What do cats talk about. Why a cat rubs its legs: we tell in an interesting and detailed way

How does your cat greet you? How does she say "hello"?

Most owners are well aware of the habit of cats rubbing against their legs and understand that in this way the cat demands attention. Of course, this may just be a reminder that your beauty wants to eat, but cats often rub against their legs when they have enough food. Leg rubbing is a form of greeting, it's the cat's way of saying, "Hi, I know you, I'm glad to see you, I trust you." When a cat rubs against you, not only your legs, but also other parts of your body, she leaves a scent on you, marks you, signals that you belong to her. Cats have scent glands in several places on the head, under the ears, on the chin and around the eyes, and elsewhere on the body.

But your cat also rubs and leaves odor on furniture, doors, and other inanimate objects. If she is allowed to go outside, she will also scent-mark trees, plants, poles, and the like. Does this mean that you mean as much to a cat as a chair or a tree? No, of course it's not.

Your cat uses her scent to mark inanimate objects to mark the boundaries of her territory, to let other cats know that this is her domain. Of course, you are also a part of her world, but we hope that you are somewhat more important to her than table legs or a pole. To understand how much your cat loves you, look at other forms of cat greeting behavior.

head banging

Does your cat let you pick her up when you come home? This in itself indicates her trust in you, but if she also rubs her muzzle against your face, this means that she loves you very much.

Has your cat ever bumped its head against you? This is a very intimate cat greeting meant only for cats and special people whom the cat trusts very much. If your cat greets you by banging its head against your face or nose, you can be sure that it is happy to see you. This behavior comes from childhood, when a kitten knocks on its mother, giving a signal that it is time to feed it.

Try extending your hand just above your cat's head when you open the apartment door. Your cat may rise up, standing only on its hind legs, and bump or poke its head into your hand. This is a very enjoyable and fun activity.

If your cat does not do this, do not think that she does not have affection for you, just that each cat is individual and, such behavior may simply not be characteristic of her.

Sleepy cat greeting

What do you think when you are away all day and your cat is left alone at home, what does she do? Yes, your cat naps most of the day. So it's likely that when you walk through the door, you're disturbing her peaceful sleep. How will your sleepy cat greet you? Sleepy cats usually greet the owner by rolling on their backs and stretching their paws, while releasing their claws and yawning. By doing this, they expose their belly, making themselves vulnerable to attack, so this is not a greeting meant for strangers, but only for people the cat trusts very much. Be careful, because if your cat greets you by exposing her tummy, this does not mean at all that she will allow you to scratch him or stroke him, watch her claws!

As mentioned above, all cats have their own unique personality, so their greetings will be very different. If you have several cats in your house, each of them will greet you in a different way.

A cat that lives with multiple cats or other pets will not be as dependent on a person for communication, and therefore will not give you the same welcome as a cat that is the only animal in the house. Also, if there are several people in your house, then the cat has many ways to get attention, and she will be less happy to see you. Outdoor cats are also not as dependent on their owners, they can fill their day with plenty of outdoor adventures and are often part of the social cat system outside of their home. This does not mean that outdoor cats or cats that live with other people or animals cannot show you their special affection, they certainly can, but they do not have the same need for love and attention as a cat. being alone all day. Age can also be a factor in feline greetings, so for example, an older cat doesn't have as much energy as it once did, so it may seem that she is not at all delighted to see you.

You must know the special way a cat or cat greets you. Your cat may not use head banging or rolling on its back in front of you to say hello, but even if your cat seems very wild, aloof, and indifferent, she will still have some way of greeting you. Even if this method is just a quick glance in your direction before you start washing. So at least she shows that she is aware of your presence.

The natural grace of cats and their cute everyday rituals have become so fond of people that they have practically begun to humanize their pets. An interesting question to consider is why cats rub against human legs. It's so cute, and at first glance it doesn't make any sense.

In the animal world, far from human understanding, the presence of a sensitive scent plays an important role in survival. Much more effective than sight and hearing, the sense of smell helps to sense the approach of prey, a competitor, or a sexual partner.

With the help of smells, cats transmit information to each other about the belonging of an individual to a pride, personal property, and also about the boundaries of the territory. A secret with an individual smell for each individual helps to designate these boundaries.

Glands that produce a special substance are located in three places:

  1. Animal muzzle.
  2. Areas between the pads on the paws.
  3. Under the tail - at the anus.

Thus, when the cat begins to rub against the body part of the owner, he somehow leaves his scent. The same applies to his relatives, as well as various inanimate objects, including the corners of sofas and walls. This behavior means that the pet marks its property, protecting it from encroachment.

Video "How do cats show their love?"

From this video you will learn what are the signs of cats' love for a person and whether fluffies miss their owner.

Causes of behavior

The feline rubdown ritual is somewhat similar to flirting. The pet presses its head against the owner's leg, then rubs it sideways, and as a finishing touch wraps its tail around the human limb. The animal performs the same manipulations with the hands of its owner, and sometimes pokes its muzzle in the face. Such behavior has both an instinctive-biological and social nature, developed in the process of adaptation to domestic conditions.

To better understand cats, it is worthwhile to find out why they continue to perform their ritual. Known reasons include:

  1. Metite. Just like personal belongings, toys, territory, for a cat a person is his personal property, a family member. When the owner is absent for a long time, his sign of belonging to the pride disappears. Purr senses this and begins to rub, correcting the misunderstanding.
  2. Collects information. This most often happens when guests come to the house. When making contact with someone new, the pet scouts the situation for potential threats. In addition, by leaving its scent on the guests, the animal adapts to their presence.
  3. Communicates with relatives. Domestic cats also have their own mail, and the postman in it is the owner. If a pet ran up to his person with an attack of tenderness, do not flatter yourself. Perhaps the striped neighbor on the floor below conveyed a very important message.
  4. Requires affection. In this case, a conditioned reflex is superimposed on the instinctive basis. It is produced even by a kitten, when he, marking a large and warm person with his aroma, receives affection. As a result, the association is fixed, and the animal begins to rub when it wants attention.
  5. Wants to eat. Here, wiping is also associated with enjoyment after the ritual. However, it is not the only sign that the animal is asking for food. This is usually accompanied by a meow and a characteristic hungry look.
  6. Walking. During the period of sexual hunting, females leave pheromones on their owners - messages for potential sexual partners. This is especially true for cats that do not go outside.

Interestingly, this behavior can also be seen among street animals. Often cats, on whose territory a human foot has set foot, thus declare their rights to him and show condescension.

Is there a danger

Having found out why cats rub against people, the next question arises: is it dangerous. If the pet is vaccinated, healthy and lives at home, then such contact will not harm either party. Although in some cases a certain inconvenience may occur, since salivation increases in overly excitable purrs.

But the yard fauna can pose a significant threat to humans and their pets. From stray cats you can pick up:

  • virus;
  • fungus;
  • lichen;
  • helminths;
  • fleas and ticks.

That is why, in order to maintain safety, it is recommended to avoid the attention of unknown animals.

In the past decade, the Japanese launched a cat translator, manufactured by the Takara Corporation, for sale. And then came the improved Meowlingwal. These devices quite tolerably "translated" cat sounds, but so far not every behavioral specialist is able to answer why cats rub against their legs.

There are two main opinions on this matter. First: this is how purrs leave their smell on our feet, but simply mark the territory. As proof, supporters of this opinion cite a standard situation: the owner came home from work in the evening and must be “initiated” anew into the aromas of the house where the cat manages.
Second, this is how animals communicate and draw attention to themselves in order to get something they want. For example, cat petting becomes noticeably more persistent if the owner has a box of food or something tasty in his hands. At the same time, the pet can rub not only on the owner's legs, but also on the legs of a chair or the corner of a wall.

scent trail

One way or another, every cat periodically rubs against something or someone. So, there is something general in this. Domestic cats rub against the owners of the muzzle or front of the body. The mother cat gently licks the babies and touches them with her nose. Suggests that the theory of smells nevertheless has confirmation. After all, it is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cheeks and neck that felines have a zone for the production of pheromones.

Why and why cats prefer to leave their own on the owner's clothes or furniture depends on the situation. Being safe in its own territory, the cat rubs its muzzle against its legs, thereby designating its comfort zone, and possibly expressing love and gratitude. If the pet ended up in a new territory or met a stranger on its own, completely different glands are used: those closer to the tail are paranal.

Smells are of great importance in the animal kingdom. Some are needed to create sexual pairs, others - to scare away enemies, others - for self-defense. So, in the arsenal of animals, at least these should be distinguished:

  • Epagons are substances that help establish bonds of love between individuals, even if only for a short time. The smells of maternal care are born on the muzzle and neck, and those that attract a partner are on the back of the body;
  • Odmihnions - guiding smells. With their help, the route is marked. Most often they are produced by glands on the legs;
  • Toribones are chemical indicators of fear and anxiety. Even where the enemy is not seen or heard, animals are able to warn of his approach with the help of aromas. Moreover, sometimes only representatives of the same species can recognize them;
  • Gonophions and gamophions are the substances of sexual life. According to them, for example, the sexual maturity of an individual is determined;
  • With the help of lichneumons, some animals mark attractive objects: tasty, for example;
  • Aminones are offensive defensive liquids that are very difficult to remove from surfaces.

And this is not a complete alphabet of pheromones, with the help of which animals communicate without words over great distances or in close contact. So, if a cat rubs against people and objects, it is worth taking a closer look at her behavior and trying to understand why she is doing this.

Cat community, smells and marks

Pets are often forced to divide the territory in a completely different way than they would do it in the wild. And yet they were able to adapt to the requirements of man. But a person needs to learn to distinguish between two types of behavior: social and territorial. Where the cat begins to mark the territory, light attractive pheromone scents turn into fetid marks.

Often marks appear when the cat does not feel its home is a safe territory. If the owner is too detached, pays little attention to the pet, causes him physical harm or just scares him. Timid cats stop flattering if a new animal or family member appears in the house.

Pay close attention to your pet's behavior. Where affectionate rubbing around the corner began to be accompanied by a highly raised shaking tail, it is worth taking a closer look and sniffing - is this not a mark. The sooner the social is separated from the territorial, the easier it will be to remove the smell of cat urine.

When it comes to labels, behavior needs to be viewed in a completely different way. Then we are no longer talking about such components of sociality as affection and requests from the cat. It is required to correct territorial behavior and ask a specialist how to wean a cat from marking.

translated from cat

Regardless of why the cat rubs against the owner and his furniture, it is perceived as either "good" or "bad".

Wean or encourage?

Most people still get cats for "attacks" of affection. This behavior does not need to be specially encouraged - the pet herself will repeat her simple ritual again and again with pleasure. But there are still cat breeders who prefer to contemplate the cat, rather than let it into their personal space.

To wean your pet from rubbing against his legs, it is enough every time he does this to retreat a few steps, and then take his former place. And never encourage undesirable behavior either with words, or with thrown pieces of food, or with touches.

speak like a cat

It is not known what cats think of a person, whether they accept him as "attendants" or idolize. And we may never know. But any owner can learn to speak like a cat, correctly convey his requirements, emotions and commands to a pet.

From childhood, kittens carefully observe people and learn to distinguish emotions by facial expression, posture and tone of voice. Why shouldn't people do the same? Here are a few basics of cat language:

  • Sight. Even a child can recognize the expression of a cat's muzzle in combination with movable ears. By the way, children are especially sensitive in this - they are very good at distinguishing when a cat is angry or asks for something. And cats learned to look into the eyes after domestication; they do not use such “begging” glances among themselves;
  • Hissing is a strict and unambiguous feline "no" or a danger signal. Good-natured hissing never happens.
  • Actions with paws: touching, pulling, trampling, kneading - all this is an expression of recognition, favor, request;
  • Sounds. A scientist named Dupont du Nemar found out that cats utter many sounds: a, o, y, m, n, g, x, f, v, p. They sometimes make up quite legible words and phrases (remember a few sensational videos about talking cats). The alphabet is quite simple, of course, but how many "meow" and "mrr-r-lr-lr" loving cat owners can recognize!
  • Poses. And an open trusting belly, and an emotional movable tail, and a curved or bent back can tell about the mood, well-being and intentions of the pet.

So, if a cat rubs against the owner's legs, it is at least worth paying attention to. This is a request or a claim, an affectionate greeting of “one’s own” or an expression of negativity towards a “stranger” - in order to understand a cat, you need to look, listen and sniff. After all, we are responsible for those whom we have tamed, and we are obliged to understand and fulfill their desires.

Cat owners have long known this ritual: when they enter the house, the tailed pet immediately runs out to meet and begins to rub against the feet of its breadwinner. Some consider such actions to be a kind of greeting, others - an expression of the affection of a pet to its owner, others think that this is how cats beg for food. In fact, such actions of animals are inherent in them at the biological level.

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    Main reasons

    Many people naively believe that the relationship between a pet and its owner is built solely on mutual understanding and love. In fact, the range of emotions available to a cat is much less than a human one. And basically all her actions are tied to instincts. Although domestic cats have developed their own rituals over time to live near humans, the biological foundation on which all their actions are based has not changed.

    The cat rubs against the owner's legs because:

    • marks its territory;
    • studies;
    • communicates;
    • requires affection;
    • asks for food
    • went on a spree.


    When a cat rubs against the owner's legs, people often mistake such gestures for the animal's desire for attention or affection, and immediately begin to stroke the pet, and then wonder why he runs away so quickly.

    And the thing is that on the face of the cat and at the base of his tail there are a large number of sebaceous glands. They secrete pheromones that only cats can smell. And such an act of greeting in fact comes down to a banal mark or, as scientists call it, olfactory marking. This is inherent in cats by nature. And it is this approach that determines the motives for many actions of furry creatures.

    The owner, being out of the house, lost the smell of his pet. That is why the cat considers it necessary to immediately mark it as property. This is the main reason why cats rub against their owners' legs.

    It is quite easy to prove this by external signs. To stimulate the work of the paranasal glands, which are located at the root of the cat's tail, the pet begins to actively pull them. This is evidence that the animal does not need affection at all, but simply restores the mark of its smell on the owner's clothes or skin.

    For the same reason, cats rub against various objects in the house. In fact, the dwelling of furry creatures is completely marked with their pheromones. Most often they leave marks on their things: tray, bowl, toys.

    The smell of urine for cats is not at all disgusting and is another option for olfactory labeling. Therefore, wet shoes should not be taken as the desire of the cat to somehow harm the owner. Most likely, the pet simply does not want its smell to fade over time. Males can mark not only shoes, but also hats and outerwear of their owners.


    The nature of this motive is the same as that described above. Only this time, the main role is played by the fact that cats use their markings as a great way to collect information. The animal comes into contact with the smells of a person, determining whether he is dangerous or not.

    Scientists believe that when meeting with a stranger, a cat compares the smell of a guest with the smell of its owner. This is how the animal's benevolence towards other people is determined. But do not assume that if the cat suddenly rubbed against the legs of a stranger, then you can immediately stroke and caress him. For an animal, this is only the initial stage of collecting information. If a cat likes a person, he himself will show interest.


    Cats also use scent to communicate with each other. This is a real language for the conversation of street animals. In the yards of apartment buildings, there are many places marked with pheromones of various cats.

    And a person, in fact, is a carrier of messages for pets living in different houses. If he often spends time visiting the owner of another cat, then he will definitely bring some information about his relative to his pet.

    Maybe that's why the cat is so zealous and rushes to the familiar guest in order to "receive" a message from him from another cat.

Mood now - good

Why does a cat like to rub against people and surrounding objects so much?
Thus, the cat marks the objects located on its territory. This allows her to later recognize them and feel confident in familiar surroundings.

For marking, the cat uses special temporal glands located on both sides of the forehead between the ears and eyes. Similar organs are also found around the lips, more precisely, near their corners (perioral glands). They secrete the secrets that a cat leaves on doors, stair railings and furniture legs when it rubs its head against them, such glands are also on the tail: they also secrete a similar secret that the cat inflicts by raising its tail with a pipe and driving it over the selected object . Glands can also be found around the anus and probably on the paw pads.

Showing its favor to the person, the cat also leaves its marks on him, rubbing his muzzle and tail against him, often purring loudly at the same time. This behavior is one of the signs of affection that kittens show their mother. At the same time, the person the cat rubs against is identified as part of its territory.

Are cats crafty?

Anyone who has lived under the same roof with a cat for a long time knows its habits. And a person who does not have a cat, coming to a house where she is, often does not understand her behavior: what she intends to do, what she prefers, and what she does not like.

For example, a cat is unlikely to allow a stranger to pet him, and if he is too persistent, he may even use his claws. But she will never do this without warning: before releasing her claws, she will hiss, pressing her ears to her head. An experienced cat owner will never be the first to approach an unfamiliar cat, he will let her walk around, look at herself, and only then carefully stretch out her hand so that the animal can smell it. If a cat likes a person, she will come closer and arch her back, allowing herself to be stroked.

A cat welcomes a familiar person in a special way. Raising her tail high, she hurries to him, as soon as she sees on the threshold, she purrs loudly, rubs her muzzle and sides against her legs, and sometimes even stands on her hind legs to be stroked. And then he sits somewhere in a corner and begins to lick himself.

Such a greeting ritual is needed for the exchange of smells. On the temples and in the corners of the cat's mouth are glands that produce an odorous substance, which it distributes throughout the fur. When the cat rubs against the leg, it leaves its scent on it and at the same time perceives the smell of the owner. And when he then licks himself, he feels this smell more clearly. Our rough noses can hardly catch that. Familiar cats rub their fur and lick each other, also exchanging scents at the same time. For a cat that lives in the world of smells, the sense of smell plays a very important role.

It often happens that a cat slightly bites the hand caressing it. This is a sign of friendship, and many take it wrong. A person can even get angry with a cat, because it is so unexpected, and sometimes painful. But the cat does not want to offend at all - biting, it leaves its saliva on our “wool” (after all, the cat is sure that we also have it) and thus once again marks “its own”.

It is believed that she also takes “her” person for a cat and expresses this with her behavior, similar to how a kitten treats her mother. Here is a typical example: a cat comfortably sits on its owner's lap and moves its left or right paw, as if lightly massaging or crumpling something. Many people do not like it, because she releases claws that pierce the dress or leg and scratch the skin. The answer is simple: the kitten used to make similar movements when it fed on milk from its mother's nipple. Animal behavioral ethologists have called this action the "milk step." For adult cats, memories of mother's milk are very pleasant. Therefore, the cat will be worried if at this moment it is driven off its knees, because the stroking hand caused the same sensation as the tongue of the mother cat, who once licked the kitten.

Why do cats purr?

A cat has many ways to show what she wants. A real connoisseur will always understand what his pet needs only when he sees how she sits, how she walks, in what position her ears, mustache or tail are.

If the cat is unhappy, she usually swings her tail in different directions, if she fluffed her fur and arched her back, then she wants to inspire respect for her person. And if a cat's paw gently touched you, then it's time to remember about your friend and think if he needs something. When a cat rubs against your legs, it means that it greets you or reminds you that it needs to be fed.

Even more diverse is the set of sounds for which our language has only one word - “meow”. From a gentle purr to a high-pitched scream, a cat can express many different emotions with its voice. And she loves to talk. She meows for any reason: greeting or demanding something, calming you or tenderly, complaining or upset, rejoicing or longing, begging or angry, and even threatening.

If you begin to gradually listen carefully to meowing, then over time you can learn to understand the character, mood and desires of your friend. Probably the most pleasant thing is to listen to the cat purring, to feel that she is happy. When a kitten is only a week old, he is already purring, telling his mother cat that everything is fine. Adult animals usually purr when they are just in a good mood.

Even if a cat goes hunting alone, she does not forget that she is a member of the cat society. And in the countryside, dozens of semi-wild animals often live together. Cats in such "families" lick each other's fur, sleep together, curled up in a cozy ball, take turns feeding kittens.

Professor Paul Leyhausen first described one of the most mysterious feline habits, the so-called "informal meeting with friends." All animals living in the same area, which collide during the day on the same paths, often argue and even fight over hunting territory, and by the beginning of twilight they gather in some corner. There they sit quietly and peacefully at a distance of several meters from each other and only by midnight again disperse. Nobody knows why cats do it. No wonder the cat is called the most mysterious animal.

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