Dentistry on "Kolomenskaya": addresses, opening hours, reviews. Dentistry for young patients

  • Dental hygiene

    Proper dental care is the basis of their health. Dental hygienists teach patients how to choose dentifrices and how to properly care for their mouths.

  • Children's dentistry

    Children's dentistry deals with the treatment of the oral cavity in children and prevention. The main cause of dental disease in children is improper care behind them. Baby teeth children are susceptible to the same diseases as permanent ones in adults. The difference is that diseases on milk teeth develop faster. ...

    • Fissure sealing

      Children's dental health is a subject constant attention caring parents. Gain in last years development trends early caries milk, as well as the spread of diseases of the first molars, makes doctors take their treatment as seriously as possible.

      As a prevention of caries in children, dentists are increasingly offering fissure sealing- coating of grooves and pits on the chewing and lateral surfaces of the tooth with special substances that reliably protect the enamel from penetration pathogenic bacteria and allows it to fully and correctly form. ...

      Fissure sealing

      2 addresses, prices prices
    • Dental treatment under anesthesia

      Dentistry in children always causes many difficulties for doctors and parents. Not every child can sit comfortably with open mouth, someone is afraid of pain or a drill, and as a result, treatment becomes almost impossible. To avoid such a situation, especially with serious dental interventions, one of the modern methods general anesthesia– inhalation general anesthesia . ...

      Dental treatment under anesthesia

      1 address, prices prices
    • Milk teeth caries(destruction of hard tissues of tooth enamel) occupies one of the first places in terms of the number of visits to a pediatric dentist. The cause of tooth decay can occur even at the stage of formation of tooth germs in the mother's abdomen. No less harm malnutrition and poor hygiene oral cavity. ...

      Treatment of caries of milk teeth

      3 addresses prices from 2 800 prices
    • Treatment of pulpitis in children

      Pulpitis- inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth (pulp). Dental problems in children are caused by increased looseness of the connective tissues of young teeth, insufficient mineralization of the dentin, and the width of the root canals - wider than in healthy teeth adult person. In the same time children's pulpitis sometimes proceed painlessly and imperceptibly for parents, which is their main trouble. "Catch" the disease initial stages it can be extremely difficult, as well as to distinguish it from some other pathologies. And if the child is still terribly afraid of the dentist, he will hide his pain in his mouth for as long as possible, delaying the inevitable moment. ...

      Treatment of pulpitis in children

      3 addresses prices from 5 000 prices
    • Prevention of caries

      Children's teeth are characterized by weak enamel mineralization, which means that they are especially sensitive and vulnerable, prone to caries. Therefore, prevention of caries and additional mineralization of teeth is extremely important. Modern dentistry offers many preventive procedures: fluorination, silver plating, calcium coating. ...

      Prevention of caries

      3 addresses prices from 500 prices
    • Removal of milk teeth

      The first teeth that erupt in children will serve them only up to 10-12 years. Over time, they will fall out and be replaced by permanent ones, and this process begins at about 6 years old, when the lower and upper incisors fall out, which most of all "work" in children - while eating and pronouncing sounds. Baby teeth can fall out on their own. If this does not happen, then it is possible extraction of milk teeth in the dentist's office. ...

      Removal of milk teeth

      4 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • Dental implants

    implant- this is a titanium rod that is "screwed" into the gum bone. An abutment is screwed onto it - a metal or all-ceramic head for a crown, which is made individually for each patient. Usually the best cosmetic result of the installation implant is achieved if it is placed immediately after the removal of a living tooth in its hole. ...

  • Orthodontics
  • Orthopedic dentistry

    Modern orthopedics very different from what it was a few years ago. Today, the accuracy of the fit of crowns is checked under a microscope, which ensures the leveling of the border between the insert and the tooth, and also avoids spaces between them where food can get in and cause caries and inflammation of the gums. ...

    • Fixed dentures

      Fixed dentures practically indistinguishable from "native" teeth. They are of several types and are divided into microprostheses(veneers, inlays, semi-crowns), crowns and bridges.

      For incomplete prosthetics, there is a special manufacturing technique fixed dentures . By resorting to this type of technology, specialists achieve maximum effect, that is artificial tooth nothing different from natural. This is an imitation of either individual parts and surfaces of the tooth or its complete replacement. Such structures are fixed with the help of adjacent healthy teeth or on the jaw itself. Wearing fixed prosthesis implies a permanent form of exploitation. ...

      Fixed dentures

      13 addresses, prices from 6 700 prices
      • Cable-stayed prosthetics

        Cable-stayed prosthetics

        2 addresses, prices prices
      • Veneers

        Facing ceramic plates for teeth, capable of restoring their lost shape and color - this is veneers. Advantage veneers before fillings lies in the fact that under these structures the tooth is processed minimally - no more than 0.5 mm. Veneers very durable, do not irritate the gums and hard tissues teeth and, most importantly, do not change color under the influence of nicotine, coffee and other dyes. ...

        8 addresses, prices from 4 000 prices
      • Crowns

        Crown will help in a situation where the tooth is depulpated or destroyed. It can be all-ceramic and metal-ceramic (with a gold-containing alloy, an alloy based on cobalt - chromium, nickel - chromium or titanium).

        The former are best for anterior teeth upper jaw. On the bottom whole ceramic crowns production is not recommended. The reserve forces of the crowns are not enough to cope with the chewing pressure of the opposite jaw, and after 1-2 years they will fail. For the lower anterior and posterior teeth, it is more expedient to make ceramic crowns on a metal frame, which better resist chewing loads. From an aesthetic point of view, ceramic-metal is in no way inferior to solid ceramics, and its strength is an order of magnitude higher. ...

        11 addresses, prices from 900 prices
      • Bridges

        Bridge prosthesis will help if you are missing several teeth in a row. Materials and techniques for the manufacture of "bridges" remain almost the same as with single crowns.

        Bridge prosthesis- it's non-removable orthopedic device in the form of a bridge, which tends to be fixed on the teeth with the help of crowns.
        it classic way restoration of teeth in place of those lost earlier.
        Bridge prosthesis used to replace missing teeth. It is possible to establish such a process only if there are still intact teeth on the right and left sides of the empty space. These teeth serve as a place for the installation of crowns, on which in turn a part of the prosthesis will be installed. ...


        6 addresses, prices from 7 000 prices
      • pin tabs

        pin tab(solid metal structure) allows you to restore a tooth, from which only the root remains. It consists of a pin for fixation in the root canal, the tab itself and a stump, processed under the crown, on which it is put on.

        pin tabs It is called a sparing procedure for restoring teeth. This technique is used if the crown is severely damaged, the pulp has been removed, or if there are problems with the root system of the teeth. pins are used if the surface of the crown is quite well preserved, and the patency inside the root canals is good. Stud screws they are screwed into the tooth itself, using additional fixatives: cement, crown coating. ...

        pin tabs

        10 addresses, prices from 1 265 prices

It's no secret that the most common reason for postponing a trip to the dentist is a banal fear of dentists. Well, if even adults are afraid of this doctor, then what can we say about children. And of course, the baby will not be able to be convinced by persuasion and stories that "it does not hurt at all." The type of dental instruments, the specific smell of the hospital and the atmosphere itself dental office scare the child.

The problem of fear of the dentist can be solved by pediatric dentistry. In the medical part, it is not much different from the adult one - almost all procedures are identical, adjusted for the characteristics of children's teeth. In pediatric dentistry, preventive examinations, bite correction, treatment and extraction of teeth are carried out. The main difference between pediatric dentistry is in its design. Bright toys, stylized cabinets, friendly doctors - everything is done here so that the baby is not afraid of treatment. A doctor working in such an institution has the skill of working with children. This also applies to the characteristics of children's teeth, and communication with the baby. Pediatric dentistry near the Kolomenskaya metro station can work both at pediatric hospitals and at private dental centers.

In the dental clinic President near the metro station Kolomenskaya, not only adults, but also small patients can find their dentist. For parents, there is nothing more important than the smile of a child. Especially when she radiates health and joy, which is no less important for the staff of our clinic. We strive to ensure that our little patient I left the dentist's office with positive emotions, having found a new friend in the person of my doctor, and would gladly visit the dentist in the future.

Dentistry for children is a game! For young patients and their milk teeth, our specialists offer caries treatment with further placement of a colored Twinky Star filling. The idea that a tooth can be painted in any color of the rainbow may seem absurd to parents, but the child is delighted with it. Such new technologies not only motivate children, but at the same time are a quality and reliable product. They allow you to turn treatment into an exciting process, and in a child, the fear of visiting the dentist gives way to an interesting adventure.

In connection with the peculiarities of the structure of milk teeth in children, pulpitis is more common than in adults. Pulpitis of temporary teeth is insidious in that it is not always possible to independently determine the onset of the disease, since in most cases it proceeds painlessly. The choice of treatment method and material depends on the stage of development of the disease and the group of teeth. In our practice, there is no place for resorcinol-formalin and other outdated methods, after which the tooth becomes brittle, changes color and its further treatment consists in premature removal. We treat teeth with latest materials which allows you to keep them healthy look and avoid the development of complications, even after endodontic treatment.

Highly important aspect in pediatric dentistry is the stage of anesthesia. Therefore, in our clinic, preference is given to the latest anesthetics, developed taking into account the individual characteristics and age of the child, and most importantly, they are safe for the baby and practically do not cause allergic reactions. In order to make the injection painless, the doctor performs application anesthesia for which we use only hypoallergenic preparations. In our clinic, children can independently choose the aroma, taste and color of the gel (mint, cherry, chewing gum). Children's dentists at the Impladent clinic are fluent in all methods local anesthesia, take into account anatomical features every child, his general state, accompanying illnesses and mental attitude. For anesthesia, carpool syringes are used, which allow the most accurate dosage of the anesthetic solution, and the thinnest short needles with a specific silicone coating, which makes the process absolutely painless, hardly noticeable and most comfortable for our little patient.

Unlike many of the new methods we use today therapeutic practice, the thin rubber protective plate for tooth isolation is not an innovation. AT this case we are talking about dental treatment using a rubber dam, which ensures the effective and high-quality work of a dentist. For a child, it can be thought of as a raincoat that keeps the baby's tooth dry and is held in place with a button.

“Drill? Not! Thanks!"

Now we have the opportunity to stop caries on early stages by using unique methodology- without preparation, without anesthesia, without pain and fear, while maintaining healthy tooth tissues. In this case, we are talking about innovative way caries treatment – ​​Icon. At its core, this is the “impregnation” of the affected enamel special composition and its subsequent "sealing". Your child's tooth will retain a healthy look and natural shine. The child will be happy that he avoided drilling and anesthesia. How is this different from fluoridation and traditional restorations, you ask? - The fact that fluoridation is effective only at the earliest stages of caries, while restoration, even with the most gentle approach, involves the loss of a large amount of tissue.

An urgent issue in pediatric dentistry is the treatment of dental injuries. Most often, chips appear on the frontal group. The main task of parents is to systematically monitor the condition of the child's teeth. Children may not pay attention to the injuries they have received, especially if they are not accompanied by painful sensations, but this can lead to certain complications. In any case, the most important thing after an injury is not to get confused. You need to visit a dentist as soon as possible, even if you have not found any visible damage teeth. Our experts will conduct a thorough diagnosis and select suitable method treatment, depending on whether it is a permanent or temporary tooth, as well as the severity and time of contacting a doctor after a tooth injury.

Treatment permanent teeth in children is also different from the treatment of adults. Within 3-4 years after eruption permanent tooth the growth and formation of the tooth root along with the pulp. At first, the tooth is without a root, and only after a few years it is completed. full development. Therefore, a very common mistake of parents is the treatment of children's teeth by an adult dentist. For example, root canal treatment in young patients is fundamentally different from that in adults, both in the method of treatment and in the number of visits to the doctor. Therefore, we ask you not to be afraid if our dentist will take special care of your child and call him often for an appointment, because this is solely for the health of your baby. The main focus of our pediatric dentistry is prevention. It combines a pleasant visit to the doctor with high efficiency, reduces the risk of the occurrence and spread of caries. The experience of our doctors shows that this is not a fantasy at all, but a reality. To do this, you need to regularly bring the baby to preventive examination every 3-6 months, starting from the eruption of the first permanent tooth. The doctor will examine your baby, select the appropriate hygiene products and draw up a prevention plan. The main component of prevention is professional cleaning child's teeth 2 times a year. The doctor will remove plaque from the child's teeth with special brushes and delicious paste. And also, with the help of demonstrative models, he will teach the baby in a playful way to properly brush his teeth and use additional funds hygiene.

An unusually pleasant method of prevention is fluoridation and remineralizing therapy of teeth. The baby is given the opportunity to choose the taste of the gel, which will be applied to his teeth with the help of special trays. After this procedure, your little one will surely leave the dentist with a beaming smile.

In the prevention of caries in permanent teeth, the most effective and painless method on the this moment is the sealing (sealing) of fissures - depressions on chewing surface tooth. It is advisable to carry out this procedure immediately after the eruption of the first permanent chewing tooth, i.e. at 6-7 years old. Fissures are sealed with a special sealant, which, when properly personal hygiene does not allow caries to penetrate into them.

Dentistry childhood- a separate dental area that takes into account all the features child's body. Pediatric dentistry is many times more painless, and this is its advantage. In addition to excellent knowledge in the field of dentistry pediatric dentist should be an excellent psychologist in order to easily find contact with the child, and to carry out treatment without pain and blood.

Today, dentists carry out preventive, diagnostic and remedial measures for dental disease and oral cavity. Previously, a visit to the dentist was accompanied by unpleasant pain, because they provided low-quality services. Our article will help people in Moscow who are still afraid to seek help from dental centers. A lot of Internet users are interested in dentistry on Kolomenskaya. Let's try to help Muscovites navigate best clinics ah this area. Dentistry (m. "Kolomenskaya") is represented by 16 centers.

The main services provided by dental centers in Moscow

How to cure teeth in Moscow without pain and stress? Many dental clinics in the Kolomenskaya metro area help their clients get rid of dental problems. Warranty periods for some services reach 15 years. The most common dental diseases today are caries, pulpitis, periodontitis.

For the treatment of caries in Moscow centers are suitable for European standards. Such a procedure for professional dentist takes only 20-30 minutes. Patients almost do not feel pain, thanks to the latest developments in pain relief. Dentists of the best clinics use only foreign quality materials. Minor superficial caries treated with traditional light fillings. For artistic decoration, a nanocomposite is introduced.

In the treatment of pulpitis, mechanical and antiseptic treatment. Before filling a tooth, doctors carefully examine it individual characteristics and structure, and then they select the necessary materials.

With periodontitis, doctors carefully approach the expansion of the channels and their further cleaning. The content and the infected layer are completely removed from them. The final stage of the process is canal filling. Specialists make sure that the closure of the channels is reliable, with the right material.

Positive aspects of dental treatment in Moscow clinics

Dentistry at Kolomenskaya has a lot of advantages. Patient reviews indicate the following benefits clinic data:

  1. Detailed and accurate examination of diseased teeth.
  2. Formation of an honest and optimal plan for ongoing procedures.
  3. Therapeutic measures in a short time.
  4. Painless treatment.
  5. Warranty service up to 15 years.

Before starting work, all doctors of Moscow centers must take a picture with the help of a special apparatus-visiograph. It is mandatory to discuss with the patient what procedures and materials will be used for treatment. Doctors speak openly and honestly about the price formula for the work performed.

Big advantage modern dentistry is the use of liquid fillings that instantly fill any cavity in the tooth. This consistency of the material helps to increase the density of the filling by 30%.

To take away pain sensitivity, modern dentists carry out cartridge anesthesia. AT the latest dentistry only the thinnest needles are used to gently administer anesthesia with the help of an anesthetic. If something happens to the seals during the years of the guarantee contract, everything will be fixed in the centers free of charge.

The latest dental treatment

Moscow dental clinics are constantly developing, are engaged in the development and implementation of new technologies, methods and tools. Dentistry on "Kolomenskaya" has established itself as a high-quality and professional service. Doctors try to resort to tooth extraction in very rare cases. Save natural beauty smiles are the goal of the modern dentist.

Nanotechnology in dentistry is considered to be what many Moscow centers also cope with. This procedure is harmless and suitable for almost everyone, in case of a missing tooth. Professionals do a great job of staging anchor pins. Sometimes laser therapy of the gum mucosa is performed for treatment. Modern therapeutic manipulations are considered to be the use of optragate and rubber dam.

Dentistry "32 Dent" on "Kolomenskaya"

Seven branches in Moscow has a network dental clinics"32 Dent". One of them is located near the metro station "Kolomenskaya" along Nagatinskaya street, 18, bldg. one.

Consultations in the department are free of charge. Treatment of caries costs from 3,000 rubles, pulpitis - from 6,000 rubles. Coating a tooth with cermet will require about 9,000 rubles. Teeth whitening is a more expensive procedure and takes 14,000 rubles. Comprehensive cleaning here can be done for 5000 rubles. Tooth implantation costs 75,000 rubles. Installation of braces - 25,000 rubles.

№ 58

Children's dentistry on Kolomenskaya (Vysokaya St., 1) is represented by the state institution No. 58. Children under 18 are accepted here. This polyclinic is represented by the work of the following structural units:

  • therapy;
  • radiology;
  • surgery;
  • orthodontics,
  • physiotherapy.

Clinic professionals diagnose, treat, and prevent caries in young patients. Children are provided with services for the detection and correction of bite pathologies, diagnosis and treatment of the oral mucosa. The institution examines the smallest visitors up to 1 year old. Teenagers can also receive services here.

Center "AVS Medicine"

Dentistry in medical center on "Kolomenskaya" is also represented by the department "AVS Medicine". It is located along Andropov Avenue, 42, building 1. The institution hosts adults and children, and home visits are practiced. The clinic is equipped the latest equipment staffed by highly trained professionals.

The interior of the premises is very pleasant, the doctors' offices are equipped with modern facilities. This versatile establishment can cater for the whole family.

Clinic "Delicate"

Only one department consists of dentistry "Delicate" on Klenovy Boulevard, 13 near the metro station "Kolomenskaya". It uses innovative approaches to the treatment of teeth and gums. The prestige of this dentistry is the return to people of healthy snow-white teeth and fresh breath. The very name of the company is very eloquent. Patients in it are surrounded by delicate care and attention.

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