Naftalan baths: indications, contraindications and correct use. Oil SPA: unusual wellness baths in Naftalan (Azerbaijan)

Naftalan baths are known and recognized all over the world. They are one of the most effective methods help own body in the fight against various diseases. Despite the unique healing effect procedures, the base product used - naftalan - is quite toxic and allergenic. For this reason, it has a lot of contraindications and precautions for use. To avoid complications when taking naftalan baths, a preliminary consultation with your doctor will help.

Characteristics of the procedure

Baths got their name due to the use of naftalan in the procedure - special kind oil, which is a black-brown liquid with a characteristic odor. The basic component of naphthalan is naphthenic carbons, which are biologically active substances with unique medicinal properties.

Naftalan is a biologically active natural compound with an easily recognizable color and smell.

The benefits of naftalan and indications for treatment

Water procedures with naftalan have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and vasodilating effects on the body. It is especially worth noting the clear antimicrobial effect of the main active component, which helps to eliminate the inflammatory infectious focus in the human body. Naftalan also significantly accelerates the healing process, protects the body from harmful effects radiation background and ultraviolet, stimulates the synthesis of hormones in the adrenal cortex. Thanks to the activation of the production of red blood cells in humans, hemoglobin levels in the blood improve, which favorably affects the functioning of the immune system.

Recovery of the body after treatment with Naftalan continues for another 1.5–2 months. Next comes stabilization.

Naftalan baths will be especially useful for the following ailments:

Rules for taking naftalan baths

Exist general rules carrying out such procedures. Any temperature therapeutic baths should not be more than 37–38˚С, but also not fall below 35˚С - it should be remembered that any bathing is a serious test for the heart and vascular system.

Procedures with therapeutic oil normalize the functioning of blood vessels, eliminate inflammation and have an analgesic effect.

As for naftalan baths, all the nuances should be taken into account. Since naftalan is a refined oil, the remaining impurities chemical compounds are still present in it. non-compliance temperature regime and the time of taking a bath can cause inflammation of the joints and other balneological responses in the body.

The standard procedure schedule looks like this:

  • First day: carrying out the procedure.
  • Second day: break.
  • Third day: carrying out the procedure.
  • Fourth day: carrying out the procedure.
  • Fifth day: break.

Then the scheme is repeated again from the third day. Total duration treatment with naftalan baths is about 2.5-3 weeks. During this time, the patient receives up to 10-15 procedures. The temperature of the font varies between 37–38˚С. Bath time should not exceed 10 minutes. The procedure ends with a mandatory 30-40 minute rest.

The procedure can be given as:

  • Recumbent bath. In a common recumbent font, the patient should lie down so that the heart zone remains open.
  • Sitting bath. AT this case the patient sits in the font waist-deep and with full immersion of the hands in the liquid.
  • Chamber bath. The patient sits on a special seat, which allows only lower limbs dive into the water.

Naftalan treatment involves not only the use of baths. Also, the patient can be prescribed applications with medicinal product, rectal microclysters, vaginal tampons and phonophoresis.

  • Do not immerse your chest, neck and head in water.
  • It is necessary to dive into the font gradually, since heat water can cause an increase in pressure and an acceleration of the heart rate.
  • Bathing is prohibited elevated temperature body, acute inflammation in bone structures, in the presence of pustular wounds on the surface of the skin.
  • During the procedure, the use of washcloths and scrubs is not allowed.
  • After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash yourself in the shower and dry yourself with a towel. It is enough to put on a bathrobe and let the body dry. naturally. To remove oil from the body, special cleaning blades are used.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

It should be remembered that the naphthalan product contains toxic substances, which, when interacting with the body for a long time, can cause negative reactions. Therefore, the appointment similar procedure performed by a specialist.

A patient taking such baths at a balneological resort or in his own bath must be warned about the appearance of balneological reactions by the 3rd or 4th procedure. They appear in the form general weakness, headache, gastrointestinal disorders, insomnia, amplification pain syndrome, skin rashes. By the end of treatment, these reactions completely disappear, however, the attending physician should be informed of their occurrence.

It is forbidden to take naftalan baths in the presence of any disease in the acute stage. In addition, naftalan baths are not recommended for the following diseases:

  • All venereal diseases.
  • Heart attack and pre-infarction condition.
  • Mental disorders, epilepsy.
  • All types of tuberculosis.
  • Hypertension in stage III.
  • Individual intolerance to the product.
  • A tumor of a benign or malignant form.

Also, children under 6 years of age, pregnant and lactating women should refrain from naftalan baths.

Naftalan oil is a specific and biologically active product that has a unique therapeutic effect to the entire human body. A natural substance can help in many ways - from the treatment of skin rashes to the restoration of the musculoskeletal system. However, those who wish to receive healing should not forget about contraindications, the list of which is quite extensive. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and during the procedure, strictly follow all his instructions.

He flew almost three hours to Baku, drove 240 minutes to Naftalan to acquaint you, our dear travelers, with the best sanatoriums the main health resort of Azerbaijan. He also tried almost all the procedures on himself and now tells us about how it was!

… I arrived in Naftalan and checked into the Garabag Resort&Spa hotel, where I have to spend two nights. The hotel impresses with its external and internal decoration, atmosphere and special energy, which is imbued with a special charm and luxury. And in terms of service, food, and the quality of the rooms, this is undoubtedly a LUX class sanatorium.

The rooms are also cozy and comfortable, this is how the standard room in which I settled looks like.

And this is the view from the window. I took a few shots so that you can see in what a picturesque place Garabag is located and imagine how clean the air is here.

We arrived after lunch, so on the first day to experience for yourself healing power miraculous oil I failed. However, even just trying what Naftalan treatment is is impossible: all arriving guests must pass general analyzes blood and urine (and on the recommendation of a doctor and others). You need to undergo a medical examination. You need to get consultations from a cardiologist, a neuropathologist, a gynecologist (for women) and a urologist (for men), a dentist, an ENT specialist, and an allergist. If, for some reason, naftalan baths are contraindicated for a person, they suggest alternative procedures with purified naftalan or physiotherapy. By the way, general examination is free for guests.

So, the next day, on an empty stomach, I went down for tests and examinations. I already had a list of necessary diagnostic procedures in my hands.

According to the results of the examination, the doctor prescribed naftalan procedures for me after three in the afternoon. The doctor said that this is usually what happens: a person takes tests, and on the same day, or at most the next, begins treatment.

So, at the appointed time, I went to the procedures. The first was a naftalan bath, which is prescribed by doctors very carefully and only in the absence of any contraindications.

I want to tell you a little of what I learned about this oil. So, this is a unique remedy, which has no analogues in the world, which is associated with its healing properties. There are no combustible components in naftalan, such as, for example, gasoline, kerosene or paraffin. But, like any oil, naftalan has a certain specific smell. It has a lot useful components- micro and macro elements, nitrogenous substances, but the main ones are naphthenic hydrocarbons, which are contained in natural hormones and enzymes.

Naftalan bath is usually taken within 8-10 minutes. Oil temperature is from 37 to 39 degrees. After that, special assistants, the hotel staff, help the person to cleanse himself and escort him to take a shower. Then the person should go to the room and rest for an hour.

It should be noted that the hotel has physiotherapy services - paid and free, already on the recommendation of a doctor and the desire of a vacationer, they can also be prescribed during the course of treatment.

We also had a chance to visit a sanatorium located next door - Chinar Hotel & Spa Naftalan. There is also an excellent medical base.

A beautiful, well-groomed area with pine and plane tree forests is impressive.

I present to you the hotel rooms.

Gashalti Health Hotel Naftalan is another good hotel that provides guests with a large list of medical services. It is modern and well maintained.

Here they are attentive to the wishes of the guests and create for them the most favorable conditions. The medical staff is also very sensitive to vacationers, it is worth noting their level and professionalism, as well as the excellent attitude of all hotel staff towards guests.

The only negative of the hotel is the lack of such a beautiful surrounding area as in Garabag Resort & Spa or Chinar Hotel & Spa Naftalan. Chief Physician Shahin Babaev managed to give us time and told us a lot about the sanatorium and the healing oil itself. So, Gashalti was opened in 2011 and is now working out its 8th season.

During this time, he received more than 40 thousand guests from all over the world. At first, Azerbaijanis themselves came here, who are certainly well aware of the magnificent effect of such treatment. Then other European countries, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus began to be added, there are even guests from Israel now! Which proves once again: you can't find such oil anywhere else!

It is prescribed to be treated with naftalan for almost 70 diseases! Basically, these are diseases of the joints and periarticular tissues, problems peripheral vessels, spine, skin diseases, infertility and inflammatory processes in men and women. Treatment is successful in 90-95% of cases. However, in diseases of oncological and central nervous system, blood diseases and anemia, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular and kidney failure naftalan baths will be replaced by alternative procedures, —said Shahin Babaev.The best time to visit is from October to May. In Uzbekistan, the air temperature is the same as in Azerbaijan, so you understand that it is quite hot here in summer. In cool weather, the effect of the treatment is best.

Naftalan treatment has some peculiarities. For example, at the beginning or in the middle, pain may intensify. Guests may feel that their well-being is deteriorating. However, this is a normal response of the body. By the end of treatment, everyone feels lightness, improvement general condition, boosting immunity. A surge of vigor and strength is felt after the first procedure!

And yes, friends, I already felt a surge of strength and vigor! Thanks to the miracle Naftalan and the professionalism of the doctors. And this is a photo with the head physician of the Garabag Resort & Spa Dilbar Kazimova.

Therefore, now with renewed vigor and good mood I'm in a hurry to Georgia to see sunny Tbilisi and feel the effect of Borjomi treatment! So stay with us!

Naftalan baths have been used since the early Middle Ages. Marco Polo celebrated them medicinal properties for the skin. Nizami Ganjavi, a philosopher who lived in the 12th century AD on the territory of modern Azerbaijan, described the benefits of using these procedures in his works. In 1926 Soviet authorities organized a complex of sanatoriums at the field of this type of oil. At present, it is a modern resort in Azerbaijan.

When are naftalan baths useful?

Indications for naftalan baths are very diverse. It is possible to distinguish such groups of diseases.


Vascular diseases:

  • thrombophlebitis,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • arthritis,
  • rheumatism,
  • gout,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • bursitis,
  • myositis.

Possible contraindications

Before using this type of procedure, you should consult a doctor. It is he who will say exactly what indications and contraindications for naftalan baths exist.

Consider some contraindications for naftalan baths:

  • palpitations, paroxysmal tachycardia, arrhythmia;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • mental disorders and deviations;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic liver or kidney disease;
  • allergic reaction;
  • epilepsy.

If there are problems with the kidneys, then you can not apply directly. this species treatment. To completely get rid of negative impact this type of procedures on the kidneys, liver, spleen, lungs, pancreas and thyroid gland, deresined naftalan should be used. Naphthenic hydrocarbons without toxic impurities are also suitable. Indications for their use are slightly different from the main procedure, but are of the same therapeutic nature. Naftalan without resin has the ability to self-heat. It is oily and viscous. Thanks to these qualities, it is quickly absorbed by the skin, giving it elasticity and softness. It does not have irritating effects and stimulates recovery processes.

Contraindications include cysts on different bodies person, namely: thyroid, ovaries, prostate, etc. Kidney cyst - benign hollow formation, which refers to contraindications. But there are exceptions. How and when with a kidney cyst you can take naftalan baths, the doctor will say. This type of treatment cannot be used without consulting a doctor.

Other dosage forms

In addition to the use of the baths themselves, ointments based on naftalan oil have found their application. They have good feedback. They were developed for those people who cannot visit the resorts of Azerbaijan. You can buy them at any pharmacy in Russia. These ointments are used in the form of applications. Indications and contraindications for all types of ointments on this basis are the same. You can read more about them in the instructions for use. In order to determine whether they are suitable for a particular person, you need to contact your doctor.

Kinds medicines based on naphthalan:

  • native (from wells);
  • naphthenic hydrocarbons from naftalan;
  • refined (dehydrated);
  • thick;
  • mastic.

How to make treatment effective

The best way of treatment in a sanatorium is naftalan baths. The temperature of naftalan in them is 37 or 38 degrees. Too long stay in naftalan baths can put a strain on cardiovascular system, so you should be in them certain time, which is determined by the doctor for each patient. These procedures must be supervised by qualified medical personnel.

Bathing is prescribed in a course of 12 days, but depends on the indications. During the course, breaks are used every 2 days. In spring and summer, after the procedures, patients rest in the sun for up to 15 minutes.

But do not forget about the contraindications that are associated with the sun. There are also important limitations to keep in mind:

  • do not dive into the bath with your head;
  • do not stay in it for more than the allotted time;
  • do not use washcloths and other rubbing agents (scrubs);
  • do not use the procedure if there are injuries in the form of cuts.

Many patients complain about bad smell naftalan baths - this is the characteristic smell of oil. Some people develop a rash, which is possible sign allergic reaction. Taking naftalan baths should be stopped if there is an allergy. This is also stated in the contraindications to the use of the procedure.

Naftalan baths in Russia are in demand. Naftalan applications, galvanotherapy of joints, mud compresses are used - these are additional services provided in Russian sanatoriums that have good reviews.

As you can see, the range of indications for taking naftalan baths is quite extensive. This way traditional medicine Eastern Transcaucasia is now available throughout Russia, anyone can resort to such treatment.

Naftalan oil is a thick syrupy black liquid with a greenish fluorescence; soluble in gasoline, chloroform, benzene. Miscible with glycerin, oils, fats, not miscible with water. Contains aromatics, phenols, sulfur, chlorine, magnesium, witasterin, estrogenic substances

Naftalan contains:

1. Aromatic hydrocarbons - 10 - 15%

2. Naphthenic hydrocarbons - 50 - 55%

3. Resinous substances - 14 - 15%

4. Naphthenic acids - 0.5 - 3%

5. Sulfur - 0.25 - 0.7%

6. Nitrogen compounds - 0.3%

7. Trace elements (copper, zinc, manganese, lithium, boron, iodine, bromine, etc.)

Medicinal properties of naftalan.

The main active principle of naftalan is naphthenic hydrocarbons (due to the presence in their composition of the cyclopentane-perhydrophenanthrone skeleton, which is part of many enzymes, hormones and other physiologically active substances), which have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasodilating, anti-allergic, stimulating trophic functions, increasing the intensity metabolic processes action, stimulates the processes of spermatogenesis, accelerates the processes of ovulation and ovogenesis.

The use of naphthalan.

Naftalanotherapy as a method of pelloidotherapy is widely used in the treatment of many chronic skin diseases.

Naftalan is used in the form of naftalan baths (general, sedentary, chamber), naftalan lubrication with heating with a solar lamp. For baths, native (natural) naftalan is used, and for lubrication, native and deresined naftalan is used.

Deresined naftalan is naftalan purified from resinous compounds, which in its own way antibacterial action surpasses native naftalan does not irritate mucous membranes, therefore it is successfully used both on the skin and in the form of tampons and trays, as well as for lubricating the mucous membranes of the gums, throat, nose and for ultraphonophoresis in the form of oil inhalations.

Naftalan baths - are prescribed at a temperature of 37 - 38 ° C, the duration of one bath is 8 - 10 minutes, 10 - 12 baths per course of treatment. Naftalan lubrications are prescribed in the form of general and local lubrications.

General lubrication is prescribed for skin diseases. Local lubrication is assigned to a specific area of ​​the body, depending on the disease. So, in diseases of the joints - the area of ​​the affected joints, in diseases of the spine - the region of the spine, in gynecological and urological diseases - the panty zone, etc.

A certain part of the body is lubricated with preheated native or deresined naftalan and heated with a sollux lamp from a distance of 75 - 100 cm, duration 10 - 20 minutes, for a course of treatment 15 - 20 procedures.

Vaginal tampons - cotton swabs, abundantly moistened with deresined naftalan 50 - 55 ° C, is inserted into the vagina for 45 - 60 minutes, for a course of treatment 15 - 20 tampons.

Rectal microclysters (12 - 20 ml).

Ultraphonophoresis of deresined naftalan - naftalan is used as a contact substance.

Indication for the use of naftalan.

1. Diseases of the joints and extra-articular soft tissues of the musculoskeletal system:

Rheumatic polyarthritis (Sokolsky-Buino disease in the inactive phase with minimal activity).

Rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis, with minimal activity.

Infectious specific arthritis, polyarthritis (Brucellosis, dysentery, viral).

Deforming spondylosis, spondylarthrosis.

Arthritis, arthrosis associated with other diseases: gouty polyarthritis, benign occupational polyarthritis, vibration diseases.

Extra-articular diseases of soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system: busitis, tendovaginitis; periarthritis, myositis, myalgia, myofasciitis.

Bechterew's disease.

2. Nervous diseases:

neuralgia trigeminal nerve, occipital nerve, sciatic nerve, intercostal neuralgia.

Neuritis of the facial, radial, ulnar, femoral, tibial and peroneal nerves.

Lumbar-sacral sciatica.

Shoulder plexitis and cervicobrachial sciatica.

3. Diseases of peripheral vessels:

Endoarteritis 1 and 2 stages (obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities).

Raynaud's disease.


Chronic osteomyelitis (without exacerbation).

Post-burn keloid scars.

4. Gynecological diseases:

Adnexitis, salpingo-osphoritis.



Cervicitis, colpitis chronic and recurrent.

Amenoria, underdevelopment of the uterus.


Infertility primary and secondary.

climacteric syndrome.

Pelvic peritoneal adhesions.

5. Skin diseases:

Psoriasis in a stable stage.

Neurodermatoses are not exacerbated.

Chronic recurrent eczema (dry).


6. Urological diseases:

Prostatitis, urethritis.

male infertility.

7. Children's diseases:

Rheumatoid arthritis in children, inactive stage, Still's syndrome.


Consequences of cerebral palsy.

Allergic skin diseases.

8. Diseases of the ear, throat, nose





Contraindications to the use of naftalan.

1. Acute diseases joints.

2. Organic diseases of the central nervous system.

3. Tumors are malignant and benign (any localization).

4. Sharp gynecological diseases.

5. Tuberculous lesions of any organ.

6. Circulatory disorders II and III degree.

7. Hypertonic disease III degree.

8. Chronic coronary insufficiency II and III degree with angina attacks, myocardial infarction in history.

9. Atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia.

10. Expressions of anemia, of any origin.

11. Acute nephritis and nephrosis.

12. Liver failure any etiology.

13. mental illness.

14. Epilepsy.

15. Venereal diseases.

16. All diseases of the blood.

17. Pregnancy and lactation period.

Toxicity of naftalan

Naftalan has a certain degree of toxicity, which is associated with the presence of resins, naphthenic acids and aromatic hydrocarbons in its composition.

For this reason, during treatment, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​​​application of naftalan, the time of its exposure, the number of procedures, as well as the presence of liver pathology in the patient.

Naftalan should be applied to an area not exceeding 15-20% skin person. The exposure time should not exceed 20-30 minutes. Usually no more than 12-15 procedures are prescribed, which are carried out every day.

Side effects of the use of naftalan

At long-term use naftalan, the appearance of such side effects like dry skin, folliculitis, occurrence hypersensitivity to this drug.

thermal water bath naftalanotherapy organism

City Naftalan is located 330 km from Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, and 55 km southeast of the city of Ganja (Kirovabad). According to archival data, until 1873, naftalan oil was extracted manually from shallow wells. In 1890, the German engineer-concessionaire E.I. Yeger, having bought land in the naftalan deposits, laid the first boreholes 250 m deep for the extraction of industrial oil. However, when refining oil, he was deeply disappointed: there were no gasoline fractions in the oil - it did not burn. Being on the verge of bankruptcy, Jaeger noticed how hot summer days hundreds of people come here different places to dive into pits filled with this oil. Seeing the widespread use of naftalan as remedy, Yeger built a small factory for the production of naphthalan ointment, which soon gained great popularity. Resort Naftalan became in the 1920s. Patients lived in private houses local residents and had the opportunity to take naftalan baths. By the beginning of the 50s, the first sanatorium with a building for living was built in Naftalan. By the end of the 1980s, there were 6 sanatoriums in Naftalan with 4,000 beds. During the entire existence of the Naftalan resort, about one and a half million people have been cured in sanatoriums. After the collapse of the USSR, when the old permit system collapsed, Naftalan almost ceased its activities. Since 2005, private modern sanatorium complexes. To date, the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the mayor's office of the city of Naftalan are doing everything to restore the former popularity of the resort city among the inhabitants of Russia. Within the framework of a large state program In order to restore Naftalan, 4 large operating European-level sanatoriums have been built in the city, and three more are under construction. Each sanatorium offers, in addition to traditional naftalan treatment, a number of other forms of treatment that complement the main thing - naftalan treatment. All sanatoriums are equipped with modern medical equipment.

Treatment with naftalan oil (treatment with naftalan)
Naftalan is a thick, black-brown liquid with a specific aromatic odor. Naftalan has a complex chemical composition and is highly resinous, low-sulfur, paraffin-free oil, contains almost no light fractions, like gasoline, kerosene, naphtha. Contains trace elements (copper, zinc, manganese, lithium, boron, iodine, bromine, etc.)
The main active principle of naftalan are naphthenic hydrocarbons. Naftalan oil has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasodilating, anti-allergic, stimulating trophic functions, increasing the intensity of metabolic processes, stimulates the processes of spermatogenesis, accelerates the processes of ovulation and ovogenesis.
Naftalan is used in the form of naftalan baths (general, sedentary, chamber), naftalan lubrication with heating with a Sollux lamp. For baths, native (natural) naftalan is used, and for lubrication, native and deresined naftalan, which does not irritate mucous membranes, is therefore successfully used both on the skin and in the form of tampons and baths, as well as for lubricating the mucous membranes of the gums, throat, nose and for ultraphonophoresis in the form of oil inhalations.
The course of treatment with naftalan mainly consists of obtaining 10 naftalan and sunbathing and from different physiotherapy procedures. Naftalan baths are prescribed at a temperature of 37 - 38°C, the duration of one bath is 8 - 10 minutes, 10 - 12 baths per course of treatment. Naftalan lubricants are prescribed in the form of general and local lubricants.

Indications for treatment with naftalan oil

    Diseases of the joints and extra-articular soft tissues of the musculoskeletal system Rheumatic polyarthritis (Sokolsky-Buino disease in an inactive phase with minimal activity); Rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis, with minimal activity; Infectious specific arthritis, polyarthritis (brucellosis, dysentery, viral); associated with other diseases: gouty polyarthritis, benign occupational polyarthritis, vibration diseases; Extra-articular diseases of soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system: bursitis, tendovaginitis; periarthritis, myositis, myalgia, myofasciitis; Bechterew's disease.

    Nervous diseases: neuritis, neuralgia, sciatica, etc. Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, occipital nerve, sciatic nerve, intercostal neuralgia; Neuritis of the facial, radial, ulnar, femoral, tibial and peroneal nerves; Lumbosacral sciatica; radiculitis.

    Ear, nose, throat diseases.Tonsillitis;.Pharyngitis;.Laryngitis;. Rhinitis; Sinusitis; .Sinusitis; .Frontitis.

    Children's diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis in children, inactive stage, Still's syndrome;
    .Small chorea;.Consequences of cerebral palsy;.Allergic skin diseases.

    Urological diseases.Prostatitis, urethritis; .Male infertility.

    Skin diseases: .psoriasis.eczema.atypical dermatitis. seborrhea. lichen rosea. boils. sycosis and other pyoderma. urticaria. scleroderma. skin itch. wounds. bedsores. torpid ulcers. ichthyosis. keratoderma, etc.

    Gynecological diseases.Adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis;.Parametritis;.Endometritis;
    .Cervicitis, chronic and recurrent colpitis; .Amenorrhea, underdevelopment of the uterus;
    .Dysfunction;.Primary and secondary infertility;.Climacteric syndrome;.Pelvic peritoneal adhesions.

    Peripheral vascular disease.Endarteritis of the 1st and 2nd stages (obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities);. Raynaud's disease;. Phlebitis;. Thrombophlebitis; .Chronic osteomyelitis (without exacerbation); Post-burn keloid scars.

    Contraindications to the treatment with naftalan oil
    1. Acute diseases of the joints;
    2. Organic diseases of the central nervous system;
    3. Tumors, malignant and benign (any localization);
    4. Acute gynecological diseases;
    5. Tuberculous lesions of any organ;
    6. Violation of blood circulation II and III degree;
    7. Hypertension III degree;
    8. Chronic coronary insufficiency II and III degree with angina attacks, myocardial infarction in history;
    9. Atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia;
    10. Severe anemia, of any origin;
    11. Acute nephritis and nephrosis;
    12. Liver failure of any etiology;
    13. Mental illness;
    14. Epilepsy;
    15. Venereal diseases;
    16. All diseases of the blood;
    17. Pregnancy and lactation period

If the listed contraindications, as well as general contraindications for spa treatment you do not have, to resort Naftalan ready to receive you all year round and cure you of many ailments that are practically considered incurable

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