Expansion plate for children. What you need to know about dental braces. Removable or non-removable plates for children, what to choose

Problems with bite and misalignment of teeth are even too common. Every second person manifests certain pathologies of the dentition, but still not everyone is in a hurry to correct them. There are several reasons for this. Some are afraid of the price of treatment, others - the methods themselves. Braces despite everything newer species and construction types are still unpopular. Therefore, more and more widespread alternative methods orthodontic treatment, for example, a plate for teeth. Its price is much lower than the cost of braces and this is not the last advantage.

What it is?

Plates are popularly called one of two types of retainers.

A retainer is a removable or non-removable orthodontic appliance that was originally used to fix the result after braces.

A fixed retainer is placed on the back of the front teeth before the brackets are removed. After the end of the period of treatment with braces, the teeth will tend to their usual position for a long time. There were cases when, by mistake of a specialist, the teeth were bent already a month after long-term treatment. It is to prevent this that a fixed retainer is installed. Outwardly, he is unremarkable. This is a small metal wire, most often made of nitinol, the same material as the wire used in braces. They wear a fixed retainer for several months and only then start manufacturing.

The device is called a removable retainer. She received this name due to her design. It consists of a plastic base, repeating the shape of the sky, and a metal arc. The arc wraps around the teeth, both from the outside and from inside fixing them in a certain position.
The main task is to consolidate the result, but it has other applications.

When are dental veneers used?

The retainer not only fixes the teeth in a certain position, but also helps the patient to acquire habits that will be useful to him in the future. For example, when wearing, a person has to hold his tongue in only one position and breathe through his nose. It is throat breathing and wrong position language negatively affects the success of treatment, especially at a young age. The retainer will immediately solve all problems.

Actually because of this, the retainer is very often used even if the patient does not have orthodontic problems. Retainers, together with their plastic counterparts, trainers, allow you to wean small child from bad habits, and these include not only the incorrect position of the tongue and throat breathing, but the sucking of the nipple and thumb, especially at night, the habit of biting. Indirectly, retainers and trainers also affect speech problems. They train the muscles of the jaw and make it habitual for the correct position of the tongue.

AT recent times Retainers are increasingly being used to straighten teeth and correct bites.

Which is better, braces or dental plates?

Retainers have several tangible advantages over braces. First, they don't have to be worn all the time. They can be removed while eating and cleaning. Sometimes it is allowed to walk without them in other situations, but extremely rarely.

Second undoubted advantage, which the record can boast of - the price. The cost of treatment with braces is sometimes over the top, especially if sapphire or lingual constructions are used. The former are made of very expensive, but completely invisible and very durable crystalline sapphire, the latter are invisible to others, as they are attached to the back of the teeth. The price of both can reach, and sometimes exceed, 100 thousand rubles. The price of the plate is ten times less.

What the retainer definitely cannot boast of is the speed of treatment. The load is so small that the effect from it will have to be expected several times more than from braces. This is also despite the fact that the correction of bite and curvature with braces itself lasts from 6 months to several years.

It is completely useless to use it with a complex curvature of the teeth. She can only deal with single problems. It is in these cases that she wins an indisputable advantage. With small defects, using braces is too expensive and time consuming. Of course, the treatment will not be faster, but it will bring you no discomfort, and others may even guess why your smile has become perfect.

At what age are they installed?

Braces can only be installed after 12-13 years. At this time, the person's bite has already changed, the molars have become stronger, and dental system. There are no further age restrictions, but still, the older the person, the longer and more difficult will be treated. Therefore, orthodontists insist on wearing braces from the age of 14-15.

The plates don't have any. age restrictions. They can be worn by both an adult and a completely Small child. In the case of children, a small load even plays into the hands. At this time, when the teeth are not yet fully strengthened, they will have enough effort to change their height and location without damage.

Devices are used even when correcting milk teeth. If parents take care of the beauty of their child's smile, he will not need any braces in the future. Milk teeth are a kind of conductor of molars. If the dairy ones are twisted, it can be said with absolute certainty that the indigenous ones will be in the same sad state in the future. The same can be said about caries, as well as any other diseases of the oral cavity. No need to let the health of milk teeth take their course.

A nice bonus to dental treatment in childhood will be significant savings. Perhaps the only children's orthodontic appliances that are not more expensive than their adult counterpart. Their price, sometimes, of course, may differ upwards, but this already depends on the clinic itself.

How many should you wear?

The duration of wear depends on many factors. First of all, this is the purpose for which it is necessary. The retention period after braces lasts 1.5-2 times longer than the treatment itself. It turns out that if you wore braces for one year, then the retainer will have to be worn for two years. In most cases, the dentist still recommends not to part with the plate throughout life and periodically put them on at night, at least a couple of times a week.

When corrected, it will be impossible to predict the exact date. As a rule, this is from one year - in adults and from 6 months - in children. Nevertheless, the dentist will not answer with accuracy that after this time there will be a result. He simply cannot control all stages of treatment. Retainers are easy to remove, and this is the main pitfall, especially in the case of children. And the adults themselves periodically take them off and forget to put them on again. There are people who never manage to get used to a retainer and simply drop out of treatment.

How much you need to wear a plate during the day, here the answer is also ambiguous. For prevention, they are worn only at night. During treatment, retainers should be worn all day and removed only during cleaning and eating.

Is it difficult to get used to the devices?

Anyone who has ever worn both braces and a record can tell a lot. interesting stories about the first weeks of treatment. A person is just getting used to the orthodontic design and a lot of difficulties await him: it is difficult to talk, drooling may flow, speech is disturbed.

Imagine that you just left the specialist’s office and meet your friend, but you simply cannot tell him something intelligible. It only seems funny after a while, but in fact a person experiences a very unpleasant feelings. In support, we can only say that addiction lasts no more than 3 weeks. The main thing is to follow all the rules and in no case do not cheat, i.e. do not remove the system unnecessarily.

How to care?

After installing a retainer, oral care will, of course, become more complicated, but not by much, do not be afraid. Firstly, it must be removed before eating, and then rinsed under running water and only then put on.

Every morning, along with the teeth with a brush, it is also necessary to clean the plate. You just need to be very careful if the palatal part of the structure is scratched on its surface, deposits will immediately begin to accumulate.

When you remove your retainer, it is best to store it in a special solution. Sometimes it can be replaced with mouthwash or denture cleaning tablets.


average cost plates for teeth starts from 10 thousand rubles. In some regions, especially in Moscow, it can already cost from 14-15 thousand rubles. The good news is that for children under 16 years old, such a design is made free of charge, but this is only in public clinics. Additionally, you will need to pay for an x-ray and a cast of the jaw.

What is an overbite plate?

Orthodontic plate - is a removable orthodontic appliance, single or double action, which is used by a pediatric orthodontist to correct the bite in children aged 6 to 11 years, the period when milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones.

The plate is made individually for each patient. The child will wear the plate only if he likes it. For this, the basis (plastic part) can be made different colors, you can apply a picture, sparkles, stars, etc. on it.

The plate is practically invisible to others, with the exception of a metal arc that is on the teeth.

If the plate is made good technician made of hypoallergenic, high-quality plastic, the child will get used to it very quickly. The average adaptation time is 24-48 hours.

The main purpose of the plates is to correct the bite in children and expand the jaws, they are not designed to perfectly align the teeth. Braces are designed to straighten teeth.

How long should an orthodontic plate be worn?

On average, an overbite plate should be worn for about six months. Then comes the retention period, in which the plate must be worn for another 6-8 months to consolidate the result.

How often do you need to visit a pediatric orthodontist?

The frequency of repeated visits is determined by the type of plate. On average, the orthodontist needs to be visited once a month to correct and activate the plate. The reception time is no more than 5-10 minutes.

How much does it cost to put an orthodontic plate?

The cost of the plate is mainly determined by the degree of complexity of the malocclusion. The average cost of a single-jaw plate is about 10,000 - 12,000 rubles. A second visit to the orthodontist costs only 500 rubles.

What is the treatment algorithm on the plates?

Even if the bite of a child seems normal to you, anyway, at the age of 6-7 years, when the lower central incisors change, a consultation is necessary children's orthodontist. Timely correction of occlusion anomalies will avoid more serious, lengthy and expensive treatment with braces.

First step. Consultation of a pediatric orthodontist.

We recommend that you come for a consultation with x-ray OPTG (orthopantomogram). A clinical examination and orthopantomogram data will give the doctor comprehensive information about the child's orthodontic status and will allow him to prescribe the optimal treatment.

So, having discussed all the nuances of the upcoming treatment and made an estimate, you have chosen our clinic to correct your child's bite.

During a second visit, the doctor stores the plate in the child's mouth, teaches the rules for activating and caring for it, in a word. You'll get necessary recommendations and the doctor will prescribe the next scheduled appointment.

To sum it up, it only takes two visits to start correcting an overbite with braces!

Approximate cost (estimate)

  1. Consultation with an orthodontist 500 rubles
  2. Removing casts and making plaster models 1000 rubles
  3. Treatment on plates I-III degree complexity of 10,000-15,000 rubles (the cost of the device is included).
  4. Repeated reception - 500 rubles

Not correct bite or uneven teeth is a fairly common problem that is easy to fix if you contact an orthopedist.

And the sooner this is done, the less time it will take to correct. Therefore, the procedure is recommended to be carried out in childhood.

And the installation of dental plates will relieve those aesthetic and practical problems that occur when wearing braces.

Dental veneers serve the following purposes:

  • Change the shape of the jaw bones;
  • Hold the teeth in the correct position;
  • Adjust the width of the palate;
  • Prevent the displacement of teeth;
  • Depending on the situation, they can inhibit or stimulate the growth of the jaw;
  • They help to fix the result of the adjustment that was achieved by wearing braces. This is practically the only option in which the plates are recommended to be worn by adults.

In addition, from the point of view of psychology, children at this age endure the entire procedure much easier and do not experience moral discomfort.

Types of teeth alignment plates

Depending on the structure and purpose of the plate on the teeth are divided into several types:

  • single jaw- consist of orthodontic screws and a plate base. The principle of operation is based on the pressure that occurs when the screws are tightened. It is used for deformation of individual teeth, shortened or narrowed dentition. Suitable for both adults and children.
  • With hand-shaped process- used to correct the position of individual teeth. The plate is put on the lower or upper jaw, and a small process presses on the defective tooth, moving it in the right direction.
  • with retraction arch- designed to correct the protrusive position of the teeth of the anterior row. Suitable for both top and mandible. The effect is achieved due to the ability of the wire to spring.
  • With pusher- serves to correct the palatal arrangement of the teeth due to one or two spring mechanisms. Only suitable for upper jaw.
  • Brückl apparatus- corrects defects in the bite of the teeth of the anterior row of the lower jaw.
  • Andrez-Goypl activator- consists of two connecting parts, which are put on immediately on the lower and upper jaws. It has a combining effect, correcting several dental anomalies at once.
  • Frenkel apparatus- It has complex structure, including cheek shields, lip pads and many additional parts that are connected into one piece using a metal frame. Used to correct mesial, distal and open bites.

Besides, plates on the teeth are divided into removable and non-removable. At the same time, non-removable ones have a greater effect, but their price is higher. The main advantages of removable ones are that the cost is lower and you can remove them at any time, but this reduces their effectiveness.

How are they installed?

Before installing the plate, it must be made. The procedure is carried out individually, taking into account all the features of the tooth. jaw system patient and includes:

  • examination by an orthopedic dentist;
  • removal of casts of the jaw;
  • x-ray examination;
  • fitting plaster models of future plates (they must fit perfectly in shape);
  • if the plaster model fits, a plate is made on its basis.

The plastic base of a correctly made plate should correspond to the relief of the surface of the dental contour and gums, and the metal arc should fix the entire mechanism well.

The installation procedure is painless and does not take much time.. Immediately after the procedure, it will be difficult for the patient to speak, but gradually this will pass.

Pros and cons

The main advantages of dental plates include:

  • ease of care - even a child can handle it;
  • painless and quick installation;
  • visually they are less noticeable;
  • with rare exceptions, the plates can be removed, which allows the jaws to rest and facilitates the process of eating and brushing teeth.

Dental braces also have significant disadvantages:

  • almost impossible to use them to level serious defects in adults, since they cannot, like braces, move teeth;
  • the ability to remove the device can be a significant problem due to the fact that it is difficult to control compliance with all medical prescriptions by a child, and neglect of the rules will result in the futility of all treatment;
  • not in all cases the plates can help, sometimes only braces save the situation.

Record care

All the rules for caring for the plates, as well as tips for wearing them, can be reduced to the following points:

  • Must comply hygiene standards oral care- Brush your teeth twice a day and rinse your mouth after every meal. Otherwise, bacteria that will accumulate on orthopedic device and teeth will lead to caries.
  • To clean the plates, you must use the gels intended for this. There should be two of them: for daily use and for deep cleansing once a week. Reading is carried out only with the toothbrush of the one who wears the plates. However, it should not be rigid, otherwise it will damage the structure.
  • Once a week orthopedic structure need to be filled overnight with a special solution. To do this, you can use the container where the dental plates are stored.
  • If tartar has formed on the plate, which cannot be removed by the above methods, you need to contact a specialist and give the design for hardware cleaning.
  • After all cleaning procedures on the construction screw, if it exists, it is necessary drip vegetable oil and then turn the screw first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  • Desirable remove the plate before eating This will help avoid unnecessary contamination.
  • In no case you can not remove the orthopedic structure at night otherwise the entire healing effect. This should be monitored especially carefully if the child himself knows how to remove and put on the plate.

How to hold the twist plate correctly? Watch the video:

How much does a dental veneer cost?

The price of the entire procedure will include:

  • The cost of the orthopedic apparatus itself, which depends on the complexity of the anomaly, the type of device and the material of manufacture. Also, some parts of the structure will have to be changed from time to time, which will bring additional costs.
  • Installation work and further visits to the dentist throughout the course of treatment are paid separately.
  • As a result, the procedure can cost from 20 to 80 thousand rubles. And to this amount it will be necessary to add the cost of special cleaning products for the care of the plates.

Thus, the sooner you turn to the dentist for help and start the procedures to correct defects, the easier, faster and cheaper the treatment will be.

After reaching the age of twelve, achieve straight teeth and beautiful smile will be more difficult not only because of the end of the formation of the jaw system, but also because psychological characteristics adolescence and youth.

Scientists have proven that the older a person is, the more difficult it is for him to come to terms with wearing orthopedic structures.

The modern level of development of medicine makes it possible to correct almost all natural defects, if we start correcting it in time. Not an exception malocclusion, natural yellowness of the teeth or their absence, which was not previously paid attention to. Now, conscious parents understand the importance of forming the correct bite and color of the child’s teeth, therefore, from an early age, they take care that the child has beautiful and even teeth in the future.

Plates for bite correction

Malocclusion in childhood will help correct orthodontic plates. Over the years of using records, they have become ideal remedy to help correct an overbite.

The plates on the teeth are divided into removable and non-removable.

  • fixed plates - this design presents with several locks. The locks firmly attach the arc, and if necessary, the position of the arc can be changed. Fixed plates are used both in children and. The period of wearing fixed plates depends on how severe the curvature is and how the alignment is going. On average, a record is put on for two years, but in the absence of desired result the doctor extends the period of wearing.
  • removable plates - more often used in children than in adults. Removable plates are placed if minor bite correction is required. Outwardly, they are a plastic base with hooks attached to it. Children's plates are safe to use, so children do not experience any discomfort when wearing removable plates. In order, the alignment systems are tightened if necessary. The doctor himself appoints the time for twisting the plates (for example, every three weeks), and after a while evaluates the results of the construction. The children's plate on the teeth is hypoallergenic and is worn without discomfort. If necessary, the timing of twisting changes, and in the absence of a result, the question arises of changing them to non-removable structures. The main advantage of the plate for is the ability to remove it to give rest oral cavity. The wearing period is about one and a half years, but is extended for medical reasons.

What is

The manufacture and installation of the structure is ninety percent success in the curvature of the bite. Before the doctor puts the plate on, the patient does:

  1. cast of part of the jaw;
  2. evaluation of control models.

After these stages are completed, they talk about the manufacture of the structure.

The plate is made for a long time, for several weeks, but it's worth it, because wearing the plate provides for its presence in the oral cavity from a year to two years, so the design must be flawless.

The plastic base must accurately repeat the relief of the palate, gums and dental contour, and the metal arc must be accurately fixed in the “problem” zone.

It is best to form the correct bite from the age of seven - at this time the child has mixed teeth - both milk and molars, which are easily fed into the jaw. Therefore, any defect, detected in time, must be corrected by installing a plate to align the teeth in children.

In some cases, the doctor refuses to install a plate on the teeth of children, because it will not solve the problem. What to put - braces or plates - is not so much an aesthetic question as a pragmatic one. They put the design that will help solve the problem in the patient's oral cavity. In addition, the row has already been formed and its correction is possible only when bracket systems are installed.

Installation for children

To achieve the effect of the use of structures, you need to follow simple rules:

  • wear plates all the time, not even taking them off at night. Otherwise, the effect of the plates will be zero;
  • since the plate accumulates food debris, plaque, it must be carefully looked after so as not to provoke caries;
  • Cleaning of the plate on the teeth should be done daily and once a week by deep cleaning. For this, different gels are used, which the doctor advises;
  • in order to clean the plate, a separate brush is allocated, which will be intended only for this;
  • once a week, children's dental plates are left for some time in a special solution of concentrated cleaning agent;
  • record screws are lubricated vegetable oil for better functioning of the structure;
  • When eating, the tooth plate is removed.

Installing the structure and caring for it is not a difficult ritual. You should also not forget about twisting the plate, which should be done in a timely manner, otherwise you can apply more more harm. The construction screw is tightened in order to expand the base and create additional load, as a result of which the teeth seem to be pushed into the dentition and form an even series.

If after some time the doctor talks about removing the structure, this means that a retention period is coming - the time when you need to consolidate the results. For this on little time install retainer plates, but in rare cases retainers can be worn longer than the plate itself. Aligning teeth with plates is a reliable method, the effect of which lasts a lifetime.

Cosmetic plates for teeth

Cosmetic plates allow you to change the shape of the teeth, their color, correct row defects. Such a plate is called a veneer in another way and it is installed both as a tooth and for several. famous " Hollywood smile”- the effect of the use of cosmetic structures, which American stars often sin. They put cosmetic plates for teeth whitening in the event that it is not possible to get rid of defects in other ways.


At the very beginning of its use, which solved the issue of an ugly smile. And now cosmetic teeth whitening is a popular service in all clinics. But now doctors recommend putting veneers on other problem areas because they serve as protection against destruction. The thickness of the plates is negligible and the patient does not feel foreign body in the oral cavity, the structures do not rub the gums, are not capable of damaging adjacent teeth. Cosmetic plates are installed according to the following indicators:

  1. yellowing from smoking, coffee, darkening due to the action of the filling material;
  2. change in the shape of the teeth from time to time (the so-called physiological abrasion);
  3. injuries (splits, cracks);
  4. wide interdental spaces;
  5. underdevelopment of teeth;
  6. uneven contour;
  7. "gum" smile;
  8. the presence of a defective seal.

Veneers are made from composite materials, zircon oxide or ceramic. When installing such structures, they are matched to the color of the teeth, so as not to distinguish them from natural ones.

Teeth whitening pads

The dream of white teeth should by no means remain just a dream. In order to lighten them by several tones, special plates for teeth whitening are purchased, and the whitening itself is carried out at home. Whitening plates are sold in pharmacies in packs designed for one whitening course. Usually the plates need to be worn for two weeks to see the effect of whitening by two tones. The achieved whiteness lasts for six months. To use whitening plates for teeth, you need to clean your teeth well and attach a strip to the top or bottom row, fixing it. Keep the strip in this position for thirty minutes. While wearing, you should stop smoking, eating, sleeping. The procedure is performed separately on each dentition.

After the effect is achieved, it is still worth reconsidering your habits - giving up coffee, smoking, strong tea, which give the teeth a persistent yellow tint and contribute to bad smell from mouth.

Teeth whitening pads - good exit for those who, for one reason or another, could not preserve the natural whiteness.

To correct small bite defects, plates are placed on the teeth of children. These orthodontic designs gently align the dentition, are comfortable and almost invisible. They are a great alternative to braces if the baby has only a few crooked units.

Dental veneers are usually removable. They consist of 3 basic elements:

Additional Information! Some models may additionally include locks, hooks and other elements. The complexity of the design directly depends on the degree of curvature of the bite.

What problems can plates solve?

The main advantage of plates over braces is early use. They can be placed even in milk bite from 6 years. But basically the system is applied after. age limit patient - 12 - 15 years, before the dentoalveolar system is fully formed and becomes inactive.

Important! Tooth alignment plates are very rarely used for adults. They are recommended for people with 1-2 crooked units or to prevent re-curvature after the main orthodontic treatment.

The device is not able to eliminate serious anomalies. It is used for minor defects, for the prevention of curvature of units, stimulation proper growth jaws. The system is set up to:

Pros and cons

Dental plates have numerous advantages over other orthodontic structures:

  1. High comfort and aesthetics. The patient gets used to the system in a couple of days. It is almost not felt in the mouth, it can be removed while eating, playing sports, hygiene procedures. Also, the device is hardly noticeable to others.
  2. Fast production. On average, the mechanism is made a week after the removal of impressions, while other orthodontic appliances - up to a month.
  3. Easy installation. The installation itself takes 10 minutes. The procedure is completely painless.
  4. Easy care. Even elementary school students can keep the plate clean.
  5. Low price. The cost of the system in Moscow dentistry is on average 8-10 thousand rubles.
  6. Rare visits to the dentist. To correct the device, the doctor is visited on average 3 times less often than when wearing braces.

However, there are also significant disadvantages:

Additional Information! It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not play with the mechanism. Children quickly adapt to take off and put on the plates with their tongue.


Dental aligners are divided into 2 groups: non-removable and removable. The latter are most often used in dental practice. Removable structures are divided into:

Manufacturing and installation

The plates on the teeth are made individually. The procedure takes place in several stages:

  • examination of the patient, x-ray diagnostics of the oral cavity;
  • taking impressions from the lower and upper jaws: impressions must be taken simultaneously from two jaws, even if only one needs to be aligned - this will allow you to make an accurate model;
  • fitting plaster templates;
  • making a permanent mechanism, if the gypsum one is suitable;
  • direct installation and adjustment of the system.

The design is made individually.

Important! At first, after installation, it will be difficult for the child to speak. maybe increased excretion saliva, feeling of pressure on the teeth, slight soreness. The baby will get used to the device in 2-3 days.

How effective are the plates in aligning the bite in children?

The average duration of treatment with removable plates is up to 2 years. However, the period varies greatly depending on the age of the patient and the complexity of the defect.

The first positive changes will be noticeable in a couple of weeks. The incisors occupy the correct position for an average of six months. The situation is more complicated with canines and molars. It takes at least a year to fix them.

Additional Information! If the therapy is long, it may be necessary to replace the product with a new one, since over a long time the structure of the jaw and palate changes in the child.

The average duration of treatment with removable plates is up to 2 years.

Also, the plate for the teeth is not always able to completely eliminate the anomalies of the jaws. It is effective in 8 cases out of 10. In this case, it is used as a preparation for braces treatment.

How to properly care for the plates?

Improper care leads to breakage, scratches and damage to the integrity of the plate to align the teeth. To avoid failure of the mechanism and ensure the most effective treatment, adhere to the following recommendations:

    • you need to wear the plate for at least 21 - 22 hours;
    • during meals, active games, sports, the structure is removed;
    • brush their teeth after eating;
    • before putting the plate back in, it is rinsed warm water;
    • need in a special plastic ventilated container;
    • once a day, the device is cleaned with a paste or gel;
    • the adjusting screw is lubricated with a drop of oil every day;
    • once a week, the device is placed overnight in a vessel with disinfectant- chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide;
    • carried out every 3 months professional hygiene oral cavity;
    • if the plate breaks, immediately contact the dentist.

The plates are placed on the teeth of children from 6 to 12 years old. Orthodontic constructions used to correct minor defects and proper development jaws. In difficult cases, treatment with braces is necessary.

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