Occupational noise predominantly affects. Industrial noise. noise characteristics. Influence on a person. Rationing. Remedies

Now every second person not only experiences fatigue every day, but also feels a sharp headache about once a week. What is it really about? Noise can have both positive and Negative influence on human health. For example, recent times it has become popular to use white noise to calm the child and normalize his sleep.

The negative impact of noise on the body

The negative impact depends on how often and for how long a person is under the influence of high-frequency sounds. The harm of noise is absolutely not inferior to its benefits. Noise and its impact on humans have been studied since ancient times. It is known that in Ancient China sound torture was often used. Such an execution was considered one of the most cruel.

Scientists have proven that high-frequency sounds have a negative effect on mental and mental development. In addition, people who are under constant noise stress get tired quickly, suffer from frequent headaches, insomnia, and loss of appetite. Over time, these people develop cardiovascular diseases, mental disorders, metabolism and the functioning of the thyroid gland are disturbed.

In large cities, noise has an irreversible negative impact on the human body. Today, he is trying to cope with this problem. great amount ecologists. To isolate your home from the noise irritants of the big city, install soundproofing.

Noise level

Noise in decibels is the amount of sound perceived by hearing aid person. It is believed that human hearing perceives sound frequencies in the range of 0-140 decibels. Sounds of the lowest intensity affect the body in a favorable way. These include the sounds of nature, namely rain, waterfalls and the like. Acceptable is the sound that does not harm the human body and the hearing aid.

Noise is general definition for different frequency sounds. There are generally accepted standards for the sound level in public and private places where a person is located. For example, in hospitals and residential areas, the available sound standard is 30-37 dB, while industrial noise reaches 55-66 dB. However, often in densely populated cities, sound vibrations reach a much higher level. Doctors believe that a sound that exceeds 60 dB causes a person to nervous disorders. It is for this reason that people living in large cities also experience sounds in excess of 90 decibels, which contribute to hearing loss, and higher frequencies can be fatal.

The positive impact of sound

Noise exposure is also used in medicinal purposes. Low-frequency waves improve mental and mental development and emotional background. As mentioned earlier, such sounds include those emitted by nature. The impact of noise on humans is not fully understood, but it is believed that the hearing aid of an adult can withstand 90 decibels, while children's eardrums can withstand only 70.

Ultra- and infrasounds

Infra- and ultrasound has the most negative impact on the human hearing aid. It is impossible to protect oneself from such noise, since only animals hear these vibrations. Such sounds are dangerous because they affect internal organs and can cause damage and rupture.

The difference between sound and noise

Sound and noise are very similar words. However, there are still differences. Sound refers to everything that we hear, and noise is the sound that a certain person or group of people does not like. It can be someone singing, a barking dog, the sound of industrial noise and a huge number of annoying sounds.

Varieties of noise

Noise is divided, according to the spectral characteristic, into ten varieties, namely: white, black, pink, brown, blue, purple, gray, orange, green and red. All of them have their own characteristics.

White noise is characterized by a uniform distribution of frequencies, and pink and red by their increase. At the same time, black is the most mysterious. In other words, black noise is silence.

noise sickness

The impact of noise on human hearing is enormous. In addition to constant headaches and chronic fatigue, noise disease can develop from high-frequency waves. Doctors diagnose it to the patient if he complains of a significant hearing loss, as well as changes in the functioning of the central nervous system.

The initial signs of noise disease are ringing in auricles Oh, headache, as well as unreasonable chronic fatigue. Hearing damage is especially dangerous when in contact with ultra- and infrasounds. Even after a short interaction with such noise, total loss hearing and gap eardrums. Signs of damage from this type of noise are sharp pain in the ears, as well as their congestion. With such signs, you should immediately contact a specialist. Most often when long-term exposure noise on the auditory organ, there is a violation of the nervous, cardiovascular activity and vegetovascular dysfunction. excessive sweating also often signals a noise disease.

Noise disease is not always treatable. Often only half of the auditory capacity can be restored. To eliminate the disease, experts recommend stopping contact with high-frequency sounds, and prescribing medications.

There are three degrees of noise disease. The first degree of the disease is characterized by instability of the hearing aid. At this stage, the disease is easily treatable, and after rehabilitation, the patient may again come into contact with noise, but at the same time, he must undergo an annual examination of the auricles.

The second degree of the disease is characterized by the same symptoms as the first. The only difference is more thorough treatment.

The third stage of noise disease requires more serious intervention. The cause of the development of the disease is discussed individually with the patient. If this is a consequence professional activity patient, the option of changing jobs is being considered.

The fourth stage of the disease is the most dangerous. The patient is advised to completely eliminate the effects of noise on the body.

Noise disease prevention

Frequent exposure to noise, such as at work, requires an annual physical examination by a specialist. This will allow for early stages diagnose and eliminate the disease. It is believed that teenagers are also susceptible to noise disease.
The reason for this is visiting clubs and discos, where the sound level exceeds 90 decibels, as well as frequent listening to music in headphones at a high volume level. These adolescents have reduced levels brain activity memory deteriorates.

industrial sounds

Production noise- one of the most dangerous, therefore they accompany us most often in the workplace, and it is almost impossible to exclude their impact.
Industrial noise arises from the operation of industrial equipment. The range ranges from 400 to 800 Hz. A survey was carried out by experts general condition eardrums and auricles of blacksmiths, weavers, boilermakers, pilots and many other workers who interact with industrial noise. It was found that such people have impaired hearing, and some of them were diagnosed with diseases of the inner and middle ear, which could later lead to deafness. To eliminate industrial sounds or to reduce them, improvement of the machines themselves is required. To do this, replace noisy parts with silent and shockless ones. If a this process is not available, another option is to move the industrial machine to a separate room, and its remote control to a soundproof room.
Quite often, noise suppressors are used to protect against industrial noise, which protect against sounds whose level cannot be lowered. Earplugs, earmuffs, helmets, etc.

The effect of noise on the child's body

In addition to poor ecology and a host of other factors, vulnerable children and adolescents are also affected by noise. Just like in adults, children experience deterioration in hearing and organ function. An unformed organism cannot protect itself from sound factors, therefore its hearing aid is the most vulnerable. To prevent hearing loss, it is necessary to conduct a physical examination with a specialist as often as possible. The sooner the disease is detected, the easier and faster the treatment will be.

Noise is a phenomenon that accompanies us throughout our lives. We may not notice its impact or even think about it. Is it correct? Studies have shown that the headache and fatigue that we usually associate with a hard day's work is often associated with noise factors. If you don't want to suffer from constant feeling unwell, you should think about your protection against loud sounds and limit contact with them. Follow all the recommendations for conservation and Be healthy!

In various sectors of the economy there are sources of noise - these are mechanical equipment, human flows, urban transport.
Noise is a collection of aperiodic sounds different intensity and frequencies (rustling, rattling, creaking, screeching, etc.). From a physiological point of view, noise is any unfavorably perceived sound. Prolonged exposure to noise can lead to an occupational disease called "noise disease".
According to its physical essence, noise is a wave-like movement of particles of an elastic medium (gas, liquid or solid) and therefore is characterized by oscillation amplitude (m), frequency (Hz), propagation velocity (m / s) and wavelength (m). Character negative impact on the hearing organs and the subcutaneous receptor apparatus of a person also depends on such noise indicators as sound pressure level (dB) and loudness. The first indicator is called the sound power (intensity) and is determined by the sound energy in ergs transmitted per second through a hole of 1 cm2. The loudness of the noise is determined by the subjective perception of the human hearing aid. The threshold of auditory perception also depends on the frequency range. Thus, the ear is less sensitive to low-frequency sounds.
The impact of noise on the human body causes negative changes primarily in the hearing organs, nervous and cardiovascular systems. The degree of manifestation of these changes depends on the parameters of noise, work experience in conditions of noise exposure, the duration of noise exposure during the working day, and the individual sensitivity of the organism. The effect of noise on the human body is aggravated forced position body, increased attention, neuro-emotional stress, unfavorable microclimate.
The effect of noise on the human body. To date, numerous data have been accumulated that make it possible to judge the nature and features of the influence of the noise factor on the auditory function. The course of functional changes may have various stages. A short-term decrease in hearing acuity under the influence of noise from fast recovery function after the termination of the factor is considered as a manifestation of the adaptive protective-adaptive reaction of the auditory organ. Adaptation to noise is considered to be a temporary decrease in hearing by no more than 10-15 dB with its restoration within 3 minutes after the cessation of the noise. Prolonged exposure to intense noise can lead to re-irritation of the cells of the sound analyzer and its fatigue, and then to a persistent decrease in hearing acuity.
It has been established that the tiring and hearing-damaging effect of noise is proportional to its height (frequency). The most pronounced and early changes are observed at a frequency of 4000 Hz and a frequency range close to it. In this case, impulse noise (at the same equivalent power) acts more unfavorably than continuous noise. Features of its impact significantly depend on the excess of the impulse level above the level that determines background noise at work.
The development of occupational hearing loss depends on the total time of exposure to noise during the working day and the presence of pauses, as well as the total work experience. Initial stages occupational lesions are observed in workers with an experience of 5 years, expressed (hearing damage at all frequencies, impaired perception of whispered and colloquial speech) - over 10 years.
In addition to the effect of noise on the hearing organs, it has been established bad influence on many organs and systems of the body, primarily on the central nervous system, functional changes in which occur before a violation of auditory sensitivity is diagnosed. Damage to the nervous system under the influence of noise is accompanied by irritability, weakening of memory, apathy, depressed mood, changes in skin sensitivity and other disorders, in particular, the rate of mental reactions slows down, sleep disorders occur, etc. Workers mental labor there is a decrease in the pace of work, its quality and productivity.
The action of noise can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, changes in metabolic processes(violation of the basic, vitamin, carbohydrate, protein, fat, salt exchanges), violation functional state of cardio-vascular system. Sound vibrations can be perceived not only by the organs of hearing, but also directly through the bones of the skull (the so-called bone conduction). The level of noise transmitted by this path is 20-30 dB less level perceived by the ear. If, at low noise levels, transmission due to bone conduction small, then at high levels it increases significantly and aggravates harmful action on the human body. When exposed to noise, high levels(more than 145 dB) tympanic membrane rupture is possible.
Thus, exposure to noise can lead to a combination of occupational hearing loss (neuritis auditory nerve) With functional disorders central nervous, autonomic, cardiovascular and other systems that can be considered as Occupational Illness- noise disease. Occupational neuritis of the auditory nerve (noise disease) is most often found in workers in various branches of engineering, the textile industry, and so on. Cases of the disease are found in persons working on weaving looms, with chipping, riveting hammers, servicing press and stamping equipment, in test-mechanics and other professional groups exposed to intense noise for a long time.
Noise level regulation. When normalizing noise, two methods of normalization are used: by the limiting noise spectrum and by the sound level in dB. The first method is the main one for constant noise and allows you to normalize sound pressure levels in eight octave frequency bands with geometric mean frequencies of 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 8000 Hz. Noise at workplaces should not exceed the permissible levels corresponding to the recommendations of the Acoustics Technical Committee when international organization for standardization.
The set of eight permissible sound pressure levels is called the limiting spectrum. Studies show that acceptable levels decrease with increasing frequency (more annoying noise).
The second normalization method general level noise, measured on the A scale, which simulates the sensitivity curve of the human ear, and called the sound level in dBA, is used for an approximate assessment of constant and intermittent noise, since in this case we do not know the noise spectrum. The sound level (dBA) is related to the limiting spectrum by the dependence 1a = PS + 5.
The main normalized parameters for broadband noise are given in Table. 1.4.

Table 1.4
Permissible sound pressure levels in octave bands, sound levels and equivalent levels for broadband noise

Sound levels in dB in octaves


bands with geometric mean

sound and eq-


frequencies, Hz









levels, TWO

1. Premises const-

managerial bureaus, dis-

readers, software

computers, laboratories for theoretical work and processing of ex-

perimental data, admission of patients

in health centers

2. Office premises, work rooms

3. Observation cabins

ny and remote


a) no voice communication

by phone

b) with voice communication

by phone

4. Premises and learning

stacks of precise assembly;

typewriting bureaus

5 Laboratory premises

thorium for holding


works, premises for



body machines

For tonal and impulse noise, the allowable levels should be taken 5 dB less than the values ​​given in Table. 1.4. The normalized parameter of intermittent noise is the energy-equivalent sound level of broadband, constant and non-impulse noise that has the same effect on a person as intermittent noise, LAeq (dBA). This level is measured by special integrating sound level meters or determined by calculation.
Noise control methods. To combat noise in the premises, measures of both technical and medical nature are being carried out. The main ones are:
elimination of the cause of noise, i.e. replacement of noisy equipment, mechanisms with more modern non-noise equipment;
isolation of the noise source from environment(use of silencers, screens, sound-absorbing building materials);
fencing of noisy industries with green spaces;
the use of rational planning of premises;
use of remote control when operating noisy equipment and machines;
the use of automation tools for the management and control of technological production processes;
use of personal protective equipment (beru-shi, headphones, cotton swabs);
periodic medical examinations with the passage of audiometry;
compliance with the regime of work and rest;
conducting preventive measures aimed at restoring health.
Sound intensity is determined on a logarithmic loudness scale. In the scale - 140 dB. For the zero point of the scale, the "threshold of hearing" (a weak sound sensation barely perceptible to the ear, equal to approximately 20 dB) was taken, and for extreme point scale - 140 dB - the maximum volume limit.
Loudness below 80 dB usually does not affect the hearing organs, the volume from 0 to 20 dB is very quiet; from 20 to 40 - quiet; from 40 to 60 - medium; from 60 to 80 - noisy; above 80 dB - very noisy.
To measure the strength and intensity of noise, various instruments are used: sound level meters, frequency analyzers, correlation analyzers and correlometers, spectrometers, etc.
The principle of operation of the sound level meter is that the microphone converts sound vibrations into electrical voltage, which is supplied to a special amplifier and, after amplification, is rectified and measured by the indicator on a graduated scale in decibels.
The noise analyzer is designed to measure equipment noise spectra. It consists of an electronic band pass filter with a bandwidth of 1/3 octave.
The main measures to combat noise are the rationalization technological processes using modern equipment, sound insulation of noise sources, sound absorption, improved architectural and planning solutions, personal protective equipment.
At especially noisy industrial enterprises, individual noise protection devices are used: antiphons, anti-noise headphones (Fig. 1.6) and ear plugs of the "ear plug" type. These products should be hygienic and easy to use.

Rice. 1.6. Anti-noise headphones:
1 - plastic case; 2 - glass wool; 3 - sealing gaskets; 4 - removable covers made of film and flannel
In Russia, a system of health-improving and preventive measures to combat noise in industries has been developed, among which sanitary norms and rules occupy an important place. The implementation of the established norms and rules is controlled by the bodies of the sanitary service and public control.

Based on the materials of the book - "Life Safety" Edited by prof. E. A. Arustamova.


1. Noise. Its physical and frequency response. Noise disease.

1.1 The concept of noise.

1.2 Noise levels. Basic concepts.

1.3. Disease caused by noise - pathogenesis and clinical manifestations

1.4. Noise control and regulation.

2. Production noise. Its types and sources. Main characteristics.

2.1 Characteristics of noise in production.

2.2 Sources of industrial noise.

2.3 Noise measurement. sound level meters

2.4 Ways to protect against noise in enterprises.

3. Household noise.

3.1 Problems of reducing domestic noise

3.2 Road traffic noise

3.3 Noise from railway transport

3.4 Reducing the impact of aircraft noise


List of used literature


The twentieth century was not only the most revolutionary in terms of the development of technology and technology, but also became the most noisy in all of human history. Can't find life area modern man, where there would be no noise - as a mixture of sounds that irritate or interfere with a person.

The problem of "noise invasion" in modern world recognized in almost all developed countries. If in 20 s small years Since the noise level has increased from 80 dB to 100 dB on city streets, it can be assumed that over the next 20-30 years, the noise pressure level will reach critical limits. That is why, all over the world, serious measures are being taken to reduce the levels of sound pollution. In our country, the issues of sound pollution and measures to prevent it are regulated at the state level.

Noise can be called any kind of sound vibrations, which at this particular moment in time causes emotional or physical discomfort in this particular individual.

When reading this definition a kind of "perceptual discomfort" may occur—i.e., a state in which the length of the phrase, the number of turns, and the expressions used cause the reader to wince. Conventionally, the state of discomfort caused by sound can be characterized by the same symptoms. If the sound causes such symptoms, we are talking about noise. It is clear that the above method of identifying noise is to a certain extent conditional and primitive, but, nevertheless, it does not cease to be correct. Below we will consider the issue of noise pollution and outline the main areas in which work is being done to combat them.

1. Noise. Its physical and frequency response. Noise disease.

1.1 Concept of noise

Noise is a combination of sounds of different strength and frequency that can affect the body. From a physical point of view, a noise source is any process that results in a change in pressure or oscillations in physical media. In industrial plants, there may be a great variety of such sources, depending on the complexity of the production process and the equipment used in it. Noise is created by all, without exception, mechanisms and assemblies that have moving parts, tools, in the process of its use (including primitive hand tools). In addition to industrial noise, household noise has recently begun to play an increasingly significant role, a significant proportion of which is traffic noise.

1.2 Noise levels. Basic concepts.

Main physical characteristics sound (noise) are the frequency, expressed in hertz (Hz) and the sound pressure level, measured in decibels (dB). A range of 16 to 20,000 vibrations per second (Hz) is within the range of human hearing and interpretation. Table 1 lists approximate noise levels and their corresponding characteristics and sound sources.

Table 1. Noise scale (sound levels, decibels).

Characteristic Sound sources
0 I can not hear anything
5 Almost inaudible the soft rustle of leaves
15 barely audible rustle of leaves
20 whisper of a person (at a distance of less than 1 m).
25 Quiet human whisper (more than 1m)
30 whisper, ticking of the wall clock.
The norm for residential premises at night, from 23 to 7 hours.
35 Quite audible muffled conversation
40 ordinary speech.
Norm for residential premises, from 7 to 23 hours.
45 normal conversation
50 clearly audible conversation, typewriter
55 Norm for class A offices
60 Noisy Norm for offices (offices)
65 loud talk (1m)
70 loud conversations (1m)
75 scream, laugh (1m)
80-95 Very noisy Scream / muffled motorcycle / railroad freight car (seven meters) subway car (7m)
100-115 Extremely noisy orchestra, subway car (intermittently), thunder. The maximum allowable sound pressure for headphones.
in an airplane (until the 80s of the twentieth century)
sandblasting machine
120 almost unbearable jackhammer distance less than 1m.
130 pain threshold plane at the start
135-145 Contusion the sound of a jet plane taking off / rocket launch
150-155 Contusion, injury
160 shock, injury shock wave from a supersonic aircraft

1.3 Disease caused by noise - pathogenesis and clinical manifestations

Since noise impact on the human body has been studied relatively recently, scientists do not have an absolute understanding of the mechanism of noise impact on the human body. However, if we talk about the impact of noise, the state of the hearing organ is most often studied. It is the human hearing aid that perceives sound, and accordingly, under extreme sound effects, the hearing aid reacts in the first place. In addition to the hearing organs, a person can also perceive sound through the skin (vibration sensitivity receptors). It is known that people who are deaf are able to not only feel the sound with the help of touch, but also evaluate sound signals.

The ability to perceive sound through the vibrational sensitivity of the skin is a kind of functional atavism. The point is that on early stages development human body the function of the organ of hearing was performed precisely skin. In the process of development, the organ of hearing has evolved and become more complex. As its complexity increased, so did its vulnerability. Noise exposure hurts peripheral department auditory system - the so-called " inner ear". It is there that the primary lesion of the hearing aid is localized. According to some scientists, overvoltage and, as a result, depletion of the apparatus that perceives sound plays a primary role in the effect of noise on hearing. Audiologists consider prolonged exposure to noise to be the cause that leads to impaired blood supply. inner ear and is the cause of changes and degenerative processes in the organ of hearing, including the degeneration of cells.

There is a term "professional deafness". It is relevant to people in those professions in which excessive noise exposure is more or less permanent. In the course of long-term observations of such patients, it was possible to fix changes not only in the hearing organs, but also at the level of blood biochemistry, which were the result of excessive noise exposure. To the group most dangerous impacts noise should be attributed to difficult to diagnose changes in the nervous system of a person exposed to regular noise exposure. Changes in the functioning of the nervous system are due to the close connections of the auditory apparatus with its various departments. In turn, dysfunction in the nervous system leads to dysfunction of various organs and systems of the body. In this regard, it is impossible not to recall the common expression that "all diseases are from the nerves." In the context of the issues under consideration, we can propose the following version of this phrase “all diseases from noise”.

Primary changes in auditory perception are easily reversible if the hearing has not been subjected to extreme stress. However, over time, with constant negative wobbling, changes can turn into persistent and / or irreversible. In this regard, it is necessary to control the duration of the effect of sound on the body, and keep in mind that primary manifestations“occupational deafness” can be diagnosed in people who have been working in noise for about 5 years. Further, the risk of hearing loss in workers increases.

To assess the state of hearing in persons working in conditions of exposure to noise, there are four degrees of hearing loss, presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Criteria for assessing the auditory function for persons working in conditions of noise and vibration (developed by V.E. Ostapovich and N.I. Ponomareva).

It is important to understand that the above does not apply to extreme sound exposures (see Table 1). The provision of short-term and intense impact on the organ of hearing can lead to complete hearing loss, due to the destruction of the hearing aid. The result of such an injury is complete hearing loss. Such an effect of sound occurs with a strong explosion, major accident etc.

Page 1

Industrial noise and vibration also have a harmful effect not only on the state of the hearing organs and the nervous system of workers, but also lead to hearing loss and deafness, and, consequently, to accidents at work. For example, when a toolmaker assembles a highly sensitive measuring device or listens to the operation of any machine, his organs of hearing and vision are involved simultaneously. This is especially true for people who are sensitive to noise, not only because of the profile of their work, but also because of the state of their health. Therefore, measures are needed to combat the production noise that occurs during straightening, cutting, riveting, embossing, stamping of sheet parts, as well as when trimming molded blanks using pneumatic drills.

Industrial noise is a combination of sounds of varying intensity and frequency.

Industrial noise disrupts the reception of information, which affects errors and injuries. Prolonged exposure to noise reduces hearing acuity, changes blood pressure, attention is weakened, vision deteriorates, there is a change in respiratory centers, which causes a change in the coordination of movement, in addition, the energy consumption increases significantly with the same physical load.

Industrial noise makes it difficult to hear sound signals in a timely manner and respond to them in a timely manner, which can lead to injuries, as well as to a decrease in labor productivity. Under the influence of high-intensity noise, the organ of hearing gets tired, as a result, hearing loss and deafness can develop. Intense noise causes changes in the cardiovascular system, arrhythmia appears, sometimes changes arterial pressure which weakens the body. Noise leads to disruption of the secretory and motor function stomach. Among working noisy industries, cases of gastritis are not uncommon, peptic ulcer. Sometimes noise causes insomnia.

Production noise that occurs during straightening, riveting, chasing, stamping, casting cleaning; tumbling drums, stumps and cuttings of castings with pneumatic tools, adversely affects the organs of the elukhe and the nervous system of workers.

Industrial noise, although indirectly, has an impact on the level of injuries. Studies have found that noise is the cause of reduced performance, impaired memory, attention, visual acuity and sensitivity to warning signals.

Industrial noise that interferes inside buildings arises from the operation of equipment, units and installations of factories and factories located at a small distance from residential buildings.

Industrial noise is normalized taking into account its frequency spectrum and the nature of the impact.

Occupational noise reduces performance, impairs memory, attention, visual acuity and sensitivity to warning signals. In cases where noise reduction is not possible, use individual funds protection - plugs, UTV swabs, anti-noise headphones.

Industrial noise is a collection of numerous chaotic unpleasantly perceived sounds, characterized by the loudness of the auditory sensation. The main source of noise in production is the operating equipment.

Industrial noise has a harmful effect on the hearing organs and the central nervous system. With prolonged exposure to noise, systematic fatigue of the auditory organs occurs, turning into occupational hearing loss. The action of noise also weakens the attention of a person and causes inhibition of the body's reactions to changes in the external environment, which can lead to an accident.

Industrial noise mainly affects: a) the hearing aid; b) on the central nervous system; c) on cardiovascular system; d) on gastrointestinal tract; e) on the musculoskeletal system.

Production noise - a set of sounds of varying intensity and frequency, randomly changing over time and causing unpleasant subjective sensations in workers.

Production noise

How are the harmful effects of occupational noise manifested?

Loud noise affects hearing, the nervous system, causing physiological and mental disorders in the activity of the human body: a decrease in attention, difficulty in responding to sound signals. As a result, efficiency decreases and the possibility of industrial injuries increases.

How is it customary to characterize the level of noise intensity or sound power?

Sound is the vibration of an elastic medium: solid, liquid or gaseous. Therefore, it is characterized by an oscillation frequency, the unit of which is hertz - one oscillation per second. Sound is perceived by a person if the oscillation frequency is in the range from 16-20 to 16000-20000 Hz.

To characterize the level of noise intensity or sound strength, a special unit is adopted - the decibel (dB), which evaluates the relative changes in sound strength, and not its absolute values.

Is there a relationship between the frequency of sound and its effect on the human body?

There is such a dependency. It has been established that the higher the frequency of sound, noise, the more negatively it affects the human body.

What noise level is considered harmless for workers?

Sanitary noise level standards are set depending on its frequency: the higher the frequency, the lower the norm.

According to the frequency composition, noise is divided into three classes:

I - low-frequency noise (noises of low-speed non-impact units, noise penetrating through soundproof barriers - walls, ceilings, casings). The highest levels of these noises in the spectrum are located below the frequency of 350 Hz.

For such noises allowable level- 90-100 dB.

II - mid-frequency noise (noises of most machines, machine tools, non-impact units). The highest levels of these noises in the spectrum are located below the frequency of 800 Hz. For such noise, the permissible level is 85-90 dB.

III - high frequency noise(ringing, hissing and whistling noises characteristic of gas flows, units operating at high speeds). The highest levels of these noises in the spectrum are located above the frequency of 800 Hz. For such noise, the permissible level is 75-85 dB.

Maximum permissible noise level depending on the sound frequency at the workplaces of drivers and service personnel tractors, self-propelled, trailed and other machines, as well as stationary units, the following:

How to determine the noise level in the workplace?

The noise level in the workplace is determined by sound level meters. In practice, the most common noise and vibration meter IShV-1.

What are the ways to deal with industrial noise?

The fight against industrial noise is carried out in several directions.

1. Noise reduction at the source of its occurrence due to constructive, technological and operational measures.

2. Weakening of noise propagating from its sources through the air and hull structures, through the use of sound absorption and sound insulation directly on machines, units and at their installation sites.

3. Replacement of equipment less noisy, the introduction of remote control; rational placement and planning of equipment operation time.

4. Personal prevention of employees. This includes measures to reduce harmful effects noise and vibration on the body of workers at the expense of personal protective equipment; organization rational regime labor; conducting periodic inspections, etc.

The above activities can be carried out separately, in various combinations or in a complex.

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