How life has changed after the tattoo. The influence of tattoos on human energy. See who we are

A tattoo may simply be a pattern designed to beautify us. But sometimes behind the picture is a story full of love, happiness and sorrow. The site has collected stories where one tattoo could completely change a person's life.

Someone gets a tattoo just to decorate their body. But for many, this is a kind of ritual, an opportunity to capture an important event or memory of a dear person on the body. With the help of tattoos, people experience difficult moments in their lives or express support for loved ones. It is not always a large colorful drawing with many details. Sometimes it is more important for people to make a small reminder that only he will understand.

We have collected touching stories about people who left an important message on their bodies. We also talked to those for whom a tattoo is not just a beautiful drawing, but something more. Something that can truly change lives.

Ariana Kazarinova

Photo: personal archive of Ariana Kazarinova

I got this tattoo in one of the most significant periods of my life. He divided it into before and after.

This tattoo is about acceptance. Acceptance of yourself, your essence and your capabilities. What does third eye mean? For some, this is just a definition from Wikipedia, for someone it is something quite tangible. For me, he became a symbol of what helped me look at familiar things differently.

At a certain point in my life, long before this tattoo, I realized that I was not alone. With me my whole universe, my whole world. I began to see what was previously hidden from my eyes, to feel things hidden from the material world. What cannot be touched can only be felt. Thus began my esoteric journey, full of all sorts of discoveries, ups and downs. I was immensely grateful to the Universe for this opportunity to feel the subtle plan, for trusting me. I couldn't leave it without a sacred mark on my body. In response to my desire, the world gave me the best master, I didn’t even look for him, he found me himself. I came only with an idea, he drew me a sketch that exceeded all my conceivable and unimaginable expectations. He painted what my soul feels, and to this day I am very grateful to him for this.

Varvara Popova

Photo personal archive of Varvara Popova

I am 26 years old, I have four tattoos and I teach Russian language and literature. The first tattoo - a glyph that I came up with myself, I did in a difficult life period. She symbolized for me rebirth and transformation, the passage of initiation through dying.

For me, a tattoo is one of the ways to assign your body to yourself. I perceive my body as a repository of unique experiences and at the same time as a canvas that carries a message to the world. My message to the world is about love for what you do, about freedom and dreams that deserve to be fulfilled.

The largest and most noticeable tattoo is a mountain in the clouds, framed by ice axes. It represents a collective image of Khan Tengri and Matterhorn. I made it as a sign of love for my main passion - the mountains, which for me embody strength, beauty, eternity and the path to the divine. I got this tattoo - and in the same year I got to Khan Tengri, and this meeting turned my life upside down.

Ekaterina Ivanova

Photo: personal archive of Ekaterina Ivanova

I wanted a tattoo for a long time, I thought about the appearance of a small, but significant drawing or inscription for me. I really wanted to get a tattoo on my wrist, but my mother dissuaded me, insisted that the place should be such that it could be easily hidden under clothes. Then it seemed to me that she was so worried in vain, but now I am very pleased that I listened to her opinion, because a noticeable tattoo hardly added bonuses at work in a public institution. There is some dress code in clothing and appearance requirements. Although the tattoo would not have been the reason for the refusal of employment, it would not have helped in the work either.

I am satisfied with my mini-tattoo, I wear it with joy, I don’t want to redo it and change it. On the neck is the inscription Sic volo, which in Latin means "According to my will." This inscription did not appear by chance, in my opinion, it is very important for every person to be aware of himself, his desires and needs and try to live in accordance with them. Will is what distinguishes us from animals. Her efforts can change your life. I like the idea that we can leave something to ourselves according to our ideals and thoughts according to our will.

Victoria Sorokina

I've always liked tattoos. From the age of 17, I already knew that I would definitely do something special on my body. But for a long time I could not find something that would resonate with me. I didn’t want to fill just a beautiful drawing, for me a tattoo has a sacred meaning.

Only after 8 years I found what I was looking for. Now on my left hand there is a mirror of Venus with flowers. The tattoo looks very gentle, but for me it has incredible power. It clearly shows who I am. The sign of Venus is often stuffed by feminists - women who fight for equal rights with men. Who believe that each of us is visible and significant to this world. That the stereotypes that clearly indicate what we should be and what we need to do are becoming a thing of the past.

Before getting a tattoo, I was afraid to say that I was a feminist. But now I have accepted it as part of myself. Stop hiding what is important to me. I became more open, began to defend my interests more clearly and speak more boldly about feminism. Because this movement is still associated with a huge number of stereotypes. For example, they tell me that I can't be a feminist - I'm married! By the way, the tattoo was a wedding gift from her husband. But that means we still have a lot of work to do. And the tattoo gives me strength and confidence that I can handle everything.

Some will say that these are not changes. But the real change always comes first from within. And this inner work also needs strength and confidence, which I always have when I look at my tattoo.

Alina Shanti

I have several tattoos. I approached each of them thoroughly and deliberately, understanding what I was putting on and what meaning it had. One of the tattoos, a Buddhist mantra, was made many years ago. It was based on a mantra dedicated to one of the goddesses, who helps in difficulties and is also the patroness of travel. Oddly enough, but soon I began to travel and discover new countries. At the moment I have 20 countries on my account. In difficult periods of my life, I was magically pulled out of various troubles. A car stopped in time to make a halt before the collapse of stones in the Himalayas, or boarding a bus on a randomly changed route a couple of hours before the mudflows. At these moments, it was as if an invisible force appeared and helped me. Either mysticism or just a coincidence.

I made another of the tattoos according to my own sketch. This was a mandala into which I put creative energy. This drawing was made at a difficult time for me and was important for me personally. At that moment, I did not expect anything, but I did it as a certain reminder for myself and a guide to the vector that I was going to. It so happened that the inherent creative energy resulted in interesting projects. I began to receive various proposals for cooperation and partnership. I met interesting people and clients. I don’t remember the moment when I myself was looking for projects - the work itself finds me and allows me to fulfill my wildest dreams!

Andy Grant

Photo by @andygbootneck

Marine Andy Grant was a big fan of Liverpool Football Club. He even got a tattoo of the fan motto You'll Never Walk Alone ("You will never walk alone"). In 2009, in Afghanistan, Andy hit a mine, lost half of his leg and part of his tattoo. Now only You’ll Never Walk is left of the phrase (“You will never walk”).

The mockery of fate first led Andy into a deep depression. Parents gave the guy a dog in the hope that she would be able to get their son out of this state. Andy started jogging with the dog as he got used to the prosthesis. This passion completely changed his life. Andy became seriously interested in running, took first place in the London Marathon and even entered his name in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest runner with an injury. He recently wrote his own book, which he named after his tattoo - You'll Never Walk. Today he travels with lectures and presentations and inspires people around the world.

Alistair Campbell

A father's love sometimes knows no bounds. A resident of New Zealand, Alistair Campbell, was very worried that his daughter Charlotte would be teased. The baby suffers from hearing problems and is forced to wear a fairly visible hearing aid. To support the girl, Alistair shaved his head and made an unusual tattoo. A drawing of a cochlear implant appeared above his left ear. At the sight of her father with a tattoo, Charlotte said that it was cool.

Recently, Alistair's son also began to lose his hearing. The father was not taken aback - and now a hearing aid flaunts over each ear of Campbell. Children are not at all complex because of their devices and are grateful to their father for support. Everyone should have such a cool dad!

Now tattoos are no longer considered some kind of underground trend, and tattoos can be seen on a person of any age, gender, profession and worldview. The tattoo decorates, emphasizes the character of a person, his beliefs and affections. But is this really all that a tattoo can do, because this drawing remains with a person forever? In this post I will try to figure out whether a tattoo can change people, influence their character and change lives.

You can’t go to a girl with empty hands, so get both hands tattooed on yourself.

It is difficult to call a tattoo just an ornament, and not everyone can decide on it, because one phrase always looms in the head: “this is for life.” And the point here is not the worn out and, in my opinion, meaningless argument “How will you look when you become a grandmother?”, But the fact that this drawing will be with you throughout your life, you will see it every day and, in in the end, it will begin to be perceived as an integral part of you, like moles or blue eyes (green, brown, whatever).

So, before you get yourself a tattoo, you need to seriously think about what exactly will appear on the skin, and how it will affect life. I'm not talking about mystical cases, but about a completely scientific explanation - about psychological factors and the impact on the human subconscious. But let's talk about everything in order.

The agony of choice or how we decide to make it

What pattern will you choose when you decide to get a tattoo? The simplest answer: of course the one you like. There is an opinion that a person likes in others what he himself has. Each person loves himself very much (despite inferiority complexes and imaginary imperfection), and therefore his qualities, seen in someone else, attract him.

That is, the chosen tattoo is a reflection of your character, those qualities that you value in yourself or those that you would like to see. It is like a small reflection of you, a symbolic expression of your essence. Here are some reviews on this subject from the tattoo artist and people who have made tattoos.

There are two main opinions, either a tattoo affects a person, or a person chooses a certain tattoo for himself because of some personal characteristics that affect the pattern and size. If you look from this point of view, people with certain characteristics make themselves certain tattoos. I believe that it is necessary to consider not only how a tattoo affects a person, but also why he made such a drawing for himself in the first place.

I am of the opinion that a person gets a tattoo as a reflection of his personality and personality. And this is often backed up by experience. Even in some popular inscription there is a sense, but not what is written there, but why a person made such a tattoo for himself. Sometimes, looking at tattoos, you can determine what their carrier is.Alexander Sinitsyn, tattoo artist, Novosibirsk

I think that we cannot do anything that would not be peculiar to us, to some extent predetermined. This is such fatalism. The tattoo, yes, the decoration, it is, but, like any decoration, there is the personification of me.Galea Aponeurotica

It's hard to answer in general since I only have two small tattoos. In a text tattoo, of course, there is a core that is tied to a certain moment in life. I think that short phrases on the body are either a reminder to yourself that you don’t want to forget (for introverts), or a message to others (for extroverts). Anastasia Goloborodko

On the other hand, as some well-known writers and philosophers, such as Hermann Hesse and Erich Fromm, believed, a person initially contains all the qualities of a personality and all characters at once, and he can manifest them at any moment.

If you make yourself a tattoo, expressing any one personality traits, you emphasize them, and, focusing on them, as if affirming just such a character, reducing the opportunity to manifest another. After all, what we think of ourselves is what we are.

A little about the subconscious

Aside from focusing on certain personality traits, a tattoo is something you see every day. Any images that fall into the area of ​​​​your attention (or are not even noted in consciousness), settle in the subconscious and from there influence behavioral reactions.

Now imagine: a pattern slowly appears on your skin, endowed with a special meaning, appears with painful sensations that last for several days. It is likely that before getting a tattoo, you considered this drawing for a long time, thinking whether it was worth doing and where exactly.

This alone is enough to leave a serious imprint of the image and what is connected with it in the subconscious. And if you consider that after all this, you continue to see a tattoo every day, without even paying attention to it ... well, you understand.

The BBC has an excellent film about the influence of the subconscious on our lives (BBC. Horizon. Can the subconscious mind be controlled?). It shows how little we actually control, and how much information is left out of our attention, but nevertheless, this information is used and affects us.

Maybe a matter of faith

Speaking about the influence on the psyche, of course, one cannot exclude the factor of faith. If you believe that a tattoo will change something in your life, most likely it will. In general, it is human nature to believe in mystical powers that can help, protect, and even radically change life.

Probably, there are people who believe that if you get a tattoo, then something in his life will change dramatically for the better, but such people need a ritual, candles, skulls, and a shaman with a tambourine to tattoo them. Personally, it seems to me that this is all psychosomatic, it will work if you strongly believe in it. I heard something similar in Thailand by Buddhist monks put on stream.

In Thailand, there really is such a tradition. In March, the Bang Phra Monastery hosts a festival of magical tattoos, sacred drawings that only men can receive. Thais believe that Sak Yant tattoos with prayer and blessings provide protection from all misfortunes.

It probably really helps them if they believe.

We are well aware that it is not a tattoo that changes a person, but only he himself. And the belief that a tattoo will help in this, like a kind of amulet or talisman, just helps. As you remember, in Ryazanov's famous film "Beware of the Car" there was a phrase that all people believe: some believe that there is a god, others that he does not exist. So here too.Andrey Lord, tattoo artist, UFO art workshop, St. Petersburg

So, if you believe in mystical powers, a tattoo is a great choice. Unlike a talisman, you will not lose it, and if something helps you, why not?

In connection with all of the above, I would like to give some advice about tattoos:

1. See who we are

When you have chosen the pattern that should appear on your skin, consider it in more detail: all the details that are in the pattern, especially if it is complex, the general feeling of it. Since you chose it, it reflects some traits of your character, personality traits. Think about it, do you want these character traits to stay with you for the rest of your life? And one more thing: the process itself can be fascinating, because it is a kind of “cast of your nature”.

2. Better no names

Each person goes through his own path during his life, and it is almost impossible to share it with someone. People often break up, and affection is replaced by indifference or hatred. Tattoos with the name of the ex-lover (oh), of course, can be filled with new ones, but even if photographs can cause a bunch of negative emotions, what can we say about the drawing on the skin. And in order not to want to act like the British Thorz Reynolds, who cut out a piece of skin with the name of a former friend, it is probably better to choose something else.

3. Be careful with symbols

If you are not a logical impenetrable nihilist, whose sound mind does not accept mysticism so much that she runs away from him in horror, it is better to be careful using ancient symbols, gods and spirits, which, at one time (or still), believers do not deprive of attention.

I had a kind of mystical story. One friend decided to get a tattoo of a Japanese water cap. This is such a harmful spirit that lures people into the lake and strangles them there. On the morning of the day when I was supposed to tattoo him, his 1,000-liter marine aquarium burst. In general, he decided not to do this tattoo.Roman Lemekh, tattoo artist from Black Bird salon, Moscow

4. Positive

Probably, few people will agree to get a tattoo that will initially symbolize something negative, but there are those. As you know, anger and fear lead to the dark side of power, and the constant reminder of the negative is unlikely to make you happy, even if it looks mega cool.

Konstantin Avramenko has been removing tattoos from the skin of his clients for many years. Based on his experience, he came to the conclusion that tattoos can not only change the character of people, but also, literally attracting trouble, their fate. And sometimes to kill ... But, nevertheless, the fashion for these "decorations" does not go away.

“My beloved girl was a quiet kind angel. They lived soul to soul with her for two years, they even planned to marry, writes Alexei Voronin. - And then one day she got a tattoo on her buttock in the salon - a devil with a dagger. And her character suddenly changed dramatically. She began to scandal over trifles, be jealous, became angry with her tongue. It was as if this imp had stabbed her in the ass with a knife. In the end, we parted ways. Can a tattoo really change a person?

Maybe, - Konstantin Avramenko assures, - Tattoos change the lives of 15 percent of people - those who, through thoughtlessness, made a tattoo of dubious content. I have seen this from my own experience.

Naturally, patients tell Konstantin why they decided to get rid of their tattoos. Here are some stories from his practice.

girl and demon

A girl with a Chinese character came to me. Also on the priest, - says Avramenko. She was crying and begging to have the tattoo removed immediately. According to her, misfortunes rained down on her immediately after drawing the picture. Within a year she lost her job, gave birth to a stillborn child, and her husband left her. And the last straw that almost led her to suicide was the gang rape by drunken youngsters. Having barely recovered, she ran to reduce her tattoo, which, as I found out, meant the word "demon" ...

Now this girl lives in London with a wealthy businessman.

Paratrooper and spider

I also had a former paratrooper with a complex tattoo: airplanes, wings, a parachute and death with a scythe. He begged me for any money to erase the drawing of death. “I,” he says, “is a realist and never believed in magic. But when I started walking with this tattoo, luck seemed to turn its back on me. ”

The guard and the number "13"

Twenty years ago, a 40-year-old security guard at a bank stamped the number "13" on his little finger. And all these years, according to him, "bad luck" pursued him. At first, the mother fell seriously ill, and in order to pay for the treatment, the dacha had to be sold. Then he got into a car accident, for which he had to pay with an apartment. The daughter became a drug addict. The family fell apart...

When I erased the tattoo, everything in the life of a security guard changed as if by magic. He met the woman he loved, and inherited a luxurious dacha from his deceased grandfather ...

Girl and butterfly

A 16-year-old girl made herself a tattoo on her back - a beautiful colored butterfly. Since then, the main business of her life has been to meet a new boy every evening. After school, the girl did not go to college - she preferred to run around nightclubs. At the same time, young people treated her without respect, and she did not get out of other people's beds. When the girl had a permanent boyfriend, their relationship did not last long: he told her nasty things and began dating her friend ...

Someone advised the girl to get rid of the tattoo and sent her to me. I explained to her that, according to old beliefs, a butterfly is a sign of a prostitute.

After the tattoo was removed, her boyfriend returned to her, and a few months later they got married. Now the girl is expecting a baby.

boy and death

Once I was asked to come to the hospital to remove a tattoo from a 15-year-old boy who was in a coma. I was very surprised: is it really impossible to wait until he comes to his senses? It turned out that his parents insisted on my arrival, who only in the hospital saw a terrible inscription on their son’s right shoulder: Live quickly die young (“Live quickly - die young”).

It turns out that the parents sent the boy to rest in Cyprus. There they made him a tattoo. Then he broke loose like a chain. In two months, he managed to abandon school, several times to get into the police for hooliganism and pick up a venereal disease. And then he took his father's car and crashed into a pole at a speed of 120 km per hour ... The airbag saved him. But he broke his pelvis and hip.

I was afraid to erase the entire inscription at once - what if complications arise? I decided to bring out only the word die (“die”) so far, which changes the meaning of the tattoo. And then something strange happened.

Although the kid was unconscious, I still gave him local anesthesia. He began to wash the tattoo, and the guy in a coma (!) suddenly began to move his shoulder away, and with his other hand he tried to push the device away. His pulse rose to 138 beats.

I doubled the dose of anesthesia - the boy still felt everything. The three nurses present at the same time and the head of the intensive care unit, like me, were in shock. The impression is that Satan himself moved into him and did not let him get rid of the fatal words.

When I removed part of the tattoo, the pulse dropped to normal, and the guy recovered very quickly.

Therefore, if you do not know the meaning of a tattoo, then you should not prick it, - sums up Konstantin Avramenko. - And it's better not to make tattoos at all. No wonder there is a prohibition in the Gospel: "... do not make cuts on your body and do not prick writing on yourself." It also says the following: “Do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” That is, for a Christian, in principle, it is unacceptable to do either a tattoo, or a piercing, or in any way disfigure his body - the temple of the Holy Spirit.

In addition, you should know that it is easy to make a tattoo - it is much more difficult to get rid of it, - Konstantin concludes the conversation. - Unfortunately, people have no idea what they will have to face, what torments they will endure if the tattoo and their future life become incompatible ...

Expert comments

Director of the tattoo parlor Olga BELOTSERKOVSKAYA:

Undoubtedly, there is energy in a tattoo that can change a person's life. But it is exactly as much as you yourself and the master put your feelings and moods into the drawing. After all, a tattoo on the body is a certain fixation not only of the image, but also of the attitude to the world and to oneself.

For example, if you decide to wear a tattoo as a decoration, then it will not be able to influence you in any way, it will be like a regular bracelet. But if you perceive a tattoo as a symbol of the beginning of a new spiritual path, then it will constantly remind you of your desire and even inspire you to exploits.

If we talk about what goals the representatives of the ancient tribes pursued by applying certain drawings to their bodies, then a lot depended on the place, pattern and color of its application.

A tattoo could more often demonstrate a certain status of its owner, regardless of whose body it was applied to - on the body of a nobleman, warrior or commoner. Of course, they all differed both in plot and in the quality of displaying the idea that the owner or the author put into the drawing.

It was believed (and still is) that with the help of a tattoo a person is trying to reflect his inner aspirations in the form and in the form that seems acceptable or most accessible to him. That is, in fact, the psychological aspect of influencing society is assigned to the tattoo. But despite the abundance of psychological factors of influence, the tattoo, both due to the psychological aspect and the symbolic influence of the symbol (or symbols), remains an object of ambiguous nature.

Any action creates a reaction. It has been heard about, read about, and the act of getting a tattoo is no exception.
Let's first of all answer the question: Why is it needed, a tattoo? If we leave the word “need” in our reasoning, then of course, it is not something necessary, important, but, nevertheless, existing as a kind of cultural fact, it carries a lot of information that can be gleaned about the tattoo wearer who knows its meaning, and the one who is going to apply it. After all, in fact, the one who wants to do it, pursues a certain goal. In most cases, this goal is described by psychological and behavioral motivations. It seems to give freedom, self-expression, etc. But in fact, everything is somewhat deeper. And the first motivation, the first sip that a tattoo gives, smoothly passes to deeper layers of influence, directly participating in a person's life.

Let's start with large layers and large layers of understanding that will allow you to navigate the hidden processes of tattoos and their impact on a person's life.

Place (part of the body) of tattooing and its influence

So. Tattoos are of two types: visible, applied to open parts of the body, such as hands, face and neck, and hidden, applied to other parts of the body.
But in summer you can see much more parts of the body, you say, and what is hidden in winter is visible in summer. Almost true, but in reality, in our conclusions, we rely not so much on seasonality, but on certain social rules and norms, according to which a very large number of tattoo influences can be traced.
Visible tattoos serve two purposes. They are achieved jointly, regardless of whether their owner pursues them or not. The first goal is social adjustment. A person, through a certain symbol or drawing, changes the attitude towards himself on the part of society. The second is a change in one's behavior, one's self-expression in relation to this society. Society means everything, indiscriminately.
Hidden - the purpose of such tattoos, influencing a narrow circle of people. With those who are happy and with those who can be near. A person, first of all, thus corrects his behavior and the expression of his actions in relation to relatives, friends and acquaintances.
Moreover, this does not mean at all that a person, applying a tattoo on hidden parts of the body, actually implies a direct influence of the drawing on the circle of the elect, but his mood and his attitude will certainly be changed by him.

A little later we will take a closer look at how and what this has an effect on.

But do not be mistaken in the fact that if you see - influence, if not - there is no influence. This is wrong. The influence of a tattoo always occurs and some of the processes, some of the situations that occur in a person's life undergo a rather serious change that is worth knowing about.
Now let's list how, depending on the place of application, the influence of the tattoo occurs. And we will divide this influence into external influence, that is, how processes with surrounding people or behavior in situations will be built, and internal, that is, how a person will begin to change.
But in the meantime, we will not consider such types of tattoos that are ritual, such as Japanese tattoos.
In them, preserving the described principle, much more meanings are hidden than in the case we are studying.

External influence - The desire to gain significance and weight in society.
Internal Influence - Development of latent abilities and opportunities. The danger lies in the fact that the discovery of these abilities is in no way controlled by man. This is a spontaneous release.

External influence - Demonstration that a person is endowed with something that is not available to others. He considers himself the bearer of the hidden and important for him.
Internal influence - Internal tension, inability and inability to cope with what is happening in his life.

Left hand (for right-handers)
External influence - A clear description of his aspirations and interests from the people and processes around him. As if the motto is "I want or I like this."
Internal influence - One-sidedness and a small number of options when making decisions or performing actions. Stereotyping and familiarity in the schemes.

Right hand (for right-handers)
External influence - Active desire for self-expression. The desire to get more and often something concrete from the world.
Internal influence - Firmness and determination, coupled with excessive perseverance and lack of flexibility.

External influence - Challenge to others, unwillingness to follow social norms, and the desire to establish their own rules.
Internal Influence - A conflict in the worldview between one's vision and social norms. As a result - isolation and unsociableness.

External influence - Concretization of interests and material aspirations in life. What a person directs his desire in communication.
Internal influence - Limited in contacts. Impossibility and inability to communicate in the broader sense of the word. Some of the acquaintances will be weeded out.

External influence - Demonstration of dominance and the presence of internal protection from the environment.
Internal influence - The constant desire to express their capabilities, to demonstrate their potential to others.

Small of the back
External influence - Eccentricity in communication and approaches related to contacts with the opposite sex.
Internal influence - Doubt and unfulfillment in the existing partner. The desire to do and get more out of life.

External influence - The desire to obtain maximum recognition and interest from others in all aspects.
Internal influence - Difficulty with self-esteem, inability to determine their real opportunities and their place in life.

Sex organs
External influence - Dissatisfaction (dissatisfaction) with partners, their behavior and attitude.
Internal influence - Desire to find sexual harmony, correspondence between reality and dreams.

Left leg
External influence - Isolation of the basic basic capabilities of a person, to which he, by nature, would like to pay attention.
Internal influence - Self-digging and search for hidden reserves. Dissatisfaction with the existing and happening in full.

Right leg
External influence - The direction of movement and aspirations of a person.
Internal Influence - Restriction or support in a specified direction

Left foot
External influence - Finding a partner, support in life
Internal Influence - Insufficient support from family and friends

Right foot
External influence - Selfishness and the desire to live according to their whims of desire
Internal influence - Dissatisfaction with communication, relationships with loved ones.

As you can see, the negative impact is closely intertwined with the positive. Of course, this does not mean at all that by inflicting a tattoo on the part of the body being studied, you will receive this influence. But you can get. Moreover, throughout life this influence will be emphasized in these matters.
This is neither good nor bad. It happens that a person needs help and support in something, and then, with the help of a tattoo, he wants to draw it from his inner world.
In addition to where the tattoo is applied, what is applied is also important. Yes, it happens that whole pictures are applied, which are not easy to translate according to their semantic load. But if you put the emphasis not on the general appearance, but on the symbolism, then it turns out that there is not so much to understand.
For example, the classic, Morning in a pine forest. The whole picture, the meaning of which may somewhat elude understanding. Meanwhile, bear cubs, whole and broken trees and ... everything are painted there. The rest is the background, the influence of which practically does not affect the picture itself.

Examples of basic symbols and their magical meaning
I will give examples of the main symbols and their magical meaning, so that you can understand what exactly such a tattoo will bring into your life.

Cross in a circle
Before you is a kind of pattern symbolizing the sun or the so-called circle of life. A person who chooses such a symbol, namely the circle and its variations, strives for activity in all its forms.
The disadvantage of such a tattoo may be that passivity in many cases, important and necessary, will be difficult to achieve.

Ornament framing an arm or leg
An ornament framing an arm or leg causes energy to be concentrated in a specified area. Encourages a person to take action, in the exact place and aspect in question
It is also necessary to say that such a tattoo will encourage a person to do what he undertook at the maximum effort. And to the end.

Flowers and their weaving
Flowers and their weaving encourage a person to more gently, femininely realize their inner world.
Of the minuses of such a symbol, in particular for women, we can say that at present a woman should be different. But the bearer of such a symbol will not be easy to show any other character traits other than those underlined.

For a man, this symbol gives a certain psychological charm to a greater extent, prompting him to act and act in a non-standard and unusual way.
From the negative, if I may say so, this is a conflict between the flexibility of influence and the straightforwardness of the male character.

Religious symbol.
This is not only a cross, but also other symbols. First of all, the conversation is about attracting protection and patronage, support into your life.
Of the negative manifestations, the fact that a person with such a symbol becomes more adventurous, more daring in his actions.

Hands folded in prayer
In this case, a religious symbol is also demonstrated, the meaning of which is almost the same as that of the previously studied one. The only difference is that internally a person with such a symbol hopes more than he believes, which softens the previous formulations.

In this case, you also see the ornament that frames the eye. Eye - looks and sees, as well as the environment of a person, which left an imprint when choosing this symbol. The constant feeling of publicity makes a person always on the alert.

The symbol of the eight-pointed star, which formed the basis of this tattoo, speaks of the desire for a harmonious existence. In general, each of the following symbols carries its own load and affects the distribution of forces in the tattoo.
Triangle - an active desire to achieve the goal.
Square - the desire for stability and confidence.
Rhombus - emotionality and sensuality.
Pentagram - the desire for active self-expression, leadership qualities.
Heskagram - the balance between the inner world and the environment of a person.
The seven-pointed star is the desire for creation and real creative realizations.
Eight-pointed star - as we have already said, the desire for a harmonious material existence.

Person or persons
talk about the need in their lives to focus on themselves, their needs and their capabilities. Engage in self-realization and personal development.

As you can see, in this case we have a symbol of the sun, consisting of a six-pointed star, a face and a circle. We have already talked about these basic symbols, so you can easily tell about its direction.

like everything related to the animal world and insects, in its interpretation it suggests relying on the essence, the main characteristics of what is happening in the symbol and correlate it with a person.
Butterfly is a symbol of rebirth, when their caterpillars it turns into a beautiful insect, which already has other possibilities.
activity, grace, swiftness, power, and cruelty, instinctiveness.

wisdom, security, and - sluggishness and slowness.
activity, flexibility, sophistication, and - causes rejection and makes you shun it.

Of course, these are far from all types of tattoos that exist in nature or will exist. But our task is not to consider all tattoos, but to understand the principle or causality of their existence.

By now, one thing is clear. A tattoo is a form of expression of one's own ideas, thoughts, aspirations, made in such a form and in such a form that, as it seemed to a person, is the most accessible.
That is, in fact, we can say that what a person wants to express can be expressed in a different form and in a different form. But, as you yourself understand, the right to act always remains with those who perform it.

  1. Man is a rather extraordinary creature. At least, unlike any animals, he uses his organic functions mainly ......
  2. Scientists have found that the paint for the first known tattoos was probably soot. Moreover, they could have...
  3. There are thousands of possibilities to give your appearance an individual note "It is in matters of body decoration that it seems that a person's imagination is limitless ...
  4. Micropigmentation (tattooing) is a scientific approach to long-term correction of a person's appearance. During its existence, permanent makeup has undergone global changes. Evolution......
  5. Deciphering the tattoo "Dragon" Dragons, according to beliefs and ancient customs, carry not only aesthetic beauty, but also affect the fate of a person, ......
  6. The tattoo was popular in Africa in ancient times and remains popular today. A person with patterns on the body is considered quite complete there ...
  7. If the annoying chain or ring can be removed, then getting rid of the tattoo is much more difficult. There is even an opinion that a tattoo is...

If we talk about what goals the representatives of the ancient tribes pursued by applying certain drawings to their bodies, then a lot depended on the place, pattern and color of its application.

A tattoo could more often demonstrate a certain status of its owner, regardless of whose body it was applied to - on the body of a nobleman, warrior or commoner. Of course, they all differed both in plot and in the quality of displaying the idea that the owner or the author put into the drawing.
It was believed (and still is) that with the help of a tattoo a person is trying to reflect his inner aspirations in the form and in the form that seems acceptable or most accessible to him. That is, in fact, the psychological aspect of influencing society is assigned to the tattoo. Despite the abundance of psychological factors of influence, the tattoo, both due to the psychological aspect and the symbolic influence of the symbol (or symbols), remains an object of ambiguous nature.
Any action creates a reaction. It has been heard about, read about, and the act of getting a tattoo is no exception. According to cultural beliefs, a tattoo carries a lot of information about its wearer, which is clear to him. The purpose of drawing in most cases is described by psychological and behavioral motivations. The bearer is sure that the tattoo gives freedom, self-expression, etc. But in fact, everything is somewhat deeper. The superficial motivation that a tattoo gives gradually deepens, having a direct impact on a person's life.

How does a tattoo affect the place (part of the body) of application

Tattoos are of two types: visible, applied to open parts of the body, such as hands, face and neck, and hidden, applied to other parts of the body. But in summer you can see much more parts of the body, you say, and what is hidden in winter is visible in summer. Almost true, but in reality, in our conclusions, we rely not so much on seasonality, but on certain social rules and norms, according to which a very large number of tattoo influences can be traced.
Visible tattoos serve two purposes. They are achieved jointly, regardless of whether their owner pursues them or not. The first goal is social adjustment. A person, through a certain symbol or drawing, changes the attitude towards himself on the part of society. The second is a change in one's behavior, one's self-expression in relation to this society. Society means everything, indiscriminately.
Hidden- the purpose of such tattoos is to influence a narrow circle of people. With those who are near and with those who can be near. A person, first of all, thus corrects his behavior and the expression of his actions in relation to relatives, friends and acquaintances. Moreover, this does not mean at all that a person, applying a tattoo on hidden parts of the body, actually implies a direct influence of the drawing on the circle of the elect, but his mood and his attitude will certainly be changed by him.
But do not be mistaken in the fact that if you see - influence, if not - there is no influence. This is wrong. The influence of a tattoo always occurs and some of the processes, some of the situations that occur in a person's life undergo a rather serious change that is worth knowing about. Now let's list how, depending on the place of application, the influence of the tattoo occurs. And we will divide this influence into external influence, that is, how processes with surrounding people or behavior in situations will be built, and internal, that is, how a person will begin to change. But in the meantime, we will not consider such types of tattoos that are ritual, such as Japanese tattoos. In them, preserving the described principle, much more meanings are hidden than in the case we are studying.
Head. External influence - The desire to gain significance and weight in society. Inner influence - Development of latent abilities and opportunities. The danger lies in the fact that the discovery of these abilities is in no way controlled by man. This is a spontaneous release.
Neck. External influence - Demonstration that a person is endowed with something that is not available to others. He considers himself the bearer of the hidden and important for him. Internal Influence - Internal tension, inability and inability to cope with what is happening in his life.
Left hand (for right-handers). External Influence - A clear description of his aspirations and interests from the people and processes around him. As if the motto is "I want or I like this." Internal influence - One-sidedness and a small number of options when making decisions or performing actions. Stereotyping and familiarity in the schemes.
Right hand (for right-handers). External influence - Active desire for self-expression. The desire to get more and often something concrete from the world. Internal influence - Firmness and determination, coupled with excessive perseverance and lack of flexibility. Breast. External influence - A challenge to others, an unwillingness to follow social norms, but a desire to establish their own rules. Internal influence - The conflict in the worldview between one's vision and social norms. As a result - isolation and unsociableness.
Stomach. External influence - Concretization of interests and material aspirations in life. What a person directs his desire in communication. Internal influence - Limited in contacts. Impossibility and inability to communicate in the broader sense of the word. Some of the acquaintances will be weeded out.
Back. External influence - Demonstration of dominance and the presence of internal protection from the environment. Inner influence - The constant desire to express their capabilities, to demonstrate their potential to others.
Small of the back. External influence - Irregularity in communication and approaches related to contacts with the opposite sex. Internal influence - Doubt and unfulfillment in the existing partner. The desire to do and get more out of life.
Buttocks. External influence - The desire to obtain maximum recognition and interest from others in all aspects. Internal influence - Difficulty with self-esteem, inability to determine their real opportunities and their place in life.
Left leg. External influence - Identification of the basic basic capabilities of a person, to which he, by nature, would like to pay attention. Internal influence - Self-digging and search for hidden reserves. Dissatisfaction with the existing and happening in full.
Right leg. External influence - The direction of movement and aspirations of a person. Internal influence - Restriction or support in a specified direction.
Left foot. External influence - Search for a partner, support in life Internal influence - Insufficient support from relatives and friends.
Right foot. External influence - Selfishness and the desire to live according to their whims of desire. Internal influence - Dissatisfaction with communication, relationships with loved ones.
As you can see, the negative impact is closely intertwined with the positive. Of course, this does not mean at all that by inflicting a tattoo on the part of the body being studied, you will receive this influence. But you can get. Moreover, throughout life this influence will be emphasized in these matters. This is neither good nor bad. It happens that a person needs help and support in something, and then, with the help of a tattoo, he wants to draw it from his inner world.
In addition to where the tattoo is applied, what is applied is also important. It happens that whole pictures are applied, which are not easy to translate according to their semantic load. But if you put the emphasis not on the general appearance, but on the symbolism, then it turns out that there is not much to understand.
A tattoo is a form of expression of one's own ideas, thoughts, aspirations, made in such a form and in such a form that, as it seemed to a person, is the most accessible. That is, in fact, you can say that what a person wants to express. Perhaps expressed in a different form and in a different form. But, as you yourself understand, the right to act always remains with those who perform it.
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