Why you need bone conduction headphones if you're not an athlete

Very often, when examining the female reproductive system, a biopsy of the uterus is used. The procedure is of several types and has certain indications for carrying out. In some cases, there may be negative consequences that you need to be aware of.

What is a uterine biopsy?

A biopsy of the uterus is a diagnostic method, the purpose of which is to examine the tissue for the presence of cancer cells. This method diagnostics allows you to absolutely establish whether there is a reproductive system oncological disease and prescribe appropriate therapy. The procedure is prescribed only for certain indications. It also allows you to clarify the diagnosis if dysplasia is suspected, to identify the presence of inflammation, erosion and other pathologies.

Before conducting this research method, it is necessary to make sure that there are no contraindications, as this can lead to negative consequences. Manipulation is performed without the use of anesthesia, since there are no pain receptors on the cervix. Anesthesia is used only if it is necessary to take several samples from different sites. The procedure is unpleasant, but gives nice results when diagnosing.

What are the indications and contraindications for the procedure?

A biopsy of the uterus is prescribed in cases where it is necessary to put accurate diagnosis. She does a colposcopy and a pap test. If suspicious areas are found during such studies, a biopsy is performed. Such moments may include:

The appearance of a white epithelium after exposure to acetic acid;

Lack of reaction of some of the sites during the iodine test;

Doubtful smear results for cytology;

Identification of pathological zones during colposcopy;

Positive test results for oncological papillomaviruses.

In addition to indications, there are also contraindications in which it is impossible to perform such a research method, since it can lead to various complications. The main contraindications for carrying out are:

Diseases that have an acute inflammatory nature;

Violation of a woman's blood clotting;

The period of gestation;


A biopsy is prescribed only if necessary, at the discretion of the doctor.

What are the types of procedure?

There are several types of uterine biopsy, each of which is selected to diagnose certain pathologies. To date, the following types are presented:

1. Electrosurgical. This research method involves the removal of tissue. It is carried out using a wire in the form of a loop, which is under the influence of current. Considered not the most the best way, as after its implementation, scars and scars may remain.

2. Puncture. It is considered the most common method, which is performed using a special needle. With its help, a small piece of cervical tissue is excised for analysis, which seems suspicious during colposcopy. A conchotomy biopsy is also performed in a similar way, only with the use of a knife-like instrument called a conchotome.

3. Conization. During the procedure, a surgical scalpel is used. With its help, a wedge-shaped fragment of the cervix is ​​​​removed, in which healthy areas of the tissue are also affected. This type The procedure is both therapeutic and diagnostic. It is performed under anesthesia.

4. Radio wave. For the study, a radiosurgical knife is used, with the help of which samples of suspicious fragments are taken. This method is most often used in cases where a woman plans to have a baby in the future.

5. Laser. Considered one of the most safe options the procedure, as it is less traumatic. When it is used, short-term anesthesia is provided.

6. Endocervical curettage. The method differs significantly from others. It involves scraping elements from the endocervical canal using a special curette. Manipulation is performed with the use of painkillers.

Which research option is the most optimal, the doctor determines, based on individual characteristics patient and her illnesses.

What are the consequences of a uterine biopsy?

A uterine biopsy is serious method diagnostics, which can lead to certain negative consequences. Most often, women experience the following symptoms:

Bleeding of rich scarlet or dark s blood clots shade;

Temperature rise;

Discharge with an unpleasant odor;

Pain in the lower abdomen, which may be mild or contraction-like

Small bouts of nausea.

Such symptoms may be present for a week after the procedure. To get rid of pain you can take a pain reliever. During the recovery period, there may be a discharge of a brownish tint, as well as small uterine bleeding. When vaginal discharge yellow color and have an unpleasant specific smell, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of the development of inflammation.

Also the reason to consult a gynecologist is the appearance heavy bleeding and high temperature. After a biopsy, the risk of infertility and miscarriage increases, since the integrity of the structure of the uterus is broken and scars may remain. The procedure is prescribed only in extreme cases when it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis or confirm the established one.

What recommendations should be followed after the procedure?

After a biopsy, a woman should follow certain recommendations during the recovery period. Their list includes:

After 6 days from the date of the procedure, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist again;

During the recovery period, it is necessary to refrain from sexual activity;

Pain medication may be prescribed immediately after the procedure;

During the day after the biopsy, it is contraindicated to take some medical preparations, use of tampons and vaginal ointments;

Avoid heavy lifting.

The recovery period is different for every woman. It largely depends on the method of biopsy and the use of anesthesia. When acute symptoms It is very important to consult a doctor in time, as various complications can develop.

A biopsy of the uterus is a fairly common research method that allows you to establish the presence of oncological and other diseases of the female reproductive system. However, without a strong need, it is better not to resort to it in order to avoid the risk of developing infertility and other pathologies.

/ In what cases is it necessary and how is the grinding of a wooden ceiling performed?

In what cases is it necessary and how is the grinding of a wooden ceiling performed?

Many people have come across the fact that wooden ceiling coverings lose their visual appeal over time. Wood can fade, have cracks that need to be repaired, or just get bored with the color of the paint that everything was painted with. In such cases, grinding of a wooden ceiling is almost always required.

In what cases is it needed

Oddly enough, most often sanding is required in new wooden houses, and not for repairing old coatings. Everything is explained quite simply: a new coating must be prepared for painting or varnishing, and for this, the plane must be flat and smooth.

The second case when this procedure cannot be dispensed with is the application of paint of a new shade. The old one will have to be removed and done with high quality, it is possible only with the help of grinding. You will also have to subject the coating to such a procedure when redecorating the ceilings is carried out, without cardinal changes - you need to remove a thin outer layer of wood to reveal the existing texture of the tree and its natural pattern.

Naturally, the coating will have to be sanded even when the material initially has any defects: knots, protruding splinters and other similar details. The surface must be brought to beautiful view so that after varnishing or staining no flaws spoil appearance ceiling.

What tools are needed

Unlike plastered ceilings, which, in most cases, are processed exclusively by hand, it will be a little easier to work with wood - a variety of power tools are used here, which greatly facilitate the work. At the same time, grinding a wooden ceiling can be done not even with specialized devices, but with that tool. Which is available almost always - with an ordinary drill.

Its productivity is not too high and large areas will require a lot of time and effort, but the result will still be better than when working. with bare hands and regular sandpaper. Sandpaper will be required in any case - a network of places where it is very difficult to get close with a bulky tool and you have to act the old fashioned way - with your hands.

The best option is to have a special grinder. It can be either a special tape or eccentric machine, or a standard “grinder” with a nozzle in the form of a round disk, to which special sandpaper circles are attached. A surface grinder will help to process not too large areas of the surface. Its performance is higher than that of a standard drill, but it will be tedious to work on large spaces.

What to remember

The first thing to understand is that sanding a wooden ceiling is a very tedious and time-consuming task. You will need not only a lot of time, but also physical strength to achieve an acceptable result. You have to work on your head and your hands will constantly get very tired. At the same time, the cost of work, even if self-fulfillment remains considerable - at first glance, grinding discs or a tape for a typewriter are not so expensive, but the main problem is that a lot of discs will be required, as well as sandpaper.

The second nuance is work experience. If you do not have it, it is better to turn to professionals or take an experienced person as mentors. Although the power tool greatly facilitates the work, it will not insure you against mistakes that will inevitably occur. At the same time, there is a chance not only not to make the plane beautiful, but to spoil it even more.

The last nuance is the tool. If it is already available, carefully read the instructions - some models of machines and drills will not be able to withstand a long load and you need to constantly give them a "rest". Otherwise, you will simply lose a specific device - the tool will simply burn out. When purchasing everything specifically for repairs, ask the seller which of the selected models is best suited for your tasks and do not give preference to the cheapest options - the miser pays twice.

What is shift work and when is it introduced? How is the shift schedule approved?

In accordance with Art. 103 TC shift work is work in two, three or four shifts. Shift work can be introduced in the following cases: when the duration of the production process exceeds the allowable duration of daily work, when there is a need for more effective use equipment, increase the volume of products or services provided.

In continuous production, shift schedules are used to ensure continuous maintenance of the production process. Typically, four-brigade shift schedules are used. At the same time, three teams work every day, each in its own shift, and one team rests.

The order of shift rotation can be direct (after the first shift, the employee goes to work in the second, and then in the third) or reverse (after the first shift, the employee works in the third, and then in the second, and the cycle repeats again). Direct shift rotation is more common because it matches the natural circadian rhythm of human activity.

Shift work is often associated with the use of summarized accounting of working hours (see article 104 of the Labor Code).

What rules must be observed when setting a shift schedule?

According to part 3 of Art. 103 of the Labor Code, when drawing up shift schedules, the employer takes into account the opinion of the representative body of employees. At the same time, the opinion of the representative body of employees is taken into account in the manner prescribed by Art. 372 of the Labor Code for the adoption of local regulations. Shift schedules, as a rule, are an annex to the collective agreement.

When drawing up a shift schedule, the guarantees established for employees should be taken into account. labor law: provision of weekly rest, compliance with the rules on the break between shifts, restrictions on overtime work, etc. In particular, if the number of working days and days off according to the schedule does not coincide with the calendar week, the transition from one shift to another must occur after the day off according to the schedule.

Shift schedules are brought to the attention of employees no later than one month before their introduction (part 4 of article 103 of the Labor Code). This rule must be strictly observed.

If the change in the schedule is associated with a change in the working hours determined by employment contract must comply with the requirements of Art. 74 TK.

The approved shift schedule must be observed by both the employee and the employer.

For those who work according to the shift schedule, an additional guarantee is established - the prohibition of work for two shifts in a row.

What is the peculiarity of the summarized accounting of working hours?

Summarized accounting of working time, in contrast to daily and weekly, allows for deviations in the length of working time per day and during the week from that established for this category of workers. At the same time, processing on some days (weeks) can be compensated for by underworking on other days (weeks) so that within a certain accounting period total duration working hours did not exceed the normal number of working hours for that period. Thus, the fulfillment of the labor norm - working off the normal number of working hours - is ensured not in a week, but over a longer period (month, quarter, year).

Summary accounting can be introduced only in cases where, due to the conditions of production (work), the daily or weekly working hours cannot be observed, for example, when shift work with a shift duration of more than eight hours, organization of work on a rotational basis, in continuously operating industries, etc.

Summary accounting can be entered for all employees of a given employer or for individual groups(categories) of workers.

Prior to the amendments to the Labor Code, the summarized accounting of working hours was used exclusively for employees who were assigned normal duration working hours (full or reduced). Part 2 Art. 104 in the current version provides for the possibility of introducing a summarized accounting of working hours for workers with part-time work.

Spiritual development

What permissive prayer? In what cases is it necessary?

February 22, 2017

The prayer of purification, read by a clergyman over a person after any rite has been performed, is called permissive. Considered in Orthodox faith that permissive prayer purifies human soul, relieves the burden of one's own sins, relieves one of "impurity". What does "impurity" mean in the church concept, we will explain below.

When is the permissive prayer read?

God, through the priest, forgives human sins through the "formula" of purification. This "formula" is the permissive prayer. It should be pronounced only in those cases when the believing Christian is really aware of his committed sins, mistakes and hated them. Only in that case a person cannot repent if this prayer is read at the funeral. So when is the permissive prayer read?

AT Orthodox Church There are only three cases when the forgiveness of sins occurs using the permissive prayer:

  • at the funeral;
  • after childbirth;
  • after confession.

Permissive prayer at the funeral

Everyone who considers himself a Christian must fulfill his religious duty and see his loved ones and relatives on their last journey with dignity. The church prays for the forgiveness of the sins of the dead not only at funeral services, memorial services. When a person is sent to eternity, the clergyman performs the funeral ceremony, then the burial takes place.

At the end of the funeral, the priest reads a permissive prayer. Its text is written on a sheet, which must be included in any burial set. After the prayer is read, it must be put into the right hand of the deceased.

In the text of such a prayer, petitions from all those who pray and on behalf of the priest for forgiveness of the deceased for his sins. This expresses the hope that the Lord will free, forgive a person from earthly sins and accept the deceased into paradise. In addition, the prayer asks to save the deceased from various curses that could be imposed on him by ill-wishers in life.

Thus, during the funeral ceremony, permissive prayer is a very important component of it. Priests call this prayer the main one for those who have departed to the other world. In the church, the permissive prayer is also called "roadway."

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Pregnancy and childbirth

AT modern world, as before, a pregnant woman is treated with awe and love. They protect her, strive not to enter into conflicts, yield in everything. But for the temple and religion, a woman waiting for her child, and a young mother is a ban. To visit the church, a cleansing or permissive prayer of the mother after childbirth is necessarily read, a certain ritual is performed. Surprised? But it is so. Even when baptizing her baby, before going to the temple, a woman goes through a similar ceremony. Young Christian women who respect the laws of the church should not only use permissive prayer, but also perform a rite, which in modern times often contains various errors. To avoid them, contact the priest, he will explain what a woman needs to do after childbirth and what to do before the baby is baptized.

Woman's impurity

According to the New Testament, a person can be defiled only by the soul, he cannot have physical impurity. But, unfortunately, this applies to men. A woman in Orthodoxy is subject to ritual physical impurity. We need to thank our progenitor Eve for this, who nevertheless succumbed to the tempting snake, and then “sold” the forbidden apple to Adam.

  • Impurity is "cyclical". AT critical days a woman is not allowed in the church. At this time, she is forbidden to touch the holy icons and take communion. As an exception, this is allowed to those who during such days lie on their deathbed.
  • Ancestral impurity. For forty days after the release from the burden (that is, after childbirth), women are considered unclean. They should refrain from going to church. As in the first case, they are also forbidden to receive communion and touch sacred objects.

Where did the concept of impurity come from in Christianity when a permissive prayer after childbirth is necessary for reading?

Orthodoxy borrowed the concept of this from Judaism. The book of Leviticus explains that a woman is unclean during her period and also for 40 days after giving birth. Prejudice against women in this matter is also evidenced by the fact that after the birth of a boy, a woman is unclean for 40 days, and if a girl is born, all 80. Because of Eve's original sin, such discrimination persecutes women in Christianity.

Laws of visiting the temple

Most young women cannot come to terms and understand why it is forbidden to enter the temple "unclean", as well as with a baby after childbirth. There are religious laws and reasons for this, which true Christians must observe. The bans go in the following order:

  • First, a woman after childbirth with spotting refers to unclean. At this moment, her body and she herself are cleansed of the consequences of dirt. sexual contact the Bible says so.
  • Secondly, the great law is that in the church it is a sin to shed blood in any form. Previously not available modern means hygiene, and there was a ban on visiting the temple.
  • Thirdly, the congestion of people in the church can adversely affect the health of the mother and her baby. This is especially true of epidemiological periods.

As can be seen from the above, not only religious reasons forbid attending church on such days. It is better to listen to the advice to avoid problems.

Prayer of Permissive Confession

The sacrament of repentance is a church ritual in which a person confesses his sins to a priest and asks him to let them go. After the one-sided monologue of the penitent, the priest forgives all sins, an invisible forgiveness from God occurs. At its core, confession is hard mental work. A man bares his soul before a priest - "the servant of the Lord." How does repentance work?

  • The priest says certain prayers that encourage the penitent to sincerely confess his sins.
  • A person, kneeling before the lectern, where the Gospel lies, voices his sins as before the Lord.
  • At the end of confession, the priest covers the head of the repentant with an epitrachelion (embroidered cloth).
  • The permissive prayer of the sacrament of confession is read, thanks to which the priest in the name of Christ frees the repentant from his sins.

Repentance for sins contributes to the fact that the soul of a person is cleansed, due to this there is a rapprochement and reconciliation with the Lord.

Shoe Warrantyprovided for by the law of the Russian Federation dated February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 "On consumer protection". In accordance with the law, in case of detection of defects in the purchased goods, the consumer has the right to file an appropriate claim. What is the warranty period for shoes and how to calculate it correctly, you will learn from our article.

Warranty period for shoes

The legislator has established a rule according to which the consumer can make a claim to the seller regarding the defects of the purchased goods during the entire warranty period.

There are 2 warranty periods for shoes:

  • set by the manufacturer of the product;
  • set by the seller of the goods.

The first term is mandatory, and the second is set at the discretion of the seller.

The seller, as a rule, establishes a guarantee for shoes from 14 to 30 days.

Mandatory warranty periods established by the legislator and observed by the manufacturer are calculated in accordance with a specific GOST:

  • GOST 26167:2009 "Casual footwear made of synthetic and artificial leather" - warranty period from 30 to 80 days;
  • GOST 2063-92 "Sports shoes" - 60 days;
  • GOST 19116 "Model footwear" - from 60 to 90 days;
  • GOST 26165: 2009 "Children's shoes" - 30 days;
  • GOST 1135-88 "Home and road shoes" - 30-35 days.

If the shoes were purchased at a seasonal sale, the warranty period also applies to them. At the same time, the guarantee does not begin to flow from the moment of purchase, but from the day when the season for wearing shoes comes.

The guarantee for shoes begins to be calculated with the onset of the corresponding season. The timing of the onset of the season is determined in each region based on the characteristics of the climate.

If we consider, for example, climatic conditions the European part of Russia, in particular Moscow and the Moscow region, then the seasons are determined by the following calendar periods:

  • winter - from November 1 to March 1;
  • spring - from March 1 to May 1;
  • summer - from May 1 to September 1;
  • autumn - from September 1 to November 15.

That is, if, for example, you are a resident of Moscow and bought winter shoes in the summer, it is quite logical that you will wear them no earlier than November. Therefore, the warranty period begins to flow from November. However, if you started wearing shoes out of season, quality claims will not be accepted.

As a rule, along with the shoes you are given a memo in which there is an indication of the warranty period. In some cases, such information can be seen on the information board in the store. Some regions issue Trading Rules certain types goods in which the seasons of the seasons are foreseen.

If you ordered shoes online or from a catalog, then in this case the moment of concluding the contract and depositing money may not coincide with the moment of transferring the shoes to the consumer. So when does the warranty period start? From the moment the shoes are handed over to the buyer.

What is covered by the footwear warranty?

As you know, shoes consist of the main part and accessories, which include various fasteners, buckles, decorations and heels. But very often, sellers assure buyers that the warranty does not apply to fittings. Is it so? No.

The footwear warranty also applies to accessories. By general rule If a separate warranty period for fittings is not established, then it is equal to the warranty period for the main product.

However, it is possible to make a claim after the expiration of the warranty period, both for shoes and accessories. The legislator clearly defines that in this case the consumer has the right to file a claim if the defects of the purchased goods were discovered within a reasonable time, but no later than 2 years from the date of purchase. That is, if you prove that defects in the product arose before the moment of purchase (for example, there was a hidden factory defect that “revealed” itself in rainy weather), then the seller has no right to refuse to satisfy your claim.

In most cases, this requires an appropriate examination. However, we recommend that you first write a claim to the seller, as he can satisfy it voluntarily. And only then, if the seller does not satisfy the claim, go to court and give the shoes for examination.

Winter footwear warranty

Although winter shoes is one of the simplest in its "content and configuration", in practice there are quite a few questions related to the guarantee for winter shoes.

A fairly common problem is that very often winter shoes are slippery, and it becomes impossible to walk in them. But is this case included in the guarantee for shoes in winter?

The first thing you need to do is send a claim to the seller (See below). How to return an item of inadequate quality?). If he refuses to voluntarily change shoes, then you have the right to go to court and conduct an examination. But we warn you right away - in this case you will need to prove that the shoes are made in violation of GOST and TU, production technology, etc. In addition, there is Article 1064 of the Civil Code, which clearly states that the seller is exempt from damages if he proves that the damage was caused through no fault of his own. That is, we recommend that you involve the shoe manufacturer as a third party.

In addition, some shoes are only worn when certain temperature and weather conditions due to the brittleness of the material. The seller must notify you of this. This is his duty, provided for in Article 10 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". If he did not, and your shoes were damaged as a result, you can safely file a claim.

Don't be afraid to defend your rights. If the seller voluntarily refuses to satisfy your claim related to low-quality shoes, and you are firmly convinced that the guarantee for the shoes is valid, go to court. No state duty is paid in consumer protection cases. In addition, if during the trial an examination was carried out, the results of which reveal that the seller is to blame for the shortcomings of the goods, he will pay for the services of an expert, regardless of who initiated the examination.

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