Is it true that if a cat has a black upper sky, then it is evil? What to do if a cat has black spots in its mouth

The disease itself is the beginning of a more dangerous disease - periodontal disease, which is fraught with serious complications and loss of a cat's teeth. It is important to remember that only a timely appeal to the veterinarian will save the situation. Also, inflammatory processes on the gums can be due to periodontitis - acute inflammation of one or a number of teeth due to the influence of bacterial plaque, which is concentrated in the oral cavity.

Gingivitis can be a real problem for a pet!

There are two types of gum disease, each of which has its own characteristic symptoms and causes of development.

dental view pathology is provoked by the lack of care for the oral cavity, as a result of which plaque appears on the jaw row and gums. Plaque, in turn, is formed due to food debris that settles on the teeth and fangs, eventually grows into the gums and creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. Further, the plaque hardens and turns into a stone deposit, which is subsequently manifested by inflammatory processes.

Gingivitis causes severe pain to the cat.

Plasmacytic-lymphocytic type accompanied not only by redness of the affected area, but also by the manifestation of sharp pain. Further, ulcers form on the soft palate, the body temperature rises. The animal stops eating and begins to lose weight dramatically. There is a fetid odor from the mouth.

Why do gums bleed?

The affected areas bleed, and when pressed, the bleeding intensifies.

What is the danger of late contact with the veterinarian?

Untimely access to the veterinarian is fraught with problems for the whole organism. The spread of infection quickly disperses to nearby systems and organs.

Bleeding gums on a cat

Your gums can bleed for a variety of reasons.


Gingivitis in its chronic form is called periodontitis.

The provoking factors of periodontitis are gingivitis, which has developed into a chronic form.

Also, the development of the disease is possible due to the following factors:

Symptoms of periodontitis in cats

The symptoms accompanying this pathology are similar to the signs of gingivitis, so it is advisable to combine these two diseases into one group.

  • There is inflammation and bleeding of the gums.
  • On palpation, increased tooth mobility is felt.
  • Refusal to feed, weight loss.
  • The presence of purulent discharge from under the gums, the appearance of dark spots that are.

Diagnosis of gum disease in cats

An experienced veterinarian can easily diagnose inflammation of the cat's oral cavity.

Gingival inflammation is diagnosed by taking anamnesis, visual examination of the oral cavity. It is possible to conduct a biopsy to detect plasmacytic-lymphocytic hepatitis.

Periodontitis diagnosed by probing and radiography of the affected area or areas.


When prescribing treatment for gingivitis, the doctor will start from the degree of development of the pathology.

  1. initial stage eliminated through therapeutic, with the use of therapeutic toothpaste.

    Regular brushing of teeth with a medicated paste will help relieve inflammation at the initial stage.

  2. Next, stone deposits are removed, and this measure will also be a preventive measure in order to subsequently prevent the risk of re-infection.
  3. The dental form at an early stage is eliminated quickly enough and without tangible losses.

    Brushing is a good preventive measure against dental diseases.

  4. The pain syndrome is relieved by using the Metragil-Denta gel, which is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.

    Metrogil Denta perfectly relieves pain.

  5. You can also use the gel "Dentavedin" or "Zubastik".

Plasmacytic-lymphocytic form treated with antibiotics that reduce inflammation and kill the bacterial infection.

It is acceptable to prescribe immunostimulants to maintain and enhance the cat's immunity. The plaque is removed by the veterinarian. Anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out, in particular prednisolone.

the main objective

Cleaning and removing tartar are the main steps to treat periodontitis in cats.

The main goal in the treatment of periodontitis is the elimination of the bacterial substance from which plaque is created, by cleaning and.

It is necessary to carry out subsequently grinding the surface of the teeth . If more than fifty percent of periodontal lesions are found, the diseased tooth is removed. The use of antibiotics and local treatment of the oral cavity is indicated.

General prevention

Attention to the cat's oral cavity is the main rule for the prevention of inflammation.

Since the main causes of the appearance of both diseases are common, then preventive measures will be common for both ailments.

The first and inviolable rule of prevention is special attention to pets.

Necessary carefully monitor the condition of the cat's oral cavity brushing regularly, about once or twice a week. The cat's diet should be balanced with the necessary vitamin and mineral supplements. You can not feed only soft food.

It is recommended that the pet consume ready-made foods designed specifically to clean teeth and prevent the formation of tartar. If this has already happened - do not delay a visit to the doctor. Otherwise, the complication is fraught with the loss of the entire jaw, which for a predator is tantamount to death.

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Mouth problems in cats can be caused by infections, trauma, tumors, or inflammatory diseases. Ideally, a complete oral examination should be a permanent part of the routine periodic veterinary examination, as oral diseases are more effectively treated in the early stages. Otherwise, many diseases can proceed secretly, gradually developing to severe conditions.

Oral inflammation and ulcer disease in cats.

If glossitis is caused by an infection, antibiotics are prescribed. In some cases, washing wounds, antiseptic rinses have a good effect. Your cat may need to be switched to a wet food diet or IV fluids. If the cat cannot eat for a long time, tube feeding is used.

Short-term glossitis can be caused by insect bites, and sometimes emergency treatment is required. In cases where glossitis is a consequence of other diseases, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary. The tissues of the tongue usually heal quickly after the irritation is relieved and the infection is eliminated.

Injuries of the soft tissues of the mouth in cats.

Injuries to the mouth can cause severe inflammation, but usually respond well to treatment.

Cheek bite.

A wound on the inside of the cheek can be inflicted by the cat itself in the process of chewing food. To prevent aggravation of the injury, "extra" cheek tissue is removed surgically.

Mouth burn in cats.

There are thermal, chemical and electrical burns of the mouth. In the event of a burn, the cat must be examined for damage to other organs of the body, which in some cases can be life threatening. Cats with burns in the mouth show "hesitancy" when trying to eat or drink, may salivate, and resist examination of the mouth. Inflammation, wounds that can easily get infected can appear in the mouth. If the burn occurred in front of your eyes, tell the doctor all the details. If the burn has only caused redness without tissue damage, treatment will consist of a soft or liquid food diet until the condition improves. If the soft tissues in the cat's mouth are severely damaged, the veterinarian can wash them with an antiseptic, remove all dead parts. Antibiotics may be prescribed to reduce the risk of infection.

Tumors in the cat's mouth.

Tumors in the mouth and throat are less common in cats than in dogs. Unfortunately, the resulting tumors are often malignant.

benign tumors.

Fibroma of the gums Gingival fibroma is a benign (non-growing) growth that usually occurs near the gum line. The growth is relatively insensitive and hard, either the color of a normal gum or somewhat paler. The value can be large enough to completely cover the surface of several teeth. The usual treatment is surgical removal of the fibroma. After the operation, daily washing is prescribed until the cat is completely recovered.

Epulis(supragingival, Epulides) is another type of benign tumor-like formation that occurs on the gums. It rarely occurs in practice. This type of tumor usually only affects the area around one tooth. Biopsy of tissue samples may be performed for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Malignant tumors.

Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor in the oral cavity of cats. Usually occurs on the gums and tongue, then quickly spreads throughout the mouth.

Symptoms depend on the location and size of the tumor. Typically, bad breath, refusal to eat, and excessive salivation are observed. If the tumor affects the back of the mouth, throat, swallowing may be difficult. The tumor is often ulcerated and bleeds. The cat's face may swell as the tumor grows and grows into the surrounding tissue. Nearby lymph nodes often enlarge before the tumor itself becomes visible. Diagnosis is usually made by biopsy of tissue samples.

Treatment and prognosis depend on the type of tumor and its stage. Malignant melanomas are highly invasive and grow rapidly, so the prognosis is poor. Surgical removal increases the chances of survival and may even eliminate the tumor, but relapses are common. Squamous cell carcinoma has a poor prognosis, survival is possible only with early diagnosis and initiation of treatment. Removal of the tumor often requires removal of the mandible.

Salivation disorders in cats.

Saliva wets the mouth, helping to start digestion. The salivary glands of a cat, like any part of the body, can experience medical problems. Among the disorders, salivary gland cysts (mucocele), excessive salivation, tumors of the salivary glands can be distinguished.

Excessive salivation.

excessive salivation(Hypersalivation, ptyalism, or sialosis) can develop for two main reasons - if too much saliva is produced (a condition called ptyalism or sialosis) or if the cat cannot swallow the resulting saliva effectively. In any case, salivation is observed. A more serious cause of drooling is rabies, which is why veterinarians check this option first. Treatment requires identifying the underlying cause. If the skin is not kept as dry as possible, irritation of the lips and face may begin after a short time. In such cases, cleaning with suitable antiseptics is recommended by the veterinarian.

Salivary gland cyst in a cat.

Mucocele of salivary glands(sialocele, salivary gland cyst) - an accumulation of saliva surrounded by granulation tissues, which develops due to a violation of the integrity of either the salivary gland itself or its duct. At mucocele saliva accumulates (cysts form) under the skin after damage to the salivary ducts or glands. While any of the salivary glands can be affected, those under the tongue and in the jaw are most commonly affected. The reason is usually unclear. Symptoms of the disease depend on the place where saliva accumulates.

The first sign of the disease may be painless, slowly growing masses, most often in the neck. A mucocele under the tongue of a cat may not be noticeable until its integrity is broken and bleeding begins. Pharyngeal (throat) mucoceles can block the airways, making breathing difficult. If the mucocele becomes infected, pain or fever may occur. In order to distinguish a mucocele from an abscess, tumor, or other type of cyst, veterinarians take fluid samples from the cyst using a special needle.

For treatment, surgery is often recommended to remove the affected salivary glands and ducts. With a mucocele in the neck or under the tongue, if surgery is not possible, periodic drainage may be prescribed. With a mucocele in the throat, complete removal of the glands and ducts is often recommended to prevent the possibility of life-threatening air obstruction.

Tumors of the salivary glands.

Tumors of the salivary glands rare in cats (but about twice as common as in dogs). As a rule, cats older than 10 years are affected. Malignant neoplasms in the oral cavity make up the majority of the resulting tumors - these are, most often, various types of carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Tumors usually spread to nearby lymph nodes, lungs. Tumors removed by surgery tend to re-form, so radiation therapy is usually prescribed (in addition to surgery or separately).

Dry mouth (xerostomia).

Dry mouth develops due to a decrease in saliva production. One of the signs is a behavior in which the cat is clearly interested in food, but refuses to eat, as if the food is bad. Another sign is smacking lips, excessive movement of the tongue when eating. The gums and mucous membranes of the mouth become dry, and a thick layer of plaque usually forms on the teeth. The risk of disease is higher for older cats with kidney disease. Treatment consists of supportive care - artificial substitutes for saliva to wet food. The disease itself rarely resolves.

Naturally, seeing on your favorite fluffy brown spots that were not there before, we involuntarily tense up and ask ourselves the question - what if this is something dangerous? We involuntarily get into the Internet, see terrible pictures, nervously read sites with terrible diagnoses and examine our pet. But before you panic, you should figure out what it really is.

Lentingo, what is it?

These skin defects have the intricate name "Lentigo". is an absolutely harmless skin defect, about a centimeter in size, in the form of a dark spot. In fact, they are similar to our age spots. Most often, lentigo appears in cats of a red or tortoiseshell color. Many veterinarians assume that pigmentation is related to the color of the animal's coat. As a rule, they appear in cats in the first years of life.

Lentigo can be seen on the lips, nose and ears. First, minor spots appear in size from 1-10 mm. Gradually, the number of spots will increase and increase in size. But over time, they will decline. Lentigo does not cause discomfort, pain, itching, does not flake in the animal. However, do not forget that a really dangerous disease can be mistaken for Lentigo. Therefore, do not diagnose yourself. In any case, you need to contact, where a sample of skin tissue will be taken from your pet and sent to the laboratory for analysis, where an accurate diagnosis will be established!

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Cats always give the impression of being extremely clean animals, as they lick their entire body for a long time to maintain hygiene. They do this not so much to remove dirt, but to level out a specific smell. Since the cat's tongue is always in sight, it is not surprising that with its pathologies, the owner quickly notices signs of something amiss. In particular, you should be wary of noticing a white tongue in a cat.

Your kitty's tongue is a multifunctional tool. It serves for food and drink, performing the function of a kind of "spoon", with its help the animal keeps its fur and skin in order. Thus, with any more or less serious diseases of this organ, the animal will have serious problems. It will not be able to take care of itself, and the process of eating food will become noticeably more difficult. So what diseases, in principle, can directly contribute to a change in the color of the tongue?

Any inflammatory pathology of the oral cavity can lead to such consequences. The simplest and most common option is stomatitis, it is also inflammation of the tissues of the oral cavity. Not uncommon and quite likely glossitis(this term refers to inflammation of the tongue itself). It is possible that a whitish coating appeared on the surface of the organ due to(that is, all the same inflammation, but already gums).

Whitish tongue colora rather characteristic, specific symptom indicating the initial stages of tartar formation. If at this moment you start treating your teeth and the tongue itself with a weak water-salt solution, or with a solution of baking soda, serious consequences can be avoided. In addition, a white tongue (more precisely, the root of the tongue) is a fairly common sign of acute (inflammation of the gastric mucosa). With chronic inflammation, the tongue also turns white, but more often this can be noticed only during an exacerbation of the disease.

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Sometimes this phenomenon indicates fungal pathologies of the oral cavity. These are very dangerous diseases. If you do not fight them in any way, the health and even the life of your pet will be in serious danger. The most common pathology of this type is oral candidiasis. The smell from the mouth with these ailments becomes extremely unpleasant and even disgusting. Note that fungal diseases of the oral cavity are very common in cats that have been treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics for a long time. All of them have a bad effect on the natural resistance of the body.

In addition, a rather characteristic cause of a sudden change in the color of the tongue is the action of irritants and caustic substances. Maybe, household chemicals. Hazardous compounds cause the outer layer of cells covering the tongue to coagulate, causing the latter to turn white.

More serious problems

Thus, the cat's tongue can be a real "barometer" of health. A change in color is an indicator that your cat may be sick. You can remember a simple truth: "Pink tongue is a healthy pet." This rule is immutable, exceptions are very rare.

Why is that? The fact is that the tongue, like a muscular organ, is literally penetrated by many blood vessels, translucent through a thin epithelial layer. If it is pink, everything is in order - the blood supply is normal, the erythrocytes contain the required amount of hemoglobin. In many cases, a white tongue is a sign of poor oral hygiene., but below we will describe much more serious pathologies in which this organ also changes its color.

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Respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. As a rule, at the same time, the tongue turns blue or turns pale, but the appearance of a whitish coating on its surface is not excluded. If your cat has bronchitis, or other lung diseases (or there is a predisposition to allergic reactions), be sure to control the color of her tongue, as well as gums. When a white coating appears on the tongue of a cat, accompanied by a clearly visible blue of the tissues of the oral cavity, it is urgent to contact your treating veterinarian. It is possible that your pet has developed or deficiency, and all these pathologies directly threaten his life and health. It is easy to check this: if, after even minimal physical exertion, the cat's tongue noticeably turns white and turns pale, and the animal itself has a dry, hard cough, it urgently needs to be shown to a specialist. Tighten for a month or two - it may be too late.

. If your pet is experiencing kidney problems, her tongue can shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow - from white to deep yellow. In addition, her breath (in especially severe and advanced cases of kidney failure) acquires a rich "aroma" of acetone or ammonia. The animal practically does not eat, deep, non-healing ulcers appear on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. A cat with kidney disease drinks more than usual and constantly visits the litter box, she loses weight quickly. Don't wait until your pet goes into a coma or dies. Urgently call a veterinarian or go to him yourself, since kidney pathologies are extremely dangerous, they are fraught with death.

Congenital features of pigmentation. White patches on a cat's tongue are not necessarily a cause for concern and an urgent visit to the veterinary clinic. Perhaps it's the individual characteristics of your pet. White spots on the tongue are more common in dogs, but in about 1.5-3% of kittens they can also be found. If an animal had a “mole” on its tongue from its very birth, then there is nothing wrong with that, and, most likely, nothing threatens its health and life. On the other hand, if non-descending white spots appear suddenly and there are no visible reasons for this phenomenon, you still need to go to the veterinarian. The specialist will be able to determine how dangerous this phenomenon is for the life and health of your pet.

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