How long do British cats live at home: factors affecting the life expectancy of a cat. How many years do British cats live The life span of British cats at home

British breed cats are amazing animals with a specifically interesting outlook on life.

Cats of this breed surprisingly combine grace, cleanliness, stiffness, constancy, curiosity and openness - they adopted so much from their "namesake" English that it seems as if not a simple kitten lives in the house, but a respectable British citizen.

The article will tell you how many years the cats of the British breed live, tell about the characteristics of the character, and analyze the state of health of the breed.

How long do British cats live on average?

The British cat lives for about twelve years. This indicator is average and can successfully vary in one direction or the other. Among the animals of this breed, centenarians are more common than others, who cross the line of life at fifteen to seventeen years.

What does a British cat look like?

Animals of this breed are strikingly similar to plush soft toys. There is something sweet, warm and unhurried about them ... at the same time, they are real kings with charming megalomania.

The head of the pet is large, the ears are set wide. Cute cheeks stand out on a full muzzle; medium-sized nose in the color of wet asphalt or pale pink; large predatory eyes of green color, in which a mischievous spark lurks.

The body is fleshy, large, with massive, but weakly expressed muscles.

It is widely believed that the British are more likely to be obese than others, because the level of their metabolic processes is lower than that of other cat breeds.

The paws are not long, with massive leather pads.

The coat is soft, short, does not require special care and careful combing.

Character and temperament

The British are only known for their positive qualities. They are loving, affable, restrained, friendly. This is not the type of cat that will run away from you when you feel like petting it.

These cats themselves willingly invade the limits of personal space, insistently, but at the same time delicately demanding attention. These are ideal pets that are ready to warm you on cold winter evenings, come to your knees after a hard day's work, and support you in difficult moments of life.

By temperament, these animals are phlegmatic, and, frankly, a little lazy. Adult pets of this breed can rarely be caught playing with enthusiasm - the British prefer to spend their free time lying in the sun, lounging.

Relationships with other animals, children

The British are surprisingly tactful: they will never enter into open conflict with a smaller or weaker opponent. They perceive other pets with indifference, because they are no match for His Royal Majesty.

They are much more interested in their own lives than "showdown" over the territory with other cats.

Cats of this breed communicate warmly with children, without releasing their claws, and even more so without rushing at the child.

Guests who come to the host are treated warmly and with respect. For a pet of this breed, you definitely will not be ashamed.

Despite the fact that British cats rarely show it, they need human affection and warmth; their deficiency negatively affects the psychological state.

British cat care

Caring for a pet of this breed does not imply difficulties. The British endure swimming easily, although they like to “become a little low” in the process; Their hair is combed with a soft comb once or twice a week.

The diet of cats of this breed should include meat, cereals, boiled eggs, vegetables. Giving fish to British cats is not recommended. This is due to the fact that due to physiological, anatomical, morphological features, their body is prone to the occurrence and development of stones in the urinary tract.

It is difficult to treat urolithiasis in cats, so it is better to prevent its occurrence. Since the animals still need the minerals contained in fish, they are fed with fish no more than twice a month. Veterinarians are allowed to give the pet other seafood - shrimp, mussels, squid.

From time to time it is worth offering the cat to play - the accumulated energy needs to be splashed out even by lazy, measured Britons. He should always have toys and a house where he can hide from any household fuss.

The oldest representative of the breed reached the age of twenty-three, this is a Mexican cat who lived part of his life on the street, and then was taken into a new, loving family.

How long do British cats live at home?

In the family, subject to several conditions, such as a preventive visit to the veterinarian twice a year, proper feeding and maintenance, care, cats of this breed live quietly up to sixteen to eighteen years.

Do not underestimate the role of proper feeding - it directly affects the body of the animal. Feeding food not intended for animals disrupts metabolic processes, negatively affects internal organs and contributes to the development of diseases, cancerous tumors, and helminthic invasions.

Feeding a pet should be approached responsibly, either by choosing high-quality specialized feeds, or by making up a diet on your own.

Spayed and neutered animals live longer than their non-operated relatives. This point is important if you are trying to prolong the life of your pet, to maintain its health. It is recommended to sterilize cats and castrate cats at the age of eight to ten months, before the first estrus or immediately after it.

How long do British breed cats live? Conclusion

  1. The age of these animals varies from twelve to seventeen years.
  2. High-quality feeding and timely visits to the veterinarian can prolong the life of the pet.
  3. There were no serious health problems among the British. More often than others, they are prone to diseases of the urinary tract, ICD, but have a strong cardiovascular, digestive, nervous and respiratory systems.

Representatives of the British breed are considered strong animals that are quite capable of living a healthy life for about 10 years. Many are interested in how long British cats live in the modern world. Life expectancy can be either more or less than this number. It all depends on a large number of factors, which you can find on our portal.

From 10 to 15 years, how many cats of the British breed live. By cat standards, this is really a lot, but 1 year of an animal does not equate to 1 year of a person.

If you think about the life span of your pet, it means that you need the kitty to be with you as long as possible. You can have no doubt about the life expectancy of your pet, know that everything is in your hands! For our part, we can say that on average, ordinary British cats live 15 years with proper care.

Interesting facts about animal life

Certain breeds of such cats live even up to 20 years, which corresponds to 95 years of human life. Definitely, cases of measuring the age of a kitten and comparing it with a human should be considered in each case individually.

Factors that affect the age of a pet

This breed is very beautiful and such pets, as a rule, are bred to participate in various competitions or to breed new offspring. Such pets do not survive on the street, because they are gentle and very domestic creatures. British cats live best at home and with proper care.

The following factors influence how long British cats live:

  • genetic predisposition to certain diseases;
  • living conditions of a cat or cat;
  • the presence of stress.

Immunity is well developed in the British by nature, but nevertheless, they are susceptible to some diseases. Diseases can be transmitted from other members of the cat family or even from humans.

Life on the street significantly reduces the life span of the animal. It is also reduced by stress, infections, cat fights and bad food. Oncological diseases are not typical for this breed.

A lot doesn't mean good

Oddly enough, your overprotectiveness and love for a short-haired animal can also shorten its life. The owners of such animals very often pamper their pet with a variety of sweets and protect it from external factors.

The reason for this is overeating, which does not affect the good health of the pet. As for protection from external factors, this can reduce the pet's immunity and lead to various diseases.

Regarding reproductive functions, they also affect how long your cat or your female will live. Always British neutered cats live much less than ordinary pets. And food! It plays a huge role in this thread!

Tips for Extending Your Pet's Lifespan

Proper care of the representatives of the British breed is the key to a happy and long life of the pet. First, you need to always monitor the living conditions of your male or cat. Remember that cats live at home much better.

That is why the room in which the cat lives must be ventilated, and the temperature in the room must be stable, as well as the humidity. The physical mobility of a cat can also increase or decrease its lifespan. Provide your pet with a place to play and the right amount of toys.

Do not forget to also engage with him yourself, give your pet enough attention!

Do you want your pet to live happily ever after? Stick to these rules:

  • Fresh air. Let your pet out on the balcony or veranda!
  • provide good food for the British. Add herbs, vitamins and various healthy supplements that are in premium feeds to his diet.
  • mobility! Play with your pet as often as possible. Let him pour out his energy.

Next, we will go through all these points in detail.

In the second point, we mentioned that food plays a direct role in the length of a cat's life. Do not forget to wash the dishes for the animal often and change such bowls. Buy only fresh and quality products. Different meats are suitable for different breeds, but Brits are advised to eat lean meat. Chicken and beef are also suitable for the diet of this breed.

If you don't have time to search for meat and want to buy regular food, then buy one that is designed specifically for this breed. These types of food usually come in smaller packages than food for other breeds.

Food size

This is due to the small jaw size of cats. Smaller food is simply easier for them to chew on. If you can't find small food, you can buy wet food. But remember that food, as we wrote above, must be only an expensive and eminent company. Such manufacturers include in their products the very vitamin minerals, proteins and meat that your pet needs.

Since we have already remembered the topic of vitamins, we need to consider it in more detail. There are a lot of vitamins, and they differ only in their varieties, namely: vitamins for castrated animals, vitamins for strengthening teeth and bones, and so on.

Just like people before taking medications, so do you, before buying vitamins for a pet, be sure to consult a veterinarian! He will advise you on the best vitamins.

By following all of the above tips, you can increase the life expectancy of British cats at home.

Features of the British and the result of our information article

  • such pets need a calm and measured life, without unnecessary stress;
  • mutations and genetic diseases are not typical for this breed;
  • oncological diseases do not cling to the British;
  • castrated pets live less than full-fledged relatives from the breed;
  • excessive love can reduce the lifespan of a pet;

After all of the above, we can say that how long British cats live depends on the literacy of the British owner. Read useful information, properly care for your pet, and he will delight you and your family for a long time!

As for specific figures, British cats, on average, live about 13-15 years, but if certain conditions are created for these animals, they can live up to 18-20 years. In general, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the life expectancy of a British cat can be greatly reduced from excessive care of the owners. The fact is that many people, trying to please their pet, "feed" them with all kinds of tasty, but very harmful products, which in turn negatively affects the health of the animal, which leads to their early death.

The sterilization of the animal also affects the life expectancy. So, for example, British cats, which are deprived of the opportunity to have offspring, live two to three years longer than these representatives of the fauna with preserved reproductive abilities (the fact is that sterilized cats are less susceptible to cancer).

Also, the life expectancy of the animal is noticeably reduced from poor care and unbalanced nutrition. For those representatives who live indoors, but have the opportunity to be physically active (run, jump ..., that is, special complexes are equipped for them), breathe fresh air daily, and also eat food with enough nutrients, the probability of living to old age is much higher.

If you want your kitty to please you for as long as possible, then do not be too lazy to create a comfortable existence for her: visit the veterinarian once every six months, feed in a timely manner, but do not overfeed, do not stress the animal, since this representative of the fauna needs a quiet life, in moderately active.

Many owners of British cats are interested in the question of how to correlate the age of the pet with the age of the person. There is an opinion that the age of a one-year-old cat is approximately 15 human years, a two-year-old cat is 25 years old, a seven-year-old cat is 45 years old, but a 20-year-old cat, by human standards, is already a 95-year-old old woman.

Once you see a British cat, you will always remember this cute animal with aristocratic habits. Nature has changed little in this breed since its inception. Is that the life expectancy of domesticated British cats has become much longer than its wild relatives. Babies are blessed with excellent health from birth. Watching how pets play, resembling teddy bears, there is a desire to give them as much love and care as possible. How long they live depends largely on their owners. We must not forget that both a lack of love and its excess can harm an animal.

What affects the life of a cat?

Oddly enough, a cat's life is somewhat reminiscent of a human's. If a pet is provided with conditions of existence from birth, including a normal balanced diet and constant care of the owner for his emotional and physical health, he, of course, will live longer than deprived of such benefits.

Scientists, examining how many years British cats live, came to an average figure of 15, corresponding to just life in ideal conditions. Although this figure can increase up to 20 years. also has a positive effect on life expectancy, mostly due to the lack of risk of developing cancer.

Any cats, including British ones, that are forced to live on the street or in the wild do not live as long as they could live at home. Due to constant stress and malnutrition, they often die at a young age.

In order for our pet to live by its cat standards until old age, it is necessary to keep it in good shape with the help of physical activity, in no case overfeed, vaccinate in time and periodically show it to the veterinarian.

How long do British cats live? How to prolong the life of a thoroughbred pet? Proper care of an old cat or cat. Stories of happy centenarians.

British cats are graceful, elegant and intelligent. Their body is large, they are squat and vary in size from medium to large. Cats can be distinguished by a more graceful physique and weight up to 4 kg, and cats grow up to 9 kg or more.

The British have some of the best traits. When looking at them, tenderness and a touching smile appear. Their plump, flat-nosed muzzle is a trademark of the breed, which they inherited from Persian cats.

The wool of British cats is stuffed with a dense undercoat. They do not require special care. Shed no more than other short-haired relatives. There are many standard colors in the breed. The most popular of them are blue, striped and with white spots.

Despite their cute appearance, such cats have a sense of dignity and do not bother with their presence. They find something to do on their own, get along with other pets without any problems.

They are not picky in food, but their appetite is excellent. There are individuals with a tendency to gain excess weight and allergies, especially in the presence of light or completely white wool.

The breed is recognized by the largest felinological organizations. Their standards are largely similar, only the nuances in the assessment and definition of colors differ.

British cats were bred from the Scottish Fold breed. Until recently, they could be crossed with each other. There was also a separate breed of British longhair cats.

Life expectancy in British cats

The popularity of this breed is fully justified. They have good health, pleasant and comfortable character.

Attractive appearance also contributes to the growth of love for such pets.

The use of other breeds in breeding indicates genetic diversity.

When choosing a pet, lifespan is always important.

If in many breeds of dogs the average is up to 10 years, then in cats, life expectancy often reaches 17-19 years.

This is facilitated by the small size and flexibility of the cat's psyche. Not for nothing they say about 9 lives of a cat.

They recover from falls from great heights, travel for their owners across the country.

British life expectancy

Siamese cats are considered champions - they live up to 20 years. Yard individuals who were taken into the house are not inferior either. British cats live up to 12-15 years on average. There are longevity.

This is affected by a variety of conditions. It is known that large breeds with a rough physique live less than dry and thin-boned ones. However, genetics plays a big role.

Important: If the pedigree contains a large number of centenarians, then the pet has every chance to cross the line of 15 years.

How to extend the life of a pet

The person must feel responsible. The main attention in keeping a cat is given to nutrition, but many forget about activity. The lack of moderate exercise threatens health problems.

There are cases when a cat eats food from the table, bones or low-quality food, sits or sleeps in the same room all the time and leaves for another world at a respectable age.

However, its resources are used to the limit. If he had eaten a balanced diet, moved more often and been in the fresh air, he would have lived for more than one year.

To support your pet:

  1. Feed him properly
  2. Provide physical activity;
  3. Provide timely veterinary care;
  4. Carry out the prevention of infections;
  5. Take care of your mental health.

Simple rules are easy to implement. Owners get used to changes in life for no more than 1 month, but then they are taken for granted, and the pet of the British Fold breed pleases with health and good mood.

According to the observations of many breeders and veterinarians, neutered cats and cats live longer. Perhaps this is due to the lack of permanent stress in males when they are in search of a lady of the heart. In cats, it is also associated with attraction, childbirth.

They no longer need to recover after bearing and feeding their offspring, saving precious resources.

Important: Reproductive ability is maintained in all cats until the end of days. An uncastrated cat without pregnancies runs the risk of serious health problems, such as tumors and hormonal imbalance. Because of this, it is recommended that pets be spayed or neutered.

Protect British cats from stress. Reduce the risk of injury by limiting their movement on the street. However, pets need fresh air and sunlight, so they are walked or allowed on a balcony, loggia, terrace in warm weather.

Important: Vaccinations help reduce the risk of premature death. Panleukopia, calcevirosis, rhinotracheitis and rabies are dangerous and contagious diseases.

Caring for an old british cat

Old age they come after 8-9 years. It is generally accepted that at 7 years old, a cat corresponds to a 44-year-old woman. After 8 years or earlier, it is necessary to change the diet, reduce the amount of fat in it, protect the pet from stress.

More frequent examinations. It is at this age that previously hidden diseases become aggravated, excess weight appears. For prevention, walks at a calm pace, short games are needed.

Bones become brittle, after 12-13 years many British cats suffer from hearing loss, deafness and eye diseases.

Sometimes a young animal returns playfulness and excitement. The feeling of rivalry or maternal instincts make the old cat accumulate strength and not relax. For some individuals, the arrival of a new tenant is stressful.

It is worth remembering that each animal has an individual set of genes, health and psyche. Even in the same litter, kittens of different character and stamina are born.

Record holders among cats

Since the life span of the British is average, representatives of this breed were not included in the list of champions. Ordinary cats from England, which is their homeland, often live up to 20-30 years. Perhaps the good performance of the British is associated with this factor.

A cat named Spike from a simple English village lived for about 30 years. At the age of 19, he was seriously injured in a fight with local watchdogs and was near death. He managed to get back on his feet and continue his adventures around the neighborhood.

Another long-liver from England with a laconic nickname Ma overcame the milestone of 34 years. Her breed is unknown, but she was striped and until the end of her days she performed the duties of catching mice and other pests.

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