate. Since the end of autumn, they have been preparing a nest for themselves from all kinds of garbage (threads, newspapers, rags). Closer to winter they become lethargic, they come out only when they are hungry. A sleeping hedgehog should not be awakened. He becomes vulnerable to disease and will not be able to lead a normal life until the spring. His aviary with a nest must be moved to a cool and protected place from precipitation.

Hedgehogs need more free space to live. On the territory as close as possible to the natural habitat, there should be various rubbish, which he will gradually collect to build a nest. Hedgehogs, as animals of a living corner, are picky. It is best to purchase special food for hedgehogs. But if necessary, you can replace it with meat, sometimes offer milk with crumbled bread, cottage cheese and apples. But since hedgehogs are insectivorous, they need various beetles or grasshoppers for the proper functioning of the digestive organs. If they are not given at all, the hedgehog will get sick. You can store this food in dried form for future use in order to feed pets in spring and autumn.

Semi-finished products, products with preservatives (sausage, smoked meats), dry food for dogs or cats should not be offered to them. It is impossible to release into the wild a hedgehog born in captivity or having lived in an artificial environment for a long time: it will die.

Other inhabitants of the living corner

In addition to the above pets, you can keep lizards, snakes, white mice, rats, squirrels, rabbits. Guinea pigs also take root easily in captivity. They eat everything they give (hay, bran, vegetables), but are demanding on the conditions of detention. These rodents will not survive in damp and drafty rooms, as they are prone to disease.

Of the birds, parrots are well suited. These are beautiful pets, they can live in a school corner for a decade or more, tolerate captivity well and quickly get used to the conditions. Their affable chirping, attempts to imitate speech, as well as curiosity and ingenuity will delight children.


Animals in the corner of nature should be constantly examined by a veterinarian. At the slightest suspicion of disease, quarantine conditions should be provided. Such a possibility should be foreseen in advance and a suitable room should be available.

No matter how carefully the corner of wildlife is organized, it should be remembered that this is still a place of increased danger. Animals should be handled with care. When moving pets prone to aggression, protective clothing and gloves should be used.

Detailed instruction is required when allowing students to service potentially hazardous equipment. Accurate implementation of safety regulations will minimize the risk of possible emergencies. And the constant observance of sanitary and hygienic standards in the room where the living corner is located will make his visit pleasant and comfortable.

Familiarization of children with nature in kindergarten requires constant direct communication with it. One of the conditions that ensure this is the organization of corners of nature in the kindergarten. The permanent inhabitants of the corners of nature in kindergarten are houseplants. Plants should look like a tree, grass; unpretentious, preferably with single-color flowers (primula, begonia, geranium, balsam, clivia); with wide, dense leaves (aspidistra, ficus). Only 4-5 types of 2-3 copies. Children can water plants under the guidance of a teacher, be able to properly hold a watering can, pour water carefully and gently wipe wide leaves with a damp cloth.

Of great interest to children are observations of animals. The most common in preschool institutions is an aquarium with fish. An aquarium is a model of a reservoir where almost all biological processes that are typical for natural ponds and lakes take place. Observation of the life of fish and plants not only helps to understand and love nature, cultivate artistic taste, but also contribute to the development of children's observation skills and care for living organisms.

It is good if there are birds in the corner of nature. With proper care for them, they feel great, sing and even breed. Bird care arouses great interest in children, fosters a careful and caring attitude towards animals. In a corner of nature, canaries and budgerigars are usually kept - birds that have become domesticated.

Of the reptiles, you can keep (only) turtles - marsh and steppe. Of the numerous and diverse in composition of mammals, the selection requirements are met, first of all, by representatives of the order of rodents - a hamster, a guinea pig. Unpretentiousness in food, the small size of the premises for their maintenance, peaceful disposition and, at the same time, a variety of habits make these animals desirable inhabitants of a corner of nature.

Animals bring nature to life. Watching them, children learn to recognize and distinguish them by external signs: moving parts of the body, the nature of the movement, the sounds made. Along with animals that live in a corner of nature all year round, temporary inhabitants should also be placed here. Observations of lizards, frogs, bugs and butterflies, arouse keen interest among preschoolers, provide rich food to satisfy children's curiosity. They are held from spring to late autumn.

Temporary inhabitants are plants and animals of the local region, whose vital activity is especially interesting and vividly manifested in certain seasons (primroses in spring, bright flower garden plants that bloom in autumn, insects).

When selecting the inhabitants of a corner of nature, a number of requirements should be taken into account, which will help to avoid mistakes and ensure the effectiveness of the educational and educational impact of work and observations of children.

1. Plants and animals must be typical of a particular systematic or ecological group. This makes it possible to acquaint children with the main, typical features, conditions or lifestyles characteristic of a large group of plants and animals.

2. Plants and animals should be outwardly bright, attractive, able to arouse and retain the still not very stable attention of preschool children.

3. It is necessary to have several copies of the same species of plants and animals. This makes it possible for children to see in objects not only common, but also individual signs, leads the children to an understanding of the diversity and uniqueness of living organisms.

4. Plants and animals must be absolutely safe for the health of children.

5. Corner of nature - a place of work and observation of children. Care for its inhabitants in terms of quality, nature of labor, effort and time expended should be available to preschool children (with the help of a teacher). Therefore, unpretentious plants and animals are selected that do not require sophisticated equipment for their maintenance.

6. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of normal life, growth and development of plants and animals in the conditions of the premises of a preschool institution with its elevated temperature, dryness, and the presence of noise.

The preschool period is a very important time in the development of every child. It is during this period that a person's personality, his worldview and attitude to the surrounding reality are formed. Pets' corner in kindergarten will help to instill in children a sense of responsibility, love for wildlife, broaden their horizons and help them gain new knowledge.

The main goal that educators set for themselves when organizing a living corner is teach children to care for someone and develop their sense of responsibility. Joint care for the pets of a living corner will help unite the team, teach children to work in a team, listen to the opinions of others. In addition, many children do not like to go to kindergarten, and a living corner will help to interest the child, become a kind of incentive and allow you to get used to it sooner.

When choosing pets in a living corner, you should first of all consider animal safety and ease of care. It is clear that not a single living corner in the kindergarten will survive the presence of a terrarium with lizards or "tame" tarantulas. Children themselves must learn to care for the inhabitants of a living corner, so the less time and effort it takes to care, the less it requires special knowledge, the better.

In addition, the animals that you settle in a living corner, should be brightly colored. This will attract and focus the attention of children. It is advisable to have several pets of the same species, this will allow children to see the individual characteristics of specimens.

Best placed in a living corner an aquarium with fish that do not require serious care. It will be quite enough for children that they learn how to properly feed the fish, change the water and periodically clean the aquarium. Naturally, all these manipulations should take place under the strict guidance of the educator.

It is best to choose a small aquarium and settle in it, danios, and swordtails. Will be well received by children living in an aquarium little water turtle.

The aquarium should decorate a living corner, so it's worth considering its interior design. Children really like to watch how the fish swim in the grottoes, snoop between snags and frolic among the seaweed.

You can put some rodents in a living corner: rats or hamsters, but they are best suited Guinea pigs, as these animals are absolutely harmless and get along well with children. They can be picked up and fed from the palm of your hand, which brings preschoolers a lot of positive emotions. The guinea pig will not cause much trouble in the process of cleaning the cage.

A living corner can become a home for budgies. It is better to get a male and a female, since children will definitely want to teach the bird to talk, and, as you know, only representatives of the male half of parrots can boast of this. In addition, if your pets have chicks, this will become a valuable material for observation.

Definitely with children Give your pets names. The very process of choosing a name will bring a lot of positive, and subsequently help children to truly make friends with the inhabitants of a corner of nature.

Planting a living area is also better with simple, low-maintenance houseplants. Can be used chlorophytum, which, in addition to aesthetic appeal, is also a very good air purifier, asparagus, tradescantia, monstera, cyperus and Chinese rose. These plants are easy to care for, do not require special conditions, and reproduce easily. For the safety of children, cacti, as well as plants that have poisonous juice, should not be brought into the living area. Can be compiled watering schedule, This will help instill a sense of responsibility in children.

Together all the time do a general cleaning in your living space. Cleaning the aquarium and freeing plants from dust is an interesting and exciting activity for preschoolers.

A living corner in kindergarten will definitely appeal to pupils, especially those whose parents do not allow pets. Communication with nature is a valuable experience for educating a personality, the formation of human values ​​and the formation of character.

Creating a living corner in a preschool institution is of great importance in raising kids. Most often, children are introduced to nature with the help of indoor plants, educators instill in the younger generation a love for "green pets" and teach them to take care of them. Despite the huge variety of exotic flowers for sale, the choice of indoor plants in kindergarten is very limited. In addition to visual appeal, they must be especially safe for children, as well as meet a number of other requirements.

General principles for the selection of indoor plants in a preschool educational institution

When creating a corner of wildlife for children, one should responsibly approach the choice of plants and comply with a number of requirements.

  • Safety. Plants containing poisonous juice, as well as varieties with thorns or berries, are not allowed to be placed in the kindergarten. At this age, babies are particularly inquisitive, and the temptation to taste an attractive berry is very great. Under the ban fall: dieffenbachia, nightshade, some varieties of milkweed, lilies, cacti and other plants. You should also pay attention to plants with "fluff", a lot of dust usually accumulates on the surface of the leaves, therefore, if there are allergy sufferers in the group, then it is better to refuse such plants. Violet is a prime example.
  • Unpretentiousness to care and conditions of detention. Considering that ordinary employees will have to take care of the flowers, it is better not to complicate the care of plants. Suitable species that do not require frequent pruning, top dressing or regular maintenance of high humidity. Houseplants suitable for this principle in the preschool educational institution: aloe without sharp thorns, nephrolepsis, pike tail, etc.
  • Air purification. It is worth giving preference to those species that are not only safe, but also bring tangible benefits to the health of children. Many flowers are able to purify the air of dust, absorb harmful substances and toxins. For example, chlorophytum absorbs up to 86% of formaldehydes dangerous to the human body, and ivy up to 90% of benzene.

Selection of indoor plants depending on the age group

In addition to the basic requirements, indoor plants in kindergarten should be selected individually for each age group. If for kids only external attractiveness is more important - large and bright flowers, then for older children one should choose such species that they could take care of together with their teachers, joining the work.

  • Junior group. For the smallest, it will be enough to place 8-10 flower pots in the room. It is desirable that they all be flowering and differ in height, size and color of flowers. For example, you can place several types of begonia, primrose, hibiscus.
  • Middle group. For older kids, you can increase the number of flowers to 12 pieces. Now it is necessary that indoor plants in the preschool educational institution have even more differences, for example, in the shape and size of the leaves, the structure of the stem. Suitable species such as tradescantia or clivia. Children will be able to compare flowers in more detail by their appearance.
  • Senior group. The range of living corners of nature is expanding even more and every child should have access to them. At this age, educators begin to show the basic rules for caring for "green pets", and children observe and, if possible, take part. It is recommended to grow 2-3 copies of one type of plant, so the kids can form a more correct idea of ​​a particular flower.
  • Preparatory group. At this age, preschoolers not only receive theoretical knowledge, but also practical. Under the guidance of educators, they can water flowers from small watering cans, loosen the soil, spray and wipe the surface of the leaves with a damp cloth. For this reason, 2-3 specimens of indoor plants in the preschool educational institution must be with large leaves so that children can easily remove dust from them. A preschooler can already independently determine when to water and spray a flower, takes “under guardianship” the most liked specimen and thus develops a sense of responsibility.

Recommendations for choosing indoor plants in preschool, depending on the interior

To develop a sense of beauty and good taste in children, it is recommended to select flowers so that they harmoniously fit into the interior of the room. It is important to consider everything from furniture upholstery and wall color to individual decorative elements. Do not forget about the design of flower pots, they can be either plain, bright colors, or with ornaments. Kids will definitely like ceramic flower pots with decor.

It is equally important to properly position the pots with the plant. Unstable flower stands should be avoided; during active play, children can drop them and get injured. It is best to put houseplants in kindergarten on window sills or on specially equipped shelves located along the walls.

To form a living corner, a lot of colors are suitable, below are the most popular types that do not require special care.

Name Content Features
Aspidistra Balsam Chlorophytum




Requires bright light. Content temperature: + 20-25 ° C in summer, 3-4 degrees lower in winter. Watering in the phase of active growth is plentiful, moderate in winter. It is advisable to spray the flowers several times a week.
Begonia Adiantum Lighting is poor, preferably partial shade. Content temperature from +20 °C to +25 °C. Watering is careful and moderate, but regular. Daily spraying is recommended.
Coleus Dracaena bordered Asparagus

Laurel noble

It requires a bright, but diffused light through a light tulle. Content temperature: + 18–21 ° C in summer, 1-2 degrees lower in winter. Watering is moderate, the water should be slightly warm and soft. Regular spraying is required.
Primula Uzumbar violet The lighting is intense and bright. Content temperature: +20–25 °C in summer, +16–19 °C in winter. Watering is regular. The air humidity is moderate, the leaves do not tolerate spraying, so it is recommended to put a wide container of water next to the flower.
Pike tail Geranium Reo The lighting is bright but diffused. Content temperature: +18–25 °C in summer, +14–16 °C in winter. Watering is cautious and moderate, scarce in winter. Once a week, it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a damp, finely porous sponge or a piece of cotton wool.

List of plants that should not be kept in a living corner of the kindergarten

Knowing the principles of selecting indoor plants in kindergarten, you can arrange a beautiful and informative living corner. Kids will not only get acquainted with certain types of plants, but also learn how to care for them. They learn that green pets, like people, need care and attention to feel good.

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