Why goosebumps all over the body just like that. Is tingling all over the body an alarming symptom or the norm? Causes and treatment for tingling all over the body. What to do if goosebumps run down your head

"I have goosebumps from my Natasha," was sung in a simple song. In principle, nothing surprising, from love, not only goosebumps run, but the heart goes to the heels. Writers will say: "Metaphor", doctors will object: "Adrenaline". "Donbass", in turn, decided to find out what could cause goosebumps in a person's body, and turned to a cardiologist at the Central City Clinical Hospital No. 6 of Donetsk Marina Semenyuk.

hello from little brothers

The phenomenon got its name because of the similarity of human skin covered with pimples (goosebumps) with a goose. This symptom has long been known to medicine and has Latin name- cutis anserina, or paresthesia. It is most often based on the so-called pilomotor reflex. The muscles of the hair follicles contract and the hairs stand on end.

Those who have a cat or a dog know how they bristle in case of danger. True, in humans, such a reaction has practically disappeared in the course of evolution. And now goosebumps usually arise under the influence of strong emotions. Such as horror, ecstasy, awe. It can be even simpler: you are cold or you have served your leg. However, if goosebumps often disturb, are added pain and numbness of the extremities should be checked. If goosebumps begin to run treacherously when we freeze, and also if we experience strong emotions, adrenaline is the cause of the condition. According to Marina Semenyuk, it is he who gives a similar feeling throughout the body. At the same time, this does not indicate health problems. Therefore, if you have goosebumps running down your back while watching a horror movie, you should not worry. But if a strange trembling appeared at night, and even for no reason, and did not pass for an hour, or even two, it is worth considering.

To whom - oranges, to whom - vitamins

Goosebumps are often associated with a lack of vitamins in the body, the specialist explained. If there is not enough vitamin C in the human body, then the condition skin deteriorates sharply. After all vitamin C promotes the production of collagen, which gives them and blood vessels elasticity. With a lack of collagen, the vessels become fragile and collapse. The skin becomes covered with wrinkles, there are areas of irritation and peeling, "goose bumps" appear.

Lack of vitamin B1, in addition to goosebumps, may be accompanied by itching and burning. Vitamin D deficiency will also cause fatigue, muscle weakness, burning sensation in the throat and mouth, insomnia, loss of appetite, frequent convulsions.

What to do? Consult a dietitian or last resort, to the therapist, so that you pick up the right complex of vitamins. And be sure to review your diet. Nai large quantity vitamin D is found in marine fish, fish oil, egg yolks, liver, cow's milk. Vitamin B1 is rich in potatoes, barley, beans, asparagus, bran, liver, nuts, yeast, corn grains, wholemeal bread. Contains the most vitamin C fresh fruits, vegetables, greens.

Attention - on the skin

Goosebumps, sometimes running through the body, may signal serious illnesses skin. For example, about follicular hyperkeratosis, which increases the keratinization of the upper layer of the epidermis. Outwardly, it looks like cellulite, which is localized on the buttocks and thighs. Hair follicles are covered with horny scales, under which secretions accumulate sebaceous glands. Decaying, skin secretions stick together scales, the skin under them becomes inflamed, reddens and coarsens.

This condition may be hereditary. However, it is most often caused external factors such as drying shower gels or soaps. Symptoms may appear after taking hormonal drugs or contraceptives. Improper nutrition, lack of vitamins are also risk factors.

What to do? To relieve inflammation, you will have to undergo a serious course of treatment, which will be prescribed by a dermatologist. The main thing is not to forget about hygiene. But do not overdo it, people with hyperkeratosis should not use scrubs.

restless legs

Sometimes goosebumps that do not give rest can cause the so-called syndrome restless legs. At the same time, a person experiences tingling and burning in the limbs, therefore he constantly moves them. There can be many reasons: from coffee abuse to heart and kidney failure.

Hormones are acting up

States should be distinguished when goosebumps are only the result of adrenaline released into the blood, and when this is the first alarm bell. If you have cramps, your hands get cold or numb, you experience trembling all over your body when you seem to be not cold - this is a reason to contact a therapist, cardiologist or endocrinologist! Marina Petrovna emphasized.

According to her, this disease state caused by insufficient secretory activity of the parathyroid (parathyroid) glands. It is often accompanied by a lack of calcium in the body - hence convulsions and trembling.

What to do? It is necessary to address to the endocrinologist. Usually prescribe hormone and vitamin therapy. It is recommended to include foods rich in calcium and poor in phosphorus, as well as foods with high content vitamin D ( egg yolks, fish liver, wild rose, cauliflower).

Motor problems

But the most important thing, according to the cardiologist, is to exclude diseases of our motor - the heart. The hearts are aware of nightly attacks of chills, when a person, for no apparent reason, is overcome by a strong trembling. And this state lasts not a minute or two. AT this case possible presence of arrhythmias - pathological condition, in which there are violations of the frequency, rhythm and sequence of excitation and contraction of the heart.

What to do? measure arterial pressure, examine the level of lipids (cholesterol and others), blood sugar, conduct an ECG, ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels, angiography, coronary angiography. It is important to control body weight, eat rationally. The so-called Mediterranean diet is recommended.

Coming varicose veins

Legs get tired quickly, swell, feel heaviness, sometimes goosebumps appear? These are the first signs of an impending varicose disease. It is characterized by dilatation of veins, slowing of blood flow and impaired microcirculation of blood in tissues.

What to do? You should urgently contact a phlebologist, do an ultrasound of the vessels, donate blood for clotting indicators (coagulogram).

Irina Rozanova.

The causes of the feeling of goosebumps in the head can be different factors. Most often, this phenomenon is observed with hypothermia or a strong emotional experience (excitement, fear). But sometimes it indicates the presence of a disease. It is especially worth paying attention to this if you often get goosebumps and pain, inflammation or numbness of the skin are added to them.

Follicular hyperkeratosis

The reasons that goosebumps run across the face and head may be diseases caused by keratinization of the upper layer of the skin. Most often, this symptom appears with follicular hyperkeratosis. Hair follicles are covered with horny scales and skin secretions glue them together, causing the skin underneath to become inflamed, red and tingly.

Follicular hyperkeratosis is provoked by external factors. Basically, this is often the use of soap or drying shower gels, taking hormonal drugs and malnutrition. It is impossible to completely eliminate this cause of the appearance of goosebumps running down the head. But, curing inflammation with special means for skin care, you can get rid of these unpleasant sensations.

Vitamin deficiency

You should not immediately consult a doctor if you have goosebumps - the cause of this phenomenon may be hiding in beriberi. In cases where the body lacks vitamin C, the condition of the skin always deteriorates sharply and greatly, since ascorbic acid promotes the production of collagen. Lack of vitamin B1 is accompanied not only by goosebumps, but also by itching, and with a lack of vitamin D, it also appears:

  • increased fatigue;
  • muscle weakness.

If you are sure that the reason for the appearance of goosebumps running down the scalp is beriberi, pick up a complex of vitamins that contain vitamin C, B1 and D. Be sure to review your diet and eat more sea ​​fish, cow's milk, nuts, wholemeal bread, greens.

Diseases of cardio-vascular system

The reasons for such a phenomenon as running goosebumps on right side head, there may be diseases of the cardiovascular system and narrowing of the lumen of the artery, which occur due to:

  • increased levels of lipids in the blood;
  • squeezing of the artery by tumors;
  • atherosclerotic plaques;
  • damage to the inner layer of the vessel.

All this hinders normal course blood and it is constantly moving under high pressure. For the same reasons, there is not only a feeling of goosebumps, crawling on the head, but also nausea, as well as pallor of the skin. it alarm signal indicating the risk of stroke.

To prevent complications of this condition, you need to carefully monitor:

  • lipid levels;
  • blood sugar;
  • blood pressure.

Disease hypoparathyroidism

Hypoparathyroidism is a disease caused by activity disruption parathyroid glands. This disease is accompanied by a lack of calcium and excitability. nervous system. Because of this, there is a cooling and numbness of the skin, convulsions and a feeling of crawling. Hormone and vitamin therapy will help to cope with this disease.

Increased sensitivity of the skin

The reason for the appearance of goosebumps running down the head with a cold is hypersensitivity skin covers. Wherein the slightest raise temperature and pain, not only in the head, but also in any part of the body, can make a person experience these unpleasant sensations.

The human body is interconnected system with fine regulation. And if violations concern one component, then others may suffer. Therefore, the symptoms of many diseases are diverse. Even a common cold sometimes affects the state of health more than usual. For some people, it can cause a feeling of goosebumps running through the head. But only a specialist can give a competent answer to the question of why such a symptom occurs.

The feeling of crawling on the skin, regardless of location, is called paresthesia. This is a sign of a sensory disturbance that occurs due to conduction disorders. nerve impulse. The change mechanism can cover several processes:

  1. Irritation or compression of a nerve.
  2. Deterioration of local blood flow.
  3. Metabolic shifts.

A similar feeling can also occur with the contraction of small subcutaneous muscles attached to the hair follicles. They are involved in the formation of such a phenomenon as "goosebumps". Under physiological conditions, this is observed under such conditions:

  1. Ambient temperature change.
  2. Strong emotions (fear, excitement, admiration).
  3. Impact harsh sounds(rattle, creak, squeak).
  4. Individual skin hypersensitivity.

Most of these phenomena are familiar to many people, they could encounter them throughout Everyday life repeatedly, including a feeling of goosebumps running through the head. But with a cold, such sensations, probably, were not for everyone. But even here the reaction is quite understandable. Most often this occurs during a period of fever, when chills occur. But there may be other reasons unrelated to respiratory infection. These include:

  • Vitamin B deficiency.
  • arterial hypertension.
  • Hypoglycemia.
  • Migraine.
  • Hypoparathyroidism.
  • Neuropathy and osteochondrosis.
  • Transient ischemic attack.

A cold can simply be combined with one of these diseases, and probably even lead to an exacerbation concomitant pathology. Therefore, careful differential diagnosis paresthesia.

The feeling of crawling is familiar to many. But why it occurs with a cold, you should still figure it out.


To clarify the nature of the symptoms, it is important to assess the likely signs of pathology. This is what the primary care physician – the therapist or the family doctor – does. It is to him that most patients with a cold go. First, complaints are clarified and detailed, then objective examination. After analyzing the information obtained in this case, a presumptive conclusion is formed.

At respiratory disease the symptoms are quite typical. They will be local and general. catarrhal syndrome in the upper respiratory tract manifests itself:

  • Nasal congestion and discharge.
  • Sore throat when swallowing.
  • Cough (dry or wet).

When examining the pharynx, redness of the mucous membrane is determined, back wall pharynx grainy. nasal breathing difficult. General violations united in the concept intoxication syndrome. And the first sign of illness is fever. Just at the moment when the temperature rises with a cold, a chill occurs, which is sometimes compared to crawling. There will be other signs of deterioration in the general condition: malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite, headaches. But it is extremely important to determine whether paresthesias are associated with another pathology, because it can sometimes pose a very serious risk to the patient.

Vitamin B deficiency

B vitamins play extremely importance in many processes occurring in the body. They are necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, skin and mucous membranes, hematopoiesis, enzymatic processes in tissues. Therefore, in the clinic of hypovitaminosis you can see:

  • Sensory disturbances (paresthesia).
  • Change in tendon reflexes.
  • Angular stomatitis (zaeda), cheilitis and glossitis.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp.
  • Anemia.

Deficiency in the intake of vitamins with food often occurs in the winter-spring period, when the incidence of respiratory diseases also increases. viral infections. And in combination, they become much more unpleasant for patients.

arterial hypertension

Sharp spasm peripheral vessels, which occurs with hypertension, can cause a feeling of goosebumps running along the scalp. High blood pressure is also accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Headache.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Flashing "flies" before the eyes.

As a result, productivity is reduced and high hypertension can lead to dangerous consequences such as stroke. Then the central component of the clinical picture becomes rough neurological disorders.

High blood pressure is a symptom that reflects systemic disorders in the body that affect not only the heart and blood vessels, but also the nervous tissue.


One of the complications of diabetes is hypoglycemia. It occurs due to an increase in the body's need for glucose, which is often observed in infectious diseases (ARVI and influenza). This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Hunger.
  • Trembling in the body, chills.
  • Skin numbness.
  • Paleness and sweating.
  • Anxiety, irritability.
  • Headache.
  • Violation of coordination of movements.

Severe hypoglycemia is accompanied by convulsions, disorders of consciousness up to coma. Therefore, each patient diabetes should monitor the level of glucose in the blood and take appropriate measures when it decreases.


Migraine is a type of headache that has chronic course and genetic predisposition. It acquires a pulsating character, has a paroxysmal and unilateral localization, increases with physical activity. Sometimes migraine paroxysm is preceded by other symptoms, combined in the concept of an aura:

  • Flashes in the eyes, twinkling stars, zigzags.
  • Weakness in the body, paresthesia.
  • Partial loss of speech.
  • Noise in the ears, dizziness.
  • Panic attacks.

But neurological disorders are transient and do not last more than an hour. After them, an attack of a typical headache necessarily occurs. It has a rather pronounced intensity, disrupting the habitual activity of patients and their ability to work.


Among hormonal disorders responsible for the appearance of paresthesias on the head, hypoparathyroidism should be noted. It leads to a decrease in calcium in the blood, which negatively affects neuromuscular conduction and general condition. First there is a feeling of numbness, burning, crawling, hot flashes. "Spasms" are felt in the muscles. All this is provoked physical activity, hypothermia, infectious disease. Then there are convulsions of various muscle groups:

  • Upper limb ("obstetrician's hand").
  • Lower limb ("horse foot").
  • Mimic ("sardonic smile", "fish mouth").
  • Chewing (trismus).

Chronic hypoparathyroidism is manifested by disorders of the skin and its appendages. The skin becomes dry, the hair and nails become brittle, the teeth are rapidly destroyed. All this is a manifestation of a lack of calcium in the blood.

The central symptom of hypoparathyroidism is an increase in neuromuscular conduction due to a decrease in the concentration of calcium in the blood.

Neuropathy and osteochondrosis

A fairly common cause of sensory disturbances in the head area is neuropathy, including osteochondrosis of the spine. This results in irritation or pressure. nerve fibers, which is accompanied by a change in their normal function. The following signs appear:

  • Shooting, stitching pains.
  • Paresthesia, increased or decreased sensitivity.
  • Revitalization or inhibition of tendon reflexes.
  • Muscle weakness.

With osteochondrosis, the patient is concerned about the restriction of movements in cervical region. The muscles around the spine are tense, the exit points of the nerves are painful. This disease can cause a syndrome vertebral artery, when in clinical picture vascular disorders are also added: dizziness, loss of consciousness, tinnitus, flickering of "flies" in the eyes.

Transient ischemic attack

When paresthesias appear in the body, one should not forget about such a disease as a transient ischemic attack. It is similar in its mechanism to a stroke, but the symptoms are transient and do not last more than a day. Reversible violation of blood flow in the brain is accompanied by focal neurological symptoms:

  • Decrease muscle strength in the limbs.
  • Numbness, tingling, burning of the skin.
  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • Inhibition of reflexes.

Patients often complain of dizziness, unsteady gait, and slurred speech. Sometimes there is a loss of consciousness. If these manifestations persist for more than 24 hours, then there is every reason to think about a real stroke.

A transient ischemic attack is not yet a stroke, but it may well turn out to be one, and therefore requires early diagnosis.

Additional diagnostics

Since the range of conditions that may be involved in the appearance of a feeling of crawling on the head with a cold is quite extensive, the diagnostic program can also be voluminous. To determine the cause of the violations, the patient will have to undergo a complex of laboratory and instrumental research. Among them it is worth noting:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Biochemistry of blood (hormones, vitamins, glucose, calcium, lipid spectrum, coagulogram).
  3. Neuromyography.
  4. Doppler ultrasound.
  5. Electrocardiography.
  6. Rheoencephalography.
  7. X-ray of the neck.
  8. Tomography of the brain.

With the appearance of paresthesia in the head, it is often necessary to consult with related specialists: psychoneurologist, vertebrologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist and nutritionist. And only when all the results are received, the doctor forms the final diagnosis. Only then can we say what the “goosebumps” are connected with, whether they are dangerous and what kind of correction they require.

When goosebumps “run through” the skin, it begins to look like goosebumps, hence the second - “goosebumps”. The epidermis of the goose is dotted with follicles from which feathers grow. The follicles of this bird resemble the follicles of human hair, but surpass the latter in volume. Seals or protrusions on the bird's body become noticeable if you pull out a pair of feathers. However, where do such protrusions on the skin of a person come from, if his follicles are much smaller? It's a rudiment!

Rudiment of "goose skin". Lost meaning

The goosebump reflex is rudimentary, that is, it has lost its practical meaning. It is called the pilomotor reflex, originally designed to keep warm. With goosebumps, the hairs on the body rise due to excitement nerve endings, responsible for the contraction of the muscles related to the hair follicles. The process is regulated by the spinal cord. This raising of hairs throughout the body is called piloerection.

In humans, piloerection is manifested as a result of experiencing various emotions (excitement, delight, fear, tenderness, and others). In addition, "goosebumps" may be due to a lack of vitamins and disorders metabolic processes. Also, "goosebumps" may appear from a feeling of cold, or if you "served your leg." The pilomotor reflex looks like the bases of the hairs on the body are slightly swollen, forming pimples. People in this case say that their skin "goosebumps" or "the hair on their heads began to stir." Piloerection does not carry any benefit for a person.

Goosebumps and animals

Many mammals actively use the pilomotor reflex. When the hairs are raised over the entire surface of the skin, heat is retained, which prevents the animal from freezing. In addition, animals, by raising their hair at the roots, show aggression when faced with danger. Such a rearing beast is visually perceived more.

Goosebumps like a disease

In people who tend to be very anxious, suspicious and excitable, often "goosebumps" appear as neurological syndrome. This is not a disease yet, but already a symptom that speaks of some kind of disease. Often, along with the feeling of "goosebumps", the patient complains of pain and numbness. Such patients complain of constantly moving "goosebumps" all over the body, a tickling sensation in the crown area, "goosebumps" on the back of the hands. FROM similar symptoms you should contact your local doctor.

Each of us is familiar with sudden appearance crawling sensations on the skin, which is accompanied by a slight tingling and temporary loss of sensation. It usually occurs while listening to pleasant music, in the cold, due to fright or fear, after being in an uncomfortable position while working or sleeping, and after changing position or light massage disappears completely. In such cases, these sensations are the norm and you can not worry about their appearance. But sometimes goosebumps appear often, without visible reasons and doesn't go away after a few minutes. In such cases, one should consider possible development various diseases, which may be accompanied by such a symptom, and pass comprehensive examination to find out the reasons behind it.

The feeling of running or crawling is also called " goose bumps”, because small pimples really appear on the surface of the skin, resembling the skin of a goose. Doctors use the term "paresthesia" to refer to this symptom. This type of sensory disturbance can be:

In this article, we will introduce you to the causes of transient and chronic paresthesia. This knowledge will be useful to you, and, if necessary, you will be able to take timely measures to identify a particular pathology that may be accompanied by this symptom.

Why does transient paresthesia appear?

In animals, raised coats give them a menacing appearance and help keep them warm in winter.

In humans, the sensation of goosebumps appears due to a rudimentary pilomotor reflex, which is inherent in many mammals. It occurs when special nerves are stimulated, which come from spinal cord. As a result, arousal peripheral nerves that cause contraction of smooth muscles surrounding hair follicles. In response, contracted muscle fibers lift the hair above the surface of the skin. This phenomenon is called piloerection.

For a person, such a reaction has lost its practical meaning, but in animals (for example, in chimpanzees, dogs, porcupines, etc.), the wool raised above the surface of the skin performs various functions. In response to fear, piloerection allows animals to have a more imposing and menacing appearance, and during cold weather, more warm air accumulates under the raised hairs, protecting the animal from the weather.

In humans, the pilomotor reflex, leading to the appearance of transient paresthesia, can be caused by such factors:

  • cold;
  • heat;
  • fright or others negative emotions, feelings and memories;
  • sexual arousal;
  • listening to pleasant music;
  • a feeling of satisfaction with something;
  • unpleasant sounds;
  • circulatory disorders with an uncomfortable posture.

This type of goosebumps is always caused by certain reasons, is not accompanied painful sensations and goes away on its own after a short period of time.

Transient paresthesia is a variant of the norm and should not cause worries about the state of health.

Why does chronic paresthesia appear?

Chronic paresthesias are always a sign of pathologies that are accompanied by damage to the peripheral nerves. There are many reasons for their appearance:

  • (usually due to lack of vitamins B1, D, and C);
  • decrease in blood levels and / or magnesium;
  • decrease in blood glucose levels;
  • trauma;
  • (for example, when );
  • alcoholism;
  • trauma;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • herniated discs;
  • spinal cord tumors;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • restless legs syndrome;
  • neurasthenia;
  • depressive disorders;
  • hypoparathyroidism;
  • varicose disease;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • myositis;
  • Bell's palsy;
  • follicular hyperkeratosis;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • long-term use of some medicines(Metaqualone, Ofloxacin, Isoniazid, Cycloserine, Protionamide, antihypertensive and antiepileptic drugs);
  • and etc.

All of the above causes lead to the appearance of pathological paresthesias that occur for no apparent reason, are longer and are accompanied by unpleasant or painful sensations. Their appearance should always be the reason for contacting a local therapist who can analyze the patient's condition and refer him to a specialist (for example, an endocrinologist, neurologist, phlebologist, etc.).

Sometimes pathological paresthesias occur when hit filling material into the canal of the tooth or after the extraction of teeth (especially often after the removal of a wisdom tooth). In such cases, crawling sensations and numbness are observed in the lips, tongue and chin. Sometimes these symptoms disappear after a few days, but in most cases they can last for 2-3 months and require treatment (even surgery in some cases).

When is paresthesia treated?

Glycine is a mild sedative

With one-time appearance of goosebumps, running on the skin, which were caused by psycho-emotional state or an uncomfortable posture, you can ignore their appearance, because it is caused by physiological reasons, is characteristic of absolutely all people and does not indicate pathology. Impressive natures may be advised to take light sedatives(for example, Glycine or) and keeping calm in the current situation. And in the event of paresthesias associated with circulatory disorders caused by an uncomfortable posture, it is recommended to abandon them (for example, purchase a comfortable pillow for sleeping or a chair for work, do not sit cross-legged, etc.).

With the appearance of pathological paresthesias, the main goal of treatment will be aimed at eliminating the pathology that provoked their development. To identify it, the patient may be assigned the following types of diagnostic studies:

  • radiography of the spinal column;
  • Doppler examination of the vessels of the neck and head;
  • rheovasography;
  • MRI of the spinal and / or brain;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • laboratory tests, etc.

Tactics further treatment will depend on the cause that caused the appearance of chronic paresthesia. If a diagnostic studies did not allow to establish a definite diagnosis, then to eliminate the annoying sensations of running goosebumps, the following can be prescribed:

  • medications: vitamins of group B, A nicotinic acid, Piracetam, Trental, Actovegin;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures: dynamic currents, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, mud therapy, balneotherapy and massage.

The appearance of crawling sensations on the skin may be a variant of the norm or indicate the development various pathologies. Listen carefully to your body, and if frequent and unexplained paresthesias appear, consult a doctor.

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