Eastern horoscope - Dog. Year of the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope: loyal, fair and very vulnerable people-Dogs in love, friendship and marriage

> Year of the Dog

People who born in the year of the dog, usually by nature quite calm and always on the alert, it is unusual for them to rest. They are trying to fight injustice. In relationships with other people, they are loyal and devoted, honest and noble. Sometimes dogs behave extremely selfishly and obstinately. In terms of emotions, they are very cold, reserved, and also uncommunicative, but on the other hand, they can criticize everyone indiscriminately.

Dogs always know what and how to fight. They have a certain goal, towards which they move in a direct way, without outside help, and often reach a happy ending. The dog perfectly copes with the position of leader and knows how to keep his own and other people's secrets, thanks to which everyone trusts her. When dealing with people, they are extremely cautious and prudent, as well as conscientious and friendly. There is constant internal tension in them, which is formed due to the lack of emotional breakdowns that allow you to throw out emotions.

The dog is feared by many for its cutting remarks, which always succeed. She is a big cynic and skeptic in life, a pessimist who does not expect anything good from life. She eventually reaches her life peak and does not try to achieve more.

By nature, dogs are loyal and impartial, due to the fact that they have a logical mind, a good sense of humor and they are very kind to everyone. Dogs are usually very responsible and faithfully fulfill any of their duties, they can be safely trusted without fear of betrayal on her part. She is quite secretive, does not like to open her soul and does not expect this from others, although no one knows how to listen so well and attentively. She justifies trust, remains faithful even in the most critical situations. She protests at the sight of any injustice, she will not reconcile herself, but will in every possible way correct the situation.

Sociable dogs love to relax in the circle of very close people, they can share their difficulties and not burden them with their problems, but dogs that are closed in themselves are usually not confident in their abilities and prefer to spend time alone, plunging into work.

Dogs often take leadership positions. Many of them became well-known teachers and educators, as well as politicians. Whatever work they do, it will be done honestly and efficiently. They are known for their hard work and good work ethic.

AT love relationships dogs are just as honest and smart, but for life path they may have love difficulties. In general, the life of a dog passes in some uncertainty. Nervous childhood, rather difficult growing up, older years in struggle, and in old age they regret the failed dreams of childhood, although they achieve their life goal.

Dog and Rat

The union can take place, it will have very peaceful partners. The Rat will give charm and a little sentimentality to the relationship, but the Dog will give practicality and a real idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife. But they will not be able to be friends, as well as build business relations with each other. This is due to the fact that the rat is too selfish, and the dog is a hard realist.

Dog and Bull

They have a lot in common, but such an alliance is often very tedious and boring. It will be even more boring for them to be friends, and business relationships will not stick together due to the lack of common ideas.

Dog and Tiger

Such an alliance will push partners to seek adventure and fight for justice together, and the Dog will help the Tiger without being noticed. Friendship is possible, but it often ends quickly. Business relationships can only be built if they are not related to financial or commercial activities.

Dog and Rabbit

It's just a wonderful union. Both partners do not like change, they prefer boring home life. The dog loves to take advice given by the rabbit. There will be good mutual understanding in the house, if friendship arises, then it is always long and lasting. Rabbits are always the confidant of Dogs, even if there is nothing else they can do to help. In business relations, this union will also be ideal. The rabbit will help the dog in everything.

dog and dragon

Such a union should be avoided. Often such a union develops into hatred, and the feeling of love remains only in the past. Friendship is also unlikely. The dog will not notice the empty brilliance of the Dragon, and he cannot do without it. The business relationship is doomed to failure, as the Dog sees through the Dragon, and he can only leave the stage.

Dog and snake

The union is extremely unfortunate. The snake will be too demanding of a partner, and the friendship between them will be very difficult. It is best for them to stick to secular relationships. Business relations develop only when the dog agrees to perform menial work.

Dog and Horse

This is a wonderful union, they have a lot in common, and they will complement each other. The Horse will give the Dog independence and the right to defend great things. Friendship is strong. Business relations will develop only when they work in various fields but with the same purpose.

Dog and goat

Union will not work out. They will spend for a long time to solve those problems that would be solved one by one in minutes. Goats are too capricious for Dogs, friendship is very short-lived. Business relationships will also not work out, the Dog will be engaged in serious business, and the Goat will only think about its own benefit.

Dog and Monkey

Such an alliance is highly questionable. They are big cynics who have no illusions. Friendship is in question, and in business relations they will not be useful. On the one hand, there will be fear, and on the other, suspicion.

Dog and Rooster

The union is possible only as an exception, if the female Rooster manages to lure the Dog home for an evening date. Friendship has no prospects, and business relations will only lead to disaster and bankruptcy.

Dog and Dog

They have quite a lot in common, but there will not be much happiness between them. They are too disinterested and they will have periodic financial difficulties that the family budget cannot withstand. Friendship is very strong. Business relationship will not come out.

Dog and Pig

The union will be very good if they do not have life claims. There will be devotion in the relationship and good compatibility. Friendship will develop deep and true, and business relationships are possible, not recommended due to the fault of the honesty of the Dog, which does not think about its own profit at all.

Beautiful, graceful, naturally attractive - in front of you is a woman whose year of birth is Dog. She has a delicate taste and a special style that is not subject to fashion trends. This woman is much more active and ambitious than a man of the same sign. She clearly knows what she wants from life, and wit and exactingness in every possible way accompany advancement along the path of life.

She is modest in society, and noisy companies and parties are far from her role. The Dog Woman has a rather pessimistic outlook on things and, pricking up her ears, expects the worst from life. To others, she may seem detached and indifferent, but in reality this is not the case. It’s just that the Dog Woman does not consider it necessary to dedicate strangers to her experiences and will open her soul only to a truly close friend. As a rule, she spends energy on several things at once and, as a result, is in constant

The Dog Woman combines the best human qualities, but, of course, she also has flaws. She really knows how to make friends, moreover, the Dog is the most faithful and devoted sign of all. She never loses friends, moreover, over the years she acquires new, at the same time no less valuable contacts and true friends. A dog knows how to keep secrets better than anyone else.

One of important qualities such a woman is the ability to introspection. Undoubtedly, this is its significant advantage. Also, the Dog Woman can analyze her actions and deeds for long evenings, while the main events seem to flow past her.

Quite often, a Dog woman can be dependent on people who are important to her, whether they are friends or lovers. In friendship, such a woman has an emotional connection in the foreground.

The Dog Woman will be ideal as a wife for almost any man. She is perfect mother, who knows how to find an approach to children, but loves to create her own rules in everything and expects that everyone around will follow them.

For this woman, it is very important to do something for the benefit of society and improve this world. The fight against injustice becomes important part her life.

Such women in love have modesty, developed intelligence, insight and wisdom. But in the presence of all these advantages, the Dog Woman is not very confident in herself and is full of complexes. It takes a long time to get closer, but if this happens, you can be sure that you have forever taken a place in the fragile heart of the Dog.

Since the Dog Woman is imperious, she needs a man much stronger in spirit, older and wiser, then she will feel complete comfort next to him and will be satisfied with the role of a fragile beloved woman.

The Dog Woman draws inspiration from outside, she is devoted to her husband and children, but she needs uninterruptible source inspiration, which is most often travel, different kind hobby or business. Therefore, the leash in the hands of her husband should not be too short, because there is no need for this, she is incredibly faithful to the only man in her life. Anyone who understands her longing for active image life and change of impressions, will be appreciated by her at times

Dog Woman loves romance and a subtle mental device, she will be pleased with a date under open sky, scenic spots and entertainment events.

Such a lady can hardly be called a careerist. She will be quite satisfied with the role of the right hand of the leader. The Dog Woman will become indispensable in this role, since the leadership appreciates her wise advice, because she is able to grasp the essence of the situation and accept it in time the right decision. Material wealth is far from being the main position in life; relationships with the close environment are much more important for her.

In the work process, she is pedantic, knows what she wants. Does the job quickly and efficiently, always bringing things to the end.

As a leader, the Dog Woman is fair and authoritative, the opinion of such a boss is listened to, and the point of view is respected. She is used to taking most duties on themselves, and from others to demand high-quality performance, while remaining sensitive and attentive to subordinates.

It is vital for a Dog Woman to feel needed by this world and find a use for herself, because if this does not happen, she falls into melancholy, and under such circumstances, her loved ones have a hard time.

Years of birth according to the sign of the Dog - 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Man Dog - personality trait

Dog Man has a whole set positive qualities. He is intelligent, honest, kind, generous, fair and lives by the laws and code of honor.

The Dog Man is active and knows how to find a common language with many people. His pleasant manners and cheerful disposition allow him to be a welcome guest in any company.

The Dog Man is always the first to be where the trouble happened or next to those who need help. Very often a man is born in for everything that happens in the world around him, and he cannot be absolutely happy as long as at least one person remains unhappy.

The Dog Man is full of enthusiasm and nobility. He is brave and honest, well-mannered and always in great shape, filled with respect for others and expects the same in return. He is attentive and dexterous, does not lose sight of a single detail and is famous for his powers of observation. A man born in the year of the Dog believes in morality and prides himself on his directness and the fact that he can be relied upon. He, a fighter for justice, will not hesitate to point out to the smoker the inscription "Smoking is prohibited" and, without hiding, will express his suspicions if he does not trust someone.

In choosing friends for a male Dog, the main thing is emotional contact, spiritual aspiration, the principles of brotherhood, equality and freedom. Most men born under this sign do not like noisy companies, revelry, various events where a lot of people gather, and especially if there is indulgence of base instincts. He is more pleased to go to the cinema or to a restaurant than go to conquer the mountain peaks. Also, the Dog man is not indifferent to food, loves the kitchen different countries and is not afraid to try exotic dishes.
It is easy to communicate with a Dog man. He almost never argues and does not defend his point of view, is restrained in emotions and manifestations, not stubborn and good-natured. However, with less close people, he behaves suspiciously, incredulously and experiences constant feeling anxiety. Many Dog men have a pessimistic view of the world. The fact is that they perfectly feel the strengths and weaknesses of other people and are very picky about their own positive aspects and critical of shortcomings. The Dog Man will never criticize others, but is constantly engaged in self-digging and self-flagellation. He has a "black humor" and often makes fun of himself. He is too critical to be an optimist. In most cases, the Dog man is skeptical of the world.

Although the Dog man has difficulty expressing his thoughts, he has an exceptional flair and quickly makes up his mind about who he is talking to. In dealing with him, you need to remember that he absolutely cannot stand cunning and lying people. The Dog Man subconsciously divides all people into two categories: either a friend or an enemy. For him, there are no halftones and multi-colored stripes. Everything in the world is black and white. Before letting a person approach him, the Dog man checks him, finds out all the positive and negative sides, observes the reaction and then makes a decision: is it a friend or an enemy. He stares for a long time and lets units approach him. But if you become his friend, then this is for life. Patient and compliant with his friends, he is equally impatient, uncompromising and ruthless towards those he considers an enemy. Also, a man born in the year of the Dog has a quality that distinguishes him from other signs. Eastern horoscope. This is vindictiveness. If someone offends the Dog-man, his friends or loved ones, then there will be no mercy or forgiveness for this person. He is vindictive and will remember all his life how badly he was treated. And within the framework of the thirst for revenge, he is ready to step over any norms of morality and morality, committing acts worthy of all condemnation. But, to the honor of the Dog man, it should be noted that he resorts to this extreme only in the most egregious injustice cases.

The Dog Man does not strive to be the first in anything. He does not want to be a pioneer and prefers to follow the beaten path. It is in his nature not to lead people, but to work hard for the good of the common cause, without demanding recognition of his merits.

The Dog-Man is not prone to hoarding, he does not need material wealth, and often, even with a good salary, he is content with a modest lifestyle. For him more important than attitude family, work and good opinion surrounding. However, if he needs money, he can get it better than others.

The Dog Man is a very talented and gifted person, but he is full of complexes that prevent him from achieving success in all endeavors. His many abilities are overwhelmed by endless doubts and insecurities about own forces. To maintain performance and unlock potential, he needs the support and encouragement of others. In addition, according to the eastern horoscope, the Dog is a karmic sign. He serves someone all his life, remaining in the shadows, forgetting about his interests. He does not know how to live for himself, enjoying and rejoicing. If he is asked for help, he will do everything in his power, but he himself will never complicate others with his problems. And thanks to increased intuition, he anticipates troubles with loved ones, and tries to take them upon himself. Those close to him are the most precious thing to him. For their sake, he is ready to sacrifice a lot, even personal happiness.

Man of the Year Dog - career

As a rule, a man born in the year of the Dog lacks ambition and the desire to be a leader. It's enough for him to be right hand leader and the first among secondary persons with the main person. The Dog Man knows how to quickly navigate the situation, give advice and tips in time. Therefore, it is easy for him to fulfill the role of an adviser and assistant. He knows his place perfectly and can become a professional in any business. He quickly learns everything, has a strong mind and easily finds the right solution. Business executives usually appreciate such assistants because they are diligent, hardworking, loyal to the cause, do not require large remuneration, and, most importantly, do not even think of taking a leadership position.

The Dog Man can do the hardest work and is especially indispensable in all sorts of emergency situations and emergency situations.

Despite the fact that the Dog man is a very gifted person and he has qualities that allow him to succeed in any profession, he often lacks a goal and driving motives, and self-doubt, stiffness and indecision also interfere. He needs constant support for his actions from the environment. But if he has good leader, or a powerful driver in the form of family debt, then he will be able to achieve great results and take a high position.

A man born in the year of the Dog is distinguished by diligence, openness, honesty. He is also responsible, always brings the work he has started to the end, and strives to complete them as efficiently and quickly as possible. He can be entrusted with any, the most responsible business. For this person, the main thing is to understand the meaning of the requirements placed on him, he must represent ultimate goal what is required of him, and then everything will be done ahead of time and in the best possible way.

If a Dog man occupies the post of head of an enterprise, then, as a rule, he enjoys great authority among his subordinates, since he is distinguished by justice, the ability to listen and help, compassion, does not leave unfinished business, and prefers to solve the most difficult ones on his own, without putting anything on the shoulders of others. The Dog Man is not vain, and even holding a high position remains modest, amiable, generous, easy to communicate with.

For a man born in the year of the Dog, it is important to feel that he is doing something useful for humanity, even if it will bear fruit in millennia. If there is such faith, then he will move mountains, otherwise he will not budge.

If the Dog man does not find a use for himself, then he will become melancholic, grumpy, will engage in self-discipline and see the enemy more and more often in every person.

Most men born in the year of the Dog prefer professions related to art and the humanities. They love literature, archeology, biology, history, some have the gift of clairvoyance and can predict the future. It is better for them not to deal with professions related to finance, since they are overly generous and disinterested and do not know how to manage money wisely, neither their own nor those of others. Many Dog Men can pursue careers in interior design and real estate sales. They feel great the world and help you choose right place for recreation, trade, restaurant, etc.

Often a man born in the year of the Dog can be found in a trade union, he can be the head of a large public organization, engage in guardianship, protection of the interests of the disabled, orphans. He knows how not only to create conditions for recreation, but also to help the homeless and the poor. Having wonderful business qualities, the Dog man always inspires confidence in others, and is usually respected and appreciated for his good, honest and responsible work.

In the year of the Dog were born such famous people like Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, Socrates. Also, according to the eastern horoscope, many holy martyrs were born in the year of the Dog. Their excellent knowledge of psychology leads to the fact that they become psychotherapists or priests - after all, people turn to them at the most critical moments of their lives.goroskorty.com/node/3032

Horoscope men Dog - love and family

A man born in the year of the Dog is handsome, charming, kind and generous. He is well versed in feminine nature and skillfully manipulates the weaknesses of women. As a rule, he is expressive and sensual, sexy and gallant, trying to look like a "fatal man". With this man, it is very easy to get along and very easy to leave. He lives with the heart, not the mind, and cannot live without sexual pleasures, romantic relationships and hobbies. But, he does not like fleeting romances and from an early age he is looking for a caring, “warm” woman with whom he could create happy family. It is very important for him that his companion has a strongly developed maternal instinct, because he himself loves children very much.

A man born in the year of the Dog is considered a very loyal and devoted partner. He is a wonderful family man, a homebody, thirsting for the warmth of the hearth. For a beloved woman and for a family, a Dog man is ready for anything.

Often the Dog man meets the most important love in his life in early youth and is faithful to her soul to the end. As a spouse, he is very loyal, but also mistrustful and cautious. And nervousness, anxiety and jealousy prevent him from being absolutely happy. Often he is insecure about the feelings of his partner and as a result becomes pessimistic and unhappy. The woman who connected her life with him will need to constantly prove her love to him and make sure that he has confidence in the future.

The Dog Man is rather unpretentious in terms of living conditions. Can be content with the most minimal comfort. Life with him, as a rule, is rather monotonous, but he is subconsciously looking for that woman who will not have any special, “outlandish” requirements for life and relationships. It is important for him that she adhere to ancient traditions, and first of all be a wife and mother, protecting the hearth, and only then performing other social roles. At the same time, she must perfectly cope with the role of courtesan, cook, nurse and was a devoted and loyal friend. , care, care and support in difficult times. But, in turn, he himself gives her everything that he has and remains faithful to the end of his life.

In women, the male Dog most of all does not like rudeness and bad manners. He is jarred by women who use obscene words, wear miniskirts, talk about open relationships, and even with a cigarette in their mouths. He needs the opposite. The attention of a male Dog will be attracted by a quiet, calm woman who likes to spend evenings at home, and not at noisy events. It is necessary that she be educated and well-read and be able to share her impressions until the morning. Next to such a woman, a man born in the year of the Dog will feel cozy and comfortable. In addition, the Dog man is a great worker, and he will require the same from his partner. A lazy person will not be able to win his love, and, moreover, he will despise her as completely useless to society.

In the family, as in life, the Dog man does not seek to be a leader. He will calmly give the reins of government to his wife, the main thing is that she does it calmly and “without fireworks”, easily and gently directing his actions in the right direction. It is important for the Dog Man to know that his opinion is taken into account. Therefore, a woman living with him needs to ask his advice and ask for help as often as possible. This will bring great joy to the Dog-man and he will feel even more needed. You will let him know that for you he is a real man, on whose shoulder you can always lean. And to keep this man near you forever, it is enough to show him your love. It's so little and so much at the same time. A man born in the year of the Dog simply melts when his beloved gives him her love and attention, makes small pleasant gifts. And the one who will arrange for him a candlelit dinner or a romantic evening under the moonlight will be remembered by him for a lifetime.

Years of the Dog: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006.

The dog is a pet. She faithfully serves her master - life partner, children, friends. She helps others more than herself. By Chinese horoscope if the Dog manages to find a good, kind owner and friend for himself, his life will turn out happily. Otherwise, her life will be full of difficulties.

Dog according to the Chinese horoscope: Astropsychological characteristics

The dog, according to the Chinese horoscope, is a whole, deep nature. She is smart, ironic, has high intellectual abilities, a logical mind and straightforward thinking. Nature rewards the Dog with many bright talents: she is a brilliant speaker, a great storyteller and a deep philosopher ahead of her time.

Like no one else, she defends her point of view with reason and usually wins disputes and disputes. She is famous for her diligence, honesty, high efficiency, but at the same time she does not seek to win the heights of fame, to make a career.

As a rule, she is content with the middle, skipping others ahead. To achieve success in life, she clearly lacks ambition. Despite this, there are many talented politicians, directors, actors, and journalists among the Dogs. Dogs are undoubtedly gifted people.

Many Dogs selflessly fight for truth and justice. With foam at the mouth, they defend their point of view, while forgetting that the fighters for the truth do not die by their own death. Such Dogs need to remember that there is no single universal truth.

Each person has his own truth and you should not impose your opinion on others. If a person fancies himself higher and smarter than others, this is already pride. And pride is punishable. Imposing your point of view on others has never done anyone any good.

In the life of such a person, unexpected problems and difficult-to-treat diseases appear. There is a parable about this: Once, on a clear, fine day, an old seasoned wolf had breakfast with a hare. After a while, the wolf appeared before God.

Well, the hare, of course, too. God asks the hare: "Tell me, what is your truth?" The hare replies: "My truth is that I want to peacefully pluck grass, produce children and live in harmony with nature, without touching or offending anyone."

Then God asks the wolf: "Wolf, what is your truth?" The wolf replies: "I am not a sheep or a hare. I will stretch my legs from the grass. My truth is that I want to eat, and preferably young and healthy hares."

There is only one conclusion from this parable: there is only one truth in the world: "The world, and therefore God, is just." There is no other truth. Of course, everyone tries to prove that his truth is more truthful, that only he understands the truth. But ultimately it stems from his own pride.

In general, the whole life of the Dog is full of worries: problems with parents in childhood, youth full of conflicts, growing skepticism in the years of maturity, regrets about unfulfilled dreams in old age.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the dog is a karmic sign. She serves someone all her life, remaining in the shadows, forgetting about her interests. She does not know how to live for herself, enjoying and rejoicing. Outwardly, the Dog looks energetic, but in fact it has little energy.

Dog according to the Chinese horoscope: business qualities

If the Dog receives a task, then she will try to complete it as quickly and efficiently as possible. She brings any business to the end. Thanks to her excellent business qualities, she inspires confidence in people around her.

She is respected and encouraged for Good work. The dog is held proudly and independently. She knows her place perfectly and can become a professional in any business. She quickly learns everything, has a strong mind and easily finds the right solution.

We recommend that business leaders take the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope as a close assistant: she is diligent, hardworking, loyal to her cause, does not think of taking a leadership position, does everything efficiently and quickly, and does not require a large reward. Usually, those around appreciate the business qualities of the Dog and try to keep it near them.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Dog does not seek luxury. Material wealth is not the main thing for her. She is disinterested and can be content with a very modest lifestyle. For her, relationships in the family, at work and a good opinion of others are more important.

The dog does not like mass gatherings, crowds. Being a pessimist, she does not believe in a bright future and periodically falls into depression. In most cases, the Dog is skeptical about the world. She is secretive, does not like to confess and does not expect confessions from others. If she is asked for help, she will do everything in her power, but she herself will never complicate others with her problems.

Dog according to the Chinese horoscope in a relationship

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Dog is hypersensitive, she is always on the alert. Possessing heightened intuition, she anticipates troubles with loved ones, and tries to take them upon herself. Those closest to her are the most precious to her. For their sake, she is ready to sacrifice a lot, even personal happiness.

The Dog has a sharp nose for everything: for love, for treason, for good connections, for the opportunity to earn money. Anyone can envy her connections. Thanks to them, she could make herself a warm place under the sun, but, unfortunately, she rarely uses her brilliant abilities. When communicating with the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope, one must remember that she absolutely cannot stand cunning and deceitful people. Whenever possible, she tries to either "bark" or "bite" them. She is a good friend for an honest person, sincere and frank.

If there is no love and understanding between the spouses in the family, the Dog can take a walk on the side (it is difficult for her to live without love affairs). But if necessary, she will always be there, will help and care.

At any moment she is ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of her husband (wife) and children. She loves her children unconditionally. Helps them to get back on their feet and guides them throughout their lives. For them, she is ready to "bite the throat" of anyone, although she does not differ in particular aggressiveness.

She always lives in the interests of the family, enjoys the company of close people and supports them in difficult times. There is no easy life with her, but her responsibility is favorable for the family.

In love, the Dog is a romantic. She loves more real person but an ideal created by the imagination. Her love is blind. Therefore, in love, she will find many disappointments that can unsettle her for a long time.

If the Dog, according to the Chinese horoscope, is limited in its freedom of movement (put it on a chain), it becomes an evil creature. In such cases, the feeling of love for the owner quickly dies, and in almost every person she begins to see the enemy. These dogs do not live long.

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Dogs

DOG - RAT. Strained relations. They are not interested in each other. The rat will rule.

DOG - BULL. Very tense relationship, no mutual understanding. Stormy emotions. The dog will sit on the Bull's neck.

DOG - TIGER. Harmonious Union. Energy Compatibility. But the optimistic Tiger does not really like the pessimism of the Dog.

DOG - HARE. Difficult relationships, no understanding. There will be many difficulties in the family union.

DOG - DRAGON. Tensions, it is difficult for them to understand each other. Energy incompatibility of an optimistic visionary with a pessimistic skeptic.

DOG - SNAKE. Marriage and business are undesirable. The snake will overwhelm the Dog.

DOG - HORSE. Harmonious Union. energy compatibility. For the Dog, this is the best option.

DOG - GOAT. Two pessimists who are always unhappy with each other. They don't want to be together.

DOG - MONKEY. Difficult relationship. Energy incompatibility. family union and joint business are undesirable.

DOG - COCK. A very difficult relationship. Lots of emotions. The most unfortunate option for the Dog. The Rooster will completely subdue the Dog.

DOG - DOG. Energy compatibility, but it is better for them to limit themselves to friendship. In marriage and joint business, material difficulties are inevitable.

DOG - BOAR. The Boar is condescending towards the Dog and takes care of it. The dog bites the Boar and tries to benefit from their relationship. The Dog has a consumer attitude towards the Boar.

Relationships for the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope

Ideal relationship - Horse, Tiger, Dog. Convenient relationship - Ox, Boar. Dangerous relationship - Rooster, Dragon.

Weaknesses of the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope

Pessimism, uncertainty about the future, stubbornness, inner fussiness, sharpness in assessments, sometimes arrogance. Chinese horoscope dog ordinary life too much self-digging and self-biting, in bad mood may bark or bite. This is one of the ways of energy vampirism.

It is difficult for her to choose a goal in life, therefore, without a stronger person nearby, her opportunities and talents remain unfulfilled.

Throughout his life, the Dog is haunted by problems in love. The dog is a gulena, a walker, a great lover of the opposite sex. Sex is often treated like a sport.

Man - Dog according to the Chinese horoscope

Man - Dog for a friend, beloved woman and children is ready for anything. He is sullen, caustic, melancholy, often suffers from low self-esteem and therefore does nothing to make a career. His many abilities are overwhelmed by endless doubts and self-doubt.

To maintain performance and unlock potential, he needs the support and encouragement of others. According to the Chinese horoscope, the man - the Dog - is a pessimist. If his beloved woman betrayed him, he plunges into depression and does not want to trust anyone else.

Loyalty of the Dog is, most likely, attachment to the owner. He easily turns on and throws numerous mistresses, but at the same time he tries to save his family. When marrying a Dog man, you will surely face the problem of betrayal, but you are unlikely to be able to re-educate your husband.

With a man - a Dog according to the Chinese horoscope, it is easy to get along, and it is also easy to disperse. At the same time, there is a feeling that you personally have not lost anything. Perhaps this feeling remains because the man - the Dog lacks optimism, stability and self-confidence.

Woman - Dog according to the Chinese horoscope

Due to the appearance and demeanor, the Dog Woman makes an impression strong personality. She is uncompromising, ambitious, generous, does nothing half-heartedly, has a huge reserve of patience. She has a masculine logical mind, a strong character and enough perseverance to achieve goals.

She is undoubtedly smart, intelligent, romantic, but at the same time passive and not self-confident enough. She does a lot of self-digging and self-eating, therefore, despite her abilities, life often passes her by, and she remains only a spectator.

In work, a woman - a Dog according to the Chinese horoscope is disciplined and responsible, has excellent organizational skills, often achieves goals using sex. In cheerful companies behaves with restraint.

The Dog Woman is soul devoted to the hearth, to children. But sexual fidelity is not to be expected from her. In the choice of sexual partners is not picky.

In love, she is always looking for the ideal. Her husband loves her, is jealous, but at the same time easily leaves for the sake of a new love, without regretting it at all. She needs a hard and strong man nearby, which would help her find her way and realize creative possibilities.

Astromagical abilities of the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope

Everyone knows the folk sayings: "The dog barks - the caravan goes" or "The dog barks, but does not bite." They accurately reflect the essence of a person born in the year of the Dog.

In any Dog is laid huge potential devotion. For myself, for fulfillment own desires The dog won't even move. But if there is a mortal danger for her loved ones or, even worse, for her children, then hold on! For the sake of their salvation, the Dog will do anything, up to self-sacrifice.

First, the Chinese Zodiac Dog will try to use its own physical strength(in simple cases! their connections and money (in more complex ones), if any. If this is not enough, then she can turn to the magicians for help. In this case, the move will be made by clairvoyants who will put the Dog on the "trace" (will give information about the enemies and tell you what to do next).

In extreme cases, when you need to act quickly and decisively, the magic of sacrifice is used. At a critical moment, the Dog has no fear, she is determined and ready to act to the end. It is in this that all the power of the Dog lies, therefore it is not recommended to offend her loved ones.

In everyday life, when no one needs to be saved, the Dog does not do magic. She, of course, is interested in psychology, parapsychology, the occult sciences, she even studies this in various courses, but mainly in terms of protecting herself and her family from magical influences.

Combat magic will interest the Dog rather theoretically, for the development of horizons. If the Dog does not like you, he will gladly bark or bite you. From this, her mood rises (gained energy from others).

Most people born in the year of the Dog read a lot, their bookshelves are littered with literature, including magic. Theoretically, they know what and how to do in a ritual, sexual or village magic but will never apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

"Why?" - you ask. Yes, because the Dog from the tips of the ears to the tip of the tail is a realist. She only believes in what she can actually see and touch. (The bone is either there or it is not). And everything else - the energy capabilities of a person, spells and all sorts of magic - is beyond her understanding and is not within the scope of her interests. We must not forget that the Dog - a great skeptic treats miracles incredulously.

In addition, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Dog is not ambitious, and purposeful people who have the desire to achieve a lot in this life are engaged in magic. Sometimes the Dog gets the highest magic, but this happens rarely and spontaneously.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Dog has excellent intuition by nature. But even in the field of divination, it does not go beyond the everyday, everyday level.

Dogs rarely become professional clairvoyants. To do this, you need to work a lot on yourself, and the Dog is too lazy. It is better to lie down in the sun and take a nap under its warm rays.

The Dog does not charge amulets and talismans, food and things, cleanse the energy of various objects and objects. Most often, she simply does not believe in it, and if she does, then she does not have much personal energy to spend it on all sorts of little things.

But to harvest the herbs, roots, berries necessary for health - the Dog is capable of this and does it with great pleasure. She loves nature, forest, village life.

In general, the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope is a peace-loving creature. She does not wish harm to anyone, therefore, she will never do evil eye or damage to anyone. If part of the property is taken away from the Dog, for example, they take a large amount money in debt and will not be returned - then she would rather forgive the debt than unleash a war and wage it to a victorious end.

A better friend than a Dog is hard to imagine. Therefore, choose your friends and business partners among people born in the year of the Dog. You won't regret it!

How to influence the Dog with the help of psychology and magic

"Who would even raise a hand against such a devoted creature as the Dog?" - perhaps, you ask. But anything happens in life. So the Dog is "biting". And then what to do with this dog?

Before applying magical ways impact on the Dog, try to take a purely worldly approach. If the Dog, according to the Chinese horoscope, has become "biting", then her life is completely "dog-like", which means that someone brought her to such a state. Therefore, she throws herself at everyone indiscriminately. And you show kindness and patience.

Try to call her to a heart-to-heart talk. If you do this tactfully, the Dog will certainly respond and in the future will become for you best friend always ready to help. After all, what does the Dog need? A good, attentive owner (friend) who will take care of her. And psychotherapy sessions as needed.

In the event that you crossed the road, well, very much angry dog, which is extremely rare, and you have no other choice but to apply magical effect- then the "arsenal" of magic is quite wide here. It remains only to choose the "weapon" to your liking.

The surest thing is to influence the Dog through food and things. Although the Dog has a strong intuition ( dog scent), but in a state of rage, she cannot correctly (objectively) assess the situation. And some people use it.

With the help of a conspiracy, they put the necessary information on food, especially meat and sweet dishes, on alcohol (even better) and treat the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope. Or they give her a gift - a box of charms chocolates. Naturally, the more candies, the higher the effect.

Sometimes they give a bottle of expensive wine. And for a woman - French perfume. Of course, information is also applied to wine and perfume. The right conspiracy is currently not difficult to find. As life shows, most often in relation to Dogs, conspiracies are used against adultery or aversion to alcohol.

Keep in mind: than more expensive gift, the weaker the "scent" of the Dog works. Money is also energy, only coarser than the energy of a living being. However, the energy of money works wonders, and we all see it every day.

Sometimes necessary information applied to leather, wood, metal objects. Here is a case from our practice: colleagues gave a woman born in the year of the Dog a wall clock for a housewarming party. She felt that the gift was coming negative energy but didn't get rid of it.

After some time, her husband left her, she quarreled with adult children and got a heart attack. But she still managed to get out of this difficult situation. The world is not without good people who, in difficult times, gave her their shoulder.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the dog lends itself well to training, so it can be influenced with the help of higher magic. She always keeps her nose to the wind, that is, she reads the information around her and is "saturated" with your desires. But the information should be positive in relation to the Dog and its relatives.

We emphasize once again: if you want to defeat the Dog, in no case do evil to her relatives, and especially to children. Otherwise, it is still unknown who will win this fight.

The use of fortune-tellers and clairvoyants against the Dog is possible, but not very effective. As already mentioned, the Dog has excellent intuition and common sense: and if the information of the clairvoyant does not correspond to the personal ideas of the Dog, then she simply will not believe in the prediction.

And it’s better to still make the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope your friend! It is no coincidence that the people have another saying: "A dog is a man's best friend."

Most of the world lives in the Eastern Chinese calendar. As you know, it has 12 different animals - symbols of the year. Many people want to know what character traits the year of birth gives him and what is in store for him as a person born in the year of the Dog? Each year has its own characteristic, and each has its own. In this article, we will consider personality traits people who were born in the year of the Dog.

When was and will be the Year of the Dog?

According to the chronology, there is a 60-year cycle, divided into 5 parts of 12 years. Each year is assigned one animal in the following order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. In addition, each year corresponds to a certain element: Earth, Water, Fire, Wood and Metal, also divided by colors: blue, red, yellow, white, black.

As already mentioned, there are 12 varieties of the symbolic affiliation of the year, that is, each of them will repeat again after 12 years. The Year of the Dog was or will soon come in:

  • 1958;
  • 1970;
  • 1982;
  • 1994;
  • 2006;
  • 2018.

As you can see, the calculations are very elementary, and it will not be difficult to determine in which animal year you were born.

Born in the year of the Dog: characteristics

The eastern horoscope characterizes the Dog as the most positive of all characters, but not everything is perfect with her either. Consider the positive and negative sides people born in the year of the dog.

Positive features

The dog is generous, kind, cares about the well-being of others. When someone needs help, the choice of people becomes obvious - everyone will go to the Dog for advice or support, because those who were born this year feel others, are capable of empathy and especially pity those whom someone unfairly offended.

Only those born in the year of the Dog react so sharply to any injustice, as if it touched them personally. The characteristic of people of this year says that they can be true friends. They will always support in difficult times, will not remain indifferent to someone else's misfortune and will fulfill their promise.

People of the year of the Dog are usually highly intelligent, honest and always say what they think. Straightness - their distinguishing feature. If such a person works on something, you can be sure that the work will be done by him to the highest standard and on time.

In general, the characteristics of those born in the year are very positive, but dogs also have behavior.

Negative Traits

People of this year are born psychologically old, but over the years they become younger. This is not just a bunch of words, but a strange fact: in the very young years of their lives, Dogs take everything extremely seriously, behaving like old grandmothers: they complain about everyone and everything, but with age, people born in the year of the Dog cease to pay such attention to the imperfections of the world . The characteristic of the year makes them great dreamers and idealists.

It becomes quite clear why pessimism can be traced in the character of Dogs. The dog will drop his hands and lose his temper when he decides that it is not in his power to change the situation. The desire for perfectionism in everything sometimes makes her life more difficult, she worries not only about present, but also about future problems that await not only her, but also those close to her. It is imperative for the Dog to get rid of any excessive excitement about the future in order to learn how to live calmly and enjoy.

Here is such an unusual characteristic for those born in the year of the Dog. The woman of this year is devoted to her family and husband. Any betrayal hurts her painfully and can even seriously damage her health. Being infinitely faithful to her partner, she quite reasonably has the right to demand the same from him in relation to herself. Dog women need to develop self-restraint and the ability to make compromise decisions - this will save nerves and strength for future new victories.

Dog compatibility with representatives of other symbols of the year

Only the Tiger, the Horse and the Rabbit will be able to withstand the strict bar of the Dog. Only such people will not bring frustration and disappointment to the Dog, they will help her to come to terms with the outside world.

Believe or not characterize the year

To believe depending on the year of birth or not is everyone's business. In general, astrology is an interesting science (for some, it’s not a science at all, but a quasi-scientific discipline or simply heresy). However, studying the description of the symbol of your year of birth will be very exciting and an interesting activity, allowing you to expand your horizons and escape from everyday affairs.

Someone will find multiple similarities in the description with themselves personally, and someone will not notice anything like that. After all, in the end, the year of birth of a person is only a small grain of what affects his worldview and character. The personality of a person is influenced too much a large number of factors that are often not amenable to assessment and analysis, so it is not necessary to rely only on the characteristics of the year of birth in compiling an idea about oneself and others.

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