What happens to people during a long relationship? What happens to a person during a plane crash, and how the bodies are identified

Dear ones, do you watch TV, read news feeds? I'm not asking this out of idle curiosity: every day I receive alarmed letters from readers of my blog in the mail. Here is an excerpt from one of them: “It seems to me that God has completely forgotten about us! Or wants to punish all of humanity. I turned on the TV today, it turns out that there is a flood all over Europe, people are dying from floods, losing their homes. What is this?"

And there are dozens of such letters. Yes, it is worth taking an interest in the news, and you can lose sleep and peace.

NASA scientists, after analyzing satellite images, came to the conclusion that the level of the world's oceans has already risen, and continues to do so. Not even a century will pass (which is very little by the standards of history), and the water column will become six and a half meters higher.

Think about it: in just three generations of people, in the foreseeable future, entire settlements. For example, the Russian city of Astrakhan is now a meter above sea level. Experts have already calculated that half of the territory of the Netherlands, part of Norway, Sweden, Great Britain and other European countries will be flooded! The Ural Mountains will become islands in a boundless sea that will divide Russia and Europe. Can you imagine what changes all this will bring for humanity?

Scientists' forecasts have been more like ancient prophecies for some time now.

I'm not talking about constant earthquakes, tsunamis, massive forest fires and other natural disasters. The planet suffers, new misfortunes constantly appear, viruses and bacteria mutate, giving rise to new diseases, for which there are no drugs. Increasingly, one hears the name "Zika fever", the virus that causes severe complications, a effective pills and there are no shots against him yet. Armageddon is happening now, gradually, but the result of all these wars, natural Disasters, epidemics is clear. Humanity is heading towards death. Why did such torment fall upon the Earth?

To answer the question, I suggest moving from global problems to personal. After all, all these misfortunes do not come from nowhere, they are made up of millions of private situations. Billions human destinies and consciousnesses add up to a common planetary consciousness. We are all parts of this Universe. Imagine that you have a crystal ball in your hands, you look into it, you see all these gloomy pictures of the present, and then you stare intently, and this image breaks down into elements: country, city, microdistrict, street, house ... here is a specific apartment, thoughts ordinary person. What's in them? Yes, the same hopeless suffering as on the planetary level!

You can often hear the words uttered with weariness and alienation: "God does not hear me." In fact, everything is the other way around. The Creator speaks to us directly, in the language of events. And if the same difficulties are repeated in a person's life, the black streak does not end - it is he who does not hear God, does not heed His warnings.

How to understand what the Creator says and stop dwelling on your mistakes? You can try to figure it out on your own, hoping to reach the truth with your mind. It is a long way, and not always successful. After all, initially we evaluate everything based not only on our experience, but also on the attitudes inspired by our parents and society. And we judge what is "right" and "wrong" in our lives, based on these values, often false and imposed.

A person steps on the same rake, allows himself to be deceived, used, gets sick ... A woman meets the same type of man (a womanizer, an alcoholic, a swindler), a man comes across only bitches or lovers of money.

Or, say, an employee changes job after job, and at each he is met by the boss, as if made according to the same "pattern" with the previous ones. Pedantic, rude, brusque. It also happens that a person with the talents of a businessman works for a penny, not just for years, decades! Why is he unable to get on his feet, and all attempts are "covered with a copper basin"? Maybe God does not want this talent to flourish? No, the Creator wants a person to develop, and therefore sends situations in which we, his children, can grow spiritually.

If we understand the lessons that God sends us correctly, then we can go in the right direction, achieve happiness, gain maturity and spiritual experience.

How can one take off these "glasses" of false ideas through which most people look at this world?

Having gained knowledge, a person begins to use each lesson for his own good, to develop, and negative situations give way to positive events.

My mission is to help people gain knowledge that will allow everyone to understand their purpose, to hear what they say to them. Higher power. I receive information from my Teacher and carry it further, spreading it to . And in difficult life situations, I will give recommendations based on the Knowledge that I am the conductor of, for this you need to sign up for.

Remember, dear ones: together we can change our lives for the better. I will help you work on yourself, find out important information start dealing with your problems now!

How they do it:

For most people, the word "sleep" is synonymous with calmness and relaxation after long day. In fact, in this unconscious mode, the body undergoes a lot of changes. He carefully disposes of the damage he has received and prepares for the new day by continuously sorting, repairing, and updating. Therefore, every time you wake up as a “different person”, think about how close this expression is to the truth.

1. Keeping memories

People are restless creatures. We constantly go somewhere, do something and communicate with someone, while simultaneously postponing memories. But a file is useless if it cannot be found. All users of a computer with a clogged desktop know about this.

During sleep, the brain reproduces, catalogs and postpones events for preservation, discarding everything superfluous. The retention of long-term memories plays a critical role in a person's ability to function normally. Long-term memory is, in principle, unlimited, so bright moments are sure to stay with you for a long time. long years.

Sometimes we remember scenes from our childhood more easily than the events of the past week. These are the tricks of memory, which is responsible for learning and the preservation of the useful information. Its main activity occurs during deep phase slow sleep, which is comparable to the state of daytime brain activity. At the moment when consciousness goes to rest, the brain turns on the stabilization mode of the most important life memories in order to quickly recreate them if necessary.

2. Decrease in temperature and blood pressure

Half an hour before bedtime, the body lowers body temperature. This is done to lower the metabolic rate in order to avoid nighttime hunger. As a result, the heart rate slows down and arterial pressure. The temperature also drops to 35.6 degrees Celsius, which is only 1 degree away from hypothermia. There is no chance of freezing during sleep, as the body needs less energy.

After waking up, pressure and heart rate are restored at an accelerated pace to match the level of expended forces. True, there is a short-term imbalance that leads to foggy thinking and inertia - typical symptoms after waking up.

3. Paralysis

Remember the nightmares during which you can neither run, nor scream, nor move? So, this phenomenon (“sleep paralysis”), although terrifying, is quite natural. During sleep, the brain blocks neurotransmitters and muscle receptors, effectively paralyzing the entire body. Sometimes this happens during a fall into sleep or awakening, when the consciousness is clear, but there is no opportunity to move.

Due to its eerieness, this state has become the basis for many myths and legends, inextricably linked with the phenomena of hallucinations. In them, immobilized people are visited by demons or similar mythical monsters(from characters of Anglo-Saxon legends to creatures from Chinese folklore).

4. Stretch

AT daytime due to the force of attraction and compression of the vertebrae, the spine is under pressure. Because of this, the fluid from the spinal disc is displaced, and growth decreases by about 1 cm in the evening. And when the back is in the supine position, the fluid returns back, again increasing growth by the same indicator.

Although the difference of 1 cm is small, getting rid of the load also makes it possible to grow during sleep. In fact, growth is possible only during sleep. This is due both to the removal of vertebral pressure, and mainly to the nocturnal production of growth hormones.

5 Sleepwalking

Not everyone suffers from it, but almost one-third of the population has experienced this condition on themselves at least once in their lives. Technically, sleepwalking is a sleep disorder where the brain is on the verge of unconsciousness performing difficult tasks, such as getting out of bed, going to the kitchen, and even driving.

Sleepwalking is a disturbing phenomenon, but it is quite common, especially among children. Friends, parents, and roommates of sleepwalkers note their dazed and confused state during all sorts of bizarre activities (for example, cooking), only after which they are able to return to bed.

Scientists are still not sure exactly why people wander in their sleep. Some experiments have shown that genetics may be to blame. Sleepwalking often occurs during non-REM sleep, when the brain is processing the memories of the day.

This may explain the flaws in the short-term memory of lunatics. Waking up in the morning, they cannot remember a single minute of their nightly adventures.

6. Spasms

When we fall asleep, the body twitches. Every time. As mentioned above, during sleep, the body is often paralyzed so that during dreams we do not move while awake. But there is one moment when we are neither sleeping nor awake.

It's kind of like a hypnotic dream. It is believed that this is the delay time for sending the “relax” signal from the brain to nervous system. How exactly this works is not fully understood. Some scientists believe that this is a relic of a primitive reflex that misinterprets falling asleep as a sudden landing from a tree.

Regardless of the cause, hypnotic sleep is yet another piece of evidence of complex unconscious processes. We experience them while actually being awake. Sometimes it can be so strong that it leads to awakening.

7. The brain uses more energy

The bulk of the energy produced during wakefulness (about 80%) is involved in physical activity, breathing and speaking. During sleep, these activities are not performed, so the excess energy is sent straight to the brain.

This means that the brain consumes even more energy during certain stages of sleep than during daytime activity. Sleep is the full time of the brain, a kind of leisure, during which it puts in order the processes that allow you to perform energy-intensive tasks and make difficult decisions during the day.

8. Weight loss

Have you ever woken up from sleep with an excruciating thirst? The reason for this is the evaporation of about 0.5 liters of water at night. The air inside the lungs is quite warm (about 36.7 degrees Celsius) and humid. Medium room temperature below 36.7 degrees Celsius, so that the inhaled cold air flow shrinks the lungs and draws moisture out of the body. During one breath, approximately 0.02 g of water is lost. During the whole night about half a liter comes out.

Carbon has a similar, but not the same strong impact. Everyone knows that we inhale oxygen (2 atoms), and exhale carbon dioxide(3 atoms). When 1 more atom comes out during respiration than comes in, the mass decreases.

As a result, about 0.7 kg of mass disappears during each night's rest. The same processes take place in the daytime, but carbon and moisture are replenished by drinks and food.

9. Cleansing the brain

During wakefulness, toxins and other waste products are deposited in the cells of the body and brain. The body turns off before sleep, and the brain begins to function. Essentially, it opens a valve that allows cerebrospinal fluid come from vertebral departments to the brain to cleanse the body and neutralize toxic waste.

This process is part of a more complex cycle. This cycle is called cellular respiration. This is a series of reactions that improves the ability of cells to recreate energy from food and maintain the functionality of the body as a whole. Toxins eliminated during sleep residual effect this process.

Although this cleansing takes place throughout the body, its effects are most visible in the area of ​​the brain where the effects of inadequate sleep are noted. Brain blockage is one of the main causes of a disgusting mood after a long and healthy sleep.

10. Dreaming

It is impossible not to mention dreams, which are an integral part of the life of every person. But scientists, even now, cannot really explain this phenomenon. So the question "Why do we dream" is still unresolved.

If you try to remember the plots of dreams, they will seem seriously implausible. Every night, the brain forms an imaginary world that is only within the head, but we perceive it as quite real. After awakening, almost all traces of this imaginary reality disappear. It will sound strange, but dreams are taken for granted, comparable to brushing your teeth or going to work.

Although the true meaning of dreams is still a mystery, the processes associated with them are still understood: strengthening long-term memory, eliminating brain toxins, increasing the properties of activity, etc.

But this question is not new. The true purpose of dreams has been a subject of human obsession for millennia, as the work of the ancient Greeks and Egyptians proves. Despite the existing progress and technical equipment, theories about the origin of this mysterious phenomenon they remain theories.

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“The Church,” wrote the great pastor St. John of Kronstadt, sympathizes with and responds to all the essential needs of the soul and body of a Christian by actively helping or giving help through the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, in which “every soul lives” ”(My life in Christ. M., 2002. P. 154). Of all the sacraments that are performed in Orthodox Church, the sacraments are of the greatest significance, in which, under a visible image, the invisible grace of God is communicated to believers.

The sacraments are of divine origin, since they were instituted by Jesus Christ Himself. In each of them, a certain grace is communicated to the believing Christian, which is characteristic of this particular sacrament. The seven sacraments, through which the gifts of the Holy Spirit are communicated, correspond to all the main needs of our spiritual life. One of them is the sacrament of unction (Greek elaioa - oil; eleos - mercy), during which, with anointing consecrated oil the sick, through the prayer of the clergy, receives grace from God that heals mental infirmities and bodily illnesses and cleanses from forgotten and unconscious sins.

This sacrament has several names. In ancient liturgical books it is called oil, holy oil, oil combined with prayer. In our country, the name of unction is most often used. In the people it is called unction, because it is performed by a council of seven clergymen. However, the sacrament will be valid if on behalf of the Church it is also performed by one priest.

Since ancient biblical times, oil (spruces) has been used in worship as a combustible substance for the lamp of the tabernacle (see: Ex. 27:20) and as component daily sacrifice (see: Exodus 29:40). In the time of the patriarchs, it was also offered as a drink offering (see Gen. 28:18; 35:14). According to the Holy Scriptures, oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit (see Zech. 4; 2 Cor. 1:21 et seq.; 1 John 2:27). Therefore, already from the time of the Sinai legislation, oil served to anoint high priests and kings (see: Ex. 29: 7; 1 Sam. 10: 1). The abundance of oil was perceived as God's blessing (see: Deut. 7:13).

The Christian Church accepted the biblical meaning of oil as a means and a symbol of light (see Matt. 25:1-13), mercy and healing (see Luke 10:34). holy gospel tells about the numerous miracles of healing that the Lord performed during His earthly ministry. The Savior gave the grace of healing various diseases to His disciples-apostles. The Gospel says that the apostles, whom the Lord Jesus Christ sent to preach repentance, "smeared many sick people with oil and healed" (Mark 6: 13). This is evidence of the Divine establishment of the sacrament of unction.

The apostle James writes: “Is any of you sick, let him call for the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him” (James 5:14-15). From these words it is easy to conclude that this sacrament is given to the sick. Wherein we are talking about the seriously ill, whom the apostle calls suffering. However, neither in Holy Scripture, neither the holy fathers say that we are talking only about the dying. People who do not have a correct church consciousness often come across a serious delusion that unction is performed only on the dying. Sometimes such people even reach superstition, thinking that the sick person will die if he is unction.

Archimandrite John (Veryuzhsky; 1821-1907) wrote: “Many who still do not want to part with life consider the sacrament of unction to be a similar doom to death, reluctantly turn to his help, and postponing it from day to day until last hour life and often die. Oh, if they could feel and fully realize what a great and irreparable loss this is for them! Oh, how imprudent and how much their relatives and neighbors sin against the dying, allowing the sick to be deprived of this gift of grace! Terrible and incomprehensible! The fact that God's mercy and philanthropy has given us for health and life, as a remedy for ailments and diseases of the soul and body, is considered to be a harbinger and doom to death and preparation for it! .. This opinion is extremely one-sided and arbitrary and has no basis whatsoever. in the commandment of the apostle about the consecration of oil, nor in the rank according to which it has been performed in the Orthodox Church since ancient times ”(The Sacrament of the Holy Oil. M., 2008. P. 9-10).

Can it be physically unified healthy man? Bishop Venedikt (Alentov), ​​author of the book "On the History of Orthodox worship: Historical, liturgical and archaeological research on the rite of the sacrament of unction" writes: "Along with the celebration of the sacrament of St. oil over the sick to heal their illnesses in the ancient Christian Church, a special phenomenon was the use of St. oil over the penitent.

A favorable condition for the use of St. oil over the penitent was the indication of the Apostle James to the remission in the sacrament of the unction of sins. The Church used this grace-filled property of the sacrament of unction, applying it to the penitent... The celebration of the sacrament of St. oil over the healthy was, in fact, further development liturgical practice of performing over the penitents, and just like the latter, it served them to heal spiritual ailments - sins ”(Kyiv, 2004, pp. 66–67, 72).

According to the rules of the Orthodox Church, the patient, over whom the unction is performed, must be conscious. However, the priest must be attentive to the sick. I know from experience that sometimes it may seem that a person is unconscious, but in fact he hears and understands what is happening. Physically, he is so constrained that he seems to have lost consciousness. Therefore, in the absence of complete certainty that the patient is unconscious, better solution take in favor of mercy.

Unction is not performed on infants under seven years of age, since the healing of the sick is in direct connection with the cleansing of his soul from forgotten and unconscious sins. Neither can the healthy ones, who are to serious danger, as well as those sentenced to death penalty. Also, people who do not belong to the Orthodox Church cannot participate in this sacrament. Unrepentant sinners and possessed, offending the faith, also cannot be given the sacrament of unction. Liturgical literature clearly conveys the idea that the priest himself cannot perform the sacrament of holy oil on himself. This is contrary to the apostolic command: "Let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord" (James 5:14). According to the rules, it is impossible to perform the sacrament of unction over the dead (Nomocanon, 164). Unction in absentia is also invalid.

A person must prepare for this sacrament through the sacrament of repentance. Although sometimes the Lord God sends illnesses to the righteous for spiritual perfection, for most people, illness is the result of destructive action sin. Therefore, the Holy Scriptures say that God is the true physician: “I am the Lord your healer” (Ex. 15:26). Any sick person must first of all turn to God in order to be cleansed of sins and correct life. Without this, medical assistance may be ineffective. Therefore, King Asa died, who “in his illness did not seek the Lord, but doctors” (2 Chronicles 16:12). Our Savior, when a paralytic was brought to him for healing, first of all forgives his sins: “Son, your sins are forgiven you” (Mark 2:3-11).

The connection between the forgiveness of sins and healing through the prayer of the priests is also pointed out by the Apostle James (see: James 5:14-15). The holy fathers, speaking of the sacrament of unction, were guided by biblical teaching: “Whoever created the soul, He created the body, and He who heals immortal soul He can also heal the body from temporary suffering and illness ”( Reverend Macarius Great). The great elder writes about the forgiveness of sins in the sacrament of unction Saint Ambrose Optinsky: “The power of the sacrament of unction lies in the fact that they are especially forgiven sins forgotten due to human weakness, and after the forgiveness of sins, bodily health is also granted, if God’s will is for this” (Coll. letters in 3 parts. Sergiev Posad , 1908. Part 1. S. 80). The thought of the connection between bodily healing and the forgiveness of sins pervades all the prayers of the sacrament of holy oil.

In ancient times, this sacrament was performed by several presbyters, and their number was not strictly established. It was allowed to do this and one presbyter. At the end of the 8th or beginning of the 9th century Eastern Church it was customary that the consecration of the oil should be done by seven priests. This number in Holy Scripture symbolizes perfect fullness. In our modern Britankies it is said about "seven priests". This prescription is often difficult to fulfill. Therefore, “Christian antiquity allowed the celebration of the sacrament by one presbyter when circumstances so required. And the latter often made the only possible consecration of the unction by one presbyter” (Venedict (Alentov), ​​Bishop. On the History of Orthodox Divine Liturgy, p. 33).

How many times does the patient need to take unction? During the same illness, the unction should be performed only once. People who, suffering from a certain ailment, repeatedly take unction, show little faith.

For some believers, the wrong attitude towards the sacrament of holy oil is manifested in the fact that they expect immediate healing. If this does not happen, then they often become discouraged. The all-merciful Lord knows whom to give healing, and whom to lead to salvation through illness. However, in any case, all who proceed to unction with faith receive spiritual benefit.

The sacrament of holy oil can be performed in the temple, if the patient is able to move around, as well as at home or in the hospital. The Unction can be performed at any time church year, as well as at any hour of the day and night, if the patient's condition requires it.

After the completion of the sacrament, the sick person and those close to him should have a feeling of joy and gratitude to God for the mercy given.

The performance of the sacrament of unction over the sick, as a means of spiritual healing, does not cancel the use natural remedies given by the Lord to heal our diseases. And after unction about the sick person, it is necessary to take care - to invite doctors, give medicines, take other measures to alleviate his suffering and recover. The wise son of Sirach teaches: “My son! in your sickness do not be negligent, but pray to the Lord, and He will heal you. Leave the sinful life, and correct your hands, and cleanse your heart from all sin. Offer up a fragrance and a memorial sacrifice out of seven pieces, and make a fat offering, as if one were already dying; and give place to the doctor, for the Lord also created him, and let him not depart from you, for he is needed ”(Sir. 38: 9-12).

After the unction, the sick person should in the near future partake of the holy mysteries of Christ.

Father Iov Gumerov

There are many reasons why sleep is the most beloved activity of many people. This quiet part of our day has a vital importance both for our physical and for mental health is a state when we can dream, relax and restore our energy.

Because in long term sleep deprivation can be devastating consequences for human health, it is important to understand and appreciate its importance. After all, we spend a third of our lives sleeping. Therefore, our post today, talking about the things that happen in our body while we sleep, will help you better understand your body.

From bruxism and sleepwalking to exploding head syndrome and sleep apnea, here are 25 things that happen to our bodies while we sleep!

25. Body temperature drops

Since most of the muscles in the body become inactive during sleep, the body burns fewer calories than during wakefulness, so the body temperature drops. Scientists have found that the most low temperature the body of a person during sleep - at 02:30.

24. Eyes move

Although closed for centuries, but the eyes move in a dream. Their movements even differ depending on the stage of sleep. At first they roll smoothly, and then, when a person falls into a deep sleep, they begin to move quickly. However, a person, as a rule, does not remember this.

23. The body convulsively twitches

Sudden twitches and jerks are most often associated with the first stages of sleep. They are usually harmless, but can be quite strong - sometimes to the point of actually waking you up.

22. Muscles paralyzed

There is a compelling reason why most muscles paralyze during sleep: if they were active, then a person in a dream could act, and this, of course, would be extremely dangerous.

21. Skin heals itself

The top layer of the skin is made up of thickened dead cells that are shed during the day. During sleep, the metabolic rate of the skin increases, and many cells in the body show increased production and reduced breakdown of proteins. Since proteins are essential for cell growth and repair of damaged skin from factors such as UV rays, deep sleep can truly be called “beauty sleep.”

20. The brain forgets unnecessary information

“We receive a lot of information throughout the day, and most of it is thankfully forgotten,” says sleep specialist Christopher Colwell of medical college UCLA (UCLA School of Medicine). “If you remember everything that you learned or heard all day, then the brain, in order not to overflow with information, will begin the sorting process during sleep, filtering out the excess.”

19. Throat narrows

Unlike most other muscles, the throat muscles are not paralyzed during sleep, as they are needed for breathing. However, they become more relaxed, causing the throat to narrow. It also likely contributes to snoring.

18. Hormones are produced in the body

During non-REM sleep human body produces growth hormones that stimulate the growth, reproduction and regeneration of cells. Sleep, even if it is daytime, promotes the release of prolactin, an important regulator immune system.

17. The immune system is at its peak

Sleep deprivation has been proven to affect the immune system. One study showed that people who received a flu shot and were deprived of sleep the next night failed to produce the antibodies needed to protect against the flu. Therefore, as soon as a person has the first signs of infection, you should sleep only as much as the immune system needs to overcome the disease.

16. A person loses weight

During sleep, a person loses fluid by sweating and exhaling moist air. This happens throughout the day, but drinking and eating negates any weight loss. Therefore, quality and long-term sleep is necessary with any diet in order to achieve success.

15. Mouth gets dry

Since saliva is mainly needed for the process of nutrition, and a person does not eat during sleep, the salivary flow is reduced at night. Consequently, a person may feel dry mouth and thirsty when they wake up in the morning.

14. A person can grind their teeth

It is estimated that about 5% of people suffer from strange state known as bruxism. This parafunctional activity results in excessive grinding of the teeth and can eventually lead to tooth decay. Scientists aren't sure what exactly causes the condition, but they think it could be a form of stress relief.

13. The body lengthens

It has been found that people can be several centimeters taller in the morning than the night before. During sleep in a horizontal position, the spine is extended, since the weight of the body does not press on it from above.

12. Blood pressure drops

During sleep, a person experiences what is called a “night dive” of blood pressure.

11. A person can sleepwalk

FROM scientific point known as parasomnia, sleepwalking, and other sleep activities include behaviors, emotions, sensations, and dreams that typically occur during transitions between certain sleep phases. Parasomnia is mostly harmless, but there have been cases of people getting injured while sleepwalking.

10. A person can become sexually aroused.

Both men and women can become sexually aroused in their sleep. Because the brain is more active during sleep, it needs more oxygen. As a result, blood flow throughout the body increases, causing the genitals to swell.

9. We dream

The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, but it is known that on average a person has 3-5 dreams per night. We mostly see dreams in the first phase of sleep, when our brain is more active. However, most dreams we forget immediately and quickly.

8. The brain makes decisions

A recent study showed that the brain can process information and prepare for activities during sleep, effectively making decisions while unconscious. In fact, our brain can even make important findings and opening while we sleep.

7. Oh, this flatulence

It is unlikely that anyone will be happy to know about this, but at night the muscles of the anal sphincter relax slightly, releasing gases accumulated in the intestines. The good news is that while sleeping, a person's sense of smell is not as acute as when they are awake, so the release of gases at night usually goes unnoticed.

6. The body is completely cleansed of toxins

Getting rid of toxins allows our body and brain to regenerate. People who don't sleep well don't filter as efficiently, so experts think this could explain why people who have been sleep deprived for long periods of time can become a little crazy.

5. We wake up without realizing it.

Scientific studies have shown that people wake up many times in their sleep - it sounds strange, of course, but it's true. These revivals are so brief that we don't remember them. They usually occur during the transition between different stages sleep.

4. Breathing may stop during sleep

Millions of people around the world suffer from a disorder known as sleep apnea. The disorder is characterized by pauses in breathing or episodes shallow breathing during sleep. Each pause can last from a few seconds to several minutes.

3. A person can hear explosions

Exploding head syndrome is a rare, non-threatening condition in which a person hears loud noise imaginary noises (such as a bomb going off, a gunshot, a musical cymbal hitting, etc.) or experiencing an explosion-like sensation when falling asleep or waking up. It is painless, but frightens the one who suffers from it.

2. A person can talk in his sleep

Sleep talking is a parasomnia that refers to talking out loud while sleeping. It can be quite loud, ranging from murmuring sounds to screams and long, often slurred speeches. This can happen several times during sleep.

1. pain threshold rises

When a person's body is completely relaxed to the point of being paralyzed, the nerves cannot receive pain signals and transmit these signals to the brain. It also explains why we don't hear, smell, see, or feel while we sleep.

Previously, there was an opinion that a person is not able to see, hear, feel. All his organs allegedly do not work during this period, the soul is separated from the body. Esotericism compared sleep with a small death.

But if you watch the sleeper, you can notice periodic changes in body position, twitching of the limbs, movement eyeballs. Some people can talk in their sleep, and the speech may consist of incoherent, fragmentary words, or take the form of deliberate, meaningful phrases. Biology provides answers to questions: what happens to a person during sleep, what changes are carried out in the body.

Sleep has a cyclical nature, each period is divided into two phases - REM and non-REM sleep. Usually for average duration night rest passes five such segments of 100 minutes. Three-quarters of the phase is the second view. By itself, it is also not homogeneous, it is divided into four stages. This period replenishes the body's energy costs.

It's important to know! In phase REM sleep information is being processed. During this period, it is more difficult to wake a person, although he is closer to the threshold of wakefulness. permanent interrupt resting at this very moment can cause severe mental problems.

Awakening during non-REM sleep does not have such significant consequences, it is compensated by the rest of the relaxation period.

Characteristics of the state of a person during a night's rest

During sleep, a person is almost completely motionless. It seems that all organs, systems do not work, muscles and tissues are relaxed and resting, consciousness is absent.

But the activity inside the body is still present, only the ongoing processes are slowed down or proceed differently. Some changes become more active or occur exclusively at night.

Changes taking place in the body

The phases of sleep are distinguished by the difference in the processes manifested in the body. By some signs of changes occurring in organs and systems, you can find out what happens to us during sleep, what stage of nighttime rest a person experiences at night. this moment.

A sharp sound can wake a person at any phase, it was this data that was used to create the alarm clock.

It's important to know! Interesting fact: smells, even very unpleasant, are felt only during REM sleep. The disadvantage of this phenomenon is that people do not smell burning or gas and can die in a fire or get poisoned.

brain activity

During sleep, brain activity decreases by 40%, but this does not mean that it is resting. There is a processing of the knowledge and impressions received during the day.

During the first stage, brain impulses look like small undulating movements. The second adds to them small bursts of activity lasting a few seconds. The third is characterized by long waves.

Muscle condition

For good sleep a person needs to accept horizontal position. This is due to the fact that the muscles relax, stop supporting the body in an upright position. There is a regeneration muscle tissue. But such a state does not prevent numerous turns during the night.

Circulatory system

During sleep, there is a decrease in heart rate, a decrease in blood pressure. Blood supplies the brain less, nourishes the limbs more.

Body tissues are restored. Decay products are better removed, blood cells are renewed.

The work of the respiratory organs

When a person sleeps, all the muscles relax, including those in the throat. If the tissues have lost their tone, the adenoids have increased, snoring occurs. It can be complicated by sleep apnea. Breathing stops for a few seconds.

Coming oxygen starvation brain, it gives a signal to compress respiratory tract opening of the trachea. This is accompanied by a loud sigh and breathing is restored.


The motionless state of the body requires minimal amount calories. Digestion processes slow down, because the energy produced in this process has nowhere to be spent.

With a late meal, it is poorly digested, and heaviness occurs in the stomach. Sleep becomes restless, nightmares may occur. There should be no later than 2 hours before lights out. If hunger is strong, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.

Skin condition

During sleep, new cells begin to be intensively produced. There is a restoration of damaged, regeneration of the epidermis.

Deep, restful sleep promotes rejuvenation of the skin layers. Daytime rest is not suitable for this, regeneration occurs only at night.

Eye behavior

The presence or absence of eye movement can be used to explain what phase of rest a person is in. When immersed in slumber, they make circular rotations. Descent into a deeper state is marked by their throwing, twitching. If you wake up the sleeping person at this moment, he will clearly remember the dream he saw.

The first time the phenomenon manifests itself after an hour and a half from the time of falling asleep, it lasts 5-10 minutes. During the night it repeats about 5 times, closer to the morning the length increases. These moments coincide with the most vivid, dynamic dreams, and the eyes seem to see a waking dream.

The work of the immune system

During a night's rest, some proteins of the immune system begin to be produced more. It also increases the production of substances that help to cope with the disease.

Sleep heals - this expression can be taken literally. It activates tumor necrosis factor, which suppresses cancer cells.

Special sleep hormones

Melatonin is considered the elixir of life and longevity.

It is very necessary for a person, it enters the body in several ways:

  • produced naturally;
  • is in food
  • available in formulations.

The pineal gland synthesizes serotonin derived from tryptophan into melatonin. This process requires sunlight, under its influence, the amino acid is converted into a hormone. 70% of the sleep substance is produced during the night. With increased illumination, it is produced less than with insufficient illumination.

Its production begins at about 20:00. The highest concentration occurs between midnight and 4 am. That is why it is necessary to stop waking until 12 at night and sleep in a darkened room during these hours.

Melatonin regulates the body's rhythm throughout the day. He helps fast falling asleep and quality sleep. Performs a number of other functions:

  • improves the endocrine system;
  • carries out antioxidant action;
  • improves immunity;
  • helps to cope with nervous tension;
  • normalizes functioning digestive system;
  • has an effect on brain cells;
  • stabilizes blood pressure and the work of the circulatory system;
  • slows down aging.

Attention! The lack of this hormone leads to obesity, early menopause and an increase in the risk of breast tumors in women, the body begins to age faster. It does not accumulate, you will not be able to sleep for the future. It is necessary to constantly observe the regime of sleep and wakefulness.

AT natural form melatonin is found in many foods. Issue and nutritional supplements containing this hormone. Their use must be agreed with the doctor.

Temperature indicators

body temperature in evening time begins to fall, by morning the difference between the measurements can reach one degree. This contributes to stronger deep sleep. The body rests better, recovers faster. An increase in thermal parameters makes sleep less deep, a person is ready to wake up at any moment.

Negative processes inside a person with sleep disorders

The average duration of sleep for an adult should be 6-8 hours, for a child a longer period is required. This time is enough for the body to recover. If you don't get enough sleep, Negative consequences will show up very quickly. Even one day of insufficient rest leads to overeating. provoked increased appetite, a person may want to eat more high-calorie foods.

It's important to know! Daytime sleepiness after a bad rest causes a slowdown in the transmission of impulses, inhibition of the reaction, plus a decrease in concentration and memory. During work requiring attention, emergencies can occur.

The connection between premature aging and insufficient short sleep. dark circles, bags under the eyes are the first signs of this process. Decreased immunity, increased risk of catching colds, which will take longer, with complications. The person becomes irritable, explosive. If it is not enough to sleep constantly, waking up often, more serious consequences may occur:

  • obesity may occur;
  • increased risk of stroke
  • diabetes mellitus may develop;
  • some types of cancer can be triggered by chronic sleep deprivation;
  • the number of male germ cells decreases;
  • are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease.

It's important to know! People who don't get enough sleep on a regular basis are at risk of dying prematurely. Such short periods caused by certain circumstances may be justified. chronic condition carries great health risks, lack of sleep can cost a person life.


The body undergoes a number of changes during sleep. An understanding of all processes is necessary to compile correct mode day. Rest should be sufficient in duration, without annoying factors. Mandatory capture of the period from 23 hours to 5 am. At this time, sleep is the most complete, productive. Allows a person to quickly restore strength, meet the next day in good mood, full of energy, rested.

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