Why is physiotherapy performed for a hernia of the lumbar spine? In which sanatorium is it better to relax with a hernia of the spine? Reasons for the development of hernias

Lumbar hernia is of great danger, if the disease is ignored, it can lead to complete paralysis. Drug therapy helps with a hernia of the spine. The patient must follow proper nutrition and perform certain physical activities. Gives a good result of physiotherapy with a hernia of the lumbar spine. After therapy is carried out, it is necessary to adhere to prophylaxis in order to prevent relapse.

A hernia of the lumbar, like the cervical, is considered a serious illness, because it can lead to disability. During it, the intervertebral disc is gradually destroyed, its ring is torn, after which the pulpous nucleus protrudes. Because of this, a person immediately feels a sharp pain. Do not ignore such a symptom, because it is important to immediately go to the doctor.

If we talk about the course of the disease, then it takes place in two stages. First, a degenerative and dystrophic process occurs, at the moment of which the fibrous ring cracks. Because of this, the strength of this element is reduced. The nucleus pulposus gradually protrudes, causing swelling and the formation of adhesions. If the nucleus is in contact with the nerve, then the person begins to suffer from severe pain.

At the second stage of the disease, the tension of the nerve root reaches a peak. It becomes inflamed and causes pain. At this moment, a protrusion of the nucleus occurs, because the ring is torn.

At the initial stages, it is easier to cope with the disease, because you can get by with conservative methods. If the disease is started, then the person can be sent for surgery. In any case, it is impossible to let the disease take its course, since in this case there will be a great risk to health. A hernia is not able to go away on its own, so you should not expect the body to heal itself.

Causes and symptoms

An intervertebral hernia occurs due to the fact that there is a strong load on the back. As a rule, the disease occurs due to the development of osteochondrosis. There are the following reasons: bruises and injuries of the spine, physical overstrain, scoliosis, a sharp rise in heavy weight, obesity, muscle weakness, inactive lifestyle, drinking and smoking, hereditary predisposition.

All of the above causes lead to the destruction of cartilage tissue. This eventually leads to the disease of the intervertebral hernia. Therefore, in order to prevent pathology, you must first take care of your health. Do not lift weights and lead a healthy lifestyle.

People who are obese suffer from spinal problems due to being overweight. Men are most often affected by this disease.. If a person works constantly while sitting, then he has a high risk of getting an intervertebral hernia. Strong physical activity affects the condition of the back.

The main symptom is pain, which occurs in the lower back. At first, there is not much pain, but over time it begins to become more intense. The patient may feel severe discomfort when lifting weights or physical exertion. At rest, the pain can completely go away. Then it is felt closer to the legs and starts to shoot. The pain syndrome can be aggravated by sneezing, coughing, turning the torso.

If the nerve endings are touched, then poor sensitivity of the limbs, chills, numbness or goosebumps may occur. The patient begins to feel that it is difficult for him to climb the stairs, and also bend over. With a vertebral hernia, there is a violation of blood flow. Therefore, one limb is cold or pale.


First of all, the specialist must make an accurate diagnosis, only after that prescribe treatment. It is necessary to address to the neurologist he will direct on certain researches. With a vertebral hernia, tendon reflexes are checked; this makes it clear how strong the violation of the spinal column is.

Without special examinations, it is actually almost impossible to find a disease. Use magnetic resonance imaging and CT. MRI often uses a contrast agent. X-rays may be prescribed, this makes it possible to find out about the presence of infectious diseases and tumors.

After the patient undergoes a complete examination, the doctor can prescribe the correct and effective treatment. The neurosurgeon may decide that surgery is needed because there is no other option. then the patient will need to prepare and be sure to do it. If there is no surgical intervention, then the patient has a high risk of getting a number of serious complications.


Immediately after the disease of the intervertebral hernia was found, treatment is prescribed. The specialist must choose a comprehensive and effective therapy. First of all, the patient should not be in uncomfortable positions and not make sudden movements..

Thermal procedures help well, they bring blood flow back to normal. The doctor prescribes drugs that will help relieve inflammation and relieve pain. As a rule, injections are given for about five days, such as: Movalis, Rofika, then it is necessary to switch a little bit to Meloxicam, Nemesil tablets. If you take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time, then there is a high risk of getting a side effect.

Chondroprotectors are used to prevent the destruction of cartilage tissues. Such medicines are prescribed as: Structum, Mukosat, Chondroxide. Well remove muscle spasm drugs such as: Sirdalud and Mydocalm. B vitamins are also prescribed, they will help restore nerve tissue.

With exacerbation of the intervertebral hernia, it is necessary to adhere to bed rest. Eliminate all physical activity. It is necessary to observe proper nutrition so that the diet contains all the necessary vitamins. Most importantly, food should be light, this is necessary for good absorption of food.

Do not eat fatty, salty, smoked, fried foods such foods can provoke inflammation. Completely give up sweets, pastries, cakes. The diet should include foods such as: fish, fresh fruits and vegetables.

As soon as the exacerbation of the disease ends, the specialist prescribes therapeutic exercises. It helps to bring the muscles back to normal and correct posture. Remove muscle spasms and improve blood circulation. As a rule, they prescribe such procedures as: ultrasound, electrophoresis, EHF, and so on.

Physiotherapy must be done correctly. This will avoid a number of complications, such as weakness in the muscles, as it is very difficult for the patient to move around and make different jumps. The decrease in muscle tone occurs due to the fact that the patient's limbs cannot withstand the load. Muscle atrophy occurs and the patient feels a lack of coordination and rapid fatigue.

Sensitivity is disturbed, a person begins to feel how he has a burning sensation, numbness, goosebumps in the place where the lesion is observed. There may also be heavy sweating and dry skin.

Physiotherapy helps to keep the muscles working and removes physical and emotional overstrain. Boosts immunity and relieves pain. Procedures can only be performed in a medical facility. The patient must necessarily undergo a comprehensive examination and then the specialist prescribes therapy.

Results can be seen after just a few treatments. When such types of physiotherapy as electrophoresis are prescribed, it causes the action of current at low frequencies.

This allows drugs to pass in certain amounts through the skin. Only herbal remedies are used, they will help improve blood circulation in the place where the lesion is. Electrophoresis must be done necessarily with an intervertebral hernia, the patient can only feel a slight tingling.

EHF is made under the influence of high-frequency current. The procedure helps to remove pain, normalize blood circulation, increase muscle tone and relieve inflammation. During the manipulation, the patient does not feel anything. Ultrasound helps to introduce the drug with the help of waves they act six centimeters in depth. This makes it possible to renew the tissue in the affected area.

Acupuncture medicines are administered with thin needles to special points throughout the body. The procedure is painful, but the effect of it is positive. With acupuncture, blood circulation improves, which makes it possible to recover faster in case of illness.

When the spine is restored. All exercises must be selected for each patient only by a specialist. He must take into account all contraindications. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the spine and improves blood flow.

You can not engage in this sport when there is an exacerbation. Exercises are selected only by a doctor and the patient performs them with an instructor. Hydromassage brings good results, it has a good effect on the entire cardiac and nervous system. You need to swim about three times a week for fifty minutes.

There will be a good result in classes if they are constant. If it happened, so that sharp pains appeared during the training, then you need to stop the session or make the exercises not so intense. If you follow all the recommendations of the doctor, then it will be possible to recover faster with a vertebral hernia.


Alternative methods of treatment well help to relieve pain and inflammation. You can use tinctures, ointments, rubbing, compresses. Gives a positive result of kalonchoe. In order to prepare an ointment, you need to take a leaf of this plant and grind it in a blender.. Next, heat the sunflower oil on the stove and watch that it does not boil. Mix all this and apply the ointment to those places where the pain syndrome bothers. This will help not only relieve discomfort, but also remove inflammation.

To prepare a rubbing agent, you need to purchase St. John's wort. For this, a plant is taken, it must be crushed and poured with vegetable oil. It is necessary to insist the remedy for at least two weeks, after which it is necessary to strain and rub. Comfrey tincture is considered the most effective remedy. In order to prepare it, you need to grind fifty grams of the plant and pour liters of vegetable oil on the floor.

Propolis helps well with hernia, for this you need to use it for rubbing. You can add bee venom to it to enhance the effect. Before use, the product must be placed in a warm place. Rubbing will warm and anesthetize the problem area. After applying propolis, it is recommended to wrap yourself in a warm cloth.

Best of all, a hernia is treated with complex measures. Therefore, it is necessary not only to carry out physiotherapy, but also to use other methods of treatment. In this case, you need to listen to the doctor, he will definitely say what will best help the patient.

A hernia of the spine is a fairly common phenomenon even among those who are not yet thirty years old. It often happens that the patient does not immediately seek help: when a back pain occurs, a person begins to take painkillers and continues to lead a normal life. By the time he seeks help from a medical institution, most often the doctor has already diagnosed a hernia of one of the sections of the spinal column.

After an individual examination, the doctor prescribes adequate therapy, which includes taking medications, as well as physiotherapy.

The effect of physiotherapy on the body

Conservative treatment is selected by a specialist for each patient individually. What changes occur during the treatment with physiotherapy?

1. Restoration of damaged tissues.

2. Removal of muscle spasm.

3. Correction of the spine.

What does physiotherapy for spinal hernia include?

Physiotherapeutic procedures are the key point of the entire medical complex, which in 90% of cases show high efficiency of their use. These include:

1. Treatment with low frequency currents ( electrophoresis). Under the influence of an electric field, drugs penetrate the body through the skin in a certain dosage. Enzymes of plant origin are mainly introduced, which are capable of:

Influence tissue regeneration;

Improve metabolism and blood circulation of the affected area of ​​the spine;

Reduce the size of the hernial sac.

During the procedure, the patient does not experience any pain, only a slight tingling sensation.

2. The use of extremely high-frequency currents ( EHF). Here is the impact of high-frequency waves on vital points in the body. A certain range of intensity causes a resonance that can actively participate in self-healing of the body. This procedure is effective:

Relieves pain;

Improves blood flow in damaged tissues;

Increases the tone of the muscular apparatus;

Relieves tissue from puffiness.

EHF treatment does not cause any discomfort.

3. Ultrasound. Such therapy involves the introduction of drugs to a specific area of ​​​​the body using ultrasonic waves that penetrate to a depth of up to 6 centimeters. Ultrasound renders:

Pulsating sound pressure;

Thermal effect;

Acceleration of metabolic processes in tissues.

Ultrasound promotes the regeneration of new tissues and stimulates the delivery of nutrients to the affected area.

4. Acupuncture. The procedure involves the introduction of thin needles of medicines into active biological points located on the patient's body. Do not be afraid of this technique, the patient does not feel any pain. But it is impossible to overestimate the advantages of this type of physiotherapy: under the influence of needles, the nutrition and blood circulation of tissues improve, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the damaged area of ​​the spine.

5. Paraffin applications. Very often, the patient is prescribed treatment with paraffin applications. They put on the sore part of the back:

analgesic effect;

Anti-inflammatory effect.

And also there is an acceleration of metabolic processes and an improvement in the conductivity of nerve impulses.

For the procedure, white paraffin heated to 60 degrees is used. It is applied in layers to the affected area with a thin brush. The thickness of the heating layer is 2 cm. The procedure takes about 40-60 minutes.

6. DDT ( diadynamic currents). The impact occurs through electrodes that are applied to the back area. Current is applied to them, and the patient begins to feel some tingling and burning.

Expected effect of the procedure:

Reduction of pain syndrome;

Improving the nutritional function of tissues;

Improving blood flow to the damaged area of ​​the spine.

7. exercise therapy(gymnastics, exercise). The tasks of physical therapy include:

Stabilization of the spine;

Posture improvement;

Increasing the flexibility of the spinal column.

The doctor prescribes a course of therapeutic exercises strictly individually, having previously studied all the contraindications for this patient.

What can not be done during exercise therapy? In order for gymnastics to give a lasting effect, it is necessary to control the implementation of exercises and exclude bouncing and twisting of the body from them. It is also not recommended to rush to correct the pathology of the spine in a short period. Exercises should be performed with a minimum number of repetitions, bringing them to the desired volume. If during gymnastics the condition worsens, you should immediately stop exercising and seek help from a doctor.

To exclude such a pathology as a hernia of the spine, it is necessary to observe proper nutrition and water regime (drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning to remove excess secretions from the stomach), as well as exercise regularly.

Whether it is possible to treat a vertebral hernia without surgery depends on the degree of disc displacement and the characteristics of the affected area. The disease affects the thoracic and lumbosacral spine. Neoplasms in this area cause pain and numbness of the limbs. Non-surgical treatment of intervertebral hernia is very effective, but requires an integrated approach. Therefore, it is important to seek qualified medical help in time.

An intervertebral hernia is a pathological neoplasm due to displacement of the nucleus pulposus of one of the intervertebral discs. If the core of the disk begins to move under the influence of excessive load, then it can get into the spinal canal and injure the nerve endings located in the spinal center. The displacement occurs due to the destruction of the fibrous ring and the protrusion of the disc. As a result of such a pathology, a complete rupture of the disc may even occur.

The cause of the disease is considered to be the destruction of the structural components of the spinal column with poor nutrition. As well as the lack of important mineral complexes, congenital anomalies of bone tissue, improper loading, a sharp change in weight, complications due to sports injuries.

Clinical symptoms

The signs of the disease are affected by the size of the neoplasm, the angle of displacement and the location. In medicine, cases are common when a person does not even know about a hernia. This is due only to the complete absence of pain and the small size of the hernia, which can be cured by conservative methods.

Symptoms of an intervertebral disc herniation in the lumbar region:

  • Pain is localized in the lumbar region and intensifies during exercise;
  • Perhaps numbness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200binnervation of the pinched root;
  • from the side of the lesion;
  • involuntary or difficult urination, irregular, painful bowel movements;
  • Men develop potency;
  • Numbness and tingling in the groin area;
  • Spasmodic changes in blood pressure;
  • In severe cases, dystrophic processes of the muscles of the lower extremities are diagnosed.

The main symptom of a hernia is severe pain in the focus of the pathological neoplasm. This is caused by pinched nerve endings due to severe displacement.

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A herniated disc in the cervical region is accompanied by numbness of the upper body, arms, neck, and pain in the hips.

Signs of intervertebral hernia in the cervical spine:

  • Pain in the shoulder joints;
  • Headaches, dizziness, hypertension, as well as a combination of these symptoms with each other;
  • Pain radiating to the arms;
  • Loss of sensation in fingers.

Symptoms of a hernia in the thoracic region are disguised as completely different diseases that have no connection with the spine. Patients mistake pain in the upper abdomen for stomach problems, and tingling in the left side of the chest for heart problems. And only diagnostics can determine the neoplasm and contribute to the treatment of spinal hernia without surgery.

  • The novocaine blockade method used to relieve acute pain is the fastest and most effective way.

The pronounced effect lasts about 20 days. It is not recommended to use the blockade method repeatedly, since it is not possible to cure a spinal hernia in this way, and the introduction of an analgesic into one area 4-5 times leads to atrophy of the ligaments.

  • Corticosteroid injections are an effective method used to eliminate inflammatory processes.

But it is a hormonal agent and requires careful use. Injections do not compensate for natural cortisol, but supplement it in stressful situations and inflammatory processes. Recently, the method is often used to get rid of an intervertebral hernia without surgery.

Ultrasound and electrical stimulation

Treatment of an intervertebral hernia without surgery with ultrasound is considered an effective and painless method of influencing the displacement area. The procedure is aimed at reducing inflammatory processes, accelerating blood circulation, increasing tissue plasticity and eliminating spasms in the back muscles. Ultrasound exposure is perfectly combined with other types of therapy, and also promotes the healing of a damaged disc without surgery and makes it possible to get rid of attacks of excruciating pain.

The method of electrical stimulation is able to remove the sensations of pain and discomfort. Treatment of intervertebral hernias is based on the effect of a permitted dose of electricity on the damaged area. Current impulses are able to remove pain sensations by stimulating nerve endings. The procedure is painless and does not require the use of anesthesia. However, getting rid of chronic back pain by this method is not effective enough.

Spinal sprain

Spinal sprain should not be considered as a separate method of treatment, since this method can only get rid of an intervertebral hernia in combination with medications, exercise therapy and manual therapy. The approach to treatment should be extremely careful under constant medical supervision, otherwise serious complications may occur. But proper therapy significantly lowers the pressure in the intervertebral discs, due to which inflammation and pain are significantly reduced. With a hernia, methods of vertical or horizontal stretching are used.

Vertical stretching has a simple exercise technique. In order for the spine to stretch, it is necessary to hang on the horizontal bar, and the rest of the work will be done by the patient's own weight. This method is perfect for self-study and has the most positive reviews. For horizontal stretching, tables are used to stretch the spine, which increase the distance between the vertebrae, this reduces the impact on.

exercise therapy

Is it possible to cure an intervertebral hernia with the help of a set of physical exercises at this stage, the attending physician will tell you. Each patient has individual injuries in spinal hernia and treatment without surgery has its own characteristics.

The exercise therapy exercise program is compiled taking into account the clinical features, the stage of the disease and the physical condition of the person.

It is necessary to get rid of the intervertebral hernia gradually with the help of the right loads, distributed evenly over the entire back. They will help restore mobility, flexibility and stability of the spinal column. Exercise therapy classes are designed for the patient's endurance, and you can perform exercises at home or under the supervision of doctors in the exercise therapy room.

Observation by a doctor is a prerequisite, since it is very dangerous to treat a spinal hernia without surgery, and improper loading can cause the intervertebral disc to prolapse. Even with the positive dynamics of the disease, during increased vertical compression, the intervertebral disc recovers much more slowly. It is caused by strong tension and concussion of the spine. The best solution is to eliminate the vertical load.

Physiotherapy for a hernia of the lumbar spine is a way to treat this pathology. If you use only medicines, the result will be worse than with complex treatment. The external impact on the lesion when the nucleus pulposus protrudes beyond the fibrous ring allows us to solve two problems - this is the strengthening of the muscular corset, the normalization of all processes at the cellular level.

During physiotherapy, active points are stimulated. As a result, there is a general positive effect: the patient's condition improves, symptoms are smoothed out or eliminated.

Effect on the body

Thanks to physiotherapy, the moment of the operation is delayed. Procedures help stop the development of a hernia, and sometimes there is a remission with subsequent tissue repair in the affected area. The result of treatment depends on the stage of development of the pathology of the lumbar or sacral spine, compression of the spinal roots. Benefits of physiotherapy:

  1. Normalization of metabolic processes, which improves tissue nutrition. As a result, the development of pathology stops, the structure of the intervertebral discs is restored.
  2. Increasing the regenerative capacity of tissues. Due to this, the rehabilitation period is reduced.
  3. Muscle relaxation along with the elimination of fragility of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries allows you to normalize blood circulation in the area surrounding the affected intervertebral disc.
  4. The delivery of oxygen to the tissues is restored.
  5. Impact on biologically active points can reduce the intensity of pain.
  6. Puffiness is eliminated. This is due to the normalization of the outflow of lymph in the affected areas.
  7. The spasm stops.


Massage, ultrasound, electrophoresis and other methods of external influence are used in two cases:

  • recovery period after an exacerbation of the disease;
  • postoperative period.

Some techniques are also used for exacerbation of a hernia. The appointment is determined by the stage of protrusion of the nucleus pulposus. Indications for the use of physiotherapy are pain, swelling, spasms, limited movement, loss of sensitivity, atrophic processes.

Types of physiotherapy

There are a large number of hernia treatment methods based on external influences.

Some of them are used as an auxiliary measure (electrophoresis, phonophoresis). Laser, magnetotherapy is carried out at different stages of treatment. These techniques can be used as the main or secondary direction of therapy.

Exercise therapy, swimming, exercise on simulators are auxiliary measures that help strengthen the muscular corset. These methods are used in the postoperative period and for the prevention of hernia. There are other ways of external influence:

  • diadynamic therapy;
  • detensor therapy;
  • ultrasound;
  • amplipulse;
  • manual therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • vibrotherapy;
  • balneotherapy.

They are assigned less frequently than previously discussed methods. The choice of the method of physiotherapy is made taking into account the stage of development of the hernia, its localization relative to the spinal canal, the presence of concomitant diseases.


During the procedure, a drug is injected into the structure of the skin or mucous membranes. This occurs under the influence of electrical impulses on the outer covers. This combination of techniques allows you to enhance the effect of the procedure and speed up recovery.

Electrophoresis helps to eliminate spasms, anesthetizes, strengthens the muscular corset, helps to restore posture.

Drugs used during the procedure:

  • Caripazim;
  • Karipain.

Such funds help to stop the development of the inflammatory process, soften the cartilage, increase the intensity of collagen selection, due to which the elasticity of tissues returns. When treating a lumbar hernia, discomfort may occur. For one course, 20-30 procedures are performed. It is often recommended to take several courses with a short break (1-2 months). The procedure is performed according to the instructions:

  • pads are moistened with preparations;
  • they are located in pain points;
  • electrodes are connected to the pads.

There are different ways to perform electrophoresis. Common options: exposure to modulated sinusoidal current, diadynamic therapy.


The procedure works in three ways:

  • thermal;
  • physical and chemical;
  • mechanical.

In the process of exposure to radiation, the temperature of the tissues slightly increases (by 1-2°C). In addition, thanks to ultrasound, the delivery of drugs to the affected area is accelerated. Ultrasound waves affect the depth of tissues up to 6 cm, due to which the active substances in the composition of the preparations penetrate the skin structure faster. This is due to the pulsating radiation pressure on the tissue.

This method also allows you to stimulate metabolic processes in cells.


The procedure involves the need to introduce needles into biologically active points on the patient's body. This provides different effects:

  • the intensity of pain decreases;
  • spasm is eliminated;
  • intercellular processes are normalized.

To enhance the effect, electrical impulses are applied to the injection points of the needles or a drug is delivered. The advantages of acupuncture include the absence of discomfort during the procedure. In this case, there are no side effects. In addition, the technique is used at different stages of pathology development.

exercise therapy

This is the name of a complex of therapeutic exercises, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of a hernia. The main task in this case is to strengthen the muscular corset. With the weakening of the striated muscles on the vertebrae and intervertebral discs of the lumbar region, the load increases, which leads to tissue protrusion. Exercise therapy solves this problem, in addition, with the help of exercises it will be possible to restore intracellular processes. Thanks to this, the development of pathology stops.

Therapeutic exercises are often combined with procedures aimed at warming up tissues, with medications. Exercises for lumbar hernia should be performed lying on your back. In this case, dynamic movements are not used, since it is important to exclude additional load on the discs of the lumbar spine.

Exercises on simulators

The method is based on kinesitherapy (the use of correct movements for the treatment of joints). During training on simulators, you need to use breathing practice, which will avoid negative consequences when doing exercises. There are two types of trainers:

  • providing artificial burdening (under the load of its own mass), this group includes bars, horizontal bars;
  • simulators with a system of blocks that create a counterweight.

This technique can be used only during the period of remission of the pathology. With a hernia, therapy is often prescribed using the Bubnovsky simulator, KS-500, elliptical trainer, exercise bike, etc.

Manual therapy

This is a complex of manual techniques, thanks to which the displacement of discs and vertebrae is eliminated, the physiological curves of the spinal column are restored. The intensity of the impact is much higher than in the case of classical massage. The chiropractor, through manual techniques, slightly increases the distance between the vertebrae, as a result, the compression of the nerve endings decreases, which helps to reduce the intensity of pain. This method is effective in the early stages of hernia development.


Water procedures are performed in the treatment of protrusion of the tissues of the nucleus pulposus for two reasons:

  • at the same time, there is a decrease in the load on the spinal column;
  • the likelihood of re-injury of the affected spine is reduced, since sharpness is excluded when performing movements.

Swimming helps to reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome, which is due to the relaxation of the muscles, a decrease in the compression of nerve endings.

Other benefits:

  • restoration of metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • strengthening of skeletal muscles.

Water procedures are not performed during an exacerbation of the disease.


The method is based on the use of mineral waters. These include:

  • external exposure: dousing, bathing, showering, baths;
  • oral intake.

Mineral water of natural origin or thermal water is used. In such liquids, the dosage of chemical elements and gases is increased. During balneotherapy, lymph flow and blood circulation are normalized, there is a decrease in the level of excitability of the nervous system. The outer covers react differently to the effects of mineral waters, so this therapy option cannot be used independently.


The basis of the method is the impact of low-frequency magnetic fields on the affected area of ​​the body. The result is an electrically conductive driving force that accelerates the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells. Thanks to magnetic therapy, the blood supply to tissues is normalized, toxins are removed faster, and intracellular processes are restored. Micromagnets or magnetic plates are used. They are fixed on the affected area or at biologically active points, which helps to eliminate pain.

Laser therapy

In this case, the tissue is affected by a polarized beam of light.

The radiation can be infrared, red. It is used in constant or pulsed mode.

The beam of light is directed directly to the affected area, while laser therapy is performed by the method of indirect exposure. Thanks to the procedure, you can achieve good results:

  • the pain goes away;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • puffiness is eliminated;
  • the development of inflammation stops;
  • there is a restoration of metabolic processes;
  • increases immunity.


The method is based on the creation of periodic mechanical oscillations. The main condition for the procedure is direct contact with the affected area. Vibration can be created using manual techniques (chiropractor) or vibratory massager. There are devices for home use.

In the case when a lumbar hernia develops, a tape vibrating massager is more often used. This method is used with caution in cases where osteochondrosis has become the cause of the protrusion of the nucleus pulposus beyond the fibrous ring.

Vibrotherapy is carried out only during the period of remission of this disease.

diadynamic therapy

This procedure is abbreviated as DDT. This is a type of electrophoresis. In this case, too, there is a double effect: drugs and an electrical impulse. In this case, currents with parameters are used: frequency 50-100 Hz, current strength not more than 50 mA. The voltage does not exceed 80 V. DDT differs from classical electrophoresis in that in this case Bernard currents are used instead of galvanic ones. The procedure can be used at different stages of hernia.

Detensor therapy

The therapeutic effect is provided by passive traction of the spine. A special mattress is used, which has several protruding ribs that allow you to create the most comfortable sleeping position. This device is called a detensor. It is used as a safer alternative to active spinal traction. The position of the ribs is determined by the weight and physiological curves of the human body, due to which a neutral state of the spine is achieved.

Among the methods of treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine, physiotherapy procedures are of great importance. Their diversity makes it possible to choose the most appropriate technique in accordance with contraindications and the stage of development of the disease. The main types of physiotherapy prescribed for intervertebral hernia, the features and mechanisms of their impact are presented in this article.

Why is physiotherapy prescribed for a hernia of the lumbar?

  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • normalization and acceleration of blood flow, lymph flow at the site of pathology development and adjacent tissues;
  • launch of regenerative processes;
  • elimination of symptoms (pain, swelling, redness);
  • strengthening the therapeutic effect of drugs;
  • restoration of the conduction of nerve impulses and so on.

Indications and contraindications for physiotherapy

Before prescribing a particular method of physiotherapy to a patient, the doctor sends him for examination and carefully examines the medical history, identifies concomitant diseases in order to determine the presence of contraindications. The procedures themselves must take place in a medical institution.

It is impossible to conduct sessions of physiotherapy of intervertebral hernia at home on your own at home! Since the nerve roots are located nearby, this can lead to negative consequences.

With a hernia in the lumbar spine, indications can be:

  • pain;
  • edema;
  • violation of motor activity;
  • spasms of adjacent muscles.

In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated for a decrease in general and local immunity, drug intolerance due to gastrointestinal diseases, and posture disorders caused by a hernia. Such measures can be prescribed at any stage of the development of the disease, as an additional treatment to medication or during the recovery period (including after surgery). Most often they are used during remission, as well as in the subacute stage. However, some methods can be used during exacerbation.

It is contraindicated to use physiotherapeutic treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine in such conditions and diseases as:

  • the period of bearing a child;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​exposure;
  • malignant tumors;
  • some diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • feverish state;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • severe dysfunction of the organs of the cardiovascular system.

Some procedures cannot be used for benign tumors of the pelvic organs (myoma, prostate adenoma).


The mechanism of action of drug electrophoresis is based on the effect of electrical impulses on the epidermis and subcutaneous layers of cells. Passing through the tissues, the current provides the flow of reactions in them, such as:

  • rapid penetration of medicinal substances (under the influence of current, they decompose into ions, which facilitates their penetration through the epidermal barrier);
  • increased blood circulation, as a result of which more oxygen and nutrients enter the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spine;
  • muscle relaxation.

In general, the use of electrophoresis in hernia eliminates pain, reduces or prevents the inflammatory process, inhibits the further development of the disease, increases the human motor activity in the lumbar region, and improves posture.

For electrophoresis with a hernia of the lumbar spine, various drugs are used: painkillers, anti-inflammatory, metabolic, vitamin complexes, and others. Often used, for example, Karipain - an enzymatic agent in the form of a lyophilisate based on glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate and papain. It has a powerful stimulating effect on metabolic processes, normalizes the condition of the connective tissue in the intervertebral space, helps to reduce the size of hernia and inflammation. The duration of the course and the frequency of procedures depend on the degree of development of the pathology, the severity of the symptoms, the properties of the drug used, the patient's well-being and other factors.

laser therapy

The action of the laser beam in lumbar hernia is based on a certain wavelength. With this pathology, infrared radiation is used, which penetrates deep into the human body. Among the effects of laser therapy are noted:

  • elimination of pain and inflammation;
  • reduction of hernia in size;
  • restoration of motor activity;
  • boosting immunity.

The laser beam is used directly in the affected area, a certain segment of the body, places of the highest concentration of blood vessels and nerve endings, biologically active points.

Ultrasound treatment

Ultrasound waves can penetrate through the layers of the body to a depth of 5-6 cm, while exerting both a pulsating sound pressure on the tissues and a thermal effect that occurs due to the activation of blood flow. During ultrasound procedures for the treatment of a lumbar hernia, as well as during electrophoresis, a drug (ultraphonophoresis) can be used.

The result of the action of ultrasound are the following processes:

  • improvement of tissue trophism;
  • stimulation of the restoration of damaged tissues due to the formation of new cells;
  • rapid and direct penetration of the drug to the site of the hernia;
  • removal of toxic metabolic products from the affected area;
  • elimination of congestion in adjacent tissues.

With periodic courses of treatment with ultrasonic waves, a slowdown in dystrophic processes and a significant decrease in hernia in size are noted, up to its regression (at the initial stage of pathology development).

diadynamic therapy

Diadynamic therapy is based on the effect of direct current, which has a low voltage. The procedure is prescribed in the subacute period of development of a lumbar hernia, when the inflammatory process is at the stage of attenuation. In addition to the fact that the diadynamic current improves blood circulation in the space between the vertebrae, it provides a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve receptors. As a result, pain disappears, so diadynamic therapy is indicated for hernias accompanied by intense pain.

Electrical stimulation

The physiotherapy of electrical stimulation consists in introducing a disposable needle into the affected area and then exposing it to a low-frequency current in a pulsed mode. In this case, the following effects are observed:

  • the pain syndrome disappears;
  • blood flow is restored in the affected disc and neighboring tissues;
  • improves the condition of the connective tissue in the lumbar region;
  • there is a destruction and subsequent removal of salt deposits in the spinal column;
  • the transmission of nerve impulses is normalized.

Stimulation with electric current has practically no side effects. In addition, the achieved effect can be maintained for a long time.

Treatment with high frequency current

High-frequency electromagnetic waves (UHF) have the following effects on the lumbar spine:

  • activate the processes of self-healing;
  • start the processes of regeneration of connective tissue;
  • restore nerve conduction;
  • increase blood flow and lymph movement, facilitating the intake of nutrients and medicinal substances and the removal of toxic products;
  • eliminate tissue swelling at the site of the hernia, pain, inflammatory reactions;
  • increase the mobility of the spine in the lumbar region;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve the general condition of the patient.

Acupuncture for hernia of the lower back

The impact on biologically active points (BAP) with the help of special needles - acupuncture - has a positive effect at all stages of the development of a hernia of the lumbar spine, but it is most pronounced at the beginning of the disease (up to the complete elimination of the pathology). BAP stimulation leads to increased metabolism, redistribution of energy flows, activation of self-healing processes of connective tissue in the disc and neighboring areas.

As a result of the procedures (the amount is determined by a specialist), pain completely disappears, motor activity normalizes, innervation and trophism are restored. Acupuncture is characterized by the absence of side effects and discomfort. To speed up and improve the result, electric current is applied to the needles or medications are used.

Only a specialist with the appropriate education and practice can conduct acupuncture sessions.

The use of heat treatment

Heat treatment consists in the application of ozocerite or paraffin, which are preheated to a certain (about 50˚C) temperature. Under the action of heat, capillaries expand, metabolism increases, pain disappears, tissue nutrition improves, and regenerative processes are launched. The use of ozokeritotherapy and paraffin therapy is contraindicated during an exacerbation of the disease. Also, you can not use these methods on your own without first consulting a doctor.

In addition to those listed, other methods of physiotherapy are also used to treat a hernia of the lumbar spine, for example, magnetotherapy, manual or detensor therapy, and others. The choice of one or another method of exposure is entirely within the competence of the doctor.

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