Anxious night sleep of the baby: Komarovsky's recommendations. Pathological causes of lack of daytime sleep in infants. How long should a nap be?

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


In the house where the newborn has recently settled, vanity reigns. The most the main role upbringing is assigned to the mother of the baby. A lot of worries about food, bathing, cleaning the house falls on the shoulders of a young woman. And if, at the same time, the baby sleeps little during the day, it is very difficult to cope with the entire amount of work. In this turmoil, you still need to remember about yourself. And it's not about visiting beauty salons. Elementary rest and good nutrition breastfeeding mother - the key to good breast milk. And these indicators directly depend on the mode of rest of the infant. And if he does not sleep well during the day, it is necessary to find the cause of this phenomenon.

The reasons

To understand why a baby does not sleep during the day, you need to know a number of its features. After all, the baby had just been born. He still has a lot to get used to. His digestive system imperfect, and the most optimal for feeding is breast milk mother. He wants to eat every 2-3 hours. But famine can come even before that time. Although the child is still very young and everything is new for him, he does not like to lie in wet clothes for a long time. From this we can identify a number of reasons why a newborn sleeps little during the day.

Colic. Babies up to 3 months are worried about this problem. Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. And with a big blow to the intestines, the baby inflicts malnutrition mother herself. Here it is worth remembering that in the first weeks after childbirth, the menu should be strictly dietary. Each New Product introduced into the mother's diet gradually, following the reaction of the baby. It is worth immediately noting allergenic foods for yourself so as not to eat them at all.

But, despite the balanced and correct menu breastfeeding woman, intestinal colic deliver frequent problems crumbs. The thing is that the tummy in any case should get used to such a diet. Therefore, you should not provoke it with the wrong diet.

If the child is on formula milk, it is possible to transfer to another, more suitable brand. But this should happen under the supervision of a pediatrician. You cannot take such actions on your own.

  • The constant hunger of the baby. Normally, a newborn should ask for food every 2 to 3 hours, including at night. But if he is given an insufficient amount of the mixture or the mother's milk is not nutritious enough, the baby wants to eat much more often than it should. In addition, children sometimes mistake pain in the tummy for a feeling of hunger. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the work of the intestines of the baby as soon as possible.
  • Wants to drink. When the newborn is breastfeeding, the taste of his food may change. It comes from what my mother ate. Milk may be too sweet or fatty. Therefore, the baby just wanted to drink. It is not forbidden to give baby water to drink good quality. After all, the child will really feel discomfort, and sleep little if his mouth is dry.
  • Something itches. The child needs special care. And baby skin is no exception. Sometimes she may be tormented by some allergic reactions, in the form of redness or a rash. Or it may be that the crumbs just itch and he cannot report this fact.
  • Overflowing diaper. This trouble gives a lot of discomfort to the little one. Try to change diapers more often. And while awake, take it off altogether. Let the delicate skin breathe.
  • Attention. It happens that the time of caring for a newborn is very exhausting for a young mother. After all, I want everything to be highest level. Clean bottles, washed and steamed things, full and healthy eating, order in the house. But in pursuit of this, a woman forgets about her good rest. Because of this, her mood deteriorates, she is on edge. The newborn feels it better than we think. And the reaction of the baby to this state of affairs will be the rejection of daytime sleep. And just something enough to put aside all your affairs and lie down next to the crumbs. Relax and sleep. You will be surprised, but the child will fall asleep with you and oversleep as much as necessary. Sometimes the closeness and warmth of the mother to the baby is more important than sterility in the house.
  • Overexcitation. Even this small organism it is necessary to observe the daily routine. If he didn’t get enough sleep at night, woke up early, there is a risk of overwork. Strive for a clear schedule.

There are many reasons why a newborn does not sleep during the day. And most of them they can be solved practically without a doctor. But there is a separate column - malaise. And this is where the help of a specialist is most often required.

If the child is sick

disease, one of serious reasons Why does the child not sleep during the day. And, often parents confuse this malaise with ordinary overwork or something else. But it is enough to look closely and listen to the little one to catch the first signs of a cold. In addition to the fact that the child does not sleep, he also begins to actively act up. It happens for any reason. During the day, the child will refuse food, not be interested in toys, cry. And at night, exhausted, he can fall asleep. But his sleep is more likely to be disturbing.

Pay attention, perhaps he has very light and liquid discharge from the nose? It will be useful to measure the temperature. If suspicions are confirmed, contact your doctor immediately. It is very important to treat a cold at first, before it breaks out. The doctor will prescribe proper treatment. Self-activity is not necessary, because not all medicines are suitable for babies under one year old.

Another reason for crying and lack of sleep in the first months of life is neurology. Watch the baby. If he does not sleep during the day (and often even at night), cries, he does not have signs of a cold and teething, pay attention, perhaps there are more symptoms? If there is, then it is not surprising why the child refuses to sleep and constantly cries.

  • Throwing the head back when crying.
  • The child turns its head to one side.
  • When crying, he actively moves his limbs.
  • The nasolabial triangle turns blue.
  • The chin twitches a lot.
  • Eyes of unnatural size, as if he is constantly surprised by something.

A timely appointment with a neurologist will save the baby from serious problems in future. More often, up to a year, such children are cured if they are dealt with closely.

Sleep rate for babies

When the little one does not sleep during the day, you need to determine who needs this sleep: a child or a mother to do their business. After all, if in the absence of sleep the baby is cheerful, eats well and does not bother him, is it worth it to put him down, hectically shaking the bed? To determine the need for sleep during the day, count how much time per day, in general, the baby sleeps.

  • Babies under 3 months of age usually spend at least 18 hours sleeping. They wake up only to eat and move a little.
  • After 3 months and up to six months, this figure is about 16 hours a day.
  • After six months, this value is quite relative. Here, many choose a schedule for themselves. But more often the number daily packing at least 2, for an hour - two.

It must be remembered that these values ​​​​are very individual. And more often just follow general condition baby. When the newborn appears in the house, he himself will tell you how much time he will spend in a dream. The parent only adjusts these values. Because lunch and sleep should occur at about the same time. Although there may be errors. After all, if a child wanted to eat and woke up half an hour ahead of time, you don’t need to wait and listen to how he screams until he’s blue in the face. Feed him, he will wake up a little and fall asleep again.

It is also not necessary to put the child by force if he does not want to sleep at all. The lack of daytime sleep may still be during the transition of the biological rhythm of the little one. That is, when he grows up, and the number of daily bedtimes simply decreases by itself. Pay attention to this fact. Try to take him out into the fresh air, if this does not help, analyze, perhaps the baby has already grown up and does not want to sleep. Then it remains only to observe the condition of the baby.

Sleep for the baby plays very important role. After all, it is in a dream that the little one grows, gains strength to know the world. But, like adults, young children have very individual needs for rest. And since young parents are just beginning to recognize their baby, the sleep pattern day and night (not the same as that of a neighbor's baby who sleeps for 12 hours without waking up) raises a lot of questions and concerns. Let's look at the features of sleep in newborns and infants, and also find out what is hidden behind the phrase "the baby does not sleep well."

Sleep norms from birth to 5 years

It is interesting. European somnologists, having observed 10,000 thousand people of different sex and age, came to the conclusion that the duration of sleep, in addition to external factors and biological rhythms influenced by genetics. So, in the presence of the ABCC9 gene, a person needs to spend an hour more time in the kingdom of Morpheus than someone who does not have this gene.

The number of hours of sleep is individual for each child

A newborn sleeps 16-20 hours a day, interrupting sleep for satisfaction physiological needs and knowledge of the environment. With age, the pauses between visits to the possessions of Morpheus are reduced, and by the age of 7 the child has been sleeping for about 12 hours. As we have already found out, the needs for rest are different for all children, but it is still possible to single out average indicators.

The amount of daytime sleep according to the normsThe norm of daytime sleep in a child in hoursThe norms of wakefulness in a child in hoursThe norm of a night's sleep in a child in hoursThe daily norm of sleep in a child in hours
Age 1-3 weeks
The baby does not sleep according to a strict schedule and may wake up earlier or later than the allotted time.8–9 hoursAbout 4 hours10-12 hours, wakes up 3-4 times to eat18-20 hours
Age 1–2 months
4 day naps and 1 nightApproximately 8 hours (2 times 2-3 hours and 2 times 30-45 minutes)4 hours10 hours with 2 breaks18 hours
Age 3–4 months
4 day naps and 1 night6-7 hours (2 times 2-3 hours and 2 superficial sleep 30–45 minutes each)7 o'clock10 hours17-18 hours
Age 5–6 months
3-4 napsAt 5 months - 6 hours (2 times for 2 hours and 1 time for 1–1.5 hours), at 6 months - 5 hours (2 times for 2.5 hours)8–9 hours10 hours15-16 hours
Age 7–9 months
2 naps2 times for 2.5 hours9-10 hours10-11 hours15 hours
Age 10–12 months
2 naps2 times for 2 hours10 hours10 hours
Age from 1 year to 1.5 years
2 day2 times for 1–1.5 hours11 o'clock10–11 am14 hours
Age 1.5–2 years
1 daytime sleep 2.5–3 hours11 o'clock10–11 am13 hours
Age 2–3 years
1 day nap2–2.5 hours11 o'clock10–11 am13 hours
Age 3–5 years
1 day nap2 hours12 hours10 hours12 hours

When to worry?

The data given in the table are indicative, but if the deviations from the norm are 4-5 hours up or down, then this is a reason to consult a neurologist. In other cases, you can look for the cause yourself.

Eats often

It happens that the little one often wakes up to eat. In this case, the problem of malnutrition is on the face. If the child is breastfed, it may be necessary to add formula to the diet or to review the regimen and quality of the mother's diet. For artificial people, the problem is solved by increasing the portion. In any case, you need to report your observations to the pediatrician and only after that take any action.

Doesn't sleep right after feeding

Have you noticed that the baby does not sleep after feeding? Perhaps he overeats, and this prevents him from surrendering to sleep.

Cause bad sleep may be hungry or overeating

Imagine that you are put to bed after a hearty and plentiful dinner, and how will you fall asleep? In this case, it is better to reduce the dose. True, many pediatricians defend the opinion that a breastfed baby should be left at the breast until he quits. Antagonists convince young mothers not to keep the baby at the breast for more than 20 minutes, they say, he is already full and will simply overeat or play. Whatever point of view you support, reconsider your diet. After all, some products are difficult to digest even by the body of an adult, what can we say about a baby. Infants located on artificial feeding, you should slightly reduce the portion of the mixture and observe its behavior. If the sleep mode is not restored, then the reason is probably different.

Can't sleep after swimming

Water procedures can also cause the baby to not go to bed. As a rule, peanuts love water - it reminds them of the natural environment in the womb. So what are negative consequences from bathing, most likely the fault of the parents. So, the reasons may be the following:

  • too hot / cold water (the optimum temperature is 37 degrees, but for some babies it is too hot, and for some, on the contrary, too cold) - reduce / increase the temperature by 1-1.5 degrees and look at the reaction;
  • prolonged bathing (many adults like to stay in the water for a long time and a priori transfer it to the baby) - keep in mind that the baby does not get dirty yet to be in the bath for a long time - 2-3 minutes in the first weeks is enough, by the year we bring it up to 10 minutes;
  • many spectators (caring grandmothers, grandfathers, girlfriends and children of girlfriends, of course, out of good intentions go with you to the bathroom, but such entertainment is not clear to the baby) - make the evening bath an intimate procedure.

If you watch TV, you probably see a lot of advertisements for baby baths with lavender, lemon balm, "healthy sleep extracts" and other marketing ploys. It's up to you to believe them or not, but remember that baby's skin is not laboratory material. If you decide to use any special bathing products, then consult a pediatrician or dermatologist.

Why does a newborn sleep poorly during the day or at night: causes of sleep disturbance and ways to solve the problem

Sleep is one of the most important elements health of the child and his mother. It must be developed from the first months of life. And if something interferes with this, then the problem must be solved immediately.

There are many reasons why a baby may not sleep well.

Factors of sleep disturbance that do not fit those described in the previous paragraph can be divided into two categories:

  • caused by physiological reasons;
  • provoked by external factors.

Let's consider them in more detail, providing instructions for elimination.

Physiological causes

It is interesting. One of the most common reasons why a baby does not sleep is teething. The task of parents is to alleviate unpleasant manifestations with ointments, creams and ... be patient.


When the little one screams or eats, he swallows air. Accumulating, it causes pain. You need to know that colic usually appears at 3 weeks of a child's life and disappears by 3 months. To relieve symptoms, you can give a peanut dill water or drugs designed to relieve colic. Assistance can also be provided

  • changing the position of the baby's body;
  • providing him with warmth;
  • putting a gas outlet pipe;
  • making an enema.

To relieve colic, you need to change the position of the baby's body

It is interesting. Remember that symptoms of colic do not include vomiting and diarrhea. These manifestations can be triggered by serious health problems in the child. Therefore, you need to immediately seek medical help.


In the first days of life, the crumbs are especially sensitive to hunger. In other words, if the child wants to eat, they will never fall asleep. But immediately after he feels full, in the absence of others annoying factors, with pleasure will fall asleep.


If the diaper is full, the baby is wet, it no longer sets you up for sleep. And if diaper rash has also formed, it’s not at all up to a pleasant nap. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a good diaper is not a rule, it is a requirement that ensures healthy sleep and excellent skin condition for the soft, appetizing parts of the baby's body. Be sure to change diapers on time and monitor the condition of the skin by applying special means: creams, powders. A clean and dry toddler will sleep in a serene sleep.


Violation of the biological rhythm

Or simply the child confused the day with the night.

The baby has not yet developed The biological clock so he can confuse day with night

A fairly common cause of sleep disorder. However, there is nothing wrong with this: it’s just that the baby’s biological clock has not yet developed. True, the reason may also be the parents who stayed up with the guests, played the peanut at night looking or staring interesting movie. To solve the problem, efforts will have to be made by all family members:

  • walk with the toddler fresh air(Dr. Komarovsky insists that nothing can replace fresh air for a healthy sleep of a baby);
  • play and put the baby to sleep in compliance with the correct regimen;
  • observe the “30-minute trick” (if you gently and gently wake the child 30 minutes earlier than the time when he should wake up, then he will want to fall asleep 30 minutes earlier - this will gradually level off the regimen).

External factors

Failure to comply with the temperature regime

If the child is hot or cold, he will not sleep. The optimum temperature in the room should be from 18 to 22 degrees, and the humidity level should not be lower than 60%. It is also useful to ventilate the room well before going to bed to provide a healthy microclimate.


It is difficult to put a child who has played out to sleep, and vouch for the fact that he will oversleep right amount Even Morpheus can't watch

Before going to bed, no active games - this rule should apply to a child at any age. You need to lay the little one in peace and quiet. At the same time, there should not be anyone in the room except for mom and baby. The only exception is for dad.


Mother and baby are closely related. Any experience of a woman is reflected in the state of health of the child. So avoid negative emotions, do not let yourself be upset, and your little one will sleep much calmer and better.

It is interesting. Dr. Komarovsky admonishes all mothers and fathers: “More than anything else - more food and drink, more sleep and fresh air - the child needs healthy, rested and loving friend friend mom and dad.

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky claims that the sleep schedule for a child should be convenient for parents. And it does not matter at all, it will be from 21.00 to 05.00 or from 23.00 to 07.00! It is important that you strictly follow this regimen.

Sleep in the fresh air perfect solution to normalize the regime

Tip #1

First of all, you need to analyze the feeding regimen. The baby should not be hungry.

Tip #2

Sleep must be conditioned reflex. And this is facilitated by the observance of a special, only yours, ritual. For example, a walk, a meal, a bath, a bedtime story and a dream. And not the last role in this bunch is played by bathing. It should be in cool water, in a large bath. Before hygiene procedures it is useful to have a relaxing massage, and then dress the baby in comfortable warm clothes.

Tip #3

Monitor the child's condition and the slightest sign tired, you put him to bed. If you miss the moment, then, having played out, putting the baby to bed will be a difficult task.

Tip #4

Don't be afraid to wake up! If a child at 6 months daily rate at 15–16 o'clock, sleeps 9 o'clock in the afternoon, then on night rest 6-7 hours will remain - and you won’t have to count on a long sound sleep. So try to keep within the framework of daytime sleep to ensure a full night.

Tip #5

Keep the room clean and temperature regime in her. Keep comfortable with comfortable clothes that won't get hot or cold, plus soft, washed baby powder and rinsed well, bed linen. As for the latter, Dr. Komarovsky supplements this requirement as follows: a dense and even mattress (so that the baby’s body does not bend it) and a pillow only after 2 years (60 by 60 cm in size, equal to the width of the baby’s shoulder).

Tip #6

The right company. A child under 1 year old must sleep in a crib in the parents' room, from 1 year old - in a crib in the children's room. And staying at night in the parent's bed has nothing to do with healthy sleep does not have.

Video. how to improve baby's sleep and sleep for parents - Dr. Komarovsky's recommendations

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.

Most parents have difficulty organizing baby sleep. The child falls asleep badly during the day, sleeps little, often wakes up at night or refuses to sleep at all. This leads to fatigue of parents, they tend to put the baby to sleep with his unwillingness and sufficient activity. The child needs rest, the whole family is forced to adjust to the baby's regimen, inconvenience arises. Dr. Komarovsky gives a few general recommendations how to put baby to sleep.


Babies get tired quickly and need proper rest to recuperate. It helps brain development and nervous system. Sleep deprivation leads to chronic fatigue, reducing the protective properties of the body. For most kids, daytime rest is important.

The sleep of the baby should not lead to insomnia of the parents. The mother's connection with the newborn is especially strong, he feels her emotions and reacts with similar behavior. Chronic lack of sleep in the mother, exhaustion, a tense situation in the family lead to anxiety of the child. As a result, he sleeps worse, the sleep schedule of the rest of the family members is disturbed. Trying to put the baby to bed is exhausting. It's hard to talk about proper development child and healthy parenting relationships. The top priority is due rest all family members.

Sleeping mode

Rest should be organized in accordance with general requirements families. Determining the sleep pattern of the child, you need to decide what time it is more convenient for parents to put the baby to bed. This may depend on the schedule of work, the necessary chores around the house, the study of older children. Daytime naps should not be neglected.

To establish a comfortable regime, you need to observe the characteristics of the baby: notice the daytime and evening time decrease in its activity. The baby begins to show that he wants to sleep, rubs his eyes, yawns, is naughty. It is better to start laying him down, he will fall asleep faster.

The established regime must be observed. If you decide to put the child to bed at 23.00, you need to stick to the chosen time. The rule also applies to daytime sleep. The schedule will form a habit in the baby and contribute to the rapid falling asleep at the set time. Properly organized sleep schedule of the baby allows you to fully relax the whole family.

Where is the best place to put it?

Relatives have the right to independently determine the place of rest for the child. You can take the baby to your bed if it is more convenient for parents. Newborns calm down easier and faster if they are next to their mother, they feel their native smell. It is worth remembering that parents get enough sleep in bed with a newborn badly, you have to constantly monitor the baby. If a child older than 3 months continues to sleep with his parents, it is difficult to accustom him to spend the night separately.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends putting the baby to sleep in a separate bed. Its optimal location in the parents' bedroom is considered to be up to a year, then a separate room, a nursery, is recommended. Many modern pediatricians oppose the fact that the child slept with his parents, this does not contribute to the formation of healthy children's sleep.

Putting your baby to bed for daytime and nighttime naps will help you fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly. A stable reflex "crib - sleep" is formed. permanent shift places of rest leads to anxiety, novelty causes interest, the study of the surrounding space. AT anxiety it is difficult for the child to sleep.

Why wake up?

Parents try not to disturb the sleeping child. Long daytime sleep leads to active wakefulness and difficulties when laying down in the evening. As the child ages, he sleeps less daytime. The needs of different children are individual. There are averages required amount sleep:

  1. Babies under 3 months need 15-20 hours a day;
  2. A six-month-old baby sleeps 15 hours;
  3. A one-year-old child needs 14 hours.

If a 6-month-old baby sleeps more than eight hours during the day, he does not fall asleep for a long time in the evening, night rest will be significantly reduced. It is better to limit daytime sleep. In the first month, a newborn needs much more time to recover, it is worth waking him up for feeding, bathing, necessary procedures.

Children older than 3 months should be observed. If the daytime sleep is long enough and it is difficult to get him to sleep at night, you need to wake him up early in the daytime and see how he falls asleep in the evening. Reception will help regulate sleep patterns.

With age, many children experience a sharp decrease in the need for daytime sleep, this is due to individual features. If the child is ill, sleeps little, do not force him to. enough activity, good health during the day and fast falling asleep in the evening indicate that he calmly dispenses with daytime sleep.

Feeding mode

You need to look at the behavior of a well-fed baby. If he becomes active, you need to feed him an hour before bedtime. He will have time to calm down and not violate the regime. Many children fall asleep easily after eating and need to be fed before going to bed both during the day and at night.

A monthly baby is fed 1-2 times a night, usually on demand. Gradually, the child is taught to feed in certain time, for children older than 3 months, a single meal is enough at night. Children older than six months do not have a biological need for night feeding.

It is worth remembering that at night infant wakes up not only from hunger. When organizing a feeding regimen, you should not rush to apply it to your chest or drink from a bottle with a mixture when you wake up earlier than the set time. Often the baby calms down and falls asleep on its own. But it is necessary to feed him with increased crying.

Daytime activity

The kid explores the world with interest all day, gets a lot new information. The rich life of the baby helps to fall asleep faster, promotes sound sleep. There are different ways:

  • Daily walks on the street, daytime sleep in the fresh air;
  • Games with the baby, listening to music, reading fairy tales aloud;
  • Various forms of studying the world around, meeting new people, communicating with children and relatives;
  • Massage, gymnastics for the baby.

Activities contribute to healthy sleep and the overall harmonious development of the child. It is important to limit active pastime just before putting the newborn to bed. The baby will calm down, it is easier for him to tune in to sleep. It is recommended to turn off extraneous sound sources and dim the lights so that the child is not distracted and is not afraid of the dark in the future. If, when the light is turned off, he begins to act up, you need to try to calm him down by not turning on the lights.

Many babies fall asleep faster when rocking in their arms, in the crib. Komarovsky considers the method quite acceptable. But abuse in this way can lead to sleepless nights when the parents take turns rocking the baby. If possible, you need to accustom him to falling asleep in a crib, and prepare for whims and crying at the first time of getting used to.

Air in baby's room

The comfortable air temperature in the sleeping room is 18°C, the optimum humidity is from 50 to 70%. In a stuffy room, it is difficult for a baby to fall asleep due to lack of air. It must be regularly ventilated to supply oxygen. In a bedroom that is too warm, a sleeping baby sweats a lot, wakes up from discomfort, and the likelihood of a cold increases. Hot air can cause dehydration and make you feel unwell.

Dry air leads to drying and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. There is a decrease in local immunity, favorable conditions for the development of harmful microflora, weakening the body.

It is necessary to regularly carry out wet cleaning, use humidifiers for the air and monitor performance with a thermometer and hygrometer. thermoregulation child's body different from an adult, it is difficult for parents to determine the temperature comfortable for the baby by their feelings.

Bathing for sound sleep

Water procedures play an important role in the hygiene of the child. Bathing allows you to develop it, strengthens muscles, helps relieve fatigue. Until the umbilical wound heals, a separate bath should be used to minimize the risk of infection. Then it is better to use a common large bathroom so that the baby can swim, move his arms and legs, and splash around.

Bathing is beneficial physical activity and makes the baby happy. Positive emotions, relaxation after physical activity contribute to good sleep. For skin care, add to water, checking in advance allergic reaction at the baby.

The appropriate temperature is warm, 36°. Hot water acts irritatingly on the nervous system of the baby, causes the opposite of the desired effect. Conduct water procedures recommended shortly before bedtime, most babies fall asleep almost immediately.

Crib for baby

How to organize a place to sleep? It is necessary to choose an even and sufficiently dense mattress so that it does not bend much under the weight of the child and quickly restores its shape. For correct formation vertebral bends, the pillow should be discarded: it is indicated for children older than two years. The blanket needs to be light, not causing overheating and freezing.

Bedding should be made of high quality natural materials. Synthetics do not pass air and moisture well, lead to diaper rash in a child, and can cause allergies. You need to carefully select the means for washing children's things, it is better not to use various air conditioners.

Sleep diaper

Dr. Komarovsky believes that a properly selected diaper contributes to a good night's sleep. Comfort is important for sound sleep child. His calmness allows parents to sleep. You should choose high-quality models that are safe for the health of the child with a sufficiently long exposure.

Compliance with the rules will help organize the sleep, nutrition and rest of the child. If we put to sleep according to Komarovsky, it is important to follow the established sequence in order to form a habit in the baby, and he falls asleep much faster. Parents should act gently but confidently. It is important to remain friendly so that the child feels comfortable.

Getting used to the schedule can cause discontent, whims, crying. It is necessary to treat the baby with understanding, do not get angry and do not scold him. Crying is the main way to express emotions, a child can cry a little without much harm. The formed schedule will make life easier for parents and the baby, help the child fall asleep faster, allow the family to fully relax and get enough sleep.

Mommy baby it is not easy: the day flies by, like one moment in caring for a small miracle that settled in her house less than a year ago. And if the baby still does not sleep during the day, then you can imagine how mom head goes around! You need to have time to do all the housework, care for the baby, take care of the diet, hygiene, you need not forget about yourself, because a mother who has not eaten on time and has not rested will not receive the necessary amount of milk for feeding.

In such an active rhythm of life, the baby, who suddenly refused to sleep during the day, brings unexpected chaos into the mother’s regimen, becomes restless on his own, and both are already so tense that they cannot do without the help of a third person!

It’s good if there is an assistant nearby who will rock and lull the baby, replace the mother in the kitchen or take a walk with the baby on the street. But if there is no such person, the parent simply cannot cope on her own without a few valuable tips!

From this article you will learn:

My tummy hurts

The most common cause of lack of sleep in babies in the first three months of life is abdominal colic. The intestinal microflora of a newborn baby is formed over the course of two whole years, but the first three months is a special period of formation, when there is a struggle in the intestines for a place between beneficial and pathogenic microflora.

Until the intestinal walls are covered beneficial bacteria, digestion processes can be unstable, inferior, gases will form in the tummy and torment the baby along with his mother.

I am constantly hungry

There can be several reasons for a child to be hungry. The mother may not have enough milk, or there is a lot of it, but the baby does not suck until fatty milk comes from the back of the mammary gland. He gets drunk from the front, more "empty", and falls asleep. Through a short time the unsatisfied ventricle makes itself felt, the baby turns on the siren, and the mother is again forced to quit her business and run to the upset baby.

Second possible reason hunger is the previous point, namely, colic in the stomach. Newborn babies perceive any discomfort in the abdomen as a feeling of hunger. They are looking for the chest, actively sticking to any object that touches the face. Mom perceives this behavior as hunger.

While it is necessary to deal with the prevention of bloating, constipation, diarrhea. Mom should eat strictly according to the rules of the diet of a nursing woman. Perhaps, having saved the baby from pain in the tummy, you will find him sound asleep.

I'm thirsty

If the mother's milk is too sweet or fatty, the baby may be thirsty. Not all mothers practice soldering a newborn. But if the crumbs have already been given some water, you should do this regularly. Perhaps the child does not sleep during the day due to dry mouth.

I got itchy somewhere

The delicate skin of babies is sensitive to any irritants. infantile erythema, atopic dermatitis, change hairline skin - all this can affect the condition of the crumbs. Itching and anxiety very often prevent newborn babies from sleeping, but, unfortunately, only a born child cannot tell his mother about this or help himself, so he can only cry.

Change my diaper

There are kids who absolutely do not care what conditions they are in, they will sniffle and not wake up for 3 hours, even if their diaper is full. But there are such representatives of the "deep intelligentsia" that even at the moment of urination they wake up and begin to show anxiety. And the mother is unlikely to be able to teach the child to do otherwise. Here, the baby is already raising parents and forcing them to change their diapers much more often than they should, otherwise they simply refuse to sleep!

I'm so excited that I can't sleep

If the prescribed period of the baby’s daytime sleep was missed, then the quite expected reaction is a violation of the further sleep and wakefulness regimen. In such a situation, you need to help the baby relax. Organize a walk in the stroller in the fresh air, bathe the baby in warm water with chamomile, give him some green tea if you have already practiced soldering.

I miss my mommy

If your little one is awake during the day, he might be telling you both to take a break! The crumbs feel the energy of the mother much more subtly than we adults. If the parent herself is already on the verge, tired, excited, excited, then her baby will behave similarly. He will feel the discomfort of the mother and show the same reaction in response.

At such moments, the mother should forget about all the affairs and problems, lie down next to her baby, enjoy closeness with the most beloved and dear little man in the world, relax and fall asleep. You will be surprised, but most likely, your baby will sleep peacefully next to you for exactly as long as you will be near him.

Sometimes you should remind yourself that the baby needs less sterilization around, and more - the constant feeling of close proximity to the mother.

Ventilate the room

The stuffiness in the room, dry air, or, conversely, excessive dampness can interfere with sleep during the day. If the microclimate in your home does not meet the provisions of the norm for the room baby then think about ways to improve the situation. The baby's sleep may be disturbed, followed by overexcitation of the nervous system, weakening of the immune system. Make sure that your baby is comfortable both awake and sleeping.

I feel hot

Many mothers mercilessly wrap their children, believing that a child under one year old must certainly wear a cabbage suit in which he was found. The heat exchange processes in the baby's body are not yet fully stabilized, the baby overheats very quickly, the body temperature rises, and the baby sweats. It is unpleasant for him, and the mother is still unaware why her child does not sleep during the day, she lulls him and cradles him, also covering him with a warm blanket on top.

Remember the rule: a child under one year old must be dressed in the same way as yourself, adding another layer of medium-density fabric. It's about about the average adult, that is, not a "walrus" and not a "frost".

How many hours a day should a baby sleep?

Now, the pediatrician Komarovsky, beloved by many, would say: “Your child owes nothing to anyone!”, And he would be right. Of course, there are averages healthy regimen sleep and wakefulness of a child up to a year old, but they are all conditional, and if the baby is normal, calm, active, then let him not sleep to his health!

  • On average, a child of the first month of life sleeps up to 18 hours a day. He wakes up only to eat and move his limbs slightly.
  • Closer to 3 months maximum value sleep per day reaches an average of 15 hours.
  • After 3 months, this value is so individual that it is difficult to give average figures. But, as a rule, most children up to a year sleep at least twice a day for 2 hours.

If your baby does not sleep during the day, do not rush to ring the bells and run to a neurologist. First, try to eliminate the banal causes of his discomfort, spend more time with the baby, walk with him in the fresh air more often and bathe longer in warm water, and most likely, your baby will learn to sleep soundly during the day!

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