Hygienic grooming of cats. How to cut a cat at home. Varieties of exhibition haircuts

If you decide to cut your pet, then first you need to decide which haircut is best for you and your meowing friend.
As for dogs, for cats it is customary to distinguish between two types of haircuts: HYGIENIC and MODEL.
So what is their difference?

Hygienic haircut

- This necessary , in certain situations, a procedure.
As a rule, such a haircut is used for severe tangled hair, the presence of tangles (lumps, spools, sticky hair) and the impossibility of combing them. Also, an indication for such a haircut can be a skin disease (dermatitis, fleas, hyperplasia (increased secretion) sebaceous glands or "greasy (fatty) tail"), as well as some diseases gastrointestinal tract and the advanced age of animals, when they are not able to care for themselves on their own.

Usually, such a haircut in cats is performed with a professional clipper for animals (I use Moser Max 45) using a knife number 3. Such a knife leaves the length of the wool equal to 3mm, respectively. This length is optimal for the health of animals, since the animal’s hair does not prickle and does not cause itching, it is “velor”, “plush” to the touch. But sometimes, in particularly difficult cases, knives No. 2 and No. 1 are used (2mm and 1mm, respectively). hairline animals, when using such knives, remains prickly for 7-10 days, and then reaches a "plush" length. Do not cut tangles with scissors! - It is very dangerous for the animal! Especially in the axillary folds and on the abdomen, there the skin of the animal is thin, forms folds and it is often almost impossible to distinguish where the tangle ends and the skin begins. It is allowed to cut with scissors, but only after “letting” a comb under the tangle with frequent teeth so as not to injure the skin. But, as practice shows, this method is ineffective for removing old or extensive tangles.

As a rule, with a hygienic haircut, hair is left on the head, at the tip of the tail, the paws are cut to the middle. Often this haircut is called "Lion". But with a hygienic haircut, the “lion” does not always turn out to be ideal (for example, if the animal has strong tangles behind the ears, they have to be cut off, which somewhat spoils the outlines of the “lion’s” mane; often, due to tangles, the trophism (blood supply) of the skin is disturbed and places are visible alopecia (baldness) and trophic ulcers; etc.)
Sometimes the owners decide to cut only a heavily matted area.

model haircut

this is a haircut aimed at improvements appearance animal, and is justified by the desire of the owner. This is a special haircut that is made by a certain model (in this case, cat or kitty) taking into account all its advantages and disadvantages, as well as in order to reflect its character and the personality of its owner.
Such haircuts are also performed with a professional animal clipper (in my case, this is Moser Max 45) with a No. 3 knife, with the refinement of individual elements with thinning scissors, hairdressing scissors, using a comb.
Many people ask if it is possible to shear an animal with scissors. In a model haircut it is possible, but only to improve the shapes and outlines fluffy cats. So, for example, with the help of thinning scissors, attached round shape heads to Persian cats, if necessary. You can cut the animal under the “lion” with scissors, but this haircut will not be even.

Do not use attachments for a cat clipper, as the hair gets tangled in them. When cutting along the wool (and not against it) without a nozzle, the hair remains longer, but again, not even, but “jagged”. When using knives bigger size(5mm, 9mm) the animal's hair is wrinkled, and again uneven paths remain. Therefore, if you want a smooth, plush coat, you need a 3mm knife.
Exists great amount creative options for cat haircuts. It all depends on the imagination of the groomer-stylist, the desire of the owner and the characteristics of the animal. However, there are several basic haircuts that can already be considered classic for cats.

Haircut "Lion"

- although this option is often used for hygienic haircuts, it can also be considered a model. Since the haircut "under the lion" is the most common and, of course, "royal".

Haircut "Puma" ("sheepskin coat")

- the haircut is similar to a “lion”, only in this version the hair on the front legs and the front of the body remains unchanged or is cut with scissors, while everything is cut off at the back with a machine, only the “socks” on the hind legs and the tail (or the tip of the tail) remain intact ).

These two haircuts are considered basic, but they have several options for tail processing:

"Tassel"- May be different sizes and forms, at the request of the owner.

"Panicle"- the same as the “tassel”, only the edge of the fur on the tail is cut off in a straight line. Also, it can vary in size.

"Squirrel"- only the base of the tail is clipped with a machine, the rest of the hair on the tail is processed with thinning scissors.

"Herringbone"- a very elegant haircut element

and several options for processing paws:
"Knee socks"- the paws are cut to the middle with a machine, and then leveled with scissors

Remember how the famous song about the barber says: “After that wonderful haircut, the cats were like mice ...”? In fact, perhaps nothing changes our cats like a haircut: before and after photos demonstrate this very clearly. True, most often shorn cats do not look like mice, but like mini-lions.

Not a whim - a necessity

However, when it comes to grooming cats, beauty is usually not their main goal. Most often, the owners of tails with “increased shaggyness” and, moreover, touchy, who do not allow themselves to be combed out, decide on this. The result is mats, which are sometimes so close to the skin that you cannot cut them with ordinary scissors.

They cause discomfort and pain to animals, due to which they become irritable and aggressive. There is only one salvation - to contact an experienced groomer who will save the pet from suffering as quickly and deftly as possible. Therefore, ardent fans of cat haircuts are definitely no less than those who consider them an outrage.

Change after haircut

Many are sure that the Right way to health and harmony in the house - these are cat haircuts: photos before and after, at the same time, show only outside change. Many note that after a haircut, pets become not only more mobile and playful, but also much more affectionate and clean.

Not only do they no longer avoid the master's hands, but, on the contrary, they themselves ask to be "patted". Yes, and they lick and wash with noticeable pleasure!

The secret becomes clear

By the way, a professional groomer during a haircut can detect some problems in a cat that the owners were not aware of (for example, an ingrown claw), and along the way get rid of them.

It's funny that the tassel on the cat's tail is left not only for beauty. Some cat “kuafers” claim that it is needed so that the mustachioed recognizes its own tail and does not start to gnaw on the “stranger”.

And, of course, a haircut helps to reveal the beauty of a cat in a new way! Pets of a complex color look especially interesting after her.

By the way, after a haircut, not only cats change radically, but also the houses in which they live, because, on average, a bucket of wool is sheared from one shaggy cat. Therefore, the cleanliness that results from a haircut is usually visible to the naked eye. This is especially appreciated by allergy sufferers or cat owners who wear contact lenses.

Has your pet had a similar experience? If yes, then share with us your impressions of what cat grooming gave you - photos before and after, of course, will only decorate the story!

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Grooming of cats and cats (grooming) is becoming more and more popular. Although a few years ago, many of our compatriots did not even imagine that cats can be cut in the same way as people or dogs.

What is grooming and why is it needed?

Grooming means whole complex activities necessary for the care of animals:

  • Nail clipping.
  • Combing wool, unraveling matted areas.
  • Grooming domestic cats, especially long-haired breeds.
  • Ear cleaning.
  • Eye care.
  • Shaving hair between toes.
  • Removal of tartar, and in general care for the entire oral cavity of the pet.
  • In some cases, grooming includes cleaning the paraanal and other glands.

The word comes from the ancient designation "groom" - a person whose profession was to care for an animal, primarily a horse. These days, the term has shifted to any "hairdresser" for animals, and the professional himself is more commonly referred to as a "groomer."

Why should you groom your pets?

There are many situations in which grooming cats is acceptable, and even vital. And it's not just about going to the felinological competition. Very often, veterinarians advise resorting to grooming when they notice a problem in an animal associated with coat or skin.

In this regard, all types of haircuts for cats can be divided into two categories:

  1. Model.
  2. Hygienic.

Model grooming is performed mainly for exhibitions and is a real work of art.

Varieties of exhibition haircuts

Model grooming of cats can be performed not only for a trip to the exhibition. Many owners regularly go to the salon to give their pet original look. Each such hairstyle is individual. And yet, there are several of the most popular varieties, on the basis of which groomers create their exclusive works of hairdressing.

  • "French Lion". For this hairstyle, the back, the upper part of the paws and the base of the tail are completely cut. The head and neck hair remain intact, giving the impression of a luxurious mane. Do not cut the tip of the tail. A specialist can give it the shape of a lion's brush, pom-pom, stepped Christmas tree or neat panicle. Sometimes the coat is only slightly shortened, which is why a fluffy squirrel tail is formed. The length of the "socks" and "gloves" on the paws can also vary. Thus, a unique image of the animal is created.
  • "Puma". This haircut is done in almost the same way as the “Lion” version, however, a fluffy shirt-front on the chest is additionally preserved.
  • For the “Dragon” model, the sides and belly are cut off smoothly, and the hair along the ridge and tail remains intact. It is only given the form of a carved comb with sharp teeth.
  • " Puss in boots"Fully meets its name: the animal is shortened with fur on the back, and upper part paws are cut so that neat boots are obtained.

There are also more intricate haircuts - such as "Modern", "Continental", "Harlequin". All of them are carried out only by specialists.

What should you know about grooming?

Grooming cats is a difficult process with many nuances.

  • In no case should you cut your head, ears and sideburns: there is a risk of damaging the whiskers.
  • Do not cut your tail bald: most cats try to gnaw it and inflict serious wounds on themselves. Keep hair on at least a third of the tail.
  • The same applies to the paws: be sure to leave "socks" in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers and the lower joint of the paw. But their length can vary.
  • After shortening, the color of the coat can change dramatically.
  • It is better not to cut animals with a color-point or tipping color at all: after that, the coat darkens sharply.
  • The ideal length of shortened wool is 3 mm. To the touch, it resembles velor fabric or plush, does not prick and does not cause discomfort to the animal. If you cut with a nozzle of 1 mm, then the first week the hairs will be very stiff and only then they will acquire the usual softness.
  • Don't cut your cat's hair. The skin of these animals is very delicate, and can easily burn even in the not too hot sun. In addition, wool reliably protects them during games, and a bald cat can be seriously scratched just by scratching.
  • Tangles can only be removed with a machine. Scissors should only be used for last resort and with the utmost care. To do this, a frequent comb is threaded under the tangle, and wool is carefully sheared on top of it.
  • If you are preparing for an exhibition, take care to make your pet's hair no later than six months in advance. Then it can be tweaked a bit.

Cat haircuts can be done every few years or monthly. It all depends on the rate of hair growth.

Salon or home haircut?

The question of whether it is worth contacting a specialized office or trimming the pet's coat on their own arises very often among owners. There are many arguments in favor of both options. Grooming cats at home is much cheaper, and many mustachioed purrs perceive a trip to the salon as a lot of stress.

The difficulty is that not all animals calmly tolerate grooming. Some are so vehemently opposed to attempts to cut their hair that they have to be given a sedative. Most often, mild muscle relaxants are used in this capacity: these medicines do not completely immobilize the cat, but reduce activity and make all its reactions more inhibited. Choose the right medicine, only a professional can give an injection correctly and monitor the condition of a four-legged patient.

An experienced groomer in the process of work necessarily gives advice on caring for a cat, reports problems he has noticed - such as incipient dermatitis, excess fat wool, lack of vitamins.

Even the choice of shampoo for bathing before a haircut sometimes turns into a difficult task. The wrong grooming product can damage the coat, cause allergies or skin irritation, and in the worst case scenario, even cause baldness of the animal.

In addition, cat haircuts vary considerably in complexity. Hygienic or the simplest of model haircuts - such as "lion", "puma" or "puss in boots", can be easily done at home. Others, more complex, can only be done by a specialist. Thus, it is often much easier to pay for a visit to a clinic or salon. Usually a groomer does a haircut for a cat in an equipped office, however, a house call is quite possible.

Grooming a cat at home: what do you need?

If you still decide not to go to the salon, then keep in mind: grooming cats is not an easy task. You will need a lot of patience and some tools:

  • Hair clipper.
  • Nozzles for it are at least 3 mm long (it is best to use veterinary nozzles No. 3 for these purposes).
  • Comb-comb.
  • Ordinary or hairdressing scissors (if you want a "designer" hairstyle, you can take both regular and filler ones).
  • A high table or ironing board that you can work comfortably at.
  • Just in case, prepare hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool.

And, of course, it must be taken into account that similar procedure you will need an assistant, and preferably two. After all, most animals perceive attempts to cut their hair very aggressively, and someone will have to hold a wayward cat so that she does not injure her “hairdresser”.

Lay your pet on the table top, holding the front and hind legs so that he can't move. Gently cut the hair first on the back, then on the belly, paws and tail. Trim stray hairs if necessary.

Be sure to stretch the skin so that wrinkles do not form. Otherwise, it is very easy to injure the animal. This is especially true of wool tangles in the nipple area.

After the end of the procedure, be sure to bathe the animal to wash off the remaining hairs on the skin.

Grooming cost

Grooming domestic cats is considered quite expensive.

  • In Moscow average cost grooming starts from 1100 - 1200 rubles.
  • In small towns, this amount can be even higher: from 1,500 rubles for a standard hairstyle.

Additional services will have to be paid separately:

  • So, combing out tangles will cost 400 rubles
  • Cutting them out is 300.
  • The shortening of the claws, the processing of the ears and eyes, the cutting of the hair between the fingers also has an additional cost.

Some salons offer discounts to regular customers. In this case, the price of grooming cats can be reduced to 800 and even 600 rubles.

Grooming domestic cats does not count. mandatory procedure. But many breeds quite often need their coat to be shortened. Otherwise, the wool is constantly confused and strayed into tangles. Owners have to brush their pet regularly. Grooming an animal solves the problem, so the owners fluffy cats there will be no question why cats are sheared. Consider existing cat haircuts and hairstyles.

Types of haircuts

Hairdressing procedure at home is necessary for some thoroughbred cats. For example, Persian Scottish breed need to shorten the coat. It may also be required for those cats who have a health problem. There are the following types of haircuts:

  • hygienic;
  • medical;
  • decorative for the British;
  • exhibition.

Hygienic haircut cats are carried out if the animal has an abundant coat. If the coat is tangled, and tangles have formed in it, it is necessary to cut the animal. It is also possible to carry out a hairdressing procedure if the animal's hair is contaminated. Quite often, small furry creatures fit into paint, plaster or cement. Infrequently, owners manage to wash off the dirt with shampoo.

In some cases, this version of the procedure is carried out for old or sick animals. After all, pets can take care of their own hair. But in the case when, due to age, this becomes impossible. Then this procedure can be avoided.

You can resort to hairdressing procedures in preventive purposes. To avoid the formation of wool balls in the stomach. Cat haircuts are especially relevant in the summer season. So that your beloved pet does not get overheated, it is worth cutting it. And also resort to cutting wool during molting. In this case, the content of the pet is greatly simplified.

Medical haircuts appointed veterinarian. The main indications for the procedure may be the presence of one of the diseases:

Eliminated hair from the body of the animal allows you to effectively treat the skin with drugs. Moreover, this option reduces the time spent on treatment. In the event that the procedure is necessary for medicinal purposes, the cat can be shaved bald.

Model and decorative- This the new kind art for pets. The most popular haircut british cats and Persian. As a rule, a cat does not need such a procedure, and this is rather a whim of its owner. The owner of the animal through this manipulation can express the character of the cat or his personality.

The last option for a possible haircut is exhibition. Such a haircut is carried out only in specialized salons, where the groomer brings the appearance of the cat to the breed standards. A quality haircut can only be done in a specialized salon. But quite often having at hand necessary tools, the owner of the animal will be able to perform it himself. Therefore, it is useful for everyone to know how to cut a cat.

Gallery: Persian cat haircuts (25 photos)

Frequency of haircuts

The frequency of this procedure is mainly associated with the growth of the skin of the animal. The coat of British cats grows from three months up to half a year. The rate of hair growth depends on the breed, age and state of his health. common cat with thick hair it is recommended to cut no more than three times in year. But if the procedure is aimed at removing tangles, it is carried out as needed.

Model procedures for british cat can be done more often. Everything will depend on the Briton himself. The same can be said about hygienic and medical haircuts. They are performed as needed.

How to trim a cat yourself

The owner of an animal interested in cat hairstyles should be aware that after an ordinary haircut, the animal's coat changes. Not only the structure can change, but even the color. Many breeds are not recommended for shearing due to their genetic predisposition to darkening of the coat. And also too frequent haircuts lead to the fact that the coat no longer grows back.

Some Persian and Scottish cats after hairdressing procedures, the hair can become thinner and more intensely roll into tangles. TO negative consequences such a hairstyle should be attributed to injuries to the skin. As a result, an inflammatory process may occur.

In order for the owner of the animal to correctly perform the hairdressing procedure, you need to have all the necessary tools in front of you. Grooming a British cat requires the following equipment:

  1. place for grooming british cats. For this, an ordinary table (high and stable) or an ironing board is suitable;
  2. scissors with rounded edges;
  3. pet clipper.

In addition, you can visit a specialized store where you can find many interesting tools for pets. In the event that you plan to trim a long-haired animal, you can buy trimmer which will help you to do this procedure correctly. His job is to properly sharpen the blades. They don't allow injury. skin covering animal.

In the event that the British do not like the noise of an electric clipper, it is best to use scissors and cut the animal by hand. When working with any device, safety precautions must be observed. During the hairdressing procedure, you will need comb. Best fit rare comb.

Before starting a haircut persian cat desirable process each tool disinfectant . You will also need a friend or girlfriend to keep the animal. But if your cat reacts restlessly to any manipulation carried out with her, it is best to carry out the procedure in veterinary clinic. At home, it is not recommended to calm the cat with drugs.

Sheared British: rules and options

Before carrying out the procedure, the cat must be bathed with special hygienic shampoos and conditioners. It is recommended to wash the skin of the animal three days before the haircut. Then comb fluffy pet will be simpler. To avoid injury during the procedure, it is recommended to wear special pads and trim the claws of the animal. A British haircut can only be done if the basic rules are followed:

  1. using a machine, it is possible to remove hair from the sides, back and abdomen of the pet;
  2. for the procedure, nozzle number three is used - this is 3 mm;
  3. before cutting, you need to treat the skin with a disinfectant;
  4. to trim the armpits, you need to change the nozzle to number two;
  5. after cutting off the back of the body. On the tail, you can leave a brush, like a lion;
  6. the hair on the paws can be trimmed slightly, leaving beautiful "socks" or "knee socks";
  7. on the head they cut only with scissors, they can trim the hair.

Popular cat haircuts

Cutting a cat is a troublesome business, and here only fantasy will help you create an interesting composition. Various images based on wild nature transform many cats. You can make a cat haircut under a lion. Then you will need a machine to carry out this procedure with an animal. And also the dragon haircut, which is popular today, will allow you to show the individuality of the animal.

Cat haircut under a lion is universal. It is used as a model hairstyle. By the way, this option comes in hot summer. To perform this hairstyle on your own should not have any difficulties. Golfs are left on the limbs. And the base of the tail is pulled out completely, leaving only a small brush.

Another popular option is the dragon haircut. She is an unusual mohawk that can be seen on the back of a cat. To fully reproduce the original image, the head is left in the same form. Only fluff is cut off on the body. From the spine to the tail, the cat is cut in the form of triangles. Some masters leave small parts of the wool. But everything will depend only on your imagination.

Model haircuts for cats of various breeds are a popular trend that anyone can master. Lion haircut is easy to do, with a simple set of tools, it is quite possible to do it yourself. The dragon is a difficult task that only an experienced groomer can handle.

Grooming cats is often not a whim of their owners.

In most cases, cat grooming is about caring for the health of the animal.

But sometimes kisun owners want to improve their exterior in this way. Why not?

If you want to look at the crazy haircuts of cats, we advise you to read the article

Shearing is necessary if the stray hair tightens the skin of the kitty, causing her pain and discomfort. As a result of this, the cat can become nervous and not allow itself to be petted.

Why do you need to cut a cat?

The main reason why a cat needs a haircut is tangles.

They can cause serious harm animal health.

  • Firstly, the stray hair tightens the kitty's skin, causing her pain and discomfort. As a result of this, the cat can become nervous and refuse to be petted.
  • Secondly, in places where tangles are formed, blood flow and heat transfer are disturbed. Naturally, such conditions are ideal for the reproduction of any pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The skin of the animal can become very inflamed, itchy and flaky.
  • Thirdly, a kitty can try so hard to get rid of tangles on its own that it will hurt itself. side effect such zeal can also be eaten a large number hair that clogs up in the stomach, causing vomiting or, worse, blocking the passages in digestive tract. In the latter case, the help of a veterinarian is indispensable.
    Also, a cat eats a lot of wool when it sheds. During these periods, it is also recommended to groom your beauty and comb her.
  • Fourth, due to age, the cat may not be able to take good care of the coat. In this case, tangles can appear literally every week, and the coat of an old kitty will look untidy.

Another reason why cats are sheared is various diseases animal skin.

In some cases, a cat's haircut is necessary, as its owner was found to be allergic to wool.

How often should you get a haircut?

The frequency of haircuts for cats, photos of which can be offered in a pet salon, depends on the structure and length of the animal's coat.

If you want to cut your cat less often, you need to comb it more often.

The areas where tangles most often form are the armpits, the area between the hind legs, behind the ears, on the neck and tail.

Some people think that grooming is not necessary, it is enough just to cut off the tangles in time.

Yes, you can do this, but then the aesthetic appearance of the animal will leave much to be desired.

It is also dangerous, because tangles form in areas where the skin is very delicate, and cutting them off can injure the animal.

After all, sometimes it is quite difficult to distinguish where it ends skin fold and the clutter begins.

What you need to know before cutting a cat?

  1. Before the exhibition, the cat is sheared no later than six months. You can’t cut your hair bald with such plans.
  2. Restless cats are given muscle relaxants.
  3. After trimming, the structure and color of the coat may change, but this is rare.
  4. Some kitties cannot restore their fur coat for a long time.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to touch the hair on the head, muzzle and ears.

Types of cat haircuts

Hygienic haircut

This type of grooming is also called home haircut and shown mainly to long-haired breeds of cats:, and so on.

Often the procedure is carried out if the hair is very tangled, there are tangles that can no longer be combed.

Another hygienic haircut is needed if there are skin diseases from which no one is immune.

Therefore, it is necessary, for example, to cut Scottish cats. Photos and videos posted on the Internet show how this can be done best.

A hygienic haircut is usually performed with a professional clipper with a No. 3 nozzle (wool remains, 3 mm long).

This length of wool does not prick and does not cause itching. The skin of the animal becomes plush, velor to the touch.

Sometimes, in particularly difficult cases of animal skin disease, there is a need to cut the cat using nozzles No. 1 and 2.

With a hygienic haircut, hair is left only on the head, paws (to the middle) and at the tip of the tail.

Important! In no case should you completely remove the hair from the tail. Cats react strangely to their bald tails and gnaw them, leaving deep wounds. The smallest uncut length is 1/3 of the tip of the tail.

Model haircuts

Often the organization of such a haircut is justified by the desire to emphasize the character of the animal or make it more attractive.

Model haircuts are carried out with a nozzle on the typewriter No. 3, thinning and hairdressing scissors and various combs are also used.

Many model haircuts can be performed on the basis of hygiene, which will allow you to achieve two goals at once - to remove tangles in certain places and create a new image of a cat.

This is exactly the haircut of a cat under a lion, when the hair is completely cut off from the whole body, it is left only on the head and the tip of the tail.

Interesting! Just like in the situation with cats, dogs are also doing it. A haircut is done both with scissors and a special one.

Haircut "Puma" similar to the "Lion" with the difference that the hair is left not only on the head, but also on a small part of the body.

It looks like the kitty is wearing a short furry vest.

Haircut "Dragon" implies that the hair remains on the head, legs, tail and spine.

Now the hair remaining along the back and on the tail is cut into triangles and Iroquois is made.

Extravagant haircut "dragon"

In model haircuts, there may be various decorative elements on the back or sides: drawings, letters, geometric figures.

Do-it-yourself cat grooming

To choose a hairstyle for your pet, you should look on the Internet for what a cat haircut can be.

Before and after photos will inspire you to create a creative image of a kitty.

For a haircut, you will need the following:

  • Table (often use an ironing board)
  • Special machine with nozzle No. 3
  • Comb
  • Scissors
  • Iodine or hydrogen peroxide for cuts

Parting with their fur coat in most cats does not go peacefully and calmly.

It is necessary that someone help to restrain and calm the animal.

The assistant should stand on the other side of the work surface, put the “client” on his side, taking him by the front and hind legs, and gently but firmly press him to the table.

First, the hair is removed on the back, sides and tummy.

Be especially careful when cutting intimate zone, in the nipples, underarms - the skin of cats is delicate and prone to wrinkling.

Hair can be left on the paws, just trim it with scissors.

Important! The cat may growl and scream, this does not necessarily mean that she is stressed. Her "concert" is intended to demoralize you. If on the second or third day you notice some inadequacy in the behavior of the animal, consult a veterinarian.

So, for the sake of health and beauty of kisuni, it is still worth periodically cutting her fur coat.

If you do not strive for all sorts of intricate hairstyles, then such grooming can be done independently. It remains only to find a common language with his mustachioed beauty.

Grooming cats: caring for the health and beauty of the animal

Cat grooming. Rid the cat of tangles, help her cope with skin diseases or create a new interesting image for kisune - all this is possible with the help of a special haircut.

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