Why are critical days long. Causes of long periods. When to call an ambulance

The duration and intensity of menstruation in a woman are indicators of her health. If menstruation does not come on time or their nature is not the same as usual, then there is usually a reason for excitement. Deviations indicate the onset of pregnancy, the presence of the disease. Only a doctor will determine whether it is worth worrying if the intensity, duration of menstruation, and the consistency of discharge have changed. Perhaps there was a hormonal failure in the body. In this case, an examination is carried out, which allows to notice the pathology in time.

  • hereditary predisposition to increased duration of menstruation;
  • the first menstruation in girls (within six months, menstruation can be long or scarce due to changes in hormonal levels);
  • change in the nature of menstruation during menopause, caused by hormonal changes in the body;
  • use of hormonal contraceptive pills or an intrauterine device.

Video: Side effects when installing an intrauterine device

When to pay special attention to increasing the duration of menstruation

Sometimes long periods indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of the body, pose a threat to the health of a woman:

  1. Prolonged menstruation after a long delay. Such bleeding can occur during pregnancy in case of a threatened miscarriage.
  2. Prolonged bleeding during a normal menstrual cycle. They are the result of a drop in blood clotting due to beriberi or diseases of the hematopoietic organs.
  3. Menstruation after an abortion. The day on which the abortion is performed is considered the beginning of a new menstrual cycle, although in fact bleeding after an abortion is not menstruation in the usual sense, when the natural rejection and excretion of the endometrium occurs. After an abortion, the uterus is cleared of the remnants of the placenta and blood clots, and bleeding is associated with damage to small blood vessels. Long periods can be in the case when an abortion is performed for a period of more than 8 weeks. This is due to the fact that parts of the placenta or fetus remained in the uterus. Bleeding continues up to 1 month. In some cases, additional cleaning is required to stop them. The duration of menstruation is usually long after a medical abortion, when a change in the hormonal background causes a gradual exfoliation and removal of the endometrium.

Note: If the menstruation at the same time acquire an unpleasant odor, the color of the discharge changes, this indicates the appearance of an inflammatory process. You need to visit a doctor and start treatment.

Prolonged menstruation occurs as a result of experienced stress, starvation (passion for diets), various diseases associated with hormonal disorders. The result is anemia, a sharp drop in hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Diseases as the cause of prolonged menstruation

The cause of prolonged periods can be diseases of the endocrine system: thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), pancreas (diabetes mellitus), adrenal glands, pituitary gland (prolactinoma), ovaries. As a result of such diseases, the production of hormones is disrupted, which affects the nature of the menstrual cycle, the intensity and duration of menstruation.

Another reason for the appearance of prolonged periods are diseases of the uterus and ovaries. They arise both due to hormonal disorders in the body (age-related changes, endocrine abnormalities, taking hormonal drugs, contraception, stress), and as a result of inflammatory and infectious processes.

Diseases of the uterus

Myoma. A benign tumor in the muscle and connective tissue of the uterus. It consists of multiple nodes in various parts of the uterus, disrupting its ability to contract normally. Due to this, the excretion of the endometrium is delayed. Menstruation lasts 10 days, the menstrual cycle is not disturbed. The tumor is usually removed surgically.

polyps of the uterus. Single or multiple benign growths formed from endometrial cells. Their size ranges from 2-3 mm to 5-6 cm. They are a soft, rounded formation with a leg penetrated by blood vessels. Polyps are easily injured, which causes bleeding. Because of the danger of degeneration into cancer, they are usually removed by scraping or burned out.

endometriosis- proliferation of the endometrium (the epithelium lining the inner surface of the uterus) into neighboring tissues and organs. A variation of this disease is adenomyosis - the germination of the endometrium in the muscle tissue of the uterus. At the same time, menstruation is long, scanty or plentiful, accompanied by a violation of the cycle. For treatment, hormonal drugs are used, as well as methods for destroying the endometrium (cauterization, curettage).

Video: Endometriosis as the cause of long periods

endometrial hyperplasia- proliferation of the endometrium inside the uterus and thickening of its layer. The disease is benign in nature, however, in the affected tissues there are atypical cells that can degenerate into cancerous ones. The most effective treatment is curettage of the affected endometrium.

Chronic endometritis- inflammation of the endometrium, which sometimes extends to the muscular layer of the uterus (with endomyometritis). There is a violation of the cycle, menstruation is long and plentiful, with an admixture of pus in the blood. The cause of inflammation may be the penetration of infection, the installation of an intrauterine device. Treatment with antibiotics, immunomodulators, vitamins is carried out, methods of physiotherapy are used.

Ovarian diseases

Ovarian dysfunction is a violation of the formation of hormones in the ovaries. In this case, the process of egg maturation is disrupted, which leads to infertility. There are so-called dysfunctional uterine bleeding, that is, menstruation comes irregularly (less than 21 days or more than 35 days late), lasts more than 7 days.

Polycystic ovaries- the formation of cystic cavities on the surface of the ovaries. Often associated with endometrial hyperplasia. Menstruation comes with a great delay, are plentiful and long.

Addition: Polycystic ovaries combined with obesity and diabetes increase the risk of uterine cancer and breast tumors.

Malignant diseases of the uterus and ovaries can also cause prolonged bleeding during menstruation.

Video: Causes of prolonged menstruation

Methods of treatment for prolonged menstruation

If menstruation is long (scanty or abundant), the cycle differs from the norm, then to determine the cause, an examination is carried out by laboratory and instrumental methods to establish the hormonal composition, signs of inflammatory diseases, blood clotting disorders, and hemoglobin levels.

Treatment depends on what is causing the prolonged periods. If the cause of the anomaly is a violation of blood clotting, then coagulants (for example, aminocaproic acid) are used. Anemia is treated with iron supplements.

For the treatment of diseases caused by hormonal disorders, hormonal preparations are prescribed to restore the background. If necessary, antibacterial drugs are used.

In diseases associated with abnormal tissue growth or tumors, surgical methods are used: curettage, cauterization, sectoral resection, hysterectomy (removal of the uterus).

Prolonged periods should only cause you concern if there are painful concomitant factors. The abundance and duration of the cycle is associated with both hormonal changes and pathological problems. In any of these cases, you need to adjust your lifestyle, but in the second, medical intervention is also required.

Natural Causes of Heavy and Long Periods

Every girl has her normal cycle. On average, menstruation lasts about 4-6 days. The first day or two the discharge is spotting, the next 3-4 days are the most abundant discharge, and then the subsequent convergence to “no” occurs for another 1-2 days. Thus, even if your period lasts 7-8 days, three of which are considered the most active, you have a completely normal period.

If the menstruation is delayed and lasts 10-14 days, then you need to look at the accompanying factors:

  • Perhaps you have such a heredity . If women in your family have always had such long periods, but no one complains about anything, this is your individual norm for the duration of the menstrual cycle.
  • Menstruation can be prolonged due to improper diet , which is accompanied by activating products (coffee, alcohol, etc.). It is enough to change the way of eating in favor of fresh vegetables and fruits, as this will immediately affect the duration of the cycle. If this is your case, then the problem is solved very quickly.
  • Psycho-emotional stress , in which there can be both a delay in menstruation or their absence for several months, and their long course. If you are just now in a state of stress, then you need to resort to the use of light sedatives so that the body returns to normal. As a rule, after stress, the cycle is restored without taking hormones and other serious drugs.
  • Climax . As a woman's body prepares for a new stage in life, the cycle may well go astray.
  • The first 6 months after the onset of menstruation in a teenage girl . This is a natural phenomenon, since in young girls the hormonal background is established. This will take time, and it is not worth interfering with this process if complications do not arise (unpleasant smell of discharge, fever). Over time, the cycle will even out and return to normal. Unless you need to pay attention to the lifestyle, and prevent hypothermia, be more stress-resistant, review and improve nutrition. All this can further increase the duration of menstruation, but if you monitor your health, then the cycle returns to normal in the first 6-12 months.

Why do periods take so long after childbirth?

Bleeding after childbirth is normal. Usually it is due to the fact that a woman develops anemia, and the remnants of blood clots can accumulate in the internal cavity of the uterus. Bleeding provokes the removal of such clots and small remnants of the placenta.

For the same reason, there are abundant and long periods after an abortion or miscarriage, as well as the use of a spiral, hormonal contraceptives.

When the uterine cavity is cleared, the bleeding gradually stops. This is a natural phenomenon, but under the supervision of a doctor, you will be more comfortable going through this short period, and you can make sure that there are no complications.

Diseases that cause heavy periods

If the above factors and causes are not your case, then we can talk about a potential disease that provokes a long cycle. Protracted periods may occur due to:

  • poor blood clotting due to anemia;
  • weak and inelastic walls of the vessels of the uterus;
  • hormonal failure (including in the presence of excess weight, sudden weight loss);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • the appearance of malignant or benign formations in the uterus;
  • inflammation of the appendages and / or uterus.

If menstruation lasts a long time and is plentiful, but is a side factor in the development of another disease, for example, anemia, the gynecologist will prescribe tests and send to a highly specialized doctor who will deal with the true cause of the disease.

Smeared menstruation without pathologies

What if there are no visible causes of pathologies, but menstruation is long? Most likely, we are talking about endocrine system disorders, hormonal failure or obesity. In such cases, menstruation lasts more than 10 days and is smeared.

In most cases, it is enough to adjust the flow of hormones into the body or lose weight, and the monthly cycle will return to normal. You can be convinced of this by dropping only a few kilograms - especially if the body is young, the cycle will quickly return to normal.

Brown discharge - pathology or not?

In order to determine whether you have a pathology or this is a completely natural process, you need to test yourself for a number of signs. Answer the following questions:

  • Is bloody brown discharge not only after and / or before menstruation?
  • Does the amount of discharge decrease over time and stays the same volume?
  • Is the discharge accompanied by pain?
  • Do you feel feverish while the brown discharge is coming on?
  • Does the discharge smell like rot?

If you answered “yes” to all or most of the questions, then you should contact your gynecologist.

Bad smell and pain

In this case, any anomalies such as an unpleasant smell and painful sensations should cause you concern. This is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor for tests.

As for pain, they appear in women at the beginning of the cycle and indicate excessive accumulation of blood. The muscles need to cope with such a volume, as a result of which pulling pains appear, but if they occur already at the stage of brown discharge, then an illness has clearly arisen - inflammation or pathology of the uterus.

Doctors point out that if brown discharge lasts a long time, while not tied to a specific cycle and does not have painful accompanying factors, then this indicates the wrong choice of contraception. In any case, you need to see a doctor for course correction.

If you do not have pain, discharge with an unpleasant odor, fever, and the discharge itself lasts more than 2 days, but does not cause discomfort, observe yourself for a couple more days, while:

  • limit physical activity;
  • try to minimize emotional stress;
  • avoid hot baths;
  • make adjustments to the daily menu by removing strong drinks, spicy and fatty foods, and coffee from it.

This will be quite enough for the discharge to decrease, and the body to return to normal.

Prolonged discharge

As for the duration of discharges, their duration should not exceed 8-9 days, and there should also be a progressive decrease in the volume of discharges to the limits of meager. On average, brown discharge after menstruation, lasting a couple of days without being accompanied by painful factors, is the norm. Large volumes of discharge lasting more than 8-9 days - pathology (cyst, fibroids, endometriosis).

If, judging by the above, brown discharge is normal, then you should not be afraid of them. This is a completely natural manifestation of blood clotting.

In cases where you observe discharge for 7 days, but this is unusual for your body, pay attention to whether there were any concomitant factors provoking excessive activation of menstruation. Menstruation could well be delayed due to:

  • psychological stress and experiences, prolonged stress;
  • the presence of a bacterial infection, the occurrence of which coincided with the course of menstruation;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • prolonged exposure to the hot sun during menstruation;
  • intimacy;
  • taking medications that adversely affect blood clotting.

It happens that brown discharge appears some time after menstruation and thus may be independent discharge or preceding the next cycle. Of course, such a phenomenon cannot be the norm and indicates some kind of pathology of varying severity. It is imperative to sound the alarm in cases where such prolonged discharge is accompanied by pain or an unpleasant odor.

Do not immediately resort to strong drugs, especially if they were not prescribed to you by a doctor. Studies have shown that even tempalgin or aspirin to relieve pain during menstruation gradually increases the body's tolerance to taking drugs, and with each new dose of the drug, more and more will be required. And if at the same time you still don’t know the true cause of brown discharge, then you can only aggravate the situation.

Video: Why do periods take a long time?

A woman can take uterine bleeding for long and heavy periods. The video explains why dysfunctional uterine bleeding occurs and how to deal with this condition.

In most cases, heavy menstruation is the cause of changes in the female body: whether it is childbirth, menopause, heredity, or restructuring of the teenage body. But when accompanied by painful sensations, heavy periods indicate a developing disease that needs to be treated as soon as possible. Only a gynecologist can help with this.

The monthly cycle is given to a woman as a punishment on the one hand, and on the other - as a gift. After all, only the owner of menstruation has a chance to give the world a miracle - a child.

But every month the same torment begins: then bloody discharge mixed with pain in the ovarian region and much more. It is good when the cycle is systematic and goes without failures, but it happens that menstruation takes a long time.

Why is this happening and what to do about it? This and more will be discussed in this article.

Menstruation can begin in a girl as early as 11 years old, and up to 16, each young individual grows up according to gender. Monthly discharge continues until menopause, on average it is 45-55 years.

It is during these periods that failures in cycles are possible, they can be delayed or, conversely, go less than expected, the periods between discharges are irregular. All this is considered the norm, the woman's body is rebuilt to a new rhythm.

All other cases of menstruation should be permanent. Each representative of the beautiful part of humanity has an individual cycle. On average, periods between periods range from 21 to 35 days. And they can go from 3 to 7 days. It happens that a girl has a menstrual cycle outside of these numbers, and she is healthy in all respects, but these are exceptions. Basically, the periods coincide with the written numbers.

Failures can still be observed in women who deal with hormonal drugs. In this case, the lady is under the supervision of a doctor, and he controls this failure.

But if you do not fall into any of the above categories, and you have long-lasting periods, and the situation repeats itself with some frequency, you should contact a specialist for advice.

Causes of long periods

It is clear that when such a situation occurs in a woman, she needs to find the answer to the question: “why does menstruation take a long time?”

It should be noted that each case is individual and you need to find out the exact cause of prolonged periods. Only then can the doctor prescribe the correct treatment regimen.

In fact, there can be many reasons.

Among the external causes are the following:

  • Stressful situation. Any nervous failure in the body entails a number of mechanisms that can lead to various deviations from the norm. Menstruation is no exception. Therefore, if a lady has experienced something like this, it is possible that spotting goes on for a long time, that is, menstruation will last a few days longer.
  • climate change. It is common for a person to feel atmospheric changes in the air, and if the climate changes 180 degrees from the usual, the body shakes and as a result: long periods.
  • Reckless starvation diets which lead to depletion of the body. Or vice versa - a sharp weight gain.
  • Alcohol abuse, bad habits.
  • Poisoning with toxic substances.
  • Other reasons

In fact, every life situation can change the duration of menstruation, only this should happen once. And those cases where the duration is constantly changing require close attention and observation from the gynecologist.

Internal factors that cause problems with too long periods include various diseases. Only a doctor can determine them.

Internal factors may include:

  • A common cause is hormonal imbalance in women. It is possible that progesterone, which is responsible for the end of bleeding, is poorly produced.
  • Abundant long periods can signal the absence of ovulation.
  • Too heavy periods during the entire period of spotting may indicate problems in the internal organs of the hip part of the body.
  • Deviations associated with the endocrine system. Firstly, it is the thyroid gland, which has an influence on the woman's menstrual cycle. It can increase the duration of menstruation up to 13 days. Possible causes of failures in this system are excessive coffee, malnutrition, and the abuse of bad habits.
  • Failures in the reproductive system.

More serious reasons include:

  • Ovarian cyst.
  • Malignant and benign tumors of the female reproductive system.
  • Failures in the functions of the ovaries.
  • The presence of gynecological problems. For example, endometriosis.
  • Inflammation of the appendages.
  • Deterioration in blood clotting.
  • May indicate changes in the regulation of the brain.

As you can see, there are an infinite number of reasons why heavy periods can begin and last for a long time. Therefore, you should not “wait for the weather by the sea”, but seek qualified help.

First aid

The following tips do not preclude seeking medical attention, but are written for emergencies when a visit is delayed for serious reasons.

During the period of spotting, the girl loses up to 250 ml. The main part of menstruation is mucus. The most abundant discharge falls on 1-3 days, approximately. According to the idea, the body quickly restores the lack of blood, but it happens when menstruation lasts more than 7 days, the body does not have time to return the lost. The girl runs the risk of earning anemia.

In such situations, when an immediate cessation of discharge is required, medications can be taken, for example, "", "Dicinon". But all medicines must be prescribed by a doctor.

And you can make yourself teas according to folk recipes.

  • For example, try to brew it from . Pour half a liter of boiling water over five tablespoons of dried grass leaves and boil in a water bath for several minutes. Then leave to infuse for about 30 minutes. Then strain and drink before meals 100 gr. They say that after such a miracle remedy, the duration of menstruation will be reduced.
  • If nettle is not available, you can try to prepare a decoction of parsley. To do this, take the usual parsley grass and pour boiling water for three hours. Start consuming one week before your expected period. You need to drink on an empty stomach 100 gr. three times per day. And be sure to insist the decoction only on fresh grass, it is she who gives a positive effect.

These measures should be temporary until the woman can get an appointment with a gynecologist.

The doctor, based on the results of the examination and tests, will prescribe an adequate treatment.

Depending on the disease, treatment may include:

  • Hormones.
  • A drug that strengthens the inner walls of blood vessels.
  • Medicines that increase blood clotting.
  • Vitamins, trace elements, nutritional supplements.
  • Other.

The girl, in turn, must provide herself:

  • Calm - a minimum of stressful situations.
  • More rest.
  • Set your day and sleep routine.
  • Start eating right.

A few more nuances

There is a myth in the world that girls who prefer an active type of sex can provoke heavy periods and increase their duration. Actually, it's nonsense. This type of intimate relationship, except for the satisfaction of partners, cannot bring anything. So make love with pleasure.

Long periods (lochia) can be, and this is the norm. As soon as the baby is born, the mother begins to profuse bleeding. The first 2-3 days, they are plentiful and intense. Then, over time, their number is significantly reduced. And by 5-6 weeks, the discharge should completely stop.

The first, second, and possibly the third, can be disruptive, their duration can be up to 10 days. This happens, but if more, you need to identify the pathology.

When, this may indicate a possible miscarriage. Therefore, in any case, you need to inform your gynecologist.

Long periods can also go because of a recent one. It is clear that any surgical intervention on female organs can provoke such results.

To summarize: long periods can be for various reasons. And if a woman has noticed deviations in herself, you need to do the following: go to the doctor for advice.

If the end of menstruation has come, but they have not stopped, then this is a significant reason to think about personal health and visit a gynecologist with this issue. After all, sometimes long periods can indicate serious health problems that do not require deposition.

Menstruation for a woman is a source of different experiences. If they did not start on time, then this is always a cause for concern. Quite a few women are particularly concerned about the fact that the menstrual cycle is longer than expected.

Menstruation occurs in girls between the ages of 11 and 13. This feature makes it clear that the girl is already ready to conceive and bear a baby. If the menstrual cycle has not come after 15 years, then this indicates a health disorder. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist who can attribute the use of hormonal drugs for some time.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is 28-30 days. But it is also influenced by the individual characteristics of the female body. Menstruation - spotting from the female reproductive organs. With their help, unnecessary substances are removed from the body.

The menstrual cycle is a complex of changes that occur under the influence of hormones. The main purpose of such changes is to prepare the body for conception. The normal duration of a menstrual cycle is 28 days. Monthly go from 3 to 7 days. Normally, the secreted blood should not be more than 150 ml.

Long periods

Each woman has an individual body, so the duration of menstruation may vary. If the menstruation goes less or longer than the allotted time, then this may indicate an inflammatory process or hormonal failure. Many girls experience pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation. This condition is normal and you should not worry about it. After 2-3 days, all pain should go away, but if it does not go away, then you need to see a doctor.

There are three normal options for how menstruation goes:

  1. Menses are profuse, starting from the first day and gradually subsiding.
  2. First, spotting occurs, and then in the middle of the period of menstruation occurs, which gradually ends.
  3. Allocations occur randomly throughout the entire period.

If a girl notices long periods that last more than seven days, stop and resume again, then this can be a serious cause for concern.

The reasons

As a rule, prolonged monthly causes can be different. Often long periods after are explained by such reasons:

  • Unidentified menstrual cycle. Often, long periods occur in adolescents during puberty and during menopause.
  • Hormonal disbalance. The cycle can be changed due to various factors: stress or serious illness.
  • Diseases of the ovaries. Often, ovarian disease affects the uniformity of the menstrual cycle. It can be various inflammatory processes, as well as neoplasms, and polyps.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. Thyroid disorders can lead to disorders.
  • Diseases of the uterus. Prolonged menstruation can go with malignant tumors and.
  • The use of hormonal drugs.
  • Use of an intrauterine device. Ladies who wear a spiral note that their periods have become longer and.

This is not an exhaustive list, but the causes presented are the most common.

Diseases of the reproductive system

Many are interested in how to stop long periods if they have occurred. However, in this case, you do not need to self-medicate. Reasons for prolonged periods include:

  • adenomyosis: this disease affects women over 40 years old;
  • cancer: this disease is an important sign of the development of uterine cancer, the risk of its occurrence increases after 40 years;
  • fibroids: symptoms of such a disease can be menorrhagia, often during this disease there is severe bleeding that cannot be stopped on its own;
  • neoplasms;
  • cervical dysplasia.

Uterine fibroids - the cause of prolonged periods


Menopause is a period in a woman's life during which her reproductive function fades. As a rule, prolonged periods during menopause indicate some serious illness.

There are three phases of menopause:

  1. Premenopause.
  2. Climax.
  3. Postclimax.

All of them are characterized by different symptoms. Premenopause occurs in women under 50 years of age. Menstruation during this period becomes irregular, often disappearing for several months and lasting only a few days. As a rule, prolonged menstruation in premenopause is a rare occurrence.


A woman herself cannot influence all the above reasons. However, there are factors that cause such phenomena. They can be considered an abortion. Abortion puts a lot of stress on the body. If it was performed by an inexperienced doctor, it can cause bleeding and even infertility.

Also, the threat of miscarriage can be the cause of bleeding. Sometimes some ladies continue to have their periods and they don't even know about their condition. All this is a great threat to the fetus. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor to find out what to drink during long periods and how to stop them.

Among the secondary causes of the appearance of long periods may be:

  • trauma;
  • mental disorders;
  • a large deficiency of vitamins;
  • violation during sexual contact;
  • excessive body weight;
  • stressful situations;
  • drug and alcohol use.

Is there a danger?

Any blood loss carries serious problems for the body, which everyone should be aware of. Large blood loss during pregnancy can cause miscarriage. Losing a lot of blood, the female body loses a lot of iron, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Sometimes blood loss can be so great that it is simply impossible to do without specialists.

Contacting a doctor

If you seek help from a doctor in time, then in this case he will be able to quickly determine what exactly is the cause of long periods and how to stop them. Sometimes, in addition to the examination itself, patients have to take tests and undergo all the necessary examinations. Only after that, the doctor can prescribe such drugs and treatment that will quickly eliminate any ailment, including or.

On the video about prolonged menstruation

Each woman has her own, individual menstrual cycle, but this does not mean that a long delay in menstruation is completely natural. It is also abnormal if they occur much earlier than usual or their intensity changes greatly. Prolonged absence of menstruation - amenorrhea, is also abnormal. A regular violation of the reproductive cycle indicates failures in the female body, more precisely, in its hormonal system, and this also affects other systems. The endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory systems suffer, metabolism and even the psycho-emotional state are disturbed. In addition, long delays in menstruation and any other menstrual irregularities can lead to infertility over time.

Even the slightest deviation from the usual monthly cycle should not be ignored, because in this way the body can respond to the development of physiological pathologies - hormonal imbalance, mastopathy, and even malignant tumors. Therefore, at the slightest cycle failure, for no apparent reason, you should immediately consult a qualified gynecologist.

Norm or pathology?

Ideally, the duration of menstruation should be 28 days and end with rejection and removal of the internal uterine endometrium through the vagina in a volume of no more than 150 ml. The latter takes from 3 to 7 days, after which the cycle repeats. But this is ideal, but in reality, each woman has her own cycle, which can differ significantly from these norms - the cycle can last from 21 to 35 days, and the process of endometrial rejection often exceeds 10 or even 14 days.

In most healthy women, the period of menstruation lasts from three days to a week. Anything that exceeds these terms should be considered pathological, but there are exceptions to this rule. Relatively normal can be considered long periods - up to two weeks, if they are due to:

  • Genetic features of the structure of the body, leading to an increase in the menstrual period;
  • The initial formation of the reproductive cycle in girls. So, at the time of maturation, their hormonal balance changes, while long, meager periods are characteristic. Over time, a normal monthly cycle is formed - the situation stabilizes;
  • Age-related attenuation of the hormonal activity of the female body. At the same time, the usual parameters of the menstrual cycle often change. Long periods during menopause, or rather, when it approaches - the situation is quite typical and normal;
  • The influence of contraceptives and other hormonal agents, such as Duphaston. Especially in the first period of their use - in this way the body adapts to new conditions. The installed spiral can cause the same effect;
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
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