Are wisdom teeth prosthetics? Which crown is better for a chewing tooth - types and recommendations of doctors

Let's try to figure out which crown is best for chewing tooth. This question interests many who have lost 6s and 7s, not to mention the last, eighth molars - called wisdom teeth. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people around the world face this need every year. Of course, there are very poor countries where only a few percent of the population can afford prosthetics, we do not take them into account.

So, our task is to restore the tooth with high quality, and so that it does not fall apart when we decide to have a snack with something harder than soup.

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Types and materials of crowns

Teeth 6 to 8 are not included in the concept of “smile zone”, and therefore doctors believe that they should be the last thing to worry about their aesthetics. Many people put on the simplest, stamped metal crowns. Not only do they look creepy, but also the surface does not fit the rest of the teeth at all. That is, it's just a "metal piece" in your mouth. The cheaper it is, the less anatomically correct it is made and the worse the condition of the turned tooth under it will be later. Therefore, most experts recommend installing cermets.

A crown can be for one tooth or several. Sometimes, when you need a prosthesis for 2-4 teeth, a whole bridge is placed on special fasteners that hold on to healthy teeth.

First of all, we will talk about restoration crowns. They are used in order to return a person the ability to chew normally. There are several main types.

  1. Full crown. It replaces the destroyed natural completely.
  2. Stump- recessed type. If the tooth is almost completely destroyed, this option is the most convenient and aesthetic.
  3. with pin. Option for heavily damaged teeth.
  4. half-crowns. Close all sides except the inner (lingual). They are often used to mount bridges and other types of prostheses.

In any case, the crown for the chewing tooth is selected taking into account the increased load.

If the patient insists that the tooth should look as natural as possible, prosthetics using crowns on a zirconium frame are recommended.

  1. Zirconium dioxide has an important advantage over conventional metals and alloys. It has a natural translucency close to that of a real tooth.
  2. The second big plus is the strength of such products, which is greater than that of standard ceramic-metal. It is indicated up to 600-700 MPa.
  3. Long service life (a well-placed crown will last up to 20 years).
  4. Light weight.
  5. Low thermal conductivity.
  6. High precision custom fit.
  7. Easy to achieve correct form, anatomical accuracy chewing surfaces, match the color to the enamel of adjacent teeth.

The high accuracy of fitting such crowns is ensured by the fact that this is done using computer simulation. Therefore, the errors are hundredths of a millimeter. When it comes to getting an exact replica of the tooth you are going to chew on, it is important that it has the right height and shape. Otherwise, the load on the maxillotemporal joint will be uneven, which can lead to various disorders.

A pin tab made of fiberglass or titanium can also be used. In the first case, we get transparency - the base is not visible through the crown. In the second case - increased strength.

For example, you have a damaged tooth and you want to stop the process of its destruction. In this case, you can install a completely aesthetic metal-free crown. They are made of ceramic, very similar to real teeth, but are expensive. Therefore, it can be expensive to put them on a chewing tooth.

If you need to combine reliability with a certain level of aesthetics, it is recommended to use cermets. The frame of such products is made of nickel-chromium and cobalt-chromium alloys. For "distant" teeth, you can use and metal crowns.

The most important point is the preparation of the tooth for the installation of such structures. Indeed, in order to put a crown, the tooth is ground, the nerve is removed from it, cleaned and sealed. root canals. If the filling is not carried out with sufficient quality, it may begin inflammatory process. Most bad moment in this story is that inflammations begin late, when the warranty for the installed artificial tooth. In the CIS, they rarely give a guarantee more than a year. For comparison, in Germany, high-quality crowns are given up to five years of warranty. You say we don't have such specialists? Yes, but they still don't risk promising that your crown will last that long.

How is a crown selected?

The choice of crown type in most cases depends on the degree of tooth decay. In some situations, the doctor may perform the restoration filling materials which will be cheaper and faster. In others, if the rest of the tooth cannot withstand the stress, a crown is recommended. Sometimes it is placed on an implant made of titanium, which can be screwed into the root of a tooth or into the jawbone.


For many people, the question of which type / material to choose rests on the financial moment. That is why there are so many people with "iron" teeth in our country. After all, a beautiful metal-free crown for a chewing tooth can be quite expensive.

I just entered prices in the search engine and was surprised at the spread. For example, in St. Petersburg for one zirconium crown asking for 35 thousand rubles. At the time of this writing, that was $533. But, having scrolled through several offers from clinics in other cities (both in the Russian Federation and in Ukraine, Belarus), I was convinced that there are much cheaper options. For example, the people of Kiev offer the same service for $149. The Moscow clinic asks for 25 thousand rubles. (379 USD).

But this is all according to zirconium dioxide prices. Ordinary cermet is cheaper, metal costs a penny at all relative to these prices. So it's up to you to choose - to put less aesthetic, average in terms of parameters or almost perfect, but more expensive.

For example, at the above-mentioned Muscovites, you will pay around $ 200 per tooth for high-quality cermet. Metallo plastic crown will cost $73.

How long will a crown last?

Only a person who foresees the future can answer this question accurately. Because no doctor can predict how much you will load the tooth, whether the destruction of the “residues” on which the crown is attached, etc. will begin.

Crowns can wear out over time. The more cheap option chosen, the sooner this process will begin and replacement will be needed.

Features of caring for dental crowns

If you have a simple single crown installed on your tooth, then a toothbrush, paste and floss for care will be enough. But if you have installed bridge prosthesis(or, as it is also called, the bridge), then certain difficulties are likely to arise with hygiene. The fact is that such prostheses have an intermediate part (it is she who restores lost tooth), food residues accumulate under it, which are sometimes very difficult to remove.

But regular hygiene is not everything. I also recommend using irrigators that allow you to clean the most inaccessible areas. oral cavity(for example, under the same bridge) from soft plaque and food debris. Irrigators form a pulsating water jet under pressure and deliver it through a special nozzle.

Can there be any problems?

Metal-ceramic crowns are very durable, this is the best material for prosthetics, even for front teeth, not like chewing ones, but there is one unpleasant nuance that you should be aware of. It's about darkening of the gingival margin. Moreover, this can be observed both immediately after installation, and after a certain time.

What is the reason for such a phenomenon? The darkened gum is a metal frame that protrudes through the mucous membrane. Everything depends on this case from the features of a smile: if the gums are visible during it, then the defect described above will also be noticeable.

Reviews about crowns

What do people themselves say about installed crowns made of various materials? I'll start again with expensive, zirconium. That's what's really good about them - doctors for such money try much more. After all, their mistakes will lead to customer dissatisfaction and the need to redo everything. And this work is very difficult. Therefore, they strive to do everything right and efficiently at once.

Prices for last years grew noticeably. If in 2013 a Russian could put two zirconium crowns for 35,000 rubles, by 2016 there was only one. People complain only about the cost. For many people, it is simply unbearable. After all, many people live on a salary / pension of 15-20 thousand. Save a year? An option, but it does not suit everyone.

Next, let's move on to cermets. The most a big problem- find good specialists who will carry out the procedure correctly so that you do not have problems in the future and do not have to remove the tooth on which the crown is placed. On the whole, for chewing teeth crowns of this type are optimal in terms of price and quality.

The most negative comments fell on metal-plastic and cast metal crowns. Metal-plastic crowns have one unpleasant property - the plastic coating will peel off over time, exposing the metal base. The view is not the most pleasant. Also, often under cheap crowns, the gums begin to become inflamed, and gingivitis has to be treated.

Nevertheless, 90% of negative reviews are not related to the materials, but to the incompetence of doctors. Therefore, I can recommend that you study the opinions about the clinic you have chosen, and then trust its employees with your teeth and money.

Summing up, I want to say - you should not save on dental health. I wish you good luck in choosing a clinic and crowns. I look forward to your comments and subscriptions to news site.

Modern dental materials for crowns allow you to restore functionality and aesthetic appearance teeth, prevent the development of caries and further destruction of dental tissues. Crowns are placed even on the third molars, the so-called wisdom teeth. Although the eighth teeth in a row practically do not perform the function of chewing, they are still able to act as:

  • supports when installing bridge prostheses;
  • restraining supports that prevent loosening of the adjacent tooth;
  • fallback - with the loss of several chewing teeth, the third molars take on part of the load.

A crown on the 8th tooth is placed in order to preserve healthy tissues, since the third molars provide for clear advantage with subsequent prosthetics. Wisdom teeth erupt much later than the others, so when destroyed or lost adjacent teeth can be used as a support for bridge crowns. If the eighth tooth is not saved, prosthetics will no longer be possible with a crown, but only with an implant. A wisdom tooth may be needed to install a bridge crown when prosthetics have been removed in front of the standing seventh molar, sixth and seventh missing or to be removed molars.

Healthy figure eights are rare in humans. But if there were no complications during the eruption of the wisdom tooth, there was no displacement of the dentition, then you should not remove the molar. Even if the tooth is damaged, there is still the possibility of treatment and restoration. But the crown on the 8th tooth is rather difficult to put on, which is caused by awkward position in the oral cavity and complex anatomical structure. The complexity of installing a crown on the 8th tooth is also due to the frequent curvature of the root canals, which need to be sealed with high quality.

The Mendeleev Dental Clinic offers the manufacture and installation of crowns on teeth on a turnkey basis. Orthopedists successfully perform even the most complex prosthetics of teeth, including third molars. The crown on the tooth is produced in the clinic's own laboratory using modern dental materials. Dental crown can be made of cermet or ceramic based on zirconium dioxide. This crown accurately recreates the shape, size, color and translucency of a natural molar. A high-quality crown is almost impossible to distinguish from the patient's natural tooth. The dentist selects a crown for a tooth at a personal consultation, taking into account clinical picture, oral health, individual preferences and budget of the patient.

The best dentists

Promotions for dental prosthetics at Premier Clinic
AT modern world already young people can lose their teeth due to the fact that the lifestyle and nutrition structure has changed. Caries affects more than 90% of the world's population today. Therefore, dentistry has developed so much in the last 50 years. Today, many technologies for restoring teeth have been created. varying degrees destruction. Despite the advent of new prosthetic technologies, bridges remain one of the most popular types of dentures.

They are placed on any teeth, but for this it is necessary to take into account the structural features of the dentition and the installation site. Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to put a bridge on the wisdom tooth when restoring the posterior chewing teeth. Everything in each case depends on the condition of the tooth itself and the entire oral cavity.

In our "premier Clinic" you can install a bridge on chewing teeth, on the front, side, back. The bridge construction of the prosthesis has several advantages:

  • it is universal and suitable for installation on different teeth;
  • can always be selected individually;
  • can be made from different materials;
  • allows you to restore teeth of any degree of destruction.

How to put a bridge on the back teeth

Bridges have a special design. Two extreme crowns on them are floors. They are installed on the supporting teeth, which ensures the strength of the fastening. Those crowns that stand in the middle of the bridge are closed. They simply lie on the gums, imitating restored teeth. It is impossible to put a bridge without abutment crowns. Therefore, if there are no such teeth, an implant is placed, which performs the function of a support.

Before installing a bridge on the wisdom tooth, or on the front teeth, it is necessary to treat the oral cavity. Bridges are always built on permanent basis. To install them, it is necessary to saw off the support dental unit. If necessary, the nerve must be removed from the tooth so that it is no longer under the crown.

Bridge on front teeth and other types of teeth

Before installing the bridge, you need to go through several stages:

  • conduct an examination of the mouth;
  • heal the destroyed teeth on which the bridge will be installed;
  • make casts;
  • build bridges;
  • adjust and install.

To install a wisdom tooth bridge, anterior, lateral, or back teeth, it is necessary to carry out great job. Only in this case the bridge will be made and installed well.

For the manufacture of the bridge can be used:

  • metal;
  • ceramics;
  • cermets;
  • plastic.

Each type of material uses its own technology for the manufacture of bridges. It is also important for the bridge to make high-quality casts of teeth so that the bridge and crowns fit optimally into the dentition.

Where is the best place to put a bridge on the teeth on a wisdom tooth?

If you do not know for sure whether a bridge is placed on a wisdom tooth in your dental clinic Come to Premier Clinic. We have experienced orthopedists. We use everything quality species materials from which bridges are made. We will do everything necessary to make the bridge fit perfectly on your dentition.

Availability of quality Supplies for metal ceramics allows us to make a beautiful and reliable anterior dental bridge, which will restore the beauty of a smile. Our orthopedists own everything the latest technologies bridge manufacturing. We can put a bridge on the supporting teeth, and a single crown from modern composite materials, which the doctor will create directly in the patient's mouth.

Come to us for treatment. We will help restore your teeth integrity and protect them from decay. We have affordable prices and quality materials. All categories of people who need prosthetics in Moscow will be able to choose from us the best bridge in terms of quality and cost for any teeth.

Pin-stump tab (metal) front

Pin-stump tab (metal) side

Pin-stump tab (special alloy)

Ceramic tab inlay,onlay,overlay

Metal-ceramic crown (facet)

14500 9900 rub.

Metal-ceramic crown (facet)-1

Metal-ceramic crown (facet)-2

Metal-ceramic crown (facet) (special alloy)

Metal-ceramic crown on the implant

Metal-ceramic crown on the implant (special alloy)

All-ceramic crown (CAD/CAM technology)

Ceramic veneer

Solid metal crown (special alloy)

Metal suprastructure (titanium)

Button suprastructure 1

All-ceramic suprastructure

Suprastructure temporary

impression module

Laboratory analogue of the implant

guide template

bite pattern

Clasp prosthesis on locks

Conditionally removable prosthesis on implants

Removable plate prosthesis

Temporary plastic crown, veneer

Temporary metal-plastic crown

Temporary metal-ceramic crown

Immediate prostheses (up to 3 units)

Preliminary tooth modeling (WAX-UP)

All-metal crown on the implant

Removal of metal-ceramic, ceramic crowns

Removing the crown from the implant

Temporary crown on the implant

Denture repair (tooth welding 1 unit)

Each subsequent tooth

Metal-ceramic crown on the implant (ALFA-BIO)

Acri Free prosthesis

The so-called "wisdom teeth" (in fact, these are regular teeth) always get Special attention and attitudes from dentists. Is it worth pulling them out at all or is it not? This question does not have a clear answer, conclusions should be drawn based on each individual case. There are circumstances when such a tooth frankly interferes and interferes healthy development other teeth, in other cases, its removal is highly undesirable.

A wisdom tooth must be preserved if it is needed during a prosthetic operation, if it has a pair - a double, that is, a second similar tooth that takes part in grinding food, if there is a pulpitis that can be sealed with high quality, as well as in some others cases. Accordingly, if it becomes necessary to put a crown on such a tooth in order to save it, the dentist will notify you of this. However, if your wisdom tooth is in the wrong place in the row of other teeth, if you have too little space in the row for the development of other teeth, or if the tooth is so badly damaged that filling and even pinning are pointless, then such a tooth, alas, will have to be eliminated.

One way or another, you will solve these issues in close dialogue with your dentist, who will be guided by the data and facts available to him. A situation may arise when the choice is between a crown and a filling, and here we advise you not to chase after savings (crowns are more expensive), but to correctly assess all the chances and forecasts and do as the doctor advises. Otherwise, the filling can only destroy the tooth and the whole operation will have to be carried out again.

Do you want to know about our promotions, discounts or ask questions? We are happy to answer them! We are waiting for your calls to the number 200-35-37.

choose a specialist for a free consultation

Plyukhin Dmitry Vladimirovich

Chief Physician GK "Dental Practice" Candidate medical sciences Surgeon-implantologist Dentist-orthopedist Chief physician of the clinic "SP-Center"

sign up for free consultation right now

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Many patients of dentists are interested in the cases in which they put a crown on a tooth, is it possible to do without this procedure, what to do if only the root is left of the tooth, and is a crown needed for a wisdom tooth? These questions need to be dealt with in more detail. Experts say that when a tooth is destroyed, prosthetics are necessary, this will save it from further destruction. You cannot put a crown on the figure eight, since most often this unit must be removed.

What is the danger of losing a tooth

Putting a crown on a tooth is recommended by many specialists. Prosthetics will allow you to save not only the aesthetics of the dentition, but also the uniform distribution of the masticatory load, the restoration of a full-fledged masticatory function. If a tooth is cracked, or after its removal, there are such negative effects on the dentoalveolar apparatus and on the whole body:

  1. With the loss of a unit, the efficiency of eating food worsens, the function of chewing it is disturbed. As a result, the digestion of food is disturbed, the risk of developing diseases increases. digestive system and disturbances in metabolic processes.
  2. When an element is lost, Negative influence on the oral cavity - there are curvatures in the dentition, malocclusion develops, the risk of developing periodontitis increases.
  3. Articulation is broken.
  4. The person is embarrassed to smile and communicate.

  • restoration of full chewing function;
  • prevention of the development of complications and various pathologies;
  • improving the quality of human life;
  • getting rid of psychological discomfort;
  • prevention of malocclusion and articulation.

When setting is shown

If the tooth is loose or with a cracked element, it is recommended to contact a specialist. Only after the examination and assessment of the situation, the question of whether crowns will be placed is decided. Why is prosthetics necessary? There are certain indications for crowns:

For multiple defects dental system showing prosthetics. The older the patient becomes, the more defects there may be, which means that there are more indications for the procedure. Can be used in dental practice different variants restorations, the choice of product depends on the indications and contraindications.

When you can not put the device

There are practically no contraindications to prosthetics, since there are a lot of recovery methods, one of them will definitely fit. Key Principle restoration - to save the remaining element. The root system is filled with filling material. Conducted if necessary pre-implantation after resection of tissues affected by caries.

Relative contraindications to the installation of a fixed device include poor hygiene oral cavity. The worse the patient complies with all medical recommendations, the cheaper the cost and the easier the design is installed for him in place of the cracked or destroyed element. Another relative contraindication is the repair or relocation of an already installed prosthesis. This treatment option will be the least traumatic, the tooth will not crack, its tissues and full function will be preserved.

During pregnancy, prosthetics are allowed only in the second trimester. It is undesirable to install crowns for pregnant women in the first and third trimester. After childbirth, you can carry out the procedure, breast-feeding is not a contraindication.

Thanks to modern orthopedic structures, you can save the destroyed elements of the dentition, preserve the aesthetic indicators, the person will not experience psychological discomfort - he will not be embarrassed to communicate and smile. In addition, thanks to the crown, you can restore the full chewing function of the dentition. Which type of prosthetics to use, the specialist decides after a preliminary examination, evaluation of indications and contraindications. If it is possible to put dentures, they begin to carry out preliminary preparation for the procedure, if not, another method of restoring the dentition is chosen.

AT modern dentistry The dentition is often restored with crowns. The teeth are treated, the root canals are filled, the enamel layer of 1–2 mm is ground down and a crown is put on top. This method of restoration allows you not to affect adjacent undamaged units. What materials are best for dentures and how to properly care for them?

Types, materials and cost of crowns for chewing teeth

With the destruction of the supragingival part of the tooth, a person faces a difficult choice of a bite restoration method. While preserving the roots of units, crowns or bridges are used - they allow you to restore missing teeth and, depending on the materials, carry out treatment at low cost. Which crown will be better and how much will the restoration of the dentition cost?


Metal crowns are a budget option bite recovery. Installation of products involves minimal tooth processing and durability of operation - an average of 10-15 years. Structures are made by one-piece casting or stamped. Stamped products have a big minus - with daily wear tooth enamel affects caries, the disease quickly leads to pulpitis.

The color scheme of prostheses is metal or gold. Due to the low aesthetics, such crowns are installed only on chewing teeth. If urgent restoration is required, metal crowns are ideal option. They have a number of other benefits:

Crowns are made of silver-palladium and gold alloys or steel with gold, chromium and cobalt plating. However, it is worth remembering that you can not put products from different metals. If steel was installed, then in the future you need to resort to the same material. The use of different metals leads to galvanic reactions, the patient feels metallic taste and burning sensation in the mouth.

The price of products varies from 700 to 20,000 rubles per unit. The cost depends on what material is used in the creation of the prosthesis.

from ceramics

For maximum similarity artificial teeth with natural ones, ceramics - porcelain and other ceramic materials - began to be used in the manufacture of crowns. They are translucent, so that even at close range it is impossible to distinguish the prosthesis from the real tooth. Metal-free ceramics are used in cases where it is possible to prevent severe destruction of the unit.

Ceramic crowns are not prone to oxidation, provide beautiful smile, but at the same time with the above advantages, they also have a disadvantage - high price and lower strength compared to metal products.

The cost of a porcelain crown starts from 10,000 rubles, but it will last an average of about 5 years.

From cermet

A metal-ceramic crown is a combination of strength and aesthetics. Many dentists believe that it is better to put a combined design on chewing teeth, because it looks beautiful and differs enough long period use - about 8 years. The product consists of a metal base and a ceramic surface (see also:). The design is almost indistinguishable from real teeth. Chips and cracks are extremely rare and mainly due to incorrect installation or poor quality material.

Metal-ceramic crowns are of two types:

  1. With a base of hypoallergenic metals - gold, palladium or platinum. Crowns look natural, so such designs are more often used for prosthetics of incisors and canines. The cost of the product starts at 15,000 rubles.
  2. With cobalt or nickel-chromium base. The designs are reliable in operation, but metals in some cases can cause allergies. The crown will cost 4000-6000 rubles.

Ceramic-metal does not transmit light and will be noticeable against the background of other teeth, provided that only one unit is restored. The crown has thick walls, so when installing it, you have to sharpen the tooth a lot (we recommend reading:).

From zirconium

Dentists agree that zirconia crowns are better than other types of products because they look like natural teeth. Zirconium is often referred to as "white gold" (we recommend reading:). Prostheses are used to restore the smile area and chewing units. Design under the action of products with coloring pigments does not change its color. The product can last up to 15 years with good oral hygiene.

This type of crown does not cause allergic reactions, does not oxidize and does not collect pathogenic bacteria, which prevents the development of caries on neighboring units and the destruction of the mucosa. The prosthesis is made using computer modeling, so it is as close as possible to the type and color natural teeth. The cost of a crown varies from 15 to 30,000 rubles, for this reason, not every patient chooses them for the restoration of chewing units.

Other options

In modern dentistry, other types of crowns are also used:

How to care for crowns?

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know from me how to solve exactly your problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

The service life of almost all crowns is about 10 years. If the teeth are carefully looked after, the operating time artificial units can be increased. It is worth remembering that any material from which products are made is subject to mechanical stress. It is not recommended to gnaw nuts, seeds, chew other hard and coarse food.

When installing single crowns, there are no special rules for caring for teeth. It is enough to treat the oral cavity twice a day using a toothbrush, paste and rinse.

It would be useful to use dental floss, which will allow you to maximally clean the oral cavity from deposits that provoke the reproduction of pathogens and the formation of foci of inflammation.

Bridges require more thorough hygiene. The intermediate part, which replaces a lost tooth or several units, is a place where a lot of food debris accumulates. Removing them from under the bridge is quite problematic, so dentists recommend using irrigators. This device is equipped with a nozzle from which a thin pulsating jet of water is ejected under pressure. The device provides a thorough cleaning of the structure from soft touch and accumulated food particles.

Wisdom tooth prosthetics

wrong height wisdom tooth

Modern materials used in dentistry allow you to restore any teeth. Formerly a tooth wisdom was removed in most cases, but today, if it has grown normally and does not collapse, it can be used in the future as a supporting element in prosthetics. Does it make sense to put a crown on the G8, and what difficulties can arise when performing the manipulation?

Do they put the crown on the "eight"?

Healthy wisdom teeth in humans are quite rare, but if the unit has grown correctly and without complications, then it is saved. When a tooth is damaged, it remains possible to treat and restore it. The crown on the "eight" is quite difficult to install, due to the inconvenient location and complex structure unit, which usually has several twisted roots (it is difficult to carefully seal them).

  • as a support for bridge prostheses;
  • in the form of an obstacle to reduce the loosening of the adjacent tooth;
  • as a backup option for chewing food due to the loss of several chewing units.

Bridge to the wisdom tooth

"Eights" are considered by some experts to be rudiments, but if they are healthy, they can be very useful in old age. Wisdom teeth erupt late, so if the seventh or sixth tooth is lost, they can be used as a support for a bridge. Bridges are one of the most popular types of restoration. These products are put on any units, taking into account the structural features of the dental arch.

"Eight" is used to restore lost chewing teeth. Bridges have a simple design: two hollow outer boxes are attached to pre-prepared ground and depulped adjacent teeth which ensures the strength of the installation. Crowns in the middle of the bridge are closed, they fit snugly to the gums, imitating teeth.

Let's try to find out which crown is better for a chewing tooth. This question interests many who have lost 6s and 7s, not to mention the last, eighth molars - called. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people around the world face this need every year. Of course, there are very poor countries where only a few percent of the population can afford prosthetics, we do not take them into account.

So, our task is to restore the tooth with high quality, and so that it does not fall apart when we decide to have a snack with something harder than soup.

Types and materials of crowns

Teeth 6 to 8 are not included in the concept of “smile zone”, and therefore doctors believe that they should be the last thing to worry about their aesthetics. Many people put on the simplest, stamped metal crowns. Not only do they look creepy, but also the surface does not fit the rest of the teeth at all. That is, it's just a "metal piece" in your mouth. The cheaper it is, the less anatomically correct it is made and the worse the condition of the turned tooth under it will be later. Therefore, most experts recommend installing cermets.

A crown can be for one tooth or several. Sometimes, when you need a prosthesis for 2-4 teeth, a whole bridge is placed on special fasteners that hold on to healthy teeth.

First of all, we will talk about restoration crowns. They are used in order to return a person the ability to chew normally. There are several main types.

  1. Full crown. It replaces the destroyed natural completely.
  2. Stump- recessed type. If the tooth is almost completely destroyed, this option is the most convenient and aesthetic.
  3. with pin. Option for heavily damaged teeth.
  4. half-crowns. Close all sides except the inner (lingual). They are often used to mount bridges and other types of prostheses.

In any case, the crown for the chewing tooth is selected taking into account the increased load.

If the patient insists that the tooth should look as natural as possible, prosthetics using crowns on a zirconium frame are recommended.

Crowns on a zirconium framework

The high accuracy of fitting such crowns is ensured by the fact that this is done using computer simulation. Therefore, the errors are hundredths of a millimeter. When it comes to getting an exact replica of the tooth you are going to chew on, it is important that it has the right height and shape. Otherwise, the load on the maxillotemporal joint will be uneven, which can lead to various disorders.

A pin tab made of fiberglass or titanium can also be used. In the first case, we get transparency - the base is not visible through the crown. In the second case - increased strength.

For example, you have a damaged tooth and you want to stop the process of its destruction. In this case, you can install a completely aesthetic metal-free crown. They are made of ceramic, very similar to real teeth, but are expensive. Therefore, it can be expensive to put them on a chewing tooth.

If you need to combine reliability with a certain level of aesthetics, it is recommended to use cermets. The frame of such products is made of nickel-chromium and cobalt-chromium alloys. For "distant" teeth, metal crowns can also be used.

The most important point is the preparation of the tooth for the installation of such structures. Indeed, in order to put a crown, the tooth is ground, the nerve is removed from it, the root canals are cleaned and sealed. If the filling is not carried out with sufficient quality, an inflammatory process may begin. The most unpleasant moment in this story is that inflammations begin late, when the guarantee for the artificial tooth installed to you expires. In the CIS, they rarely give a guarantee for more than a year. For comparison, in Germany, high-quality crowns are given up to five years of warranty. You say we don't have such specialists? Yes, but they still don't risk promising that your crown will last that long.

Metal ceramics for teeth

How is a crown selected?

The choice of crown type in most cases depends on the degree of tooth decay. In some situations, the doctor can perform the restoration with filling materials, which will be cheaper and faster. In others, if the rest of the tooth cannot withstand the stress, a crown is recommended. Sometimes it is placed on an implant made of titanium, which can be screwed into the root of a tooth or into the jawbone.


For many people, the question of which type / material to choose rests on the financial moment. That is why there are so many people with "iron" teeth in our country. After all, a beautiful metal-free crown for a chewing tooth can be quite expensive.

I just entered prices in the search engine and was surprised at the spread. For example, in St. Petersburg, they ask for 35 thousand rubles for one zirconium crown. At the time of this writing, that was $533. But, having scrolled through several offers from clinics in other cities (both in the Russian Federation and in Ukraine, Belarus), I was convinced that there are much cheaper options. For example, the people of Kiev offer the same service for $149. The Moscow clinic asks for 25 thousand rubles. (379 USD).

But this is all according to zirconium dioxide prices. Ordinary cermet is cheaper, metal costs a penny at all relative to these prices. So it's up to you to choose - to put less aesthetic, average in terms of parameters or almost perfect, but more expensive.

Ceramic crowns for teeth

For example, at the above-mentioned Muscovites, you will pay around $ 200 per tooth for high-quality cermet. A metal-plastic crown will cost $73.

Dental crown - photo of installation steps

How long will a crown last?

Only a person who foresees the future can answer this question accurately. Because no doctor can predict how much you will load the tooth, whether the destruction of the “residues” on which the crown is attached, etc. will begin.

Crowns can wear out over time. The cheaper option chosen, the sooner this process will begin and replacement will be needed.

Features of caring for dental crowns

If you have a simple single crown installed on your tooth, then a toothbrush, paste and floss for care will be enough. But if you have a bridge installed (or, as it is also called, a bridge), then hygiene is likely to have certain difficulties. The fact is that such prostheses have an intermediate part (it is she who restores the lost tooth), food remains accumulate under it, which is sometimes very difficult to remove.

But regular hygiene is not everything. I also recommend using irrigators that allow you to clean the most inaccessible parts of the oral cavity (for example, under the same bridge) from soft plaque and food debris. Irrigators form a pulsating water jet under pressure and deliver it through a special nozzle.

Can there be any problems?

Metal-ceramic crowns are very durable, this is the best material for prosthetics, even for front teeth, not like chewing ones, but there is one unpleasant nuance that you should be aware of. This is a darkening of the edge of the gums. Moreover, this can be observed both immediately after installation, and after a certain time.

What is the reason for such a phenomenon? The darkened gum is a metal frame that protrudes through the mucous membrane. In this case, everything depends on the characteristics of the smile: if the gums are visible during it, then the defect described above will also be noticeable.

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