Why you can not photograph sleeping people short. Sleep quality disorder. Why you shouldn't take a picture in the mirror

Among the many signs that surround us, a lot is associated with photographs and photography. One of them says that photographing a sleeping person is not allowed. Should we take this taboo seriously or consider it a ridiculous prejudice? Let's get familiar with different points perspective on this.

Opinion one - esoteric

According to esotericists, a person has material and energy shell. Defense reactions of a sleeping person decrease, therefore, during sleep, the intangible shell is especially susceptible to negative impacts. Taking a photo, we can cause unintentional or intentional harm to the soul, take away part of a person’s vitality.

In addition, information about a person remains forever in any picture - it’s not without reason that people with the appropriate abilities can tell a lot from a photo. If you use a photograph of a sleeping person for any magic ritual(damage, evil eye, love spell, etc.), it is much easier to influence a person.

Also, according to one of the beliefs, such actions can frighten the soul, which leaves the body during sleep and travels to other dimensions, and it may not find its way back. Because of this, a person can fall into a coma, lose his mind or die.

More than anyone else, children may suffer, because. compared to adults, their energy field is weaker and more receptive. A child can be jinxed even without a photo - just watch him during sleep. It is also believed that it is impossible to photograph a sleeping pregnant woman - the child may not be born.

Opinion two - religious

According to many religious denominations, the soul of every person has its own guardian angel. Taking pictures of a sleeping person, you can scare the Angel, and he will leave the soul forever.

Photography is also prohibited by some religions. For example, Islamists believe that when creating any images of people and animals, a person tries to become like Allah, and this is a grave sin.

Opinion three - medical

Loud harsh sound or bright flash camera may suddenly wake a person. The consequences of this awakening can be deplorable and protracted in time - severe fright, stuttering, neurosis, fear of falling asleep.

Another explanation of physicians is based on the fact that at night in complete darkness in human body melatonin is synthesized. This substance is responsible for the so-called. circadian rhythms. If we translate this term into ordinary language, then thanks to melatonin we are awake during the day and sleep at night.

When shooting at night, a bright flash can lead to a violation of the metabolism of this substance. As a result, a person will not be able to sleep and rest normally, after sleep he will feel overwhelmed and tired.

Opinion four - historical

One version of the taboo against photographing a sleeping person goes back to the beginning of the art of photography. Then, to get a picture, you had to sit still for half an hour. Even for an adult, this is difficult, not to mention a child.

Then a tradition arose that anyone modern man it will seem wild and creepy - to photograph dead people as a keepsake. At the same time, the pictures were taken in conditions as close as possible to everyday situations - for example, they simulated that a person is sleeping, or reading a newspaper, or sitting at dining table. Joint pictures of living and dead people were often practiced.

This tradition continued until the 1960s. last century. It is not surprising that some people, especially the older generation, have a photo of a person with eyes closed may evoke associations with death. According to esotericists, such thoughts can materialize and lead to serious problems health, up to and including death.

Fifth opinion - worldly

During sleep, we do not control ourselves, so our posture and facial expression with completely relaxed muscles can look at least unaesthetic. Some national traditions do not seem to agree with this. For example, in Japan, the reason for a divorce may be a husband’s complaint that his wife sleeps in an ugly position - apparently, the Japanese know the secret of victory over the physiology of sleep :)

If without lyrics, then photographing a sleeping person without obtaining consent, you violate his right to privacy. On a purely human level, such a fact may be unpleasant for him, and he has every right to demand the removal of the picture. In addition, photos taken with malicious intent can make a person look unsightly and harm his image. Therefore, before pressing the "descent" button, think carefully about whether it is worth doing nasty things to your neighbor.

So is it possible or still not possible to photograph a sleeping person?

In our opinion, there is no need to draw categorical conclusions. Follow the rule of the golden mean. If you want to capture a close and beloved person or child as a memory, and take a photo with the best of intentions, nothing terrible, in our opinion, will happen.

But such photos are best kept in the family archive. They should not be posted publicly on social networks - especially for pictures of sleeping children and pregnant women.

There are a number of specific reasons why can't you take pictures of sleeping people:

  • this can cause problems in fate or health;
  • the face being photographed can fall asleep forever;
  • with a sudden awakening from sleep, a person may experience a strong fright;
  • the person being photographed will not get enough sleep and will look tired;
  • the person who is photographed sleeping looks like a dead man;
  • a sleeping person does not come out well in the photo;
  • a sleeping person risks becoming an object of damage to him;
  • you can forever push the guardian angel away from a sleeping person.

Mystical reasons why you can not take pictures of sleeping people

  1. The beginning of health problems.
    Some experts believe that the energy field of a sleeping person is similar to energy field deceased. While photographing a sleeping person, this hypothesis can become a reality, a person can be attacked sudden illness followed by death.
  2. Sudden death.
    There is also an opinion that the soul of a person who is in a dream passes into a parallel world, and when it's time to wake up, it returns to the body. Therefore, when a person suddenly awakens from a camera flash, the soul may not have time to return, and the person’s body will have nothing left to do but die.
    Another superstition says that facial expressions with closed eyes in the photo have an outward resemblance to the dead, so it is believed that such associations can lead to attracting death to the sleeping person who is depicted in the photograph.
  3. Damage or evil eye.
    People related to magic, as well as healers and bioenergy therapists unanimously claim that along with the image of a person in the photo, his energy field remains. Considering the fact that a person's energy field when he is sleeping is weaker than when he is awake. The ill-wisher has every chance of successfully directing damage or the evil eye to a sleeping person.
    Also, you can’t take pictures of sleeping babies, because their biofield is not yet fully formed, it is weaker than that of adults, there is a risk of falling under the influence. evil eye". They say that it is easy to jinx a baby who is just sleeping in a crib.
  4. Loss of a guardian angel.
    Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people? For religious reasons. The guardian angel can turn away from the person who was photographed during sleep, he will get scared and leave the person irrevocably.

Explanations that are more realistic

The occurrence of fright on sudden awakening.
No doubt it has a rationale next reason why you can't take pictures of sleeping people. A person may be frightened by a sudden awakening, especially if it is still a child.
A person can lose sleep if photographed while sleeping. A person will not rest, and will feel overwhelmed if he is awakened by a camera flash. Melatonin production requires total darkness. necessary condition for good rest human, which would be impossible in an outbreak.

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people?

“Oh, how cute he looks in a dream! We need to take a picture of him!”
As soon as she took out the camera, the husband immediately snatched it out of his hands: “Don’t you know that you can’t take pictures of sleeping people ?!”
How often there are such moments that when you see how cute a person looks during sleep, the hand itself reaches for the camera, but because of all sorts of superstitions, you have to pull yourself up.

Where did the belief come from?

A long time ago, when the invention of the camera was several hundred years away, the only possibility to capture a person was to draw him. Only wealthy people could afford the services of artists, and for the poorer population, ordering a painting was sometimes an unbearable burden. Therefore, they rarely used the services of artists. For the most part, this happened when a loved one died, and in order to capture how he looked during his lifetime, the artist was called.
The deceased was dressed up in ceremonial clothes, sat at the table with relatives, if it was a child, then his favorite toy was put into his hands. For greater realism, the eyelids were opened or the artist painted the eyes.
With the advent of the camera, the post-mortem photo has become more accessible, but the association has already been firmly established: a person with his eyes closed is a post-mortem photo. And in order not to invite trouble on the sleeping person, a belief appeared not to photograph sleeping people.

More reasons why you shouldn't photograph sleeping people

In addition to superstition, there are several other reasons not to photograph sleeping people:

  1. It is believed that during sleep the soul leaves the body, and its energy field is weakened. A person becomes vulnerable to evil spirits and magic. It is believed that it is dangerous to scream or scare a person during sleep, it is necessary that he wakes up gradually and the soul has time to return. Otherwise, the result may turn out to be sad: a person may remain a stutterer, get a heart attack or stroke.
    As for the photographs, the magicians claim that in the picture, along with the person, his energy field is also imprinted, and since it is weakened in a dream, it will be easier to damage or curse a person from such a photograph.
  2. A photograph of a sleeping person sometimes looks unhygienic, because in a dream a person does not control himself. Would you like to have a photo of yourself in which you drool in a dream or with open mouth and tongue dangling to one side? Probably not.
  3. It is forbidden to photograph the sleeping person due to the fact that at this moment the Guardian Angel can leave the sleeping person forever. (religious belief)

Can sleeping children be photographed?

If you do not believe in beliefs and want to photograph your baby sleeping, then, as practice shows, nothing bad will happen in this case. Although parents still prefer not to put such pictures on public display.
The only reason why it is better not to do this is that the baby can be very scared, and in the future, because of each harsh sound will shudder, get nervous and scream.
Just imagine, your baby is sleeping sweetly, and then you suddenly decided to perpetuate this wonderful moment and take a photo for memory, after which a blinding flash and loud sound shutter of the camera wake up the child. Only a person with strong nerves can withstand this.

What are the advantages of photographing a sleeping person?

Here are some of the benefits of photographing a sleeping person:

  1. The photo can be very funny, cute or unusual.
  2. Such a photo will not work when a person is awake.
  3. Such a photo can be used as a gift or a surprise.

Is there any way to counter superstition?

There are two ways to resist superstitions: simply not to believe in them, or “turn it over” in some way, so that it turns out that, like, superstition works, but in this particular case it will not work, for example, if you don’t show a photo to anyone.
To give yourself confidence that superstition does not work, you can watch, for example, American films with scenes where the characters take pictures of each other sleeping and nothing happens to them.
In any case, the question of believing that sleeping people cannot be photographed or not believing is up to you to decide.

In 1820, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce assembled the world's first camera, seriously shaking the positions of artists who painted portraits at that time. Conservatives and churchmen, who were afraid of scientific progress, were also alarmed. Needless to say, photography has acquired a lot of superstitions and myths that did not play in its favor?

Today we will talk about the most common superstition associated with photography - that supposedly it is impossible to photograph sleeping people. We'll figure it out possible reasons the appearance of such a superstition, and we will also try to find out whether the power of damage depends on the resolution of the camera matrix. You will learn why you can not photograph sleeping people.

Possible reasons:

1. Not of this world.

The first reason originates from the ancient belief that when a person sleeps, the soul leaves the body and goes about its business. Therefore, a person cannot be awakened, otherwise the gate for the soul will slam shut before it returns, and the body will remain lifeless. And a bright flash and a click of the camera shutter, especially the first models, could not only wake you up sharply - but leave anyone with a stutter for life!

It was also believed that during sleep a person is very vulnerable to damage, the evil eye and spells that affect the mind. The lens of the camera here acts as an eye of evil, a dark ball of an evil sorcerer whispering his spells. Almost like in Lord of the Rings. Now there is no such attitude to the camera ... but not everyone.

As you can see, if you believe the signs, the camera combines the 2 most terrible reasons keep him away from the sleeping - the evil eye, and the risk of suddenly waking up a person.

2. Shall we click the blind man?

The next reason originates from Europe since the appearance of the first cameras. Then the equipment and film were extremely expensive, so only the most august persons could afford a picture as a keepsake. And the manners of such people were often the most extravagant. After death loved one, in order to pacify grief and keep something as a keepsake, relatives dressed the dead man in best clothes and photographed. And, it used to be filmed with him at the dinner table.

This custom of taking photographs of the dead existed long enough for a person immersed in sleep to be perceived as dead in the photo. That's why you can't photograph sleeping people, as was believed at the time. But in Russian Empire this has never been practiced, so we have this sign associated with other reasons.

3. Allow your permission to take pictures.

Try to take a picture of yours in a dream without permission. Then show her a picture, and you will understand why you can not take pictures of sleeping people.

Even if the resulting photo seems cute to you and you are already going to post it in, do not rush - you will be more whole. If they haven’t had time yet, then the girl will simply snatch the phone out of her hands and erase the photo, and if they posted it, then she may not be limited to the phone .. She’s not combed, not made up, and “this pose makes her fat.” Also, you didn't ask her permission.

And indeed, a good reason not to photograph sleeping people is the fact that they may not be in the most photogenic form. But, if you really want to, you can, after asking permission to shoot.

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping children?

Sleeping peanuts - sheer mercy. In addition, they do not scream and do not rush during sleep. Why not tenderness, and not a reason to take up the camera? But don't rush. The voice of the people testifies that photographing a sleeping child, you can frighten off his guardian angel and the child will be unfortunate and weak. There are, of course, a lot of examples of people who were filmed in childhood both in photos and on video, and in spite of everyone they grew up as healthy bulls in apartments and cool cars. So that rich dad, in principle, can replace the guardian angel.

Other folk reason do not take pictures of children - what they are much more vulnerable to the evil eye than adults. Newborns, by the way, are not only not photographed - they are not even shown to anyone. And according to the picture, even an inexperienced sorcerer can damage a child. So do not rush to upload a freshly bulging child in the photos. Let him grow up first, then lay out himself.

A little more down to earth the reason not to shoot sleeping peanuts is the noise and flashes of the camera, which can really scare a child and harm him, unexpectedly affecting his fragile, still quite pink psyche. But there is a panacea - preparation and silence. Turn off the camera sound on your mobile phone, or step back if you have a professional DSLR that rattles louder than a rifle and has a larger lens than a toddler. Now you can take pictures of the baby without intruding into his dreams.

It is worth noting the advantages of shooting kids sleeping. If you have taken care not to wake the baby and not to frighten him, you will have the opportunity to:

Get cute photos of your child in complete peace of mind.

Invite a professional photographer to shoot. The child will not be afraid and shy stranger and you will have great pictures!

Do not miss any phase of the child's growth. But they grow so fast in the first years of life! While they are awake, they are full of other troubles, but during quiet hours you can take pictures!

So is it true that you can't photograph sleeping people?

Everyone has their own truth. On the one hand, photography is full of myths and superstitions, and if you believe in otherworldly forces, then the solution for you will be to put your camera aside and take a collection of charm phrases from the evil eye. Also don't forget to fasten the safety pin on the clothes and wash the baby through a sieve.

And if you do not believe in such things, then all you need to take care of is silence, peace, and the permission of the sleeper to shoot. After all, he himself may turn out to be superstitious, or he may not have a mirror from the evil eye in his pocket.

The only time it's really dangerous to photograph a sleeping person is when they fell asleep at work. Having got to the authorities, such a picture acquires incredible magical properties capable of causing real damage. That's why…

Be sleepy! Your lifeo.

Suddenly woke up and caught the cat doing suspicious things? Check .

Photography has great strength. She can stop time. With its help, you can damage a person or, on the contrary, heal a patient. Today, taking a photo is available to almost everyone, it’s not even about the fact that anyone can afford to buy a camera, but about what is currently the most budgetary mobile phone in most cases equipped with a camera. Here it appears on the page in in social networks great amount photo - people take pictures of everyone and everything - themselves in different poses, animals, nature and even food. However, few people know, but there are several signs associated with photographs. The most common belief is that it is impossible to photograph sleeping people, while the ban on this kind of photography exists not only among superstitious people, even professional photographers are unlikely to agree to capture a sleeping person.

Where did it come from that you can’t photograph a sleeping person

If you dig deep into history, you can find information that in the distant 19th century in most European countries there was a tradition to photograph dead people as if they were just sleeping. So, you could see photos that captured dinner in the family circle, and the dead man sat at the head of the table. Of course, this picture may seem to a modern person, to put it soft tongue, strange, but in those days it was quite normal.

Modern explanations of the taboo on photographing sleeping people

It was from the above theory of the emergence of superstition that it went that if a person is captured in the photo with his eyes closed, then he is no longer in the world of the living.

Currently, the more common version is that if you take a picture of a sleeping person, then in this way you can call trouble on him and, even worse, bring the day of his death closer.

It is not recommended to photograph a sleeping person for one more reason.. The fact that the soul travels in a dream is an indisputable fact. When taking a picture, you can wake up a person, and if his soul was next to the body, then it could be damaged, but if she was flying somewhere far away at that time, then upon returning she might not find her physical body. By the way, for the same reason, it is not advised to transfer a sleeping child to bed.

And finally, the most common version of why there is a taboo on photographing sleeping people is that the human soul leaves the body during sleep and makes it very vulnerable. Photographing a sleeping person can adversely affect his energy.

It has been proven that photography is able to store the bioenergetics of the person captured on it. That's why, if a picture of a sleeping person falls into the hands envious person or even worse - a black magician, then you will not be able to escape from trouble. Therefore, if you have a photograph in which a person dear to your heart is captured sleeping, then try to hide it from prying unkind eyes. In addition, we know that thoughts are material, which is why looking at a photograph depicting a sleeping person, an association with the dead may involuntarily arise, thus death can be called.

Why You Shouldn't Photograph Sleeping Babies

A sleeping child is a touching picture: a sweet smile, smiling eyes ... Well, how can you not take a picture of him so cute ?! And yet, try to overcome your desires, because by taking a picture, you can scare your child's Guardian Angel. In addition, such a photo session can wake up and frighten the baby, and this, if you rely on the opinion of believers, will not lead to good.

As already mentioned, the photo captures not only the physical body, but also the biofield. In babies, even during wakefulness, it is rather weak, but is it worth talking about the photo ?! Touched by a sleeping baby in the photo, you can jinx it.

How about in other religions?

AT Christian religion it is said that photographing a sleeping person can scare the Guardian Angel and he can leave a person forever. However, Sharia also discourages photographing people while they sleep. This is explained by the fact that when taking a photograph, a person wants to become like the Almighty, which is considered great sin and for this the photographer is expected to suffer torment in hell. There is another interpretation of the prohibition of photographing a sleeping person from the point of view of the Islamic religion, for example, man-made images can lead to polytheism, and this already blows disbelief in Allah.

Of course, modern society far from some prejudice, which is why many shamelessly photograph their loved ones during sleep. We want to say that to believe in signs or not is your own business. Just do not forget that if you strongly believe in something, then it will definitely happen, so believe in the best. Good photos to you, beautiful and different!

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