Bruxism in adults. How to get rid of bruxism: advice from professional dentists

Behind this formidable diagnosis lies a not very pleasant phenomenon - gnashing of teeth. It occurs in children and adults, it happens day and night. We will try to give comprehensive information about what bruxism is, what are its causes and what treatment can be.

Why does it arise? The main reason is a spasm of the muscles that are responsible for the chewing process. Because of this, there is a colossal load on the jaws, they are strongly squeezed. Moreover, even at night they can not relax. Teeth, maxillofacial muscles, chewing apparatus suffer from this. In this case, the jaws are not only squeezed together with a sufficiently large force, but also their movement relative to each other occurs. These movements are similar to what we do when we chew food. But the difference is that at the same time the teeth do not grind food, but rub strongly against each other. Curiously, a person who suffers from bruxism may not even be aware of it. This is a nocturnal version of the disease. Such patients grind their teeth in their sleep without even realizing it. The creak can be so strong that a nearby sleeping person wakes up from an unexpected creak.

But most often this phenomenon occurs in children. Almost every second child suffers from bruxism. It manifests itself especially pronounced in the period when milk teeth are cut. In this case, it can go away on its own, without any treatment. In adults, this ailment happens much less often - approximately, in 5-10%.

What are the symptoms

If a person suffers from bruxism, then he is completely unconscious, involuntarily clenching his teeth or grinding them. This is an unconscious action that can be provoked by completely different reasons. For example, in children, this may simply be due to the fact that baby teeth are being cut. And children's teeth grinding may be due to the fact that their nervous system is not yet perfect and it reacts too emotionally to everything that happens to them. After a day full of emotions, the baby can grind his teeth very actively at night. In adults, grinding can be provoked by experienced stress, emotional stress, therefore, it is worth contacting not only a dentist, but also a neurologist. At first glance, it may seem that these symptoms will go away on their own and you should not take any active action. But this is a dangerous delusion. Be sure to first get a consultation with a dentist, and possibly a neurologist. The fact is that due to such an increased load on the teeth, their enamel can wear out very quickly. As a result, teeth will begin to break down, and gum problems will appear. Over time, teeth can even become loose. In addition, there is a constant load on the jaw. Because of this, the muscles of the maxillofacial apparatus get tired, their spasm, headache, pain in the neck, neck appear. A person feels overworked, becomes irritable.

How to distinguish bruxism from other diseases? Its main symptom is a strong gnashing of teeth. Most often, it can be observed precisely when a person is sleeping, although the daytime form also happens. A bedmate will definitely hear this unpleasant noise. But the culprit himself, most likely, will not suspect that he has a similar problem. In the middle of the night, this unpleasant creak should definitely alert. If you heard it from your loved one, then in the morning you will need to tell him about it. It is better to immediately contact a dentist or neurologist. It is very important to establish the specific cause of bruxism. Then it will be easier to cure it.

The second symptom is not so obvious. It can be seen by the patient himself. The fact is that due to the constant load on the muscles of the jaw, they can slightly increase in volume. In this case, the jaw muscles clearly protrude to the sides. The main reason for this phenomenon is constant muscle tension. In fact, they are growing, pumping up. But this happens only when the disease has a sufficiently pronounced intense manifestation. This may not always be the case. Most often, due to the strong tension of the maxillofacial muscles, the patient simply experiences unpleasant tension, discomfort, stiffness and pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthese muscles.

Another symptom is pain in the ears, face, headache, and ears may also start to hurt. The reason is the same - constant muscle contractions. They don't actually rest even at night. Therefore, chronic pain appears due to their overwork and overstrain. So, if your face, ears, or migraines are constantly hurting, you should think about it. Perhaps these are symptoms of bruxism. In this case, the pain can be of different intensity - from weak, barely noticeable, to moderate pain syndrome. In this case, there is no severe pain. Due to the fact that the foci of stress are located in the face and head, this will significantly reduce the ability to work. Due to constant discomfort, a person will be constantly distracted, feel overtired, it will be difficult for him to concentrate. Even ordinary daily activities will become tedious and joyless.

And the most obvious symptom of bruxism is enamel, which quickly began to wear off. This is the most unpleasant manifestation of this pathology. At the same time, all kinds of dental diseases may soon begin to appear, the teeth will become extremely sensitive. Due to the strong friction that does not stop even at night, the enamel is severely destroyed, and the teeth begin to loosen. There may even be a threat that they will eventually begin to fall out. It is important to understand that these are very serious consequences. Over time, the tooth's nerves may become exposed as the enamel wears off. There is an acute toothache, pulpitis may begin to develop. During the meal, the patient may expect an unpleasant surprise - the teeth will begin to react sharply to cold, hot, spicy, sweet or sour food. Even just rinsing your mouth with cold water will be problematic. And in especially neglected cases, the teeth will react with pain even to the inhalation of cold air.

What are the reasons

In fact, the mechanism for the development of bruxism can be triggered for completely different reasons. It is also possible that it was provoked by several reasons at once. In any case, if bruxism is diagnosed, the causes and treatment should be determined by the doctor. Very often, this pathology is associated not only with dentistry, but also with neurology, psychology, gastroenterology and otolaryngology. We will take a closer look at the main causes of grinding teeth.

  1. psychological reasons. If you delve into the psychological aspect, it is believed that bruxism can be a symptom of a state of affect, a manifestation of experienced stress, emotional discomfort, overload, overstrain. All this leads to the fact that the jaw muscles are very tense, and their constant involuntary contraction occurs. Oddly enough, but this phenomenon is also called the "disease of businessmen." It is this social group that too often experiences increased emotional tension and stress, which can lead to the development of bruxism. So, if you notice that the jaw muscles are unnaturally enlarged, then this person may be suffering from nighttime grinding of the teeth. But even if a person has a fairly positive and even emotional state, he is not immune from the night grinding of his teeth. It’s just that these episodes will not appear so often and unexpressed in him.
  2. neurological reasons. If you delve into the neurogenic theory, then bruxism can signal violations in the work of the peripheral and central nervous system. This provokes motor and neurological disorders. Often bruxism is accompanied by all sorts of sleep disorders. It can be snoring, somnambulism, sleep apnea and even nightmares. In addition, the patient may suffer from enuresis, epilepsy, tremor. In addition, bruxism and lockjaw can be a symptom of damage to the trigeminal nerve (in this case, its motor neurons are affected). This is a serious pathology, which manifests itself in the form of a tense tone of the masticatory muscles.
  3. dental reasons. According to this theory, all kinds of pathologies in the structure, development or operation of the dental system can lead to bruxism. This may be an incorrect bite that was formed in childhood, an anomaly of the teeth (teeth over the set or adentia), improperly selected braces or dentures, arthritis of the TMJ or arthrosis, as well as poor-quality dental treatment.
  4. osteopathic reasons. It is believed that bruxism may be an attempt by the body's neuromuscular system to remove blockage from the sutures of the skull, as well as to restore the so-called craniosacral rhythm, if it is disturbed. In children, this phenomenon may be associated with birth trauma with a complicated development of childbirth, with an anomaly of the teeth, malocclusion, and the like. But in adults - with inept prosthetics, with osteochondrosis in the cervical region, etc.
  5. Other theories are not so recognized and known. They can cause a lot of controversy among medical professionals. For example, some associate bruxism with impaired nasal breathing. Overgrown adenoids, frequent rhinitis or deviated septum can lead to this pathology. There is also an opinion that gastroesophageal reflux, helminths, chewing gum abuse and malnutrition can also provoke bruxism in adults. But such theories have no scientific evidence.

It is also worth mentioning that teeth grinding is often observed in patients who suffer from Parkinson's disease and Huntington's chorea. But in children, bruxism can be quite common when teething or changing the dentition. In this case, it passes on its own in a few weeks or a month.

There are factors that increase the likelihood of developing bruxism. These include:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • abuse of nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, sleeping pills or antidepressants.

How to treat effectively

If you have been diagnosed with bruxism, treatment must be comprehensive and professional. In order to quickly and effectively recover from bruxism, it is important to determine the specific cause of its development and eliminate it. The treatment itself will include two stages:

  1. Dental.
  2. Psychological.

What is behind them? Why do experts single out these stages? Everything is simple. As we have already mentioned, the main causes of bruxism are hidden in psycho-emotional disorders. But the dental side is already a consequence. Due to the constant grinding of the teeth, the enamel of the teeth is erased much faster, they become sensitive, loosened, and nerves can be exposed. The main task of the dentist is to prevent the harm that this pathology can cause to the teeth. To reduce friction, it will be necessary to ensure that the upper and lower jaws are not compressed so much. The dentist should explain to the patient in what ways it is possible to achieve relaxation of the muscles of the jaw and face. To do this, it is important to move the jaw. The lips must remain tightly closed. It is important that the patient independently holds this position of the jaws for a long time. To do this, it is enough to lift the tongue and rest it against the upper palate. At first, such a procedure will not be very familiar, but over time, you will begin to perform this exercise automatically. If bruxism bothers you at night, then this simple exercise should be performed immediately before going to bed, lying in bed. Soon, muscle tension and jaw friction should ease.

Exercises for the muscles of the chin can also help. In addition, they will help to cope with the wrong bite, cause relaxation of the temporomandibular joint. This is a very simple workout:

  1. Keep your head straight.
  2. Relax your lower jaw, gently press down on your chin and gently push it back.
  3. Slightly open your mouth.
  4. To make the exercise more convenient to perform, do it directly in front of the mirror. So you can check that the upper and lower jaws are in the correct position.
  5. Perform 15 of these simple repetitions three times a day.

Also, a high-quality active massage of the jaw and chin will not hurt. It is very easy to perform. Squeeze your jaw with your palms down the sides. Your palms should be under your jaw. Apply a little pressure with your fingers and start massaging with circular motions. If you feel discomfort or even pain, then immediately stop the massage. Such a simple massage will help to quickly and effectively relieve tension from the jaw area.

If you dwell on the psychological causes of this pathology, then you should avoid stress. It is he who is the main trigger for the development of teeth grinding. Helps to get rid of the influence of stress yoga, breathing exercises. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth. In addition, moderate exercise can help. They not only relieve nervous tension and stress, but also stimulate the production of endorphins. But they are called "hormones of happiness." Yoga helps a lot with bruxism. When performed correctly, it will help to relax not only the muscles of the face, but also the whole body. This is a great way to calm down and relieve stress. But for beginners, it is better to do yoga in the presence of an experienced instructor.

What could be the consequences

Do not underestimate the harm that constant grinding of teeth can cause to the body. If this pathology is not treated and if it worries for a long time, then a number of serious diseases may develop. For example:

  1. Teeth can loosen, break and fall out.
  2. Tooth enamel and dentin tissue will wear out pathologically quickly.
  3. Caries will develop. It will quickly begin to penetrate into the deep layers of the tooth and the pulp.
  4. Periodontal tissues can become inflamed.
  5. Malocclusion may develop.
  6. Tooth enamel becomes extremely sensitive.
  7. Headaches are often bothersome.
  8. Pathological changes develop in the joints of the temporomandibular region.
  9. Periodically there are spasms of the muscles of the face, they begin to hurt.

People who suffer from bruxism can become social outcasts. They become irritable, unsociable, withdrawn, which makes them even more alert and repulsive. From this they may have a number of psychological problems, they constantly suffer from feelings of inferiority and internal discomfort. Therefore, they need qualified and timely medical care.

Why adults suffer from bruxism

As we have already mentioned, there can be several reasons that lead to teeth grinding. It can be a poorly performed dental procedure, an unsuccessful denture or braces, as well as an overbite that has formed incorrectly. In any case, you should immediately contact your dentist.

The people associate bruxism with infection with helminths, but scientists categorically reject this relationship. Most likely, the reason lies in excessive workload, stress, constant fatigue or depression. In our turbulent times, almost every inhabitant of society can suffer from such phenomena.

This unpleasant phenomenon can have serious consequences, both for the teeth and for the whole organism as a whole. Because of bruxism, the enamel of the teeth is quickly erased, they loosen and eventually fall out. The temporomandibular pain syndrome develops, the neck, head, temples, even the back begin to hurt. Therefore, it is very important to eliminate the causes of bruxism in a timely manner and take measures to treat it:

  1. You need to make sure that your teeth are not clenched during the day. The only exception is when eating.
  2. It is necessary to carry out calming and anti-stress activities. It can be a regular walk before going to bed, regular exercise, taking herbal sedative preparations. Mint, valerian root, tripoli leaves, hop flowers, cumin fruits, chamomile flowers, calendula, tansy, oregano are perfect for this purpose.
  3. Do simple relaxation exercises.
  4. Adjust your daily routine. You need to rest more and not overload yourself with work.
  5. It is necessary to remove from the diet those foods that have a stimulating effect.
  6. A couple of times a week, try to treat yourself to baths with infusions of hay dust or soothing herbs.
  7. In order for the jaws to train and get a little tired, you need to chew more raw fruits and vegetables.
  8. To relax the jaws, it is useful to do wet hot compresses.
  9. To strengthen the enamel of the teeth, it is useful to use propolis, tea tree oil.

Traditional medicine

Bruxism should not be considered a disease. This is just a reaction of our body to possible discomfort. Therefore, the treatment of dental squeaks is primarily associated with the elimination of the measures that provoked it. It is important to maintain emotional balance and avoid strong nervous tension. Learn to control your every emotion! Here are some popular tips for eliminating bruxism:

  1. It is useful to massage the muscles of the face.
  2. Take up yoga.
  3. Visit a psychologist. It will help you cope with possible internal contradictions.
  4. Before going to bed, it is useful to listen to calm and quiet music, read a book, watch a pleasant and interesting movie, take a relaxing bath.
  5. During the day, make sure that you do not clench your jaw too much. When the mouth is closed, the teeth should not touch.
  6. Drink light herbal teas.
  7. Instead of driving a car or public transport, it is better to walk.
  8. Chew nuts or hard fruits and vegetables more often. So the jaws will work. You can also chew gum.
  9. At night, you can wear a special cap. It is either selected by a dentist, or you can find it yourself in a pharmacy.
  10. If a child suffers from bruxism, review his diet. Eliminate all sweets, fast food products, increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables.
  11. Replace tea with herbal decoctions. Suitable chamomile, mint, lemon balm, lavender, lime blossom.

Don't expect bruxism to go away on its own. This condition can lead to unpleasant consequences, so it needs to be dealt with in time. If you suspect that you are suffering from grinding of the teeth, go to the dentist first.


One of the unpleasant phenomena that every person encounters at least once in a lifetime is bruxism. Under this unfamiliar and formidable name, such a common condition of the human body as gnashing of teeth is hidden. Most often, this process occurs unconsciously and lasts a short time, while not causing any harm to the general condition of the body.

  1. The crown part of the teeth changes its shape and size, and as a result of squeezing, the formation of irregularities on its surface is observed;
  2. The formation of painful sores that appear as a result of constant biting of the buccal mucosa;
  3. There are unusual manifestations in the general condition of the human body:
  • pain in the neck;
  • clicks in the jaw area;
  • migraine;
  • sensation of ringing in the ears.
  • when waking up after sleep, there may be a slight numbness of the jaw.

Reasons for the development of pathology

To date, the causes of the development of bruxism in the human body are not fully understood. However, many experts believe that the main cause of bruxism lies in the psycho-emotional state of a person, that is, stressful situations and psychological disorders. In addition, the following causes of the development of pathology can be distinguished:

Neurologists about pathology

Many experts believe that the periodic occurrence of a nightly squeaking of teeth may indicate the development of some kind of disease of the nervous system in the body.

In addition, the tension of the jaw muscles can occur as a result of the pathological condition of the trigeminal nerve and its motor neurons. Dentists see the following reasons for the development of bruxism:

  • violation of the correct taste;
  • installation in the oral cavity of incorrectly selected prostheses or briquettes;
  • poor quality filling.

In addition, the disease can develop in the presence of the following factors:

Popular opinion about the disease

In addition, bruxism in adults can develop for the following reasons:

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of bruxism begins with the elimination of its unpleasant symptoms and for these purposes is used:

  • special tires;
  • caps for bruxism;
  • trainer.

In the event that the disease in the human body proceeds in an advanced form, then the treatment is carried out using:

  • drugs that have a relaxing effect;
  • Botox injections;
  • hypnosis.

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is important to identify the true cause of the development of the disease. In the event that the source of the development of bruxism is psycho-emotional stress, then the treatment will be aimed at reducing the stress stop.

Diagnosis of malocclusion in a patient, which leads to the occurrence of gnashing of teeth at any time of the day, is the reason for contacting a doctor - an orthodontist. The specialist will conduct a thorough examination of the patient and choose effective ways to solve the problem.

In order for the treatment of the disease to be effective, the patient must learn to fully relax the muscles of the shoulders, mouth and neck. This can be achieved through means such as:

  • special relaxation exercises;
  • hot and cold compresses;
  • self-massage.

In addition, the treatment of bruxism involves following a specific diet, which excludes caffeinated drinks and hard foods. The patient is advised to consume a large amount of liquid, enrich his diet with vitamin complexes, and any medications should be taken only after consulting a specialist.

Complications of the disease

Bruxism is a rather unpleasant pathological condition of the body, and in the absence of appropriate treatment, this can lead to unpleasant consequences. The progression of bruxism can lead to:

  • caries;
  • the development of the inflammatory process in the area of ​​periodontal tissues;
  • severe headaches;
  • pathological condition of the temporomandibular region;
  • the formation of malocclusion;
  • increase the sensitivity of tooth enamel.

Frequent bouts of teeth grinding can lead to a person developing a psychological inferiority complex and general discomfort. It is for this reason that when symptoms of the disease occur, both at night and during the day, an appeal to a specialist is required.

To some, grinding your teeth may seem like a nasty habit that doesn't deserve to be treated as much. However, bruxism may indicate the development of various diseases in the human body. Timely seeking help from a doctor will not only get rid of the pathology, but also improve the general condition of the body.

You will never guess what topic today will be in the article! How do you already know? Oh, did you read the title? OK! Indeed, today's topic is bruxism in adults, the cause and treatment. This thing is so ancient that even in the Bible, which seems to be almost two thousand years old, there is a phrase about "gnashing of teeth." True, there is not at all about medicine and dentistry, but oh well! Our task is to study the problem and try to find a solution.

Why does teeth grinding occur?

Doctors say stress is the main cause of bruxism. To be honest, doctors did not discover America for us. In our time ... However, when was it calm? Either wars, then revolution, then the master is not happy with something, then the Pechenegs have come running. Here are the teeth, we are nervous. But what to do?

As a result, from the long-term practice of bruxism, the jaw joints themselves begin to change, the muscles hurt, and their spasmodic contractions begin. This is very annoying and painful.

There is, and quite often, bruxism caused by the peculiarities of the work. If you are a watchmaker, a jeweler, or, for example, a surgeon performing micro-operations, you have to work hard to avoid making a mistake. At the same time, the jaws are compressed, there is a strong tension on their muscles and joints.

Even enuresis and sleepwalking can lead to bruxism. If you had a nightmare at night that caused your nervous system to experience severe stress, similar phenomena are also possible.

In the event that you have recently had a filling and it was poorly processed in terms of height and shape, you will instinctively begin to grind tooth to tooth.

As you can see, teeth grinding in adults can be caused by many different situations. Epilepsy is also worth mentioning. During an attack, the patient instinctively clenches his jaws so hard that his teeth can collapse. And if he did not manage to remove his tongue, there is a big risk of injuring him or even biting off a piece. Sounds less creepy than it looks. By the way, doctors always strive to exclude this diagnosis by determining the causes of gnashing. After all, epilepsy can manifest itself in different ways. Some people have seizures more noticeable, some less so. Everything here is very individual for each person.

Someone considers the problem insignificant, although bruxism threatens the normal functioning of the temporomandibular joint, and also leads to rapid tooth wear, damage to the enamel, which means it is one of the prerequisites for the development of caries and its complications.

Video - Why does a person grind his teeth at night

bruxism symptoms

I was very surprised by several articles on this topic. Because among the symptoms I found those that, unfortunately, are typical for me.

So, in addition to pain in the jaws and temporal lobe, you can get the following set:

  • headache in the morning. Familiar to many. The reasons are different, including - gnashing of teeth;
  • ringing in the ears, hum, discomfort and even pain in the ear;
  • insomnia, sleep disturbances;
  • pain in the sinuses;
  • pain in the shoulders, neck and back;
  • dizziness, tingling sensation in the head;
  • sleepiness during the day.

How to fix the problem

In general, at the word eliminate, I always imagine a killer from an action movie, such a person without emotions. He screws on the muffler and ... Yes, there will definitely not be a grinding of teeth after such methods. But seriously, science has been studying this problem for a long time and has developed several methods to deal with it.

The first thing to understand is that it is a violation. This condition is not natural for the human body, and therefore causes a lot of negative consequences described in the previous section.

Doctors believe that it is necessary to act comprehensively. For example, if stress is the cause of gnashing, then you should deal with its manifestations, help your nervous system.

Address to the neurologist. He will advise you on how to proceed. Usually help various exercises for relaxation, meditation, yoga. What is the East! Go to a good massage therapist several times a week and you will feel such relaxation that neither a pill nor an Indian guru will give you.

Watch yourself. By default, when we do not chew food, the teeth should not touch. Accustom yourself to the open state of the jaws. Learn to control the chewing muscles "on the machine." Gradually it will become a habit and will work even in a dream.

Another way to help with bruxism in adults is to load the jaws with action. If your muscles are tired before you go to bed, they are unlikely to have the strength to grind at night. To do this, you can use chewing gum or special devices.

Teeth with bruxism

There are also special splints for daytime wear and separate splints for sleep. They are selected individually and adjusted to your jaw.

First of all, the specialist needs to make sure that you do not have defects and other dental problems that could lead to such consequences. If they are, correction, treatment is necessary. Sometimes we can talk about the form of convulsions caused by deficiencies in the body of certain useful substances - vitamins, minerals. Doctors often prescribe B vitamins, as well as magnesium and calcium.

  1. Avoid physical overwork before bedtime.
  2. Dinner should be 3-5 hours before bedtime.
  3. Take a warm relaxing bath at night, use aromatherapy.
  4. Use moist, warm compresses on your cheeks to relax tense jaw muscles.

Mouth guards are an effective remedy for bruxism

Video - How to stop grinding your teeth in your sleep

Minute of fame for folk methods

Recently, a lot has been written and talked about the treatment of bruxism with folk remedies. There is nothing particularly complicated here. Start with your diet. Let there be enough solid food in it - vegetables, fruits. But you have to get rid of sweets, coffee and cakes / buns. For starters, at least for dinner. Then you yourself will get used to the new diet. Sometimes you can afford the luxury of natural chocolate. But it is natural - it is useful for the nervous system.

The second point is drinks. You can easily replace tea, coffee and cocoa with herbal counterparts - lime blossom, mint, lemon balm.

Herbs chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and sage

When you go to the bathroom, take medicinal herbs and aromatic oils with you. Chamomile and mint also work great here. Valerian will calm the nerves, fir and lavender in the form of a few drops will also add effect. Fifteen minutes in such a useful bath will give an excellent effect.

Inside you can apply the following infusion:

  • three parts of chamomile;
  • five parts of cumin;
  • two parts valerian.

Science and Rumors

There is a common belief that the cause of the rattle is worms. Conducted studies, which can be read online and in scientific publications, have not confirmed this assumption. So it remains nothing more than a myth.

If you drink a lot of caffeine ... Here - someone like it. For some, coffee causes a strong excitement, for others, tension. And someone generally relaxes after a cup of fragrant drink. However, if you pour a liter of strong coffee into yourself, you can get not only bruxism, but also high blood pressure, heart problems.

Alcohol and nicotine are similar. Leaving aside the fact that drinking and smoking is generally bad for the whole body, there is no single answer for everyone. For some, nicotine and ethyl alcohol can cause bouts of bruxism at night, while others will sleep like a baby. Even if you wake up with a hangover.

Psychotropic substances are "stronger". Amphetamine, like other similar drugs, can lead to such effects. This has been confirmed by research. But, like caffeine or alcohol-containing drinks, it is not a major factor. There are always basic prerequisites. However, it is better to refrain from experimenting on yourself. After all, in addition to the rattle, you can get a lot of medical problems.

In any case, in adults, the phenomenon is not fully understood. Science finds genetic factors, links it to rudimentary habits inherited from prehistoric ancestors

The only thing that medicine has found out is that gnashing of teeth is a problem for almost 15% of all people on earth. What can you say? Nervous human life. Therefore, you need to learn to relax, look for something good in every day, enjoy the little things. Well, do not forget about your health.

The main thing is to pay attention to the problem in time. Otherwise, at least spoil your teeth and have to spend money on their restoration or even prosthetics. Ask your relatives if they have noticed such a problem with you.

Video - Bruxism: causes and treatment. Grinding your teeth in your sleep

Bruxism(odonterism, Carolina phenomenon) - involuntary contraction of the masticatory muscles with damage to the neuromuscular complex of the dentoalveolar system. Pathology is manifested by day and night grinding, tapping of teeth, and may be accompanied by convulsive swallowing of saliva.

The rattle is regular and periodic: every day or once a month, the duration of the attacks varies from a few seconds to minutes, most often the pathology manifests itself during sleep.

Regular tooth grinding provokes the formation of pathological enamel abrasion, hyperesthesia, wedge-shaped defects, periodontal deformity, pathology of the temporal mandibular joints, pain in muscle tissues and headaches.

Etiology of development

bruxism causes formations are still insufficiently studied, there are many theories based on complex factors for the occurrence of abnormal behavior, and they are considered from the standpoint of dentistry, neurology, gastroenterology, otolaryngology.

Classification of the causes of involuntary grinding of teeth:

  • Psychological factor- the syndrome is a reflection of the psycho-emotional state in any adverse stressful situations: emotional breakdowns, a state of passion, tension of the nervous system.

Grinding of teeth can occur not only on the basis of negative influences, but also due to positive emotions, as well as in a state of overexcitation.

  • neurogenic syndrome is a dysfunction of a neurological nature and a disorder of the locomotor apparatus, this occurs due to a violation of the cranial, spinal and autonomic nervous system.
  • carotid insufficiency- pathology of the blood supply to the brain in the basin of the carotid artery as a result of stenosis of the common carotid artery (accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity).
  • Increase in tone nervous and muscular system of the dentoalveolar apparatus - occurs when the motor neuron cells of the trigeminal nerve are injured.

Extrapyramidal side effects are also observed after taking psychotropic drugs, in this case, the grinding is accompanied by dysfunction of the spine.

Important! Patients with Parkinson's and Huntington's Syndromes are prone to teeth grinding.

Neurogenic syndrome can be expressed in the following manifestations: dyssomnia, parasomnia spectrum disorder, snoring, non-physiological sleep disorder, sleep stupor, hypersomnia, respiratory arrest, muscle tremor, urinary incontinence, epilepsy.

  • dental factor includes an abnormal design or functional disorders of the dentoalveolar apparatus:
  • malocclusion;
  • complete or partial absence of teeth;
  • hyperdontia;
  • arthrosis and arthritis of the temporal and mandibular joints;
  • poor-quality prosthetics or incorrectly installed braces.

Osteopathy considers the theory of the occurrence of grinding as follows: with the help of contraction of the maxillofacial muscles, the pain of the cranial sutures is eliminated, and the normal rhythm of the cardiovascular system is restored.

According to the same theory, bruxism in adults is formed due to osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, intracranial injury, etc.

Important!“Teeth grinding can occur for various reasons, so for an accurate diagnosis, a comprehensive examination of the body is required.”

Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease

Basically, the first symptoms of the disease appear at night: it can be repeated grinding, accompanied by clicking and creaking. The rattle, as a rule, diagnoses the person's environment, the patient himself is not aware of the process and does not wake up from it.

Bruxism symptoms:

  • attacks often provoke respiratory failure, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate;
  • after awakening, there is a headache, myalgia, paresis of the facial nerve, toothache, hypersomnia and disorientation in space;
  • nocturnal parafunctions are accompanied by pain syndromes and constant muscular, temporal and mandibular tensions;

  • active pain points of the masticatory muscles can be detected by palpation, pain foci are localized in the lateral, temporal and medial pterygoid muscle fibers;
  • the manifestation of a violation of the functionality of the masticatory muscles is expressed by uncontrolled and involuntary convulsive syndromes of mimic muscles, biting of the labial arches, buccal tissues, tongue;
  • there is unmotivated depression, a state of constant weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • one of the most pronounced symptoms is constant dry mouth during sleep.

Important!"Diagnosis and treatment of pathology at an early stage is a guarantee of preventing the development of serious complications."

Diagnosis of the disease

One of the first diagnostic methods is palpation when examining the oral cavity; the patient involuntarily squeezes the doctor's fingers with his teeth, the closing of the teeth occurs within a few seconds.

To determine the very moments of the onset of spasms and exclude epilepsy, the patient is given a polysomnographic study.

Polysomnography– sleep analysis using specialized computer programs.

To confirm the diagnosis and clarify which teeth have the maximum load, the dentist uses the diagnostic method using a bruxchecker - a professional mouthguard made from an accurate impression of the upper and lower dentition.

Brooks kappa is put on by the patient just before going to bed, in the morning the design is transferred to the laboratory for analysis.

Based on the impressions of the marks, the dentist determines which parts of the teeth are the most overloaded.

Important!“The most difficult thing in diagnosis is to identify the cause of the development of the disease, only after establishing the correct diagnosis can successful treatment be guaranteed.”

Anomaly treatment

The method of therapy is prescribed depending on the factors of the disease and the degree of development of the syndrome. Children's teeth grinding syndrome does not require special therapeutic programs, the disease goes away on its own in adolescence.

Bruxism in adults causes and treatment requires a thorough study and a correct diagnosis, a positive result is achieved only with complex therapeutic methods.

Bruxism in adults is treated with psychotherapy, medications, physical therapy, and dental procedures:

  • Psychotherapy- in case of pathology caused by psychological factors, it is necessary to perform cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy: generalization of the conditioned reflex, relaxation and methods of self-control, for this, trainings and restorative hypnotic sessions are carried out.
  • Medicines. An important aspect of drug treatment is the relief of convulsive syndrome. Treatment is carried out with the help of anticonvulsants or sedatives, a vitamin complex with an enhanced content of magnesium, calcium, B vitamins.

In some cases, with severe muscle dysfunctions, complex injections of botulinum neurotoxin type A-hemagglutinin (Botox) are performed.

  • Neurology– neurological methods of treatment: restoration of intervertebral discs and cartilaginous tissue of the vertebrae, treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, restoration of the functions of deep paravertebral muscles, correction of posture.

The therapy is carried out with the help of manual effects on the affected areas, with severe damage to the cartilaginous tissue of the spine, drug therapy is used.

For the treatment of scoliosis and correction of posture, an individual corset is made.

With moderate tone, manual osteopathic thermoregulatory procedures are prescribed to relax muscle tissue.

  • Dentistry– dental treatment of teeth grinding occurs with the participation of a general practitioner, orthopedist, orthodontist and periodontist. Dental therapy consists in the manufacture and use of special protective caps made of rubber or plastic materials.

According to indications, grinding of tooth surfaces, orthodontic treatment, prosthetics and implantation of teeth are performed.

Correction of aesthetic deformities, restoration of wedge-shaped pathologies, filling, replacement of crowns or treatment of periodontitis is carried out only after the identification and elimination of the factors causing the pathology.

Possible Complications

Pathology has many negative manifestations that provoke the development of not only dental pathologies and a violation of the psycho-emotional state, but also harm the entire body.

Prolonged grinding of teeth leads to pathological thinning of the enamel, the formation of cracks and chips of the tooth crown, hyperesthesia, and wedge-shaped defects. Physical pressure deforms the material of artificial prostheses and dental crowns.

Permanent damage to the oral mucosa provokes the development of gingivitis, fibroma, serrated (tubular) tongue, deformation of the gum tissue under prostheses, traumatic articulation.

As a result of a gum injury, inflammation of the periodontal canals begins, there is a risk of loosening and loss of teeth.

With a long-term course of the disease, hypertrophy of the masticatory muscles begins, the normal functioning of the temporal and mandibular joints is disrupted, and severe pain appears.

Muscular and articular dysfunctions, hypertrophy of chewing muscle fibers, limited jaw mobility, pain in the temporal, mandibular and shoulder joints and neck muscles can become a complication.

Prevention education

Often the occurrence of teeth grinding syndrome can be prevented by systematically carrying out simple procedures:

It is recommended periodically, but at least once a week, to relieve tension and learn how to get rid of obsessive thoughts, irritable factors and tense attitudes, for this yoga classes and warm baths with an extract of relaxing herbs (chamomile, eucalyptus, needles) are suitable.

To relieve tension directly from the maxillofacial muscles, weekly warm compresses are applied to the maxillofacial region.

For the purpose of prevention, it helps to develop the skill of controlling muscle tissues, for this it is necessary to increase the physical load on the muscles, eat solid foods, do mimic gymnastics for the face and periodically completely relax the muscle tissue.

Before going to bed, do something relaxing and soothing. It is also recommended to eat carrots, an apple, etc. before going to bed, this procedure involves the muscles of the face, relieves tension and prevents night gnashing.

If the first manifestations of bruxism occur, it is necessary to urgently seek professional help, with a timely visit to the doctor, the prognosis for the treatment of the disease is favorable. Timely access to a specialist, accurate diagnosis and proper treatment will prevent the development of tooth wear, cramps of the maxillofacial muscles and other negative phenomena.

As an effective prevention, one should undergo a complete examination of the state of health once a year, for this it is necessary to undergo an examination by a psychoneurologist, dentist, gastroenterologist, neurologist and therapist.

Bruxism, or unconscious teeth grinding, can occur at any age. If in childhood this problem often goes away on its own, then adults cannot do without adequate treatment. Ignoring this symptom can lead to many unpleasant consequences, up to constant headaches and loss of teeth.

What is bruxism

Periodic bouts of bruxism occur in 10–15% of the adult population. They manifest themselves in the form of a strong compression of the jaws, creaking, tapping and clicking of the teeth. This occurs as a result of spasm of the masticatory muscles.

Most often, seizures occur in an unconscious state, during sleep. Waking up, a person does not remember what happened to him, and learns about such a peculiarity only from the words of his relatives.

Teeth grinding can disturb not only children, but also adults.

Attacks of bruxism usually last from 10-15 seconds to a minute and are repeated at individual intervals. At the same time, a person's blood pressure rises, the pulse quickens, and breathing is difficult.

Teeth grinding has several official scientific names at once: bruxism, odonterism, Carolini phenomenon.

Doctors do not consider this condition a pathology and equate bruxism with snoring, sleepwalking and nightmares.


Distinguish bruxism:

  1. Day. This variety is quite rare, because in the waking state, people are usually able to control the movements of the muscles and jaws. Daytime bruxism affects men and women who are constantly under stress. To calm down, they gnaw pens and pencils, bite their lips and inner sides of their cheeks, bite their nails, and chew on foreign objects. At the moment when a person experiences strong tension or vivid emotions, his jaws involuntarily clench and creak, which can irritate others. Despite the fact that daytime bruxism seems to be just a bad habit, it is extremely difficult to get rid of it without the help of a psychologist.
  2. Night. Teeth grinding during sleep is much more common, and gender and age do not matter. During the night, there are usually several attacks, and the person may not even be aware of this until the symptoms of bruxism become apparent. Among the most striking manifestations are the erasure of tooth enamel, pain in the jaw joints and damage to the gums.

If you can get rid of daytime bruxism with the help of constant self-monitoring, then nighttime bruxism requires a more comprehensive approach to treatment. In addition, its diagnosis, especially early, is rather difficult, since it is almost impossible to notice seizures without outside help. A person can suspect this condition only by the totality of certain symptoms.


The main symptoms of bruxism include the following phenomena:

  • headache in the morning;
  • pain in the ears and paranasal sinuses;
  • discomfort after sleep in the jaws, neck, shoulders, and back;
  • pain during chewing;
  • toothache;
  • numbness of the jaws upon awakening;
  • visual enlargement of the jaw muscles;
  • increased tearing and eye irritation;
  • clicks in the maxillofacial joints;
  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • drowsiness, feeling of weakness;
  • depressed state, turning into depression;
  • loss of appetite;
  • insomnia or restless sleep.

Bruxism almost always provokes enamel erosion, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the teeth: they begin to react to too hot, too cold, as well as sweet and sour foods. A visit to the dentist will help to detect odontism in time and take measures to eliminate it.

The reasons

In the treatment of gnashing, it is very important to establish the true cause of this phenomenon. All reasons can be grouped into 6 groups. Depending on the area in which the roots of the problem lie, a person may need to consult a certain narrow specialist.

In addition, at risk:

  • patients with Huntington's chorea;
  • persons with brain injuries or neoplasms in the organ;
  • people suffering from Parkinson's disease;
  • men who have a genetic predisposition to bruxism.

Whatever the cause of bruxism, it is important to identify the problem in a timely manner and take measures to eliminate it.

Should bruxism be treated?

It may seem that bruxism is not such a serious problem. However, if nothing is done, then a number of dental problems may occur:

In addition to dental problems, people suffering from bruxism may develop permanent psychological discomfort. They begin to feel like a hindrance, they develop an inferiority complex, become withdrawn and irritable. And if you add to this fatigue, constant headaches and spasms of the facial muscles, which are often companions of bruxism, then a person may well become depressed. Diagnosis

Grinding of teeth, especially if it occurs infrequently, is not a reason to be treated for bruxism. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis, and you should start with a visit to the dentist. According to the state of the coronal part, the specialist immediately recognizes the beginning Carolini phenomenon, and to confirm his suspicions, he can use a bruxchecker. This is a special kappa that is inserted into the mouth at night. By the nature of its damage, it is easy to determine which teeth have the maximum load at night.

Electromyography is the main method for diagnosing bruxism

The next specialist to visit if bruxism is suspected is a neurologist. If necessary, he will refer the patient to electromyography (EMG), a method that allows you to determine how well the masticatory muscles work, by measuring their electrical activity.

A dentist can also send an EMG, but it’s better to visit a neurologist to rule out pathologies in this area.

If there are no problems with neurology, it is worth paying a visit to a psychologist, otorhinolaryngologist, gastroenterologist and osteopath.


After the final diagnosis, you need to immediately proceed to treatment. If the grinding of teeth is provoked by problems with the teeth, the therapy will be quick and will take place in the dentist's office.

Attention! Dental procedures for the restoration of teeth destroyed by bouts of bruxism should be carried out only after the main cause of this condition has been eliminated.

It is already more difficult to cure the pathology of the respiratory or auditory tract, as well as to solve the problems of neurology and the gastrointestinal tract. The longest time will have to eliminate the psychological causes of bruxism.

Be prepared for the fact that you have to learn to relax (both the nervous system in general and the masticatory muscles in particular). This can be achieved by various methods, and it is desirable to use them in combination.

The following relaxation techniques help with bruxism:

  1. Yoga and meditation. Almost all meditation techniques are a great way to relax and relieve stress. You can learn yoga on your own, but it is better if an experienced instructor tells about its intricacies, and classes will take place in groups.
  2. Breathing exercises. The simplest breathing exercises help to relieve stress: a deep breath through the nose, holding the breath for a few seconds, a long exhalation through the mouth.
  3. Physical exercise. Physical activity helps to relieve nervous tension and stimulates the production of "happiness hormones" - endorphins.
  4. Massage. You can relax your jaw and chin with self-massage. Grasp the lower jaw with your palms and make light circular movements with your fingers.
  5. Relaxing baths. It is a good idea for people suffering from bruxism to get in the habit of taking a warm, relaxing bath before bed. For greater effect, you can use a variety of additives: sea salt, essential oils (lavender, sandalwood, valerian), herbal decoctions, oat straw, coniferous extract, etc.
  6. Compresses. To relieve tension from the jaw, you can use a warm, wet compress. Wet a washcloth in warm water, wring it out and apply it to the problem area - this will soothe the pain and relax the muscles.
  7. Special exercises. A good effect can be achieved if you regularly do exercises to relax the muscles of the jaws and chin:
    1. Open your jaws and rest your tongue against the upper palate. This exercise is very useful to do before going to bed.
    2. Press your fingers on your chin, pushing it back, open your mouth and close it with force. The lower jaw should be relaxed. This exercise should be repeated 15 times in the morning, afternoon and before bed.

Yoga and meditation practices are a great way to relieve stress that provokes bruxism

In parallel with relieving stress, do not forget to take care of your teeth. It is impossible to cure bruxism in one day, and each attack has a negative effect on enamel and gums.

To protect teeth from destruction, the dentist can pick up a special device. Most often used:

  • mouth guards for bruxism;
  • night or day tires;
  • trainers;
  • pads with a spring, pushing the lower jaw.

To prevent deformation of the teeth, individual mouthguards are used

All these devices protect the teeth, but they do not cure bruxism. If the grinding is caused by a psycho-emotional state, the doctor may prescribe:

  • taking sedative drugs (Persen, Novo-Passit);
  • Botox injections;
  • psychotherapy sessions;
  • hypnosis.


Having got rid of bouts of bruxism, do not forget about the prevention of this condition. Adhere to the following rules:

  1. Make sure that your teeth are not clenched during the day.
  2. Try to play sports.
  3. Get outdoors more and walk more often.
  4. Instead of strong tea and coffee, drink herbal preparations from mint, lemon balm, linden, valerian, hops, chamomile, calendula, etc.
  5. Adjust your diet: minimize sweets and fast food, increase the amount of raw vegetables and fruits.
  6. Adhere to a sparing daily routine: rest more, go to bed on time, do not load yourself with overwork.
  7. Don't eat before bed.
  8. In addition, use B vitamins, as well as calcium and magnesium supplements. However, this should be done after consulting a doctor and the necessary tests.
  9. Avoid stress.

There is a theory that if you bring the jaw to fatigue during the day, the number of nighttime attacks of bruxism will be minimal. Therefore, nutritionists recommend chewing hard carrots, apples and nuts more often.

Following these simple rules will help you forget about bruxism forever, which is so destructive to your teeth and annoying to loved ones.

What to do if you grind your teeth at night - video

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