How to choose a name for a kitten-boy of any breed and color. What are the names for cats girls Fluffy gray kitten what to name a boy

The appearance of a four-legged furry friend in the house can happen in different ways, it can be planned or spontaneous. And in addition to questions about the upbringing, arrangement and care of a meowing pet, the question of how to name a gray cat a boy or a girl becomes important, depending on which baby was brought into the house.

The owners are faced with a rather difficult choice, over which they will have to carefully consider and weigh all the convenient and suitable options, so that after naming the cat, they will not regret their choice.

Features of choice

Every owner of a furry friend wants to name an original gray kitten and emphasize its uniqueness. However, before thinking about the name, it is important to consider that gray kittens are not only unusually beautiful, but may also differ in characteristics of its colour. The gray shade not only represents the color of the autumn sky, but can also be:

  • Silver-gray, this option is also called beaded. In a derivative of this characteristic, baby Bis can be called, and baby Bisa;
  • Greenish-gray, it is called celadon or verdigri. Both versions can be used to form nicknames. Dona (short for Celadon), Verdi is suitable for a girl, and Don or Verd for a boy;
  • Gray, he is columbine. In this case, for the cat, the option is Columbus, and for the cat - Columbia, Columbine, or abbreviations - Biya, Bina;
  • Gulobovato-gray, in other words busy. A derivative of this option may be the nickname Busya, universal for both a boy and a girl;
  • Gently gray, it is associatively called "the color of a frightened mouse." In this case, you can call the cat Mickey, and the boy Mick or Jerry;
  • Gray-brown, otherwise it is called the color of "Havana". From this color characteristic, you can give the appropriate name to both the boy and the girl.

Although the choice of a name seems simple, but in fact, for a good result, it requires a serious approach and a balanced decision.

In fact, there are a lot of options for nicknames and no one limits the imagination of the owners. However, they can always choose some characteristic that they rely on in their choice. Among these criteria:

  • Character;
  • Color;
  • Distinctive features of appearance;
  • Preferences in food, toys or activities;
  • Host preferences.

But the combination of all these qualities in the name will be the most correct. In this case, the nickname will be in harmony with its owner, while he is small and after, when he grows up.

Many owners, however, choose simple options for their four-legged friends, and as a result, the nickname becomes boring and seems completely inappropriate when the baby grows into an adult cat or cat.

And to accustom to the new one will not work. Therefore, you should not focus on banal and simple names.

And if the owners want to calm down and make sure that the kitten himself is satisfied with his promising name, they can call him by the alleged name and see the reaction. Often, kids themselves intuitively respond to the appropriate version.

Name for a gray boy

In the question of how to name a gray boy kitten, the owners often rely on what temperament they observed in a little friend. By themselves, felines are quite temperamental animals, so you won’t have to watch the manifestations of the kitten’s character for a long time. When the baby managed to mischief or proved to be an absolutely peaceful and calm pet, you can already begin to select name options for such behavior.

But we must not forget that one day he will grow up, which means that the nickname for a gray kitten of a boy should not sound stupid when he grows up.

In general, you can pay attention to the following options:

  • naughty;
  • Vortex;
  • Thunder;
  • Hurricane;

You can also think about how to name a gray cat based on its color. Then you should think about versions such as:

  • Smoke;
  • Grey;
  • Gray;
  • Silver;
  • Ash.

If the owners want the pet to have the simplest nickname, you can turn to the classic options, like Murzik, Timka or Barsik.

Also the basis for choosing a name can be a special attachment to something, which manifests itself in the first days of life, then you can call it:

  • Lucky;
  • Omelette;
  • Whiskas, or Vis for short;
  • Sprat;
  • Raisin.

You can call a gray kitten, which is extremely active or playful, with the following nicknames:

  • naughty;
  • Bully;
  • Ball, short for the nickname Balovnik;
  • Schumacher.

And the names for gray cats with a good pedigree can easily emphasize the fact of the noble origin of the pet, for example:

  • Caesar;
  • Julius;
  • Arthur;
  • King;
  • Zeus;
  • Tsar;
  • Graph;
  • Prince.

You can also try to name a thoroughbred gray cat in honor of some ancient Greek or Roman god, which will allow you to focus not only on the pet's pedigree, but also on its character.

Name for a gray girl

It is always difficult to name a kitten a gray girl, because a fluffy young beauty wants to give a unique name that emphasizes how sweet and lovely she is. Furthermore, I want her nickname to sound unique, and also emphasize the ability of the owners to creatively approach the issue name selection.

However, no matter how charming the four-legged beauty is, we must not forget that from a cute kitten she will quickly grow into a wonderful cat and the name should not cease to harmonize with her in adulthood.

The name for a gray cat can be chosen based on the color and here you can use both a direct connection with the shade of the coat and associations, for example:

  • Haze or Smoke;
  • Cloud,
  • Smokey;
  • Silvia;
  • Sade;
  • Gray.

In the event that when choosing a nickname, focus on what breed its future owner belongs to, the following options arise:

  • Simona, Sima, Simka, Sia;
  • Percy, Peach.

Or, again, focusing on thoroughbredness, emphasize this fact with the help of more refined and aristocratic names:

  • Bridget, Bridge;
  • Tagi, Tagira, Taira;
  • Mona;
  • Beatrice, Bea;
  • Mirabella, in the reduction of the World;
  • Ashley;
  • Bella or Isabella;
  • Ella, short for Cinderella, is better known in Russian translation as Cinderella.

In this option, you can experiment and try to choose an elegant and appropriate name for a thoroughbred cat, similar to the name or pseudonym of a popular actress, singer or model.

Or you can even turn to Greek or Roman mythology and choose the name of some beautiful goddess, which can not only emphasize the high origin of the cat, but will also fit her character.

However, you can try to approach the issue more simply and not particularly think about the originality of the sound of the nickname. In this case, universal options are suitable, like:

  • Marusya;
  • Manya;
  • Martha;
  • Murka;
  • Moore;
  • Fluffy.

It is also worth mentioning that it is possible to emphasize not only the color of the coat of a gray cat or its pedigree, but also other features, such as the shade of the eyes. For example, if a furry friend has bright blue eyes, a nickname like Turquoise, Violet or Sky (translated from English - “sky”) will suit her. And if the eyes are amber or golden, you can call her Gold or Goldie, Yanta.

When a cat appears in the house, I want her to have a beautiful sonorous name, and she will certainly respond to it. However, the simple task of choosing a suitable nickname for an animal often becomes difficult for the owner and takes a lot of time. There are a great many options for names for a cat: from standard to cartoonish or dictated by your own imagination. It remains only to decide which name is best for the new family member.

How does a kitten remember its name?

Cats are able to respond willingly to nicknames that include hissing sounds. Specialists (felinologists) involved in the maintenance and breeding of cats are advised to choose a nickname for an animal no longer than two or three syllables. Otherwise, it will be more difficult for the animal to remember.

Before choosing a name for a cat, you should observe how she behaves, what are the features of her character. It is possible that they will help you make the right choice regarding the name.

A kitten will remember its name faster if it has two or three syllables.

The animal will quickly learn to respond to the nickname given to it if it first gets acquainted with the sound of the owner's voice. You should constantly talk with the animal, adhering to an even tone in the conversation. When a kitten approaches the sound of a voice, it is necessary to caress it, stroking and praising it. If it's time for feeding, you should give the baby food by calling him by name. At the same time, you can stimulate its action by beckoning with your finger.

After about two weeks of such training, the kitten becomes aware of the relationship between voice and feeding. Then you can proceed to the next step in teaching the baby to his name:

  1. For the lesson, they choose a separate room and call the kitten by name.
  2. When he comes up, you need to stroke him and treat him with something tasty.
  3. Gradually, the amount of treats given is reduced, paying more attention to stroking the cat and not forgetting to praise it.
  4. The animal in the process of these activities will get used to its name and will respond to it.

When it responds to a nickname, and not to the call "kit-kit", you can be sure that the animal will not approach a stranger during a walk. The cat is able to remember its name well. If she does not respond to the voice of the owner, then this is more likely not from a lack of intelligence, but from harm.

Choosing a name for a kitten-girl

You need to understand for yourself that a cat-girl should choose a simple and sonorous name. This is due to the fact that a simple nickname given to a kitten will be easier for him to remember, and besides, it is easier for the owner to pronounce it. The sonority of the name is due to the peculiarities of its perception, since the kitten learns better the sonorous name, which includes several syllables.

To make the right choice of a name for a female kitten, it is a good idea to be guided by such factors:

  • external data: coat color, eye color;
  • the breed of the animal, since a certain nickname may be suitable, for example, only for a cat of a Scottish or British breed;
  • the character of the animal, manifested in grace, playfulness, laziness;
  • the preferences of the cat itself, which is able to perceive only the initial three of all the sounds of its name;
  • the presence of hissing, whistling sounds in the name;
  • the age of the animal, which may not accept the nickname if it is chosen very late;
  • nicknames that are common in this area.

A competent approach to choosing a nickname for a four-legged girl can turn into an exciting process for the whole family. It is worth writing out all the names you like, and then narrowing this list, removing the most inappropriate nicknames from it. As a result, there will be a small list in which you will need to choose the most suitable name, easy to pronounce and remember.

Choosing a name for a little cat can be fun

Cat names based on coat color

The name of the cat can be chosen based on the color of her coat:

  • names are suitable for white or light cats:
  • black female cats can be called:
    • Night;
    • Find;
    • Bagheera;
    • Moor;
    • Isis;
    • Panther;
  • Nicknames are suitable for a red and apricot kitten:
    • Goldie;
    • Bestia;
    • Alice;
    • Pumpkin;
    • Cinnamon;
    • Apricot;
    • Caramel;
  • gray cats can be called:
  • The following list of beautiful names is suitable for tricolor cats:
    • Aurella;
    • Gold;
    • Rufina.

In a similar way, nicknames are chosen for cats with other coat colors.

Nickname, taking into account the nature of the pet and distinctive external features

Often people are of the opinion that the name given to a pet affects its fate and character. In this regard, the owners of the animal are more responsible in choosing a nickname for their four-legged friend. Since the name is given once, the character and habits of the cat must be reflected in it. If the pet is still small in age, then it is difficult to determine what will happen next with her character. But the special traits of the cat’s character noticed by the owner can be reflected in her name:

  • mobile and playful babies are called:
    • Skoda;
    • Dragonfly;
    • Squirrel;
    • marmalade;
    • Bullet;
    • Anfisa;
    • Igrulya;
    • Fun;
    • Rafaelka;
  • for cats with a calm character who love to relax on the couch, the choice of names can be as follows:
  • names for proud, majestic persons, emphasizing their superiority and arrogance with all their appearance, should be chosen from the list below:
  • skinny little cats can be given names:
    • Baby;
    • Minnie;
    • Carly;
    • Button;
    • Pusya;
    • Busya;
    • Toothpick;
  • Medium-sized cats are suitable nicknames:
    • middle;
    • Maddy;
    • Midi;
    • Mussel;
  • fluffy, big cat girls can be called:
    • Fluffy;
    • Biggie;
    • Donut.

In a similar way, names are chosen for shy, timid or loud-voiced cats.

In choosing a name, you should certainly be guided by your own imagination and creativity.

Choosing a name depending on the breed

The breed of a cat should also be taken into account when choosing a name, so that the chosen nickname is ideally suited to its owner.

Scottish Fold

Beautiful Scottish cats can be given names in accordance with the name of the country, the birthplace of this breed. These kitties have a complaisant character, they are kind, playful, evoke tenderness in their owners and only positive emotions with cute owl faces.

Name options for fold-eared Scottish beauties:

Popular girl cat names in Scotland:

  • Alva; Annabel; Betty; Wilma;
  • Gilly; Gillian; Jessie;
  • Ines; Catherine; Leslie; Merry; Mirray;
  • Rory; Wallace; Fanny; Sean;
  • Ailey; Effi.

Just beautiful nicknames for cats of this breed:

  • Abelina, Auri, Abigail, Augustine, Agatha;
  • Baksa, Babasya, Bagirka, Bagi, Babett;
  • Waxa, Vanetta, Weiki, Gala, Gabby, Gaina, Gressy;
  • Daina, Dakki, Lady, Diana, Eva, Yozhka, Egoza, Jacqueline, Zheida;
  • Zara, Zadira, Izaura, Iji, Kaya, Kalmi, Laychi Laffy, Lisa, Lucky;
  • Mavra, Madeleine, Mazya, Nadine, Nancy, Oda, Audrey;
  • Panda, Paxi, Rada, Safira, Saga, Taboo, Tana;
  • Ulli, Fanya, Holy, Shani, Eureka, Earli, Janette.


It is appropriate for British cats to give human names that have British roots. Such names emphasize the nobility of a majestic animal with a good character.

Names suitable for British cats:


Representatives of the Persian breed should choose nicknames that sound oriental. However, plain simple names with an endearing connotation are also good for them:

  • Teffi, Kasia, Pushilda, Nyusha;
  • Fifi, Masya, Percy, Darcy.


Over time, an inquisitive little cat of this breed will grow up and become a graceful majestic lady, smart, loyal and affectionate friend. Among the many famous names, you can pay attention to the following options:

  • Agnes, Yara, Amalia, Yuzhana, Ayla, Yurze, Aurelia, Elite, Atika;
  • Eteri, Armagh, Beatrice, Harry, Blanche, Fury, Bianca, Bassey, Fabby;
  • Grissy, Dolari, Uza, Dessie, Ezhenka, Thea, Europe, Satty, Julie;
  • Zurna, Saji, Zara, Iness, Riana, Iffi, Yolanta, Paulette, Kzhela;
  • Carly, Penelope, Lady, Ozola, Laina, Niveta, Leon, Lyra, Nymph, Medea.


Siamese girls should choose names that are exotic or associated with mythological heroes:


The mysterious appearance inherent in the representatives of this breed provides for the choice of names for them with an oriental accent:

  • Vassanta;
  • Devi;
  • Mira;
  • Sita;
  • Indira;
  • Amala;
  • Leela;
  • Xiu.

Maine Coon

A cute little kitten of this breed will quickly grow up and become a chic majestic beauty, because the affectionate name that she was given initially may become inappropriate over time. She needs to pick up a sonorous status name, which at the same time should be easy to pronounce. When a thoroughbred cat has a difficult name in the document, then it should be simplified to address the animal. It is best to choose a nickname that has whistling, hissing sounds:

A calm kitty will suit the name Kam, a friendly one - Friendly, a mobile kitten-girl is a good name to call Edgel.

Popular nicknames

Any kitten deserves a name that will reflect its character and personality. To choose a suitable nickname for your pet, you can turn to a variety of sources.


The names of cartoon characters are often called their pets. Such names are unusual and beautiful. The most famous characters are: a gentle cat called the Duchess, a brave Bagheera.

The Duchess is one of the most popular cat characters

Often also use the names of princesses from Disney cartoons:

  • Aurora;
  • Cinderella;
  • Ariel;
  • Snow White;
  • Jasmine;
  • Belle;
  • Rapunzel;
  • Merida;
  • Tiana;
  • Mulan.

Other options for cartoon nicknames:

  • Alice, Astrid, Aisi, Daisy, Bambi, Buka, Becky, Velma.
  • Gotel, Dori, Daphne, Fun, Giselle, Toffee, Nipper, Layla.
  • Masya, Malvina, Mila, Minnie, Nesmeyana, Nyusha, Nita, Peppy.
  • Roxy, Simka, Sonya, Sovunya, Stella, Tortilla, Tosya, Flora.
  • Ursula, Daisy, Ponochka, Hydrangea, Spool, Elsa, Esmeralda.

Children can be involved in choosing a suitable cartoon nickname.

Cat names taken from movies, literary works

The name of a kitten-girl can be easily found if you direct your imagination towards movies or books. The most commonly used names are the main characters, favorite book characters:

  • Angelica;
  • Scarlett;
  • Madonna;
  • Bonnie;
  • Juliet;
  • Assol;
  • Zita;
  • Izaura;
  • Malvina;
  • Medea;
  • Milady;
  • Jane;
  • Yesenia;
  • Alice;
  • Anfisa;
  • Aphrodite;
  • Ariel;
  • Isolde;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Fiona;
  • Silvia;
  • Emma;
  • Maggie.

From advertising

You can give a cute animal a name derived from the names of advertised items, cars or famous brands:

  • Ferri;
  • Tydee;
  • Honda;
  • Kitty;
  • Viskusha;
  • Marsyanya;
  • Sheba.

Nicknames of royal cats and celebrity pets

The breed of British cats is considered aristocratic, so its representatives can be called royal: Empress, Duchess, Milady, Countess, Madame, Mademoiselle. Names for cats can be partially borrowed from titled persons: Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth, Empress Catherine. The last two names can be abbreviated and get from them Lizzy and Kat (Katty).

Celebrities are also not alien to touching love for our smaller brothers. The nicknames of cats of famous people are characterized by conciseness and simplicity.

John Lennon was an avid cat lover, in his life there were 16 cats endowed with original names: Major, Minor, Alice, Elvis. The black pet was ironically named Salt, and the white pet Pepper. The most unusual of all the names chosen by Lennon was the cat name Jesus.

India was the name of George W. Bush's cat. Nicole Richie had a cat, Cleopatra. Actor Kevin Costner named his pet Rosalita. Katy Perry's favorite cat was called Kitty. The singer Nyusha has Marusya and Mavrik, Natalya Senchukova has Donut, Anastasia Volochkova has Murysik.

Joseph Brodsky believed that animals respond well to the letter "C" in the name, his pets were called Mississippi and Samson. Ernest Hemingway's last cat was Cuba. Nikolai Drozdov's favorite cat is Munya. Three cats of Natalia Varley were called Scholarship, Salary and Pension. Excellent jumping and silently crouching cat Lada Dance was nicknamed Batman.

Brodsky chose names for his cats with the letter "C"

Nicknames in honor of characters and famous people

A four-legged beauty can be named after your favorite actor, musician, writer, scientist, book character, any famous person:

Japanese names

It has become fashionable to give Japanese names to cats. The most popular are:

  • Aiko, Ai (love);
  • Ami (girlfriend);
  • Kasumi (fog);
  • Yuki (snow);
  • Sakura (cherry);
  • Hana (flower);
  • Rin (bell sound);
  • Mimi (ears);
  • Kameko (turtle child);
  • Rune (moon);
  • Kyoka (happy);
  • Mika (lunar);
  • Mai (bright);
  • Hime (princess);
  • Momo (peach);
  • Coco (coconut);
  • Satu (sugar);
  • Yoko (solar);
  • Nariko (gentle);
  • Tama (precious);
  • Taka (noble);
  • Tire (worthy);
  • Chica (wise).

Russian nicknames for girls cats

Female kittens are often given traditional cat names based on old Russian names:

  • Masha;
  • Murka;
  • Barbara;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Matryona;
  • Glasha;
  • Musya;
  • Lada;
  • Agrafena.

Nicknames for hobbies

It's great if the name of the animal is associated with the hobby of its owner: a programmer's cat can be called a Mouse, a Flash card, an economist's cat can be called a Credit card, and a cook's ward can be called Toffee.

funny nicknames

If the character of the cat is interesting and peculiar, you can come up with a funny nickname for her, then communication with her will be more fun and enjoyable. In order to choose a suitable nickname, you should pay attention to the preferences of the pet, its external data, funny habits:

Items that the kitty plays with can also be used when choosing a nickname. In this case, the baby can be called: Slipper, Panicle, Frying Pan, Paper, Rattle, Heel. Cats who love to purr can be given names: Murkisa, Murchalka, Singer, Murchella.

This girl can be called Tapka

To search for funny nicknames, they use the names of interior and household items, the names of animals, plants, birds, full or abbreviated names of people, the main thing is that they fit the cat. Sometimes a funny nickname is obtained by chance from a funny merger of several words.

Examples of funny names for cat girls:

  • ICQ, Shark, Asthma, Embrasure;
  • Batosha, Bead, Basta, Buyanka, Beech, Briska, Pin, Lamb, Flea;
  • Crow, Vobla, Fork;
  • Pear, Hydra, Gorilla, Galosh;
  • Slice, Board, Melon, Darling;
  • Yolka, Yozhka;
  • Zhenya, Chewing gum, Zhulka, Heat;
  • Dawn, Splinter, Zamashka, Winter, Marshmallow, Snake, Splinter, Zebra;
  • Canary, Rat, Kotofeya, Lid, Boat, Sprat, Cuckoo, Boat;
  • Lola, Laskusha, Paw, Lushka;
  • Martinya, Mukha. Masya, Malyavka, Mead, Mafia;
  • Cheat, Squeaker, Stove, Pee-pee, Panorama;
  • Radish, Rainbow, Fish, Rake, Pen, Lynx;
  • Sonya, Owl, Splyusha, Whistle, Herring, Whistle, Elephant, Solokha;
  • Sharpener, Chopper, Thousand, Longing, Torpedo, Pipe;
  • Fenechka, Frosya, Figa, Chip;
  • Curtain, Bump, Shawarma;
  • Chucha, Chukcha, Czech, Plague;
  • Jap, Jamaica.

Rare and unusual names

Some small representatives of purebred or other beautiful cats do not fit ordinary cat names. And although it is easier for cats to choose a rare unusual name, this can also be done for cats. Rare cat names:

  • Britney, Venus, Gladys, Jenny, Blackberry, Jeanette, Zarella, Yvette;
  • Kinel, Lourdes, Marger, Nashka, Alsi, Penny, Rosalia, Cindy;
  • Tiffany, Ulla, Fortune, Helen, Cissy, Charita, Sharon, Evalda, Yucca, Yara.

Video: how to name a cat

A gray kitten can be called anything, you can build on both its color and character

It is a great happiness when a small kitten appears in the house, it is a source of good mood and positive. To provide the most comfortable conditions for this lump, you strive to arrange a soft and warm nest for him, take care of his diet, and, of course, come up with a name for him that will reflect all of him.

To choose a name for your little pet, you need to carefully study his character, his habits and behavior, his preferences and all those factors that may be reflected in his nickname.

A gray kitten can have almost any name, but it is better to choose an unusual nickname, the original one. Also, among the options considered, there may be names of simple origin, for example, Asya, Ella, or Maggie, Sally, etc.

To choose a name for your little gray pet, you need to take a closer look at him, perhaps his appearance will tell you some options. You can argue with her character, habits, which, of course, will give you food for thought about the future nickname.

Quite often gray, such as smoke, lump, etc. But you also need to understand that very soon your baby will grow up, and his real nickname will no longer characterize him, so when choosing a name, you need to think about the future of your cat.

If a gray kitten is purebred, then his name should be beautiful and original, for example, Aphrodite, Martha. But also such names can be suitable for an ordinary mongrel cat, if you do not consider simple standard nicknames like Fluff and others.
When choosing a name for your gray baby, it is not necessary to focus on the color of the coat, you can call him any name that suits him. And to check if he himself likes the nickname, you should call him and look at the reaction: if the kitten immediately responds, then he liked the name, if not, then you should go through a few more options.

How to name a gray kitten boy

To the gray color of the kitten, you can pick up a lot of nicknames

If you still have not been able to choose a name for your little gray friend, you should take a closer look at his already formed character, which he has already managed to show. Also, if he has already managed to do some dirty tricks, or, on the contrary, showed himself in something good, this can also be an option in order to come up with an unusual nickname. It is also worth thinking about the fact that very soon your little ball will become a real adult cat, so the name should be such that in the future it does not seem stupid and funny in relation to a big cat. But in choosing a nickname, the most important thing is that it be sonorous, so that the kitten can easily respond to it.

If you decide to name a kitten, focusing directly on the color of its color, then the following options will do:

  • Grey;
  • Senya;
  • Smoke;
  • Gray;
  • Ash.

If you don't care what color your kitten is, and you just want to give him a common cat name, then you should consider the following options:

  • Murzik;
  • Timka;
  • Quiet;
  • Vasya;
  • Barsik.

If your kitten from the first days of life showed you his love for various delicacies, then you can consider the following options for nicknames:

  • Lucky;
  • Omelette;
  • Donut;
  • Whiskas;
  • Sprat.

If your little ball is a big fan of playing, finding adventures, having fun with toys, then the names may be as follows:

  • Balun;
  • naughty;
  • Tarzan;
  • Bully;
  • Marsik;
  • Vortex.

If your gray kitten is of high blood and has any breed, then his name should correspond to the status:

  • Caesar;
  • Arthur;
  • Zeus;
  • Marquis;
  • Tsar.

How to name a gray kitten girl

A gray cat girl can be called an affectionate and gentle name

Any gray kitten is cute and pretty, and especially if it's a girl, you want to give her some special name that will suit only her, be beautiful and original. But in any case, for a little gray girl, you need to choose a nickname, realizing that someday she will grow into a big and adult cat.

Before giving a name to a gray kitten, you need to decide what her character and habits are, and only then choose a nickname, while it should not be long enough, because she will have to use it very often.

If, when choosing a name for a kitten for a girl, you are guided directly by the color of the coat, then you can choose from the following:

  • Haze;
  • cloud;
  • Gray;
  • Smokey;
  • Serka.

If you pay attention to the breed of cats when choosing a nickname, then you can consider these options:

  • Simone;
  • Brigid;
  • Isabel;
  • Ashley;
  • Sally.

If you do not want to stand out with the originality of the name and want to give her an ordinary cat nickname, then you can pay attention to the following:

  • Maruska;
  • Masha;
  • Murka;
  • Sim.

You can choose any name for your little new pet, but it's best to give preference to names that reflect their personality and are always easy to pronounce.

A small and fluffy creature in the house does not appear by chance. The choice of a name becomes a small problem, which is quickly solved in the process of observing the character of the pet and its habits. Sometimes one glance is enough for a person to understand how to name his Persian, Abyssinian or rootless yard kitten boy.

How to name a boy kitten by color?

A worthy life begins with a beautiful and promising name. The kitten feels a good attitude and quickly gets used to the nickname that he likes. In addition to behavior, the nicknames for kittens of boys are affected by their color. To make it original and unusual, you should change the name of the coat color to a diminutive or caress. Brothers in name often become heroes of feature or animated films and four-legged friends of celebrities. An interesting story, a legend or myth accidentally heard leaves its mark on the memory and emerges at the right moment.

Name for a black kitten boy

Since ancient times, black cats have been covered in legends. They have an incredibly strong bioenergy, so their presence next to a person causes a feeling of contact with a mystery. Before naming a boy's black kitten, superstitious people recall the belief associated with the animal, and in defiance of it, they choose nicknames for the wards Lucky or Happiness. Behemoth Cat unites them with literature, and Felix with silent animation. A mobile boy will suit the name Pirate, Gypsy, Mowgli or Spy. Nicknames Space and Onyx associated with magic Dusk, Black and Bug are a reflection of color.

How to name a red kitten boy?

Owners of red hair color consider themselves lucky. Cats are no exception. The energy of the sun makes them carriers of kindness and warmth, they add optimism to their owners and cheer up. The name for the ginger kitten of the boy can be borrowed from the film distribution and named after the lazy man Garfield, titled Oranji, Darcy or Bob. Names are simpler, but no less attractive Redhead, Ginger, Rudik, Baton and Baguette. Orange flowers and plants suggest names Fritillary, Marigold, Banana or Mandarin. Truly sunny names Samson, Apollo and Seagal.

How to name a white kitten boy?

White is the complete opposite of black. It is associated with purity, tenderness and holiness. Looking at the pet, its nickname can be associated with the color and called Blonde, Snowball or pearls. Famous Umka does not belong to the cat family, but a bear boy can borrow his name for a white kitten. sounds cold North, delicious Marshmallow, Belyash, Plombir. Fragrant Jasmine and spring Snowdrop offer lovers of flowers and cats their names. Tenderness is felt in the name of Busya, Chance gives hope, a proud and famous person in the district will grow up Aristocrat and Arthur.

How to name a gray kitten boy?

Bordering on white and black, gray has long been considered neutral. Cats of a similar shade are almost invisible against the background of gray objects. This property helps them become dexterous hunters. Nickname Volume considered one of the most common. She was made famous by a fluffy photoshoot lover and cartoon character Thomas or Jasper. Grey, Smoky, Grey, Silver and Gary perfectly characterize the appearance. Suitable name for a gray kitten boy with the makings of a hunter Trickster, Theron, Erwin, Spartacus, Marshal, Garibald. Simple but cute names Semka, Senka, Khoma, Kuzya, Eggplant.

How to name a peach-colored boy kitten?

Cream shades are typical for British and Scottish cat breeds. Cool names for kittens boys are selected due to the coat color and the share of positive emotions that they receive with a new family member. Nicknames Afonya, Casper, Cappuccino, Senator, Figaro, Nocturne, Sheriff when looking at a small lump, they bring a smile to the face. Stroking the kitten, he is called Antoshka, Masyanya, Nathanya or Goodwin. Name Jack and Joker suitable for playful and cheerful pets, and Biscuit and Omelette for food lovers. Unwillingness to strain your thoughts ends with a name Peach.

What name to give a kitten to a boy by breed?

Choosing a name is a very important moment, especially for purebred cats. If the story after which the kitten got its nickname has not happened, the family council solves the problem. The best nicknames for boys kittens contain cool syllables with hissing, whistling or growling sounds. For some unknown reason, a small organism perceives them most quickly. Aristocratic names and long combinations of words, the presence of which the genealogy requires, are reduced to a minimum in everyday life. The harmonious relationship between the animal and man is facilitated by seeking help from the signs of the zodiac.

How to name a Scottish kitten boy?

The palette of colors present in the coat color, the original look of the baby and his amazing abilities give a clue to the owner how to name the boy's lop-eared kitten. Tishka, Timofey, Tikhon and Tikhonya characterize a phlegmatic personality, and Filimon (Filya) and Don Juan- loving. Name for a smart pet Solomon. Nicknames Pushok Marquis, Favorit and San Sanych will gently emphasize his kindness. Watching the tricks of a pet, you can pick up a nickname for him Artist, Wizard, Balamut or funny. Chopin and Byron set up the hosts in a musical and poetic way, in contrast to Lavash or Forshmak.

How to name a British kitten boy?

The Briton who appeared in the house immediately makes it clear to his owner that he is a true Duke, Marquis, Count or Baron, and his behavior is justified by distant ancestry. A strong and enduring nature will not allow infringement of their rights, so the names for kittens of British boys often reflect the position in society ( Boss, Deputy, Bourgeois, Major). The purebred breed has many colors. If one owner thinks what to name a striped kitten of a boy, then a black, blue or white pet runs before the eyes of another Rogue, Gangster, Forward, Caesar, Admiral, Murcello or Manager.

How to name a Maine Coon boy kitten?

When meeting with an adult, the impressive size of the cat, combined with a accommodating character, is striking. Popular names for male kittens in most cases reflect the external data of the breed, although a representative of felines can become a celebrity. Seva or Keshka. Titles Doctor, Balm, Boniface, Dorotheus, Agathon, Gerasim sound better. Names Gulliver, Samson, Macho and Rocco represent size and strength. Raphael, Cardinal, Richard˗ it is power, courage and beauty. Having put the pet on his knees, sometimes it is enough to tell him Baby so that he believes in the love of his master.

How to name a Siberian kitten boy?

A warm cat coat acts magically. I want to pick her up and caress her, although she has the kindest soul, but an independent character. Among the representatives of the strong half of this breed there are many titled cats. Names Roman, Mars, Boys, Guidon, Adidas, Sultan and Dimka suitable for any creature born into the world. In the search for how to name a playful boy kitten, you can take the option Trophy, Schumacher, Eroshka. Manchester, Satan. Original Russian names display the breadth of the soul Yashka, Gavryusha, Kuzmich, Lavrenty and inokentii. Add exotics Valerian, Vincent, Aramis, Shaman.

How to name a Thai boy kitten?

The descendants of Thai cats were. What name can be given to a kitten to a boy will be prompted by information about the features of the breed. Animals are very smart, inquisitive, delicate, incredibly energetic and have amazingly beautiful eyes. Names speak of oriental origin Kasem, PanPao, Iskander, Ruslan, Sultan, Hassan, Yasmin. Don Juan, Patrick and Paris have their own history. Thai appearance of famous Tao and Woof. Gary, Gordon, Plato, Romeo, Shere Khan suitable for music lovers. Computer lovers call a pet Yandex, Byte, BASIC, Pixel, Provider.

Name for a Sphynx boy kitten

The original appearance of the cat leaves a lasting impression. At first glance, she resembles an unearthly creature due to her unusual skin. Nicknames for kittens of Sphynx boys are a mirror image of behavior or a desire to convey their appearance as accurately as possible. James Bond, Genius, Jackpot, Jackson, Walter, Samurai, Mainframe, Trojan, Aesop, Voucher˗ these names are often used as a variant of the name. Among funny nicknames there are Vampire, Oklamon, Pokemon, Violinist, Tarzan, Tyson, Cyclops, Sinner, Decl, Zorro, Genghis Khan, Hippie.

Cat-loving people buy them from breeders, or act virtuously and become owners of a creature abandoned on the street. It does not matter at all whether a person chooses a nickname for a kitten of a striped or thoroughbred boy, if the kid felt his master in him.

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