Do they shave the Spitz? Features of professional and home haircuts of Spitz. Is it necessary

Ekaterina Andreeva

Reading time: 3 minutes


I think many will agree with me that the hallmark of the Spitz is his chic fur coat. But to rely purely on nature is impermissible negligence. Grooming a spitz is the issue that the owner of this wonderful animal should pay special attention to.

Spitz haircut: what are the nuances

First of all, I want to talk about the nuances that the owner of a fluffy miracle may encounter if desired. haircut at home:

  • It is not necessary, covered with down, to count on the fact that it will remain the same soft for life. Perhaps I will surprise my readers, but at about the third month of life, this charming animal begins to acquire a rather harsh coat. Despite the fact that it looks weightless. In this regard, you should choose a special clipper. I assure you: those models that are used for people simply will not work.
  • A fairly common mistake is to cut the animal heavily at the peak of the hot season. First of all, in this way the owner does a disservice to the pet by exposing it to the sun's rays without protection. The undercoat, on the other hand, helps keep you cool. In addition, I note that the hair after such cases grows back worse. If you completely shave an animal in the heat, it may never grow back.
  • This advice is addressed to all those who like to put off everything until later. If the Spitz must, the haircut must be done in advance. It is preferable to take care of this issue at all a few months before the event. Ideally, six months. Otherwise, the coat will look unnatural and the animal will be removed from the exhibition.

Important Tools

Must be set up with the following tools:

  • professional machine with a nozzle from 3 mm. As I noted earlier, the machine must be designed specifically for working with dogs;
  • One-sided thinning scissors- they are necessary in order to be able to eliminate the excess length of wool;
  • Scissors with rounded ends- with their help, excess hair is removed on the ears, paws and around the anus. By the way, these scissors are used most often, since hygiene depends on such a haircut;
  • Metal combs with frequent and rare teeth. A massage comb made of the same material with long teeth will also come in handy.

The traditional haircut

If the dog is in the foreseeable future or its owner is simply a conservative, I recommend not to think for a long time and choose a traditional haircut. Its essence lies in the minimum processing of the cover.

I advise you to start the procedure with a head and a fluffy collar. The area of ​​​​the ears falls under the scissors first. Ears in the end should be small and neat.

However, I want to draw attention to the fact that “neat” is not a synonym for “pointy”

Just the latter are contraindicated. The same with the collar - "cut" - does not mean "completely remove." The frill should be present, but presentability is also needed.

Now Corps. It is necessary to remove inaccurate hairs sticking out behind the shoulders and above the lower back - they can be seen there most often. I recommend it all the time, so as not to cut off the excess. It is necessary to remove only those hairs that stubbornly do not want to be combed.

Next comes panty processing. The principle is the same: what is not combed is cut off. This is how it is gradually worth descending to the paw pads. Here the wool must be removed necessarily, as it tends to fall off.

Tail at the base, you need to cut it especially carefully - so that the sharp ends of the scissors look towards the withers. I recommend paying special attention to adjusting the length of the tail. You should not remove half of the cover in a burst of hairdressing inspiration. It is believed that the correct length is when the tail, wound behind the back, touches the withers. Everything else can be safely removed, but this border should not be crossed.

Decorative haircuts

A fox cub, a bear cub and, I'm not afraid of this word, a lion! That's who sometimes especially resourceful owners of Spitz want to see in front of them. Well, the breed is conducive to such transformations due to the chic fur coat.

But is everything so simple and is it enough to arm yourself with a nice picture as a sample? A bear is not the best option for home grooming. Even if the animal has a rich coat and a good thick undercoat, I recommend that you seek help from a specialist. Of course, all the same comb and scissors with a typewriter will come in handy, but an amateur is unlikely to achieve an ideal shape due to a banal lack of experience.

Fox cubs are most often made from puppies. The haircut technology here is the same as in the case of bears, and therefore I again send my readers with their pets into the hands of professional hairdressers. He will be able to properly shape the ears and make the collar properly. It is especially difficult to work with the tail, achieving its maximum resemblance to the fox. But, again, it will not be difficult for a professional to do all these manipulations.

So can the owner do any decorative haircut on their own? I think we can recommend the option "under the lion." The technology is the simplest: with a machine, you need to cut the hair on the body until about the beginning of the so-called “mane”. Next, the shoulder blades, hips, tail are cut. And again I draw attention to the fact that this should not be done in the summer! Another nuance: you should cut strictly according to the growth of the coat. Then the mane is formed and the ears open. The finish is the formation of a brush on the tail like a real king of beasts!

Friendly, sympathetic Pomeranian nature rewarded with luxurious silky hair and a fluffy tail. In order for a well-groomed and well-groomed dog to learn from a cute dog, which the whole family adores, it must be periodically given into the experienced hands of a hairdresser for animals - a groomer.

Caring procedures

Grooming includes grooming procedures such as combing, cleaning ears and teeth, trimming nails, preventive hairstyles. They can be carried out both at home and in specialized salons.

It is not necessary to brush your pet too often, several times a week will be enough. From frequent combing, the undercoat is lost, and fluffiness can also disappear with it. It is best to comb with a soft brush, which does not tear the hairs, but gently massages the skin without causing scratches. Combing can go in any direction, the main thing is that the comb moves against the coat. This method contributes to the alignment of the guard hair. Particular attention is paid to the ears, armpits and groin. There, the wool is especially soft and therefore strays into tangles. You can also get rid of them with small scissors.

What is the risk of trimmed spitz

Before getting short, there are a few things to keep in mind. Dogs do not have sweat glands, so a too short haircut will not protect the Spitz from overheating in the summer, and from the cold in the winter. Unprotected skin is prone to burns, itching or dermatitis. And on a walk, midges, mosquitoes can bite him.

After cutting baldly, the hair may not grow back, so it is recommended to cut the Pomeranian spitz no shorter than a few centimeters.

Spitz haircut

There are several varieties of hairstyles for this breed:

Traditional haircut

The spitz is pre-washed, then dried with a hairdryer, and then proceed directly to the haircut.

First, the ears are processed, they are freed from excess hair. They turn out round and neat.

Then the “collar” is aligned and the “panties” are trimmed. The regrown hair between the fingers and under the tail is carefully removed. At the very end, the tail is trimmed - everything superfluous from the top is cut off.

Exhibition haircut

On the eve of the show, the dog must be washed so that the judge does not notice that the animal has been washed. The entire undercoat must be kept. Therefore, it is not cut, but slightly leveled.

The hairstyle of a shorn pet should take on a shape that would be completely. At the same time, it is necessary to hide imperfections and emphasize the dignity of the dog.

Pomeranian haircut

In addition to classic haircuts, an orange can be cut as follows:

Light edging line

This option achieves a slight cosmetic effect. Wool is trimmed to a minimum - the ears and the perimeter of the "fur coat". The task of the groomer is to give the appearance of the dog completeness.

Maximum edging

In this case, the undercoat is removed all over the body. Such a hairstyle will make it much easier for the owner to take care of his trimmed pet, and will not violate the pedigree silhouette of the animal.
If the dog is not planned to be exhibited at competitions, then you can simulate haircuts in unlimited quantities. Here everything will depend on the inventions of the owner and the experience of the specialist.

Bear haircut

Boo (Boo) - this is the name of the Spitz puppy, who became famous in social networks for his haircut called "". What is this one? The head of the dog is cut off under an even ball with small neat ears. The hair on the body and on the paws is almost completely absent. At the end of the procedure, we see a small teddy bear with a round head and a naked body.

Sheared spitz in the hands of professionals

Professional grooming includes grooming, bathing and nail trimming. An experienced groomer will take care of hiding all the flaws in the exterior with the right haircut. In a show dog, the coat is trimmed to a minimum and strictly defined shape. Only a groomer can handle this, and in other cases, hygienic care is suitable.

Before the start of the haircut, the wool is moistened with a special spray to facilitate combing. A parting is formed at the head, and then combing of the hair begins with division into strands. The client is then bathed with shampoo. Next comes the hair dryer. It will be more convenient to dry if the hair dryer is fixed on the rack. In this position, the hands of the master remain free. It is strictly forbidden to leave the spitz to dry on its own. His coat is thick and it will take a long time to dry out. Therefore, there is a risk of catching a cold, and undried hairs will tangle again.

How to cut a Spitz at home?

To do this, you must strictly follow a number of rules so as not to harm your little four-legged friend:

Be especially careful when handling the tail, ears, throat and insides of the paws.

  • It is better to use scissors, the machine will be quite difficult to align the hairline.
  • You can not cut the Spitz bald, as a result, the lost length of hair may never grow back as before.

Haircut for the purpose of hygiene involves combing out the undercoat. This is especially true during molting, when the dog has tangles. Grooming for easy grooming involves clipping the hair at the base of the tail, around the paw pads and on the ears.

Before you start creating a work of art at home, you need to choose the necessary tools:

  • Nail cutters.
  • Scissors straight small, large and thinning.
  • Potassium permanganate in case of a cut.

Rules for creating a haircut:

  • So that you can make a haircut according to all the rules, Pomeranian.
  • First, the Spitz's nails are trimmed.
  • To shorten the hair on the paws, small scissors with straight ends are taken.
  • Then long and straight scissors are used to adjust the hair on the legs so that they look like columns.
  • Then the hair on the body is fluffed up and combed up vertically.

How are ears trimmed?

To get small and neat ears of a Pomeranian, you will need some skill:

  • The auricle is grasped with two folded fingers.
  • The movement with scissors starts from the bottom up, at the same time it is necessary to carefully probe the skin so as not to injure the spitz.
  • The upper end of the ear is cut off in roundness.

If it is difficult to manage scissors, you can use an electric machine with the largest nozzle. The whole process will take much less time, and the result will be the same.

How much does a Pomeranian bear haircut cost?

In the salon, a haircut will be from 1900 to 2300 rubles. And full care will be 3,000 rubles.

An updated and “rejuvenated” Spitz will leave the salon bathed, with well-groomed claws, irrigated with air conditioning and dried with a hairdryer. It will be important for a Spitz to walk with its paws, like a cat's, and move its rounded ears.

It is important to remember that the dog needs to be groomed regularly. Many owners of this breed do not consider it necessary to spend time and money on care. Completely in vain - the Spitz looks simple with a hairstyle

Grooming a Spitz at home is a procedure necessary when keeping dogs of this breed. Many owners are concerned about the question of how to properly cut Spitz. There is a lot of advice, however, not all of them are correct. Some ways of grooming a Pomeranian can simply harm the dog.

When to start skin care?

There are those who are sure that it is impossible to cut a Spitz at a puppy age. However, it is necessary to start cutting and combing a Pomeranian puppy from an early age, so that in the future the animal will respond normally to the procedures.

At about 3-4 months, this is easy to do, because the coat is still very soft, more like fluff.

After a year, it becomes much tougher, the dog has a thick undercoat. At the same time, the first haircuts should be as simple as possible, otherwise the puppy will develop a dislike for a long and tiring event.

How often should you cut your dog?

Hair care is necessary not only for beauty at exhibitions, but also for the health of the animal. Some owners don't know how often a dog's coat needs to be groomed. It is necessary to cut the Pomeranian at least 1 time in 2-3 months. You can experiment with haircuts as you like, however, why not cut it short? Incorrect grooming of dogs can lead to the fact that the normal growth of hair is disrupted in animals. The removal of the undercoat during shaving leads to such consequences.

Another reason not to cut Pomeranian short is the dog's thin and sensitive skin.

Thick and long hair serves as a natural protection for the animal from various mechanical damage, insect bites and exposure to wind and cold. Therefore, if the temperature outside drops sharply, then the pet can easily catch a cold. Owners who cut their Spitz short should purchase special overalls for animals that protect the dog from bad weather.

Do I need to cut my pets before shows? Animals with decorated hairstyles are not accepted for competitions, it is believed that dogs should look natural. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out grooming at least 6 months before the show.

Where to get a haircut?

Where is the best place to go for grooming? Each owner knows how much an orange haircut costs from an experienced master with a good reputation. On average, the price varies from 2 to 4 thousand rubles. Many owners do not know if it is possible to cut the Spitz at home on their own. It is possible, however, for this the owner will need sharp professional grooming scissors, a lot of patience and various tasty and healthy rewards for animals.

You can order dog clippers online, and scissors, trimmers and clippers are often sold in specialized pet salons.

Haircut features

For the Pomeranian, haircuts and their models are limited only by the imagination of the dog owner. However, trimming an orange at home is recommended to be carried out according to the simplest scheme so as not to tire either the owner or the animal.

How to start a Pomeranian haircut at home? The Pomeranian should be bathed with a special shampoo, and do not forget about the balm so that the coat is softer and does not tangle. Then dry thoroughly. You can do it naturally, or you can use a hair dryer if the dog is not afraid of it.

If the haircut is performed for the first time, it is better not to resort to it, because this will create unnecessary stress for the Spitz.

Next, be sure to comb the dog with a special comb. Combing should be at least half an hour to remove dead hair and excess undercoat. However, you do not need to overdo it so as not to injure the thin skin of the pet. And only after that you can proceed to the haircut itself.


For owners who do not have experience in grooming and do not know how to cut a Spitz correctly, a special dog clipper will help. Included with this device are usually attached various nozzles that make it easy to give your pet's hair the desired shape. Human clippers must not be used.

The animal haircut scheme is as follows:

  1. You need to start with hard-to-reach areas. The first thing to do is fix the paws. Particular attention is paid to the hair between the toes, because it gets very dirty during walks, sand and small stones get stuck in it, which prevents the dog from moving normally and causes discomfort. It is better to do this with thin scissors.
  2. Next, you can trim the so-called panties on the paws. They can be quickly machined by running it down the hairline.
  3. After that, you can move on to the hair at the base of the tail. The tail itself is lush, so it is difficult for a beginner not to spoil it in the first haircut. If you have never been groomed before, then try to just trim the coat gently.
  4. Then it is recommended to process the ears. They need to be cut especially carefully, because there the hair is very short, with an awkward movement you can injure the dog. If the owner is afraid not to cope with the haircut alone, then it is better to invite an assistant who will hold the animal during the procedure.
  5. After the ears, it is mandatory to treat the area around the anus. Here it is allowed to cut the hair short. This must be done not so much for beauty, but for the purpose of hygiene, because particles of waste products remain here and infections develop that can cause inflammation. Feces remaining on the wool can then be removed with wet wipes. In this case, it is not recommended to bathe dogs often.

Grooming the Spitz at home usually takes the owner more time than the master in the salon, however, gives the animal less anxiety. However, try not to carry out the procedure for too long. Even the most patient Pomeranian will not be able to stay in one position for several hours.

After the haircut, it is worth combing the pet thoroughly again to even out the coat, remove the sheared one and again look from the side to see if there are any shortcomings.

If you are going to show the animal at the exhibition, inform the groomer in advance. The master will help you choose the most suitable hairstyle for Spitz that meets the standards.

Choosing a Groomer

As for the choice of grooming specialists, today it is great. Almost every city has at least one master. Each service has its own price. It depends on the experience of the master, on the place of his work, on the tools and means that he uses. For example, a haircut by a professional at home may be cheaper than in a salon, but this will not mean that it is worse. Be sure to read the reviews and look at the photos of the work, so that later you don’t have to regret the money spent and the spoiled appearance of the Spitz.

Many dog ​​owners love not only cutting, but also decorating their pets. Rhinestones are glued to the tips of the ears and sparkles are applied. It is harmless to the dog and looks beautiful, but short-lived. When contacting the salon, you can choose the most attractive drawings for you or ask the master to create a pattern according to your own design.

The most beautiful and cute domestic dogs are considered to be Spitz. But to make the dog look attractive, it needs to be cut. Moreover, the spitz haircut is different. Their diversity will be discussed further.

During the first 3 months after birth, Spitz puppies develop a coat. At the beginning of life, it is only fluff. Only after 3 months, the dogs begin to grow adult hair, gradually becoming fluffy dogs with a very beautiful “fur coat”. This period lasts up to a year.

After that, animal hair includes two main parts:

  • guard hair;
  • undercoat.

It is worth noting that when the undercoat is formed from spiral, soft and long hairs, the outer hair will be hard and straight. Some varieties of the breed may not have guard hair at all. Or it will be in its infancy.

Usually in dogs of this breed there is a thicker coat in the neck and on the hind legs. As a result, a kind of "gate" and "pants" are formed. Also thick hair is found on the tail.

Features of the Spitz haircut

Comprehensive care (grooming) for these dogs involves the following grooming manipulations:

  • combing;
  • cleaning teeth and ears;
  • clipping of claws;
  • bathing;
  • a haircut.

Grooming a Pomeranian or any other variety must necessarily include a haircut. Moreover, it can be both preventive and model. It is also very important to properly comb your pet before cutting, so that his coat acquires the desired look.

At one time, you should comb out the entire climbing down, as it can disrupt the quality of the haircut. This is especially important during the molting period, when the puppy turns into an adult dog. When brushing your pet, you should avoid damaging the skin. Do not brush and trim too often. Usually it is enough to carry out this procedure once a week. If more often, then the puppy may lose his down, because of which his coat will lose volume.

Due to the fact that the coat of the Spitz is very voluminous, there are a large number of model haircuts for them: “under the bear cub”, “under the lion”, “under the fox”.

And recently, it is the “bears” that are becoming more and more popular. Such a haircut can be done in any professional salon. In some establishments, as an additional service to the model haircut of dogs, they also offer painting. Pomeranian, dyed and trimmed in the latest fashion, will be the real star of any show. It is worth noting that paints that are absolutely harmless to the animal are used for painting. Therefore, this procedure will be completely safe for your pet.


Some dog breeders choose traditional hairstyles from all possible hairstyles. Classic is always in trend. Before a haircut, the master always washes the pet, then dries it and only then cuts it. First, excess hair is removed from the ears. They should be neat and rounded. After the ears, it's time for the "collar" and "panties". It is important to carefully cut off excess hairs under the tail and between the fingers. The tail is processed at the very end. Everything superfluous is cut off from its upper part.


For dogs participating in various exhibitions, it is important to look one hundred percent. Therefore, a special exhibition haircut was developed. In it, the entire undercoat must be preserved. Because of this, it is not cut, but only slightly leveled. Wool is given a shape that fully complies with the requirements of the standard. It should emphasize the advantages of the future winner and hide possible shortcomings.

Why you should trust your dog to a professional

Many dog ​​breeders do not always dare to entrust their pet to the master in the salon. The reasons for this reluctance may lie in the high cost of the service or in the usual mistrust. But a huge plus of the salon will be professional pet care. After all, only a true professional will be able to make trimmed Spitz look cute, while hiding the flaws of the breed that they have. In addition, the master will not injure the dog during the haircut and will tell you how best to monitor the pet's coat.

The Miniature or Pomeranian is one of the smallest dog breeds. These wonderful kids are able to capture the heart of any person. Their fluffy thick coat requires increased attention and care. Today in our article we will look at how a sheared Spitz should look in a photo.

Spitz haircut - is it really necessary?

The Pomeranian or Miniature Spitz is a dog that needs regular grooming. The fact is that representatives of this breed have a very dense and thick undercoat. If you do not carry out the necessary procedures for caring for a fur coat, then a break and loss of the axial hair of the animal will occur. This, in turn, will lead to matting of the undercoat, which will certainly cause discomfort to your pet. The only thing to remember is that representatives of this breed need a special “hairstyle” to participate in exhibitions. It can only be done by a professional, and in all other cases, a hygienic haircut is suitable for dogs.

In addition, the coat of this breed serves not only as protection from the cold, but also helps the animal cope with summer overheating. When working with Spitz, this factor should also be taken into account. It is also important to emphasize that the processing of the edge of the hair improves the growth of the animal's coat and its structure. Next, we will talk about the varieties of haircuts that are most often done to this breed. Some of this information will be reflected in our videos.

Types of haircuts

The fur coat of Spitz babies requires consistent and regular care. First of all - combing, trimming claws, cleaning the ears and teeth, bathing. In addition, preventive haircuts are also needed. But it is important to remember that grooming for this breed comes down to removing excess hair on the ears and paws of the animal.

In the following video, you will learn how to best process your pet's fur coat at home.

In addition, the haircut of the Spitz should be “manual”, without the participation of a machine, especially not continuous. Spitz fur once spoiled may not recover at all later. With proper care, the hair of this breed grows by 1-2 centimeters per month. Consider the popular types of haircuts. You can get more interesting information after watching the video.

Under "Boo"

Boo is a Pomeranian puppy, a real star of the Internet. We can say that it was this animal that laid the foundations for a new fashion for the appearance of a “bear cub” among pygmy Spitz. What does this hairstyle look like? The head of the animal after such processing should take the form of an almost even ball. The body of the dog is practically bare, the hair on the paws and body is cut very short. The shape of the head and naked body make the animal look like a small bear.

I would like to note that this hairstyle will cross out your pet the opportunity to take part in breed exhibitions for many months. It is quite difficult to cut an animal in this way at home, it is better to contact a competent grooming specialist. The photo shows a spitz, with wool processing under Boo.

Light wool edging

One of the easiest options. Minimal hair removal, which is only required for a slight cosmetic effect. During the creation of the image, the groomer removes the hair on the ears, along the edges of the "fur coat", giving the silhouette of the dog a decorated look.

Maximum edging

A tighter version. The undercoat is removed around the entire perimeter. This type of hairstyle is able to help the owner in care, while maintaining the main breed silhouette of the animal. In the photo you can see a variant of just such a wool edging.

crazy haircuts

There are a huge number of options for decorative hairstyles that are not applicable for a show dog. Here, the option of fur design depends only on the skill of the groomer and the imagination of the owner.

home hairstyle

In fact, you can give any shape to the silhouette of the animal. The choice here is limited only by the desires of the owner. Be sure to remove the hair under the tail, for the convenience of hygienic care. The contour of the auricle, the muzzle of the dog is cleaned. With this option for the design of wool, after cutting, the length of the hair will be 3-4 centimeters. This wool processing option is easy to do at home.

Hygienic haircut

It is carried out only after a thorough combing of the undercoat. This is important, since during the molting period the dog may suffer from matted wool, tangles. To avoid their appearance, the dog must be thoroughly combed every day. The hair is removed from the animal under the tail, around the paw pads, on the ears. It is necessary to accustom a puppy to a hygienic haircut from an early age.

Haircut guide

If you decide to cut your pet at home, then you must strictly follow a number of important requirements.

  • Any interaction with animal hair requires increased attention and accuracy. You must not injure or frighten the animal. Particular care should be taken when processing the tail, ears, throat and the inner surface of the paws of the animal.
  • If you are already doing this at home, then choose the simplest options. For example, just align it with the animal's body.
  • Be careful when using the machine, it is better to use scissors. This will help you maintain the desired length of the animal's hair.
  • When processing the edge of the paw, adhere to the circle rule.
  • Do not trim the animal baldly, after that the lost hair length may never be restored to its previous form. For more information, please watch our video.

professional haircut

Professional grooming is a complex process of hygienic care of an animal. It includes haircut, combing, washing, brushing teeth and ears, trimming the dog's claws. In such a complex process, it is important to preserve the undercoat of the animal as much as possible. It is necessary to prepare for the dog such an option, in which all the shortcomings of the exterior will be hidden as much as possible.

In addition, it is worth noting that during the exhibition design of the silhouette of a dog, the master must remove the minimum length of wool, otherwise the animal will lose the opportunity to participate in exhibitions. You will learn a lot of interesting things about the cutting process after watching the video.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Hairstyle "under Boo"

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